The world is not what it used to be. The government was compermised long ago. Major companies rule over the world now. Our rights compromised for the benefit of others. Yet all while they are putting up a belief of a happy life. Those who are well set in those industries don't know of the pain, the trouble, the struggle those who are seen as rejects put up with. They are hypnotised into this world of fakeness. The new system of how the world works is run by technology, and those fortunate enough to be liked my the companies. The old streets below the floating super highways and many many flying techs; are filled with those the society has no proper use for anymore. The jobs they would have taken took over by effiecent machines. No they don't live their lives in holes dying. They find work hauling junk, cleaning those super highways, Doing the jobs no one wants to program a machine to do. Below where sunlight is slim an the world throws its trash, they thrive.
Our version of raicism long gone, replaced by the hatred of the upper level, for the lower level. The lower level could care nothing about the upper level. But the upper level is so unhappy that the lowers are surviving on what they left and what they could not; they could never see the two levels as equal. So unjust is always served to the lower level.
Yet we are still here aren't we. So lets try and get along.
So If you didn't get the gist of it. Where ever you started, be it the upper level or you've lived in the lower level al your life. Your here now, and luckily for you. You have found yourself in the best place down here. The U.L.D Apartments are here for you. What ever your backstory we will welcome you. As we know the truth about how the world is run. Would you care to join?
OOC Information
All characters will find their way to the U.L.D.A During the first couple posts. Get a room, eat something and then the fun begins. Things from Upper police raids too the weekly dumping of toxic gas and trash from the upper onto the roof of the facility. Can your character Thrive in the worse case scenario? They are just normal people after all, and its a person v person world out there.
Can you Survive and Thrive in this future? Will you and your new found friends put a stop to it? All is to be seen.