Name: Isa, Nagisa 'Nagi' and Isa, Nami
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Nagi is on the right, Nami is on the left. They are of the exact same height and have the exact same hair length. It's just how they style it. (1.68m)

Nagi: Nagi's hot-headed, boyish and basically a girl with a guy's personality. She always tries to look manly, and basically played the part of Nami's older brother during the time they spent their lives together. To others, Nagi, while quite quick to anger, has a very strong sense of justice and doing what's right. She won't hesitate to butt into anything if she senses that someone is getting bullied. (By the way, Nagi punches.)
Both personalities are straight, though. Nagi will almost never admit to love, however.
Nami: While quiet and soft-spoken, Nami's a hopeless romantic who finds joy in the little things in life. While still having Nagi's strong sense of justice, Nami feels like she's better off just off the sides when there's injustice, watching in pity. She'll date the people that Nagi refuses to date. She may seem shy, but if she finds you interesting, she will do her best to talk to you. (By the way, Nami slaps.) Nami finds it annoying that Nagi practices breast-binding, saying that 'it'll ruin her feminine figure so that she can't get a nice boyfriend later'.
Both personalities switch at random times. The Isa Twins do officially go to school as 'Isa Nami', though, and Nagi will try to rein in her passionate side when in school so as to not break the façade. Though one can tell Nami from Nagi just by watching their eyes, if one is experienced enough.
Crossbow and bolts. Generally, her crossbow bolts have a rope tied to them for easy retrieval, but this rope can be cut in case retrieval is impossible or dangerous.
Arcana: Moon
Initial Persona: Gurr
Ultimate Persona: ~~~~
Character Stats:
Athletics: 10
Academics: 9
Charm: 11
Courage: 9
Backstory: The two daughters of a Nico Nico Chorus sensation, the twins were on their way to potential stardom as idols. Nagi played the role of the boyish girl singer that attracted confused girls, and Nami played the role of her 'lesbian' lover. It was a little dirty, but it sold. However, one of their lives was cut short by a madman with a gun during a practice singing session 4 years ago. The other twin might as well have died as well, considering the mental state of the survivor.
Isa's parents had her hospitalised. She would never really recover from the trauma, even after 4 years of constant therapy. Eventually, the idea of the surviving twin dressing up like the later would manifest slowly in her. Though Isa's parents protested, they eventually realised that this was the closest she was going to get to functioning at this point.
The Isa Twins would be transferred to Gekkoukan High School, though at a earlier year than expected of their age. Her long hospital stay messed with her scheduled studies.