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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Darklight Project
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The Darklight Project Them Done Horrid Murder on Bloody Stages

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Origin

From One came the Cast Off and the Seven
From the Seven came the World

The tale of this world is a long one, one that is rapidly coming to its end. Much of its history has been lost, forgotten and in many cases destroyed. Much is only known in broad strokes, exact names and details forgotten. It is a world watched by Seven Divines.

Long ago, thousands of years, the continent of Jasi rose in power and splendor. Its influence stretched out to rapidly encompass the rest of the world, made up of the larger continent to the north, Vei, and the even larger continent to the west and northwest, Aatroia. The continent of Jasi was much more advanced and powerful than the rest of the world, and with these advantages the Emperor of Jasi was able to keep a solid grip on his rule. The only way his rule would end would be a falling apart on the inside. The sons and daughters of the Emperor stood against him, and together slew him, and split the world among themselves. Though some of these lines died out or just disappeared, some royal families are still believed to be descended from these Jasian sons and daughters.

For a long time, the world continued on in a relatively normal manner. Kingdoms rose and fell, power shifted hands, and people grew and died out. However, one hundred years ago, Aatroia erupted into sudden turmoil that went quiet. The instigators of this chaos became known as the God Kings. Any previous rulers were found and slaughtered by their forces, and the God Kings were the ones who claimed power. Their power was beyond that of any mortal, and though some appeared human some clearly weren't, anymore at least. With their power they could "Remake" an individual, shattering their soul and piecing it back together into one that completely worships the God King or Queen. This was how they gained such power and followers, and brought the previously established kingdoms to their end.

While the God Kings gained power and made new kingdoms in the west, to the East the continent of Vei was split, for the most part, between three nations: Barcea to the southeast, H'kela to the southwest, and Gurata to the north. Barcea, a green land with plains and hills with mountains to the east, was ruled by the Serio family for generations. H'kela, a desert land with ancient crumbling structures, often changed leadership due to the political struggle for power. Gurata, a cold, rocky land, was split between the various tribes that roamed the land. During this time the struggle between Barcea and H'kela began, rooted within religious reasons.

The God Kings kept their rule completely up until fifteen years ago. Finally, a full-fledged Rebellion began to form, large enough to not immediately be destroyed or "Remade", and continue to go. To the east, the then ruler of Barcea, Olain Serio, put his struggle with H'kela on hold to head West as well, to fight and perhaps gain land and resources. It was a struggle, and though the Rebellion gained momentum it seemed that one day they would eventually lose... Until, suddenly, individuals who could not be "Remade" began to appear. This group of people became known as the Gifted, and helped lead the Rebellion to victory. Those God Kings who were not killed were banished or fled preemptively to parts unknown. The forces of Barcea were defeated, Olain Serio terribly wounded, and returned back East. New kingdoms and governments began to rise, led by the people, and many of the Gifted elected to take rewards in the form of positions, land, or power, while some went back to their former lives, and even more just simply disappeared.

As this redevelopment happened in the West, things began to change to the East. Olain Serio eventually died of his wounds that he earned in the West, and his oldest daughter became the new Queen. To the surprise of many, including those that would manipulate her, she began immediate reforms, ending conflict with H'kela entirely and bettering the lives of the people to the best that they had ever known. Along with herself, her younger brother and sister became symbols of this rebirth and bettering of the land.

In the present, Barcea is still a nation of peace, though H'kela's aggression continues to grow and grow.

It is five years before the end of the world.


Arc One: A War Resumed - Five Years Before the End of the World

Tensions between Barcea and H'kela grow day after day. Bandits believed to be influenced and even hired by the H'kelans constantly attack within Barcea, and movements within the desert nation has the Barcean authorities on edge. Conflict is brewing, and it seems as if nothing will keep it from bursting over, much to the despair of the peaceful nation.

Rules and Understandings

First things first, follow the rules of the site. That's common sense.

All of the above description is considered "general knowledge," unless otherwise stated. Depending on who you are and what you learn, more of the truth will be revealed.

Please, be active. Post regularly, talk to others in the OOC, get to know each other, the characters, and plan. We're all here to write and have fun, but to do that we have to work together. I'm looking for dedicated writers willing to not only listen to my ideas, but listen to the ideas of others and give their own.

You can have "main" characters and "side" characters. For example, I've got a bunch of characters in mind and ready just to tell the overarching story that we'll be going through. However, my main focus for posting will be on a few of mine, with some accompanying characters. You don't have to use every character in every post, and I'm more than welcome to having lots and lots of characters. Just post at least as the ones that need to be posted as first and foremost.

Post as you can. I'm not going to make a rule like "post twice a week" or whatever, because people do have lives. Just realize that you will have others waiting on you, and they are expecting you to post. Be fair to them. If you get busy and want to either take a leave of absence or drop, please let us know. We'll be understanding. Just please work to sort of "write your character away" so that we're not stuck at a critical point waiting for a post that can't come.

For the posts themselves, I prefer quality over quantity, and smooth flow over chunky. When it comes to what I mean by that, it mostly has to do with conversations; too often have I seen conversations between two characters turn into massive internal monologues about some of the most ridiculous stuff, with only a line or two of conversation said between those interacting. Even worse, I've seen people try to cram multiple lines regarding different topics into one post, forming a massive backed up wreck. In those kinds of situations, I understand shorter posts, and in fact welcome them. I want conversations and interactions to feel natural, not long just for the sake of being long.

No godmodding. For real. I don't care if it's in the middle of battle or just a conversation, you do not just control another person's character. Now it's different if you talk with a person and get their permission, actively working together to plan posts, move action, land hits, note things, etc. In fact, if you're willing to work with each other, that will make this run so much more smoothly and coherently.

My Goals and Vision for this Roleplay

This is a story about the end of a world. Depressing enough, but at the same time it can be considered one last series of great struggles before the end. The roleplay will go through the final stories before the end of the world, and the actions of those who had the greatest impact. I have the overarching story in mind, but things can easily change due to the actions of those within. I also don't want the roleplay to be completely dominated by my story. I would love for there to be events and even arcs centered on what you, the players, come to me with. When it comes to the "realism" of the roleplay, I see it as being mixed. By that I mean I don't want it to be too over the top, but things like fighting and the like can be more... stylistic, rather than steeped in pure realism. However, as the roleplay continues, then all sorts of new abilities and powers will be found, so the combat will grow in terms of... "ridiculousness."

Also, I'm open to all sorts of ideas. This is the world I've made from different ideas and inspiration, but it can be so much more. Different races, smaller nations, types of magic, everything. I'm even willing to extend the list of characters like the Gifted if you give me a really good idea and impress me with it. In terms of organization, I see this as going sort of like a D&D game almost, where (for the most part) the various players come together and work together to achieve a goal, while I provide many of the obstacles and villains, but also some guidance and help. However, again, I'm more than willing to listen to ideas, and if you want to come up with some villains or antagonists I can get behind that too, so long as the proper planning is done.

To begin with, we'll be starting in the East. You can have characters from the West or Jasi, but they should hopefully have made their way over to the East for some reason. If you need ideas, please ask me. There are so many background plans that I'll almost undoubtedly be able to give your character a purpose for being outside of their homeland.

On Character Profiles and Some Notes

When it comes to the kinds of characters accepted, I reserve the right to refuse characters I don't see working or fitting in, are too ridiculous, or whatever. However, with that being said, I want a real nice variety of characters so that we have a diverse and intriguing cast. I'm also fine with those with unnatural traits, such as weird hair colors, etc.

Below is what you need to fill out to join. In some cases I include some descriptive information if I felt the need to. When completed, post in the character thread under a hider and send me a PM to make sure I know to look over it and approve (or just send it to me in a PM, if you prefer that). All approved characters will be posted by myself in the first post of the CS thread, as a quick guide to those present in the roleplay.

Consider these character sheets as living documents. Characters will be learning new things, strengthening and gaining new abilites. I want characters to develop throughout this roleplay, so we'll probably be coming back to the sheets to add in new abilities every... Arc or so, perhaps.

Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Drama, Mystery, and some minor ("magical") Sci-Fi and Horror when applicable.

Please forgive for a lack of color and the like. I don't trust myself to handle that. Hopefully the information is good enough by itself to be appealing.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Darklight Project
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The Darklight Project Them Done Horrid Murder on Bloody Stages

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Please feel free to ask me any questions! I'll answer to the best of my ability.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ashgan
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yo. So I took a break from roleplaying for a while; had stuff to do, felt a bit burned out on the thing, maybe you know the sensation. Your roleplay, however, sounds pretty good (so far) or at least in my imagination it was cool, and I don't think I can resist the attempt to make a character for this and come back to the ol' RP thing.

Something I'd find very helpful, and I'm sure most players would agree, is some information on the plot premise, or some kind of requirements that the story has of the player characters. Having player characters meet to interact with one another is vital, obviously, so I wonder what idea you had in mind to bring them together, and how I can work my character to fit with that theme, if at all.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GenFungus
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GenFungus The Not-So Renowned

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Well. I made an account for this. :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Darklight Project
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The Darklight Project Them Done Horrid Murder on Bloody Stages

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Ashgan Hey, glad I caught your interest! Trust me, I understand that feeling entirely, it's why I've been gone for so bloody long and am just coming back now. Honestly makes me kind of proud that this roleplay has caught your attention, though, and brought you back for an attempt.

Alright, so about the plot... Basically, if I were to require anything of the characters, it would be to have a development plan in mind. I know that's pretty general, so let's see if I can get closer to that meaning. The first arc is pretty much about the war between Barcea and H'kela, I don't think that spoils too much, so to begin with things are going to be fairly "human" in terms of power and enemies. However, I already have plans for throughout the first arc to hint at the greater things in the world, the things going on behind the scenes. The overall story of this is going to involve meeting and possibly even fighting god-level beings, so there needs to be room for your character to grow, either through "artificial" or "natural" means.

When it comes to characters meeting each other, to begin with perhaps they'll be on different sides, but eventually they'll come together to stand against greater powers and evils. Since the focus is in the East to begin with, for example people from places like the West or Jasi can be travelers after some sort of goal that changes to them joining up with the main group (which will probably be Barcea-centric), or even, in the case of Barcea and H'kela, when the war is resolved it's sort of a tense alliance.

What will you be allying against? Well...

So, in a shellnut: Characters who will be able to grow and survive as battles escalate beyond the realm of "normal," and characters that you're willing to plan with me if necessary to bring into the fold. I don't want to give too much general information beyond that just because it might not apply to everyone, and it might also lead to too many spoilers.

Also! While it would be cool for people to have characters in that main fold, it would also be cool to have some supporting villains as well. If someone would really, really like to help me place more pieces on the board, then feel free to ask. Depending on what your idea of a villain might be, I can give you more information to how they might fit in. That, or you can ask about one of the factions straight away, and I'll just start feeding more and more information slowly, until we come to a workable point where I feel like, "Yes, this idea will be brilliant," and then I can feed you lots of information about said enemies.

I hope this text dump clears up some confusion and brings some enlightenment! If not I'll try again, it's been awhile since I've had to tiptoe around plot elements while describing so I'm out of practice.

@GenFungusHuh? What was that noise?

Edit: Holy Hells that turned out longer than I expected it to be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by shinigami94
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Okay just a question nothing more, and I tend to ask this in every fighting rp to have a fare fight, so forgive me for being a nag. Will we follow the the T1 rules or something similar?

Edit: also am glad to be in this rp, I was just longing for a good rp with what seems some great writers, so thx for letting me in this rp, and am always glad to help in anyway I can to help this rp continue on x)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Darklight Project
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The Darklight Project Them Done Horrid Murder on Bloody Stages

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@shinigami94 I've actually never heard of the T1 rules so I'll read them and get back to you. My original plan was just thorough discussion (probably in PMs to not spoil it for everyone else) and if necessary moderation by myself to ensure "fair" fights, but if I like the T1 rules I'll consider them. For the time being, though, we'll just go with a plan of mutual respect and also being willing to listen. To begin with anyway, there aren't going to be any crazy fights between the players unless "holy crap inspiration yes please," and combat will be the players against NPCs that you can just show off for in your posts and get rid of. I'll get back to you on these rules, though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shinigami94
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Thx for considering it Dark, and having to go through the trouble to even moderating a fight, believe me some people do not bother to go through that in their own rp, and well to tell you the truth I've alway dreamt on having an inspirational fight, becuase everytime I tried it wasn't appreciated and that was one of the reasons I left the rp world for a while...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Darklight Project
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The Darklight Project Them Done Horrid Murder on Bloody Stages

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@shinigami94 No problem, I've always tried my best to be the best GM possible whenever I run a roleplay. I just want people to have fun and get some enjoyment out of writing together. Also, don't ever feel bad about asking questions, I never really mind them so long as it's not a question that's already been answered, you know?

Edit: May as well put this here since I posted last, though a lot of the questions have been about combat this does not have to be a completely combat oriented roleplay. There are always fighters, but there are other roles as well. I want everyone to feel like they have importance with whatever they may bring to the table, and I have a few ideas in order to ensure that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by shinigami94
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Well thank you Dark x) And another question our characters will be of the common people, like no princes, kings, gods right? And there will be no demons since they are almost extinct and considered too powerful I think, and if there is can you give more explanation about them, like their nature and limits and if they have a specific appearance, becuase I just felt that they are a missing link

Yeah I get what you mean, but I get the feeling that we will be having a Game Of Thrones theme, so eventually there will be fights xP
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Darklight Project
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The Darklight Project Them Done Horrid Murder on Bloody Stages

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@shinigami94For the most part, I have the royalty of the East planned out. They are characters you will meet, interact with, perhaps even fight, etc. That doesn't necessarily mean you'll have to be just a common person. For example, the Prince of Barcea's Sentinels is a group that I'd love to have populated with characters from other people. Basically, if you have a question and want to do something, just ask! The worst I can do is say no, and if I do I'll almost always give the reason unless it involves spoilers. And in some cases perhaps I'll ask you to hold and prepare an idea, for later, because it may not work at the point we're at but it will work later.

With that last sentence in mind, we come to demons. To begin with, I'm extremely cautious about demons. There is one character that you'll be meeting that I would prefer you to actually meet before you start thinking of bringing in a demon, but they are extremely important to that lore. That's the main reason why I gave so little about demons in the description, because this character is the missing link. What I can tell you, though...

Well, basically, demons can be weak or powerful. There are tons of subsets, etc., etc., etc. Basically, I'm fine with a lot that people may imagine, when it comes to appearance and the like. However, the most important aspect of demons is this "family" system. "Families" can either be "pure" or "mixed." Pure families are those that consist of one specific type of demon, and therefore the "family name" can stand for their "type." Mixed families are gatherings of different types of demons, so it's more of just title/alliance noting sort of thing rather than any specific type.

Like I said, though, this is just information I'm giving ahead of time. I'd much prefer to wait for demons specifically after a certain point.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shinigami94
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ok got it. So I will start working on my character then
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Darklight Project
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The Darklight Project Them Done Horrid Murder on Bloody Stages

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hey everyone, just an update. I'm about ten characters in, two "main" and eight "side," continuing on from there. Something I wanted everyone to know is that, as we start seeing more of the roster from everyone, we'll decide how to bring everyone together then. It might not be all at once, and we might collapse multiple groups in on each other, or maybe not. We're gonna do our best to do it as naturally and reasonably as possible, so it's just gonna be part of the fun.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GenFungus
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GenFungus The Not-So Renowned

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I finally have an inkling of a character idea in the works. So I'll get to work on that. X3
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by sumi desu
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sumi desu

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

wow you guys sure get to work fast in the ooc lmao. i haven't had that in a while
anyway~ i've been working on some of my characters myself, a few main a few side.
i'm down to plot if anyone's interested~
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Darklight Project
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The Darklight Project Them Done Horrid Murder on Bloody Stages

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Good, I'm glad to know a lot of people are working on characters. While you're doing that I'm continuing to work on all of the characters/"NPCs" for you guys, right now we're up to sixteen. I'm refraining from putting them up until I see what everyone wants to come to the table with, so that way I'll be able to figure out exactly how we're going to start so that we can all get together.

With that in mind, we come to the issue of villains, and even some of the "protagonist" characters I'm coming up with. Some of them have their own secrets, and because of that I won't be telling full stories in the character sheets, because I want there to be some surprises for you guys. This is even more so for the villains. I don't want you guys to know about what they're bringing to the table until it's time, and they actually start revealing their abilities, their goals, their pasts, etc.

So we come to the question I have for you guys. For the villains, would you like me to just post "incomplete" character sheets for them as they appear/become important for the arcs, or would you prefer to just keep track of it for yourselves, and then I post up complete character sheets as everything is revealed and they are either taken care/resolved with? Or is there some other idea you guys have that you'd like to see, when it comes to this kind of administrative crap? I'm willing to listen to your opinions on this, and go with the best thing for as many people as possible.

Also, what we do for me will also apply for you guys. So, in the case of secrets and the like whether for villains or heroes (or other), if you would prefer others not knowing until you reveal it don't include it in the character sheet, and we'll add it in when it's revealed. However, you still have to inform me of whatever it is, so that way I know and can approve of it, and also maybe implement it into the further plot.

Hope this all makes sense!

Edit: Adding in mentions. Still getting used to this system.

@Ashgan@sumi desu@shinigami94@GenFungus@gorgenmast
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by sumi desu
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sumi desu

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Darklight Project
i think for me, i'd prefer to have them incomplete, just bc for my own characters, i'm omitting certain details from the sheets.
it'd leave more to wonder and keeps everyone guessing aha.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@The Darklight ProjectHello, I'mconsidering joining this(still on the fence), but I also wanted to say that I believe that adding a mention to the post doesn't work. At least, that's what I've heard anyway. Just thought I'd let you know. Now to get back to my Lurking
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Darklight Project
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The Darklight Project Them Done Horrid Murder on Bloody Stages

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Raijinslayer Lesson learned! Thanks for letting me know. Also, I certainly hope you do join, I've noticed you lurking and I've been hoping you'd say something. XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@The Darklight ProjectYeah, it's an awesome concept and I really want to, but I'm also wondering if it's too much for me at the moment.
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