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    1. OneWayOut 10 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Tfw you wear a short skirt and sit down on a cold chair with nothing to protect your butt and you wana die
7 yrs ago
Do no harm, but take no shit.
7 yrs ago
Ugh I just wana write x.x
7 yrs ago
Speaking of Naruto, I really wana do an RP like that again. But do I wana start one? Mehhh.
7 yrs ago
Writing: That weird place between torture and fun.



Most Recent Posts

Alright, update. Circles have been made.

@ReusableSword@tex@Tawny Swan@deadpixel101 You four are with my character, Alessa. Together, we will be "Cygnus" named after the constellation.

@Gareth@Cryfest@Lord of Evil@Cal You four will be under the leadership of @Tendo's character Avo. Together, you will be "Abendrot" the pretty color of the sky at sunset.

The two of us are currently still working on the first IC post. Thanks for waiting and sorry for the delay. We're literally half a world apart haha
I'm also working on putting circles together. You should see the number of balled up post-it notes i have on the table rn lol

The struggle is real y'all.
IC is nearly done. Its LOOOOOONG lol
Sorry for the delay in the IC, I’m out running errands and I didn’t think it would take all damn day. x.x Will still be up today for sure.
Shhhh, all will be revealed in time~
Oof, now for the hard part.

Picking a leader.

@ReusableSword I love it! Your character is accepted, and that makes you the last spot! Yay <3

Everyone please make sure to post your characters in the character section! First IC post should be up tonight or early tomorrow mornin. Thanks everyone for making characters!
@Cryfest Love it <3 your character is accepted!

@tex Can I just say... I LOVE this character. <3 He's accepted!

Please post your sheets in the characters tab!
@tex go for it!

@Gareth no problem with those edits, thanks!

@ReusableSword oooooh I like what you did with your idea. I would say though that I’m finding a bit of disconnect between the idea of nature and being able to manipulate emotions. I feel like that would be more for someone with illusion magic or some school that allows for mind reading or things like that. That being said, I think with a bit more creativity this could be really cool if you try to expand on it a bit more.

I wouldn’t go the route where you necessarily have any affect over humans. Animals maybe, but think about “nature” and what that entails in itself. When I think of it, I think of like precipitation and natural disasters, making it rain fire or turning water into wine that to me is taking something “natural” and making it something more or amplifying it.

I’m not gonna accept this yet just because I want you to rethink those skills again and see what else you can come up with. Feel free to pm me if you want to get more help :3

@Lord of Evil I had a feeling you were gonna give me an awesome character. Accepted! Toss him into the character tab!
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