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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kronshi
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Kronshi What Am I?

Member Seen 1 day ago

Name: Jace V. Gallach
Age: 14
Aura Color: Red
-A large sonic quake causing all those surrounding to fly back through the air. Will also crack the ground, break glass, and rupture weak structures such as wood or brick buildings
-Huge energy ball that explodes into a shock wave causing the same effect as the last ability and can be aimed further away but has a shorter radius from the blast zone. Is thrown like a grenade.
Armor: Thin, multi-plated, carbon-fiber armor and no helmet. Looks similar to medieval plate armor.
Appearance: Thick-shouldered, 5' 11", Scottish male with a wavy mess of black hair. He typically is only seen with his armor on but when without Jace can be found wearing a black sleeveless t-shirt and a pair of jeans.
Summoned weapons: Primary- A 4 and a half foot Greatsword with Gaelic writing running down the blade that reads "Sapienter Si Sincere"
Secondary- A .905 Caliber Assualt Rifle, clip holds 4 bullets due to their size.
Backstory: Coming from an abusive family, Jace couldn't help but let out his frustrations at school. He quickly became known as the school bully and even teachers were afraid of him at times. The fact that no one cared to even try and see if he was okay only caused him to become angrier and more violent. No one seemed to care about him at all. One day, his father had gotten horribly drunk and started insulting him, saying that he was useless and would never amount to anything before picking up a knife and threatening his life. In defense, his powers activated and he brutally murdered his father. After being contained, he was bailed out of trouble due to his age and the fact that the Head Master of Northern Lights wanted him for his school. "Now I am on the path to seek the truth of who I am."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Exile0fErini
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Exile0fErini Shapeshifting Exile

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Kaerin Teidia
Age: 14
Aura Color: Blue
Abilities: Replenish Quiver, precision long shot(boosts the force behind an arrow allowing it to go farther while also making it more precise)
Armor: Leather covered with a flexible weave of Carbon Fiber and Kevlar.
Description: young and slender. Her arms are stronger than they look. Shoulder length blonde hair. about 5'3" and quite cautious around people she doesn't know.
Summoned weapon(s): Primary; Recurve Long Bow and Arrows. The arrows are all the same in look for the most part. Basic hunting arrows with smallish tips designed for general use. Upon closer inspection each is inscribed with groups of Nordic runes which make out various words or phrases which in turn provides the arrow with a boost that otherwise wouldn't be possible. The energy to power the arrows is generally gathered from plants, animals and enemies around her.
Secondary; a pair of combat knives.
Backstory: Born to a middle class family she has had a love of archery and Norse culture since she was quite young. She has always been cautious around people she doesn't know and quiet in social situations she couldn't avoid. Shortly after she turned 13 while she was walking to her local archery range she was jumped by what she thought would just be another small group of bullies. They turned out to be very dangerous people intent on either killing or kidnapping her. She of course had her own bow and set of arrows that were meant only for basic target shooting. One went down with an arrow to the eye before they ripped the bow from her hands and broke it. In a fit of rage she summoned another along with fresh arrows inscribed with Norse runes. Another couple fell before her recruiter who had been out on a stroll just happened to show up and jumped right into the fray helping her finish the attackers off. She collapsed to her knees crying as the bow and arrows vanished. With her recruiter she went home distraught and waited for her parents to get home. Once they got home the four talked and Kaerin joined Northern Lights.
That was a year ago though. While she's still cautious about new people she's become rather friendly around most of the people related to the Northern Lights project, even the new comers. She's becoming a decent Ranger(Think Aragorn or Legolas from LotR style Ranger), currently with basic knowledge of wilderness survival, field medicine, medicinal plants and tracking.

Name: Franklin Emmanuel Levin "Elevin"
Age: 13
Aura Color: Green
Abilities: Summon Phalanx; Summons a phantom Spartan Phalanx to offer a defensive wall and/or offensive support.
Shield Rush; Rushes or lunges forward like a rocket or torpedo with shield held in front and knocking aside enemies in path, leaves the user open from behind for the duration and a few moments after ward.
Armor: Kevlar vest formed and painted to mimic the look of the usual Spartan gear along with a similarly designed helmet.
Appearance (words or pic): 5' and a bit thin and lanky looking but stronger than he appears, short messy brown hair, hetero-chromatic eyes; emerald green on the right and amber on the left,
Summoned weapon(s): Spartan Round Shield but coated in steel rather than bronze and with a snarling white wolf painted on it.
Backstory: (Might work on one later)

Name: Grace Davidson
Age: 15
Aura Color: Black
Abilities: Auric Leap: The user augments their ability to leap or fall allowing them to leap or fall much farther than a normal person; Aura armor: Creates a set of medium or heavy armor over top of the users usual armor; Aura Pulse: A single or omni-directional short-medium range burst used to push away foes;

Summoned weapon(s):

Backstory: Grace has always been obsessed with Star Wars and has a bookcase in her room dedicated solely to Star Wars books and movies. In someways she's a typical nerd but in others she isn't. While she's smart and sometimes reclusive she enjoys being with others, doesn't lord her knowledge over others and spends about as much time training as she does studying, reading her books or playing on her hand built computer. She brought the computer with her from her home and has since made a few updates and modifications to the hardware and software.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name:Kevin "Kev" Haggerty
Aura Color: yellow

Abilities: unnatural speed, and night sight
Armor: minus the guns
Appearance (words or pic):
Summoned weapon(s): Primary: long bladed curved sword. Secondary: throwing knives
Backstory: Kevin was born into what can only be described as "American Ninja". Kevin's mother, a 5th generation Japanese American, and member of the Hayashi clan. while their clan still trains in the ancient art, many do not for military purposes but for meditative and traditional purposes, to practice their trade. In the Modern age prior to the founding of Aura many from this family excelled in sports, and even the military. During the modern times, the clan has once again taken up their practice for more On his Father side, Kevin comes from "true american blood" His father Andrew and family can go as far back to when the first British colonists. during the American Revolution ancestors of Kevin's father served in the Continental Army and saw action through out the entire war. During the American Civil war, Two ancestors served in the union and Confederate army. With ancestors who served in nearly every war the united states have ever fought, they are very proud of that fact. Even now the family is honored to have another of the family serving their country.
Kevin was born in San Francisco, due to his Asian features he felt right at home among the other Asian cultures. when Kevin found out he had an aura he was very surprised, as up until this point in his life he was just a normal kid. While he held many Asian features, he had some very prominent western features. Mainly his eye color, hair color and height. While many believed he wore contacts and dyed his hair, his hair is naturally blonde, and his eyes are naturally green. As a second year student he was assigned to watch over the first years. Due to his easy going personality, he tends to get along with people. While he is well liked, he is slightly feared. Due to rumors from his first year about when he mercilessly fought, defeated, and hospitalized several students for calling him a spy for japan due his Japanese heritage. despite proof and witnesses no charges nor any dispensary actions taken against him. because of this there are few who still openly say anything rude to him. while Kevin is touchy about his heritage, he is by no means a mean person. he can usually be found helping the struggling students with their arua training, or helping with little odds and ends.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Sarah Connor

Age: 13

Aura Color: Black - Strongest Auric energy and always ready for the unexpected, varied tendencies, though focus on dual sided weapons is common


~ Aura Reaper - Able to tear appart a piece of aura for a short period, making them unable yo use this part of their aura. This abbilitie only works if her blade scratches her opponent.

~ Clone Shadows - Able to generate multiple clones of herself, being able to escape or confuse a foe in battle.


Thin kevlar armor formed as a cloak around her body, covering her from head to toe.

Appearance (words or pic):

Summoned weapon(s):

Dual wielded daggers,
These daggers can be placed together to create a dual sided dagger.


- I am thinking of a backstory at the moment, can't figure out a good one yet....

Note: Sarah always carries around a stuffed bunny.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Name: Karina Kollek

Age: 14

Aura Color: Red

Exploding Mist: This is an explosive compound which Karina can spread through her sweat glands or mouth at will, an unknown reason allows her to control it's movements as long as she is still touching at least a part of the connected mist. It should also be noted that if she condenses the mist it becomes more of a gel. So if you walk through the mist and a spark hits you or a flame or something of the sort, chances are you just went up in flames, though since it would be a thin layer you'll probably just be scarred for life on the majority of your body!

Impact Destruction: When in hand to hand combat or just in general, Karina is able to produce explosions from her palms. These are directional explosions and require an impact on something to trigger the ability. Thus Karina use gentle strikes with an open palm which in turn will kill or break through most things depending on how hard she hits.

Armor: Normally avoids bulks of armor so she can stay light, and not get too hot. Thus she normally wears black cargo pants and a blanck tank top with a black tactical vest over it, oh and some black combat boots. Lastly she wears mostly fingerless gloves with the middle finger and thumb still having the fingers covered, as well as small metal plates mixed with flint to cause sparks to ignite the mist. On this note she also carries a lighter, and also has two fake teeth that are used to make a spark which can ignite the mist starting with a minor amount in her mouth that ignites the main stream outside of her body. This is so she's never out of options for lighting her mist.

Appearance (words or pic): Standing at 5'2 with fair nicely tanned skin, Karina also tends t wear clothes that most people in society don't appreciate. Like shirts that show off her belly and or shoulders. She normally wears cargo pants at all times though along with some nice shoes to match. Her hair is a long brown which curls lightly, but if it were fully straight it would go to a bit past her shoulder blades. She also has light blue eyes a small, yet defined figure and tends to enjoy sunglasses.

Summoned weapon(s): While they might be the enemy, Karina tends to have a thing for older Japanese weapons. Her primary summoned weapon being a modified double edged Wakizashi so that it can cut with either side, and is also serrated so that it can rip away flesh muscles doing more damage.

Backstory: Karina was born and mostly raised in Israel. Here she lived her family, went to school, laughed and played with friends. She did all of the normal things girls did. Wore dresses, put on makeup, and even danced. How did such a sweet girl end up at Northern Lights? Well that part is the tragedy in her life. During a dance recital terrorists bombed the school she was at. This killed several families and friends of people, including her own. After a year or two Karina was adopted and brought over to the United States. In the States she tried to make a new life, but nothing was right. She became rebellious to her new parents, sneaking out, wearing clothes that weren't necessarily appropriate, and smoking, all the usual stuff for someone her age. Then at a party she was smoking with her friends and they were trying to see who could have the largest cloud for no reason. Karina had been upset because earlier someone had commented on the fact that she had no real family, so when she was producing her cloud she didn't realize she'd mixed in her mist, at the time she didn't know she had it. When she lifted up her cigarette the who thing ignited and exploded catching the house on fire, and burning several people who would never look the same again. Karina had run away until she got picked up. When everyone realized what had happened she was sent to Northern Lights where she's been for nearly a year now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Glassbrain
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Rivers J. Duran.


Aura: Yellow.

Abilities: Superhuman athleticism and animal telepathy

Armor: BMX armor.

Appearance: Tall, slim teen, thick brown curly hair, freckled face. Light brown eyes, attire always consists of flannel, slim cut jeans and converse.

Summoned: Random objects, though most commonly a large black electric bass guitar.

Backstory: Rivers grew up in Sacramento California, a warzone. Everything was scarce, food, water, parents. Everything but books and CDs he stole from an abandoned record store for his walkman. Rivers spent all his time reading books. Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, fiction, non-fiction, anything available. He lived alone, his father having to leave him at a young age for the war. Rivers never expected to be attacked, well-hidden living under an abandoned apartment building. When he was, it happened lightning quick. Lights flashed in his face, masked men with guns attacked, one grabbed him by the neck violently threw him down. In a hurry, Rivers reached into his satchel for whatever was in there, felt a small handle, and realized it was a flashbang. After that, Rivers only recalled sitting with va black bass, surrounded by his attackers when someone sent by the "Headmaster" came to pick him up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Name: Ryu Cortez


Aura Color: Green

Abilities: Entrench- Creates a bunker from his aura, allowing allies cover and firing positions, Super Armor- Summons armor around himself that's so thick he could survive several shots from a tank. Unable to move during use due to it's weight.

Armor: Full suit of Kevlar armor

Description: 5' 9", messy brown hair, no scars, large, muscular build from weight lifting and working out

Summoned weapon(s): Pair of sword tonfa, Tower Shield

Backstory: Ryu always stood up for the little guy growing up, putting himself between them and bullies on multiple occasions and always getting in fights. However, he never picked the fights, which kept him from getting expelled despite the number of them he'd been in. During one fight, the bully, who had been known to have weapons on him at school, usually knives, pulled one on Ryu and stabbed at him. In that instant Ryu's Super armor activated, causing the blade to snap in two. The armor vanishing, the bully simply stared at Ryu as Ryu stared at himself, dumbfounded. Soon after a teacher was given information on Northern Lights, who passed it to Ryu's parents. Having attended for one year, he's established himself as a barrier between his classmates and the more abusive upper classmen, and he intends to be a barrier between them and the new first years as well.
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