Ey matey! I haven't forgotten you, I've just been having a really busy time y'know? I'll see if I can post here soon :) but dont worry, you are not forgotten!
In 15 minutes I am going to my fiancee's house and I won't take my laptop with me because tomorrow is my free day and we are gonna spend it together. So I'll be back on Sunday, after my morning shift at the bakery [ it will end at 12 in the afternoon, my time so I'll be back online at 1 pm or something ]
Absolutely. This is still something I wanna do I've just had a lot of other roleplays and shit to do and I've been out of inspiration for this one so still thinking of what to do :p
Sorry been super absent again. What did I miss here exactly
Well.. You missed nothing really but I am super waiting of a reply from you or the note that you completely lost your feeling for this RP so we can either think of something new to RP about or I can lose this subscription..
Cause if my partner, or I lost interest then I always wanna see if our new interests are close to each other and then I change the name of the first made topic, and start a new RP with the person in the same thread so you won't have to make a huge amount of threads while you still RP with the same person
at my exams.. Sorry, I love your post really but my head is a little overflowing with all the things I have left to do for my practical exam and well... it just sucks...