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    1. OneWayOut 10 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Tfw you wear a short skirt and sit down on a cold chair with nothing to protect your butt and you wana die
7 yrs ago
Do no harm, but take no shit.
7 yrs ago
Ugh I just wana write x.x
7 yrs ago
Speaking of Naruto, I really wana do an RP like that again. But do I wana start one? Mehhh.
7 yrs ago
Writing: That weird place between torture and fun.



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I’ll be catching up and posting after work!
I’m still half asleep but here ya go

@Lord of Evil go for it, make a dorm haha. It is also a school tbh.

@tex that’s a good idea. I’m more active on Discord rn anyways so I can make one if we want
How much freedom do we have with creating small regions within the continents? Like an island country/nation that may have been wiped out, for example? Or other lore, regarding types of magic, tradition, etc.

Oh please feel free! This world is still very much in construction. I encourage you to make up stuff~
@deadpixel101 Harpist lol
@OneWayOut Speaking of libraries, what's the average literacy level in this world? Just asking.

Hmm I’d say the majority of people would know how to read and write unless they are very poor. In this world knowledge is power.


These groups are just forming for the first time. This mission is basically their way to get to learn how to work together. The world is as it has always been. As long as there have been humans who could write down history, they’ve talked about the Pyrrhics and how they are the reason humanity has been trapped in the same state for centuries.
Some people just wana know what they gotta do, and that might not have been tooooo clear so, just making sure everyone is on the same page here
<Snipped quote by tex>

It's a little bit longer than expected.

I just wanted everything to be as clear as possible and that took a while haha

I hope everyone likes the post.
A collaboration between OneWayOut and Tendo

Alessa sighed as she strolled through the large corridors of Helia. The tower was massive in its own right, and it was easy for anyone to get lost within its walls. Every strip of wood on the doors to every stone on the walls seemed alive. The place was full of life, literally, as magical energy constantly flowed all around the Tower and its inhabitants.

She had been summoned early in the day to attend a metting with the Order. Its council members had expressed their urgency on the matter, so being as she was, Alessa took her damn time getting up and ready. A scowl formed on her face as her shoes made light taps on the floor and the length of her long dress whispered soft brusing sounds against the ground. What she chose to wore was simple, elegant, and wonderously black. She was on her way to the Library, situated at the far east end of the area, knowing a certain... well, someone she didn't quite know how to label, would be. As she ascended the stairs, her pulse involuntarily quickened at the thought of seeing him again. It had been too long and she missed him in a way, though she wouldn't dare to speak those words aloud. She willed herself to calm as she neared the doors to the Library and pushed them open.

Within were rows of shelves, stacked high with information ranging from the most basic forms or magic, to the most advanced. Though this wasnt necessairly her happy place, she felt at peace here with nothing but knowledge surrounding her. As she peered about, she pushed a lock of hair behing her ear. She spotted some younger students scattered around, though none of them were the individual she was looking for. This particular one had a rather aggrivating patch of facial hair upon his upper lip. Scowl planted firmy on her face, she turned towards the isle where she knew the most advanced magical material was located, and sure enough, after rounding a corner, she spotted the stache she was searching for.

"You're so predictable its borderline scary." she said as she approached the man, not caring if he was busy or not. The two of them had business and she had a million other things she'd much rather be doing with her time.

"Do you ever leave this place, Avo?" she inquired, "Regardless, I've come to strip you away from your precious... whatever the hell it is that you're reading. I'm sure its boring." she said, looking up at the taller man.

''Miss Alessa, always a pleasure. May I be honest with you and let you know that you look quite nice today?'' he said, looking at her for a split second before he closed the heavy book and put it back in its dusty place. There would be time for books later, now they needed to answer the summons from the heads of the Tower.

''Shall we?''
It had been quite some time since he had last seen her, Alessa, quite possibly the single most intriguing yet overly annoying person he had ever met. He owed her a lot in a way, she had always been somewhat of a rival to him, being an extremely capable Clairvoyant which in turn forced him to become at least as good. Nowadays, he would tell you that he was leagues ahead, if you asked.

Still, it was nice seeing her despite the fact he would rather never smoke again than let that be known. And it was nice being back in the Tower, life was much more relaxed here, easier, away from the troubles of the world.

Alessa's scowl faltered slightly at Avo's unexpected compliment, though she said nothing in return. Instead she rolled her eyes and turned from him, ignoring the heat that brought a bit of color to her pale cheeks. As the two of them left the Library, only to ascend a long spiral set of stairs, she spoke once again to the man.

"I can't think of any reason why the Council would summon the two of us together, but my gut is telling me its going to be for a reason I wont like." she confessed to him. In all honesty, she was nervous. Typically the only time she ever got summoned was because she did something wrong. Alessa had a very... unorthodox way of thinking when it came to magic, and the Council didnt like that... nor the fact that she had her own reasons for joining the Order in the first place. In her head, she was going over terrible scenarios, and her anxiety was peaked. Though she was typically good as masking her emotions, it was apparent the raven haired woman was distressed.

"Maybe you'll get lucky and they'll assign you to be my personal slave." she joked, her tone light.

Avo couldn't help but smile at her words, maybe she was actually anxious about this whole thing. To be honest, it wasn't a usual occurence for them two to be invited by the Council. Alone, maybe, but together?

''Or they could always ask me to mentor you, I find that much more plausible.''

As they neared the entrance to the meeting room, Alessa's steps slowed as her reluctance to go continued to grow. As she pushed herself forward, she heard what sounded like talking from the other side of a massive door. When the pair reached it, she knocked, silence following.

"Enter." a low voice spoke from beyond the door.

Despite the sheer size of it, the door slid open easily with just a small amount of pressure, and the large, nearly empty room, came into view. In the center was a table and at it sat a half dozen gentleman wearing fancy robes, adorned with excessive jewelry and bright colors. Thr group of them looked intimidating as a whole. Seperate, Alessa didnt care much for what any of them had to say.

''Gentlemen.'' Avo said yet didn't tilt his head, as was the norm. These men knew of magic and Pyrrhics and forbidden knowledge and all those things the common man would never have to think about yet they knew depressingly little about the daily lives of those they had sworn to protect. Or did they, he often wondered. How can you give your life for something you don't know about?

"It took the two of you quite some time to get here." one of the men spoke up. "Did you... find some trouble getting here?"

"No, I just didnt want to be here." Alessa said flatly as the pair entered the room.

A collective sigh was their response.

"Noted." another man said, this one sat in the center of them all. "We'll get right to the point then of why we've summoned you two here. Please, sit." he said, gesturing across the table from them.

Crossing her arms, Alessa walked forward and took a seat, propping one leg over the other, she leaned back in her chair, showing a lack of interest in the entire venture.

"I would much rather stay standing." he snarled, a dangerous glint in his eyes. One thing that could absolutely cut through all of his hard earned calmness and self control was arrogance. Yes, he had often been called arrogant but for all the right reasons while these dressed up monks, clad in jewelry and fine cloth, protected by the Tower and all its magic, plotted and commanded without concern for the man who could not feed his son, the mother who could not buy a toy for her baby.

"Do go on, Elder." he added, regaining his composure. No one can change the world, maybe give to it or take away from it but never alter it.

The man in the center slowly rose from his seat, taking a small stack of papers in front of him and separating them into two piles. "It has been with much deliberation between the members of this council that you, Mr. Avo Montblanc, and you, Miss Alessa Grimm, are to be promoted and from this day henceforth, be leaders of your very own Circles." he told them, reaching out and handing Alessa the two stacks of papers. She leaned forward and took them both, her eyes dancing scross the pages before handing Avo the one with his name on it. She was taken aback by the news of this. Never had she expected someone like her to be promoted. Alessa thought that her actions and attitude towards the Council would restrict her of such duties. It was a comfort for her, until now.

It wasn't much of a surprise for Avo, he knew it was coming sooner or later as truth be told, he wasn't just another Clairvoyant. His deeds spoke for themselves, despite being a few years shy of 30, his company was doing great under his iron fist and that wouldn't have happened without some pretty above average leadership qualities. Plus, his specific skillset made him quite the asset for the Council, an asset they wouldn't want to lose to a weapon-running company so through giving him command of his very own Circle, they put a leash around his neck. Or at least that's what he would have done, in their place.

"I... I dont understand. Why us, of all the other wannabe heroes who'd jump at this chance. You know I have no interest in this. I cant speak for King Stache, but... I dont want this." she said, though she lowered her eyes back to the pages. As she flipped through, she noticed they were profiles of four individuals, transcribed with their information and magical abilities. She wondered if they were yet aware of their selection.

"Unfortunately Miss Grimm, you dont have a choice in the matter. The council's decision is final."

"Like hell it is." Alessa said standing up and tossing the stack of profiles onto the table. "I was supposed to be assigned to Terrace where my father is. You told me I could go there. You said they needed an Abjurer to maintain the Wall. What happened to all that?" she asked.

"Plans have changed."

"Mine havent changed. You think I can't tell you're reluctant to send others there? The Shades are growing darker every day, there's not enough Clairvoyants there to maintain the city. Do you just plan to leave them all there to die?"

Another member of the council stood up abruptly. "The matters discused within the Council are none of your concern Miss Grimm. Know your place."

"My place is with my Father, not leading some ragtag Circle you all threw together to get me out of your hair." she argued.

Silently, the Council leader gathered up the four profiles that scattered across the table. When he finished, he held them out to Alessa once more.

"We understand your concern for the people at Terrace. The situation there is more complex than you think. We cannot act recklessly." he said. Alessa started to speak but his raised hand stopped her words in her throat.

"You will lead this Circle and complete the mission assigned to you. After it has been completed perfectly and without mistake, if the council deems your Circle good enough, we will dispatch you to Terrace if that is what you still wish. We simply cannot afford to send anyone else out unless we know they will return. Do you understand."

Alessa was quiet a long moment. Reluctantly, she reached for the profiles and sighed. "Have it your way." she said, crossing her arms and glaring at the ground.

"The same goes for you Mr. Montblanc. Alessa is correct that the threat in Terrace must be quelled soon or we will lose everything there. We expect you to get your Circle in the best shape possible, and you will also be sent to Terrace. First, we'll need proof that you all can work together."

He looked at Alessa. "Your Circles are assigned to a recon, possible rescue mission. We've recently lost contact with an entire city. Find out what happened to them and what sort of threats are present there. We'll be sending both Circles due to the sheer size of the city and unexpectedness of this event. Tomorrow we will have a Transport ready for you both. The rest of the details are written down in your mission statement."

Finally the man sat down and looked at the two of them, waiting in case either of them had anything else to say.

"I need everything that you have on those you want me to lead into battle and possibly death. I'd rather not walk into a city gone dark without being as prepared as possible. As for the opportunity you have given me, I thank you." Avo said, calmly, as he picked the profiles assigned to him. He could already feel it, the weight on his shoulders.

"Miss Grimm, a word if you may?" he whispered to Alessa as he stepped outside of the Council chamber, profiles in hand.

Alessa nodded to Avo and gave the Council one last scowl before the too turned on her heels and left. She clutched the profiles in her hand, crunching the edges a bit as she did. When the two were clear out of hearing range, Alessa turned to Avo and looked up at him.

"I guess we're going to be working together from here on. I suppose that's fine with me, you're one of the less irritating people I associate with." she sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "That being said, I trust you enough to not get yourself killed, but we have to finish this mission without any complications. They're expecting perfection or they wont send us to Terrace. Avo... I need to be there with my Father... so I need your help on this, regardless if you want to do it or not."

Her blue eyes stared into his, and the fire in them was apparent. She didn't want to seem like she was asking too much of him, but she had to go back. She had to go home, whatever it took. She didn't want to have to drag anyone else into her own personal vendetta, though the circumstances made it as such.

"Are you sure about this, Grimm?"

Avo's voice was cold and distant yet his eyes were locked on hers, a hint of anger behind them.

"These are lives you are going to have in your hands and little childish outbursts like the one you had in there, simply won't do. If they lose their faith in you, be it love or fear, your Circle is done, when things get rough you are going to fall apart. This is bigger than both of us, personal matters have no place here and I most certainly won't make any unnecessary sacrifices, even for you." he added, maybe not as gently as he would have liked but this was no laughing matter.

He searched his long expensive coat for a cigar, his guilty and deadly pleasure, waiting for her answer.

Crossing her arms, Alessa looked away from him, knowing he was right. It wasn't fair for her to put the lives of others in danger for her own personal gain. Having been away for so long had made her forget there was more at stake here than her own Father.

"Look, I'm not asking you to make any sacrifices or to be willing to die for my cause. Everyone has their own reasons for fighting. Mine is to just keep the people I love safe. Once that's done, I'll have no problem secluding myself away and just doing Wall duty. Regardless, the people in Terrace need us... and to get to them, seems like we have others to save as well. I dont plan on failing my mission." she said, her eyes falling onto the man once again. "And who are you calling a child, old man?" she joked, sneering at him.

Avo smirked as he lit his cigar and took a good look at the setting sun,through a window.

"I'm not even that much older than you, Grimm. Keep your head on your shoulders, they wouldn't have chosen you if they didn't see something in you and let's be honest, you aren't one for Wall duty, that would be quite a waste. Maybe after we save Terrace, I might have a spot for you in my Circle, you can clear our equipment and all.''

She would be just fine, he knew it or else he would feel bad, choosing such a weak rival.

"Anything else you need me for? I have matters to attend to, of a more financial nature." Avo added, feeling that the meeting had ran its course. He wasn't one for idle chatter.

Alessa rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah, lets just plan to meet up tomorrow morning. The sooner we're out of here the better. Make sure all your "matters" are cleared up, alright? I assume the council will have told them where to meet us." she said. She lifted her arms above her head and stretched. "Guess we're done here. I'm going to take a nap." Turning from him, she gestured a goodbye with her hand.

Nodding, Avo turned himself and took his leave.
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