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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 days ago

The year is 2022, and mankind is fighting a war amongst itself like it's never fought before. Abandoned cities and homes, corpses, skeletons and ruins abound across the world, World War III leaving it's mark everywhere. A voice echoes in the room you're sitting in on an airship, telling the tale of your powers origin. "During the dark ages, some members of the human race could perform incredible feats, such as summon a sword from thin air or pull their sword to them after being disarmed, or even shooting fire from their own hands. This became known as magic and was the source of many great legends. However, a little known fact was these powers were gifted to humans who were meant to fulfill a special role in history. However, as time went on, these roles began to become scarce, with the "wizards" who filled them soon fading into myth as well. Myth became legend and legend became nothing as each tale was forgotten and man's need for the wizards vanished. Soon he became technologically advanced, gaining enough confidence that kingdom attacked kingdom, then country attacked country. For hundreds of years, this was the cycle, peace, war, peace, war; until the fights began on the home front. At first they were left alone, thought to be kidnappings and murders with a well learned criminal master mind. That was before the messages and video feeds from military units began pouring in, showing and mentioning strange soldiers that could do strange things, some reports even claimed superhuman things. One, however, stood out in particular. Specialist James T. Hitchcock, the 145th Infantry Regiment's Second Platoon's radioman was out on patrol in the area of Zimbabwe when a small group of the soldiers attacked them. The video will pick up just moments before the attack."

"-so I told the ass wipe to take it up with the Sergeant. He refused and we got in a fight." A man somewhere behind the Specialist said. Conversation like this proceeds as they watch their lanes of fire when a bird call comes from the right of Hitchcock, prompting the men and Hitchcock to look in that direction. Holding up a hand to stop the lines, he signals and all of the soldiers shift their aim towards the source-just as the call's owners attack. A small group of soldiers leaps out and tackles several riflemen, weapons appearing in their hands in strange flashes of light. The remainder of the platoon opens fire on them, and down several, forcing the remainder to begin attacking in earnest, shifting targets as quick as they could. One lunges at Hitchcock and knocks him over, his assault rifle clattering into the dark. As a clawed hand rose to strike for his throat, Hitchcock threw up his arms, sure it was his last moments as he squeezed his eyes shut. Through his shut eyes, he saw a brief flash of green light and felt the weight of the person suddenly fly off him, a sudden yelp of pain erupting from her. Slowly opening his eyes, he's surprised to see a spiked shield on his right arm, blood from the girls's wounded hand dripping from a spike. Looking at the girl, he noticed she was writhing in pain and blood was flowing profusely from the wounds. Without a second thought, the Specialist stands and leaps, slamming the shield onto the her head.

The video ends and a man in a formal suit walks into view, the color of which reflects his aura, a deep blue. "You all are here because your aura's are pure enough to be of use to fighting the reemerging threat against us. After careful analyzing of Mister Hitchcock's body, it was discovered he had inherited, through a long line of medieval magicians to modern day soldiers, a pure green aura. Had he not, he would have joined his friends in death." He looks over each of you, his eyes measuring you and evaluating you. "Looking at some of what was described, we discovered that medieval wizards used not magic, but their auras to fuel their spells. Here, you will do the same." A large curtain removes to show a beautiful valley, forests and clearings and a lake and river coming into view as well; and at the end sat Northern Lights Academy, the place where you would learn to use your aura to fight back against other nations and even terrorist cells. "Welcome, to Northern Lights."

Ryu stood at the end of the platform with the other second years who would be paired with a First year to help them adjust to their new lives in Northern Lights. He glanced to either side of him, noting that Jace, Kaerin, and Kevin had also been chosen. He'd arrived with all of them the previous year, but he didn't spend extensive time with them, especially Jace. The hot-headed Red and him didn't often get along. "Well guys, ready for another year?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sarah listened to the man that spoke about what was going on in the world, what happened in the past and this strange thing about wizards and their magic.
She knew she was special, and that the aura she had inherited was one in a thousand to obtain... But was she ready for this? Her parents always kept her a secret, like she never existed, and yet she had the urge to explore new things and walk in head on without even being aware of the dangers... Perhaps that was why she was kept a secret...

As she glanced at the scene that was behind the curtains, she hugged her stuffed bunny a bit tigther. She had heard that this was a place to train ourselves with our auras... But was she truelly worth carrying a black aura? As she looked at her sides, she glanced at the others who were standing next to her. They all seemed different, perhaps a bit dangerous even. Although somehow she was intrueged by them, wanted to know them and learn who they were and why they were that way!
She just hoped that for once she would be able to gain some friends... Instead of just having Mister Fluffy...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Exile0fErini
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Exile0fErini Shapeshifting Exile

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Ready as I'll ever be I guess." I reply to Ryu as our small group waits for the airship carrying the new first years to arrive. My hair was tied up in a pony-tail to keep it out of my eyes and my blue northern lights uniform dress adorning my slender frame. Looking around at the other second years here I roll my eyes at the red-clad hot-head Jace, nod a little to the oddly reliable and helpful yellow-clad Kevin and finally the protective green suited Ryu who's helped out most of the people in their year more than once against upper classmen that don't seem to take very kindly to new recruits.

At the end of the presentation with the announcement that we'd be learning to control our aura's and wield spells like medieval mages I nod and smile slightly. With the removing of the curtain so we could see out of the airship I move closer to the window. "Whoa! This is a totally awesome place to live. I guess there isn't any chance of there being a Boy Scouts troop here is there?" I ask from the awesome valley view to the formally dressed man that had been doing the presentation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kronshi
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Kronshi What Am I?

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Aye, but do you think any will be ready for me?" Jace said as he tugged on his uniform. "God, I can't wait to get out of this thing and back into my armor. It's so uncomfortable." He watched as the airship came into view and started to descend. Thinking about the boring ass speech from last year, Jace couldn't help but feel sorry for the students. The only thing interesting about that whole ride was the video and watching that girl's head get caved in. This year was even worse though, he had to stand here for god knows how long and just wait and then he had to keep a young nuts-for-brains first year in line. As well as keep the other Reds from seriously injuring one of them. This year is going to be just fucking perfect.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Glassbrain
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rivers watched the man speak attentively with a look on his face that showed a deep interest in his words. Rivers was however, not listening at all, his his headphones were blasting a Bjork CD from his walkman. He glanced around at all the people, taking most notice of the girl holding the bunny, some were already predators, while others were just prey. Sharks and minnows. He thought to himself. [i]Speaking of which, I'm starving! If Rivers had anything resembling a mental filter, he mightn't have asked what he did, but Rivers did not do the best in social situations. "Hey, that's great and all, really, but when is the food served!?" Rivers asked the blue-suited man obnoxiously, taking out his earphones to hear the answer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Karina had to sit throught the entire speech. Why? Well because it was required of her of course. The whole thing seemed pointless, even the video. Who cared where this originated? It was part of society now and that was all that mattered. They were going to be soldiers. Child soldiers at that. It's amazing what governments rationalize when new situations present themselves. That wouldn't bother Karina though, no. This only made things better. This meant she could avenge her family so much faster, and with these new powers she'd acquired it wouldn't be hard at all once she mastered them.

Finally the speech had ended, it had been long enough. Then there was the unveiling of the area. That was one thing Karina couldn't reject. It was definitely a nice view. What she found most odd so far? The girl with a stuffed bunny. Seriously? A stuffed bunny? This year would definitely be interesting. Karina couldn't wait to see what would happen next.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kevin stretched his arms as he waited "Welp I hate these uniforms." he said suddenly as he loosened the collar and yawned "good to see you all again. he said to the second years casually as he rolled his shoulders, he was very clearly uncomfortable in the uniform "so who did you all get assigned to?" he asked with a smile. as he waited for the first years he couldn't help but look at the others, personally he didn't know any of them. While he was pretty friendly with most people, there a few he never had a chance to meet. Oddly enough A few of them stood with him today waiting for the newbies.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ryu Cortez

Ryu shook his head, glancing Jace's way. The guy always seemed angry, even for a red. "Oh, cool your shit Jace. Knowing our luck, there won't be a red in this bunch and you and the other Red escorts will get off scot free." He looked at Kevin next. "Won't know until they touch down. That's how it was for us last year."

As everyone looks at the view and the forest, small flashes of various colored lights, red, green, yellow and blue being most common, light up certain areas as it can be figured out that those are other students training their powers. The man in the blue suit, the Academy's crest on his shoulder, a polar bear on a sea of multiple colors, all shaded to be bearable, chuckles. "No, we went to extensive lengths to keep the Boy Scouts away from the Academy, though a couple third year black auras are former members. As for food, you won't get it here. There is a mess hall you'll visit before the welcoming ceremony." He kept a keen eye on everything and realized that the previous year had no black aura users. He would have to confer with the Head Master for a solution.

"We will be landing in ten minutes. Feel free to socialize amongst each other. I have something to discuss with the Head Master before we arrive. Once more, welcome to your new home." Turning, he disappears through a door and closes it behind him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


As Sarah looked at the others, she noticed that they all stared at her for a mere moment before looking at the scene infront of them.
Was she that weard? Or did they disliked Mister Fluffy?
As the man continued and spoke about third year black aura users, she smiled for a moment. She wasn't the only one with a black aura it seemed! Although once he said they would land in ten minutes, her smile dissapeared. Would this place be the same as her home? A prison...

As the man said to socialize, Sarah immediatly looked around at the others. This was her chance to see if she could make any friends! It would be a joy to atleast find one friend between them...

She slowly made her way to the boy with headphones, perhaps he would be a good friend? Maybe he would like to meet her aswell? Who knew...
As she slowly got closer, she got a tighter grip on Mister Fluffy. He always was her friend, and she could share everything with him so she wasnt planning on letting him go even now!
As she reached the boy, she smiled a bit before talking to him.
"Hi... So your a first year aswell? What do you think about all this?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Glassbrain
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rivers seethed as his question was ansewered, "Who does that polynigmiod think he is? Making me wait, I'm hungry damnit!" Rivers thought to himself angrily whilst making the frowniest of frowny faces. He became more and more enraged as he thought about the situation until, that is, he was approached by Bunnygirl. His pouty lips twirled into a dimpled smile, exposhing shiny white teeth boldly, his eyes lighting up in joy as he was greeted.

Oh, yeah, it's great! I like your bunny by the way!", replied Rivers as he pointed to the button-eyed beast, the stormy vengeful destruction he was about to call forth unto this place completely forgotten, he stared excitedly at his new acquaintance, eager to make friends with someone new. "My name's Rivers, what's yours?", he asked intently.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


As she was greeted back, she smiled a bit. Her grip on Mister Fluffy loosened up aswell.
Perhaps she would indeed make friends!

"Oh, yeah, it's great! I like your bunny by the way! My name's Rivers, what's yours?
She glanced at the boy as he pointed at Mister Fluffy, and smiled as he said he liked him.
"My name is Sarah! And this is Mister Fluffy!

She smiled at Rivers as she introduced herself, as she introduced Mister Fluffy she moved him infront of her.
"Do... Do you want to hold him for a bit? He isn't that scary, unless you don't hug him. He gets mad if he doesn't get any hugs!"
She laughed a bit as she said that, she knew it wasnt true but just wanted to see what the boy would do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Exile0fErini
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Exile0fErini Shapeshifting Exile

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Franklin Emannuel Levin

"Awwwwe. And here I was hoping to get my eagle scout. Oh well, maybe there is a chance I can get into a troop for a bit after this but I also doubt that by the time I graduate that I'll have the time to get Eagle." I grumble to myself as I move away from the window and look back at the group of other new Northern Lights recruits and look around wondering about what our future would be like and figuring I should socialize a little but not sure who to approach first.

Kaerin Teidia

"It'll be worse if there are no reds in the new group and either too many of one color or a black aura. As for the uniforms I don't think anyone likes how they feel or fit." I say remaining more or less at ease in the uniform that is ever so slightly ill-fitting and made of an annoying fabric. "They shouldn't be too far out at this point though."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ryu Cortez

Ryu shrugs. "Well, I don't mind the uniforms. Course, to each their own right?" Before any of the others can answer, the airship comes into view, slowly descending to drop off their cargo. "Look alive ladies and gents, here come the newbies." It was a wait of several minutes, but eventually the ship landed and the man who'd been giving the speech ushered the first years off.

As the second years all watched the first years, Harold, the name of the speech giver, smiled. "Alright, here we are. Sarah, you will be in the care of Mister Cortez for the time being, as will you Franklin. Rivers, you will be with Kevin. Karina, you are with Jace. Kaerin, you will be assisting Mister Cortez with Sarah until we get something sorted out for her." He continued calling off names like this as each new arrival was paired up with someone. After about half an hour, a testament to how many times he'd done it, they were finished and dismissed.

Ryu, shooting a look at Kaerin, put his hand in the air. "OK, Sarah and Franklin, on me!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Exile0fErini
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Exile0fErini Shapeshifting Exile

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kaerin Teidia

I walk over to Ryu slightly confused about the odd grouping of two first years to a single second year and then having me assist Ryu. "I wonder why they're breaking their usual pattern of pairing. Unless Sarah is perhaps a black aura." I muse outloud more or less to myself as I wait for the first years to walk over.

Franklin E. Levin

I look around as I hear my name called once more and quickly notice a second year wearing a green uniform with his hand in the air that seemed to be the source. I soon head over and notice a female second year wearing a blue uniform join him and seemingly speak to him for a moment. "Ummm are you Cortez and and Kaerin?" I ask as I approach.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sarah Connor

Sarah looked from Rivers to the second years infront of them. Was she just placed under the care of two second years?
"Well... I'll see you around Rivers. Bye!"

As she said that to him, she grabbed Mister Fluffy tightly again and ran towards the second year she was assigned to.
As she got closer, she hugged Mister Fliffy tighter. How would they react to her?
As she heard one of them say something about her being a black aura, she freezed. She looked at them for a moment as she then glanced around and ran back to the ship.
An old feeling came back up as she heard those words, a feeling that made her feel horrible...
As she ran back inside the ship, she saw a spot to hide and immediatly dived underneath the table.
Tears slowly began to crawl up at the sides of her eyes as the memory came back.
Her parents hated her for having this aura, they even said so multiple times... And yet she loved them...
What if they would hate her to? For just having an aura she never asked for? But was born with?
As her thoughts began to race trough her mind, she hugged Mister Fluffy as tightly as possible as tears fell upon the head of the bunny.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Exile0fErini
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Exile0fErini Shapeshifting Exile

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kaerin Teidia

I spot a girl with a stuffed rabbit in her arms approaching before likely hearing my little blurb about Sarah potentially being a black aura and turning around and heading back to the airship. "Stay here I'll go get her." I say to Ryu and Franklin before dashing off to catch up with her. I slow to a walk when I arrive at the airship and enter it. "Hey I know you're in here. Please come out, we're not mean. Well some of the upper classmen are but you'll be in good hands with me and Ryu." I say as I look around and listen for any hints about where the girl might be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sarah Conner

As she heard footsteps coming towards her, she hold in her tears. She tried not to make a single sound so that they wouldn't find her.
Once she noticed the footsteps had stopped, she listened to the breathing. As she heard a female voice speaking towards her, she looked from underneath the table for a second. Did she trusted those words? Or was there more behind them?
The urge to find out if she spoke the trueth was stronger than the urge to stay hidden. As she slowly moved from underneath the table, she glanced at the girl.
The first thing that she noticed was her long blond hair that fell across her shoulders, as she slowly moved closer she tried to fake a smile but it didn't worked. Her face still looked more sad than happy.

"I... I am here... Although I... I still am afraid of you being mean... The urge to find it out if you spoke the trueth was stronger..."
As she stood right infront of the girl, she could feel her aura, the urge to try and claim a piece of it got stronger, but she held herself in. She wasn't going to test her abbilities just yet... Perhaps later on when she has to... But not now!
"I'll come with you... But so is Mister Fluffy! He won't be left behind!"
She smiled as she said that, although her eyes were still filled with tears. Somehow the memory was still in the back of her head, even though she now stood infront of the girl and was doing other things then thinking about the past.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Exile0fErini
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Exile0fErini Shapeshifting Exile

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kaerin Teidia

I smile and nod to Sarah. "I wouldn't dream of separating you and your cute bunny. And I'm assuming that by the way you ran in here you really are a black aura." I say looking her over and still smiling. "Black aura's are some of the strongest aura's in the academy and I think it's an honor to able to help train a first year black aura." I add sincerely and sweetly before stepping up beside the young girl and gently placing a hand on her shoulder, still smiling softly. "We can stay here for a little bit longer but the tour will be starting soon."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sarah Connor

Sarah looked at the girl for a moment, and nodded. She was ready to face what the academy had to offer... All the dangers, but mostly all the adventures!
"I wouldn't dream of separating you and your cute bunny. And I'm assuming that by the way you ran in here you really are a black aura. Black aura's are some of the strongest aura's in the academy and I think it's an honor to able to help train a first year black aura. We can stay here for a little bit longer but the tour will be starting soon."

Sarah stood silent for a moment, hugging Mister Fluffy a bit tightly. She knew she had to go outside the ship, so why wouldn't she just go outside now, face the adventures and smile it all away!
"Alright... I am ready!"
As she said that, she smiled at the girl and then walked outside back to the group she was assigned to. She was ready for this adventure, although she was still a bit scared. Luckly Mister Fluffy was with her!
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