Avatar of BeautifulSnow
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: KittenGirl
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2341 (0.57 / day)
  • VMs: 6
  • Username history
    1. BeautifulSnow 11 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Never expected this to be still here! O.o My profile I mean haha... This is fun! How is everyone?
7 yrs ago
I am so sorry for leaving without saying something guys... Had a lot on my plate in RL.. But I am sort of back ^^ (I'll at least try to check in more often )
8 yrs ago
9th September is my birthday so if I don't reply really fast is cause I am busy with planning all the things I have to for my party.... Yay for birthdays >.> <.< NOT!!!
8 yrs ago
9 yrs ago
Meow? Hi there! I am here just to say that the upcoming weeks/months I work during the week mostly til 7 pm. So I will most of the time during the week only chat and in the weekend reply on my RP's.


Hi! And Welcome on my page! I am BeautifulSnow, you can say Snow. I am a Female born on 09/09/1993 and I live in The Netherlands.

I am in love with colors and fashion and music and the rainbow. And oh well.. I also admire the ' color ' Black :) A lot in my closet is black and I just love it for being so easy to combine.

My RP skills:

As told before, I live in the Netherlands which would be handy for you to know during our RP for time differences. I am above the 21 years ( birth date at the top of my profile, do the math ;) ) and so I would really like to have my RP partners be at least 20 years old or older. I prefer / only play Female's. And I am interested in [almost] everything that has to do with Fantasy. [ Elves, Dragons, Fairy's, Magic, Witches, Wizards, Vampire's, Werewolves and so on]. Apart of that, I also like things like: Slice of Life, High School, Romance, Modern, Medie-val, Historical, Western.

I give 1 to 2 paragraphs and sometimes even more, it kinda depends on how much you gave me.. I hate one-liners because that sure is a killer for the RP if you ask me.

I must give a heads up: I do tend to put a lot of detail in outfits, actually searching pictures and adding them in the post.. You do NOT have to do that too, if you don't like it

Like every snowflake that falls, Unique & Beautiful

Most Recent Posts

@Owl On Mountain

Hey, did you forget our RP?
Lillian could hear him in her head, this freaked her out for a moment. She didn't know a GM could also use a mind link, let alone mind link to a natural wolf. She had never experienced it but then again most GM's would kill on sight. She saw how angry he was because she had followed him and swallowed. He then snapped at her and she moved a bit more back, she held back the urge to kick him in his throat because she knew all his 'friendliness' would be gone right away.

When he walked away, she took a deep breath and it took her a moment to regain her composure because that moment was creepy as hell. She saw him walk down the road and even though she had understood his warning very well, she still felt the urge to follow him. Somehow she wanted to see more of this human and so she decided to go against her gut feeling to stay away from him. She followed him from a more safe distance this time.

She saw him jump over a old looking fence and she followed him slowly. The ground he was on was a old farm and when he walked, she noticed that the entrance was on a little hill, she decided to stay there and watch him for a while. From there she saw how he walked to some stones, it looked like tombstones. She saw how careful he was with them and tried to get a little closer yet she lost her balance and rolled down the hill, heading for some thorn bushes. She knew she couldn't dodge those and so she went for her only less painful option she had left: A quick shift.

While rolling down she let her wolf out and thanks to her experience in shifting, she was quick and before she hit the bushes, she was in her wolf form. Rolling through the bushes and stopping at the other side, she shook her head and looked at the GM who was clearly very angry. I am NOT! she snapped back and she quickly got up. I didn't mean to go down the hill, I wanted to see what your plan was to see if I could stay in my hide out.. But then I tripped she linked to him and it was strange to link her thoughts to a GM. She could feel a familiar feeling like when she linked with normal wolves but also difference because he was different from her. She tried to keep a rational thought but she could feel that her wolf side, her more aggressive side, was fighting to take over.
Lillian looked at him as he said that she was free unlike him and sighed. ''I might be free but I'm never safe'' she said. ''But then again, you are probably also not safe'' she added and when he turned, she automatically did take a step back. When his tail patted her head, she frowned a bit but followed with her eyes how he walked away and sniffed on the ground.

As she kept looking, she saw him looking back at her and rolling his eyes. ''Hey, don't snort or roll your eyes at me.. You might be the one that kills my kind but I have killed yours too'' She said and even though she had always felt proud of it, saying it out loud made her not feel as proud as she used to feel. They had deserved it, that was for sure but bragging about killing someone? She shook her head. ''Sorry.. I shouldn't have said that'' She said but she saw he was already quite a bit away from her so she didn't even know how much he had heard of what she just had said.

She felt a urge to follow him even though she knew it was a dangerous thing to do. Maybe if she didn't shift but stayed human? He seemed to not wanting to kill her in her human form so maybe he wasn't fully triggered by it? She decided to do it, she could always stay on a safe distance and run the moment he changed his attitude. She quickly followed him, making no extra sound than normally and the moment she reached the farmlands, she stayed low and out of the wind. Following him into the forest, she kept her distance and kept scanning around, not only for a prey herself but also for a way out if he would change his mind.

She then saw the deer and her younglings, and saw how he was looking at them. Was he gonna attack? Sure he was, why wouldn't he? She kept looking and then heard a low growl but saw how he moved away. He actually turned around! She was surprised and for a moment forgot to start walking herself. She stood low to the ground and suddenly could feel his breath on her face. ''Eh.. Hi?'' She said and then quickly stood straight on her feet. ''I was just curious so no need to now think of killing me after all'' she said, holding her hands up and quickly moving to the side, not seeing a rock behind her which caused her to stumble and fall on her back. ''Shit..'' she exclaimed in a painful way. ''That was my butt''.
@Tyler Night

Hey Thanks! Well I am back haha so won't need to miss me anymore

Haha thanks! I have a love / hate relationship with it hahaha but overall I think the world gets a little bit more beautiful with a soft layer of snow..

Also thank you for the welcome, so.. did you already find the back entrance so we can leave? Haha
Welcome back and congratulations on being a stepmother and a mother!! Stay strong and good luck with your little dragon!

Thank you very much! I am glad to be back and very happy to have these amazing titles :D
Welcome back. :)

Thank you very much :D
Lillian looked at him before he would answer and his eyes were familiar. It took a moment from her time to recognize him as the GM that had given her a chance to leave, and a flash back came by. It was a night like any others, she was not able to turn yet and was sleeping peacefully in her bed. No care in the world to trouble her mind or haunt her dreams until the alarm went of inside the pack house. She had woken up and like the instructions her father and mother had given her countless times, she had dressed up quickly and put on her hiking shoes. A backpack stood in her closet, packed with clothes and some items to be able to survive the wilderness in case of emergencies.

She had run down the stairs and saw how her the warriors of her pack had already shifted, including her father and mother. They each bumped their heads against her and licked her hands. A simple goodbye. She walked to the group of teenagers around her age, together they would head for the mountains and live there until either they would be able to shift and go their own way or a adult would come to get them. It was all planned out after the first GM's had appeared. They heard shots and that was their call to leave, so they did. From a backdoor, the teenagers and younger kids left the pack house.

Most of her friends ran and kept running, not looking back. She had, together with one other teenager, taken responsibility over the younger kids and they used to fighting to hide. After reaching the forest, there was a hidden path that would lead to the mountains. They had just stood in front of the passage way when she had heard a wolf growling behind her. She had turned around, in a protective stance for the pups behind her. She stared at the wolf and he had stared back at her. When he nodded his head, she knew they could leave. She urged the kids to go when suddenly a different GM charged at her and the group. She thought she was dead when the wolf that was letting her go, suddenly charged at his own companion. She took the time that they were fighting to leave with the kids.

After that, years had passed. Most of the teenagers left after they could shift, some stayed but the moment a GM had found their scent, they left. She was the only one that looked at the kids as much as possible but eventually she had failed her task. It had taken her a lot of time to get over that but she had.

She was surprised to say the least that after all those years he stood in front of her again. She listened to what he said and found it weird that he would not attack her or try to kill her. ''Hmpf'' was the only sound she made at first and rolled her eyes. ''It is rare to hear your kind talk, but hey.. Go ahead and search around the town if you feel like wasting your time'' she said with a little smile. She turned around and started to walk away from him. ''I know you kill my kind.. Difference mister.. You were made, I was born. So to me, you are a different kind, not just a different breed'' she said and her voice wasn't deadly or dangerous but full of sarcasm and sounded sharp-witted.
Hi all and welcome back to me!

For those who do not know me: I'm BeautifulSnow but please call me Snow!

It has been a while since I visited this site and honestly I had not even thought my profile would still be here but I'm glad it is!

In the time I was away I became a stepmother first and after that a 'real' mother too. I already felt like a real mother to the other three but then life blessed me with a little girl. She is now 14 months old and has the behavior of a dragon! haha

My interest check is out there, here is the link to it: https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/186139-a-little-bit-of-rp-ideas/ooc

I hope to see you all later and feel free to PM me or comment on my interest check if you want to RP!

See you all later!
@Owl On Mountain

Haha, that she would definitely not take as a compliment and probably, once they warmed up to each other, be able to pester him about until he tells why he doesn't see her as a target
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