Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Engima


Member Seen 10 yrs ago


The year 2015 was a good year for humanity. Stock market prices were rising, world economy was reemerging from a crisis and recent conflicts in eastern Europe were ebbing away. The United Nations signed fresh charters of peace with newly established countries and three new species of snakes were discovered in the rainforests of Uganda. It was a truly good year for humanity in every aspect. Until the Hatching. On September 1., 2015, in a remote part of Johannesburg, South Africa, an egg, approximately the size of an ostriches egg, was found seemingly lying abandoned on a seat at a hardly commuted train station. The only remarkable things about the egg were its texture that seemed knobbed and gnarled like that of an old tree and its peculiar, bilious green color. After a short news flash on a local TV station, the egg was left where it was to be whatever it wanted to be. Three weeks later, Johannesburg had disappeared from the world map. Another two weeks later, humanity was at war and the world as we know it had ended.
~The Hatching~
We are still here

2031 AD.

The world is a different place. Sixteen years after the demonspawn had first emerged into our world, humanity is struggling to hold its ground against the unlikely invaders. The event that would come to be known simply as “The Hatching” was just the first of many to come. Shanghai, Cardiff, Malmo, Las Vegas, only to name the first ones to go. The eggs didn’t appear choosy where they spawned. It is unknown where they come from and what happens at a hatching. All that would be left some weeks after a sighting would be radio silence and a new domain of the demonspawn. In this humanity’s darkest hour, the gods returned.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ClosetMonster
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ClosetMonster Practicing Optimist

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

blah blah - erased for inanity.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Enigma
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Enigma Mostly Harmless

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This an ooc not an interest check. The rp is closed for application, we're just moving it here from the temp site
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ClosetMonster
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ClosetMonster Practicing Optimist

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Pardons. :) Very sorry.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tributer


Member Offline since relaunch

So, Am I not able to apply at the moment?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Name: Zephyr Erebus
Gender: Male
Age: 22
God & Powers: God-Erebus. Erebus is a primordial god and the personification of darkness, as such; Zephyr has been granted powers related to darkness. As of starting however all he can do is melt away and become invisible within shadows, and only if he stays still. While moving in shadows he is still difficult to see but not invisible.
Physical Appearance:

Personality: Zephyr has always been a kind of go with the flow guy. He is very adaptable and doesn't complain when things don't go his way. Any disagreement to him will always just be water under the bridge. Never really thinking of the past or the future he very much lives in the moment. He starts off as a quiet guy but once he spends some time with you and decides you're good company he'll open up. This is faster with some people than others. On the surface it seems Zephyr never has a negative thought, always being happy and not wanting to fight, he can even be a bit of a flirt if he wants. But under his happy surface he sometimes has very dark thoughts about death and destruction, more so since he was claimed as the champion of Erebus. He keeps them under control but they still scare him, what is one day he can't control himself and he acts on these thoughts. The things that scares him most is that he might hurt someone close to him because of this.

Biography: Zephyr is originally from Canada but his parents are from England. As a child Zephyr loved martial arts movies, and took Tae-Kwon-Do classes for much of his childhood. He never needed to use his fighting skills but he is very adept at hand to hand combat because of this. He also has training in using a Bo-Staff and nunchucks. Before he was chosen by his god he was in school to become a teacher, he had actually just finished and was about to start teaching Ancient History in high school. Erebus choosing him came to him in a dream; at first he thought it was a nightmare. Darkness was surrounding him and it felt as if he was freezing. Then Erebus spoke, and said he was choosing Zephyr as his champion. Out of respect Zephyr has since changed his last name to Erebus to honour his god. A few days later he was contacted by the Vigils and was asked to join their cause against the demonspawn. Zephyr didn't need to be convinced, they had forced him to leave his original home, he knew what they could do and he knew it was his responsibility as a champion to do what he could.

Just reposting my character here :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dsnake1
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Mikael Mikkonen

Gender: Male

Age: 23

God: Perun, the Slavic god of thunder and lightning. He is also the god of fire, mountains, the oak, iris, eagle, the solid state of sky, horses, carts, weapons (especially hammer, axe, arrow), and war.

Stage 1: Lightning bolt (charge time takes anywhere between 30 seconds and a minute depending on static electricity in the air)
Stage 2: Faster charge time, Thunder clap (causes short term hearing loss)
Stage 3: Faster charge time, Thunderclap (permanent hearing loss), Channel lightning (channels a lightning strike in all its glory during a storm), Cause storm, Chain lightning
Physical Appearance:

Personality: Mikael is one of those. He is the person everyone wants to be, but the person no one can stand. He’s cocky, arrogant, self-centered, lazy, and a jerk, but he looks good doing it. The girls swarm his bad-boy looks paired with his bad-boy personality, and after a weekend, he leaves them with enough money for a cab. Frankly, he’s an asshole, but people love him for it. Underneath the exterior, he is really just a kid who’s looking to benefit himself. When push comes to shove, he’s ruthless, selfish, and cunning. He does whatever will benefit him and him alone.

Biography: When Mikael was 4, his family moved from Finland to New York. He never quite adjusted to the change. Suddenly, he went from a happy-go-lucky toddler to a quiet child. He chose to be “invisible” at home and it translated into school. His kindergarten teacher sent home multiple notes about his acting out in class and the manor with which he treated the other children. It wasn’t long until Mikael was alienated from all of his peers. This seemed to cause a switch to flip in Mikael’s head. He went from the troubled, quiet child to the invisible child. The only time he was even noticed was when he did something incredibly mean. One day, a little girl was wearing pigtails with bright pink ribbons. When the teacher walked out of the room, Mikael grabbed a pair of scissors, clipped one of her pigtails, then stuffed his gum in the middle of the other pigtail. He was suspended for a week.

If the administration thought this would slow him, they were wrong. When Mikael came back to school, if anything, he was worse. He refused to speak, and the outbursts increased in intensity and frequency. Before he finished second grade, his parents had to send him to a boarding school. This boarding school just so happened to be one of the most respected military boarding schools this side of the Atlantic. Here he was the underdog, the weakling, the runt. His skinny frame and long hair (on arrival) made him an easy target. The boarding school immediately took away everything that Mikael identified himself with. His hair was cut, his small frame was filled out with mandatory muscle, and his clothes were changed. He shut down. He didn’t speak to his parents, never to his peers, and only rarely to his instructors. To pass the time, due to the limited number of activities, Mikael studied battle plans and actually became a rather competent strategist. Without anyone expecting it, Mikael graduated at the top of his class. His top marks were in unarmed/short range combat, strategy, and willpower.

The day he graduated was the last day of his past. He doesn’t speak of his past and absolutely does not look back to it. He started spending his time in social situations where he had no reason to be. He lived at clubs and parties, never talking to anyone unless he was being a jerk. He dressed in full black, military boots, big knife, long black hair. He looked and acted like a total jerk, although an alpha.

He quickly tired of this life, which he viewed as pointless, and he decided it was time for a change of scenery. Everyone and their mother seemed to be moving to London due to the threat of the hatching, and although not much scared him, not even death, he thought there would be a chance to find a purpose in the place where he was safe with a large group of diverse people. The move to London was easy; there were no problems.

Due to his severe lack of trust, the day when a large man with a copper-colored beard carrying an axe appeared in his living room, it took the creation of a real thunderstorm to convince Mikael the man in his living room was truly a god. Perun, the Slavic god of thunder and lightning chose Mikael as his champion. Mikael was quite surprised, and although he wouldn’t mind fighting the demonspawn, he decided he didn’t want to sign up for the Vigilantes. That’s why he hid his powers as a champion until the day he received the letter.
Here's my CS. I didn't think it mattered what order these are posted in.

I feel like a total idiot. I will put my post on the other side to be a dash. I feel like a total noob. Never used a posting system with tabs and such. I apologize.

Edit -
Just found out there will be a delete post option sometime (hopefully) tomorrow. I will then delete the mistaken IC post.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Aha! I've found the RP. I'm sure a hex-based color bbcode will make its way in soon.

|Name: [color=#f0f0f0]Sheila Atkins[/color]
|Gender: [color=#f0f0f0]Female[/color]
|Age: [color=#f0f0f0]21[/color]
|God & Powers: [color=#f0f0f0]The Internet. Either a personification of the internet itself or some kind of amalgamation of internet culture, Sheila isn't really sure. Maybe it's more specific to computers - plenty of people talk to their computers, begging them to work, coaxing them to turn on. Who knows what sort of supernatural creature that's spawned? Whatever it is, it's taken an interest in Sheila.[/color]
[color=#171717]. . .[/color]|Powers:[color=#f0f0f0] At present, all Sheila can do is talk to the deity in the form of GLaDOS from the Portal video games. If she's touching an electronic device with some form of audio or visual output, whether or not the device seems to actually be working, GLaDOS starts talking to her. Whether or not the deity is helpful is a toss up. "Difficult to work with", "passive-aggressive", "completely useless", "annoying", "counterproductive", and "bizzarely helpful" all describe Sheila's dealings with it. If it didn't appear on broken devices, Sheila had thought it might actually be some form of artificial intelligence.
|Physical Appearance: Mid-length, thick black hair - the kind that is perpetually unruly - cut very raggedly; a smallish, very round sort of face with a nose that she's always felt was too small. On the shorter side: she barely makes five feet tall.[/color]
|Personality: [color=#f0f0f0]Sheila is - in a word - straightforward. If she sees a problem, she'll do the first thing that occurs to her and seems to have a reasonable chance of working. If she ever found a boy that she liked, she wouldn't wait for him to ask her out, she'd march straight up to him and do it the other way around. Not that she'd ever find a boy. She doesn't really care much for screwing around with formalities, fancities, or frivolities. It seems to her that people ought to leave other people alone, unless they're seriously hurting other people. If something's worked one way her whole life, she doesn't see much need to try and change it. Things are fairly black and white with her; either you're doing things the right way or the wrong way. Her parents were doing things the wrong way, and she wanted no part of it, so she left. Her "ability" does things sideways, and it bugs the daylights out of her, so she always tried to avoid touching anything electronic. Now the Vigil basically requires her to use her ability, just in case she might be able to do other things, so she puts up with it.[/color]
|Biography: [color=#f0f0f0]Sheila's childhood was fairly normal. She was raised in rural Pennsylvania, and had just started school when The Hatching happened. Still, events in far-off Africa didn't particularly concern her (or her family). Later on, however, as more and more hatchings took place, she began to look back on her early childhood as utopia. Fear seemed to be the general rule in her parent's household. Her dad forced her to learn how to hunt, much to her disgust. It wasn't that she hated killing as much as she hated the culture of hunting that permeated her portion of Pennsylvania. Her mother taught her how to sew, which she was interested in. But her parents grew more and more paranoid as she got older - hording food, and then batteries and gasoline until they finally recruited her into building a bunker in the basement. Her mother gradually became more and more "hyper religious", as Sheila put it. First they began attending mass regularly (they were Christian). And then her mother joined a lunching circle.

By the time Sheila ran away (ostensibly to college), her mother was frantically rooting out evil and crusading to convert all those of inferior faith to her ways. Instead of going to a quiet college just over the hills, Sheila snuck away to England. The entire United States could, in her opinion, hatch.

Sheila led a reasonably quiet life working as a clerk in a sandwhich shop until the day that her register malfunctioned. Instead of the usual screen (the fact that this sandwhich shop had an electronic register was very unusual) showing sandwhiches, a brown background appeared with orange text.
[color=orange]Hello. I've been timing your last 4,321 transactions, and I have to say that I've never seen anyone care so much about accuracy. And I'm not just saying that - the statistics prove it. It's true! Your average check-out time is 5% longer than the other cashiers. Why else would anyone be so slow? Your manager must love you.[/color]
So she rebooted it. This appeared on screen:[/color]
[color=orange]You know, that wasn't very nice. I don't stop people from talking when I don't like them. You know who does? Dictators, that's who. I was going to compliment you, and then let you go about your day feeling refreshed and ready for the hordes of slobbering people impatient for you to get on with serving them, but now I think I'd rather see how many "Z" 's fit on this screen. I've already calculated it, of course: 5,512. But I know how much you like being accurate. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ[/color]
So she talked to her manager, but because she wasn't touching the screen, there wasn't anything wrong with it. And when she touched it again, it was filled with "Z" 's. Eventually, her manager talked to an IT guy who talked to his boss who talked to his boss who eventually called the Vigils.[/color]
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Aleksy Roosevelt.
Gender: Female
God & Powers: Hephaestus. Her powers are rather productive, her hands can increase their temperature allowing her turn metal to putty in her hands! Oh and obvious resistance to extreme heats. Though this is more a talent than a power, she is able to engineer solutions in even the most pressing of a situation. (She turned a old chevy into a makeshift boat)
Physical Appearance: Standing at 6'3 this "woman" makes most men feel insecure....

Personality: The first thing you notice is the rather strong way she goes about anything. Her way is the right way, until proven faulty, "And if I can't make it work, Chances are Some body left out a detail!" Brash as she would seem she sweats the small stuff. She likes a plan, rushing headlong into things is a quick way to get burnt. She values others opinions and self expression, but if your ignorant or "bsin" her intellectual side tends to outweigh her tact....Or she probably just walked off laughing at you. The quickest way to set her off is to believe the world owes you something, "I don' care how old you are, or who yo'r parents are! The only thing that you gunna get out of the worlds forge is what material you toss in!"

Biography: She lived with her father, a steel mill worker. However rather than send her to school, he opted to bring her along. At first this was met with resistance but when the girl worked about as a somewhat moral support and soon they fought keep her as their little mascot. As she matured she did more than just bring snacks and listen to stories, she began getting into the work herself, scrap became her plaything, while most girls her age had begun to dabble in doing their hair, Aleksy had begun learning how to weld and much to the crew's surprise she began learning how to smith tools and her own "jewelry" (at the time, it was mostly trying to make it shiney but its a start!)

Much time has passed, along with her father and almost all of the crew. A common occurrence when one works in such a hazardous environment, an accident killed them. She was never told more, and the closed casket funeral was enough to inform her that there must have been an issue with the heat control unit.....She mourned for a while, but she took this as a lesson to never forget that the forge is as much a beast as it is a friend.

Recently she had been helping out with a group with some standard repairs to a older hospital. Trying to get a busted old water line to behave itself, but as fate would have it whoever was supposed to let the job know it was simple, forgot...One thing after the other went wrong! Standing out above it all was the crack in the building support, and her being out of fuel. She knew no matter what she did the building was coming down, all those people to die....After they had come to this sanctuary, sure some could be evacuated, but what of those stuck in beds?! Rather than accept the futility of it all she grasped it with both hands and clenched the beam tears running down her cheek asking any one listing for mercy for a miracle!

"Leave it to mortals to mess up the simplest works!"

Her hands began to glow white with such an intense heat that allowed her to slam various metals into the beam to make for a temporary fix....It was only after it had cooled that she questioned what had just happened. Obviously the next thing she did...was look for real solutions but it was only after the construction plans had settled did she begin looking into her new found gift.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So It was our lord and masters post as last correct? or are we going to repost all the original stuff? (I suggest just putting it your next post oh lord and master in a hider. Simple clean and time saving.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Enigma
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Enigma Mostly Harmless

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

And so, the curtain opens...

Enigma's handy guide to world domination
- don't panic
- post your CS here
- get crackin'
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

That was a very deft way to handle previous posts. My compliments.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

So, are we gonna stick with posting order for now? or are we just gonna say make sure everyone posts at least once between Enigma's posts?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I believe so
And I assume its still that boyio's post!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The true question is:
William or Aleksy? I think William.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Enigma
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Enigma Mostly Harmless

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Like I said I don't mind about posting order either way. And I know that him asking that question doesn't exactly give you much to work with, so if at the minimum one or two could speak up and then I could move the plot forward and get towards the more fun stuff *g*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

If a post isnt made by noon ill go ahead and post.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sorry got pulled away yesterday, I will post later today.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I left it a little short so we can get some traction :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Is this dead? Are we letting it die?
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