Tao Mei
Age and date of birth:
14, Fifth of Januari
Age Appearance:
12 - 14
Lin Mei - Mother
Ken Mei - Father
Length and build:
4'8ft, scrawny and fragile.
90 Pounds
Favorite weather and season:
Spring and summer.

Shinobi Forces
Chakra Nature:

Having been rather sickly throughout his childhood, Tao has been left with a scrawny and nearly malnourished frame. There doesn't appear to be any visible muscles on his body and each rib is easily seen through his skin. Short and fragile, it is safe to assume this boy unfit for physical combat or heavy lifting. Tao's limbs fit the rest of his tiny frame with thin fingers at the end of his arms.
A rather thick set of black hair atop his head would hide much of his large brown eyes behind bangs and falls down his neck in medium length. Tao finds home mostly in shorts and t-shirts, something he has grown accustomed to throughout his life. Fingerless leather gloves often find themselves on his hands, reaching up a short distance across his forearms and end in a small buckle to keep them in place. The scarf around his neck would cover his shirt's collar and falls down a short way towards his chest. He prefers dark colors and is often seen in all black but can at times vary with red, grey and white.
Due to a head full of hair, Tao often wears a bandana to keep it from getting in his eyes and keeps his headband around his neck. Speaking of his hair, streaks of white stretch down the right side of his head from the roots to the edge of his bangs, colored by his mother.
There doesn't seem to be any scars on the boy's frame, apart from what you'd expect from a young ninja in training. Even so however, one could perhaps be surprised by the lack of marks such activities would put on his skin.

Despite a fragile frame, Tao has an explosive personality radiating with life and emotion. He isn't loud, neither is he blunt or hardy, but rather shows a great deal of confidence and determination. This is further shown by the way he speaks and the constant smile on his face. Tao often encourages others to find strength within themselves and to never give up, hoping to help lighten the odds of a dark situation. Though polite and warm hearted, Tao can have a very fiery temper and can at times let his anger get the better of him.
He knows when he is outmatched and when retreat is the only sound option, though his stubbornness can at times get in the way of logical decisions. This is further enhanced when he is trying to protect someone or simply stand up for what he believes in. Speaking of which, Tao is an incredibly proud individual who wears his emotions on his sleeves. It is safe to assume that he is incapable of keeping his ideals and passion on the down low when they are being confronted.
There is little the boy hates as much as having his freedom threatened, the freedom to be who he is and the freedom to allow his spirit to soar. Tao's tiny frame has done nothing to stop the easily spotted fiery passion of the Mei clan. Self victimization, self pity and self proclaimed weaknesses are all things sure to give life to a fiery temper.
Other than that, Tao is an incredibly loyal friend, perhaps even to a fault. He is incredibly cuddly and can at times forget the concept of personal space, often times expressing his affection through hugs and the like. Despite his personality, he is in fact quite soft spoken and rarely ever raises his voice, but rather lets his actions speak volumes for him.

Tao grew up as a rather sickly boy. He was never as strong as the other children and often had to stop training well before the others due to his limitations. A sick frame left him small, scrawny and without much mass but it did little in the way of halting his progress. One could say that because of this handicap, Tao's determination grew exponentially and is the foundation for his 'never give up' mentality.
As would be expected, Tao was completely worthless in physical training. He couldn't run as fast as the others, punch as hard as the others or move as athletically. However, at the of nine his kekkei genkai was set alight, the most common age among his clan. Around this time, Tao was starting to get a bit healthier and was able to keep up just a little bit more with the other kids. As he grew older, he grew ever healthier until he could be considered completely healthy. However, the years which had worn down his frame left their mark on his body, something he cannot escape.
Tao has lived a life most would consider normal. He has not been through any major event of disaster or misery like some in this violent world has had the displeasure of, something he considers himself lucky to have avoided. A social personality made it easy for him to make new friends through his life but it shouldn't be assumed that he breezed through the social aspects. It was incredibly common to come across bullies who targeted him for quite obvious reasons, mainly his frame and lack of capabilities. However, he didn't let it keep him down, and with the help of those he called friends, Tao was able to brave through it until he was finally able to stand on his own.
Theme Song:

Good - Accuracy
Good - Teamwork
Good - Kekkei Genkai
Bad - Physical Combat
Bad - Physical Prowess
Bad - Melee Competence
Bad - Weapon Skills
Bad - Ninjutsu

Special Traits:
High Chakra Levels (Common for his Clan)

Kekkei Genkai:
Inferno The Mei's Kekkei Genkai allows the user to conjure their chakra outwardly in bursts of fire. Telekinetically creating and controlling the element of fire, the Mei clan are sometimes called 'Sorcerers' or 'Shamans' due to their abilities. Completely sacrificing physical combat in exchange for pure focus in their bloodline limit, the Mei clan has indeed lived up to the titles bestowed upon them. As the user of this ability grows stronger, so does the extent of their flames.
Conjuring the element in either a fiery wave or a long range missile, the user has to channel the attacks with their limbs. Only the very strongest of the Mei clan are able to summon their fiery might with the pure power of will alone. Apart from their distinct conjuring of the element, one can easily spot a Mei clan warrior on the trademark white color of their fire.
An innate resistance to fire is something every Mei clan member is born with, however this only holds true to the fire they themselves conjure. Clan elders are said to be resistant to all types of flames, it is however not seen in any of the younger users. Due to the innate resistance against the white flames, people from the bloodline cannot damage each other when using the Inferno Kekkei Genkai.
Traits/Abilities of Kekkei Genkai:
Tao is currently able to use his Kekkei Genkai in two ways.
Flame Slash - Swiping his hands in front of himself, Tao is able to summon small slashing waves of fire, reaching up to a meter in range.
Firebolt - Conjuring a sphere of flames, Tao is able to launch it at his enemies up to fifteen meters away. It explodes in a radius of one meter upon impact.

Tao has no knowledge of jutsus beyond his Kekkei Genkai.

Name: Azhul
Species: Spirit
Age/Gender: Male, 67
Size: Small
Unique Traits: Azhul's body is made up from the Mei clan's fire and can due to this be interacted with physically by clan members but is harmful to others.
Name of Technique:
Flame Talons
Type of Jutsu:
Kekkei Genkai
One meter
Nature Type:
Flame Talons is a stronger version of Tao's ability. Instead of a single slashing wave of fire, Azhul is capable of conjuring three waves in the shape of a claw.
Water elemental techniques nullify the attack and if used against Azhul, will greatly weaken him.
A spirit of flame, Azhul has been part of the Mei clan since his creation. He quickly grew attached to Tao due to their similarities and acts as the boy's guardian when called upon. He has taken the role of guide and protector to other young clan members before and continues to do so now as Tao's friend and companion.
Much like Tao, Azhul is a young (for a spirit) and determined creature. They are both driven by fiery passion and value freedom above all else, getting along very well. Azul also acts as a teacher for the boy, often helping him hone his skills.