<Snipped quote by Dedonus>
Dude it's the troll again. Under the player name he fail'd'd and put "TimeToRP"
I did not even notice that too before you mentioned it.

<Snipped quote by Dedonus>
Dude it's the troll again. Under the player name he fail'd'd and put "TimeToRP"
@Depressed: Two problems. First, while the Jackal is an important villain for my interpretation of Spider-Man at the moment, I am not sure at the moment Ben Reilly would fit in the moment. However, we can work something out if you really want to play the character. However, the biggest problem is that you blatantly copied the "Character Origin & Backstory" directly from Marvel Wikia. Not only is that plagiarism (yes, that's not only limited to academics), this roleplay does not necessarily follows the canon of the mainstream Marvel comics, but rather a blank slate for players to develop the characters as they see fit. If you want to have your finished character sheet accepted, you will have to rewrite the "Character Origin & Backstory" section all over again.
Edit: Also, Daily Planet is DC, not Marvel.
@Dedonus I'm not gonna copy, I was writing half of it, and then made half of it in my own words, fine with you?
So I really don't want to come off as a dick by asking this but is there anything about Special_Ops that can be done with him being gone and all? Like does he have a time limit to do something?
So I really don't want to come off as a dick by asking this but is there anything about Special_Ops that can be done with him being gone and all? Like does he have a time limit to do something?
<Snipped quote by DrewVonAwesome>
<Snipped quote by Sep>
The guy playing Loki...
<Snipped quote by DrewVonAwesome>
Bright_Ops? I think the rules say 28 days?
Speaking of which, @Dedonus I'll get something up in the collab tonight! Apologies but school work has been keeping me busy!
<Snipped quote by Sep>
The guy playing loki.
Still if push comes to shove I don't mind picking up Loki where he left off, even if I have to make a new profile sheet or whatever.