Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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A shiver crawls over Flynn his spine. He didn't like the water, and especially what lived in it. With a last sigh he takes the respirator in his mouth and makes his creature dive under the water. At first his vision is blurred by the many bubbles, but they rapidly dissipate and his vision returns. Although there was not a lot to look at. He saw Williams already swimming down further, which was clearly the right way. Nothing but blue surrounded him. Yuck.

After diving for what seemed like an entirety, the two mercs and their trusty steeds finally got something in sight that resembled the ocean floor. Corals and strange rock formations were everywhere, and amidst it all a giant glass dome. Flynn catches the attention of Williams and points at the dome. The structure had one main dome with small tubes leading to smaller domes and some even into the rock formations. They'd finally found the base.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

William looked at the way Flynn was pointing. After a short scan he saw the complex. The huge dome, made out of a glass like material was a sight to behold. Amazing. No time to be gasping thought. He patted his mount and leaded it to a big coral. Using some of the kelp underwater, he roped his saddle to the big Glowing coral. Flynn did the same, and William gestured him to follow. The movement was much harder after riding Thunder for this long. He exhausted quicker than he thought. And he didn't want to activate his suit either. Whatever is jamming their signals, is now so strong, almost every frequency is full of it. Poor 3Y3. With hard swimming, and climbing rocks and corals, they reached a smaller dome.

The material that appeared to be glass at first sight was miracolous. It had a strange prism like reflection, which gave away a small amount of light. Flynn and WIlliams were Illuminated by this light, and it was enough to turn the headlights off. Williams went around the right side and found a small dent with a triangle in the middle. He looked the other way and waved Flynn, who turned back and came to him. His breath held back, he touched the symbol and the airlock opened.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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Flynn quickly steps inside and as soon as Williams is too, he slams the button to begin depressurization. The water slowly begins to drain in the small room, and as soon as the water is lower then their heads, he takes out his respirator. "I hope they don't get a notice about the airlock being opened. I think we want to do this quietly." Unfortunately they had no 3Y3 to back them up. He had stayed on the surface, because water is a droids biggest fear after all.

After a solid five minutes, the room is finally completely drained. Flynn pushes one of the many buttons on his wrist and the Enites in his backpack pour out of it. The small particles swirl around Flynn, slowly changing from loose particles into a dense power suit, capable of withstanding whatever was thrown at it (to a degree). Now masked, Flynn looks at Williams. "Alright, I'm ready to this." And with that said he takes out his SMG, ready for some ass kicking (in silence).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Williams looked around the airlock. With silent steps he investigated the door they came through. With a magnificent crystal glow, it illuminated the room, much like it did outside. But from this side, you could see through the foggy door and see the outside. For a few seconds he admired the view, then turned back to Flynn. "No need to deplete your batteries already. Let's take it slow now. We have no idea what this place is like. And I doubt that your SMG is quiet enough for any low drag operation." Williams checked his gear and pressed a button on the side of his helmet. All the excess armor plates that Williams put on, to at least have some protection, snapped into their places. He was still vulnerable, but he could take a few misplaced shots. He grabbed his pistol and turned the safety off. Flynn was about to open the door but he stopped him "Wait a second!" He opened a pocket near his knife, and pulled out a small tube. "Silencer. This should suffice. Let's go!" With that his helmet's visor pulled back, and his face was lost behind the helmet's armor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Williams brings up his silencer, Flynn also quickly screws it on the barrel of his gun. Luckily at least one of them had brains. Flynn pushes the button to open the door. *BEEP* It doesn't open. Flynn pushes the button once more, harder this time. *BEEP* Still nothing. "It seems they've locked this door. Do you see a panel somewhere? I might be able to hack through one way or another." He looks around the room they're in, but sees no clear console that can be used for base wide commands.

"Okay, this might be a problem. I think one of us should go in loud from the outside, as in... Crash through the glass or whatever this stuff is and open the door from the other side. I hope this base has some sort of fail safe for breaking glass. I'd hate to drown down here." He looks up at the blue ocean that pushes down on them, only separated by a thin layer of what seems like glass.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Williams looked at Flynn. "And I guess you want me to go, right?" Flynn's look was enough as an answer. Willaims packed his gun away, and put on his respirator. "I'll try to make a hole. I will knock on the airlock 3 times, once I managed to get here, and then put on the respirator just in case." With that Willaims waited for the Airlock to fill up with water so he could leave. After a few minutes, he opened the door and left the room.

He was surprised at first. It felt like an anetirely different world outside. It seemed much brighter this time, than when they first approached the building. He checked his explosives just to make sure, then continue on. There were many alien species of fishes swimming nearby. The corals seemed wonderful, and full of magic, with all the light. He admired the scene for a few minutes then swam upwards. The was looking for an entry spot near the airlock. After a few minutes, and 20 meters above the door, he found a spot on the dome, where the "glass" seemed thicker than elsewhere. He opened his pocket and grabbed his plasma charge. He armed the bomb and then put in on the wall. He swam away and pressed the trigger on his Remote. With a boom the plasma charge went off, and there was a small hole in it's place.

He started to swim to the hole, but then noticed something. It seemed liek the walls were slowly rebuilding. With fear in his eyes he started to swim faster, to reach the hole before it closes up. When he was a few meters away, it started to grow back even faster. With a rush of adrenailine he barely made it. He fell into a room, half filled with water, and took his respirator off. He just floated on top of the water for a minute, and the water slowly drained away. When his back touched the floor, he got up witha smile on his face. "They won't beleive me home!"
He walked to the Airlock that wasn't far away, and knocked on it 3 times.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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Flynn uses the time while waiting to look around the room once more. It was curious how empty it was. His thoughts were quickly disturbed by three knocks on the door. That was fast. Well, Williams was a professional after all. Flynn quickly puts on his respirator and waits for the door to open. After a while the door opens with a slow hiss. Quickly taking a pose to brace for incoming water, he is surprised that that doesn't happen. He looks at Williams with a puzzled look and follows the mans finger pointing upwards. He can just see the last crack disappearing and he scratches his head as he removes his respirator. "Self repairing glass. Strange. Normal colony hubs are not that well equipped. Seems we're dealing with more then just an abandoned colony here."

Looking around this dome, Flynn quickly spots an active console that was luckily not touched by the water. "I should be able to get camera access from here... I hope." He walks to the console and starts typing some command lines, quickly bringing up several camera feeds. He flicks through the empty ones until he finds a couple with people on them. "Seems we found our Space Wolves."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Flynn looks over his back and shows Williams his discivery. Williams goes to look at the monitor, looks at it for a few seconds, but then backs away with a disgusted look. "Flynn. I think they sent the distress signal. And I would too if I were them! Look at that thing!" With that he throws up at one corner of the room. He rests for a bit, and then stands up, his body shaking. He grabs his Assault Rifle and loads in both mags. "Flynn, we have a work cut out for us. Hope the daughter of the CEO is still alive."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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"From hostage situation to straight up horror movie. Who'd thunk?" He let's out a sigh and shakes his head. "We are not equipped for unknown monsters. Especially not something like... that. Looks like it's heavy armored. Or... no wait. That's... Hm. It's hard to see what it is due to all the blood." Flynn checks his SMG and raises an eyebrow. "You're gonna have to pull through little guy." He walks up to Williams and pats him on the back. "Do I need to hold your hand? Or are you going to throw up again?" He grins at the man and walks off towards the door leading west. He beckons Williams to follow and holds his gun ready to fire just in case.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"I am fine, don't worry Flynn!" With that the big man stood up, and turned the safety off on his Assault Rifle. His armor was still active, so he left it as it was. With fear and doubt filling his mind, Williams followed Flynn through one of the doors leading out. They were moving silently through the empty hallway, going around the area where they spotted the monster. The layout of the complex was assimetrical. William opened up the plans he got from Flynn. They were in a smaller hub to the South, and heading West. They saw the monster at an Eastern hub. There was another small dome until the main building. If they were right, the hostage is be there. They were moving fast, yet hallways seemed infinite. They passed by a door painted bright blue. "Flynn! Can you open this one up? The plan says it is drone maintenance. We might find something useful in there. Maybe even a lil helper to scout for us. Poor 3Y3 can't come down here. So make the best out of the situation. What do you think?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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Flynn looks at the door pointed out by Williams. It seemed like a standard security door. "Easy. Step aside." He struts to the control panel next to it and types a couple of commands. The door hisses open, revealing a small room, completely thrown into disarray. It seems that this place was scavenged to the bone.
Flynn takes a quick look around the room, his eyes falling on a labeled box. He reads the label out loud while slowly unpacking it. "Water-resistant plating. Doesn't let a drop through. Hm... I think this is what 3Y3 needs. He has no use for it now, but I bet it'll come in handy in the future." He throws the plates to Williams, telling him to carry it with a grin beneath his helmet.
"Enough plundering. We've got a princess to rescue!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

With a smalkl sigh let out Willaims catched the plates. And then to Flynn's amusement he falls on the ground. "These are heavy as FUCK! Man next time tell me!" With that, Willaims flicks a button on his helmets. With a strong buzz, power runs through his armor, and he stands up. With some sweaing he picks up the plates and follows Flynn out the room. They once again reach the empty hallways. Only the buzzing of his armor could be heard. The two man continue as silent aas possible, tho now they have some extra weight to carry. Willaims readies his pistol in one hand and holds the plates in the other. With small and careful steps he looks at Flynn going in front. He sees a door ripped open, and only the frames still in their place, the rest is nowhere to be found. He looks around and finds nothing. According to his map, they reached an airlock. What is left of it. "Flynn! I think we need something bigger than our weapons to bring this ... thing down. I don't want to end up like this door!" With a small amount of panick in his voice, he continues to follow Flynn, now even more careful.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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Flynn looks at the floor, scratching his chin. He brings up his wrist console and types in some things. "Hm... We can't go back and get the heavy equipment. That would take too much time. We need to get that girl before that monster reaches her. I've plugged us into the camera network. You should have feed on you tool." He swipes some images away and stops at the relevant one. A couple of armored guys surrounding a secured young woman. They don't seem to be paying attention to her, but rather at something off screen.

"We'll just have to be clever. I still have my Nano-blade. That can probably cut through some thick skin... I hope. What the hell were they doing down here? Or... would those things live in the water? Let's hope he didn't bring any friends then if that's the case." Flynn shakes his head and passes through the airlock. They are once again in a larger hub room, with other hallways leading off in four directions. "We'll just have to follow the destruction I suppose.", he says looking at the one hallway that is completely ruined.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Flynn, I hope you don't mind, but I won't carry these plates into a spooky ass tunnel." He puts down the box and straightens his back. He looks at his terminal and links the files onto his helmet HUD. Readying his assault rifle, he loads two mags of special APHE ammo. "If this can't penetrate it, nothing will!" With a loud sigh he follows Flynn into the tunnel.

He never had problems with small spaces, but this place creeped him out. A strong chill crawled up on his spine. There were scratches and crawls all over tha wall. And on both sides there was this inch deep line running perfectly symetrical. Even the reinforced Tri-Steel couldn't stop whatever this thing is. And then there was the blood. Lots of it. And bodies cut in half, some devoured. Williams decided to switch to Ultra before he threw up. The cold blue pulses calmed his nerves, so he could think about something else that death. He saw Flynn in front of him doing checking the cam feed. It seemed like no one wanted to look at the horror.

As they entered another small hub with 2 tunnels he noticed a small ping on his screen. It grew bigger and bigger, until it filled the whole of one tunnel. Then his screen flashed, and both of them stumbled as a terrific scream could be heard. It sounded like an angry animal that is about to attack. Coincidally it was coming from the direction they were heading towards. Flynn made a motion with his head to enter the tunnel. They dodged around the remnants of the airlock and entered the tunnel, leading to the sound. "Just great. I told you we should have asked for more money! This is what happens when you don't listen to me!" With a small chucklehe followed Flynn into the darkness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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Flynn glides over some rubble and takes out his sword. "Your idea was kidnapping the daughter back! Besides... You can always ask that girl to pay you in kind. That's probably worth the effort for you I suppose?!" After dodging some more rubble and ruin, the two mercs enter another larger hub. Though this one doesn't seem to be empty. A large hulking beast takes up a good chunk of the room. Horns sticking out of his head and pointed at something out of sight for Flynn and Williams. It appears the beast hasn't noticed them yet and Flynn quickly urges Williams to go back into the shadow filled tube.

He looks at the beast from the shadows and whistles in awe. "Pheeew... Was not expecting something this big. What do you think it is? Doesn't look like it belongs in the ocean I'd say. And those... appear to be scales. Or... not. I'm not quite sure." Gunfire can be heard from the other side of the room. "Seems like those Space Wolves are putting up a fight. Shall we go and 'save' them?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

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"You out of your mind? They are the ones who we are supposed to deal with!" Williams leans away to see the fight, then makes an angry look towards the marines. He turns back to Flynn and sighs "Look man, I know you want to save them. I don't wish such a horryfing death for anyone, but it would make our job easier. And there is less risk of losing a limb." As the battle rages on, a few marines drop dead, and the monster lets out a terrifyin roar that shakes the rubble around them. Suddenly the roof comes crushing down, and it only takes a second before Flynn and Robert jumps away before they are squashed into bloody pulp. Williams shakes his head, and looks around, only to find a bloody spot on his chest. Thankfully the monster is still occupied with the remaining marines, but they have limited time.

He looks at Flynn, who is also dazed. He stands up and lends a hand. Robert takes his ahnd, but as soon as he moves, an intense pain bursts into his mind, fogging every other thought. He falls back on the floor, and screams in agony. "Oh man... This sucks, this" He coughs up a bit of blood. "Okay, give me a penicilin shot. I'll just...urgh... stand up after it." Willaims looks at his wound for the first time now. It seems like a small crystal pierced him. But it seems to be growing inside, making his wound worse!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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Flynn looks at the wound on Williams his chest and plants his face on his hand. "Your forgot to refill your auto-injectors again. How many times is that in a row now!?" Flynn let's out a sigh and takes a stim-shot from his belt. He takes Williams his helmet off and plants the injector in his neck. With a push of the button the fluids enter the mans blood stream, numbing the pain. "Guess I'll deal with this myself then." He turns around to face the monster, just to see that it's done with the marines and facing him now.

"Awwh... shit..." Flynn draws his blade and holds it out in front of him. "Alright then, ugly. Wanna dance?" The beast let's out a terrifying howl and makes himself ready to charge. But before the beast even propels himself forward, Flynn has already charged himself. He jumps on the beast his head and onto his back. He turns around and sits down, griping himself tight with his legs. "Let's hope these Nano-Blades are as sharp as they say they are in the commercials." Flynn plunges the sword in the neck of the beast and hopes for the best.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

A loud screaming noise fills the air, and the building shakes around them. The nanoblade fizzles in Flynn's hand halfway down the beasts neck. Williams painfully turns on sound dampering, the looks at his wound still growing be the second. Not good at all. The thougts of death on this end of nowhere planet crosses his mind, and gives him the mentality to do something. He grabs his knife and opens it with swift swing. He did this before numerous time, but never on himself. Doubts raise and them swept away by an intense wave if pain. He gently feels out the growing shard with a face distorted from pain. Breath held back he puts the cold steel in the radiating wound. The knife hita the shard and he tries to pry it out. More pain. With another move he feels as if the shard moved. And indeed a few seconds later he can see the blue shard l. He quickly grabs it and throws it away. With a relief he sighs as he is no longer in grave danger. At least not from the shard. He lost a lot of blood in the process. But just now he turns around to see Flynn about to be grabbed!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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"Yeah! You don't like th-Woaaaah!" A claw grabs Flynn from the back of the monster and swings him around. "Noooo! Wait, I need my swoooaaaaah. Okay, take it easy!" The monster keeps swinging him around, occasionally smashing him against the wall. It was probably quite the funny view for Williams, yet he didn't get the time to enjoy the scene as his internal comm crackled to life: "Find the girl, as I keep this- OOF! Ugh... Monster busy."

Flynn shakes his head as he sees all his meters going into the red. His suit couldn't take much more, the Enites were going to break. Then he sees an opportunity. The monster swings him back and forth over his sword. If he could just time it right, he might be able to get a hold of it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Williams slowly stands up, and puts some medicinal gel on his wound. With a small hiss and a painful face from him, the medicine does his job. The monster is swinging Flynn around the room, ruthlessly breaking his armor. The sword that Flynn use still lies activated on the floor. The monster is enraged, and is focused on it's prey so WIllaims could slip by. He takes the oppurtinity and slowly creeps around the walls towards the sword. He can see that Flynn is thinking about the same thing and is trying to get the sword. He takes a deep breath and stops fro a moment as another wave of pain rushes through his body, then he quickly dashes to the sword. He grabs it and holds it towards the monster, hoping that Flynn can catch it more easely this way. "Now don't go around talking to me about shit with leaving you alone. Not happening. Now murder that son of whatever monstrocity! "
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