By submitting a Character Sheet, be it Individual or a Nation, you hereby adhere to all of RPG Rules, as well as our own. Meaning if we ask you to do something, and you don't, that is grounds for us to remove you from the roleplay.
Family House Name: (Whatever your families surname is, that is their House name.)
Kingdom Location: (Where is your kingdom located?)
Crest: (Either present a picture of said family crest, or describe the symbols and colours that would be found on your House shield, or represented in banners)
Family Motto: (What is your family motto? I.e, In Victory, Comes Glory)
Relations with other Kingdoms: (Explain, or list your House relationships to the other kingdoms)
Family Reputation: (How is your House received in their kingdom? Are they notorious/infamous, or well-liked in other Kingdoms? Give us a two sentence explanation minimum.)
Main Export of Goods: (What does your Kingdom contribute to the market? Timber, ores (gold, iron, silver, copper, etc.) and minerals, wine, exotic fruits, textiles (i.e, silk, cotton, linen, wool etc.), cattle (cows, sheep, horses, etc.)
Description of Kingdom: (Describe your kingdom. Is it mountainous, does it have rivers, or harbors, or seaports? Any castles, strongholds, or keeps? How would your citizens react to outsiders? Does your Kingdom have any form of religion? Are the majority of your citizens educated? How does your kingdom obtain its food, and water? How do they handle sewage?)
Family Background: (Describe your House history. How did your family come to power?)
Claim to the Throne/House Motives: (What is your House's claim to the throne, meaning, why do they think they should be the next rulers over Formaroth? What are the motives of your House?)
Family Members
**List all Family Members in your House**
Name: (Include full name, any aliases, titles, or nicknames)
Age: (self-explanatory)
Gender: (self-explanatory)
Sexual Orientation: (To whom, is your character attracted to? Men, Women, Both, No one?)
Position: (What level of society do they belong in? Noble, Merchant, Lower/Peasant; any military rankings, or even job title)
Personality: (How would your character act amongst others, alone, frightened? Are they stubborn or open-minded? Easy going or spiteful? Do they have any phobias? What do they like/find comfort in?)
Appearance: (Describe how your character looks, from hair color, to what they wear. Do they appear to be scowling normally? A beard or tattoos? A written description is a must, a picture may be provided, but is not necessary {if a picture is provided, a written description is still needed. At least two paragraphs, tell us more than your characters hair and eye colour. Bear in mind if you provide a detailed picture then a detailed description is not needed.)
Skills: (What is your character good at i.e, hobbies (drawing, fencing, etc.) useful skills, (manipulation, cartography, economics, etc.), or military/magical prowess. If any magical skills, please list spells, and check with the GM to make sure spells are acceptable.
Weaknesses: (Every single character has a weakness whether you like to admit it or not. Is your character a drunkard? Are they prideful? Do they have any phobias? Everyone is human in this RP, and as nature corresponds, they will have weaknesses, 3 weaknesses minimum.)
Name: (Include full name, any aliases, titles, or nicknames)
Age: (self-explanatory)
Gender: (self-explanatory)
Sexual Orientation: (To whom is your character attracted to? Men, Women, Both, No one?)
Position: (What level of society do they belong in? Noble, Merchant, Lower/Peasant; any military rankings, or even job title)
Personality: (How would your character act amongst others, when they're alone, or frightened? Are they stubborn or open-minded? Easy going or spiteful? What do they like/find comfort in?)
Weaknesses: (Every single character has a weakness whether you like to admit it or not. Is your character a drunkard? Are they prideful? Do they have any phobias? Everyone is human in this RP, and as nature corresponds, they will have weaknesses, 3 weaknesses minimum.)
Appearance: (Describe how your character looks, from hair color, to what they wear. Do they appear to be scowling normally? A beard or tattoos? A written description is a must, a picture may be provided, but is not necessary {if a picture is provided, a written description is still needed. At least two paragraphs, tell us more than your characters hair and eye colour.)
Background: (A detailed and accurate history and upbringing of your character from childhood to now, with consideration of timeline events and what’s stated for lore. We’re trying to keep this accurate, and this section helps me determine your writing ability and dedication to wanting to be in this RP. As well, the more information you provide, the better you understand your character and play them better. If your character had a particular role or were special forces or something notable, please describe their time in that service and how they got in/ out of it. I don’t want to see something like ‘And Johnny was a Spectre’ tacked on as an afterthought. If you write a two short paragraph bio, it tells me you didn’t put any thought into it. If you think your character can hold up for a month and a half without a GM, it’s probably good enough. A simple rule of thumb; if something sounds ridiculous or far-fetched, it probably is. That said, don’t be afraid to be creative and take risks!)
Skills: (What is your character good at i.e, hobbies (drawing, fencing, archery etc.) useful skills, (manipulation, cartography, economics, etc.), or military/magical prowess. If any magical skills, please list spells, and check with the GM to make sure spells are acceptable.)
Description of Kingdom: Cawanor is a kingdom just south of central Formaroth. It has a Continental climate that is slightly colder in its southern regions. Cawanor is very mountainous with a large proportion of the kingdom (around 40%) being covered in mountains. Therefore the main form of industry within Cawanor is mining and smithing. The remaining area that isn’t mountains is mostly farmland. The farmland itself is of average fertility.
There is one settlement of importance within Cawanor, this being the port city of Cawaport. This city is located on the northern coast of Cawanor and is considered an average size for a city in Formaroth. The river Dagma runs through the centre of the city. Cawaport has a similar building design to renaissance Florence. The city has a great divide of wealth between the upper class, the middle class and the working class. The upper class tend to live in one collected area in Cawaport in large mansions. The middle class is the main populous within Cawaport and are made up of such profession as: craftsmen, blacksmiths, shop keepers, tanners, merchants, doctors, tailors, etc. The working class is less of a working class (with the majority of working class people such as miners and farmers living in the countryside of Cawanor) and more of an underclass. The underclass is compacted into one area of the city and lives in the slum known as Ratway. People who live here are mostly beggars or people who find the odd job in docks with loading and unloading ships. The city is surrounded by a stone wall which provides a decent amount of defence against minor attacks, but in the event of a major siege it would only provide a minimum amount of resistance.
Iredale Stronghold is located in the centre of Cawanor. It is where the De Reimer family, as well as their advisers, reside.
Family Background: The Kingdom of Cawanor has only been under the control of the De Reimer family for a short period of time (only around 10-20 years). Before that it was controlled by the Hieze family; a greedy and power hunger house that was on ill terms with the current King (Helyot Remonnet). The De Reimer family was a noble family that owned several mining systems within Cawanor. Eventually the wealth and power of the De Reimer family caught the attention of the Hieze family who became fearful of the De Reimer’s wealth and power. They decided to executed the head members of the House in the belief it would destroy the family that may oppose them in the future. However this was not the case. The De Reimer’s oldest son Patrick raised an army from those who were loyal to the De Reimer’s (which was far more than those who were loyal to the Hieze) and started a civil war which ultimately ended with the De Reimer’s becoming the new ruler of Cawanor and every member of the Hieze family with their head on a spike.
Due to the bad relations between the Hieze family and the king, Helyot Remonnet made the De Reimer family the official rulers of Cawanor and gave the family the honour of electing one of its members to the King’s council. Duncan De Reimer was sent to fulfil this role.
Reason of claim to the throne and family motives: Lord Duncan De Reimer was named the Kings Head adviser and is currently the acting ruler of the kingdoms. Therefore the authority of being King carries over to him.
It is known that the De Reimer Family’s motives are purely the advancement and progression of their own family’s power and legacy. Though they are not known to be unnecessarily cruel or ruthless, it is believed that they would go to great extents to achieve these aims.
Name: Duncan De Reimer (will be referred to as Alasdair De Reimer going into part 2) Age: 28 Gender: Male Position: Joint Second in command of the De Reimer family/Head adviser/High King of Formaroth Personality: Those who know Duncan claim he has two different persona's: The one he shows to the world and his true personality. When in public Duncan acts in a very formal and polite manner winning over both nobles and common men alike. He is often viewed by others as being a charming man who's confidence always makes you think he is three steps ahead of you.
His true personality is far more calm and laidback, often making witty and sarcastic remarks to the person he is conversing with. However Duncan will only act this way with people he trusts and considering that he is slow to trust anyone, there are very few people who are familiar with his true personality.
Duncan is also very ambitious and eager to secure power for his family. To this end he is more than willing to manipulate others and scheme behind their back. In the end Duncan's primary motivation is the good of House De Reimer and as a result he is fiercely loyal to his family. Because of this Duncan is easily enraged when someone insults his family's name. Though his true loyalty is to his family, Duncan does generally care about the people under his rule and tries his best to help the people of Nyhem.
Though Duncan is just as able as his siblings to make brutal and even ruthless discussion to the benefit of his family, he is somewhat more remorsefully about it. Unlike his siblings Duncan will try to find other alternatives to immoral actions, though not at the expense of his families benefit. He is not unnecessarily cruel and takes no delight in the pain or suffering of the innocent. However when faced with a enemy whom he believes has wronged either him or house De Reimer Duncan can be extremely brutal and even somewhat sadistic in his treatment of them, though this has happened on very few occasions.
Before the event of the Remmonnet-Manshrew civil war Duncan was considered to be more kind and idealistic, however due to unknown events Duncan has grown colder over the years.
After the death of his close friend and brief lover Aurelia Vyncetta Duncan has become less trusting of people he does not know.
Physically frail: Duncan is weaker in strength than most other people. May believe this to be linked with his sickly childhood and as a result he never got a chance to strengthen his muscles. Duncan's physical weakness can be easily exploited in a fight (or other situations).
Can be easily angered: Like his siblings Duncan can be easily angered when his family name is insulted. Though he can keep his temper well hidden it can still cause him to act rash.
Untrustworthy: Due to his reputation as the snake a fair number of people label Duncan as untrustworthy. His cunning and sly nature does not help him to get rid of this label.
Slow to trust: Ever since the Manshrew-Remonnet civil war Duncan has been slow to trust people.
Poor Military leader: Duncan skills at military leadership are laughable to say the least. When it comes to leading an army Duncan has very little idea about what commands to give.
Alcoholic: Though far from a heavy alcoholic, since he became king Duncan has certainly started to drink more than he used to. As of yet it has not started to effect his duties as King, but the quantity of which he drinks is increasing noticeably.
Appearance: Tall, shoulder length dark brown hair, skinny, pale skinned, Short well trimmed beard Picture of De Reimer siblings: Skills: Master negotiator, Master politician, Master manipulator, Expert Ruler, Adept strategist, Adept economist, Aprentice swordsman Background: After the De Reimer family won the civil war, Duncan De Reimer served under King Helyot Remonnet within the King’s Council. He served as the master of law for two years before King Helyot Remonnet was killed during the war against House Manshrew. Once King John Remonnet was made king, Duncan managed to use his skills in cunning and manipulation to become the head advisor of the King. Once King Remonnet passed away Duncan, being the head advisor, became the default ruler of Formaroth. He currently resides in Nyhem. The common people have given the De Reimer siblings nick-names based of their reputation, Duncan's being 'The Snake'.
Duncan currently has a small force of around a 100 Cawanor soldiers guarding him at Nyhem. They are led by general Alenius. Alenius was originally a Nyhem street urchin whom was taken in by Duncan and trained as a military commander. She is extremely loyal to Duncan for saving her from a life of poverty.
Name: Patrick De Reimer Age: 32 Gender: Male Position: Head of House De Reimer Personality: Loyal to family, Pragmatic, Straight to the point, Formal, Assertive, Occasionally ruthless, Intimidating Appearance: Broad, Short dark brown hair, roundish face, short trimmed beard Skills: Master ruler, Master strategist, Master intimidator, Expert politician, Expert economist, Expert swordsman, Adept Negotiator Background: Once the De Reimer family won the civil war Patrick De Reimer was made the new ruler of Cawanor. Patrick rules the kingdom in a pragmatic way and people view him as a firm but fair ruler. Patrick himself has gained a very big reputation within Formaroth and people know better than to stand in the way of his ambitions. It is rare for Patrick to leave the Iredale Stronghold and even rarer for him to leave Cawanor. Patrick's Nickname is 'The Lion'.
Patrick is constantly guarded by his bodyguard Evennis, the ex-champion of the Nyhem arena who fights with two short swords.
Name: Isabel Age: 24 Gender: Female Position: Financial manager of Cawanor/ Joint second in command of Cawanor Personality: Loyal to family, Spoiled, Cunning, Mean-spirited, Jealous, Formal in public Appearance: Back length dark brown hair, Tall, sharp eyebrows, rounded face. Skills: Master economist, Master trader, Master manipulator, Expert ruler, Adept politician, Apprentice swordsman Background: Due to being wealthy and powerful for the entirety of her life Isabel is naturally spoiled and selfish. Her mean-spirted attitude means that she doesn’t get along with many people, and the only people who she is believed to be friendly towards are her family, and her bodyguard Ulf. Isabel is also an incredibly jealous woman and will often take extreme measures of vengeance on those she believes has insulted her. Though usually, the insult is minor to say the least. Despites these traits Isabel is incredibly loyal to the De Reimer family and also has extensive knowledge on finances and the economy. Isabel has had a major role in making the De Reimer family as wealthy as it currently is. Isabel's nickname is 'The magpie'.
Isabel is constantly guarded by her personal Bodyguard Ulf. Ulf is a sadistic and brutal man who takes great pleasure in the pain of others. His only loyal appears to be to the members of the De Reimer family.
Name: Lord Oliver De Reimer
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Position: High Lord of Cawanor, Cousin to the head De Reimer family and Head of the Branch family
Personality: Confident, Intelligent, Loyal to family (though not as zealot as the head family), pragmatic, friendly
Appearance: Exceedingly tall, thin, Short brown hair, green eyes, Large well kept beard
Background: Oliver was the eldest child of the branch family of House De Reimer. After his parents were killed by house Hieze he joined the Cawanor civil war and fought alongside Patrick against the forces of House Hieze. After the war was won and House De Reimer were the new rulers of Cawanor, Oliver was made head of the De Reimers mining industry as well as the various other infrastructures that the De Reimer family had gained from house Hieze. As a result he is a commonly associated with Isabel De Reimer and alongside her has helped immeasurably in increasing the De Reimer families wealth. Shortly after the war he married Lady Eleanor, second eldest child to house Talbert. A year after they married Lady Eleanor bore Oliver a son whom they named Godfrey De Reimer.
Position: Governor of Cawaport, Cousin to the head family
Personality: Kind, lively, Loyal to family (though not a zealot as the head family), political minded, Ambitious
Appearance: Long brown hair, green eyes, thin, pale skin
Background: Like her brother, Rosita helped the De Reimer family during the war. Once the war passed Rosita was made the new Governor of the city Cawaport and oversees and manages the various on-goings that happen within the busy city alongside her cousin Patrick. Rosita is also the default head of Cawanor whenever Lord Patrick De Reimer is absent.
Name: Alice Budwin Age: 35 Sexual Orentation: Homosexual Gender: Female Position: High Magister Personality: Dangerously Curious, Ambitious, Intelligent, Strange, Considered mad by some Appearance: Long light brown hair Skills: Master Archaist, Master summoner, Master researcher, Expert user in destruction magic, Adept user in Illusion, Novice user in Transmutation, (rumoured to be skilled in the use of Necromancy though it is unclear whether this is true or not. Background: Alice was originally the young daughter of a farmer, but once she discovered her talent in magic she was sent by her family to the mages collage in the summer isles. There she excelled under the schools of research and destruction. Her skills eventually got her promoted to the level of High Magister. Alice was infamous in her interest in areas of magic that were considered to be forbidden.
Name: Alex Nacsel Age: 45 Gender: Male Position: Military commander/ Military Strategist Personality: Formal, Militaristic, Loyal to De Reimer family, Honourable Appearance: Broad, Muscular, Short blond hair Skills: Master Strategist, Master military leader, Master swordsman, Adept naval commander Background: Alex Nacsel originally served under the Hieze family when they were in power as their Military commander and strategist. However during the civil war he took the De Reimer side believing them to be better rulers than the Hieze family. He is known to have a close friendship with Helen Bludvist.
Name: Helen Bludvist Age: 43 Gender: Female Position: Admiral/Military strategist Personality: Formal, Militaristic, Loyal to De Reimer family, Honourable Appearance: Tall, Broad, Short black hair, Skills: Master Naval commander, Master Axeman, Expert Military leader, Adept military leader Background: Helen Bludvist originally served under the Hieze family when they were in power as their naval commander and strategist. However during the civil war she took the De Reimer side believing them to be better rulers than the Hieze family. She is known to have a close friendship with Alex Nacsel.
Family House Family Name: House of Manshrew Kingdom Location: Uzgob Desert Crest: Orange background with a black bear Family Motto: Sometimes the smallest can be the strongest Relations with other Kingdoms: Unsure Family Reputation: Popular, Trustworthy, Wealthy and Respectful Kingdom’s main export and goods: Exotic fruits and animals Description of Kingdom: The Uzgob is the most North kingdoms in the land. It is also considered to have one of the hottest climates and to have the most barren land. However through the exotic fruits and trading with other kingdoms Uzgob has become one of the most prosperous kingdoms despite its location. Uzgob has a natural border of a mountain range which appeared due to a giant earthquake which happened thousands of years ago; this has proved useful when invading armies are concerned. However due to the state of the land many invading armies either ignore Uzgob or usually turn back due to the little food resources. Then further north there is River Gonzo which also acts as a natural border for the dead lands. The biggest settlement of Uzgob is the city of Andromeda. Andromeda is located in the very centre of the Uzgob Desert. Its very existence was due to the founders of the city discovering a giant underground lake they later called Eden and through this the city grew. The building structures of Andromeda are designed to be similar to Damascus during the crusades. There is a little difference between the classes due to the fact that the people have to get along to survive the desert so the classes are treated equally. The Manshrew family live in the central castle in the very centre of the city. The middle and low class live equally in city which surrounds the castle. A coliseum lies within the city as well as there where they hold non-lethal gladiator battles and sport related games in which everyone even the Manshrew family even attend. The city is then surrounded by a wall which protects it from armies. The middle class is made up of inn keepers, shop keepers, merchants, doctors and politicians. The lower class have also have merchants, shop keepers and a few politicians. Other professions are craftsman, blacksmith and gladiators and sportsmen. Fort Scarab is located at the point where the River Gonzo meets the sea it’s heavily fortified and holds the majority of the kingdoms navy. The fort is large enough to hold all the sailors for the ships. Family Background: Uzgob has been under the control of the Manshrew family for one hundred years. The Manshrew family came into power through being chosen as the next family to come into power as the previous house had no living heirs. Over the last fifty years there was a troubled relation between the Manshrew’s and the Remonnet’s this was mostly due to Helyot Remonnet’s paranoia towards the family. Eventually war broke out between the families due to Helyot’s assassination of last lord of the family Rhys Manshrew. His brother Andrew quickly rose to power and led the Manshrew’s to victory and killed King Helyot Remonnet himself on the battlefield. News about the Manshrew’s victory spread across the land increasing the popularity of the family. Relations between the Manshrew’s and the Remonnet’s were restored with the new king John. John made a debt to Andrew promising him that he would repay Andrew for the loss which the Manshrew’s suffered. Due to the Manshrew’s popularity the family has become a popular choice of an ally with many of the houses however with any families which were loyal to Helyot the Manshrew’s have become a targeted but the family is very well protected. Reason of claim to the throne: The Manshrew’s believe that it is time to collect their debt by making Andrew the new King. Even though Andrew is content with Uzgob he willing to pursue this debt. Andrew’s aims are that if he can become king that he hopes to unite the kingdoms even though this will be very hard.
Family Members Lord Andrew Manshrew Age: 35 Gender: Male Position: Head of House Manshrew Personality: Protective of family, ambitious, thoughtful of subjects, honourable, respective of culture Appearance: Medium height, short dark brown hair, slightly muscular, tan skinned Skills: Expert Negotiator, Master Politician, Master Ruler, Expert Swordsman, Master Tactician, Master Strategist, Expert Economist Weaknesses: Andrew won't change his mind once its set towards a goal only Diana, Alun and George can change his mind. Andrew is too trusting it doesn't take too much to earn his trust. Andrew is too idealistic his dream for Formaroth may in they way of better judgment. Andrew's code of honour may get in the way of victory. Background: After his older brother Rhys Manshrew was assassinated by order of King Helyot Remonnet Andrew quickly rose to power. To prove himself as a capable leader to his fellow politicians Andrew spent three days in the Uzgob Desert alone with barely any food and water to survive, many thought that Andrew would not survive but on the eve of the third day Andrew returned, till this day Andrew has told no one how he survived. Once he was established as the Lord of House Manshrew Andrew declared war on the House of Remonnet. Eventually the war between the houses led to Helyot leading his army into the Uzgob Desert to confront Andrew this wasn’t the best idea. Using new war tactics, Andrew waited for the army to be weak of starvation and thirst and then finally defeated the army with his own and killed King Helyot in single combat. After the war was over Andrew focused of improving his own kingdom until one day he was invited the new King John. Andrew accepted even though he did not know what to expect out of this new King. Fortunately Andrew and the King had something common and got on well. Before departing to his Kingdom Andrew was told by John that his family would be repaid after what they had been through. Andrew’s forces consist of his land army which he leads alongside with his military and political advisor Alun DeGrande and then his navy which is lead by friend George LeWest. Andrew also commands his own personal guard which are trained and sworn to protect the Manshrew family.
Lady Diana Manshrew Age: 34 Gender: Female Position: Lady of House Manshrew Personality: Loving towards family, respectful of Andrew’s ambitions, formal Appearance: medium height, long red hair, beautiful, elegant dresses Skills: Expert ruler, Expert politician, Expert economist, Expert negotiator Background: Diana came from another political family in Andromeda. Once she reached 18 years old many political family members were asking for her hand in marriage. For an entire year she turned down every man. By that time the yearly masquerade ball was around, her parents forced her to go so she could find a suitor. After a few hours Diana was approached by a mysterious boy she didn’t know why but she had a quick fondness for him near the end the ball the couple retreated somewhere private where the boy revealed himself as Andrew of House Manshrew. After a few more secret meetings Andrew asked for Diana’s hand and she accepted. Andrew and Diana have been happy since but after the war with House Remonnet they have been trying to produce an heir but so far they haven’t had any luck but they still try. However when she is not helping Andrew run the kingdom, she takes care of Rhys’ three daughters.
Lucy Manshrew Age: 16 Gender: Female Position: Heir to House Manshrew Personality: Cunning, Driven, Loyal to family Appearance: Small, Blonde hair Skills: Adept ruler, Expert tactician, Adept politician, Adept Negotiator Background: As the current heir of the House of Manshrew, Lucy is learning to become the ruler of Uzgob. Even though she is being currently being taught best the best teachers in the country she prefers the company of her uncle and is always eager to listen to his stories.
Elizabeth Manshrew Age: 14 Gender: Female Position: Second in Line to House Manshrew Personality: Militaristic, strong, Loyal to family Appearance: Short dark hair, scar on left cheek Skills: Expert Swordsman, Adept Tactician, Adept strategist Background: Elizabeth started sword training when she was young she has taught by her uncle but her main teacher is Alun DeGrande who is her main role model. She always pushes herself to the limit to improve her skills. Alun believes that one day she may surpass his and her uncle’s swords and may become the best swordsman in the country.
Mary Manshrew Age: 11 Gender: Female Position: Third in Line to House Manshrew Personality: Friendly, adventurous, loyal to family Appearance: Long blonde hair, skinny Skills: Adept Naval Commander, Apprentice Tactician Background: Being the youngest member of the Family of Manshrew, Mary is not expected to take on any responsibilities at this time. She spends time with Naval Commander George LeWest. When she was young she has always dreamed of sailing and exploring the world. At the current time she is learning from George on Naval tactics. If she continues she may become one of the first female naval captains in the country.
Alun DeGrande Age: 33 Gender: Male Position: Political/Military advisor of House Manshrew Personality: Friends with Andrew, open, Appearance: Medium height, short dark hair, chin beard Skills: Master Tactician, Master Strategist, Expert Swordsman, Master Negotiator Background: Alun met Andrew when they were very young. In a short time they became best friends. As time passed and Andrew came into power Andrew appointed Alun as Political and Military advisor. This became a wise choice as together they were able to outwit the Remonnet army which ultimately led to their defeat. Andrew and Alun work together constantly to perfect their battle plans.
George LeWest Age: 36 Gender: Male Position: Naval Captain of House Manshrew Personality: friends of Andrew, adventurous Appearance: tall, medium dark hair, short dark beard Skills: Master Naval Commander, Master Tactician Background: George and Andrew met in their early teens. Andrew soon realised Georges love for the navy and his skills as a naval captain. When the war between the Manshrew’s and the Remonnet’s began, Andrew sought George’s expertise in the navy and offered him a place as the captain of the navy. This became invaluable when the Remonnet navy began a surprise attack on Fort Scarab. Through George’s leadership the navy was able to counterattack and were able to cripple the Remonnet navy which some believed had shorten the war by two years. After the war the people of Uzgob saw how important the navy was considering that the majority of the country is desert.
“Magick is a great tool, one that can wield great destruction, or one that can be used for the greater good”
Basic Information
Name: Aurelia Vyncetta
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Origin: Ug’Parth, Raeldar
Class: Mage
Occupation: High Magister
Affiliations: - Mages within the Mage’s Circle, in good standing relations with the professors at the Circle. - Lanaya Triskell Dionysa, a personal friend that she has none since being brought to the Circle. - Residents within Miserth Keep - Ellice Vyncetta, Aurelia’s mother. - Pithius Vyncetta, Aurelia’s father.
Aurelia Vyncetta is a woman that appears stern, for she rarely smiles, and her green-gold eyes pierce everything and everyone she gazes. With long, black lashes, and thickly arched brows to match, some would say she is quite exotic in appearance, almost alluding to more feline features. Some would go as far to say that she does not hail from Raeldar at all, although she has the pallid complexion of the mountain folk, as well as the impressive height commonly found amongst the women, for she stands at 5’9.
She prefers to wear little to no jewelry, save for special occasions, but on normal days, one can find a ring on her finger, and a necklace about her throat. When it comes to clothing, her status at the court allows her to wear finer materials for her dresses, although she chooses to forgo the popular patterns of the day. Her nose is long, and sloping, whereas her mouth is small, but coral in color, with plump lips.
Her hair is perhaps her most notable feature, for it is long, reaching to the small of her back, and black as a raven’s wing. Depending on the occasion, and the weather, Aurelia prefers to keep her hair out of her face, and so, she chooses to braid her hair in complex plaits. Only when she is relaxing will she wear it free.
Born in Raeldar, high up in the mountains, in the village of Ug’Parth, Aurelia Vyncetta, grew up in secrecy. Her parents knew she was stranger than most children, especially when bowls and plates would levitate around her, making the baby Aurelia laugh with delight. Her parents grew frightful of their daughter as she grew older with time as they began locking her in the cellar of their home, as a way to restrict her powers. They knew she had been touched with magic, but they desperately wanted Aurelia to be a normal girl. She was their only child, and none of their forefathers and foremothers wielded magick, making her a first in their family; or at least to their knowledge. The villagers in Raeldar were suspicious of those that controlled magick, and felt that those who bore the skill were cursed beings. While her parents were devoted believers to the Church of Klebrithy, many of the villagers in Ug’Parth still shared the ancient phobia of magick, though they knew nothing of their daughter being touched with magick. Her mother, Ellice, and her father, Pithius, deterred curious members of Ug’Parth from visiting their cottage, by telling them that Aurelia was sick. This prevented them from visiting the Vyncetta’s, although, they always asked after their daughter.
It wasn't until Aurelia turned 8, that the mages from the Summer Isles came to pay them a visit. Her parents cried mournfully at the thought of the mages coming to take their beloved daughter away, even though they felt cursed for her being born with magick. While they protested to the mages to let them keep her, they convinced Ellice, and Pithius to give her up, ensuring that it would be for the best in the end. Aurelia had already grown tall for her age, and had a strange, unseemly, and almost an unnatural air of maturity about her. She spoke proper sentences despite the lack of teaching from her parent’s, and had read all of her father’s books on the teachings of Klebrithy.
The mages sat with Aurelia for hours, spending three days total at her home, they had come with small tests that would prove her innate magical ability. With much luck, Aurelia passed all five tests with flying colors. One test had her conjure a ball of light, one made of water, and one of fire. They found she could also levitate items around her, but not out of arms reach. Not only did she prove to be proficient, but they were astounded by how Aurelia was able to proceed with her magickal abilities while she was caged inside the cellar like an animal, despite Ellice and Pithius trying to prevent her powers from developing.
Nevertheless, the mages took Aurelia from her parents after paying them a hefty sum to see their daughter off to the isles. Her last memory of seeing her parents was as the carriage drew away from the reclusive cottage that was her home, her parents waving goodbye with heartfelt tears in their eyes. Travelling to the Summer Isles proved an exciting adventure for Aurelia, as the mages kept her busy with simple, magickal tasks, all-the-while keeping notes on her progress. They were delighted to have such a scholar as young as she, coming to stay at the isles. There was much they could teach her, pre-determining her to be one of their brightest pupils.
Upon arrival, Aurelia found she liked the isles very much. The isle itself was different from her mountainous, village home. Here at the School of Mages, where they taught all who could wield the power, became Aurelia’s home for the next several years. Within the school, she learned to master her magickal abilities, and quickly rose to the top of her class by the age of thirteen. Her fellow classmates considered her to be a very studious Mage, with little time for amusements, or for any of them, as she began to receive private tutoring.
In truth, Aurelia had grown up feeling lonely, and unable to find a friend. Such loneliness proved hard for her to relate to any of the other mages, who had come to the isles at an older age. Left in the dank, musty cellars of her home, Aurelia remembered the first time the magick had acknowledged her thoughts. She was only 4 years of age, when Aurelia had conjured a bright ball of light. She had wanted so badly to see, and at first, the bright light blinded her, causing the light to dim as she shielded her eyes. Peeking from behind her fingers she could see the ball of light begin to twirl and bounce about the room, causing her to giggle. Those nights, alone in the cellar, made her appreciate her talents as a Mage now because without them, she would have never acquired the discipline to live alone, and to live with herself as who she was today.
At the school, Aurelia could focus solely on honing her skills, pouring endless hours into any, and all spell tomes she could find in the school’s vast library. Her closest friends were the instructors there, as they offered better insight on how to control the flow of magic, by tapping into her surrounding energy field to strengthen her spells. At the time she could only cast a spell for as long as her body would allow. Over time, with guided meditation, Aurelia could endure longer spells, but found herself sleeping for days after casting them. She excelled in the four major principles of magick, being Illusion, Alteration, Destruction, Restoration; the other two classes Summoning and Shapeshifting were of no particular interest to her so she never took much time to learn the spell tomes other than the required tomes for class.
Alteration and Illusion were her strong points, she especially enjoyed the light works of magick, being able to conjure giant orbs of coloured light, or shrouding herself in shadows, just by altering the light particles. She practiced Face Change, which allowed her to change her face, or at least what others saw. She could hold the spell for hours, but a whole day would leave her feeling exhausted.
Once after accidentally setting a classmate on fire, her instructors encouraged her to master the destruction, and restoration spells. Just in case it happened again. She could conjure a ball of flame and grow it in size, or turn it into a spout of fire. That technique proved must useful in constructing a fire wall. Aurelia experimented on herself on how to cast restoration spells, for example, she would burn herself with a burst of fire on her forearms, and then heal the wounds. She even went as far as to cut her biceps or outer thigh, and heal those wounds as well. She stopped at nothing to learn all that she could. To her, magick was all that she had known, and all that she could do; without it, she was no one. Even while she attended the school, Aurelia learned archery, and swordsmanship in her spare time, to help clear her mind when she was experiencing a hard time conquering a particular spell. She began lessons in how to fight with staves as well, determined never to be unable to defend herself in a physical or magickal match.
In the following years, Aurelia took it into her own hands to make the decision to leave the college for once. The headmaster wrote a letter of consideration to the King, advising that he take on their brightest pupil. At the time, Heylot ruled over Formaroth, and while Aurelia was utterly terrified to live under the same roof as the Mad King, the pay, and the status proved worthwhile. Even though the Great Civil War of Formaroth raged on around her, she was able to aid in Heylot’s reign by providing assistance to him when it came to matters of magick. Aurelia moved to Miserth Keep in Nyhem the following autumn, where Heylot assigned her a tower in the west wing, one that loomed high above a luxuriant courtyard, allowing her to watch the setting sun, and track the moon and stars.
Her first years in the Keep were hard for her to adjust to, as she was not used to castle life. So many servants rushing about, attending banquets, galas, feasts, and festivals of the like; it proved to be a cumbersome distraction for her studies, and research. She found the meetings that occurred between the high council members, the king and her, often went nowhere and frustrated her greatly. The talks mainly consisted of soliciting Heylot’s help for projects across the countryside instead of solving the inner-city problems; such as feeding the poor, improving civilian health, or fix the amount of gold squandered away. During this time, she became well acquainted with a Duncan De Reimer, the king's head adviser. He seemed to be a most polite nobleman, but she perceived him to be a bit far too ambitious, but then again; who was she to compare? Oftentimes, Duncan and her would hold conversations after said meetings; sharing advice on magickal improvements, about what new spell she had discovered, or ways to promote magickal education for the common people; even to go so much as discussing in private the ill-effects of Heylot’s tyranny. Times were different now, and while the mages were looked upon as a secretive group of people, some people still needed to be told that it was against the law to set a mage on fire for practicing magick.
After Heylot’s fortunate death, his successor to the throne was none other than his own brother, John. Aurelia took a liking to John, and Ruth immediately, though she was mortified when Ruth suspiciously passed away. There was no known cause, as she was of good health. John proved to be a fair, and just ruler, one that Aurelia was proud to serve under. He often called on her to assistance in problems consisting of magick, as Heylot had before. While John mourned the death of Ruth, he did his best to restore power to Nyhem after the war. He began reducing the debt that Heylot incurred through his raucous spending habits, starting the long journey to paying off the debts to the Bank of Nyhem.
As of recent, with the King's death, one that Aurelia found to be very suspicious, just like the Queen, who died in very mysterious circumstances only three years’ prior; the entire kingdom of Formaroth had ascended into a frenzy with the seat of power up for grabs, tongues were wagging, and gossip flourished like a fresh spring rain. All the people of Nyhem could talk of, was who would succeed John? He had no heirs to succeed him, and now, the seat of power could be claimed by anyone. Aurelia could only shake her head in disbelief that a chair, could drive people into madness, while none seemed to care much for the King himself. The funeral hadn't even occured yet, and people were already forgetting about their dead king.
Skills and Talents
Illusion – Master {Having spent 13 years at the Mage’s Circle, Aurelia had plenty of time to learn spells of Illusion. She can effectively change her face with the aid of magick, conjure orbs of light, obscure herself in shadows, throw her voice (make it sound as if she were speaking from somewhere else), etc.}
Alteration – Master {With such scholarly time spent studying the laws of magick, much like Illusion, Aurelia can alter the world around her, such as levitation (the items of object must be in the room as her, within a three feet radius), Telekinesis (this hard to do, as she must perform this on a willing, or an unsuspecting person.), Detect Life (she can sense the presence of other living beings, though not the undead, within a fifty-foot radius), Water-Breathing (She must enact the spell before being underwater.) Alter Memory (This is used to erase, or implicate memories into a person’s mind.) }
Destruction – Master {Aurelia is highly proficient in the art of Destruction magick, and specializes in the following spells; Fire (Orbs, Balls, Bolts, and Walls), Ice (Freeze, Balls, and Ice Spikes.), Lightning (Runes, Balls, and Spouts.) }
Restoration – Master {After testing much of her restoration skills on herself, Aurelia can do all of the following; Mend Wounds, Heal Fractured Bones, Stop Bleeding, Repair Muscle Damage, Remove Curse (this is primarily used if one of the Three Corrupt Divines have been invoked, to cause harm against someone) }
Archery – Adept {Practiced in her spare time, Aurelia finds the sport relaxing, as it demands all of her attention, forcing her to forget all of her other troubles. She can shoot a straight arrow, though the greater the distance, the more likely she is to miss. She has a longbow, and quiver set stashed inside her armoire.}
Swordsman – Adept {While at the Summer Isles, Aurelia also found time to practice the art of wielding a sword properly. She prefers short swords over longswords, and can hold her ground against a matched opponent, though she is not the best by any means.
Astronomy –Novice {This was a hobby she also formed in her time at the Isles, and took to studying the movement of the storms. She believes she has discovered a repetitive pattern in the constellations, but has yet to figure out what it means. She is content with star-gazing.}
Summoning – Novice {While Aurelia can summon orbs of light, she can also summon animals to her aid, though that is far as her skill reaches. She refuses to summon anything other-worldly, for fearing of over-exhausting herself, which could lead to imminent death.}
Shapeshifting – Novice {This could fall under Illusion, but Aurelia can disguise herself as two animals, a black cat, or a raven. Her shape-shifting abilities, other than this, fall short.}
Character Weaknesses
Impious - While most citizens of Formaroth believe in the teachings of Klebrithy, Aurelia finds it odd, that people worship deities that cannot be seen, or touched. For this, she lacks faith, and brushes off any beliefs others may have; for example, if a faithful person offers up their prayers for her, Aurelia will mentally disregard their words, and offer only a smile, and nod of her head in return. One could say that she possesses an aethist point-of-view on the idea of deities controlling their lives. She does not attend any churches, or temples, and would rather avoid them. She also finds religious folk to be rather annoying, especially if they wantonly display their beliefs in a conversation where it is not warranted.
Over-ambitious - From an early age, Aurelia has sought to prove herself, even if it was not directed towards others, meaning for the benefit of her parents, or professors. All of her hard-work is for herself, and strives to be the best, that is why she chose to master what magic she could being at the Mage’s Circle, instead of making friends. She can be full of zeal when it comes to her work, and pushes to meet every deadline set before her, even finishing her tasks ahead of time. Success is very important to her, as she is afraid of leaving no legacy behind where none would remember her, or who she is.
Prideful - Walking hand-in-hand with her over-ambitious attitude, Aurelia is very prideful. She will shirk help from others when they ask, so that she may revel in the fact that she completed her task by herself. It is very hard for her to ask for help from anyone she does not like or trust, and even then it is harder still for her to ask for help. She relishes in the emotions that come from doing things on her own, that is why she is self-taught in most of her skills, for she is the only one that pushed herself hard enough to open up her spell tomes and learn all that she could. Aurelia does not like being seen as weak, and will do everything she can to avoid circumstances that would make her appear that way in front of others.
Solemn - Considering all other of Aurelia’s weaknesses, and flaws, she is solemn in her normal day-to-day routine, she is quite reserved, making others believe that is she serious, and sometimes more than for her own good. Due to her solemn nature, Aurelia is rather observant, and when she opens her mouth to speak, her words are often somber or reflective in origin. Most people find her solemn nature to be unnerving, as it seems that she never smiles, or has a good heart-felt laugh.
Rigorous - After living in the keep for several years, Aurelia has become accustomed to castle life, or at least to how nobles present themselves. In her position of power on the High Council, she goes to great lengths to ascertain that she does not look like a fool. She is very eloquent in her mannerisms, and strives to appear proper. Even in her speech, and choice of words, she has read numerous scrolls, books, tomes over a variety of things, and she sounds very formal in of itself when she addresses anyone. Castle life has made her step up her game, especially under the watchful eye of Evelyn Tuania, and King Heylot; she didn’t want to seem out of place, and strove to fit in amongst them (not that she wanted too, but under his reign, she feared him too much to displease him in any way; so it is more of a defense mechanism).
Atelophobia {Fear of not being good enough, or imperfection} - This is something that Aurelia strives to overcome. Being born in a remote mountain village in Raeldar, she worries that if anyone ever discovers her origins, they will tease, and torment her relentlessly for being born a mountain hill-billy, or other insult for uneducated people. This is the sole reason why she strives so hard at her work, as she fears that she is not good enough or never will be.
Philophobia {Fear of Love} - Early on, lover’s quarrels, the idea of marriage (especially bethrothal), falling in love, or domestic abuse from a lover, has kept Aurelia from falling in love with anyone. She prefers to lead a solitary life, as she has seen from an early age from the way her parents would argue over her, how love cannot be so lovely after all. She does not believe in soul mates, or the purpose of finding a suitor. Even more so, the fear of rape, and bearing a child is prominent as well in her mind. She adheres from all forms of physical, and verbal affection as much as possible. Her focus is on herself, and bettering herself, to be a well-respected woman in all aspects. She has no problem with the thought of dying alone, as at least she would not have the chance to have her heart broken by anyone.
Position: Lieutenant at arms, Captain of the "Steel fist" mercenary group.
Personality: Brash and a bit boastful, he drives his men hard but not too much. He is known as a tough leader but fair. When he can he tries to fix up some extra bonuses for his men, and at times even pay from his own pockets.
Appearance: Claus Rotstein is rather tall, with a rough slightly bearded face with several minor scars and a large scar running across his nose from his right side eyebrow to the left side of his jaw. Dark hair and dull blue eyes. He wears a very nice tailored suit of plate armour made by an artisan serving house Blackwater with a lot of subtle, yet beautiful decor. The cuirass has his companies icon painted on it, the clenched white fist atop a black background. He carries a flamberge greatsword and a mace, he has a decorated battle horn and a decorated misericord dagger.
Background: His family was burghers of minor renown whom tended a region of farms for the lord of Scassia. Claus was the second son of his father Adolf Rotstein and thus wouldn't inherit much. The local lord though took him in as a man at arms for his personal army, and as such he was trained to become a potent fighter. He served the lord for many years and was rather successful.... apart from his darker side. When he drank he became harsh and at times violent, and it showed that the monotone duties of his service in a low combat area made him take to the tankard more and more often. He finally took a step to far and was dismissed from service after punching a nobles 3rd son and trying to approach his sister. He was demoted to lieutenant after his family helped him out.
His life now in ruins he took even more to the tankard and eventually got thrown out from his home. Eventually he joined the Steel fist mercenary company. He quickly got a recognition because of his great battle prowess and man at arms training. The varied duties also kept him from drinking, which his fellows from now on made sure so he didn't drink to much. After many years of service, the old company captain decided to retire, Claus Rotstein was selected for his outstanding service and promoted to captain.
The Steel fist now returns from a campaign in the east, having fought for the elven kingdom in several conflicts during seven years. (The Steel fist has returned home from time to time during this period.) The steel fist consists of mainly battle hardened fighters, with some new trainees as with any army. The army has good knowledge in sieges as well.
Pavise crossbowmen, about the same but with a pavise shield and a heavy windup crossbow and a mace. The Steel fist numbers 2500 men, 750 of which are crossbowmen.
Skills and traits: Claus Rotstein is a skilled swordsman and has a strong voice, he is a potent commander.
I write the things i know he has training or exposure in. Swordsman - Grand master Other combat - Master Strategy - Adept Tactics - Master Logistics - Adept Economics - Adept Negotiation - Adept Politics - Mediocre Motivator - Expert Intimidate - Expert Farming - Mediocre
Known languages. Formarothian: Fluent. Elven: Accented. Poor writing. Caelic: Broken. Cannot write. Vogani: Knows a few insults and swear words.
Flaws: Claus has a few, but notable character flaws. Alcoholism: If he's not careful, and don't get the mental support from his friends he will quickly fall back to his alcoholic past. While he has a much greater tolerance to alcohol because of this, if he does get drunk he will lose all his restraints and easily become violent, unpredictable and dangerous. Unrefined: Claus is not someone who suckers up to people, even when they do earn proper respect, he is also a commoner at heart. This can if he is not careful very easily anger people of higher status and/or nobility. Since he do treat basically everyone with the same respect as a commoner until they have fancied his liking, where he will treat them as a friend instead. Which isn't much better than being treated as a drinking buddy. Impulsive: Claus usually goes with his gut feeling, not one to plan for ages and carefully devise a plan. Nope, come up with a solution that seems fair enough, and then just go with it. While he does try to plan and consider his options, he usually fall back to intuition after a while.
Name: Roogel Therp Age: 34 Gender: Male Position: Proffessional mercenary lieautenant Personality: He goes from being chummy, loud and kind to a cold heartless killer faster than people ever feel comfortable with. Appearance: A giant of a man, a bushy black beard and clad in the classic armour of the Steel fist, albeit with a nice silver decor. With brass rivets. He uses a pollaxe instead of a halberd. Background: Having joined the Steel fist when he was 20, he did so after the famine in Akki his family was suffering from. Or more like himself, seeing he tended his miniscule farm alone. He always felt he wasn't good at farming, he had a crappy house, weedy and root and stone filled fields and on top of that the moose seemed to be after him. When he joined the fist he felt all the more at home. He is a personal friend of Claus being one who helped him keep away from drinking.
Skills and abilities. Master polearm fighter Master brawler Decent fighter otherwise Makes friends easily when in a good mood Expert command Decent tactics If possible, worse than Claus at farming
Name: Ashala Harr {Deceased} Age: 22 Gender: Female Position: Proffessional mercenary lieautenant, crossbows Personality: Short tempered, serious, protective Appearance: Medium long auburn hair, curvy build, looks stern but pretty... apart from the scars. Wears a filled out cuirass to give her chest more room, she wields a Corseque instead of an arbalest. Background: A born fighter, she was an orphan, a slum child and a thief, she was currently hunted and wanted for execution when the Steel fist showed up and gave her a way out. She was 17 then.
Skills and abilities. Expert polearm fighter Good brawler Decent fighter otherwise Expert sneaking Good thief Expert command Good tactics
Name: Katrina Nikos Age: 14 Gender: Female Position: Blacksmith apprentice Personality: Head strong, Stubborn, honorable, idealistic, ambitious Appearance: Short Black hair, taller than most of her age, Background: Katrina has spent her entire life helping her uncle at his forge. She knows nothing of her mother and father and only knows that her mother served up in the castle but was killed during the civil war. Once she reached 14 she decided that she wanted to leave Nyhem and see the world (much to the disagreement of her uncle). Once the Steel Fist mercenary troupe arrived in Nyhem she saw it as the best opportunity to leave.
Skills and traits: Apprentice swordswoman Expert Blacksmith Master knowledge on weapons Expert inventory taker Expert logistician.
She is secretly the bastard child of Heylot and Anna; a handmaiden to Queen Ruth and Duncan's former (secret) lover.
DISCLAIMER! This is a very rough draft of the history of the steel fist. Some dates and a few other things are still susceptible to change. Any of this can be changed.
The official mentions and dealing with the company of the Steel Fist are scattered within the archives of Nyhem, while the mentions are often correct, it is hard to get all the data, especially with a self governed force like a mercenary group. So considering this, the archives are well stocked in the matters of the mercenary company. This data can be collected by anyone who has access to the archive of Nyhem. And some is well known facts by people in or outside the company itself.
The Steel Fist was formed by Captain James Formery in 412, a man who worked for the Tulza family and was rewarded for his service with funds in exchange for creating a mercenary force loyal to the Tulza family alone. The company helped fight their dirty fights of the Tulza and did so as long as they paid. Which the Tulza's stopped. So the Steel fist abandoned them. The Tulza’s hoped for a loyal puppet, but they got Mr. Formery, who was only loyal to his purse.
The Tulza’s waned into nothingness over a span of roughly 15 years after the Steel fist refused to work for them. At least once did the Tulza's suffer from a manhunt, but records are hard to come by. The Tulza family was recorded as extinct by the year 437.
The following 45 years are shrouded in myth, lost records and simple bad memory. A few mentions of the company exist but few have exact dates.
461: The Steel fist is mentioned in a report about Windermere. The mention is short and their captain is listed as Nathan Goyle. This makes sense since James Formery would have been 75 years old at this time and probably have not led the Steel fist for some time.
462: The Steel fist celebrates 50 years. Many reports of increased disruption can be found in the Windemere provinces for a time. A 3 month span according to reports.
467: The Steel fist is listed as participants in a troops record of the forces of Nash. Border skirmishes and waning diplomatic relations between Nash and Orog during the time does make the companies presence and employment does make sense. However no true battles are recorded between Nash and Orog during the time and their relations stabilized over the next five years.
470: The Steel fist makes an official plead for aid to several towns, and the city of Nyhem. Records state that the company suffered a tragic accident while they were travelling through the Irman strait by ship. Apparently two vessels ran aground and thus inflicted heavy losses in manpower, but primarily materiel. The plead was written by Felicia Hartshyre. It is unknown if she was the captain of the force or if she was tasked with the plead. There is rumours that the previous captain was killed in the accident which complicates record keeping further. However a certain Doroka Hawk is seen within the list of survivors.
471: The Steel fist is restructured by their new captain, Dory Moor "The Dwarf." The records on this event is rather extensive and include an order for a new equipment standard. And that their equipment was now owned by the company and not individually paid for. The company is designed with the armament types wielded to this day. Heavy cuirasses, polearms and crossbows. The company kept making minor changes in the equipment thereafter, mostly following technological advancements. The nickname of captain Moor is often mentioned in records and rumors claim he was an actual dwarf. But evidence speaks directly against this, since the then most famous armour-smith in Nyhem was tasked with a suit of armour that he described as "Fit for a giant." Probably referring to captain Moor which means the nickname is probably a joke.
474: The battle of Alenius. Captain Dory Moor leads the Steel fist into the heartland of what today is known as Alenius. Reportedly the force was to seek out and destroy a dragon to quote "Prove that dwarves smote harder than beast." The whole ordeal ended in catastrophe as the expedition was ill prepared and suffered from food shortage. It is also told that the company resorted to heavy pillaging in the area. But little proof can be found. The force achieved one of its main objectives though as it was attacked by a dragon. Reportedly the battle was a great confusion. The ranged forces were scattered and the beast also never landed. A small poem of the event lives on in a very select few books and known by tongue within the Steel fist company itself. "Dory the Moor, most dwarven in lore." "The beast faced the fist, but the fist had no gist." "Dwarf ordered loose, that hail was death." "For not once it struck black scale, but many struck flesh." "By miracle or luck, large bolt was flung." "Pierced was black scale, beast wings now hung." "From the sky beast fell, upon the banner of the fist." "A crash was its landing, our banner now in dung." "And from under the beast, an arm of a dwarf, clenched with ringed mesh." "And thus Dory the Moor, most dwarven in lore." "Dwarven no more."
The poem describes the battle and the fate of the captain of the Steel fist. With massive losses and the loss of their captain the force left Alenius.
475: A large draft was made in Telmarion, the reason it is of note is that the whole ordeal really upset the local government. There is even reports of skirmishes. "The hunt for Hoyt." was a local phrase used by some in Telmarion during the time. Which could refer to the name of the Steel Fists captain.
475: Rumour has it there was an uprising within the Steel fist, if it was one or more people is hard to know. But several people were killed.
478: The first recorded instance of "Old" Doroka Hawk being the captain of the steel fist. Rumours claim he officially took over after cpt Moor, other rumours claim he was leading the force while Moor took the credit. It is however important to not ask steel fist personnel of this, since it is practise within the company to blatantly lie about when mr Hawk took over the company. Since some claims even predates the end of the elven invasion and some claim how mr Hawk helped the Remonnets take over Formaroth. Which is simply falsehoods. It is however evident through several reports that mr Hawk has been active within the steel fist for a long time.
488: House De Reimer intercepts a courier with a letter to the Steel fist from house Hieze. The letter was an invitation for employment and would probably have swung the events in the following year in another way should the fist have fought for house Hieze.
489: De Reimer employs the Steel fist, but the fist suffers from problems with transportation and arrives too late to make a significant impact. The Steel fist is therefore only mentioned in a single battle.
491: The steel fist is hired by House Manshrew to defend house Willow. However the battles are not in the favor of the Steel Fist and while horrendous losses were inflicted on enemy forces, the Steel Fist is ultimately beaten and forced to retreat.
492: Early in the year Doroka Hawk gives a formal statement that the steel fist is far too beaten up to take any contracts of employment for the time being. It is evident that this was probably an act of reason. The Steel fist is reported to have fought in multiple conflicts in the years leading up to this decision. But it is also evident that mr Hawk could have done this to protect the Steel fist. Many rumors exist but few can be proven.
494: After an extended rest and an influx of new recruits Doroka Hawk leads the Steel fist to Beilokias to begin a contract for the elven kingdom. Rumour has it the Steel fist was pressured from multiple sides to change loyalties to several formaroth households. Especially during the civil war but also after the civil war. There is also rumours of threats of assassinations and treachery. Barely any which can be proved. Doroka Hawk is believed to have left Formaroth for the time being to properly safeguard the company for the future.
497: Command is let over to Claus Rotstein when Doroka Hawk retires. Different sources about mr Hawk are available, but it is generally agreed upon that he was either 63 or 85 years old. Interestingly enough it seems as if you look upon mr Hawk in person that the later age is the correct one.
498: The battle of Shrooms. A rather inglorious event with rather good reports refer to the battle of Shrooms. Apparently it was a lengthy siege against a city of elven revolters, but the Steel fist had received the wrong location or there was a misunderstanding. The result was however that Claus had his men cleave their way through an extensive Beilokian fungi forest for 2 weeks trying to locate the fortress. When the correct location was finally received Claus was much angered since the 2 weeks of hard work was completely in vain. When the defenders of the castle asked for a parley Claus was repeatedly insulted and quote "offered fungi stew" that he called off the negotiations as fraud. It's later been proven that the parley actually was delaying tactics. A later report states "Rotstein fell down upon the fortress with unspeakable force, within a day the keep was razed and the Steel fist burned two fungi forests." Soldiers whom remember the event claim it was pure slaughter, and that Claus acted more like a madman than a captain. Fighting with blade in hand instead of commanding.
500: The battle of hymns. The steel fist engages in a land battle against an army of Vogani in their homeland aiding the elves in their conquests. Curiously enough there was massive casualties on all sides except for the Steel fist whom lost no lives and had few wounded. While facts of the battle are hard to come by, the Steel fist claims they were superior at arms. While the numbers suggest they did not enter the battle itself until the very end. Accurate records are hard to obtain of this incident.
501: The siege of Krypola. The steel fist enters a siege against the fortress city of Krypola which is fought against revolting elven slaves.
502: The siege of Krypola ends with a large scale battle inside its walls. The Steel fist however does not participate. Why this is does not come up in records. The Steel Fist then returns to Beilokias to root out rebels once more.
503: With the contract with the elves complete the Steel fist returns to Formaroth in Scassia. It then marches to the capitol of Nyhem. Disrupting the grieving populace after the death of King John Remonnet. Claus Rotstein is imprisoned and tried at court but found innocent.
503: The Steel fist was employed by the imperial concord, Claus Rotstein leading the defense force of Telmarion on order by the De'Reimer family. The army of the concord clashed with the combined army of Andrew Manshrew and many of his allies. The battle was a massive slaughter, thousands perished on both sides as the Steel fist engaged with unbridled fury after the local commander Orland Tuania sent in his forces without consulting Claus. Claus Rotstein performed an impressive tactical feat and managed to save his outnumbered army from annihilation. However, the cost was high.
503: The siege of Clarm commences. The steel fist are in charge of the command and defence of the massive stronghold and its surrounding town. The fighting is fierce and after a week of siege the Manshrew alliance attack the city. The town falls but the stronghold within still stands under the command of Claus Rotstein. He also orders hit and run strikes against the Manshrew forces trying to peacefully occupate the town. After several days more, the Alliance are forced into action by the closing reinforcement armies of the Imperial Concord and thus assault Clarm. The town is taken with force but the steel fist manages to halt the destruction of the gate. A massive war elephant was used to drag down the gate but with a daring raid performed by Claus Rotstein he managed to take it out. Prolonging the siege. Roogel Therp takes temporary command over the steel fist when Claus Rotstein goes missing after the raid.
NPC CHARACTERS I plan to add in other NPC kingdoms and their ruling families at a later date given there is a lot to write about. Till then I would advice not writing about kingdoms that don't have a description about them.
(Details about character's and what their positions entail can be found under 'Old High Council' or on their own character sheet)
Name: High King Duncan De Reimer Position: King
Name: Marchioness Cerlina Tuania Position: Head advisor - The head advisor is responsible for advising the king on most matters. They are often involved with most political affairs and act as ruler in the Kings absence.
Name: Duchess Lanaya Dionisa Position: Magisterial advisor - A magisterial advisor is responsible for advising the king on matters of which he knows very little about. As a result, a Magisterial advisor tends to be a; High magister, Grand Alchemist or scholar.
Name: Grand Duchess Isabel De Reimer Position: Economic advisor
Name: Ser Alice Rallar (More information bellow) Position: Advisor of war
Name: Alexander (More information bellow) Position: Advisor of Law - The advisor of law is responsible for residing over trials as well as upholding old laws, introducing new ones and upturning obsolete ones. He advises the king in matters of justice and law.
Name: Patrick De Reimer Position: Head of Concords military (not officially part of the high council)
Name: Grand Duke Duncan De Reimer Position: Head advisor (currently acting ruler) – The head advisor is responsible for advising the king on most matters. They are often involved with most political affairs and act as ruler in the Kings absence. (See character sheet for more detail)
Name: Aurelia Vyncetta Position: Magisterial advisor – A magisterial advisor is responsible for advising the king on matters of which he knows very little about. As a result, a Magisterial advisor tends to be a; High magister, Grand Alchemist or scholar. (See character sheet for more detail)
Name: Grand Duke (Denounced) Edward Du Paraquette Age: 47 Gender: Male Position: Ex-Economic advisor/Prisoner Personality: Greedy, talent for money management, Dubious, Corrupt, Formal and Polite in public Appearance: Fat, wispy moustache, balding grey hair, sweaty, considered un-attractive Background: Edward has served on the council since he was a young man. He was chosen to serve on the council by Queen Victoria for his skill at money management. Despite his façade of being a honest and polite man he is in truth corrupt, and although he always brings in money for the crown, a certain amount always ends up in his own pockets. After Duncan De Reimer took the throne Edward and his wife were imprisoned after their son Charles showed Duncan evidence of his parents money laundering. Skills and traits: Master economist, adept manipulator, expert politician
Name: Ser Alice Rallar Age: 41 Gender: Female Position: Advisor of war Personality: Stern, serious, loyal to the crown, chivalrous Appearance: Short ginger hair, muscular, narrow eyes, Background: Alice Rallar fought as a commander on the side of house Remonnet in the ‘Remonnet, Manshrew civil war’. Due to her impressive performance at commanding and inspiring the troops, king John Remonnet made her the new advisor of war. She is good friends with Alex. Skills and traits: Master military commander, champion swordsman, Inspirer, Adept politician
Name: Alex Age: 21 Gender: Male Position: Advisor of Law – The advisor of law is responsible for residing over trials as well as upholding old laws, introducing new ones and upturning obsolete ones. He advises the king in matters of justice and law. Personality: Kind, gentle, loyal, naïve, strong sense of justice Appearance: Young, short brown hair, thin, Background: Alex was originally a scholar within the Miserth Keep, however his extensive knowledge in law was noticed by King John Remonnet who added him to the High council to replace the previous advisor of law (Lissana Nahor) who had recently passed away. He is good friends with Alice Rallar. Skills and traits: Extensive knowledge of law, adept politician, apprentice economist.
Name: Grand Cleric Mildred Age: 72 (Deceased) Gender: Female Position: Grand cleric of Divine church Personality: Corrupt, greedy, polite and spiritual in public. Appearance: Long grey hair, lavish robes, elderly, looks more feeble than she really is. Background: Mildred became the leader of the Divine church nearly twelve years ago. Though she preaches the faith in public she was known for breaking nearly every teaching she preaches. She was known to use her status and power to pay for lavish clothes, rich food, heavy drinking and even breaking the vows of Chasity. However this was not particularly shocking given that many of the previous grand priests and grand clerics have been the exact same way. The church is currently deeply corrupt among it’s high ranking members. Mildred was recently assassinated during one of Lycaon's plots. Skills and traits: Knowledge of the faith, expert deceiver
Name: Davos ironbark/Sarah ironbark Age: 47/52 Gender: Male/female Position: Joint heads of the Nyhem bank Personalities: Formal, straight to the point, pragmatic, cold, logical Appearance Davos: Bald, closely trimmed beard, thin man with a long hooked nose Appearance Sarah: Long grey hair, sharp check bones, tall, thin Background: Davos and Sarah are a married couple who currently run the bank of Nyhem. They run the bank in a brutally efficient way; never handing out loans to people who they know can’t pay it back and having no mercy on those who don’t. They are currently the richest individual’s in Nyhem (also one of the richest in Formaroth) and have enough wealth and power to even give entire kingdoms pause. Currently the crown is up to 6 million in debt due to the reign of Helyot Remonnet. Half of which is owed to the bank of Nyhem given both Davos and Sarah a lot of political influence.
Name: Harold Age: 83 Gender: Male Position: Head alchemist Personality: Kind, wise, caring, knowledgeable, intelligent Appearance: Elderly, thin white hair, bad eyesight Background: Harold has been with the alchemist’s guild for his entire life. He learned various skills within the alchemist guild and has been responsible for several scientific breakthroughs. He was made the head alchemist when he was sixty and has continued to manage the guild in a kind hearted, fair and logical way. Skills and traits: Master Alchemist, Master scientist, Incredibly wise and intelligent
Family name: Du Paraquette
Kingdom Location: Sypius Plains
Crest: Gold and red shield with a white dragon on top
Family motto: Loyal is the greatest Honour
Relations with other Kingdoms: Poor; Improving since Charles took charge of the family
Family reputation: Reliable, thrifty
Kingdom's main source of economy: Focus mainly on banking and investing
Description of Kingdom: Sypius plains is located at the heart of Formaroth and is most well known for being the home of the capital city of Nyhem. Despite this, the majority land itself is of low economical value. It has low quality soil leading to poor harvests and has very little in terms of high quality mining goods. The Scassia region is the only area which has a high level of value to it due to its rich soil and lumber. The Scassia region is also where the Du Paraquette’s manor house is located.
Family Background: The Du Paraquettes were made the rulers of Sypius plains by the Remonnet family centuries ago. During the reign of the Remonnets they served as faithful vassals and in all their history have never opposed the Remonnet family. This house fought on the side of House Remonnet in the Remonnet, Manshrew Civil war.
They have chosen to fight on the side of the Imperial Concord for the 'War of the throne'.
Name: Grand Duke (Denounced) Edward Du Paraquette Age: 47 Gender: Male Position: Ex-Economic advisor/Prisoner Personality: Greedy, talent for money management, Dubious, Corrupt, Formal and Polite in public Appearance: Fat, wispy moustache, balding grey hair, sweaty, considered un-attractive Background: Edward has served on the council since he was a young man. He was chosen to serve on the council by Queen Victoria for his skill at money management. Despite his façade of being a honest and polite man he is in truth corrupt, and although he always brings in money for the crown, a certain amount always ends up in his own pockets. After Duncan De Reimer took the throne Edward and his wife were imprisoned after their son Charles showed Duncan evidence of his parents money laundering. Skills and traits: Master economist, adept manipulator, expert politician
Name: Grand Duchess (denounced) Alise Du Paraquette Age: 48 Gender: Female Position: Prisoner Background: Alise Du Paraquette is the wife of Edward and run’s the family manor and also manages Sypius plains. However the commoners who live within Sypius plains believe her and her husband to be greedy and incompetent. After Duncan De Reimer took the throne Alise and her husband were imprisoned after their son Charles showed Duncan evidence of his parents money laundering. Personality: Greedy, Snobbish, high-strung, Highly values her social status Appearance: Fat, Long brown hair, Lavish clothing
Name: Grand Duke Charles Du Paraquette Age: 23 Gender: Male Position: Head of the Du Paraquette Family Background: Charles has great resentment of his Father and Mother; believing them to be corrupt, incompetent individuals who have no idea how to run a kingdom as well as sullying the family name. He also believes that they do not truly appreciate his political skills and thinks that he and his wife would be far better suited to ruling Sypius plains. After a scheming with High king Duncan Charles was able to imprison both his parents and become the new ruler of his house. Due to this he is very loyal to the Imperial concord. Personality: Serious, Formal, Vengeful, Loyal to the crown, Appearance: Thin, Short brown hair, Well trimmed beard, Considered handsome by most
Name: Grand Duchess Ellen Du Paraquette Age: 20 Gender: Female Background: Ellen Du Paraquette was the daughter of a middle classed accountant who married herself into the Du Paraquette family by marring Charles. However both Edward and Alise strongly disapprove of Ellen and believe that their son should have married someone within his own class. Due to this Ellen also has a strong resentment towards Charles’s parents and like her husband believes that they would be much better suited to ruling Sypius Plains. After the High King helped both her and Charles to become the new ruler of the Du Paraquette family she has become very loyal to the Imperial Concord. She is currently pregnant. Personality: Serious, Pragmatic, Vengeful, Formal Appearance: Thin, Long blond hair, Considered to be beautiful by most
Family name: Mazeltof
Kingdom Location: Ralda (previously)
Crest: White eagle on a green background.
Family motto: Never quit, never give up, never surrender
Relations with other Kingdoms: Generally on good terms.
Family reputation: Reliable, Honrouble, Kind.
Kingdom's main export goods: Fish, sea food, wheat, fruit and vegetables.
Description of Kingdom: Ralda is on a rather hilly area between the Irman Sea to the north-east and mountains to the south-west. Ralda has very good quality soil and that is the base of its wealth. Most of people in Ralda are either farmers or fishermen, but also has good number of hunters and gatherers due to the closeness of the forest. Most of the population in Ralda either live in hamlets or isolated farmhouses. The largest settlement in Ralda is the port town of Fishgrove which is located on the coast of central Ralda. Fishgrove is also where the Mazeltof family lived.
Family Background: The Mazeltof family used to be one of the most powerful and wealthy of all noble families Formaroth, but 15 years ago the price of wheat went down to a quarter of its original value and as a result the kingdom was hit hard. Currently the Ralda is on its way up, but it is still far behind to what it used to be. The Mazeltof family is on very good terms with house Manshrew and most of the food imported into the Uzgob desert originates from Ralda.
After the 'Battle of Ralda' Fishgrove was destroyed and the countryside was raided by house Anjervine. While Ralda is finally starting to recover much of the land still remains devastated with Fishgrove still being in ruins. House Maztof had been forced to retreat from their homeland with the two leaders of their house being killed and Ralda is currently under the control of House Greensworth.
Name: King Henry Mazeltof Age: 53 (Deceased) Gender: male Position: Head of the family Personality: Proud, stubborn, purposeful, unpredictable, prone to outbursts of anger. Appearance: Looks like a stereotypical pirate. Sturdy and tall, with mid-length, untidy hair, an impressive beard, huge eyebrows and dark, piercing eyes. He has a deep, hoarse voice. Rarely smiles, but is very fond of smirking. During Formaroth’s civil war, he severely injured his right leg and now finds it very difficult to stand and walk. Even so, most find him intimidating, if not frightening.
Henry was captured during 'The Battle of Ralda' and was later executed in Nyhem.
Skills: Before the accident, was famous for having incredible sword- fighting skills. However, he also knows a lot about tactics and war planning, and has a good understanding of politics. Master economist.
Name: Grand Duchess Grace Mazeltof (Deceased) Age: 48 (Deceased) Gender: female Personality: Manipulative, intelligent, and talented. Appearance: Long, blond hair, medium height, slim. She was considered beautiful, with large green eyes, pale shin, and a long neck. Looked very young for her age. Skills: Known 5 languages fluently, was great knowledge of the country’s history, geography and political situation. Played on 7 instruments. Sang beautifully. Master manipulator.
Name: Marquess Godwyn Mazeltof Age: 28 (Deceased) Gender: male Personality: inspiring, confident, determined, charming, and a natural-born leader. Appearance: Medium- height, brawny, with short-trimmed, brown curly hair, and like his father, dark eyes under huge eyebrows. Skills: Great leadership skills, good political skills, good strategist and great sword welding abilities.
Name: Lord Ian Mazeltof Age: 26 Gender: male Personality: Very likable. Laid-back, charismatic, spontaneous, and light-hearted. Very loyal to the house. Appearance: Medium high, well-built, with a handsome face, striking green eyes and square jaw line. Skills: Master negotiator, master politician, master manipulator and great archer.
Name: Lady Dilys Mazeltof Age: 25 Gender: Female Position: Head of Mazeltof family Personality: Poised, compassionate, independent, brave. Appearance: Has dragon tattoo on her back. Apart from that, very much like her mother with a petit figure, blond hair and green eyes. Skills: Has magical abilities, speaks 4 languages fluently, great painter. Background: Dilys wanted to go to learn how to use and develop her magical powers in a special school, however was forbidden from doing so by her father. Lord Henry believes that she would be brainwashed or used as a pion in political games. As a 17 year old she fell in love with Duncan De Reimer.
Name: Lady Alicja Mazeltof Age: 22 Gender: Female Personality: Intelligent, kind, and outspoken. Appearance: She is medium height, with brown wavy hair, green eyes and really adorable ears. Skills: Well read. Few years back became interested in medicine, and currently has a good working knowledge of how to cure illnesses.
Name: Lady Pearl ‘Ruby’ Mazeltof Age: 17 Gender: Female Position: Prisoner of the Concord Personality: Prefers staying in the background to listen and observe, however when there is need, she stands up for the things she believes in. Can be temperamental. She is very direct and honest. Brave. Appearance: Slim, shorter than average, brown hair, brown eyes. Skills: highly analytical mind, expert strategist, expert at gymnastics. Adept sward master.
Name: Lady Willow Mazeltof Age: 3 Gender: Female Personality: Kind, loves animals, most of all horses. Very intelligent. At times, ok, most of the time- argumentative. Appearance: Adorable. Small and plum. She has large, green eyes, chubby, ruddy cheeks and a mass of blond curly hair. Skills: possibly possesses magical abilities.
Family name: House Wulfrick Kingdom Location: Nash Crest: White and black shield with a white horse
Family motto: Beauty favours the wise ones
Relations with other Kingdoms: Neutral
Family reputation: Rich, and manipulative
Kingdom's main export goods: Liquor, fruits, wine, books, Pearls, Timber
Description of Kingdom: A rich, fertile land with open areas of farmland in the south, and a large forest area in the rest. The majority of the kingdom is rural with most of the population living in hamlets or isolated farmhouses. The nobles tend to live in large, well-guarded manor houses. The largest settlement in Nash is the town of Auchendale.
Family Background: House Wulfrick are the first and current rulers of Nash. They tend to keep to themselves and rarely get involved in the affairs of others. During the Formaroth civil war house Wulfrick chose to side with house Manshrew due to their poor relations with king Heylot.
While initially remaining neutral in the 'war of the throne' house Wulfrick and decided to join the Concord.
Family members Name: King Rubidus Age: 73 Gender: male Position: head of the family Personality: cold, prone to violent outbursts (rumoured to have killed his wife, but no proof), calculating, wants to move his family up in the world, very wealth driven Appearance: Rubidus Wulfrick was famous for his silky, long, white hair. The years had not treated his body with kindness, and the once beautiful, golden skin was now covered with lines, and heavy, like old, cheap leather. Sunken eyes brown, and a thin, bony nose were the features that stood out most on his, rather plain face. He always insisted on wearing golden gloves. No one knew the reason, some assumed he hid some horrid deformity underneath, others thought that he just couldn’t bear to touch anything lesser than him. One particularly gruesome rumour was that his hands were strained red from all the blood he spilt, but this was known to be a false hood. Not now, nor in this youth could the old man ever have the strength to wield a sword or dagger. No, the man’s strength was in his mind which had lasted him through the years as his body slowly failed him. Skills: a successful, yet ruthless negotiator, who’s equally as well travelled as he is read, and some say there isn’t a book worth reading that he has not read, and quite a few more. As such he is skilled in many a tongue and forced this talent onto his children and grandchildren. A critical mind, he has such a good talent for predicting how things will come to pass that the Wulfrick family rely not on prophets or religion, but Rubidus.
Name: Marquess Aureus Age: 48 Gender: male Orientation: Homosexual Personality: flamboyant, charming, adventurous, spends very freely, liberal Appearance: taking after his mother more than his father, he had bronze skin, and curly, black hair, that he puts absolutely no effort into maintenance, but every effort into the maintenance of his beard and moustache. The only feature he inherits from his father is his deeply sunk in eyes, which are so dark they’re almost black. A well travelled man, he refuses to wear the traditional clothes of his homeland and instead chooses a bizarre mix of heavy clothes from the north and the light silks of the east. A strong man, the only member of his house to be able to wield a sword, and with some grace and skill at that. Skills: a good fighter, a negotiator, and skilled seaman, who can steer a ship as well as he can captain one. A good nose for spotting a fake or a con, due to his father sending him out to sea as he wouldn’t take a wife nor bear any heirs.
Name: Lord Smaragdus Age: 45 Gender: male Personality: a kind, soft-spoken man, who has trouble voicing his opinions in such an opinionated house. Timid is another word used to best describe him. He is a very skilled negotiator, as well as compassionate and gentle, with a keen love for animals and tobacco. Appearance: A clean shaven man with bronze skin and carefully styled hair. Taking very little from his father but his name and his brown eyes, only his aren’t anywhere near as sunken in, he has a large nose, and lips that always have a soft smile. A tobacco addiction has left him with very poor breathing, and he’s rarely seen without a pipe or hookah near. Skills: a very talented rider, and negotiator, well read. His main talent is staying as kind and down to earth and honest with his father brothers and sisters.
Name: Lady Unynna Age: 35 Gender: female Position: wife to Smaragdus Personality: outspoken, rebellious, compassionate, kind, honest, intelligent, brave Appearance: dark skinned with thick, curly hair and bright blue eyes. Keeps wearing her home colours, and the gold-spun jewellery of the land. Skills: not being afraid of anyone, sharp-witted, and even sharper tonged. Ambitious for her children. Nice person, but not very useful.
Name: Lady Sappir Age: 51 Gender: Female Orientation: asexual Position: oldest child Personality: cold, ambitious, driven, cares very much for her children and nieces and nephews, hateful to pretty much everyone else Appearance: Sappir has silky black hair like her fathers before her, which is styled into elaborate braided updo’s every morning, and flawless, brown skin, with eyes so dark they’re almost black, and a thin, bony nose. Petite in fame, she never really fit in with her body, but she tries to maintain the appearance of a lady, though in her childhood she used to secretly practise with a sword. Skills: the most well-read of her house, she’s very knowledgeable of poison, which she used to kill her husband after she finally bore a son. She’s very cunning, and sharp witted and willed, but for her children and nieces and nephews she is very kind and gentle.
Name: Lady Lydia Age:31 Gender: female Position: Personality: arguably one of the most dull, stupid people in all of the kingdoms. An annoyingly cheery girl, the family are glad to have married her off Appearance: light skinned, with black eyes and dark brown hair, as well as a bony nose Short, and with a stupid smile practically stapled onto her face. Skills: none. … Well, maybe needle work and giving birth
Name: Lady Jael Age: 29 Gender: female Position: spinster for life Personality, appearance, skills and traits: Personality: distrustful, cold, calculating, clever, curious, introverted, easily addicted Appearance: Jael has the unfortunance of being both a dwarf and an albino. As such she puts little effort into her appearance, letting her curly hair free. She has red eyes, with no colour elsewhere. Short, as she’s a dwarf. Her fingers have callacies from the amount of books she’s read, though they are mostly fiction. She’s had poor health and weak bones, leading to many a fall, one of which lead to a scar on her upper forehead. To make her health worse she is a drunkard and addicted to tobacco as well as other drugs. She rarely leaves her room, and knows that she has no hope of marrying. Skills: good at reading, and very intelligent
Name: Lady Odetta Age:27 Gender: female Personality: Bright, cheerful, compassionate, manipulative, outspoken, extroverted, greatly enjoys the art, ambitious Appearance: A remarkably angled face, with a strong jawline and cheekbones, a sharp nose, and bright, black eyes. Her hair is just as black as those eyes, with a sharp, blunt fringe, and always styled hair Skills: very sharp witted, an experienced lover, and fantastic liar.
Name: Lord Goodwin Age:23 Gender: male Orientation: bisexual Personality: fun-loving, adventurous, jokey, skilled liar, adrenaline junky, flirty, charming, animal lover, seductive Appearance: Dark brown hair, with golden skin, and black eyes, and bony nose. Curly hair, with stubble. A keen sportsman, he’s very fit, and as he’s especially skilled in archery, he has strong arms. The tallest of his family. Skills: archery, horse riding, climbing, bird training, skilled liar, very seductive, has a habit of seducing young women and ruining their reputations, unmarried
Family name: Anjervine Kingdom Location: Windermere Family motto: God and my Right Relations with other Kingdoms: Good for the most part. Family reputation: The House of Anjervine is one of the oldest Ruling families and has intermarried with the now dead line of the House of Remonnet often (Though a marriage hasn't happened between the two houses for many generations). Under Henri Anjervine the house has grown to be aggressive and dubious.
The family is known to be one of the wealthiest as it presides over the rich trade that sails along the mighty Vesser, a very wide river that cuts through their lands and connects the Irman sea via a long winding rout to the outer sea.
Kingdom's main export goods: timber and food are what the Kingdom has in abundance, it's lands are well fed by the Vesser and the Great Wood of Anjou is full of timber to be cut down and used, there are also a few valuable silver mines that cut into the mountains which signal the end to lands that are under the sway of the Anjervines.
Description of Kingdom: The Kingdom of Windermere and the Summer Isles is well populated and there are many strong holdfasts and towns dotted across Windermere as does the Summer Isles boast many strong seaports. The land is governed by many lords and knights all who claim fealty to the House of Anjervine, there are many lords and knights and the Anjervines can draw from a seemingly inexhaustible pool of ready knights and peasantry for their wars.
The Kingdom of Windermere's main seat of power is Vine, the seat of the Anjervines it stretches along the bank of the Vesser and contains many thousands inside it's double walls.
Family Background: The House of Anjervine was founded by the third son of the first Remonnet king and they have always been steadfast and loyal supporters to their distant kinsman upon the throne. Often when war threatens the kingdom they are the first to have answered the King's call.
During 'The war of the throne' House Anjervine sided with the concord and aided house Greensworth during the battle of Ralda, helping to secure a clear victory over House Mazeltof. After the battle house Anjervine raided Ralda.
Name: King Henri Anjervine; King of Windermere, Prince of the Summer Isles, Lord of Vine Age: 46 Gender: Male Position: Head of House Anjervine, Lord Marshal of Windermere and the Summer Isles Background: Henri was the oldest child of Charles Anjervine. He spend a great deal of his youth as a mercenary captain within the Elven Imperium.
Personality, appearance, skills and traits: Henri is a strong and proud man who often bulldozes over his opponents. Handsome and well built he is often cited as a true son of the Remonnet line because of his features which strongly resemble theirs.
He's a consummate swordsman but his best skill is the lance which he is renowned for and is called the 'Iron rose' for his personal sigil is the red rose of Vine.
Henri is also an experienced commander of hosts, having fought in wars in the Elven Empire as the leader of mercenaries when he was younger.
Name: Grand Duchess Leona Swen Age: 43 Gender: Female Position: Wife of the King of Windermere, Princess of Windermere, Princess of Swen Background: Leona is strong-willed woman who was the last of her house after her older brothers died in a campaign against Pirate's. Seeing what seemed to be the guaranteed destruction of her house by death and the plots of her supposed vassals she tied herself to the King of Windermere through marriage. Thus securing her position among her vassals as her husband increased her strength in arms from only 1,000 to 5,000 the equivalent of half her vassals levies.
Her house is House Swen who've ruled the Summer Isles under the Kings of Windermere for many thousands of years.
Personality: She's a strong-willed woman who is very much a family woman and cares for her children greatly and thus seeks to have Henri's schemes succeed so that her children may benefit.
She's seen as very beautiful by those who've met her.
She's a good politicker.
Name: Marquess Daven Anjervine Age: 16 Gender: Male Positions: Crown Prince of Windermere, Lord of Gwendt, Marshal of the Southern Marches Background: He's the firstborn of the union between Henri and Leona and has been groomed for the rule of Windermere by them since birth.
Personality: He's still growing
He's been taught swordsmanship since 5 and that is his gift, he's beaten grown men before.
Name: Lord Renauld Anjervine Age: 13 Positions: Secondborn of Windermere, Knight of Dowry Personality: He's still growing.
Learning to be a man.
Family name: House Neptuna Kingdom Location: Akki Crest: Blue Shield with turtle on the front Family motto: Water and Fire Relations with other Kingdoms: While the political relations between house Neptuna and the other houses of Formaroth is mostly positive, people from Akki are often negatively stereotyped. Many believe that people who are from Akki are lawless criminals. Family reputation: Reliable, Honest and Carefree Kingdom's main export goods: Tobacco, fish, meat, timber, ships Description of Kingdom: Akki is an island nation with most of it’s population living in the coastal areas. The majority of Akki’s inland is made up of a dense forest. Most of the settlements within Akki are either fishing villages or port towns. Akki is infamous for smuggling and trading in illegal good. A common saying is that “if you can get arrested for selling it, you can find it in Akki”. As a result for its relatively lax laws on crime, the residents of Akki are often unfairly stereotyped as criminals by the rest of Formaroth. Akki is known for having the largest and most experienced fleet in all of Formaroth. Family Background: The Neptuna family were originally human pirates who built the port town of ‘Marren's Eve’ (now capital of Akki). House Neptuna gained a lot of wealth and reputation through trading with the elven imperium, namely through slaves. After the Remonnets outlawed slavery in Formaroth House Neptune retaliated claiming independence for Akki. However this rebellion was swiftly put down by the Remonnets forces and Akki was once again under the crowns control. Though the level of trade between the Elven Imperium and Akki has never been the same level it once was, these is still a sufficient amount of income for House Neptuna to effectively rule Akki.
House Akki has chosen to side with the Manshrew alliance due to the threats presented by house Blackwell.
Name: Queen Freya Neptuna Age: 33 Gender: Female Position: Queen of Akki Background: Freya became the ruler of Akki after her older sister and brother were killed at sea during a storm making her the youngest ruler of Akki in history (being only twelve years of age). However despite her age Freya proved to be an adequate ruler and leader and is greatly loved by her people. Personality: Brave, Honest, Carefree, laidback, loves her people Appearance: Dark skinned, long black hair, tall, green eyes Skills and traits: Master ruler, Master naval commander, Master leader, Expert economist, Apprentice Military commander, Expert Spear user
Name: Marquess Robert Neptuna Age: 16 Gender: Male Position: Prince of Akki Background: Robert is the oldest and only child of Freya and most consider him to be very similar to his mother. It is currently unknown who his father is and it is believed that only Freya knowns. Robert’s main aim at the moment is to prove himself to the people of Akki and his mother to show that he is a worthy leader. Personality: Brave, Honest, Carefree, laidback, Sauvé Appearance: Dark skinned, Shoulder length black hair, Tall, green eyes Skills and traits: Adept ruler, Master naval commander, expert leader, Apprentice economist, novice Military commander, Expert mace user
Name: Captain Nicol Age: 70 Gender: Male Position: Head advisor Background: Nicol has been House Neptuna’s advisor for most of his life. He is a wise man who loves the Neptuna family. He greatly helped Freya in her young age to rule the kingdom and is currently her most trusted advisor. Personality: Kind, gentle, wise, completely loyal to House Neptune Appearance: Dark skinned, bald, grey hair, aged Skills and traits: Master ruler, master economist, expert naval commander, adept swordsman
Name: Commander Elduin Species: Elf Age: 113 Gender: male Position: Military leader Background: Elduin Yalathanil was an elven general in the Elven Imperium. He defected from the Imperium after believing his talents were not being appreciated. He was recruited during the Formaroth civil war by house Neptuna after they decided that their forces required a skilled military leader who could lead their forces on land effectively. He is one of the very few elves who currently lives in Formaroth, let alone one who commands a great deal of authority. Personality: Stubborn, Gory seeking, Head strong, loyal to House Neptuna Appearance: Typical elven appearance; short, skinny, dark blue skin, clawed hands, pointed ears, long stretched face. Skills and traits: Master military commander, Master duel sword wielder
Family name: House Staghain Kingdom Location: Thralreth Crest: Red and purple shield with a white stag Family motto: As one, united and free Relations with other Kingdoms: Average. On extremely good terms with House Sutharlan. Family reputation: Honest, loyal, honourable, good-hearted Kingdom's main export goods: Wheat, Fruit, Timber, meat, fish Description of Kingdom: Northern Thralreth is known for its very fertile land and lush terrain. Northern and central Thralreth is entirely made up of farmland and woodland and produces more food than most kingdoms combined (only rivalled by house Ralda). North of Thralreth is the Legon forest; a massive area of dense forest which spreads on for hundreds of miles. Southern Thralreth has a much colder climate and is considered a much harsher land to live in. The majority of the population in Thralreth lives rurally, with the largest settlements being little bigger than towns. The capital of Thralreth is Faemley Castle, located in central Thralreth and home to the Staghain family. Family Background: House Staghain were one of the first houses to swear fealty to the Remonnet family and strongly believes that Formaroth is better united under one banner. Throughout their history House Staghain has had close ties with House Sutharlan and maintains very friendly relations.
At the start of 'The war of the throne' House Sutharlan and House Staghain have formed the southern alliance declaring themselves an independent kingdom.
Name: Queen Mylla Staghain Age: 56 Gender: Female Position: Head of house Background: Queen Mylla was the oldest child of the Staghain family and is the head of the family and current ruler of Thralreth. She is considered to be strong leader and is well loved by her people. Personality: Strong willed, head strong, strong sense of justice, honourable Appearance: Long ginger hair, blue eyes, rounded face Skills and traits: Master leader, Expert military commander, Expert negotiator, Adept ruler, Master swordsman, Expert Bowman
Name: Grand Duke Alfred Staghain Age: 53 Gender: Male Position: Second in charge Background: Alfred married into the Staghain family at the age of 22 and greatly helps his wife Mylla in ruling the kingdom of Thraleth. Alfred will often deal with political affairs while Mylla focuses on leading her people. Alfred is well loved by the people of Thralreth. Personality: Kindhearted, quick witted, Honourable, Wise Appearance: Short brown hair, blue eyes, tall, slender, short beard Skills and traits: Master ruler, expert economist, expert negotiator, adept leader
Name: Marquess Thomas Staghain Age: 18 Gender: Male Position: Prince of Thraleth / Squire to Bearnard Sutharlan Background: Thomas is the oldest child of House Staghain and is heir to the throne after his mother and father. He is currently the squire of Bearnard Sutharlan. Personality: Kind, Honourable, idealistic Appearance: Shoulder length ginger hair, blue eyes, rounded face Skills and traits: Adept ruler, Adept swordsman,
Name: Lady Rohese Staghain Age: 14 Gender: Female Position: Princess of Thraleth Background: Is the youngest child of House Staghain. Personality: Honourable, Innocent, Naïve Appearance: Long brown hair, blue eyes, rounded face. Skills and traits: Lute player
Name: Count Roland Age: 32 Gender: Male Position: General of Staghain’s armies Personality: Straight to the point, blunt, Honourable Appearance: Long shaggy black hair, Massive beard Skills and traits: Master Military commander, Master swordsman
Family name: House Tuania Kingdom Location: Telmarion Crest: Black shield with a white wolf on the front Family motto: Righteous in duty Relations with other Kingdoms: Negative and suspicious due to the misery that Evelyn Tuania caused during her reign as head adviser. Family reputation: Dubious, untrustworthy>though these views are not necessarily true. Kingdom's main export goods: Stone, Wheat, siege weapons, Wood crafting; furniture, carts, tools, etc Description of Kingdom: Telmarion is a reasonably large kingdom located to the north of Alenius and south of Glarmion. The majority of the land in central Telmarion is harsh and rocky, with sparse area suitable for farmland. There are a few areas of woodland but they are scattered and are considered small in comparison to woodland in other kingdoms. The land around the edge of the kingdom is much more lush and fertile, making for excellent farm land. As a result the majority of the population in Telmarion lives around the edges of the kingdom in either villages or towns. However there are number of mining villages scattered across central Telmarion who’s residents make a decent living off quarrying. The capital of Telmarion is the stronghold of Clarn, which is home to the Tuania family and located in central Telmarion. Family Background: The Tuania family was originally well-respected and yet underappreciated. As a result the Tuania family was desperately looking for a reason to prove their family name. Therefore when King Heylot asked for their eldest child, Evelyn, to be his new head advisor the Tuania family happily accepted believing that they would finally be appreciated by the rest of Formaroth. Unfortunately for them, both Heylot and Evelyn turned out to be cruel, corrupt and evil individuals who spread unspeakable misery across the land. As a result, once the civil war had ended many blamed the Tuania family for what had happened due to the role that Evelyn played in Heylot’s tyranny. Currently the Tuania family is desperately trying to redeem their family name.
High king Duncan made Cerlina Tuania his head advisor once he took the throne causing the Tuania's to join the concord. The Tuania's are currently fighting the Manshrew alliance within their homeland of Telmarion.
Name: Queen Catryn Tuania Age: 40 Gender: Female Position: Head of house Background: The younger sister of Evelyn, currently desperately trying to redeem here families house and distance herself as much as she can from her sister. Personality: Kind, shy, timid, suspicious, fair, intelligent Appearance: Long blond hair, short, gentle eyes Skills and traits: Master negotiator, Expert ruler, Adept economist
Name: Grand Duke Grandin Tuania Age: 43 Gender: Male Position: Second head of charge Background: Married into the Tunia family before the civil war began. Like his wife he too is desperately trying to restore the family’s reputation Personality: Kind, responsible, loyal, Appearance: Tall, black hair, starting to bald Skills and traits: Master economist, Adept ruler, Novice military commander
Name: Marchioness Cerlina Tuania Age: 24 Gender: Female Background: Cerlia is the eldest child of the Tuania family and as a result has a lot of things expected of her. Like her parents she is also trying to improve her families standing within Formaroth and holds great hatred in her heart for her Aunt, Evelyn. Personality: Strongly loyal to her family and loves all of them dearly, headstrong, intelligent, strong willed Appearance: Shoulder length blond hair, Tall, dark green eyes, beautiful Skills and traits: Master ruler, Master negotiator, Expert Economist, Novice military commander
Name: Lord Orland Tuania Age: 19 Gender: Male Position: General Background: The second eldest child of the Tunaia family, Orland is currently learning to become a military commander. Personality: Idealistic, headstrong, commanding, kind Appearance: Short blond hair, muscular Skills and traits: Expert swordsman, Adept Military commander,
Name: Lord Anron Tuania Age: 11 Gender: Male Background: Youngest member of the Tuania family. Personality: Kind, straight forward, Naive Appearance: Short, Black hair
Family name: House Humber Kingdom Location: Coruneon/Rathikun Crest: Black and white crest with a black jaguar on it Family motto: Freedom or death Relations with other Kingdoms: Neutral, good terms with House Manshrew Family reputation: Strong willed, head strong, carefree Kingdom's main export goods: Stone, ore; iron, steel, cooper, meat Description of Kingdom: The kingdom of Coruneon and Rathikun has a harsh terrain with various ravines and canyons scattered about. The coastlands have very rich soil and are used to grow the kingdoms food. The population of the kingdom are harsh and straight to the point; however they also possess a carefree attitude. The majority of the populaous live in mountain villages or coastal towns. The capital of Coruneon is Calchester Hold; a castle which is considered by many to be most impenetrable structure in Formaroth. To the north is the large town of Sipdon, which was the original capital of Rathikun. Coruneon’s climate is considered to be warm and pleasant by most. Rathikun however is extremely hot and many who live in the south of Formaroth find the temperature unbearable when they first arrive. Family Background: House Humber originally ruled only Coruneon. During the Remonnets conquest of Formaroth, House Humber supported the Remonnets and conquered the kingdom of Rathikun for the Remonnet family. Impressed with the loyalty of the Humber family, the Remonnets allowed House Humber to keep the lands of Rathikun for itself. During the civil war, house Humber supported House Manshrew and were considered to be their strongest allies.
House Humber has chosen to side with the Mashrew Alliance during 'The War of the throne'
Name: King Daeron Humber Age: 55 Gender: Male Position: Head of house Background: Daeron fought on the side of House Manshrew during the civil war. Even after the war ended Daeron hold Andrew in high regard and respects him more that he does most. The thing that Daeron cares for the most is his daughter, Hemala as she is now the only family he has left. Personality: Headstrong, laidback, firm but fair, strong sense of justice Appearance: Tall muscular man, bald, harsh facial features, tanned skin Skills and traits: Master military commander, Master axeman, adept ruler, expert leader, novice economist
Name: Marchioness Hemala Humber Age: 22 Gender: Female Position: Eldest and only child Background: Hemala is the only child of the Humber family and is heir to the throne of Coruneon. She lost her mother, Saerenna Humber, to an unknown disease at an early age and as such has been raised by her father for most of her life. Personality: Strong willed, idealistic, headstrong, laidback Appearance: Tall, slender, short brown hair, tanned skin Skills and traits: Expert mace user, Expert Military commander, master leader, adept ruler
Name: Duchess Maerya Bernalys Age: 32 Gender: Female Position: Head advisor Background: Maerya is the head advisor of house Humber and deals with most political and economic affairs. Personality: Blunt, straight forward, wants the best for her homeland Appearance: Thin, black hair, tanned skin Skills and traits: Master ruler, Master economist
Family name: House Greensworth Kingdom Location: Orog Crest: Green and purple flag with a white hare on the front Family motto: Ever progressing Relations with other Kingdoms: Natural Family reputation: Weak, idiotic, pathetic Kingdom's main export goods: Wine, Fruits, wheat Description of Kingdom: Orog is a lush and beautiful land with a hot yet pleasant climate. The majority of the land is either forest or farmland. Many of the citizens live in towns and villages as well as numerous farmhouses scattered across Orog. Like the rest of the nobles in Orog, House Greensworth lives in a grand manor house. The capital of Orog is Hordrigg Fort. Family Background: House Greensworth have been the rulers of Orog since the Remonnets conquered Formaroth and have a strong reputation for being incompetent. Due to their weak-will they will often support crown regardless of who the king or queen is.
They have chosen to side with the concord during 'the war of the throne' and during the war have been given the Kingdom of Ralda to govern.
Name: Grand Duchess Cemrin Greensworth Age: 81 Gender: Female Background: The eldest member of House Greensworth, she is considered to be the only member of House Greensworth to command any sort of authority or wield any form of intelligence. She is the true ruler of Orog and everyone knows it. She is currently very fearful of what will happen to her house once she is gone. Personality: Straight to the point, wise, blunt, grumpy, intelligent Appearance: Old, grey hair, dark green eyes, walks very slowly Skills and traits: Master ruler, Master economist, Master Negotiator
Name: Queen Anera Greensworth Age: 55 Gender: Female Position: Head of house Background: Anera is the currently leader of house Greensworth and is considered to be one of the most feeble minded and incompetent rulers in Formaroth. She holds no knowledge of what it means to rule, let along how to rule effectively. She will often make rash decisions without thinking them through. Despite this she still believes herself to be a great ruler. Personality: Feeble minded, formal, easily intimidated, deluded, Appearance: Long black hair, fat, blue eyes Skills and traits: Novice Ruler, Apprentice negotiator, adept economist
Name: Grand Duke Jullon Greensworth Age: 58 Gender: Male Position: Second in command Background: Considered to be one of the most stupid and incompetent people in all of Formaroth, to the point that he something of running joke to the rest of the noble houses. While his wife Anera can at least maintain the façade that she is a competent ruler with her formal mannerism, Jullon would be unable to convince a child with his bumbling attitude. Personality: Bumbling, foolish, incompetent, attempts to be formal Appearance: Fat, Bald, short well-trimmed beard Skills and traits: Apprentice Economist
Name: Marquess Erock Greensworth Age: 25 Gender: Male Position: Champion of house Greensworth Background: The eldest child of houses Greensworth, Erock is the heir to Orog. Though not as incompetent as his parents, Erock is still considered to be an idiot by most. He holds no talent for ruling and is completely absorbed by his dream of being a great hero. He is at the very least considered to be master swordsman by those who have fought him. Personality: Chivalrous, foolish, just, idealist, deluded, Appearance: Short black hair, handsome, blue eyes Skills and traits: Master swordsman, Adept military commander, Adept leader, novice ruler
Name: lord Colbat Greensworth Age: 20 Gender: Male Sexual orientation: Homosexual Background: Colbat is the only other family member who Cemrin does not believe to be an idiot. He has a great deal of potential and has a lot of knowledge when it comes to ruling. Cemrin is hoping that he will be able to keep House Greenworth from falling apart once she is gone. Personality: Intelligent, formal calm Appearance: Tall, Black hair Skills and traits: Expert economist, Adept Ruler,
Name: lady Nalia Greensworth Age: 17 Gender: Female Background: The youngest of House Greensworth and the most Naïve. She has no true understanding of how the world works. Her biggest contribution to Orog is making the local merchants very rich due to her constant spending sprees. Personality: Spoilt, Naive, foolish, pretty Appearance: Shoulder length black hair, short, blue eyes Skills and traits: Novice Economist
Kingdom Location: Glarmion Crest: Orange and silver Crest with a white bull on the front Family motto: Steel and blood Relations with other Kingdoms: Positive with House Humber and Manshrew, considered aggressive by others. Family reputation: Aggressive, Barbaric, Head strong, Kingdom's main export goods: Ore, Stone, Meat, Horses, Wheat Description of Kingdom: Lower Glarmion is considered to be a very lush and pleasant environment to live in and is where most of the food used to feed the People of Glarmion is grown. Upper Glarmion has a much rougher terrain and is mostly inhabited by stones masons and miners. Glarmion has an extremely hot climate. Most people in Glarmion either live in villages or castle towns. Due to the structure of Glarmion most people live their daily lives with little interference from its rulers. Family Background: Before the Remonnets conquered Formaroth, Glarmion was made up of hundreds of different waring tribes. When the Remonnet forces arrived in invade Glarmion, tribe Lanistark was one of the few that fought on the side of the Remonnets. As a reward for their loyalty, the Remonnets made them the new rulers of Glarmion.
They have chosen to side with the Manshrew Alliance during 'the war of the throne'
Name: Queen Serala Lanistark Age: 32 Gender: Female Position: Joint ruler of Glarmion/ruler of upper Glarmion Background: Serala is the joint ruler of Glarmion and rules alongside her twin brother. She and her brother became the new leader of Glarmion after her father and mother were killed in the civil war. She holds great respect for Andrew Manshrew (one of the few people outside of Glarmion who she respects). Personality: Fierce, fearless, brave, militant, Appearance: Long blond hair, dark eyes, muscular Skills and traits: Master swordsman, Expert military commander, Master leader, adept ruler
Name: King Maror Lanistark Age: 32 Gender: Male Position: Joint ruler of Glarmion/ruler of lower Glarmion Background: Maror is the joint ruler of Glarmion and rules alongside his twin sister. Him and his sister became the new leader of Glarmion after his father and mother were killed in the civil war. He holds great respect for Andrew Manshrew (one of the few people outside of Glarmion who he respects). Personality: Blunt, fearless, brave, aggressive Appearance: Tall, muscular, short hair, roughly shaven Skills and traits: Master Axeman, Expert military commander, Master leader, adept ruler
Name: High Magister Barden Age: 28 Gender: Male Position: Advisor of Glarmion/Head battle mage Background: Barden originated from the summer isles where he studied under the school of destruction. He was hired by the Lanistark twins after the civil war to advise them on matters of the arcane as well as teaching the mages of Glarmion the art of destruction magic. Personality: Studies, blunt, serious, Appearance: Tall slender man, long pointed nose, short ginger hair. Skills and traits: Master destruction magic, Expert Restoration magic, Expert conjuring magic, Expert bow user, adept swordsman
Family House Name: House Thale
Kingdom Location: Land within the Nyhem City area.
Crest: Yellow background with a gold fleur de lis
Family Motto: Persistence Conquers All.
Relations with other Kingdoms: Neither hated nor loved by any. Directly under the control of the King in Nyhem, currently House De Reimer
Family Reputation: House Thale is notorious for being effective and powerful in the local area twenty years ago. Now it is slowly gaining notoriety as ‘The House of Lanaya’ as knowledge of Lana’s control over Dominus Thale slowly spreads. Some within merchant circles know it is a producer of grain and other bulk foodstuffs for the city, but it is not particularly notable amongst the many others also doing this.
Main Export of Goods: House Thale’s goods are not exported, they are immediately utilised in Nyhem. These goods consist of grain, poultry and other foodstuffs grown in the fields of the Nyhem area.
Description of Kingdom: As a minor House, House Thale has little influence over the large scale management of the area it owns. It owns a number of fields and the associated farm infrastructure near Nyhem, as well as a Manor within Nyhem. The Manor is run by predominantly female staff, and is the home of Dominus Thale and Magister Lanaya Triskell Dionisa. The armed force of the House is similarly small and primarily employed in the policing of the lands they own, made up of militia. It is notable in that its militia are trained to handle all manner of magical anomalies. It is also notable in that it funds the entry and travel to the Circle of Magi for any Mages found on its land, and also those mages that can be found within the city of Nyhem, though it does not find many in the massive metropolis, due to having such a minimal presence in the City proper.
Family Background: House Thale is an old house, but not one of great interest for much of its history. Twenty years ago, its holdings grew significantly, its fields tripling in size as Lord Dominus Thale bought up the land of other nearby landowners, and also developed some new land. However, with the death of the Lord’s wife, it began to stagnate. Five years ago, the Magister Lanaya Triskell Dionisa was assigned as a magical advisor to Lord Dominus, and quickly took effective control over the House. She has not increased its holdings, however she has made use of Lord Dominus’ limited political pull to raise her own stature and put in place some initiatives for assisting mages in the area.
Claim to the Throne/House Motives: House Thale has no claim to the throne. Currently its motives are the motives of Lanaya, and she uses it as a vehicle for negotiation with other political groups within Nyhem, ‘acting in the name of Dominus.’
Name: Dominus Thale Age: 41 Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Position: Noble, Head of House Thale Personality: Dominus was once a capable leader, but no more. He is a broken and easily manipulated man, who would rather just live out the rest of his days in safety and routine, enjoying the perks of his nobility. He avoids conflict whenever possible. Weaknesses: Weak minded and easily convinced. Dominus has a weak spot for beautiful women as well, and will do a great deal to have them pay attention to him and remain in his presence. He is extremely conflict averse, and will go to great lengths to avoid conflict of any sort. Appearance: Dominus is a frail looking, but rotund man of moderate height. He does not focus much on his appearance, though his clothing is usually proper it is often behind the current prevailing fashion of Nyhem. It is very rare to see him wearing his sword or mace, and he has not been seen in armor since his wife's death. Skills: Apprentice Swordsman/Maceman, Apprentice Ruler, Adept Politician, Apprentice Economist. Background: Dominus’ heyday is long passed. Once, he was a capable ruler of House Thale, increasing its reputation and holdings threefold. However, his wife suffered complications in childbirth and did not survive the birth of his only son. The sudden loss of his wife broke him, and since then he has fallen far. House Thale has stagnated, not losing any holdings but not gaining any since this time either.
He now spends his time in his manor in Nyhem, engaging in minor politics and the day to day logistics of the Houses lesser holdings at the behest of Lanaya, the Magister assigned to give him advice in all matters magical. Nominally, he remains the head of House Thale, but in truth, he is utterly beholden to Lanaya and follows her every command. He happily allows her to make the important decisions relating to the House, and the extra time he has is often used reading works of fiction.
Name: Thanatos Thale Age: 19 Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Position: Noble, Son of the Head of House Thale Personality: Thanatos is bitter young man, with a lot of hate and arrogance. He is also ambitious, seeking to ‘reclaim’ his House from the ‘Witch’ that controls it. Weaknesses: Thanatos is arrogant and overconfident, believing himself a more skilled person than he is. He is prone to rash action and only looks to plan things in any depth should his initial actions fail. Appearance: Thanatos is a tall, well built young man. He is in good physical condition from his regular martial practice Skills: Adept swordsman, Adept crossbowman, Adept Hunter, Novice Ruler. Background: Thanatos grew up with no mother, eternally blamed by his father for taking her from him. As such, he has no great love of his father, and spent a great deal of his youth on the Thale holdings outside the City. He was taught by a number of retainers, some belonging to House Thale and others hired from Nyhem. A good deal of his youth was spent hunting beasts and chasing skirts, but more recently he has begun to learn the art of managing the family holdings.
This is spurred on, perhaps, by his taking notice of Lanaya’s control over the family. He is known to have argued with her on several occasions and resents her for multiple reasons. Partially because he believes he should be in charge of the House, and partially out of jealousy - she holds his father's utmost respect, he dotes on her, while he barely pays attention to him, and when he does it is usually a cold interaction.
Relations with other Kingdoms No true diplomatic relation has been established with the neighboring noble families preceding the death of king John Remennot. -To be elaborated upon at a later date
Family reputation Dragonslayers -The Blackwell family has a fierce reputation, for they are well known as the slayers of dragons.
Strong as Iron -The Blackwell family was born into a noble house from the ashes of warfare, and their people are a hard and strong people.
Duty before Honor -The Blackwell family is one who sees 'getting the job done' as superior to the concept of 'Honor', and their use of guerilla tactics and clandestine operations in the past is noteworthy.
Queer Fighters -The Blackwell family is notorious for training to combat foes without the use of shields, and typically wield additional weaponry in the off hand or adopt the use of larger weaponry in the stead of traditional sword-and-shield pairings
Kingdom's main export goods Raw goods: Lumber, coal, ores Skilled goods: Weapons, armor, agriculture//seasonal crops
Kingdom's imports Alenius' imports alter to accent any shortages and emergency needs -Primary imports consist of skilled laborers and educators, rather than any material needs -Secondary concerns are dependent upon the Alenius' kingdom's own production of goods, and is typically shifted to correct any shortages seen; alternatively, exports may be cut to offset this rather than imports made -Importing goods is seen as a last resort
Description of Kingdom Alenius is a land that, in recent years, has prospered greatly. Prior to the Blackwell family placement upon the kingdom, it was a simpler land that was heavily dependent upon its neighbors for goods such as tools and food, and had seen considerable damages due to dragon attacks frequenting its southern provinces [quite near the mountain ranges] that left the south almost entirely uninhabited, save by those few wanton dragonslayers seeking their glory.
With the Blackwell placement preceding the Manshrew-Remonnet civil war, considerable industrial upheaval occurred in the kingdom. The Blackwell family instituted more rigorous agricultural practices, which dragged the kingdom out of its dependency, and allowed it to further progress into its own enterprises and expand the kingdom's demesne.
Under Blackwell rule, the dragons plaguing the south of the kingdom have been slain and the land made habitable, allowing the kingdom of Alenius to expand into its own profitable mining and prospecting enterprises, further eradicating the heavy debt that originally lay across the land.
Now, the kingdom is powerful economically due to its centralized production and lack of consistent imports. The military of the kingdom is comparatively small in regards to its neighbors, yet highly trained and elite under the Blackwell standards, and has a high reserve force that is constantly in training circulation to keep the civilian populace prepared in the event of a war.
Family Background Summarized - See individuals for further explanation The Blackwell family is one bred from the fires of war, and hardened in combat like the harshest of irons. Originating as a peasant family who served as a mercenary company, the Blackwell family saw extensive combat and operations in the Manshrew-Remonnet civil war, where they served as a guerrilla unit, a misinformation broker, as well as a strong backbone in central battles when the need arose.
Their extensive operations in crippling the Manshrew forces at every available opportunity, as well the spread of misinformation through the enemy [Manshrew] forces, was a critical role they played in the war. They targeted high priority persons, sabotaged supplies, engaged in open warfare to a considerable extent, and by the end of the war the Remonnet's had them hoisted up to the position of nobility due to their display of effectiveness and loyalty to the crown.
However, peasants cannot simply be made noble without angering the other vassals of the kingdom. The Blackwells were granted land and territory in what is known as the kingdom of Alenius, which at the time following the war was little more than an inhabited wasteland of barren fields and scorched earth. The land was facing incredible debt.
The kingdom of Alenius had sided with the Manshrew forces in the beginning of the civil war, and as a result had been utterly crushed by a massed Remennot attack as a pre-emptive measure, and the ensuing battles backed the Alenius nobility into Hell; dragons at their backs and an overwhelming enemy at their fronts. Needless to say, the kingdom of Alenius was rendered a non-issue in the war.
Upon being granted their title and lands, the Blackwell family continued to serve the Remennot's until near the end of the war, when they withdrew from the combat in order to govern their lands and recouperate from the extensive combat they had seen.
In the following years, in the face of having their titles revoked and land squabbled over by neighboring lords, the Blackwells turned the same lethal efficiency they carried for the art of war towards the art of statecraft; the core Blackwells, the ones who had served in the civil war, were masters of the arts of war and death, but many of their extended family and subservient citizens were farmers and simple artisans. Rather than trying to institute the standard reconstruction process, the Blackwells deferred to those who understood the earth and the tasks that needed to be done.
Those who could best get the job done received the highest positions in the Blackwell society, and through the constant struggle for improvement the land became fertile once more, and the people's fortitude returned as- rather than with swords and shields- they fought with hoe and sickle to win back the plentiful peace they once had.
The only issue was that of the uninhabitable wastes in the south, where the prospect of ores and mining stood as a saving grace for the land of Alenius. Many dragonslayers had gone into this southern land in an attempt to fight and gain glory by slaying one of the great beasts, but none had succeeded. The Blackwells, however, were backed into a corner in the face of crippling debt and a rebuilding society. The Blackwells were not ones to back down from a challenge.
So the Blackwells went south, to the mountains, to hunt dragons. They left the army they had grown through the years of combat and war behind to defend the territory with The Shadow as governor, and left with but a small elite group of soldiers rather than employing vast numbers of dragonslayers- opting instead to gather up the wanton heroes already present in the country rather than warn their surrounding threats of the family's planned absence.
However, the rumors were hardly enough to prepare the Blackwells for what awaited them in the south. What they intended as a speedy mission quickly developed into a task that took the span of a few years, with the forces back in the northern half of Alenius holding the land and warding off possible threats. The Blackwell family had anticipated but a few dragons that had grown into many by years of myth and rumor, but the truth of the matter was both harrowing and boldening; There were hundreds of dragons in the south of Alenius, and the Blackwells had found another war on their hands.
And war for the Blackwells is like harvest for the farmer; it revives the spirit, and makes one look to the future.
The dragons in the south were steadily eradicated into manageable numbers; nearly two hundred dragons having been slain by the Blackwell family, and a vast quantity of those were accredited to a single member of the family alone. Scales, claws, teeth, and bones were harvested from the creatures and sent back to Mercy [the renamed capital of the Blackwell kingdom].
Now, only a handful of dragons still survive in southern Alenius; hardly enough to pose a threat to the Blackwell family, or the people of Alenius. The south became an industrialized powerhouse for the country, and the north evolved into an agricultural cornucopia...
Various mottos of the Blackwell lands, and their origins
"Death's no Stranger." ~ The Old Man; in response to threats from the Manshrews during the civil war - Adopted as the family motto
"I'll choose death." ~ The War Maiden; when prompted to turn coat in the civil war - Adopted as a military slogan
"Send me more!" ~ The War Maiden; Her disappointment at the lack of a challenging foe during the civil war conflicts she took part in - adopted as a military slogan
"Salted earth doesn't grow." ~ The Lord; his grim displeasure at the land they had been titled - adopted as a military slogan.
"Never falter, never fall." ~ The Dragonslayer; during the Dragon War - a common saying
"What are we?" + "Forged in dragon's fire!" - Pre-battle mantra of the Blackwell military
"Dragons were hardly as big an issue as this". - A comical colloquialism of the Blackwell lands ---
Reason of claim to the throne and family motives [See; individual characters] -The Old Man of the Blackwell family wishes to defend his family's position in society by pre-emptively integrating other lands and territories into his own. -The Lord of the Blackwell Family seeks to solidify his own claim of succession by commanding a force through a war, just like his father has done, and thus earn his father's approval and blessing. -The War Maiden seeks to live up to her sister's reputation as a dragonslayer by proving herself on the field of battle and combatting the strongest fighters in the land. -The Shadow seeks to profit from stirring the Blackwell family back into war, and marking her name down in history through notoriety. -The Dragonslayer seeks to protect her family to the fullest of her ability, regardless of the challenges they face.
I've forgotten more about war than you'll ever learn - The Old Man
Name Giles Blackwell Old Man Blackwell
Age 63
Gender Male
Position Head of the family - King of Alenius
Personality An exceptionally harsh man, Giles Blackwell was a man born for war. His speech is slow and deliberate, carrying both authority and weight, and despite his age the man's physicality carries strength that few men possess. He walks in the refined manner of those who fear not death, as if they're entitled to every step they take- and none shall deny him that right. His slow and deliberate speech hints of an analytical mind, and despite his low birth the man has no shame or humility about him.
He was forged in dragon's fire, and of man's steel. There is no fear within the man, but no courage; purely the honest duty of a soldier.
The Old Man's treatment of others is blunt, yet fair. He'll not treat anyone different, save his own family whom he treats far harsher than anyone else. A man of great expectations, for he has accomplished much.
Appearance The man's hair is greyed, and scars mark his face. He is aged, yes, but his body is hardly withered. He is known as 'The Old Man', yet his body still has the strength and dexterity of men half his age. His hands are rough, hard, and calloused- quite unlike other lords of his status, who would ordinarily have softer and more delicate features. His height is average, and his stature itself is not anything special- but his presence is unmistakeable and the very air around him thrashes with the authority he bears. He, for all intensive purposes, has the appearance of a man whose word is law.
Skills and traits Giles Blackwell is renown as, perhaps, the greatest soldier to ever partake in the art of war Tactician - Excellent Combat [General // Warfare] - Master Command [General // Warfare] - Excellent Martial Weaponry [All varieties] - Master
Statesmanship - Average Education - Average Diplomacy - sub par trade - Sub par
background Giles Blackwell has never been anything other than a soldier. From a young age he was introduced to the soldier's life through his own father, who commanded a small mercenary force to marginally profitable results. At this point in time, the Blackwell family was a respected name in the common folk's community.
His mother was a simple tavern wench, and thus Giles was naturally attracted to his father's lifestyle far more than his mother's, and left at a young age to join in his father's adventures. However, for some time the young boy had no place in his search for his father, and thus spent considerable time just wandering the various kingdoms of Formaroth in a search for his own purpose.
For these travels of his life, he was not Giles Blackwell. He was known during this time simply as Pounce the Stray. This is not a time of his life that many remember, or bothered to learn, but it is perhaps the most critical time in Giles Blackwell's life. His time as Pounce the Stray defined him moreso than any other period in his life, including his time in war.
The only way to understand why, is to see it.
Pounce rubbed the back of his hand across his jaw and staggered back. He rocked on his feet lightly. The young teen was bleeding from one eye, and the other was swollen shut; his vision was a red haze of blurry figures. His body was heavy and fatigued, but still the boy stood and swayed. He refused to fall, even now, even as his body began to lose function.
"That all you got?" He croaked out, coughing as the words left his mouth.
"Shit, look at 'im- maybe we should leave him alone."
"Yeah? And what, let this beggar walk away? He stole from the market then ran, you know we can't let this go unpunished."
"You want to take this kid in an-"
Pounce couldn't let the third man continue speaking, and shouted out in anger at their casual conversation in the face of his pain.
"I'm no thief!" the young boy shouted, shifting his feet back and solidifying his stance. "And if I was, I'd own up to it!" His head reeled as he shouted, his own words echoing in his head. In his rage, the boy's thoughts scattered as his head filled with steam and red haze. He was vaguely aware that he was running towards the voices before something solid slammed into his face and he was sent sprawling on the ground, a wave of blackness overcoming his consciousness.
When Pounce awoke, he could hardly see. The red haze was gone, and he bore bandaging over his body. Most of the pain was gone, but as he blinked his eyes slowly the numbness in his body was replaced by a dull ache. Pounce had been in fights before, but he had not taken a beating quite like this one; the town guard had accused him of thievery and beat him.
Pounce was no thief, but he appeared to be a beggar and was easy to blame. Pounce had no doubt that the guards who did this got a promotion, or a raise, or some sort of exaggerated tale to tell. He grimaced and rubbed his head with his left hand as he sat up, and a woman's voice scolded him sternly;
"Stay seated, boy, you've hardly recovered. I'll need another day with you if I'm to make all the aches die down, but if you'd rather suffer feel free to rise." She sounded nice enough, Pounce decided, but definitely older and less patient than he'd like.
"I'm fine." He said gruffly, forcing himself up into a sitting position. His head had begun to clear and his vision steadily improved. It was queer, knowing magic was at work on your body. "Where am I?"
"Right now you're lucky to be alive, and lucky to have gotten off with such a light punishment for thievery." came the woman's voice again. "You're also lucky that I'm a nice woman who helps all who need it and not some greedy hag who peddles her wares from a streetside shop."
Pounce couldn't help but chuckle at the woman's demeanor, before shaking his head and grinning. He pulled his hands into fists and stretched, before splaying his fingers and looking down at his hands as he often had when deep in thought about life and where to go next.
However, as he looked down, his grin froze in a hideous plaster upon his face. This hideous mockery of a smile was formed from a singular realization; Pounce's right hand was missing its ring finger.
Pounce had been marked a thief for a crime he had never committed.
While this singular instance of the story of Pounce the Stray is short, it was a defining factor in the man's life. While on the extreme side of the spectrum, it is but an average experience of the man's youth. As he grew, his natural penchant for fighting became honed into a soldier's edge; at the age of fourteen he finally found his father's mercenary troupe and discovered that his father had died, and in turn Giles fought his way up to the leadership position with tooth and nail, until he dominated both the mercenary company as well as the battlefield with his hones combat expertise as well as his fledgling tactician's mind.
Years later, his own children joined him in his travels when he sired them. By this time, Giles was a battle hardened veteran, grizzled and forged by years of combat in the elven empire as well as on the Formaroth lands. His children were following in his foot steps, and when they first came to him he sent them on a yearlong journey around Formaroth without their names in order to make them discover how harsh reality was on their own. One of his daughters was even magically capable, and he sent her to the Summer Isles until she could control her gift.
When the civil war broke out, it was only another battle in a life-long war that Giles Blackwell had been fighting.
Father is a man of iron; I shall be a king - The Lord
Name Eli Blackwell Lord Blackwell
Age 32
Gender Male
Position Heir - Prince of Alenius
Personality A charismatic fellow, yet reserved by nature. He bears the force of will that his father carries, yet has a sort of hesitance about him that makes him come off as more thoughtful and less brash. He is a courteous fellow, but is quick to count himself nobody's underling and to declare himself equal to all. He is an honest man, and being a Blackwell he is hardened to the throes of battle and war, and thus has a heavy weight when it comes to matters of human life.
Appearance He is a man. Dark hair full of youth and vigor, and a face made rough from hard work and hard battles. He is not the soldier his father is, and that disparity is obvious even at a glance. His gaze is that of a man who judges all he sees, and seeks to better himself as well as those around him through his actions. He is tall, and strongly built; an athletic man with a strength inside him mirroring his father's, but not the harsh military authority.
He is a man who one would find it impossible to lie to.
Skills and traits Lie Detection - Master Diplomacy - Very good Statecraft - Expert Charisma [general] - Expert
Combat [General // Warfare] - Good Tactician - Excellent Martial skill/combat - good Command - Good Naval command - Very good
Construction - good Labor Organization - Very good Trade and Economy - Expert Animal handling and training - Very good Eli is an avid falconer, and cares deeply for his beloved falcon dubbed 'Mary' as a nickname for 'Marionette', in reference to a childhood friend known as 'Doll-Girl'
Background The only surviving son of Giles Blackwell, king of Alenius. The story of Eli Blackwell is best told like most others; begin at the start, struggle through the midst, and finally reach the end. As a youth, Eli was turned out of both name and house- much as his father had done- and sent on his own journey around Formaroth.
Eli's name during his travels was simply 'Mouse'.
Mouse was a slender boy, with the beginnings of strength and athleticism in his bones. He was quick on his feet, fast with his hands, hard on his friends, and easy with his enemies. Most importantly of all, he was in love- the love only the young can bear for another of their own, a promise for the future rather than anything tangible in the now.
He loved Doll-Girl. In the city of Nyhem, of all places, is where the two met, and it is Nyhem where Mouse spent a majority of his travels. Unlike his father, Mouse did not get in an abundance fights nor did he get charged with crimes he did not commit. Rather, Mouse was a king among beggars; He could disarm someone with a smile, make a friend in a conversation, gain trust with a wink, and talk his way out of just about any issue that came up.
Doll-Girl was his only worry and concern in the world. She was a young, sickly, sort whom he had made the acquaintance of one fated evening when he was seeking Asylum from a storm. He had broken into an old warehouse by the river of Nyhem, and when he was inside he was startled to discover a girl. She was dressed in exquisitely fine clothes, unmistakably noble or royal in some fashion, and yet was out here in the storm much the same as a beggar boy.
The two studied each other for a moment, then a dialogue ensued;
"My name is-" the girl had begun, only to be cut off by Mouse's rough rebuttal.
"Don't tell me. Out here, we're all the same. I have no name, so you have no need of one either. Call me Mouse, and I'll call you Doll-Girl because you look like a marionette. Besides, knowing your name would ruin the illusion." Mouse's words were even and friendly, but distant as one would expect. The girl, lowering her head, seemed hesitant to respond, but as Mouse made himself at home and tried to find somewhere dry to sit about, she seemed to relax.
"A-Alright I suppose. Mouse...Doll-girl...Almost sounds like a tale from a storybook, doesn't it?"
"I wouldn't know, never had a storybook. From the look of you, it would definitely seem like you'd be the type to have storybooks and servants and three meals a day. Welcome to a different kingdom, Doll-Girl; the kingdom under everyone else's boot. I'm a king, you're a queen, and everyone else you meet's just the same. We have no wars, no battles, no heroes; simply one grand adventure." Mouse was a natural raconteur, and he was getting the itch in the base of his skull that came with all great stories he told. "It may seem undesirable to someone who's every-day attire is much like yourself, but there is a liberation in being beneath everyone's concern. There's power in being ignored and discarded. There's new perspective when you're at the lowest of the low, with nowhere else to go."
It was at this point that Mouse faced Doll-Girl fully and sized her up in a masculine head-to-toe glance.
"You're pretty, but you'll just be sold off as a wife for political means or made into a priestess, or something along those lines." Doll-Girl scoffed at this and waved a hand dismissively, shaking her head.
"You're too old fashioned- and you say you never had any storybooks? I could be a soldier, a queen, a priestess- anything I want to be when I grow up!" And it was Mouse's turn to scoff and wave a hand dismissively, his smirk a sly hint at his jested mockery.
"Oh yes, you can do anything you want so long as it satisfies your noble purpose. Politics don't allow for freedom, at least not for someone like you."
"What do you mean someone like me?"
"Someone who wears dresses, runs away from home or gets lost from her parents, and is forced to hide in warehouses with the king of beggars nipping at her heels." Doll-Girl's silence was somewhat weighty, and she outright turned away from Mouse and walked to her own corner. Mouse was content with allowing her to do so, but followed her with his gaze evenly. Her sneezing a few moments later was only an excuse to do what was in his nature anyhow; Mouse rose up and followed the girl, before roughly depositing his jacket in her lap- startling the girl somewhat.
"Doll-Girl, don't you remember what I said? We're all equal out here under everyone else's boots. I share what I have, you share what you've got, and in the end we're all alive."
The girl pulled the jacket about her hesitantly, but nodded her thanks.
"I don't h-have anything to share with you."
"Answer me one question then."
"Did you get lost, or did you run away."
"I ran away."
At the girl's admittance of that, Mouse gave her a wide grin.
"Then, Doll-Girl, all you have to do is come down here and visit me from time to time when you run out like this again." ----
Mouse's tale was one of charisma and learning, and from Doll-Girl he learned the finer points of court intrigue and politics, and from Mouse Doll-Girl learned what the world was really like and how to tell if someone was lying or honest, and even how to throw a proper punch.
They promised to always meet back in the same warehouse every so often and would leave signs for each other that they were there. However, Doll-Girl was often sick and they didn't get to frequently be together. This did not deter Mouse however, as he often found some way to get to see the girl when she was sick and try to cheer her up.
He was thrown from the castle's rooms more than once for his presence, but they simply could not keep the boy away from the sick girl. Eventually, thanks to the girl's protests, they allowed Mouse to visit her briefly.
Doll-Girl's death marked the end of Mouse's life, and a hard and stone-hearted Eli Blackwell left Nyhem the same night.
Eli was trained much as his father had trained; with desperation and anger at the world, and a need to revitalize the spirit. He did not bear the natural penchant for combat that his father- and siblings- bore, but his time in Nyhem had educated him better than any formal education in the art of economics.
Eli was soon growing into the very definition of a lord despite being simply a member of a mercenary troupe, but his way with people and his way with money was a great boon to all who worked with him. Becoming the prince of Alenius only marked what was seen as an inevitable event for Eli Blackwell, for none who met him could deny his noble air and penchant for statecraft.
He would have become a king one day, regardless of if his father had earned the kingdom for him.
Coin is far superior to blood; Uncle just pays the best - The Shadow
Name Vivian Blackwell The Shadow
Age 26
Gender Female
Position Assassin // Spymaster
Personality Vivian is a rakish woman, very aware of her curves and body. However, her core personality is one that is safeguarded closely. She is a very troubled woman, disillusioned from the ties of family and the strength of blood- she values only people's actions, not their words, and coin. Promises are not a thing she believes in, only collateral agreements and down payments.
Appearance Vivian is a beautiful woman, and yet it is nearly impossible to find her attractive without her wanting you to do it; her gaze is piercing, her movements hint at a lethal efficiency, and her form fitting clothing is undeniable for function rather than form.
Of course, this look of lethality can swiftly switch to one of flirtation and innocence- and can just as easily shift to one of inconspicuousness and leave people's gazes travelling over her and finding it hard to focus upon her.
She is simultaneously beautiful and iconic, and ordinary and intangible.
Skills and traits Stealth - Expert Perception - Good Lie detection - Expert Manipulation - Good Infiltration - Expert Assassination // Lethal striking - Expert Disguise - Very good Vocal Disguise - Very good
Crossbow mastery - very good Short blade skill - very good
Background Data missing, information to be filled out at a later date
Vivian Blackwell is the niece of Old Man Blackwell, and acted as both an assassin and spy during the civil war when she was 15 years old. Much of the information regarding her youth is kept secretive and undisclosed. Many view this woman as a tool rather than a human being, and it is apparent that she sees herself in a similar manner.
Facing war at the age of 15, her suicidal nature lead her to the reckless and dangerous endeavors of a spy rather than the soldier life she had trained for. Rather than grabbing up sword, spear, and halberd, she took up a crossbow and a black cloak. Her services during the war served as the primary functionality of the Blackwell family as a mercenary unit, as it was Vivian who- acting as serving women and prostitutes- spread misinformation and gathered up intelligence on the enemy movements during the war.
She even assassinated key targets, such as particularly competent soldiers and officers, and sabotaged entire sections of the enemy's supplies whenever possible. Despite the woman's lack of known background, her track record and accomplishments are well known- even if she, herself, is not.
The Blackwell family has, naturally, accepted the accusations and notoriety for utilizing spies and assassins, but Vivian Blackwell herself has never once been named or acknowledged in order to maintain her functionality.
I am a soldier, a fighter, a champion- send me bigger foes, send me stronger opponents; challenge me! - The War Maiden
Name Beatrice Blackwell The War Maiden
Age 29
Gender Female
Position Princess of Alenius - Champion of the Blackwell Family
Personality Beatrice is an overwhelmingly stoic woman, except when in the heat of battle. She has a distinct apathy for all matters except those involving proving herself and matters of combat. This does not make her a hot headed warmonger however, and she will rarely instigate combat herself.
Appearance A large, imposing, woman of average height. Her body, possessing immense strength beyond her size, is thus muscled and athletic in an almost masculine manner. Her feminine features are thus limited- at least, when she's wearing armor they are.
Her face is hard and angular, with her waist length hair often intricately tied up to keep it short. Her body, while muscular, is still female- only she dilutes this feminine body with clothing specified for women who wear armor and tend to perform heavy, laborious, activities.
Skills and traits Beatrice is a woman of immense physical strength, and possesses a physical power superior than even males of her age and size. Her fortitude and endurance are equally immense
Combat // Fighting capacity - Master
Other - Sub par -> Good range
One of four living children of Giles Blackwell, Beatrice is, by far, the most martially capable of his offspring. When the woman was turned away and discarded her name, as Giles forced all his children to do, the girl simply enlisted into his mercenary company as a stray rather than Blackwell, and spent the next years as a nameless fighter within the troupe. Her name during this time was 'Mule'.
The dirt tasted bitter, clogged her throat, made her feel worse than she'd ever felt before. She pushed herself up, her body battered and broken. She lifted her face and scowled at the man standing before her; an imposing, aged, man who held a dirk loosely in his off hand, and gestured in a mocking manner with his primary.
"C'mon girlie, can't you just land one hit?" the man sneered and backed up. Mule's hand gripped at the heavy wooden handle of the training greatsword that had been crafted specifically for this training; it was truly an exquisite weapon when she had first gotten ahold of it, but by now it had worn down into a veritable mass of wood with iron at its core.
It had developed into a weapon rather than a training tool, something she'd carried with her into battle. But now? It served her not one bit. Giles was simply far too experienced for the powerful weapon's blows to land, no matter how finely the young girl tried to maneuver the blade. She grit her teeth, spitting out a mouthful of filth ridden saliva, and brought the greatsword up to bear on her shoulder; the weapon was gripped in one hand, with the flat of the blade resting on her shoulder, and her other hand poised up before her as if cautioning off a blow. It was a peculiar stance, but it was also heavily defensive. The girl was shifting her assault.
"Damned old man, I'll hit you yet." she hissed, crouching down a bit lower as she studied the man's loose posture. He was standing in an almost relaxed manner. Mule, however, was incredibly battered and had several open wounds- light, but painful- across her arms.
Mule's assault was sudden, but the elder soldier seemed to have no issue preparing for it:
Mule stepped forward and shrugged her shoulder forward, launching the greatsword blade forth in a manner that relied on its weight moreso than her own strength to send the blade crashing down. Giles sidestepped the arc of the weapon and brought the dirk up, a small smirk on his face. Mule brought her arm across swiftly, catching the blade on her forearm and halting its arc halfway, stepping back to have the point of the weapon aimed at the man's chest as she backed away.
He had avoided every strike so far, and if she left herself too open he retaliated. She needed to do something reckless to get through his defense. All she needed to do was land one single hit and she'd be able to feel as if these years of training had meaning. The girl grit her teeth and let the blade fall low, sliding her free hand up its length until she was gripping its hilt with both hands. She kept the blade low, bringing it behind her and low to her knee; a stance meant for powerful strikes, but left for very little variety in her blows.
She rushed the older soldier, and brought the blade swinging violently upward with an immense power that seemed foreign in her small body. Giles simply stepped back out of the swing's reach and brought his dirk u-
Mule released the sword mid-swing and sent the heavy blade soaring forward at Giles, who had to swiftly shift his dirk to deflect the airborne weapon; a simple act of catching the wooden blade on the dirk's flat and shifting its trajectory to the side. Mule, however, was not stagnant as the soldier deflected her secondary attack. The girl launched herself forward viciously, sprawling onto the ground and launching herself upward underneath his guard--
Only to find the old soldier's free hand grabbing at her throat and pushing her body away from his, and lifting her into the air.
"Girl, what was the first thing I ever taught you? Always have a weapon on hand."
Mule struggled for breath in the man's grip, but glared at him solidly and tried to deliver a kick directly towards the man's chest. Giles just threw the girl aside and sheathed his dirk, a disgusted look on his face.
"Get up, grab your sword, and keep at it. Until you hit me, you don't have a name."
These words are what echoed in Mule's head for three years.
Beatrice earned her name back, and became a fighter to rival her father. After years of continuous combat and training, the Old Man is still superior to Beatrice, but Beatrice is capable of holding her own against the man. During the civil war she acted as a vanguard for the combat the mercenary troupe saw, and following the conclusion of the civil war she was named Champion of house Blackwell while her father served as king.
I have flown above the heavens; I have howled at the moon; I have wrestled with dragons; I am but a Blackwell - The Dragonslayer
Name Drevala Blackwell
Age 27
Gender Female
Position Princess of Alenius -> Court Mage/High Magister
Personality Perhaps the most amicable of the Blackwells, and also the most dangerous. While she is no martial master, the woman has a pleasant air and a friendly smile- disarming qualities on top of a surname that bears nothing but lethal intent. The woman is a far cry from the martial and military prowess presented by her siblings, and is, still, a bit distanced from the statecraft presented by her brother. She is a genuinely amicable woman, with some reservations to those outside her family.
She is one who puts faith and trust in her family, and is quick to trust others. She was raised and educated primarily by the mages of the Summer isle rather than her father's brutal manner of raising his children, thus she has drastic alterations from the usual Blackwell harshness.
Appearance A woman with short black hair and an athletic form, whose strength does not lie in her own body. Her skin is soft, unlike her siblings', and her voice is softer still. She does not have the hard gaze that analyzes threats, but rather the inquisitiveness of a natural learner and profound thinker. She has a natural grace that permeates all actions, and despite her plain-ness she has a sort of nobility and serenity about her.
Of course, at another moment she may appear to be any variety of creatures.
Skills and traits Magic knowledge [basic] - expert specific schools - Dual Study Shapeshifting - Excellent Restoration - Average
[Edit - August 8th, 2016: Changed non-standardized wordings into 'excellent' and 'above average' rather than the non-conformed 'good' and 'very good']
Drevala is a peculiarity amongst the Blackwell for she bears magical power. This being said, she was not forced into the Old Man's usual test, and was instead sent to study at the Summer Isles- where it was found that she grasped magical concepts with exceptionally quick aptitude. Having chosen the school of shapeshifting, Drevala was quick to attune to the magic and discover its finer nuances. Restoration was but a secondary schooling for her, and she has but standard understanding of its principles.
Shape shifting- now that was something Drevala was truly interested in. Studying animals, learning just what made them move and what muscles accomplished which task- it was a deeply liberating experience for the young Blackwell. Learning how to fit into another creature's skin created a deep empathy for others within the woman, as well as a deep understanding of her own body and natural instincts.
Tapping into the primal urges that lie within the concept of life itself were what Drevala found to be key in fine tuning her art. Humans, through their construction of civilizations and religions, have distanced themselves from these internal urges- have warded themselves away from their primal instincts of fear and survival in order to reward suicidal and reckless concepts of honor, courage, and bravery.
Drevala's acute understanding and belief in natural instinct and animalistic urges are a driving force in the woman's actions and life, and have played into her distinctly singular understanding of the art of shape shifting to extreme efficiency.
To put it in the Lay; Drevala is an animal in human's skin, and finds shedding her natural form to come easily to her.
Drevala's most notable achievements were during the Blackwell Dragon War, where she gained her title of 'The Dragonslayer' due to her unprecedented display of tenacity and efficiency at the eradication of the great beasts known as dragons.
She was alone. She was often alone these nights, with naught but her own inconsistent skin as a shield against the chill wind of the mountains. Drevala forsake clothing on nights such as this, and stood bare to the world as she breathed in the chilled air of the high mountain tops.
A single breath drew in, then the woman threw herself from the Cliffside and into the air; her body warped and twisted, and she fell for little more than a few seconds before her body now possessed the shape of a great bird of pretty- a monstrously sized falcon. She was on the hunt tonight, and her prey was of a size and power far greater than the falcon's usual prey.
Tonight she hunts dragons
The great falcon swam through the thin air, fighting to gain purchase in the high altitude and climb ever so much higher. Soon she was above the tops of the mountains, and could see for eternity in all directions.
Far below her, a great bonfire raged; her family, in its nightly celebrations of survival and of a challenge sought on the morrow. While her family rested, recuperated, and made merry... Drevala went on the hunt. She had learned the weaknesses of the great fire breathing worms through a year of careful study- she had studied scales, bones, teeth, talons, muscle, sinew, tendon, spine, tail...She had studied the creatures in their entirety, and had found their few weaknesses.
She had discovered a way to overcome the great dragons with but the power of common beasts.
She soared away from the camp and flew for roughly an hour before she came across a dragon. They were beasts, and beasts needed sustenance- thus they could be easily found when hunting. Drevala, being of her instinctual nature, could easily find the places most frequently hunted by Dragons by observing the habitat in a similar fashion as she was now.
The dragon was low to the ground, beating its great wings slowly as it powered its almost lazy flight along the forest tops. It was truly a stark and contrasting violence when Drevala's talons blinded the creature a few moments later as she pecked and clawed at its vulnerable eyes and destroyed the creature's primary observational tool.
Drevala had but a few moments to do this, but this was a practiced action, and as she beat her wings furiously to arc away from the dragon and laterally towards the ground, the great beast roared with fury and pain as it cascaded downward in its blind flight- its body tearing through the tree line and eventually slamming into the mountainside with a tremendous crash.
By this time, Drevala was standing, naked and human once more, on the ground far below and observed the higher ground the dragon had ultimately slammed into. The ground shook, and the mountainside rumbled with an impossible force as stone and rock tumbled downward and cascaded over the still form of the great beast.
However, but a short few seconds into this unnaturally caused phenomena, the dragon's fiery breath erupted into the night air as the great creature thrashed and rose from ground, throwing the rubble from its body and roaring.
It was wounded and afraid; the words barely registered in the back of Drevala's mind. Rather, she saw this as 'my prey is weakened', and crushed all sympathy she had for the creature. She needed to be a predator, not an equal, in order to beat it. The falcon could cripple the dragon, but she needed the raw power of one of nature's strongest creatures in order to combat it further.
And so, with great lumbering steps forward, Drevala once more turned into the great falcon and flew high into the air, skirting the edge of the dragon's furious flames, and alighted atop the cliff above the beast once the rockslide had concluded.
She waited for a few moments, reverting back to human skin, until the beast had calmed and fire no longer flew in all directions. Then she shut her eyes tight and slowly slipped down the mountainside, her form changing in the span of a minute to the minute form of a mouse.
The mouse was far too small to be detected by the dragon, and far too little to be smelled in the aftermath of the scorched stone.
The dragon had no way of detecting Drevala until it was far too late; the mouse, at the dragon's feet, suddenly grew into the iconic guardian of the forest- the form of a great bear.
The bear lunged through the air with a roar and brought its full weight down upon the neck of the dragon, forcing its head towards the ground where its fire was nullified by its lack of angular direction. The dragon's body was still a threat, yes, as the bear's claws and teeth could not pierce its scales- but Drevala needed but this one strike to bring her critically wounded foe to its death.
As the great bear drove the dragon's head towards the ground and brought the ultimately surprised beast to the ground in a tremendous crash, the bear's body reared up and brought its entire weight crashing down upon the base of the dragon's skull.
Caught between unyielding stone and the startling power of a great bear, the dragon's scales held steadfast; however, the dragon's innards- being protected by nearly impenetrable bone and scale- was simultaneously scrambled and destroyed by what usually kept it safe. To put it simply, the impact had smashed the dragon's brain against its own skull and killed the beast.
Drevala had, once again, overcome a dragon using naught but simple woodland creatures as skin. This night, it was the roar of a bear that echoed throughout the mountains.
I've no interest in war or thrones, I just want to be happy - The Youngest Blackwell
Name Naomi Blackwell The Daughter
Age 16
Gender Female
Position Princess of Alenius
Personality The first of a new generation of Blackwells, the youngest daughter of Giles Blackwell.
This girl has not suffered the same trials as the other Blackwells, and has been spared the tribulations of war and the scarring sights of murder and battle. To this extent, she is both innocent- yet not naïve. She is a Blackwell, and was trained and educated as thus, but is both innocent of murder and innocent of battle.
She is a princess, more similar to the style of behavior of Drevala in that she is amicable and friendly, yet also bears the analytical behaviors of her brother Eli.
Appearance A young, delicate, and uncalloused girl. She bears not scars of combat, nor the hard hands of a dedicated fighter. She has the analytical eye of one who often debates of strategy one night, but also of philosophy the next. She has the voice of one who has authority, yet also the voice of one who you can call a friend, and also the voice of one you would call a child.
She is truly a youth, but has a harsh cynicism about her. She is innocent, and reluctant to do the deeds her family considers common place, and has a deep fascination with human behavior and the nature of civilization as a whole, and this is apparent in the way she carries herself; a curiosity that glimmers in her eye, a careful manner of moving the body, a self conscious glance towards herself when others are around and she believes herself to be invisible, and most importantly of all a careful silence that begs others to speak and for her to listen.
Skills and traits Average in all aspects
Naomi is but the youngest, and least accomplished, of all Blackwells. She was left amongst the castle of Mercy during the Dragon War, and was too young to have seen combat during the Civil War. She is truly a rarity amongst the Blackwell, and is a cherished object amongst the family.
She is, by all standards, but an average girl- hardly noble, and hardly capable of combat by Blackwell standards, but she is a Blackwell Princess...and thus...quite valuable an asset, nevertheless.
The Old Man The Old Man is a man few would call flawed, and few would challenge- this is true. However, he possesses a few critical flaws that are central to his personality and mannerisms, and these flaws are unyielding with the rest of his personality.
The Old Man is prideful and judgmental. He holds himself of a higher stature than even other nobles despite his common blood, all because he fought and clawed his way to where he is, and he is likely to be brash and harsh in these regards when he senses a weakness or cowardice in others.
The Old man, additionally, suffers from a very mild case of paranoia. Some would argue his paranoia is healthy rather than detrimental, but it is still present nonetheless. He is a crafty and wily bastard, and he sees the map of Formaroth as a chess board rather than geo-political map. He assumes people are spying on him, because his house is known for its clandestine networks and underhanded tactics.
The Lord The Lord is the shining symbol of pride. Where his father has a healthy dose of pride, coupled with an iron core of judgment, Eli Blackwell has a strong natural pride. He considers himself as noble as one of common birth can get, and even sees himself as a more capable statesman and economist than members of the Imperial Concord's royal council.
The Lord is an ambitious person. Incredibly ambitious. His ambition is not secret- he has declared that he will become king of Formaroth one day, and with the beginnings of a new civil war it may very well be safe to bet he's plotting to work his way into the middle of the Manshrew/De Reimer war.
The Lord is terrified of failure. Failure is equivalent to death in his mind. When you enter into diplomacy between kings, and organize the economy of a nation, and handle the state and legal affairs of said kingdom, even the smallest mistake can ripple and destroy years of work.
The Shadow - Vivian Blackwell Little is known about the Shadow. This title of 'The Shadow' is not even known publicly.
As for the woman known as Vivian Blackwell, little is known about her as well. She is only niece to Giles Blackwell, and this distance from his personal lineage marks her as less important than his sons and daughters.
However the woman does have flaws; greed, hedonism, selfishness, paranoia, apathy, sociopathy, and disdain for blood ties being the easiest to list.
The Dragon Slayer
The Dragon Slayer is protective of her family to a lethal degree. She'll not throw herself in the middle of a debate or argument, or even into a single combat scenario, but she will throw herself in harm's way to shield her family, and will even sacrifice on objectives and tasks in order to heal and take care of her loved ones.
The Dragon Slayer finds trust to come easy. She believes in the good and natural intents of others, and easily finds herself trusting others.
Magically Dependant; The Dragon Slayer is dependent upon her shapeshifting and healing magics. Without them she is probably the least martially capable amongst the Blackwell family, which still makes her admittedly a good fighter, but she is one that relies on her natural penchant for shapeshifting to see her through issues from combat to day-to-day travel. She'd feel trapped without it.
The War Maiden The War Maiden is one of honor and anger. She employs a stoic demeanor to shield her emotions and to buffer her slow thoughts from the manipulation of others. These simple things define her flaws, and no real further elaboration is necessary. She is a simple woman.
The Daughter - Naomi Blackwell Naomi is a naïve and silly sort. She was not a part of the mercenary troupe, nor was she engaged in the Blackwell Dragon War. She has never tasted true combat outside of her training and sparring sessions, and is an untested edge in this regard.
She has had a...Well, 'shielded' is not the best terminology, but it is apt. She is not ignorant or incapable of understanding the brutalities of war, combat, and murder- she is simply distant from them, as if she finds them distasteful, and doesn't want a damn thing to do with them.
She's a generally nice girl and tries to be as nice to others as she can, and doesn't want to see people hurt. These aren't flaws per se, but they are a weakness the girl possesses. She has no aggression.
Reputation Proud, Ruthless, Natural Leaders, Warriors, Blunt, Rational Competent, Serious, Respected, Feared, Severe hate for inefficiency.
Exports Hard Woods/Lumber, Stone, Marble, Granite, Whale Products (Oil, Meat, Etc..), Tin, Furs/Hides, Fishing (Fish, Crab, Oysters, Etc…), Pearls, Iron
Land Description Raeldar has a climate that most would make a point to avoid. It’s atmosphere is cold and the winters are even harder. But these winters produce a people that are even harder to endure the bitter cold. Mountains covering the majority of the southern part of the peninsula but scores of pathways are carved through the mountains for mining and whale products exported from the southern seas. While the land is hard it is able for farming while the summer months and early autumn, boundless wildlife and coastal fishing feed half the populace.
While Raeldarian nobles and the Sutharlan’s aren’t considered wealthy and frugal with their money but treat guests with the utmost respect and courtesy. But they’re a proud bunch and when their honor is slighted they consider it extremely distasteful and hold a considerably long grudge.
Crime despite it being a poorer region is at an extreme low. Most likely due to the harsh laws and are punished accordingly. As the proverb goes “An eye for an eye” is taken quite literally. Nobility isn’t even allowed to get away from these set in stone laws, but maybe something lesser like flogging to save face. On the other hand gambling and prostitution run high in population areas, legal and taxed.
Being a cold peninsula the people here are adept at hunting and have designed specialized White Wood bows based of elven bowyers. Claiming to be able to pierce through armor, but since there hasn’t been any major wars/battles there is no claim to this but are known to be highly effective. Sailors from the Ice sea to the uncharted ice laden waters to the south are highly skilled in their labors. The armies of Raeldar are often put in the vanguard of any force for their king with unrelenting prowess. As a cold hard land, so are the armies when called upon. From their brutal appearance to barbaric prowess in combat. They’re feared like the dreaded dragon, slow to ruse but once woken nothing gets past the massive force of men, horses and iron.
Family Background The Sutharlan’s wed into a bastard branch of the royal’s after the initial conquest. Marrying into the Remmonnet’s bastard daughter only after making them play in seas of blood for their conquest of their lands, which is still sung in taverns. Known to be some of the finest warriors and honor any agreement. They rarely marry out outside of their own territory for what reasons isn’t know, probably to eliminate headaches but they will on occasion.
The men of Sutharlan are known to be tall strong figures, which tend to be intimidating enough. The women of average height but are pale yet beautiful, fertile, with wide hips. Birthing strong children healthy, needless to say marriages with these noble women are sought after for that very purpose. All family members have hair black as ash with shinning near emerald green eyes, giving way to who they are.
House Sutharlan carries an ancestral Dwarvern Steel sword that has been passed down since its founding. The sword ‘Cold Heart’ has been in the family since its founding but still looks fresh forged. Large two handed bastard sword, with point on varying parts of the blade acting as small hooks and to intimidating opponents. Lastly the Sutharlan's don't care for magic, they see it as unnatural and leads to abuse of power. Anyone wielding such magic are tiptoed around.
Claim to Throne and Motives While they haven’t expressed an interest in the throne, they certainly wouldn’t object to it either. If there is any underlying motives, they aren’t privy to the rest of the world. Lady Sutharlan has rumored closer ties to the dead king but they haven’t released the details of such a relation.
Name: Bearnard Sutharlan “The Quiet Wolf” Age: 48 Gender: Male Position: Paramount Lord of Raeldar, Patriarch, Family Head Personality: Quiet, Loyal, Just, Reserved, Fair, Respected, Natrual Leader, Warrior, Wise, Honest, Frugal, Feared Appearance: Thick ash hair peppered with with gray. Short but rugged beard honoring his lands, with solemn almost cold grass green eyes. Tall reaching, 6’4 with broad shoulders. Background: Bearnard born a twin but his sister had died in the womb, rendering his mother barren. Which some people believe took away of his soul, explaining why he tends to be so quiet. Threw his childhood people started nicknaming him ‘Quiet Wolf’ because of his silent demeanor and his prowess. His actions always spoke louder than words. However around his spouse, children or his vassals he tends to be more expressive. As a father of five children of which has three female children. Two of which are tomboys, who he drilled personally as hard as his two male children. Only one girl is truly feminine. All of which are in company to attend the late king's funeral and pay his respects. He was granted to title of ‘General of the Vanguard’ by the late king. With retinue of 50 men as a personal guard. Skills and Traits: Apex Warrior, Master Swordsman Leader, Cunning, Stalwart, Wise, Efficient, Loyal, Protective
Name: Sorcha Sutharlan “Peacetalker” Age: 44 Gender: Female Position: Lady of the House, Matriarch Personality: Kind, Frugal, Protective, Loving, Nurturer, Teacher Appearance: Sorcha has a dark shade of hair, almost purple in tone but carries her mother's illuminating gray eyes. Looking at the woman one would hardly believe that she is as old as she is, still holding her youthful looks of her mid to early thirties and birthing five children in the process. Possessing an average figure but carries what weight she does have well. Background: Sorcha is Bearnard’s second cousin and their marriage was already prearranged at her birth but as time grew and the two actually met there was a silent affection between the two. Even from their young age the two grew inseparable, a love inspired by so many minstrels. Being the only person to see the man she was married to smile. Shortly after the marriage she bore him a first born son and soon thereafter another four children, giving truth to the women of the Sutharlan line. However she does lament on her husband's lack of diplomatic affairs, often accompanying him on such trips. Skills and Traits: Skilled Diplomat, Moderate Politician, Skilled in Economics, Moderate Politician, Mediator, Soothsayer, Herbalist
Name: Iain Sutharlan “The Sly Fox” Age: 28 Gender: Male Position: Heir of Raeldar, First born, Scholar, General, Raeldar Steward Personality: Wise, Smart, Cunning, Musician, Leader, Chaste, Warrior, Generous, Gregarious Appearance: Iain has his mother deep black hair, almost to the point where it is near indigo in color. Stand tall at 6’3 but keeps his face clean shaven but with trimmed goatee, giving a distinguished look about him. Sinewy body build but having the ‘pretty’ face of his mothers line make him one to swoon over. Background: Iain is the pride of Raeldar. Not for being the first born but beloved by his people for his charity among the destitute and all walks of life in the south. Growing he excelled in all of his studies and training. No matter what it was Iain always excelled to it. Given a multitude of test by varrying masters of the subjects, coming to yield perfect results on each of them. Having read threw all the texts of his fathers keep and attending to his duties. Yielding a slightly higher income for his father but due to their poorer status it wasn’t much. Lessening the taxes of the common folk in the process. Iain is unmarried but his looks alone make most women swoon, driven further by the fact his is chaste and hasn’t felt a woman’s touch before Skill and Traits: Masterful Tactician, Genius, Masterful Economist, Scholar, Cunning, Cordial, Gregarious, Chaste
Name: Anna Sutharlan “The Huntress” Age:26 Gender: Female Position: Judicator of Raeldar, Lady of the House Personality: Just, Lawful, Honest, Blunt, Solitary, Without Remorse Appearance: Anna takes more after her father with hair black as night, her skin tends to be rough as she spends most of her time in the woods. Her eyes tend be far colder than her father. Her deadlock state tends to be crack any would be criminals in interrogation far before any force is used. Despite her roughen appearance she is considered quite beautiful with fair skin. Background: Anna being the second child and the first female of the line is more like her father than the rest. Preferring the company of animals even from a young age, also taking to archery. Before coming of age she master the White wood bow. Because of her solitary preference she was named judicator of the Raeldar because of her like minded thinking of her father. Spending more time in the woods hunting the would be criminals that enter her father's domain. Skills and Traits: Master Huntress and Archer, Guerrilla Fighter, Righteous, Survivalist, Herbalist, Mounted Archer
Name: Cormag Sutharlan “The Titan” Age: 25 Gender: Male Position: Marshall of Raeldar, Vanguard Leader, General Personality: Warrior, Brutish, Silent, Cautious, Friendly, Inspiring, Merciless in War Appearance: Cormag is a giant among men, even towering above his father at over seven feet closing in on eight feet, rugged flowing beard. Massive mass of muscle capcity as almost anything he uses has to be special made for considering his size and strength. His beard flows but keeps his head completely shaved. Background: Cormag even as a young child was huge, nearly killing his mother coming out of the womb. While he isn’t like his elder brother being prodigal son, he did take to his marshall lessons to heart. Mastering nearly every weapon he came into contact with. Earning himself the title ‘Marshal of Raeldar’. Forming a Legion of men like himself being tall men with a knack for battle. When they ride to battle it's much like a titan stepping onto the realms of men. Skills and Traits: Apex Warrior, Brutal Warrior, Master with Sword/Flail/Mace/Axe, Horseman, Relentless
Name: Anabla Sutharlan “Witch of the Sea” Age: 23 Gender: Female Position: Admiral of Raeldar, Lady of the House Personality: Cordial, Honest, Friendly, Proud, Gregarious, Sea lover, Efficient Appearance: Anabla keeps her ash hair cut and curled around her neck. Her very presence always gives a welcoming aura as her frame is lithe but still very attractive. Taking after her mother’s eyes, being gray but seem to be so beautiful that people claim they’d kill for them. Being the shortest of the siblings never bothered her as her personality wins over most people. Background: Anabla grew up like most young ladies would around the court of their fathers but something changed when she came about a book of the sea. What it was nobody knows but it made choose a life on the sea. Learning under her great-uncle what she could before one of the raging cold storms of the sea took him overboard. Yielding to her the position of Admiral and has spent most of her time at sea. Rarely coming to land. Skills and Traits: Masterful Sailor, Skilled Naval combatant, Adequate archer, Moderate mediator and diplomat
Name: Lili Sutharlan “Ice Lily” Age: 15 Gender: Female Position: Lady of the House Personality: Kind, Friendly, Feminine, Talker, Writer, People Person, Head in the clouds Appearance: As far apperance goes Lili is split down the middle. Taking the best physical traits from both of her parents. Beautiful gray eyes, thick ash hair with a shine that is often braided down her back. Taking the trade mark Sutharlan traits and making them better. Often considered as the most beautiful of Sorch and Bearnard’s children even at her young age. Background: Lili is often regard as the beauty of the south, even as an infant most people held her in high regard as an ice lily. A beautiful flower in white and light blue that only grows in the coldest reaches of their realms. Brought up in her father's court and is still learning poltics but most cannot say no to such a charming and beautiful face. Skills and Traits: Gregarious, Skilled diplomat, Mediator, People Pleaser, Charmer, Political
Name: Gabanre Charis Age: 26 Gender: Male Position: Mage Personality: Impulsive, Fair and Patiënt. Is know for doing the impossible. Is extremly lucky. Very smart. Has blue hair due to a genetic defect Appearance: Around 1.90 meter high. Thin and around 70kg heavy. Clothes are ussually blue and dark. Never wears socks Background: Gabanre's dad was a fearsome Warrior. His mom was one of the best mages in the art of healing. Gabanre was superlucky and got his dad's fighting skill as well as his mom's magic skill. Making him quite strong. Gabanre was born in a village where dad and mom were fairly well off compared to the other villagers. After his dad's adventure towards one of the the abandoned dwarven cities, after which his dad never returned. When Gabanre was just 15 years old, His mom died after a period of unhealable illness at that moment. Gabanre loved his parents and needed time to get over the suffering loss of their departure. He loved his dad the most Because though he learned his fighting skills. He got spotten by someone of the magic circle after half a year. He was able to study destruction magic and healing magic. He had a great time learning magic, this was also due to the fact that he was one of the best students at that time. When he was done with studying magic he heard about a death off king John, he thought this would be a good opportunity to earn a lot of money. He decided that he would become a mercenary. While being a mercenary he will be trying to manipulate his way through towards the throne, or close to the throne. He is neutral and help the one playing him the most. He does not work for promises. Skills and traits: Destruction Magic and healing magic. Good Axefighter. Very good Swordfighter. Very good tactician.
Name: Lanaya Triskell Dionisa (or to those who know her personally, Lana) Age: 27 Gender: Female Position: Magister Personality: Lana is a proud and arrogant woman with strongly held beliefs in the superiority of mages. Nonetheless, like many in the grand political game, she has multiple faces. Publicly, she is a polite and occasionally outspoken Magister, who strives to be noticed but not annoy. She hides her arrogance and disdain well. She is happy to demonstrate her magical prowess on request, and also makes heavy use of her abilities without being obvious about it. In public she treats other mages no different than others.
Privately, she is far more opinionated, and once she has determined you agree with her opinions, will tend to be much more vocal and outspoken with them. She respects mages far more than ‘mundanes’ as she calls those without magic, and is prone to ignore the flaws of mages while exaggerating those of non-mages in conversation.
She also has a strong streak of wanderlust, which she indulges with regular traveling in the lands nearby wherever her current residence is - traveling alone and far further than most would be able to in a short span by making use of shape-shifting.
She is motivated by a strong desire to see mages take a larger role in ruling Formaroth. She argues that Circle trained mages are both more neutral and more logical than the current self interested rulers currently in place. She is exceptionally dedicated to her cause and will happily manipulate, lie and in extreme circumstances, injure or kill to achieve her goal.
Appearance: Lana is of average height (5’6), and low weight, maintaining a slim appearance. She is not particularly curvy, but nor is she unpleasantly lanky. She has pale skin, green eyes and straight copper-red hair stretching down to her waist.
Her clothing varies wildly - if she is traveling she wears more form fitting, practical clothes together with enough small storage pouches to collect any interesting curios she finds or carry limited supplies. At court and around the city, she wears the typical dresses of a noblewoman, in whatever fashion is current. Of note, is that, particularly in the warmer months, she has been known to wear very little while creating an illusion of clothing around herself. Only those who have been intimate with her know of this tendency however. Even when she is not doing this, she does tend to add details to her outfit via illusion, covering for the fact that she does not own quite as much jewelry and extra finery as she would like.
Background: Born Lanaya Triskell Dionisa, first daughter of house Dionisa, a minor family living in the capital city, Nyhem. Lana’s early childhood was a relatively normal one as far as noble children went. As soon as she was able to speak, her education began, her parents obsessing over ensuring she would be a worthy continuation of the line. Despite this, they still eagerly granted her almost every wish, doting on her in the extreme, particularly when she did well in her classes. Needless to say, this quickly turned her into a spoiled brat who expected to get whatever she wanted whenever she wanted.
Near her seventh birthday, everything changed. An abrupt and clear manifestation of magic drastically altered her parents view of her. Suddenly, in their eyes, she would not be able to continue the family in any way. Though it was not exactly a dishonor for her to be a mage, it ruined their carefully laid plans for the future. Though it was not her fault, she was nonetheless blamed for the manifestation of magic. No time was wasted in contacting the Summer Isles to inform the mages they had another child to take.
Mere days later, she was collected by mages from the city and sent on her way to the isles. The last expression she remembered on her parents faces as she was taken was one of profound relief. To her, it seemed they were happy she was gone.
By most standards, the journey to the isles was a smooth one. To Lana, it was something else entirely. She had never traveled beyond sight of the city before, much less been on a ship. It was terrifying at first, but once she realised she was safe, both from the strange mages around her and the road and sea, she began to look upon the wilderness with wonder. After a time, however, she became so eager to see the next grand sight that she became impatient with the slow speed of travel. Fortunately for the mages accompanying her, she only began to act up the day before arriving at the Isles and the Circle proper.
The mages identified her as a possible trouble maker early on and did their best to eradicate her attitude, knowing how much of a catastrophe it could be to teach a child with such a mindset how to bend the world to their will. Their success was limited, and by her tenth yeah she had changed from demanding to manipulative.
Her magical studies went on regardless, though in the first two years they were extremely unfocused. Early on she lacked discipline, and had a tendency to flit between the next most impressive magic on the list, dabbling in the basics of many different kinds of magic. She was a nightmare for the teachers, who could see clear signs of potential and finesse in the basic techniques she learned, but regularly found themselves being informed by the self important young girl that she was going to go learn something else instead.
By her tenth birthday, Lana had finally decided on a type of magic to focus on - illusion. For three years she focused exclusively on illusion magic, despite her teachers recommendations that she study more broadly. Her focus within the field was broad, focused both on illusion to create art and illusion to aid in subterfuge. When she was thirteen, the wanderlust of travel began to once again grip her. Initially, she roamed the area near the circle during her downtime, but quickly decided that walking was far too slow. This led to her taking an interest in shapeshifting. By taking the shapes of other creatures, she reasoned, she would be able to travel faster. To the surprise of her teachers, she did not abandon her study of illusion at this point, instead balancing her time between the two pursuits more reasonably.
By the age of 15, she had become quite capable with several bird forms, each suited for a different kind of travel. With these new skills, she decided to travel back to the capital city and visit her parents, hoping that perhaps, they might be happy to see her again.
Initially, they were. But the initial joy at seeing their daughter again lasted only a short time before they tried to incorporate her into political machinations. For a time, she stayed, hoping to be something other than a playing piece in their political games, but however valuable a piece she was to them, she was never more than that. Three months later, she left once again, returning to the circle, now with knowledge of what it was like to be on the receiving end of manipulation. She decided when she left that she would not be manipulated ever again.
Upon her return, she further diversified her magical studies - picking up destruction magics to better defend herself against those who might seek to control her with force. It was only one year later that the Remonnet-Manshrew civil war broke out. Lana did not have the dubious pleasure of taking part, instead watching events unfold from afar, safe on the Summer Isles. Her personal hope for much of the war, was that the Remonnets would be victorious, but that the despotic king Heylot would fall in battle. Safe as she was, however, it was all somewhat surreal, affecting her little until the end came. With the conclusion of the war came news of the fallen.
Several of her friends from the circle, older, more battle capable mages, had left to fight in the war - none returned, sacrificed for some tactical advantage or another at the hands of generals who often did not understand their abilities. As well, she discovered her parents had supported the now dead King Heylot. Whether from fear or greed, she did not know, but as minor as they were, they were not spared the fallout. They were among those to die at the order of Patrick De Reimer, though they were not important enough to warrant his personal presence.
The entire affair convinced Lana that the leadership of Formaroth could not be trusted to the political machinations of the mundane, the unwise who held no magic. She kept this opinion to herself at this time, knowing that agitating about it would get her nothing at this time. She requested, and was granted, the chance to study politics and governance within the circle. As with most pursuits she set her mind to, she learned quickly, though not abandoning any of her magical studies.
In particular, she was seeking ways to push her newfound agenda without having to become directly involved with any particular family as an advisor. At the age of twenty, she was deemed to be sufficiently capable to leave the circle, however, she was also sufficiently capable in Illusion and shape-shifting by this point to begin assisting in teaching novices in the circle. Thus, she remained on the Summer Isles in the official role of a teacher, while continuing her own studies in fields both political and magical.
At the age of 22, Lana decided she had studied sufficiently to try her hand at some real politics. She was able to call in sufficient favors at the Circle to select a particular house to be assigned to as an advisor to this particular family. She chose the minor House Thale, a Nyhem noble house with a singularly weak leader. At first she advised on magical matters only, but within the first year she had influenced the Houses head to follow more and more of her recommendations. After her third year as advisor, House Thale was totally dependent on her for its running. Recently, she has begun speaking openly for the House, and persuaded the members to extol the virtues of having a mage advising them.
To Lana the Death of the King represents opportunity. Though she has made a public show of grief, as expected, she has in fact been happy, for now more than ever she is in a position to push for Mage oversight in the governance of the land, if not a Mage on the throne itself.
Skills and traits: Magic: Illusion - Master Though no longer Lana’s prime focus, Illusion is the form of magic she has studied the longest. She is capable of creating detailed images of places she has been in still motion up to the size of the average room, though this requires time to create and active focus to maintain. She can create or shroud light nearby, as well as hiding herself or altering simple features of herself, such as hair color. She is capable of creating illusory clothing for herself, and often does so when required to appear in fancy dress, while wearing something else entirely.
She is skilled with maintaining moving images, in particular clothing. In addition, she is capable of maintaining many small illusions at once with almost no focus, having been incorporating such magic into her daily life for well over a decade. She is capable of a number of sound based illusions - including boosting or softening her own or others voices, as well as recreating sounds she has heard in the past - though the voices of other people are difficult for her to accurately recreate, and the longer the sentence in such a recreated voice she casts, the more likely it is to be determined a fake.
Lana’s current path of study is in tying Illusions to Glyphs in order to create remotely triggered effects. This has met with extremely limited success thus far.
Shapeshifting - Adept Lana has a total of eight shapes that she has mastered. A moderately sized Eagle, a small Owl with dark plumage, a fast but fairly small Falcon, a moderately sized Tern and three separate songbird shapes make up her known bird forms. She is also capable of taking the form of a Dolphin. She has fully mastered all of these forms, but has chosen not to study any more since mastering them.
Of note is that she can use more advanced shapeshifting spells while transforming, one to maintain all of her clothing through the transition, and another, more complex one, to carry small objects like sheafs of paper and coin pouches through the transition. The more she takes with her though, the more preparation she needs, in the form of spoken spells.
Destruction - Master Force - Lana’s grasp of Force magic is strong. She can create both wide and narrow waves of Force, easily enough to knock a man over. She has also studied how to generate such waves from sources other than her hands, and though such spells still require a somatic element, she can bring force down from above or other directions. She can fully integrate Force based attacks into glyphs. Fire - Lana’s grasp of fire magic is the strongest in her destructive arsenal, and she is capable of generating incredibly hot fires in bolts, sheets or glyphs. Of particular note is that she is capable of manifesting bolts from unusual directions, not needing to originate them in her hands, although somatic elements are still required to cast such spells. Ice - Lana’s capability with Ice magic is less than fire, and she cannot generate temperatures much lower than freezing. She can however, create a wide aura of this lowered temperature around herself, as well as the typical ice bolt type attacks. She does not usually carry any water with her to use in creation of such ice bolts however. Lightning - Lana’s least capable elemental magic, she is limited to summoning a single directed bolt from her hands, or, if outside and in sufficiently cloudy weather, above. Though not strong compared to what other mages can achieve, she can easily kill with this lightning.
Like all mages, she is capable of working with others of her kind to generate larger, more destructive spells. Given her great power and knowledge, she is often elected the leader of such a channeling group when involved in one, though not always.
Her current direction of research in Destruction is the combining of Force and Fire into a single circular, band shaped glyph to be cast around herself or a group of people she wishes to protect. The intent of the glyph is to direct force and fire outwards to repel aggressors. This project is going quite well and is close to completion.
General Magical Knowledge: Though incapable of effectively casting any other forms of magic, Lana is quite familiar with all forms on a theoretical level, in particular recognising what a spells desired effect is likely to be and methods of countering or mitigating it. This knowledge allows her to accurately advise on all but the most extreme and specialised of magical matters.
Her knowledge of general magical theory is also fairly extensive, though often not up to the level of more dedicated Magisters, as she does not dedicate as much time to its study as most of her similarly ranked peers.
Other skills: She is a capable dancer, both in typical courtly manner and for performance’ sake. She is a skilled singer, both with her natural voice and that of the songbird form she can take. She is an adept ruler, though focused on magical solutions to problems. She is a master manipulator, unafraid to employ magic in her manipulation but not relying on it.
Flaws: Disdain of mundane combat: Lana looks at combat with ‘mundane’ weaponry as a barbaric and crude. She has no skill whatsoever when it comes to wielding a blade, staff, bow or any other form of weapon. In addition, her lack of practice with such things has left her physically frail compared to those who do regularly wield weapons. Dancing has ensured she is not a complete weakling, nor is she clumsy, but she could still be easily outmaneuvered and overpowered by the vast majority of her peers in a physical confrontation.
Arrogant: Lana looks down on everyone who is not a mage, and though she typically hides this in public, those who know her privately are aware of the strength of her feelings in this matter. In addition, she is prone to underestimating the capabilities of non-mages, though experience has tempered this somewhat.
Fear of being Manipulated: Lana hates the idea of not being the master of her own fate. She constantly second guesses people, especially non-mages, analysing her interactions with them to ensure they are not manipulating her.
Love of fine things: Lana has lived in luxury her entire life, save for very short sections while traveling long distance, sections which she hates with a passion. As much as she loves the natural beauty of the world, she also hates having to live outside of comfortable environments for more than a day or two.
Barren: Due to an unfortunate genetic defect, Lana is incapable of conceiving children. She is not aware of this fact.
Family House Name: House Thale
Kingdom Location: Land within the Nyhem City area.
Crest: Yellow background with a gold fleur de lis
Family Motto: Persistence Conquers All.
Relations with other Kingdoms: Neither hated nor loved by any. Directly under the control of the King in Nyhem, currently House De Reimer
Family Reputation: House Thale is notorious for being effective and powerful in the local area twenty years ago. Now it is slowly gaining notoriety as ‘The House of Lanaya’ as knowledge of Lana’s control over Dominus Thale slowly spreads. Some within merchant circles know it is a producer of grain and other bulk foodstuffs for the city, but it is not particularly notable amongst the many others also doing this.
Main Export of Goods: House Thale’s goods are not exported, they are immediately utilised in Nyhem. These goods consist of grain, poultry and other foodstuffs grown in the fields of the Nyhem area.
Description of Kingdom: As a minor House, House Thale has little influence over the large scale management of the area it owns. It owns a number of fields and the associated farm infrastructure near Nyhem, as well as a Manor within Nyhem. The Manor is run by predominantly female staff, and is the home of Dominus Thale and Magister Lanaya Triskell Dionisa. The armed force of the House is similarly small and primarily employed in the policing of the lands they own, made up of militia. It is notable in that its militia are trained to handle all manner of magical anomalies. It is also notable in that it funds the entry and travel to the Circle of Magi for any Mages found on its land, and also those mages that can be found within the city of Nyhem, though it does not find many in the massive metropolis, due to having such a minimal presence in the City proper.
Family Background: House Thale is an old house, but not one of great interest for much of its history. Twenty years ago, its holdings grew significantly, its fields tripling in size as Lord Dominus Thale bought up the land of other nearby landowners, and also developed some new land. However, with the death of the Lord’s wife, it began to stagnate. Five years ago, the Magister Lanaya Triskell Dionisa was assigned as a magical advisor to Lord Dominus, and quickly took effective control over the House. She has not increased its holdings, however she has made use of Lord Dominus’ limited political pull to raise her own stature and put in place some initiatives for assisting mages in the area.
Claim to the Throne/House Motives: House Thale has no claim to the throne. Currently its motives are the motives of Lanaya, and she uses it as a vehicle for negotiation with other political groups within Nyhem, ‘acting in the name of Dominus.’
Name: Dominus Thale Age: 41 Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Position: Noble, Head of House Thale Personality: Dominus was once a capable leader, but no more. He is a broken and easily manipulated man, who would rather just live out the rest of his days in safety and routine, enjoying the perks of his nobility. He avoids conflict whenever possible. Weaknesses: Weak minded and easily convinced. Dominus has a weak spot for beautiful women as well, and will do a great deal to have them pay attention to him and remain in his presence. He is extremely conflict averse, and will go to great lengths to avoid conflict of any sort. Appearance: Dominus is a frail looking, but rotund man of moderate height. He does not focus much on his appearance, though his clothing is usually proper it is often behind the current prevailing fashion of Nyhem. It is very rare to see him wearing his sword or mace, and he has not been seen in armor since his wife's death. Skills: Apprentice Swordsman/Maceman, Apprentice Ruler, Adept Politician, Apprentice Economist. Background: Dominus’ heyday is long passed. Once, he was a capable ruler of House Thale, increasing its reputation and holdings threefold. However, his wife suffered complications in childbirth and did not survive the birth of his only son. The sudden loss of his wife broke him, and since then he has fallen far. House Thale has stagnated, not losing any holdings but not gaining any since this time either.
He now spends his time in his manor in Nyhem, engaging in minor politics and the day to day logistics of the Houses lesser holdings at the behest of Lanaya, the Magister assigned to give him advice in all matters magical. Nominally, he remains the head of House Thale, but in truth, he is utterly beholden to Lanaya and follows her every command. He happily allows her to make the important decisions relating to the House, and the extra time he has is often used reading works of fiction.
Name: Thanatos Thale Age: 19 Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Position: Noble, Son of the Head of House Thale Personality: Thanatos is bitter young man, with a lot of hate and arrogance. He is also ambitious, seeking to ‘reclaim’ his House from the ‘Witch’ that controls it. Weaknesses: Thanatos is arrogant and overconfident, believing himself a more skilled person than he is. He is prone to rash action and only looks to plan things in any depth should his initial actions fail. Appearance: Thanatos is a tall, well built young man. He is in good physical condition from his regular martial practice Skills: Adept swordsman, Adept crossbowman, Adept Hunter, Novice Ruler. Background: Thanatos grew up with no mother, eternally blamed by his father for taking her from him. As such, he has no great love of his father, and spent a great deal of his youth on the Thale holdings outside the City. He was taught by a number of retainers, some belonging to House Thale and others hired from Nyhem. A good deal of his youth was spent hunting beasts and chasing skirts, but more recently he has begun to learn the art of managing the family holdings.
This is spurred on, perhaps, by his taking notice of Lanaya’s control over the family. He is known to have argued with her on several occasions and resents her for multiple reasons. Partially because he believes he should be in charge of the House, and partially out of jealousy - she holds his father's utmost respect, he dotes on her, while he barely pays attention to him, and when he does it is usually a cold interaction.
Personality: Sir Ramfrey knows how to act the part of the legendary knight he is famed to be, when in public. He is very well mannered and courteous to women, knows how to talk well and humor others with stories of his adventures. If one where to pay attention though, a kind of detachment would become apparent in his gaze, and something would seem lacking in his smiles. In private and around those he trusts this outer sheen further wears down and the brooding, cynical and ultimately deeply suffering man he is shows himself. He may even seem selfish and petty. Further down this too is only something he tells himself, because the reason he suffers as much is that in fact he is deeply thoughtful and caring. While being pessimistic he also is very much willing to do the right thing. Towards himself he often rationalizes it in a way that his motivation seems selfish.
Appearance: Sir Ramfrey is a very tall man, standing a head taller than most people. He has a rather slim wiry frame, but is extremely well trained and muscular nonetheless, and walks with a straight and confident posture. His brow is often furrowed by a stern frown, accentuated by his greying dark hair and steel blue eyes. His voice is deep and rough, and is known to make women swoon over him.
When in town he rarely wears his plate armor, which is made of blackened steel plate. Despite it being well cared for it shows unmistakable signs of years of use. The only decor is the representation of his coat of arms, three small daggers worked onto the plate above his heart. Mostly he will be seen in a dark brown leather doublet and leather pants, without any signs or marks on it. At court on the other hand his clothing is more befitting for a noble man, but significantly unfashionable, a bit worn and devoid of any frilly decoration.
Most striking to his gear is his famed dwarven steel bastardsword ‘Lady Gwynneth’. Between its blades double fuller can be read a fine inscription: “Call me Gwynneth, of the mountain peoples steel.” On the other side followed by “Wield me true and I shall slay each foe” Befitting to his coat of arms and name, he also carries identical triplet daggers; One in a sheath in the small of his back, one on his right shank and one normally at his belt.
Background: House Hansard of Daggerkeep is a very low noble house indeed. The ancestral home, a drafty motte-and-bailey keep watching over a small market town and a bridge spanning a insignificant tributary river, did not entail any kind of comfort associated with the life of nobles. Some of the free yeomans around had farmhouses that entailed more wealth and were more comfortable homes. Despite this lack of noble comforts growing up entailed all of the chores of a young lordling for Ramfrey. He learned reading and counting and also manners by his mother and under the watchful eyes of his father. The old man had a rather bad opinion of all of his superfluous sons after the firstborn, useless mouths to feed they where to him. Being the third son, it was very clear that Ramfrey had no prospects of ever holding any land of his own, at least not any land of his fathers. Thus father saw to it to find a knight of some renown to take young Ramfrey as his page at the age of six, nearly a year earlier than was customary. Young Ramfrey was always a long grown and lanky child and thus deemed ready for these chores.
Sir Berdig Morgan was a far more kindly man than his father, and as he was free to roam the land he, companioned by Ramfrey, two other pages and a squire did just that. The bearded knight taught all of them the basics of knighthood, and attended a number of tourneys with the boys. It would proof to be a good few years. Which abruptly ended when war came upon the land, about a year after he had been made a squire. Sir Berdig became one of the sworn swords in service to house Neptune. Between the five dozen of squires and pages Ramfrey was relatively well liked, if not taken entirely seriously. After a heavy growth spurt his voice had broken heavily and undulated between a very deep murmur and a squeaky boys voice. His new gangly arms made him look as if he was all elbows and suddenly he was a lot worse at sword training, always underestimating his own reach. Nonetheless as the war wore on the older and better trained squires where equipped and would fight under the command of their knights in the heavy cavalry. In the first battles Ramfreys lack in ability with the lance proved negligible. They often just rounded up fleeing enemies, or plowed through poorly equipped infantry from the flank. Forgotten where the golden days of tourneys and making merry; the days Sir Berdig told stories of daring do and adventure. Adventure itself was dark and gory and bleak. And it wasn’t honourable.
Winter came and both sides gathered their armies around them. Soon they converged on each other. Ramfrey was looking over the field before them. Soft snow fell onto the mud, and the horses hot breath hung in the air before them. Black was the entire horizon on the valleys far side. Banners flapping in the wind. Right opposite them on the enemies right flank stood cavalry of similar might. The thought of opposing an evenly matched enemy was exhilarating and frightening. Sir Berdig smiled at his squire shortly and patted his shoulder, a weak smile under the greying beard. Then their pages handed them their helmets and lances. There was no sign of Sir Berdig being nervous as he looked at him, but then he saw how the man was fingering his swords pommel. He gulped. Time seemed to stand still. A weak breeze stirred the lazily falling snowflakes to jump horizontaly through his field of vision. Then the call of the warhorns stirred them. First slowly then gaining speed they started galloping down into the valley. Only after a little time did Ramfrey catch sight of the opposing Riders doing the same. Madly they raced towards them. Horse breath steaming, mud and snow flying around them. Faster ever faster. Nearer ever nearer. It came the moment to lower the lances, they could now clearly see the enemies coats of arms upon their surcoats. Then everything erupted into chaos. The breathtaking forceful punch against his shoulder when his Lance made contact. Empaling his enemy, but unhorsing himself. Heavily he fell to the ground. Around him a maelstrom of bodies collided as he struggled to his feet. Screaming, colliding, guts and blood erupting through the air. A hoof punching into the mud where his head had been mere second earlier. Drawing his sword, nothing special one of the utilitarian blades flowing from the forges by the tens of dozens these days. Soon no upright horses where around anymore, gone, slaughtered, or killed, or in pursuit. But still the men fought and clashed. He saw John the older squire. He was in trouble, so Ramfrey rushed to him, deflecting a few blows. Still he reached him only when the older man fell. Clashing, swords clanking against his armor. Then the blood of the swords wielder on his face. Sir Berdig, at his side all of a sudden, screaming something at the top of his lungs, he nodded dumbfounded. The noise of the battle made it impossible to hear. On foot he and Sir Berdig and a few other knights and pages ran on, fighting, running, fighting. Men falling like flies. It was impossible to know who was winning, but then the sky darkened. Someone screamed. The words seemed so far away. “Volley!” Some let themselves fall to the ground curling up, hid behind shields if they had any, behind comrades if they where craven. Ramfrey just stood there. He felt the punches of the arrows as if through cotton. He looked down. Three had embedded themselves deep in his breastplate, one in his shoulder. Blood everywhere, was it his? He fell to his back. His head rolling to the side. Sir Berdig and the knighs all lying their, looking like porkupines, with all the arrows sticking out. Blinking. It felt all so far away. The noise. The maelstrom. Soft snow falling in his eyes as he looked up. Had he lost his helmet? Time passed, and the sound of slaughter diminished, as the sky darkened slowly getting bluer. Why didn’t he loose conscience? Who had won? Oh the arrow in his shoulder hurt so bad; the three in his armor however curiously didn’t. They didn’t bleed as he poked at them. He chuckled bitterly. His bloody funnel chest and the thicker padding he wore due to it had saved his life. He slowly crawled over to Sir Berdig, leaning against the man with his shoulder. He said nothing. Only stared at the by now blue face and open eyes. Still there where the lines around this mans eyes making him recall the cheerful tourney knight. He shook his head feeling hollow, feeling like retching. Not from the smell of blood and guts but from the loss. Tears fell. And he wiped them away angrily, closing the mans eyes. He heard noises behind the pile of flesh made from man and beast. And pulled himself more upright to look over it. A group of soldiers in the enemies colours was milling about, poking at corpses with their weapons, despite one limping they conversed, Horses waiting a few steps off. They where highborn. Maybe even Lords. He let himself sink back down. Should he be governed by fear? Or do something? His eyes fell onto the blade in Sir Berdigs hand. Words gleamed red with blood out of shining metal. ‘Wield me ...’ He took it reading on. “Wield me true and I shall slay each foe.” He looked up listening. The men where still there. Apart from his shoulder and the bruises from falling and who knows hat he felt fair enougth. He turned the long sword in his hands. “Lady Gwynneth.” He mumbled. “You shall avenge your master.” He pulled himself upright. Blood still dripping from him.
On the other side of the pile the eyes of one of the soldiers widened. A true giant rose from the dead. Arrows sticking out of him, an abysmal gleam to his eyes. Raspy breath. And the long blade. It shuffled towards him. He pointed shaking heavily not finding a way to force breath through his throat to speak, he couldn’t warn his Lord. Blood splattered on his face as both of his comrades, both Lords XXX and XXX where decapitated from behind in a two handed swipe. Blood spilled upon him as he fell to his back crawling backwards, stammering, pleading. The undead figure said nothing as it approached breath hanging as clouds in the air. He saw the elegant blade. Gleaming, menacing. The figure knelt and collected both heads, “For the Lady Gwynneth.” His very deep voice rasped.
Even though this battle had been seen as a victory at first, the tides for XXX turned. Two of the bannermen never returned from the battlefield, even though the enemies host had withdrawn hours earlier. Soon rumors and murmurs started to undercut the moral of the troops. A giant had risen from the dead. Wielding a magic blade. Some said it was a famed blade of dwarven steel. It did not matter. The war effort soon dwindled and ended with bitter losses for both sides, with no one gaining much and loosing dearly.
Ramfrey returned as one of three men left standing from the Heavy Horse. With the heads of two Lords no less. Soon he was knighted, and never was he mocked again. He trained hard and harder everyday, and despite his sinister rise to knighthood was well liked as he made a point of exhibiting gallant and virtuous attitudes at all times. At night he would often lie awake. Staring at old Sir Berdig in his minds eye.
Skills and traits: Swordsman – Master {Sir Ramfrey did already have a knack for Blades to begin with, but decades of training and fight have made him one of the very best swordmen to live. Lady Gwynneth falling into his hands at such a young age might have further helped this. It is nearly unheard of for someone coming into possession of a blade of true dwarven steel as young as him.)
Knifefigher – Expert {Wielding daggers and knives as side weapons is not unheard of for knights, but Sir Ramfrey, perhaps spurred by his lives experience, or by his last name, is scarily deadly at wielding daggers in their own right. A skill together with his habit to carry up to three daggers has at times saved his very life.)
Horseman – Expert {Being a rider is part of the job description for knights and Ramfrey is an experienced one, with experience entailing riding in any form of clothes or armour for many reasons and with many different weapons. Jousting though is not his strongest suit when it comes to this. He has ridden in tourneys over the years but he never got as good as old Sir Berdin at it.)
Tactician - Expert {No one spends decades a knight without gaining some basic knowledge of tactics. Even more so when, like Sir Ramfrey, one has at times lead men into battle.)
Archery – Adept {Even though a knight, Sir Ramfrey is pragmatical in his choice of weapon, and along the way started to learn archery. He is not the best archer around but is servicably proficient.}
Negotiator - Adept {Years of upholding an honourable facade, and suffering from a slight self detached attitude, have left Remfrey knowledgable when it comes to thinking about thinking, and also understanding others motivations. Thus he has become skilled at using words and negotiation.)
Mentor - Appentice {Having never taken in more than one squire or Page at a time, Sir Ramfrey is not the greatest of teachers or educators. Still has he seen 2 of his rise to knighthood themselves.)
Strategist - Novice {Despite having, over the years as a sworn sword, tread and worked directly with lords and marshals leading entire warhosts, Sir Ramfrey never managed to get a good grasp at going beyond tactics .)
Flaws: Haunted: To this very day Ramfrey suffers from bad dreams of the battle he won and was knighted for. Sometimes he hallucinates or dreams of his old sire, the knight Daron the Daring. He somehow is rather used to it by now, but it still makes him anxious and moody after it happens. Ravenous Appetites: Perhaps due to his troubling Past Ramfrey tends to drink and smoke without abandon. He also is not averse to the beautiful gender. A urge he often satisfies with common womenfolk, but due to his rough charm, and reputation as a nearly legendary hero, so far never with a professional. Cynical: Even if he doesn’t show it too much, and despite his excellent reputation as a heroic model knight, he is very cynical about knighthood, his life and maybe the world in general. Weak Joints and Tissue: Perhaps due to the sometimes a bit close relationship between ancestors typical even for lower nobility Sir Ramfrey suffers from a weakness of his connective tissue. His good training counteracts this a bit, but after long days his joints and especially his knees pain him greatly. Also due to this heriditary affliction he has a slight funnel chest, though this is only visible in the nude, as his quite well trained pecs make it nearly invisible under clothing.
Family House Name: Raudhfell Location: Cawanor, Southwestern corner, near border with Thralreth Crest: A “glowing” red wagon wheel upon a dark gray shield
Family Motto: “We persevere.” Also (informal): “Nothing good ever comes out of Thralreth.”
Relations with other Houses For the most part, House Raudhfell is neutral towards the other noble houses, both of Cawanor and of the other kingdoms. They are willing to trade with most of them, provided that they honor any deals made.
Family Reputation: In the noble circles of the High Court, House Raudhfell is a minor house of little note. Their lands are of reasonable size for their size, but almost tiny when compared to those of major houses. Additionally, their lands are primarily located in the southwestern corner of Cawanor, partially up in the forested mountains and hills here.
Though it is no secret that they are a mercantile power, most do not know the extent of their mercantile empire, as beyond moving others’ goods, they do not focus on any one trade, instead having distributed themselves throughout all branches of trade within Cawanor and a good number of those outside it.
What few goods they do produce themselves are inevitably limited in stock but of the finest quality. They’re known to be somewhat eccentric and not overly interested in politics or court business, so long as it does not affect their business. As such, it is an uncommon occurrence to see a Raudhfell at court in Cawanor, let alone at the high court in Nyhem.
In mercantile circles, it is well-known that anything entrusted to be shipped by Raudhfell caravans will arrive. It may take time, but it is worth the extra cost. While they naturally own a few ships, most of their trade is done by heavily guarded caravans.
Their highly materialistic and secular tendencies are public knowledge. They do not publicly oppose the church of Klebithy, but neither do they associate with them if they can avoid it, often charging extra to ship anything for the church.
While they do provide services within Thralreth, it is always at a higher cost, on account of their requirement for extra guards. Several members of House Raudhfell refuse to set foot in that kingdom.
Main Export of Goods: House Raudhfell, while formally among the Noble houses of Cawanor, are in many ways even more a mercantile house. The majority of their power lies there, in particular in the act of moving goods for other people, be it for other nobles, merchants or commoners.
While their lands are not poor, neither are they known for producing vast quantities of anything. Instead, these lands are known to produce small, exclusive products of the finest quality, like distilled spirits, which are often sought-after by many, especially nobles. However, it is noted that the current Lord or Lady Raudhfell alone decides who gets to acquire these rare products.
While they do not hold vast lands or political power, their mercantile business has over generations made them a relatively rich house with connections all over Formaroth. However, they have rarely—if ever—expressed much interest in gaining more political power, preferring to stick to what they do know.
Their hands can often be found, directly or indirectly, in most Cawanori trades as well as many of those found in other kingdoms of Formaroth, though these hands are often only indirectly there, deals and investments having been made through agents and other mercantile companies.
Description of House lands: House Raudhfell holds fairly extensive land claims in their corner of Cawanor, though most of these lands are made up of forested and mountainous wilderness, broken up by rivers, mountains and ruins from bygone years. There are also numerous mines on their lands, as well as the primary trade routes between Thralreth and Cawanor.
At the core of their lands stands a fortified manor that serves at the hub of their mercantile empire, even if few of their wagons ever come within sight of the manor. It is surrounded by cultured farmlands, orchards and the occasional ruins from less peaceful times. The villages and towns in this region are typically populated by people who share the house’s distrustful view of religious institutions. Most of the house’s militia and servants come from these towns and villages, something that provides these places with a steady income well above the norm for remote towns and villages, something travelers often note. While some members of the militia guard the manor, the vast majority travel the lands with the family caravans. Family Background: The family itself is probably some offshoot from another noble house far back in time, but for the past six or more generations of Raudhfells, their background has been irrevocably tied to trade. The Raudhfell trade empire’s reputation throughout Formaroth has grown significantly over the past twenty-five years, with the rise of the current Duke Raudhfell. It doesn’t matter where in Formaroth you want goods moved; If you want to be certain that it will get where you want it to go, you can never go wrong if you hire a Raudhfell caravan to move it. Though it is worth noting that moving goods through or to Thralreth will cost extra.
Claim to the Throne/House Motives Historically, House Raudhfell on its own has no claim on the throne, not for Cawanor, let alone for Formaroth. However Urd Raudhfell, the heir to House Raudhfell’s current heir, is also the illegitimate firstborn daughter of Patrick De Reimer. Therefore, she has a claim to the throne of Cawanor through him, though it is worth noting that no such claim has not been put forth, nor has she even spoken with him. She is currently in the process of investigating whether she wants to know her blood father.
As merchants, they care more about stability and continued trade income than they do about politics. As such, they have not formally shown favor towards one candidate, even if it is given that they have more trade with the de Reimers than with the Manshrews on account of their relative proximity.
Known members: Ida Raudhfell Mother, Current heir to House Raudhfell Asgher Raudhfell Maternal Grandfather, Head of House Raudhfell Alva Raudhfell né Mirkvidhr Maternal grandmother Urd Raudhfell Heir-to-the-heir
Name: Asgher Raudhfell Age: 50 Gender: Male Position: Duke Raudhfell, Member of the lower Cawanori nobility and undisputed ruler of the Raudhfell mercantile empire.
The current ruler of the Raudhfell lands is Duke Asgher Raudhfell. As the head of the house, he makes all the major decisions for its paths, though there is no denying that these decisions are at times influenced, for better or worse, by the wills and whims of his wife, daughter and granddaughter. This, however, does not mean he is a pushover. If anything, there is a clear tendency that attempting to manipulate him leads to a result opposite of that desired by the manipulator. It takes great skill to manipulate him successfully.
He took charge of House Raudhfell some twenty-five years ago, following the death of his parents at the hands of a rivaling merchant company. Ideally, he would’ve had many more years of training before he took command, but ideal situations rarely arise. He immediately took charge of the business, involving himself far more deeply than his father and mother had, knowing that his wife of eight years was more than suited to the task of running the household. Together with his brothers [Who may get more detailed stories at a later time] he set out to crush his family’s rivals and prove that he was ready to assume control over the Raudhfell mercantile company.
Considering the size of their mercantile empire and the relative strength of their opposition, it goes without saying that payback was no quick job, not something solved merely with a knife in the dark. Before he could even consider that, he had to make his opposition suffer as he had. In addition to dealing with this rival company, they had to deal with countless packs of opportunistic brigands who saw quick profits in raiding largely defenseless merchant caravans.
While he could not prove it, he had strong suspicions that at least some of those brigands had support from his rivals. They were better equipped than was average and they had oddly convenient times of striking. For obvious reasons he could not let that go on, which led to him hiring hundreds of villagers from on and near the Raudhfell lands, seeing to it that they received sufficient training with weapons to counter these brigands.
It was a slow process, but three years after his ascension, Raudhfell caravans had already gained a reputation for being safer than those of any other merchant company. But that reputation was not freely earned, for having that many guards on at all times cost money, but in the end it was worth it. For even as they had more expenses from the guards, a pattern emerged where more and more caravans reached their destinations. This logically led to higher profits and a better reputation, which in turn allowed them to charge higher prices from clients. Few clients were unwilling to pay what it cost to guarantee delivery. Or rather, few successful clients.
While he and his brothers frequently traveled alongside caravans, he did not personally lead them. Instead, he led what basically was a small army, specially trained to hunt down successful brigands and retrieve stolen cargo. Primarily cargo stolen from Raudhfell caravans, but as fewer and fewer of those caravans were robbed, he expanded into recovering cargo for other merchants, a service that Raudhfells still provide to this day, though Asgher is not involved in it himself.
With their rapidly growing reputation throughout the circles of anyone wanting to move goods anywhere, it is a given thing that their fortune grew. People began to rely upon them, choosing them over their rivals, which in turn weakened them. The particular rival responsible for the deaths of Asgher’s parents was rapidly approaching ruin as he made sure everyone knew what they had done. Some five and a half years after his ascension, he dealt the final blow through the expeditious use of the aforementioned knife in the dark. He might be good at wielding sword, axe and mace, but knives in the dark had never been Asgher’s forte. Therefore, as well as for other obvious reasons, he did not wield the knife himself. Why attempt something you know you are not good at yourself, when you can hire professionals to do it right?
With the last remnants of this rival in chaos, he quickly moved in, seizing their territory and assets, assimilating them into what many had come to call the Raudhfell mercantile Empire. At this point, when it came to moving much of anything valuable in Formaroth, people knew that the Raudhfells could be relied upon.
Unfortunately, the fates did not wish for Asgher to rise too far. The fates demanded humility, not pride from him. Thus, less than half a year later, while recovering one a stolen shipment in one of the innumerable forests to Thralreth, he was struck down by a particularly skilled brigand’s axe. Had his men been any less well-trained than they were, and had he been further away from home than he was, not to mention had the brigand’s aim been just a touch better, that would have been the end of Asgher Raudhfell. But his men were that good, he was close to home and while the brigand’s axe buried itself in his right thigh and abdomen, it missed everything vital. Even as he fell off his horse to lie bleeding on the ground, his men quickly finished up the fight, leaving none of the brigands alive and recovering the cargo. They mended his wounds as best as they could, loaded him on one of the carts and took him home.
His wife hired the best healers that money could buy, and while they saved his life and fully restored his ability to walk, the grievousness of his injuries meant that he would ne’er again father any children. To add to the insult from the fates, as he recovered, he learned that his only daughter, Ida, while being presented at court, had somehow gotten herself impregnated, by a powerful noble at that, one so far above them in rank that the very idea of asking for reparations, let alone marriage was laughable.
Considering his daughter’s utter refusal to consider marriage to any other man, he resolved to make the best of an already impossible situation. Where any other man might’ve blamed the powerful noble, his daughter or even his wife for allowing this to happen, Asgher knew that the blame lay in his lap. He had been too busy traveling the land, dealing with the family business to even notice how his daughter was growing up. There was no doubt in his mind that she had lacked for a proper father figure in her life. Upon making that realization, he swore an oath that he would make up for it. He would be as a proper father figure to his grandchild, no matter if it was a son or a daughter. He or she would become worthy of inheriting the Raudhfell name when she was older. Nothing would prevent him from achieving this goal. Nothing.
While the healers had restored his body, magic of this magnitude does not come without a cost. To this day, he has a marked limp in his right leg, and underneath his clothes the scarring is extensive. Nonetheless, he has done his best these past nineteen years to assist in raising his granddaughter and giving her as extensive an education as possible, ensuring that she has become a truly formidable young lady.
Aside from that, he has spent his time directing the merchant business, both through hired agents and through the capable hands of his brothers. Though his injuries were a setback for the business, in the end it was a minor one. The family business continued to grow, its reputation spreading further and further. In addition to that, he rebuilt the family distillery, using the fruits of the family lands to distill powerful spirits for sale. Like the family caravans, the Raudhfell Reserve has a reputation for quality, in spite of, or as a result of, the small size of the distillery.
Asgher is neither thin nor overweight. Though he is still practicing with weapons and maintaining his strength, there is no denying that he is well past his prime. His once-brown hair is now mostly white and his face is lined with age.
He has a distinct preference for clothes using the Raudhfell gray, but also mixes it in with a bright blue.
At his age, his skills are not easily summed up. He’s got years of experience at combat, economics, animal handling, negotiations and countless other areas. However, he also has enough experience to know that others are better than him at many of these things, like how his daughter Ida has a far better head for numbers than him.
Like most Raudhfells, Asgher has inherited a certain talent for summoning magic, being able to summon forth and control certain shades. His talent is not of such a level that he can in any way be called a master, but on account of how rare this talent is and how the church of Klebithy looks down upon it, he is powerful enough to have good use for it.
This particular talent has been in the Raudhfell family for untold generations, almost never failing to show up in children born to the family.
He is Circle-trained.
Like his skills, Asgher’s personality is not something that can easily be summed up into just a few words. However, there are certain tendencies that shine through and that rule his behavior. He is an apt businessman, able to see opportunities where others would view the situation as hopeless. He is merciless towards those who would wish him and his ill, and he is able to see the bigger picture.
It is no secret that he favors his family and those who have shown loyalty over time ahead of those who are unfamiliar, but if someone new should show to be particularly skilled at something, then he will use them for what they are worth. Nothing, in his mind, should be wasted. Similarly, if someone has wronged him and his in the past, they will find it very hard to gain his trust. Even when he is merciless, he has a code of honor that he holds himself, his family and his employees to. He is, however, not above using hired assassins if the situation calls for it.
Relations towards others:
Towards others, Asgher is generally fair. He bears no ill will towards the vast majority of people, but he has a certain distrust towards the Church of Klebithy, on account of their policy towards his personal form of magic. He is a shrewd businessman, but keeps mostly to himself even when he upon rare occasions leaves the Raudhfell lands, however those occasions have become rarer and rarer these recent years.
The uneducated masses are not his favorite, which is why he seeks to promote education even among common villagers, especially upon the Raudhfell lands. Ignorance is no excuse he respects.
He keeps the axe that made him the man he is today hanging on the wall in his study, and he is not shy about saying that. Most would assume it is the axe he wielded in battle while defending the family name, but his family all know it is the axe that almost got him killed.
His years of fighting for the family business have taken their toll, as has age. He is no longer the skilled combatant he used to be, and while he may not like it, he cannot deny that fact. Nor is his sight as good as it once was.
His right leg, severely damaged in his final battle, has given him a permanent limp, and his innumerable scars provide him no comfort. He cares deeply for his family, so threats to his family can be a means to provoke him.
Name: Alva Raudhfell né Mirkvidhr Age: 47 Gender: Female Position: Duchess Raudhfell by marriage, Ida’s Mother, Lesser Cawanori Noble
Born Alva Mirkvidhr, the current Duchess Raudhfell may not belong to house Raudhfell through her blood, but that does not make her any less a Raudhfell. She married Asgher Raudhfell just half a year before her fifteenth birthday. By that time, they had been in love for three years already and betrothed for two years. Had their courtship not been thoroughly chaperoned by their parents, there was little doubt in anyone’s minds that she’d not have been a virgin on her wedding night.
In any case, from the moment they were married, it took mere weeks before her first pregnancy was confirmed with the onset of morning sickness. Unfortunately, this morning sickness simply didn’t end. Weakened by this, the healers—who did their best—were not surprised when she miscarried sometime in the second month. Though heartbroken by the loss of what would’ve been her firstborn, Alva was not one to give up.
She loved her husband with all her heart, and wished for nothing more than to present him with an heir. Thus, even with the miscarriage in mind, it did not take long for her to get pregnant once more, though she was much more careful this time. Rather than taking any chances, she listened to her mother-in-law’s advice and had a midwife on retainer, obeying the woman’s advice in everything from what activities to participate in and to avoid, what to eat and not to eat and even how much rest to take.
It was almost as tough a pregnancy as her first one, but with careful assistance from the midwife, she managed to carry the child to term, naming the young girl Ida after the amount of work involved in getting her into this world.
However, even this did not come without a cost. The midwife warned her that while the child was healthy, there was a high chance of her never being able to bear a child to term again, and that she should wait at least a year and a half before trying for another.
As can only be expected, all of her and Asgher’s relatives came by to see the child, doting on it as old relatives are wont to do with infants. Even her parents, who had many other children to care for and who lived almost at the other end of Cawanor, came by. But as expected, they could not stay long. After all the visitors left, Alva’s mother-in-law began in truth to teach her the ways of running the Raudhfell household. She in turn did her best to learn, even as she obeyed the midwife’s instructions on not to get pregnant again too soon.
It took her years to even begin to grasp the finer nuances involved in running a lesser noble merchant household, but learn she did. As the years when by, she and Asger occasionally tried for another child, but it proved just as futile as the midwife had warned, whenever she did get pregnant, it rarely lasted more than a month or two at best before terminating in failure.
While these attempts failed, her lessons in running both a house and parts of a mercantile company we not nearly as prone to failure. Which was a good thing, seeing how early on in her twenty-second year Asgher’s parents were both killed, supposedly slain by brigands. But if those were brigands, they sure had suspiciously fine weapons and good armor, not to mention three the number of men typically found in a band of brigands, or so the three surviving servants claimed.
She saw just how hard the loss of his parents hurt her husband and immediately moved in to run the household and many parts of the business, while he prepared to pay the guilty back. Though she missed him when he was out fighting, there was no denying that practicing on running a house and actually running it are two things that are worlds apart. Though the next six years rarely offered them more than a night or two together in any given season, they achieved much through their cooperation, not only proving that Asgher was a worthy heir to the Raudhfell name and title, but making their family business into something that was worthy of respect all over Formaroth.
Taking on the title of Duchess Raudhfell was no easy burden, nor was it a burden she had expected to carry for at least a decade or two, if not more. In between the hard work of running the home-based parts of the family business and worrying over what her husband was up to, she had to not only make sure she raised Ida properly, but also deal with the everything involved in being a Duchess. They might just belong to the lesser nobility, but that did not change the fact that their house was a rising star in Formaroth. More and more people knew of them, and with that fact, court protocols had to be obeyed.
Therefore, in the late summer of her twenty-eighth year, she could no longer deny the fact that her daughter was rapidly growing up. She would have to be presented at court as all young ladies are, her eligibility for courtship made known, even if marriage usually wouldn’t happen for a couple of years even if someone started courting her following her presentation.
Thus, when mid-autumn came, she made sure the family’s agents were well-instructed and that business would take itself while she and Ida traveled to court at Cawaport for the formal presentation. The presentation itself went off without a hitch. Ida’s tutors had taught her many things well, but she was young, naïve and very independent-minded. Thus, Alva was in no way prepared when Ida had taken it into her own mind to explore certain… aspects… of court life. They stayed at court for only eight days, but—unbeknownst to Alva—by the time they left, Ida was no longer a virgin, having caught the eye of and gotten besotted by a noble of a similar age to her own.
It took several more weeks before she connected the dots about this. The first hint was the fact that her daughter really desired to go back to court. But of course that wasn’t sufficient for Alva to realize it. The second hint should’ve been when Ida’s period was late, but her daughter hadn’t seen fit to share that information until well after the fact. The final hint, the one that let her connect the dots was a bit over a month after the presentation, when morning sickness hit Ida. When it hit her hard.
A thorough interrogation later, and she learned what her daughter had actually been up to when they were not together at court. How she had met the young Lord Patrick De Reimer. Just how irresistible she’d found him and so on and so on.
She consoled her daughter as best as she could, calling on her trusted midwife to help her daughter. While means for terminating pregnancies existed, she knew she could never consider demanding that her daughter go through with one of them. At best, they were painful if successful, at worst they led to sterility or even death. Considering her own miscarriages, it would never be worth the risk.
It was most unfortunate how her daughter had attracted just the wrong rank of noble, but now it was too late to change. Her daughter was young, tough and stubborn. Though she was naturally fearful of miscarriages, she had a feeling that Ida would survive, a feeling the midwife shared. What to do about the situation beyond that was something she had no idea how to deal with. She wanted to consult her husband, but he was out dealing with a particularly brazen band of brigands, so even if she had wanted to send him a letter, she couldn’t have. Besides, this sort of information should be told in person, not in something as impersonal as a letter.
However, before she could decide on how to go about it, she heard the commotion from the front of the mansion. When she had first looked outside, she had wondered why her husband had brought a wagon into the inner courtyard. But then she saw her husband’s favored horse unsaddled, tied to one of his best men’s horses. A cold shudder of fear passed through her. What had happened?
The captain of the guards found her shortly afterwards, even as servants ran about, clearly having received instructions from someone. He informed her that her husband was not dead, but that he was grievously injured. He informed her that all available healers had been summoned, and asked her forgiveness for not consulting her first.
Her relief was palpable and she forgave him on the spot, even promised to reward him for his initiative, no matter how good or bad the outcome was. No expense was to be spared in the undertaking of saving her husband’s life.
Much to her relief, the healers were successful, saving his life and preventing him from being crippled by the injuries. Because of the heavy amount of magic used, his recovery was quicker than it otherwise would have been, taking a mere month rather than the better part of a year. Only when she was sure he was on the mend could she dare mention their daughter’s condition to him, both out of fear for how it would hit him, and out of the simple fact that she had needed a long time to come up with a way to phrase it.
In the end, her struggle with explaining her guilt was all in vain, for he refused to let her take the blame, claiming it was clearly his fault. He should’ve been there for Ida. She informed him when he asked about all she had gotten out of their daughter, then he asked how their daughter was handling it. She answered him as best as she could, and was present when he had Ida brought before him. To her surprise, all he did was to embrace her. He did not speak, he did not chastise. He simply embraced her.
Alva could in many ways not help envying her daughter’s much easier pregnancy. It was tough in how young she was, but aside from that, it was relatively painless. Until the time to give birth came along, mind you. The closer to that time she got, the more apparent the struggle in carrying around a womb that distended was.
Even Urd’s birth was easier than Ida’s had been. While Alva had suggested all sorts of names for the child, it was Ida in the end that decided upon calling her Urd. Once again Alva was surprised by her husband, who swore the day of the child’s birth that he would do everything he could to be a worthy father figure to Urd, to not fail her as he had failed Ida, not that he said that last bit before Ida, mind you.
In the following years, aside from a few events of note, he proved to Alva that he had not given his oath lightly. Her love for her husband only grew stronger from it. Alva in turn helped teach her daughter all she could about how to be a good mother, and how to run the house. Though she had no plans to die anytime soon, fate had shown itself to be fickle in more ways than one, so she knew it was better to be on the safe side.
These days, she has continued to deal with the business of running the house and the mercantile business. While protocol brings her to court on occasion, she largely prefers to stay away from it.
Where time has turned her husband’s hair mostly white, Alva’s hair is still mostly brown, only a few stray hairs here and there that have whitened. Her face is somewhat lined by age, but still mostly smooth.
Alva is considerably shorter than her husband, but not so short as to stand out among other people, a trait largely inherited by both her daughter and her granddaughter.
As can only be expected, she has a marked preference for Raudhfell gray when it comes to what dyes her clothes are made with, and as is typical this far from court, comfort and function are more important than any adherence to fashion.
Alva has proven how she excels at managing house business, even while doing her best at dealing with other factors. Her skillset is almost as wide as that of her husband, though many areas his skills do not cover (and not covering some areas his skills do cover). She still handles many parts of the family mercantile business, especially the composition of letters and trade contracts.
When it comes to the magical arts, Alva is not particularly powerful, but like many Cawanori nobles, she has trace talents. While she can do simple tricks, she can’t truly be called a mage. However, for all her lacks in talent and aptitude, she more than compensates through her theoretical knowledge, even into branches she has absolutely no talent in.
She may have had traces of magical talent (as is common among Cawanori nobility), but no high aptitude. She does, however, have a good theoretical education about magic and access to mages trained in many of these branches, a thing that proved very useful with her granddaughter Urd, who inherited a talent for magic that was several tiers above the family average.
She is a kind woman, easily able to handle many parts of the family business, but also not too good at dealing with things outside her comfort zone. When, for one reason or another, she is outside that, she has proven to be less able to keep track of scattered details and signs. Over the years, she has learned to some degree to cope with that trait, primarily by staying on the family lands, effectively forcing anyone who desired to meet her in person rather than through missives to come there. Not only does that help her stay focused, but it puts her in a position of strength.
A core trait about her is that she learns from her mistakes and strives never to repeat even the smallest mistake. After her daughter got herself accidentally impregnated, she made sure to educate her granddaughter very carefully on that front, ensuring they do not make the same mistake. When her granddaughter was presented to the court, she watched over the girl like a hawk. She is careful in everything, but also just. She does not mete out punishment where it is not due, and is more compassionate and forgiving than her husband.
Relations towards others:
Alva is a kind soul, merciful towards almost everyone, but also somewhat scatter-minded. She mostly stays at home, avoiding court if she can.
Alva’s most notable weakness is her poor constitution. She is and has always been rather frail and prone to sickness. From the time she married her husband to the present day, she has gotten pregnant at least six times, but only managed to give birth to a single living child.
Another notable weakness is her willingness to forgive and her inability to hold hard grudges the way her husband can, which is part of the reason she generally avoids going to court.
Ida’s first six and a half years of life were much like those of any other lesser noble of Cawanor, or for most other kingdoms for that matter. But from that moment on, her life deviated somewhat. At that point her grandparents were killed and her parents ascended to the title of Duke and Duchess Raudhfell, and she herself technically became the Countess Raudhfell.
In her case, the change in rank had roughly zero meaning at the time, but in her parents’ case, it changed things significantly. Her mother took over running the household, while her father went off to fight for the family’s business and honor. Not that she understood much of anything about that. All she understood was one day her father was there, the next he wasn’t. And her mother started calling her “my little countess”.
Additionally, her mother seemed to have less time for her, having her spend more time with her tutors. Considering how boring tutors were at the time, it wasn’t a particularly fun concept to spend even more time with them, which probably explains why she stubbornly refused to cooperate with them on more than one occasion. Considering how she also had inherited the Raudhfell magic, that refusal could be less than practical for certain types of tutors, even if she never went so far as to actually abuse her magic.
As she grew older, she did begin to mature somewhat, growing out of certain parts of her childish pettiness, but she never truly lost her stubborn edge. Her long line of tutors found ways to get into her mind, their being paid hinging primarily on what she learned, rather than how much time they spent teaching her. She took much better to the lessons relating to being part of the nobility than her mother ever had, lacking that frail and uncertain edge her mother had. Around her eleventh birthday they started teaching her the court etiquette common to adults, rather than those for children.
Being treated more like an adult helped a lot in earning her cooperation and she took in those lessons much the same way a sponge takes in water. By the time she was considered mature enough to be presented at court nearly two years later, she had grown mentally and physically into a proper young lady, albeit a stubborn and willful one.
It did not matter that she’d been training for just this occasion for years. She was still almost petrified with nervousness when it came to actually going to court, not to mention to go there with the purpose of being presented. That bit was more terrifying than anything she had gone through before, even more than the first time she’d summoned a shade.
She had fretted over everything, from what to say, how to walk to what to wear. Moving out there, even with her mother at her side had been impossibly difficult, and when she got out there, she couldn’t even remember any of what she was supposed to say. So embarrassing! She’d stood there, her face probably glowing red, not saying a word for what felt like hours before she remembered the words. Afterwards, she curtsied properly, then quickly retreated, making sure not to summon her favorite shade.
Only afterwards did her mother tell her of her own presentation, how that had been even worse. Apparently the only man to even bother looking at her mother had been her father. She understood why she was only told this afterwards, though. The only thing worse than going out there and forgetting the words as everyone looked on would be just that: going out there, saying the words and everyone ignoring her. How her mother had lived that down, she could not comprehend.
Later on presentations were less formal, with only one or two others. Some of the women were her age, but most were much older. Or just small children. Of the men, only one was her age, the rest, well forget them. They were irrelevant, for the one her age was simply perfect. From the way he looked back at her, it did not take much imagination to figure out he found her just as interesting.
Considering how little her mother liked court life, it wasn’t hard to get away from her. Finding the man alone was much harder, but after a day or so of fumbling about, she managed to get him alone. The first couple of days all they got in were a couple of inexperienced kisses and a little harmless touching. On the third day, they got a little further, getting familiar with certain parts not normally shown to strangers, but dared not go all the way on account of the risk of being found out. However, Patrick had grown up in this court, so he knew of all sorts of hiding places, and on the fourth day, he brought her to a favorite hiding place of his, one where they would not be disturbed. One kiss led to another, and less than an hour later, she was no longer a virgin.
The following day, she was a little sore, but very pleased. He truly cared for her! They shared a couple of knowing glances, and managed to arrange for further “accidental” encounters. By the time she and her mother left for home, she had been with her Patrick more than enough to know just how much she liked him and that he liked her just as much.
After they got back home, Ida found that she missed court. She actually missed being around people, but most of all—of course—she missed Patrick. She expressed her interest in going back, in learning more about court, but was very careful not to reveal her true reasons. Deep down, she knew that what she’d been up to was not proper for a lady of her rank, and certainly not with someone of his rank.
Her mother refused to go back to court so soon, and of course she couldn’t send Ida there alone. It was one thing to be eligible for courtship, quite another to be at court with no chaperoning relatives present. The former was acceptable, while the latter was very much not accepted. She tried to convince her mother, but found that her attempts were stonewalled. She’d nagged at her mother for a full week about it before figuring out that it wouldn’t work.
Frustrated, she mostly gave up on it, needing several more weeks to realize that something was definitely different. Not only was her period more than a week late, but she felt a bit strange. A week and a half later, the first undeniable signs presented themselves when she started throwing up in the morning, being utterly incapable of holding down food.
At that point it did not take long for her mother to figure out just what was going on. By mid-day, her mother had taken her aside and pressed her hard for every detail. She’d tried to play all her cards to not give away information, but her mother did not relent. In the end, she had given up everything. In hindsight she would probably have saved herself all sorts of uncomfortable questions if she’d done that from the start, but her pride had gotten in the way.
A midwife was brought in to examine her and to explain in more detail just what pregnancy meant, as well as explaining why her mother was so concerned for her, how almost every time her mother had been sick over the years had been failed attempts to give her a brother or sister, rather than diseases.
The midwife explained to her that she should be fine, that she had a much stronger constitution than her mother, then gave her a few instructions about foods, activities and so on. Not much later, her father returned home on a cart, grievously wounded in battle. With how rarely she’d seen him these recent years, she’d not really been close to him, but he was still her father.
Healers from all over the realm came to help him, hired to make him as close to whole as they could. With her own condition inhibiting her, she stayed mostly away, letting her mother and the healers deal with it. Only later did she learn that her mother had concealed her pregnancy from him, so as not to worry him further.
When he was informed of it, he summoned her to his side, and she saw how the healing had worn him down, making him seem far more like a shadow of his normal self. He did not look angry. He did not speak out to blame her for making such a mistake. All he did was hold his arms open, pulling her into a hug. She had no idea prior to that moment, but that was exactly what she needed. She had missed having him around.
She had at one point thought summoning shades to be the most difficult thing possible. Then she’d had to present herself at court, which was much, much harder. But none of those compared to being pregnant. Especially not to late-stage pregnancy. Everything was difficult. Things that she had taken for granted became challenges.
But of course she should’ve known that even those difficulties would pale to giving birth. Her mother had warned her. The midwife had warned her. Had she listened? No. The pain involved was beyond words. It was almost an entire day and night of unending pain. But if anyone were to ask her if it was worth it in the end, she would be lying if she said anything but yes.
The tiny infant girl was hers, so small, yet perfect. her pale green eyes curiously looking out at the world. The next several months—of course—she didn’t get much in the way of full nights of sleep. The midwife had warned her how the child would need a long time to sleep through the night, but warnings like these didn’t truly prepare her for the facts, even if she kept a more open mind to it after being proven wrong time and again. It was exhausting, and she had no idea how she’d have been able retain her sanity had her parents not been there for her, helping her through it.
For the first time in what felt like forever, her father was truly around, he wasn’t gone for months at a time, even took a close hand in helping her with her daughter. As years passed, urd grew from an active infant into a curious child. Ida grew closer and closer to her parents, learning more and more about what it meant to control a household, even beginning to take control of the family accounts.
Six years after Urd’s birth, following a small but bloody rebellion, the power in Cawanor had shifted. As such, someone had to go to court. Considering how her mother hated court and her father didn’t enjoy traveling the way he once had and her uncles were to removed from the line of succession, that left the task to Ida. By this time, Urd had gotten old enough not to need constant watching, so she felt safe enough to leave her in the care of her parents.
When she got to court, she quickly gathered information, comparing it to what she already had, but staying out of the limelight herself. Naturally enough, she could not help but look at Patrick De Reimer, who—if anything—was even better-looking than before, but she did not approach him in private. Though she remembered him very well, she feared he would not remember her. She certainly didn’t want to make a scene.
After that business was taken care of, she returned home, the family status no longer threatened. There she continued to take care of business and raising her daughter to the best of her ability. Over the following years, she would make numerous visits to court in Cawaport, maintaining the family’s status there, even as she kept from drawing additional attention to herself.
It should come as no surprise to anyone that Ida resembles her mother in many ways. They are, after all, mother and daughter. Her hair, like her mother’s, is brown. Her eyes like her daughter’s, are green.
When at home, she prefers a simple style of dress, with a focus on function rather than fashion, but when she goes to court, she strives to stick to the current fashions, something the family’s mercantile connections ensures they have ample information about. When it comes to colors, she naturally has her clothes themed with the traditional Raudhfell gray, but also enjoys mixing green into her dresses. Like her mother, she is somewhat shorter than is average for Cawanori noblewomen.
Ida’s education is extensive, especially for being what basically amounts to a backwoods noble. She is especially well-educated when it comes to mercantile arts, negotiations and court protocol, and has been in charge of the family accounts for many years. Though her father still makes most of the decisions, she has significant influence upon them, as she knows far better than he what they can and can’t afford. She has proven herself to be a capable scribe, always writing her own trade agreements and letters, though this does mean her hands are occasionally stained with ink.
Like her father and her daughter, she was born with the talent for summoning magics, but she has also inherited certain trace talents from her mother. From her parents as well as from her tutors, she has learned much about how to use these talents, though her use of summoning magic is not quite as good as that of her father, on account of how she hasn’t had to use it in battle the way he has.
Because of the timing of Urd’s conception, Ida has not received any training at the Circle.
Early in her life, Ida was more than a little naïve, not willing to believe how difficult things are, even when told how difficult it would be. But over the years, as more and more difficult things happened, she learned to some degree to overcome this trait, only to find herself overwhelmed by the next such event.
Beyond this, the core thing that has shaped Ida’s personality is the conception and birth of Urd. A few youthful indiscretions and a week at court during her presentation, and she got pregnant, much earlier than is the norm, even for nobles. This also resulted in her having to grow up quickly, and kept her away from court for many years as she had to care for her daughter.
In how it made her grow up, it was a blessing, but in how it robbed her of a standard childhood, it was a curse. She became more withdrawn, focused more on family and business than upon court life, but eventually returning to court at cawaport, where she represented her family.
She is a caring and kind, but rather withdrawn woman, capable of handling many things at any one time. Because of the previously mentioned events, she also has an intense desire for control.
Relations towards others:
Towards others Ida is methodical and careful, always doing her best to see their motives and how that can be used for her and her family’s benefit. She is always on the lookout for opportunities.
Humor rarely works on Ida. She simply did not have the chance to let that sense develop. Where others might find it inconvenient to lose control, it is debilitating for Ida.
She is very vocal about her dislike of the church of Klebithy, both for how they view mages with talents like her own, and for how many of the more fervent worshippers glorify their own or their followers’ ignorance.
Name: Urd Raudhfell Age: 19 Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Standard Height: 158.3 cm Weight: 50.9 kg Eye Color: Spring Green Hair Color: Brown
Position: Urd’s position in the hierarchy of nobles is both complex and simple. On her mother’s side, she heir to the title of Countess Raudhfell. This title belongs to the lower Nobility of Cawanor. That is the simple part.
The difficult part lies in her father’s side. First of all, she was born out of wedlock. Second of all, he doesn’t know she exists. But she is nonetheless his firstborn child, and thus technically his heir, provided that there is no requirement for her to have been conceived within the constraints of wedlock to inherit.
As her father is Patrick De Reimer, the current king of Cawanor, she has technically a potential claim to the title of Princess of Cawanor. But as he father doesn’t know of her existence, this claim is as of yet not something she can put any weight into.
Thus, her formal title as of the present time is merely Lady Raudhfell, as there is no special title for the heir of an heir. While many people feel she should not be permitted to inherit anything at all on account of the nature of her birth, her grandparents have made sure to have documents drawn up putting her into the line of succession for the house title, ignoring any protests.
The nature of Urd’s birth has already been covered, as has her ties to her two families. Therefore, that will not be covered again.
Her earliest memories are of the family estate in northwestern Cawanor, with her mother and her maternal grandparents, as well as the regular crowd of servants and other employees. As noble families go, most of her childhood was fairly normal, if one discounts the lack of a father, but as she had no memories of having him around, she had no way to miss him either.
Her upbringing was largely sheltered, but included an extensive education from a very young age, in part from her family, in part from tutors. With few exceptions, her mother stayed home until about two months after her sixth birthday, but went to court for extended visits after that. Whenever her mother wasn’t around, she was left in the hands of her grandmother and grandfather, as well as her various tutors, who continued her education as befit a young noblewoman and future heir.
However, as the scion of a mercantile-based noble family, she was expected to know more. Thus, she was not merely raised at home. She was from a young age taken out, first among the people who would one day be her subjects, then later out on the trade routes. It was on the earliest of these journeys that someone tried to kill her first.
The would-be assassin naturally failed and was caught, resolutely claiming that nobody born out of wedlock should inherit a title, that she should’ve been killed at birth. Not that Urd was around to hear that, she only learned of his words many years later. From that moment on, whenever she was away from the family estate, her family sent along several bodyguards dedicated to her safety alone.
They did not even consider not letting her out. She needed to be out and about, to learn the family trade if she was ever to be a worthy heir to the Raudhfell name. Her training in the magical arts began shortly before her eighth birthday, after being tested and found to have considerable talent, though as yet hard to determine how great it was. Not only did she have raw talent in the family’s summoning magic, but she had also, presumably from her father’s side, inherited a certain talent for other branches of magic.
Unfortunately, the first would-be assassin was not alone in his opinion concerning her future inheritance. The second attempt happened on the family estates, right by one of the ruins stemming from days when this region of Cawanor was wilder and beset with armed conflicts. In many ways, like many other parts of Formaroth are today.
The second attempt on her life came shortly after her eighth birthday, when she had begun to manifest her magical talent, but while it was still largely untrained. More importantly, because she was on the family estates, she was not accompanied by her bodyguards. The only people with her was one of her tutors and a servant.
At the time, she sat beneath a ruined tower, half-playing, half-listening to her tutor, when a section of the tower near its broken tip fell out and down towards her. Had she not had any magical talents, that would have been the end of her there. But even barely trained as she was, she reacted instinctively, a massive shade shaped like a wolf appeared out of thin air, half-leaping, half-flying straight up, knocking aside most of the falling rocks, passing through the opening created by the fallen stones.
Alas, the shade only knocked aside some of the stones. One of the larger chunks—about half the size of her head—still hit her left thigh, easily breaking her leg. Another piece had crushed her right foot. The sudden and intense agony was very hard to resist, and had she not been flooded with adrenaline from the shock, she would no doubt have blacked out immediately. Moments later, a scream was heard from up in the tower and her lupine shade flew out, dragging a bedraggled-looking man out by his leg.
The two landed nearby, where the shade continued its attack to defend her, letting neither tutor nor servant approach. From what she was later told, the shade only disappeared when she lost consciousness from a combination of trauma and blood loss, and by that time the would-be assassin was all but dead.
While the servant did her best to assess Urd’s injuries, her tutor ran to get help. In short order, she’d been told, he had returned with several of the family’s men-at-arms who improvised a stretcher and carried her to the mansion, where the family’s healers had immediately begun work on her injuries. While they treated her injuries, she faded in and out of consciousness, but later learned that the healers had worked for the better part of a day and a night to both mend her thigh and rebuild her foot. Whenever she was awake, she had apparently had a shade appearing at her side, flickering in and out of existence. It had watched the healers work, but not interfered.
The presence and variety of her shades were some of the signs telling her family and her magical arts tutor just how powerful she was. Even her grandfather, who was talented at controlling his shades, had not been able to manifest two separate shades until he was many years into his training. However, even with the healers’ aid, she was still stuck in bed for several weeks afterwards. Her bones may have been mended, but they were still weak and fragile only time, rest and food would change that.
Never again in her childhood was she left alone. Her time of being without guards anywhere outside the mansion was over. It took her years to get used to, but in time she grew used to having guards around, even coming around to getting along well with them. It was neither her nor their fault that some people wanted her dead.
The third attempt on her life was by far the one closest to succeeding. This attempt happened a month after her presentation at court, on a stop in a small village in Thralreth while traveling with one of the family caravans. On the way into the village, she had been practicing controlling one of her shades on the way in, not knowing that there were many in that village who had been taught by the Church of Klebithy that shades were evil. While her guards were with her on the journey, she had, in the middle of the night, had to get up to use the privy, as there was no chamberpot in her room at the inn.
In a sleepy moment of forgetfulness, she had not woken any of her guards, thinking it better not to disturb them. She’d done what she needed, but on the way back, someone had knocked her hard on the head, rendering her unconscious. When she regained consciousness, the individual or individuals who had attacked her had tied her to a stake in the middle of the village square, and were busy trying to light a bonfire underneath her bare feet.
Her head was pounding and thoroughly muddled, so it took her a full minute and then some to come to her senses and shout for help. Unfortunately, at that point one of the villagers gagged her, preventing her from shouting further. Additionally, fear of what they were intending to do had fully taken hold of her, preventing her from focusing her magic.
As an added problem, while her body was tied to the stake with ropes, she could feel cold iron around her wrists, clear proof they had used chains on her arms. Even if she could have summoned her shades, none of them were capable of breaking metal. Moments later, the mob leaders got the fire lit, and smoke began to rise around her. Soon after, flames began to lick at her feet as the fire began to spread throughout the stacked wood and she had to move her feet often to avoid it.
The mob was beginning to cheer and make jeering shouts about purging evil. As the flames spread, Urd could no longer keep her feet out of them, and the agony made her begin to scream through her gag, something which clearly pleased the growing mob. She could almost taste the hate in the air. The rate of the fire’s growth grew, and soon flames licked at her nightdress, not quite yet managing to light it on fire. The pain was beyond words.
She tried to use her magic, but with the amount of pain the fire was causing her, she found it fickle and slow to respond. None of her training had prepared her for using magic under conditions like these. When one villager shouted out in glee that the servant of Hystix was getting as she deserved, she felt a new type of rage beginning to build within her. They thought she served one of the evil deities of Klebithy? She didn’t even hold to that faith, let alone the evil aspects of it!
Her nightdress burst into fire at this point, the flames rapidly climbing up her body as she screamed. Surely there was no hope now? But the moment she thought that, she felt this strange new rage snap out of her. She felt ice flowing through her veins, permeating her very flesh, instantly extinguishing the flames burning her. It spread from her the center of her chest and outward, both up into her head and down through her toes, then moved out of her body, replacing the flames upon the wood with solid ice crystals.
The moment the last flame died, a shockwave burst out from her, knocking down the now-shocked villagers and shattering the manacles upon her hands. As she fell down, her body half-frozen, she saw several of the family guards coming running. Then she blacked out.
Most of what happened over the next several weeks are things Urd herself has no memories of. Some came from her bodyguards, some from her family and the rest from the significant number of healers brought in to help her. The former two would never have spoken to anyone of the lengths to which the healers went to heal her, and the healers themselves were paid more than well enough for their silence in the matter.
Having later heard the tale of her grandfather’s maiming and added with her own incident, she now truly understood why her grandmother regularly keeps saying that nothing good ever comes out of Thralreth. She certainly grew to agree with the saying.
Even with the best healers that money could hire, Urd’s chances for survival were touch and go for more than three weeks. Working in shifts, they had worked upon her day and night, denying her body the opportunity for the eternal sleep it so desired. More than one healer feared that she would be turned into what they called an abomination from the amount of magic being poured into her, but they nonetheless kept up the healing. In the time since, Urd has come to suspect that their fears were not entirely unfounded.
Throughout the mending period—even after she was no longer at death’s door—she was always watched over by at least two bodyguards and one healer, often more. Were one to compare the magic used to heal her when her back when her leg was broken and foot was shattered to the magic now used, one could say it was like a small bucket to a large barrel, though magic naturally cannot truly be quantified in such a manner.
But even with some of the best healers in Formaroth, her body could not be restored to the condition it had before the burning. Her lower abdomen and especially her legs bear extensive burn-scarring to this day, and there are hairline scars over much of the rest of her body. The only part not blatantly scarred is her face and hands, which were furthest away from the flames and thus mostly spared. Her wrists, having been first covered in manacles that were being heated up and then shattered by ice magic have perhaps got the deepest scars.
Wherever the scarring is most intense, she has to this day reduced ability to feel much of anything. At the center of her chest, she is always cold, almost as if she truly does have a heart of ice. Between her breasts she also has a thin cobweb of blueish white lines, where the icy magic first flowed across her skin. Upon this spot she is utterly devoid of feeling.
Internally, her body did not remain unchanged. The most notable change is how several of her internal organs (liver, kidneys and several others) are considerably larger than normal, while her stomach and intestines in turn take up less space in her chest. Had she or anyone of a scholarly persuasion been aware of this, they might have theorized that it was a result of her body trying to deal with the magic poisoning.
When she finally did recover, it was clear to the rest of her family that she would need much more training with her magic. Not even their extensive theoretical knowledge could properly teach her what she needed to know. Therefore, she was sent to the Circle upon the Summer Isles to be trained by the true masters of the magical arts. She did not really want to go, but relented when they pressed her long enough with simple facts and irrefutable logic. When she did go, she was accompanied by a large contingent of guards, most of which would return home after escorting her to the Isles, but some which would stay with her the entire time there. No matter how safe some said the Summer Isles were, they would take no chances.
Prior to her journey, her mother also told her about her father, explaining that she was now old enough to know and that it would be up to her to decide what to do with the information. Her mother trusted her to make the right choice, but requested to be notified if she did choose to tell anyone. Urd did not think the time would come anytime soon that she would tell anyone about that, let alone about how much restoration magic had been used upon her. She knew exactly what the policy concerning abominations and dark magic was.
Though her education in magic had been fairly extensive before, it was during her years with the Circle that the began to understand how little she knew, how little anyone knew of magic. She was taught all its aspects, in particular how to use the talents she had, and what uses to avoid. She took to the increased access to knowledge like a sponge, absorbing all she could.
It was first here that she began to learn to truly control the aspects of her magic not dealing with summoning, though she also refined that. She had been aware of those talents and even experimented a little with them in her lessons, but had not gained any true skill with them. Here at the circle, that all changed.
She would never attain true mastery at any form, not even at summoning, but she did gain expertise at that branch and decent skill wielding Force and Ice magic. Her memories of the burning prevented her from going above the simplest of tricks with Fire magic, though.
She also learned some alteration magic, attaining what would be considered journeyman skill level, and a similar level of Illusion magic, the latter of which she learned from Lanaya Triskell Dionisa. This woman also taught her numerous things about politics, a field she had come to realize she needed more skill at if her house was to have any influence when she one day took command of it, though she hoped that day would be distant.
The Lady Dionisa wanted to use the scars of her burning as an example to others of how mages were unfairly treated, but as Urd knew that might risk revealing more than was safe, she declined. Besides, she did not want to become a symbol for others to wave about.
At the hands of the bodyguards that accompanied her everywhere on the Summer Isles, she also learned how to defend herself without magic. Because of her relative short stature and thin build, she would never become a skilled swordswoman. While she did learn to wield some slashing blades, she found that she preferred knives and daggers over slashing blades. Knives could reliably be tossed, swords couldn’t.
As a gift for her fifteenth birthday, her bodyguards had—with the assistance of her grandfather no doubt—acquired a long dirk forged of Dwarven Steel. Urd considers that item to be her prize possession, for while magic can fail, a blade of that quality cannot.
In the years after leaving the Circle, she has helped in the family business, even begun to take over certain duties from her grandparents. However, she has also developed a taste for traveling the land, where she looks for business opportunities for the family and represents them outside Cawanor. She also seeks to improve the lives of mages everywhere, protecting those who are weaker than her from prosecution. She has not set foot in Thralreth since the day of the burning.
At the present, her Grandfather sent her to Nyhem, where she will represent the family and determine whether they should support the De Reimer claim to the title of High King, or if the Manshrews are better candidates. Considering her knowledge of her paternity, she is hopeful that the De Reimers will prove worthy.
Urd is a relatively short woman, well below the average for Cawanori noblewomen, but not so short as to stand out as such. She is known to dress casually in demure colors that do not make her stand out, always picking styles that bare as little of her scars as possible. However, while her clothes rarely stand out, she has a merchant’s eye for quality, and will never skimp on that front.
On any average day, she will typically be dressed like a rich merchant or townswoman rather than as a noblewoman. This however, does not mean she doesn’t know how to fit in at court. If she needs to, she can easily acquire clothes suitable for any level of court happening, though she will have certain restrictions on their cut.
When on the move, she naturally always has a hooded cloak, both to protect from the elements and to not stand out as much in a crowd.
Beneath her clothes she is extensively burn-scarred, especially on her wrists, legs and lower abdomen. Her chest is marked with a thin blueish white cobwebbing, a side-effect of abused magic.
Her brown hair is usually fairly straight and kept tied up. If let hang freely, it reaches down to about mid-chest, but she prefers not to let it down.
Should she ever be imbued with even more magical energy, there is no telling how she will be affected, but it is quite likely that such transformations will not be limited to her insides.
Once upon a time, Urd Raudhfell was open, innocent, playful and carefree, as all children should be. But life did not let her keep such tendencies, terrible events turning her into a jaded and private individual, making her terrified of many things, from uneducated crowds to undressing before others to lack of control and many other things.
She has stopped believing people always have good intentions and has a habit of analyzing any situation to determine how the other party or parties seek to benefit from it at a cost to her and hers. She is especially distrustful of pious adherents to the Klebithic Church and the uneducated rural villager.
But even with how jaded she is, she seeks to protect others, especially those who cannot protect themselves, like people with magical talent born outside families with a tradition for it.
To think that Urd is flawless is to be foolish. She has more flaws than many, some mental, others physical. She is prone to many forms of fear, some of them unreasoning in their degree. They include: Automysophobia. From the time she was burned, she learned how her immune system could be compromised. She is terrified of being dirty, the healers’ lessons concerning the cleanliness of burn wounds having burned themselves into her mind. Dishabiliophobia. Because she knows she is not normal underneath her clothes and fears being called an abomination, she is terrified of undressing before others. It will take considerable effort from anyone to convince her to undress before them. Demophobia. While she rarely has trouble being around other nobles or even rich merchants and townfolk, she is terrified of crowds of uneducated villagers, especially of the rural variety. If she does visit remote villages, she will always bring at least two bodyguards. Merinthophobia. The idea of being tied up is not one she is comfortable with. If someone does end up tying her up, they risk her unwillingly unleashing magics she cannot fully control. This fear also springs up in the form of a fear of losing control, as she does not know what she might end up doing if she does. Frigophobia. The ice magic from her burning never truly left her. At the center of her chest, she is always cold, and her core temperature is several degrees below the average for humans. This leaves her vulnerable to all sorts of conditions, including diseases of the flesh. Pyrophobia. The very idea of being burned causes her to panic, and if she sees someone intending to burn another, she will hold nothing back to stop it from happening, even to the point of killing people.
Because of the way her internal organs have been altered by magic, she is more resistant to certain poisons and toxins, but pays the price in that she has to eat far more often and in smaller portions than others if she is to maintain her body. If she should be exposed to further large doses of Restoration magic, there is no telling how that will affect her, but it is likely to be overt and very visible.
General: Urd’s skills range widely, including an extensive education into what it means to be a noble, into magic and into mercantile arts, as well as a number of other fields. She is a capable scribe, a good negotiator and an apt businesswoman. While she is no shark in the ocean when it comes to politics, neither is she hopeless at it. More than anything, it can be summed up to a lack of experience. The ways of Court intrigue are not that different from trade negotiations.
Her education has only barely scratched the surface of military theories and tactics, almost exclusively where such symbology could be used to reflect upon mercantile arts. Martial: Her skill when it comes to all things martial are lacking. She’s got no military training, knows nothing of strategy or tactics and has nowhere near the build to wield a sword in battle, let alone heavier weapons. She has barely ever fired a bow, and only then a hunting bow back in her early youth on the family lands.
She is passable for a novice with long blades meant to slash and wound, but is fairly decent with long knives, daggers and throwing knives. She’s been taught exactly where to put a dagger to cause the most harm quickly, and is not afraid to use her dwarven steel dirk for just that purpose. This training includes dealing with armored assailants, though she would still be fairly useless on the field of battle.
Magic: Beyond her mercantile training, Urd’s true field of expertise is that of magic. Primarily Summoning magic (where she has attained expertise), but also Destruction magic (Force & Ice only) where she is not quite as skilled. She has attained Journeyman skill level in Illusion and Alteration magic, which means that she can do a few decent tricks, but not much more.
She has a small talent for the Fire-form of Destruction magic, but that talent is not developed, because of her history with fire. If she forces herself to use it, she can at best light a small bonfire or candle.
In the field of summoning magic, she has a significant collection of shades she can call upon, all linked to various emotions and desires. Her favored shade forms are a large wolf, an oversized moose, a rather vicious but playful otter and a narwhal. Because these shades are not actually the animals they resemble, they are not quite bound by the laws of physics.
When it comes to illusion and alteration magic, she can use those primarily to make subtle alterations to her clothes, make light and hide some of her scars. While she has tried many times, she has not been able to hide the blueish white lines upon her chest.
Position: Grand Master of the Holy Order of Saint Elenor
Many years ago Lycaon founded the Holy Order of Saint Elenor in honor of the blessed saint and martyr of the same name. Though originally only a knightly order, and knights still dominate the organization, the order has allowed non-knights to join the order as well, transforming them into a more typical Holy Order. Lycaon’s goal is, as a pious believer in the gods, to restore the Church’s former power and glory. He knows that the only way to do this is through the King and the high nobles.
Personality: In public life Lycaon plays up his reputation as a hero, and acts friendly, amiable, and helpful with all that he congregates with. This is partially the reason that the poor treat him like a saint and hero. The other part is that he not only listens to them, but actually helps them. However, like a true saint he is never emotional, and though his words are passionate, like a true saint his expression remains stoic save for the gentle smile he wears on his face. The masses have never accused Lycaon of insincerity. Perhaps this is due to their ignorance of many of his previous actions. In court he is always as polite as possible, always remaining calm, and presenting himself as an upstanding man of chivalric virtues. It is important to notice that Lycaon is not boisterous or animated, but calm and agreeable. He is trying to be seen as a paragon of chivalry, saintly and unconquerable, not a jovial fool. It is not rare for him to unnerve people. No doubt this limits any charm he may have.
Lycaon himself knows he is not a saint, and does not concern himself especially with the veracity or depths of his actual goodness. He is in fact far more ambitious than he would have most believe. After having sat on the sidelines for so long, he is now ready to begin holding real influence. He understands that drastic measures will have to be taken. However, his chief concern right now is not becoming King. Rather, his current wish is to restore the power of the Church to its original position. Lycaon knows that that is no easy task. The Church has effectively fallen from favor for a long time, and the current Church is decrepit and corrupt. However, because atheism or monotheism (Lycaon has read that, scandalously, some philosophers have taken this latter position) has not been allowed to take hold, Lycaon believes the Church can regain its old position. Unlike many other nobles, Lycaon is a genuine believer in the gods. Despite this, he does not follow everything the Church preaches. He finds the idea that one cannot engage in sexual intercourse on feast days and on service days to be ridiculous, and does not follow it, just like everyone else.
Though Lycaon knows that he is no saint, as the masses believes, he does not think that he is misleading them too greatly. Any misdeeds he does he either brushes off as unimportant or as necessary sacrifices for a greater future. He is not an artificial man, and actually believes that he has many noble attributes in himself. Though his morality his certainly suspect, he does genuinely believe that he is moral, though he has not studied the matter, and believes he has done and will do nothing which makes him bear any great burden of guilt. He is very confident in himself, and flirts with the idea that Timtos himself favors him. Though he knows his physique is not comparable to many others on the battlefield, he is confident in his own skills to demonstrate his superiority, and show his inner strength. For what it’s worth, he is genuinely loving towards his wife and his family.
Lycaon does value the people, but he generally does not think about them in the way in which they would wish to. He often thinks of them in terms of religion. Lycaon, a warrior for the Church, would naturally be aided by an army of the faithful, which are the ever-pious masses, and he understands just how powerful a tool they can be, especially if there is popular discontent against the ruling monarch. His intentions for aiding the poor cannot be said to be altruistic or even truly to their benefit, as the people of Nyhem have not improved their state of living at all since Lycaon came to help them. Lycaon privately admit that he has learned some things from the masses, even though he is above them in all aspects. He has observed that though they are pious worshippers of the gods, they are not high-strung, prudish, or puritanical, but rather quite the opposite. He has observed that of all the types of people in the world, the poor are without a doubt the least corrupt of all, and that their indomitable spirit in the face of hardship and adversity ought to make any noble grudgingly nod his head in grudging respect.
Lycaon has genuine bravery, and will not shirk away from fighting. He has fought at or near the frontlines in numerous battles, even though it has resulted in a number of injuries in the past.
Additionally, Lycaon has moderate or liberal opinions of magic and mages. He has no problem with either mages and magic, and believes that mages should live without persecution and the Mage’s Circle should continue to be given the state’s support. He thinks that there is no reason to be suspicious of mages, and that they hate black magic just as much as any non-mage.
Weakness: Though Lycaon declares himself to be strong, he is actually of lower-than-average physique when compared with the average knight. He is quite insecure over this fact, and hates the very idea of being overpowered in any way. Though the thought angers him, it also frightens him.
Lycaon has a weakness to women, and not just in the traditional sense. He, for some reason, cannot help but find them naturally innocent and pure. While this does not mean that he trusts every woman, it does mean that he will trust them when there is real no reason to.
Lycaon normally remains calm, but there is one thing he simply cannot abide. If someone attacks his war record and calls him an incompetent commander he will become so enraged that he will be unable to keep his calm. Perhaps he would ask them for a duel.
His extraordinary calmness and stoicism tends to make some uncomfortable with him.
Lycaon wears standard and state-of-the-art heavy plate armor for battle. Though it is polished and shiny, and fit for the noblest of men, it is also unadorned with jewels or gold, and is fit for battle. He does not only wear his armor in battle, however. When he congregates among the people he is always wearing his shining armor, which simply adds to their view of him as a saintly chivalric hero. Even in court he will wear his armor, both for intimidation and to make him appear as more a military man than a church man. When it is improper for him to wear his armor, he wears the proper attire of the military officers.
His face is clean-shaven, and his hair long and pale. Though he no longer has the beauty he once had in his youth, he remains handsome, and his face still has signs of his beauty from youth. For a knight he noticeable few muscles, but still has greater physique than regular people, though it is not as if such a thing could be noticed through plate armor. He has a number of scars, most notably the remnants of a gash below his cheek, but the greatest of his scars is the remnants of the wound inflicted by a war-axe inflicted in the Battle of Uzgob.
Lycaon was born the eldest son of Duke Percival II of the Issorat Dynasty, whose family had faithfully served the Du Paraquettes for nearly two centuries. Being born into the high nobility, Lycaon was given every luxury, and in return he had to both learn the strict manners of courtly life and meander through the cutthroat politics of the nobility. Not even children were free from the intrigue of the court, especially when their father was so closely connected with a king. So he spent his childhood in luxury, trying as hard as he could to stay alive. His childhood is considered to have come to an end when he was ten years old, when his father began to have him trained as a proper heir. He was put under the tutelage (at least in education) of Hanot Plasait, who had extensive as a soldier and a mercenary, and taught him martial arts, swordplay, and archery. His wife, Yzebel Plasait, taught him in rhetoric, oration, and poetry. She failed in the last one.
When he was fourteen, a peasant uprising occurred in one of the counties of his father’s duchy, and Lycaon was given a regiment of soldiers and sent to crush it. His role was mainly a formality, a peasant-born officer doing the real commanding, but it helped to establish Lycaon’s reputation as an able and noble young commander. It was not until after this that Lycaon was actually instructed in strategy, by a retired general, Count Ernst Harnish, who had previously served for decades as a general. Soon after he returned from crushing the revolt, Lycaon realized he had grown incredibly weary of the intrigue of the court, and hastily left for the capital. His father disapproved, but Lycaon was able to convince him when he spoke to him of how much safer he would be in the capital against assassins.
So Lycaon left his home of Linsdorf at the age of fifteen for Nyhem, taking Ernst Harnish, Hanot Plasait and his wife Yzebel wife with him. Though he arrived at Heylot’s court when he first arrived, he was hesitant to return, as it was quite clear that the King was mad. He stayed active in the lavish affairs of the nobles, but for the most part was an unremarkable presence, and his greatest achievement during this time was avoiding the attention of the mad tyrant Heylot. He remained quiet, and spent a considerable amount of time reading (Chanson de Geste mostly) and perfecting his martial arts. He used his considerable wealth to donate to the Church, marking his first contact with the Church in Nyhem, and established him as a friend. As a result, he created close ties with members of the local Church of the capital, and began to meet regularly with a priest named Farseth. Though Lycaon knew him to be corrupt, he was knowledgeable, so Farseth began to teach Lycaon religion and theology. Lycaon was enthusiastic and learned much, though he was always to be far from a theologian.
When he eighteen he was briefly recalled back to his home in the Duchy of Linsdorf, as his father, Duke Percival II, was concerned that his heir was still unmarried. Percival made it clear that he wished to marry his cousin, Felise of Dagensbourg, who was renowned for her beauty. However, his father overturned his request, and was instead told that he was to marry Pylia Thaner, the daughter of a powerful and rich nobleman. However, Pylia instead married the heir of a wealthy Telmarian duchy, with Lycoan being passed over. So Lycaon was allowed to marry Felise of Dagensbourg, though not without silent accusations that he wasted the opportunity to create an alliance with another noble house. He decided to stay at Linsdorf for the time, and this state of affairs remained for two years, when he was nearly assassinated. The killer-for-hire managed to sneak into Lycaon’s bed while he was sleeping, and stabbed him. The wound was far fatal, and although the official story was that Lycaon valiantly beat the assailant into submission while injured, the truth is that he screamed and a guard heard his scream and killed the assassin with his pole-arm. The plot was traced back to none other than Lycaon's own younger brother, Raimbaud. Lycaon was infuriated when he was only exiled, not executed. When Lycaon recovered completely, he announced that he was going to be relocating to the capital permanently, and would be taking Felise with him.
Felise of Dagensbourg
Once he arrived, Lycaon not only continued to be a generous and beloved benefactor of the Church, but also did the unthinkable of going among the populace. These two were intimately connected, as the Church was intricately connected to the people. If the clergy are the generals of the Church, then the people are the soldiers. This made Lycaon very popular among the commoners of the capital. Nobles lived in what seemed to be a world apart from the peasants, and normally treated them with disdain whenever they did happen to come across the masses. Because Lycaon not only walked among them and spoke to them, but also offered them aid, he was seen to them as a hero, and after months and eventually years passed they began to love and adore him. Though the last years of King Heylot the Mad would hardly seem to be the time to be causing such a stir, Lycaon was himself unusually loyal to the crown, and repeatedly spoke to the masses of loyalty and stories of brave knights who had unconditional loyalty to their king, so he was not considered a threat. During this time he was far from only engaging in charity with the poor. About four months after Lycaon returned to Nyhem, Yzebel Plasait, who had given Lycaon all of his mature intellectual education, became gravely ill and died, and Lycaon mourned her deeply. However, Lycaon moved on. He travelled back to the Duchy of Linsdorf, and founded an Order of Knights, called the Holy Order of Saint Elenor, in honor of the famous saint and martyress, and Lycaon’s father granted him a March, making him a Marquis, enhancing his prestige. A number of knights came from Linsdorf, while others were “holy warriors” with connections with the Church. The chief reason knights joined the order was that it brought financial stability and connections with the Church, as Lycaon had intricate and intimate relations with the Church.
When tempers finally rose and the country seemed to be on the warpath, Lycaon was a consistent loyalist to King Heylot, as mad and tyrannical as he was. When the Remonnet-Manshrew Civil War began, Lycaon fought on the side of Remonnet against House Manshrew. He fought with distinction in the war, bringing alongside his order of knights along with him. The Order experienced high casualties, Hanot Plaisat himself being killed in battle, and as result Lycaon opened the order to include more than simply knights and regular nobles, welcoming many who worked for and with the Church especially. Lycaon participated in the war, and was injured a plethora of times. At the Battle of Uzgob, Lycaon served as a commander and held a general’s rank along with his friend and mentor Ernst Harnish, who also served as a general. Lycaon, initially on the offensive, eventually had his position overwhelmed when the battle turned against the loyalists. Lycaon did not despair, however, and held out for such a considerable amount of time that the opposing regiment feared this would have an effect on the whole of the battle. However, eventually the Manshrewists charged Lycaon’s center and knocked Lycaon from his horse, and overwhelmed Lycaon himself. Lycaon, after engaging with the enemy in combat, was greatly outnumbered and eventually received a clean hit to the chest by a battle-axe, which pierced even through his thick breastplate of plate. Lycaon’s knights quickly surrounded themselves around the commander, carried him away, and promptly retreated. Though Lycaon was injured, it was only really a minor injury, and he would live to fight another day. Ernst Harnish himself was not so lucky, and was killed in battle.
After King Heylot was killed by Andrew Manshrew, Lycaon was driven into the countryside, and he promptly retreated to Sypius. Soon after he recovered he was attack by the forces of Patrick de Reimer, and although he survived he would never forget the horror of the battle his Order faced there. To this day Lycaon harbors a personal grudge against House de Reimer. Nonetheless, peace finally came when Patrick took Nyhem, Andrew Manshrew capitulated (at least in Lycaon’s opinion), and John Remonnet became King. After enthusiastically supporting John Remonnet as the new King, Lycaon faded from any sort of prominence.
He did not disappear, however. He knew that despite the strange victory and continuation of the Remonnet dynasty, a new order was emerging. He did not find this odd, as such a thing had happened under every monarch. However, Lycaon suspected that he still had powerful enemies, and would have to lay low until it was tenable for him to actively return to the royal court. However, Lycaon did not cease to going among the people. Now years have passed since the war’s end, and Lycaon, having gone among the people, spoken to them, and having aided them in their plight, has become something of a saint and a hero to them. The war caused the Order of Saint Elenor to grow rapidly, and in the post-war period it has only continued to grow. With his rising prominence, Lycaon’s ties to the Church have only grown, and Lycaon now has personal connections to the Grand Cleric herself. Lycaon has since began to rejoin the royal court, but he comes not as an aristocrat or heir of a duchy, but as the chivalric Grand Master of an order of knights and holy men.
Swordplay: Tier 5 - Expert Lycaon was taught by Hanot Plasait, veteran soldier and his martial teacher, starting when he was only ten. He has since had plenty to improve his skills, as he has had over twenty years to practice, and used his skill when he participated in the Civil War.
Other Weapons: Tier 7 - Average Hanot Plasait gave Lycaon thorough training, teaching Lycaon how to handle other types of weapons, and not only the sword.
Hand-to-Hand Combat: Tier 7 - Average Lycaon is knowledgeable and skilled in martial arts. However, this undercut by the fact that many on the battlefield tend to have greater strength and muscle than him.
Horsemanship: Tier 3 - Master Lycaon is extremely skilled in horsemanship, and has successfully tamed a unicorn. This unicorn, by the way, only adds his mystique among the populace.
Strategy and Tactics: Tier 4 - Adept Lycaon was taught strategy by Ernst Harnish, a former general, and distinguished himself in a number of battles in the Civil War. Nonetheless, he has suffered a number of defeats, most notably in the Battle of Uzgob. It is worth noting he has never served as the head of his own army.
Intrigue and Cunning: Tier 5 - Expert Lycaon was born and raised in a world where it was necessary to outmaneuver one’s rivals in court politics. Even one’s very life was often at stake. Year after year of this have made Lycaon well-accustomed to the intrigues of the court.
Theology: Tier 8 - Rudimentary Lycaon has received some instruction by a knowledgeable clergyman in theology. This has given Lycaon knowledge about his religion and allows Lycaon to follow the conversation and argument of a theologian, but not more.
Oration: Tier 4 - Expert Yzebel Plasait’s intellectual training has allowed Lycaon to cultivate considerable oratorical skill. Unlike some orators, he is not merely fiery and bombastic. Though he knows how to be a polemical and powerful when necessary, when he speaks he tends towards a soft, but definitely not quiet nature. This has aided him greatly, both with the higher classes and with the masses.
Poetry: Tier 10 - Poor Lycaon is poor at poetry.
Name: Sir Daeleth Brucas
Age: 47
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Position: Commander of the Holy Order of Saint Elenor
Personality: Daeleth is rough around the edges; he has a tendency to be brash and impulsive in normal life. He has little patience for the manners and illusions of aristocratic society. This is due his lower-class, criminal upbringing. However, in military matters he is different, having a natural affinity for military tactics that has resulted in a natural ability as a commander.
Weakness: As it was mentioned, he is impulsive. This occasionally steeps into his tactical skills as well. He is unable to hold himself well in court.
Appearance: Though he is an older man now, Daeleth still highly resembles his old self. He has long black hair, and somewhat pale skin. He often wears his suit of iron armor, which is adorn with a thick fur cape in the back, for he feels at home in his armor.
Daeleth was born in the city of Nyhem, the son of two young urbanites. Both his parents died when he was very young. This was not unusual, for the living conditions were so bad. He grew up an orphan, a hard life. He knew that if he were to survive he would have to do what was necessary, and so took to a life of crime. He began with petty theft, and then the thefts got larger. This is eventually turned to robberies and mugging. Having made a living off of crime, he began to make his way into the seedier districts of the city, where Daeleth first began his ties into the criminal underworld. He became a thug for hire, helping out in illegal operations until one mission-gone-wrong resulted in Daeleth committed a murder. It is unlikely that an investigation would have ever been launched, but Daeleth was guilt-ridden from the act.
The first chance he got he joined a mercenary Corp, The Iron Immortals. In those days war had come to Formath. Civil War between King Heylot and Manshrew’s forces had emerged, and Iron Immortals fought on the side of the rebels, and were notorious for war crimes. Daeleth was rapidly promoted due to the fact of his natural cleverness, and due to the fact that many of the officers in the Iron Immortals were being killed. In a battle against the Order of Saint Elenor the Iron Immortals were decisively defeated. However, Lycaon subsequently absorbed the Iron Immortals into his own order, and since then Daeleth has been one of Lycaon’s top lieutenants.
Swordplay: Tier 5 - Expert
Other Weapons: Tier 5 - Expert
Tactics and Strategy: Tier 5 - Expert
Age: 55
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Position: Monk, Hermit, Ascetic
Fenick has a very fiery soul. He is never afraid to speak his mind, and cares little for those claim to speak with authority. He has the soul of a poet, and the voice of an orator, so people flock to him when they hear him speak. He is outspokenly and constantly puritanical, constantly chastising others, whoever they may be, from deviating from what he sees as the proper morality. However, he is clearly also half-mad at the very least. He has a tendency to ramble and speak in riddles, and believes that the goddess of life herself and the prophet constantly visit him, imparting wisdom to him. He is kind and grateful to those to who favor and follow him, imparting sagely yet often incomprehensible advice, but is rude and chastising to those who criticize him.
He is a dedicated ascetic who lives out in the wilderness of the desert, living off of wild berries and bugs, and drinking only water. He fasts often, going days without food, and sometimes without sleep, often experiencing religious ecstasy as a result. He lives alone in the desert, only occasionally having company, this company being visitors who wish to gain wisdom from this strange desert hermit. He abstains from all pleasures, such as good food, excessive sleep, and the pampering of the body with lavish clothing, but he regards the worst of all the human pleasures to be sex. Fenick would gladly say that he has never engaged in such an ill practice. As regards Fenick’s other opinions, he despises what is called the Church for their opulence and immorality.
Fenick has a haggard and scruffy appearance. He is skinny, and with little hair on his head except for his mustace and beard. He was simple, rather worn clothes.
Fenick was the eldest child of a noble house of moderate importance in Rathikun, the Verinaia, and from the time of his birth was chosen to eventually inherit his father’s considerable wealth and land. Fenick’s early life was a comfortable one, where he was spoiled with gifts from his loving parents, and was surrounded by friends. His life changed not long after his eleventh birthday, when suddenly a spark came out from his hands. Fenick was surprised and afraid, and found himself unable to stop the fire from coming out, and by the time he was calmed down and the magic ceased coming from his hands a quarter of his family’s manor had already succumbed to flames. The Verinaia would have to build a new one. Fenick apologized profusely. His father forgave him, but it became obvious to his father that he would have to send him to the Circle.
Fenick’s departure was not honestly the most heartfelt. They sent him off quickly, as if he was going off on a vacation. His parents both found this sort of departure normal. They had both been sent away from their families fairly early in life in order to get an education. When Fenick first arrived at the University he was nervous and out of his element, even though he had considerable talent at it. That was until he met a fellow mage apprentice, Simon, who was three years older than him. Simon befriended him, and helped Fenick to learn to adapt to the new, unfamiliar environment in the Circle. As a result, they became the closest of friends, and often studied together.
Years passed, and Fenick focused his studies on destruction magic, and demonstrated great talent and ability. The only problem was that he absolutely hated it. Fenick would look at the peace in the Circle’s gardens, and would then think of the destruction that his magic had brought, and would despair. Nonetheless, he continued his studies and his life at the Circle, because he saw no other choice, and because he had Simon by his side. When Fenick was sixteen years old, he confessed to Simon that he was in love with him. Simon was unsure of what to do, and could only reject Fenick. Fenick understood, but could not bear to stay in the Circle, since he felt like he was throwing his life away there.
Soon after, Fenick managed to escape from the Circle, and decided to go to the very opposite extreme. Lately, Fenick had been going through a religious phase, and wanted know more of the gods, and he wanted to be rid of his life he experienced in the Circle, which he had hated. So he saw no choice but to suppress his birthright and renounce his existence as a mage, and go to the Church. He joined an order of monks located at St. Carmya Monastery, headed by Abbot d’Oleron. D’Oleron discover who Fenick had been and was particular hard on him. However, it was not only d’Oleron’s harsh treatment that made Fenick disenchanted with the mainstream Church. Even in the monastery he could not escape from the corruption of the Church, and saw no real asceticism from d’Oleron and the higher echelons of the monks, only opulence. However, d’Oleron’s “training” did not have a profound effect on Fenick. He was forced to commit extreme asceticism, including self-flagellation, and had his past as a mage ousted, and was forced daily to speak of the “depravities” of his “sinful” past.
He did not spend long at St. Carmya, and was still sixteen when he left. As he wandered the countryside, a kind family took him in and nursed him to care until the wounds and fatigue from St. Carmya were recovered. Then he went to Nyhem, and after proving his identity was allowed to enter into the University. He studied first the Liberal Arts, and became Master of the Arts (the equivalent of gaining a degree) and then was allowed to move on to theology. This was a grueling program that took ten years to complete, and Fenick never finished. Once he was twenty-four he left, taking only the copies of books he had personally handwritten, the clothes on his back, and some money. He left for the hottest region of the Uzgob Desert in order to become an ascetic, and nearly died twice due to heat exhaustion. Yet in the end his body got used to it, and he successfully became a severe ascetic, who only ate to survive. He would often go on extensive fasts, and would receive visions of the gods and the saints as a result.
Sixteen years ago, Rhodanthe was in the desert, not far from his cave, when he had found an abandoned baby in a basket, together with a piece of parchment with the name “Rhodanthe.” He saw it as a holy event, and raised the child (see Rhodanthe’s entry). However, he has never claimed the child as his own, and she has always called him “Gramps.” Nonetheless, in his heart she is his daughter. Though Rhodanthe lives simply as well, she is not an ascetic, so Fenick sees that most of the food goes to her.
His lifestyle makes it so that Fenick has very little physical strength. He is not tactful, and does not care if the one who he speaks out against and offends is far more powerful than him.
Age: 44
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation Bisexual
Position Scholastic theologian (former), theologian and preacher of the Monadic Movement
Personality Johannia is very studious and well-read, and in general prefers reading and writing to public speaking and public events. That is not to say that she is shy, however. She has the ability to be fiery, often too much so for the scholastic world she served as a scholar in. Her outspokenness and fierce criticism of people more popular with the authorities caused her constant problems. Outside polemic and academic debate is usually of a quite quiet demeanor, and has few close friends. She is genuinely pious, and often ponders on morality, and believes herself to be deeply concerned with purity of character and action. Yet the truth of the matter is not as simple as Johannia would like to believe, for though she tries to control herself as well as she can and follow her ethical code, she is quite easily seduced into pleasure. Johannia loves nature and art.
Weakness Johannia has no tact and badly overestimates her own leverage and power in a situation. This is why in the past when she served as a Scholastic she was nearly declared a heretic several times and had to recant several times. Therefore, she is lacking any skill in politics. She has no combat ability.
Johannia is a plain woman with black hair and light, whitish skin. She is thin, with small, skinny fingers. Her body is usually mostly covered, excepting her face and fingers, by her religious habit.
Johannia was born in the capital of Telmarion to a house of minor noble blood. The third child, of her parents, it was expected that, unlike her brothers, she would pursue a career in the Church rather than in the military. The young Johannia had no problem with this, and was sent to a cathedral, where her uncle served as an abbot, where she spent her later childhood. There at this abbot Johannia learned grammar, arithmetic, and astronomy, as well as the Holy Books. Johannia became enthusiastic about joining the Church, but it was not the Church career that her parents wished for. Johannia wished to become a friar, rather than an abbot or bishop. This did not go well with Johannia’s parents, especially her mother. So Johannia, along with several friars, left under the cover of night, headed towards a friary. However, one day while Johannia was drinking water from a spring her brothers seized her and took her back to the castle of her family.
Johannia was put under detention, and confined to her room. Nonetheless, Johannia was steadfast in her choice. She would become a friar, and would not relinquish this wish no matter what. In an attempt to persuade her, her brothers sent Johannia a prostitute to show her what she would be missing if she took the oaths of a friar, though the prostitute was male rather than female due to a mistake on her brother’s part. Johannia would later claim she chased the prostitute away with a red hot iron poker, but this is simply not true. The prostitute and Johannia slept together that night. Nonetheless, this changed nothing, and Johannia claimed to her brothers she had chased the prostitute away. After a year Johannia’s mother saw that there was no hope to convince Johannia of falling in line with her parents, and allowed to escape under the guise of night, for this was less damaging than an open surrender to the friars.
Johannia then henceforth joined the Order of St. Zedaiya, a mendicant order. Her first responsibility was to be properly trained in the theological and philosophical sciences to serve as a defender and propagator of the faith. To do this Johannia attend the University of Nyhem, where she excelled in her studies. She studied first the Liberal Arts, and then moved on to theology. After her studies were completed, she gave her inaugural lecture on the fifth book of the prophet, and was henceforth named a Doctor of Theology. She began her career with fairly innocuous commentaries on the holy books, which were received as informative and lucid. The only objector was Bernarda Avicebrol of Yannis, who claimed there was heresy hidden in the commentaries. However, the religious authorities decided sided with Johannia. This began a long rivalry between the two.
Johannia, disappointed in the rather passive interpretation of her commentaries, wrote a four-book long work, Elaborations and Elucidations on My Commentaries on the Holy Books, which was not very well received. Bernarda claimed that her accusations against Johannia had been vindicated, and she immediately wrote a polemic against Johannia, accusing her a heresy, with the intention of invoking a trial against her. Johannia badly miscalculated her position, and was overly bold and combative with her opponents, such as Johannia, and in an ensuing trial Johannia was forced to recant positions of hers deemed heretical. Her defeat may have been due to a heavily damaging rumor (which was actually true) that she had been involved in a one-night affair with a fellow cleric. Johannia was embittered at her defeat, though she continued to hold Bernarda in high esteem as a theologian and defender of the faith against the philosophers. She soon became completely disillusioned with the Church, and even more radical in her theological beliefs. The rest is history.
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Position: Proselytizer
Her personality and mannerism is rough. She is unused to and uncaring about the courtly etiquette of higher society. She is not good with new people, and has a problem with reading people. Nonetheless, she is compassionate, full of caring for those she knows need the sentiment, and horrified by oppression and poverty wherever she sees it. She is brave, perhaps recklessly so, for even though she knows her body is weak she is never afraid to stand up and fight for what she thinks is right. She is genuinely religious, but she does not put much stock in the traditional religion of the Church or the new religious movement of Johannia. She is more of a henotheist than Johannia, and prays at night to a heavenly father, god among gods.
Rhodanthe is of a frail appearance, being skinny and delicate-looking. Her skin is pale and white. She has slim eyes, with deep, dark brown eyes. She has relatively short hair that not quite reach to the bottom of her neck. Her hairstyle is unadorned and simple, round in appearance, and shiny and soft.
Neither Rhodanthe nor Fenick know anything about Rhodanthe’s birth, or her biological parents. All that is known is that when Rhodanthe was still a babe she was left in a basket outside of Fenick’s cave. Fenick never saw the person who left her there, and has always claimed that it was through a miracle of the gods that she came to his home. Rhodanthe was raised by Fenick in an unorthodox upbringing, always living simply. Though Fenick never called her his child and she never called Fenick her father aloud, the sentiment is there in both of them, and she affectionately calls him “Gramps.” Fenick has raised Rhodanthe in a pious “household,” teaching her to always honor the gods and uphold the vow of chastity. Fenick, being a hermit who shuns society, never goes into regular society. Rhodanthe, however, feels differently than Fenick. She is adventurous, is not content with living in a cave all her life, and wants to explore the world. So Fenick allows her to make irregular trips to the city on his horse, Belliante. Now unrest has come to the Church, Fenick has sent her to Nyhem, under the command to always serve the gods and her vow of chastity, but to become her own person, for she is now a woman, not a girl. She was saddened that she had to leave the man who raised her, but happy that she now could see a little more of the world.
Weakness: Rhodanthe is physically weak, and does not have much tact in dealing with complex and explosive situations.
Name: Tydeus of Acrana
Age: 50
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Position: Scholastic political philosopher and theologian; unofficial theologian of the Holy Order of Saint Elenor
Personality: Tydeus has a strong, gruff personality. He in general is a very bold individual, who is not afraid to speak his mind. For just as a philosopher must always impose and uphold virtue, so Tydeus will not shrink from speaking against even the power. He possesses a natural genius in academics, which is how he has become a prominent political philosopher.
Weakness: Tydeus, as it was mentioned, does not have the proper tact to become very popular among the higher classes. He has only the average physique of a man his age who does not exercise.
Appearance: He is heavily bearded. He generally takes proper care of his appearance. He usually is seen in his ecclesial brown robes.
Background: Tydeus, the son of an innkeeper and waitress, was born in a small village. He was naturally religious, and was immediately drawn to the mendicant orders. He became a priest who specialized in evangelizing and theology at the age of twenty-one. At the age of twenty-five – already having a thorough training through systematic theology – he learned philosophy at University. His early philosophical background was metaphysical, where he dealt with the perennial philosophical problems of what Being is, and the Problem of Universals. However, he eventually dedicated himself to political philosophy and ecclesial reform, attracting controversy, although it wasn’t an abnormal for a political philosopher. Later, he became well-known as a university lecturer on political questions, which led to his status as a political advisor for high-ranking noblemen. However, he fell from favor due to his own brashness, and as a result instead became closer to the Holy Order of Saint Elenor. He has since practically become the Order’s spokesman-theologian.
Crest Wings are gold, crown is also gold with the inner bit being red. The ribbon with Unus.Ab.Pluram [Out of Many; One] on it is white, and the feathers below the shield are also gold. The checkered bit on the shield is black and red, while the bit below that is the same colour (black and white.) The other side of the shield is black but the three animal heads are red. The border of the shield at the bottom is silver and so is the upside down 'V' shape, and the floating leaf-like things between the wings and the shield are also silver.
Family Motto Unus Ab Pluram [Out of Many; One]; also Fortitudo et Victoria [Courage and Victory]
Relations with other kingdoms: N/A
Family Reputation: House Eskandar has been completely decimated - only Aulus remains. Before its decimation, it had already become a little-known house with nothing much going for it. For this reason, House Eskandar is virtually unknown beyond Coruneon/Rathikun. Eskandar knights, led by Granus Eskandar, are famed for their charge at the Battle of Helmar's Heath. It was fought between a small contingent of Humber footmen, bolstered by Eskandar knights, against an ambushing force just north of the Eskandar seat, Castle Cramz. Daeron Humber was present at the battle, and Granus, along with his four younger brothers and other family members, met his demise during the charge. It is the only truly notable event involving House Eskandar in recent history.
Main Export of Goods: N/A
Description of Kingdom: N/A
Family Background: House Eskandar's origins are mired in mystery - largely because it has always been so small and insignificant that even the Lords of the House have found it pointless to keep record of their minuscule achievements. Nevertheless, a fairly intact family tree stretching back two hundred years can be found on the back wall (behind a large red curtain) of the Castle Cramz's small hall. These names are all that survive - the deeds of these men are little-known, other than the odd reference in one obscure history book or another.
300-312 A.R, Lord Haren Eskandar 312-343 A.R, Lord Agras Eskandar 343-357 A.R, Lord Marius Eskandar 357-402 A.R, Lord Oppius Eskandar 402-425 A.R, Lord Marius II Eskandar 425-452 A.R, Lord Saxus Eskandar 452-468 A.R, Lord Sirvus Eskandar 468-492 A.R, Lord Granus Eskandar 492 A.R-Present, Lord Aulus Eskandar (Lord Daeron Humber has acted as his warden since, effective power over Castle Cramz has not been handed over to Aulus, who currently dwells with Lord Daeron)
It is unknown where the Eskandars emerged from before being appointed as Lords of Castle Cramz, but they have held on to the castle ever since. With a river and thick forest to its east as a source of timber, the mountains beyond as a source of stone and iron, and the arable land of the river basin providing rich and arable land, the castle is situated in a protected and ideal position [see location where the red dot is: here]. Being rather deep in friendly territory and so well protected, Castle Cramz has - in its recorded history - never been besieged.
Lord Granus Eskandar was a very close friend of Daeron Humber. They appear to have met as children and a friendship blossomed between them almost immediately, and grew over the years. Due to his father, Sirvus, mostly being ill during his time as Lord of the Castle, Granus took up responsibility for the castle from an early age and proved a very capable and intelligent ruler and administrator. Under him the Eskandars greatly increased their power-base due to Lord Humber's favourable opinion and support. He was able to, using the resource available around the castle, to increase his income and invest hugely into training what he called the 'Eskandar Household Cavalry'. Led by his own brothers, the force of fifty knights was Granus' pride and joy - and for good reason! They were most certainly a fearsome force, if not many.
When civil war broke out, Granus leapt at the opportunity of leading his elite knights into battle and carving the name of House Eskandar into the very heavens. 'Our star,' he is said to have proclaimed to his beloved wife, Lady Arvay, 'is at last risen!' Lord Daeron rendezvoused with him at Castle Cramz, bringing with him a small force of twenty five footmen, and they marched from the castle - heading south where they would unite with the rest of the Humber force. It proved a shock, then, when an enemy force of some two hundred men burst forth from the forest not twenty miles south-east of Castle Cramz. Guarding his lord-liege, Granus commanded his fifty knights to form up immediately and protect the lord. Telling him that, being on horseback, the Eskandars would be able to escape more easily at a given opportunity, it was best for Lord Humber and his footmen to retreat immediately while the Eskandars distracted the ambushers. The Eskandars charged and Lord Humber was able to make his escape - and he watched from a distance the final charge of the decimated force. The Eskandar Household Cavalry was mown down to a man at what came to be known as the Battle of Helmar's Heath.
When news reached Castle Cramz, Lady Arvay - who was six months pregnant and disposed to illness - collapsed. Despite the care of her maids and the attempts of her physicians, the baby could not be saved and she only survived some six months before joining her husband in death. Fatherless and the last of his household, Aulus had none to care for him other than Lord Daeron - who took the boy in and raised him like his own son.
Alas, the boy seemed to have been spiritually broken after the great loss and proved ever unwilling to do as Lord Daeron bid him.
Claim to the Throne/House Motives: N/A
Family Members
Sirvus Eskandar[430-468] - Aulus' grandfather. Died of consumption.
Granus Sirvus Eskandar[450-492 A.R] - good friend of Daeron, killed during civil war. Eldest son of Sirvus, lord of Castle Cramz, father of Aulus. Perished at Helmar's Heath.
Brennus Sirvus Eskandar[455-492 A.R] - Second son of Sirvus. Famed warrior, hothead. Perished a Helmar's Heath.
Carus Sirvus Eskandar[458-492 A.R] - Third son of Sirvus. Not a warrior, but honourable to the end. Perished at Helmar's Heath.
Gar Sirvus Eskandar[462-492 A.R] - Fourth son of Sirvus. Took after Brennus. Perished at Helmar's Heath.
Makus Sirvus Eskandar[466-492 A.R] - Fifth and final son of Sirvus. Perished at Helmar's Heath.
Arvay Kaegir Eskandar[461-493 A.R] - Married Granus 482 A.R, always ill, collapsed and died soon after news reached her of Granus' death
Aulus Granus Eskandar[484 A.R-Present]
Name: Aulus Granus Eskandar
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Position: Noble
Background: Born in 484 A.R to Lord Granus Eskandar and Lady Arvay Eskandar of Castle Cramz, Aulus looked set on following in the rather undistinguished footsteps of his forebears. His father, however, had different ideas. A close friend of Daeron Humber, he had been infected with a sense of dignity and ambition - a desire to be useful to his liege-lord and carve the name of House Eskandar in the stars. His ambition got him, and all his brothers, killed at Helmar's Heath in a made - if heroic - charge.
Til then a rather normal child, the death of his father - closely followed by that of his mother - as well as the loss of all his family had an understandably negative effect on the boy. Taken in by Daeron Humber - who has raised him like his own son - Aulus proved unwilling to do anything he did before. Sitting with instructors brought on painful memories, and so he avoided lessons. Staying too long in Castle Calchester reminded him of his Castle Cramz, and so he generally snuck out and whiled away his days with the lower classes - and as he grew, he frequented inns and was a general nuisance. When being less of a nuisance he picked up the art of the bamboo flute from a local lumberjack, named Grun, who frequented the inns after work - he found the instrument oddly appealing, and Grun was only too happy to snap at the boy and thwack him every time he made a mistake!
Despite his general avoidance of Daeron's instructors, Aulus never missed an opportunity to swing a sword around. Indeed, fencing instructors have constantly noted his skill and knack for the sword. Though Helmala preferred the clunky mace - and by furious Timtos could she swing it! - Aulus took more to the refined rapier, the trusty knightly sword, and other such swords widespread in Coruneon and Rathikun. He has also always had an affinity with animals - particularly horses. While he was surrounded by the animals before his father's death, this affinity only true developed afterwards. As a result of it, his riding skill is as impressive as his skill with sword. Perhaps, somewhere deep in his subconscious, there is a desire to prove that his father had not been wrong and that House Eskandar can create knights to rival the best Formaroth has to offer. Whether this is the case cannot be ascertained, for Aulus is unconcerned with such things as any Grun in an inn.
As a result of his infantile antics, Aulus' relationship with Daeron has been rather strained over the years, and more recently Helmala has proven equally disapproving. So concerned was Daeron that he decided against sending Aulus back to Castle Cramz, when he turned sixteen, where he could take up his ancestral title and land. Aulus for his part loves his adoptive father and sister, and cannot understand for the life of him why they are so stiff.
'You're a nobleman, not some lowly bumpkin!' Daeron would berate him, 'get yourself together boy!' 'We're not children anymore, Aulus,' Helmara would chastise him, 'we are surrounded by dangers on all sides. You can't be acting like you do.' But despite their words, Aulus would chuckle or laugh and wave them away - the world was depressing enough without him going out of his way to make it more so! While Daeron has noted Aulus' skill, the boy has consistently refused to be sent into battle or to fight alongside his adoptive father. 'I need a man by my side!' Daeron would decalre angrily, 'Helmara is more of a man than you!' 'What do I want with these things?' Aulus would retort, 'can't you find something better to do than fight all the damn time?' 'You think I want this boy!' the old man would roar, slamming a table or the wall, 'we must war that there might finally be true peace! If the gods didn't put people like me on this earth and all were like you, then the mad king would never have fallen! And now Duncan...' 'Alright alright, you go off and have your fun. I'll be having mine,' and Aulus would run off despite Daeron's demands that he return.
Personality: Aulus is undeniably intelligent. He is also undeniably carefree and happy-go-lucky. Wholly unconcerned about anything in general, his intelligence comes in more handy in coaxing himself out of sticky situations than doing anything truly useful or of weight. He prefers the easy company of the common man to the restricted and prim life of the nobles - and it's lucky that House Eskandar is not of much significance, and it is lucky that he's had little responsibilities, for his antics are able to go on and no one loses greatly due to it. If ever on his own, Aulus can prove quite reflective - which isn't great! The flute proves a useful escape from any thoughts that attempt to disturb his blissful existence. It's not that he's afraid of what his thoughts might come's not that somewhere deep down he's ashamed that he has let his forefathers down...nothing of the sort...
Description: A well-built young man, appearing to be around twenty years of age. He is not overly tall, coming at 5'10", or 180 centimetres. He weighs at 75 kilograms. His physique is ectomorphic, and his muscles are small and built for speed and power rather than brute strength. He is rather flexible, though not unnaturally so. His hair is red-brown and is shoulder length, and is generally left loose and messy. His beard is large enough to cover his face completely, but not quite long enough to be gripped. His skin is a light olive due to exposure to the sun. His eyes are a dark green and his nose is long and straight, though slightly wide and not pointed. In general, he's real eye candy! Such a pretty boy... He has some very minor scars on his hands, wrists, and upper arms earned during duelling practice and foolish fights with the scoundrels he has tended to associate with. He can usually be found dressed in a large, loose, light brown tunic tied at the waist with a belt. He wears black canvass pants on his lower body and and locksley boots. His face carries an easy, instantly friendly smile. He appears carefree and generally after a good time.
Skills: If there is one thing Aulus ever took seriously, it was his fencing lessons. Not only is he a natural, but he has learned from the very best instructors of Lord Humber's household. While he - unlike Hemala - never took to the heavy, clunky mace, his ability with rapier and other swords is at the very least impressive. The time he spent truanting his others lessons he spent with lowlives in inns and on the streets - where he developed quite a love and skill for the humble bamboo flute. He also has a love for horses and is a very skilled rider - a skill that has helped him out of many sticky situations!
Weaknesses: For a noble, Aulus knows very little - he has not properly developed skills such as reading and writing, and his understanding of mathematics, history, politics and whatnot are severely lacking. This is due to a generally irreverent character and a lack of concern with what others deem as 'greater' matters. He does not realise his importance as a feudal liegeman and - perhaps due to his thus far sheltered life - has no understanding for how to rule and command men. For this reason, he cannot always understand Daeron's frustration with him, and Hemala's disappointment. What is life if you are always stiff about it and don't have some fun, after all? While no coward, Aulus does have a...heightened sense for self-preservation. Ahem. This is perhaps due to his association with the lowlives who frequent inns and fight in dark alleys after dark. If something is dangerous and not fun, then he is very unlikely to want in. On the other hand, if something looks exciting he would not think twice about jumping in! Due to the above, Aulus is heinously unaware of the situation in Formaroth. He knows that people are fighting and whatnot, and that it's all very bad (obviously) but he is otherwise very unconcerned. I mean, it's not like anything is going to change that much, right?
Name: Eclipse Kornova, Sir Kornova, Eclipse, Justicar, The Merciful, The Brave, Oathbreaker, Rider of Unicorns, Lightmaker, Favored of Leplo, Tideturner, Defender of Legon Pass, The Patient, Battlefield Redeemer.
Age: 32 Gender: Male. Sexual Orientation: Straight.
Position: An ordained knight of the church supposedly operates under the sole jurisdiction of the holy order, which is theoretically independent of local lordship or even the will of the Crown. In practicality, this has not always been the case, as there has been much discrepancy over whether or not a King is a divinely chosen individual. Regardless, in many realms, the church maintains a small militant force for several reasons. Holy knights are often called upon for the defense of the commonfolk from invaders or even from local bandits, for general humanitarian missions within the realm, and occasionally for crusade into heathen lands where the devout are most vulnerable and the spread of the holy word is needed. They carry out church business and are revered icons to the masses. Often, a knight may have other specific employment within the church, such as administration, education, or ethics. For many years, Eclipse served as a Justicar, a lawyer and legal advisor, and also a Judge for resolving complaints or disputes involving members of the chivalric aspect of the Order. Currently, Eclipse is a Knight Errant of the Church of Klebrithy, as he travels to Nyhem with a unique assignment. He would be perceived as having a status comparable to the nobility he had renounced so long ago.
Personality: Eclipse's company is a comfort to the blameless and an aching reminder to the shameful. First impressions are often mixed as he bears the appearance of a disciplined and unwavering soldier, polished, meticulous, and presumably judgemental. Yet, his countenance almost always bears a warm smile. Quickly he is revealed to be jovial and trusting, attributes that calm and reassure. He is generally peaceful, quiet, and attentive as he listens before answering. Careful deliberation delays his actions, and it becomes clear that he does not hold others to the same standards to which he holds himself. The guilty inwardly fear his vigilant presence, as if time itself is on his side, ticking closer and closer to an eventual slip of the tongue in admission of their crimes. What would they have to say for themselves before such a paragon of virtue? Perhaps a proper confession is in order. Underneath the hype lies a human heart, however, and Eclipse has seen his share of conflict. He is no stranger to deception and temptation. He has broken oaths and taken lives. Forgiveness is how he deals with his own flaws and those of others, seeing the turmoil of human life as necessary in the forging of the soul, but penitence must be sincere. Thus, he is slow to anger and quick to forgive, but beware his level of commitment when his righteous ire is finally stirred. Normally, he would turn down a personal challenge, for he considers pride without purpose a sin, and he would probably tell you so. When afraid, he would pray for the god's favor to muster his courage.
Weaknesses: Eclipse is above all overly trusting. Although old enough to have seen the worst of human behavior, and judged it, his professional and religious training demand that he check what might be a healthy paranoia up front. He tends to believe someone who "swears" to him, leaving himself open to deception, at least the first time. Having renounced his house and taken a vow of poverty, Eclipse is technically poor. He owns nothing of his own, yet is supplied and supported by the church wherever he travels. There are also many who are willing to spare him room and board as a form of donation or offering to the gods he quasi-represents. Eclipse is weak to strong drink.
Sir Kornova of the Holy Order is hard to miss, standing tall, with his fairly lengthy pale blonde locks, oft clad in meticulously cleaned, steel-colored armor and a symbolic, nearly-white cloak. He bears no excessive adornments except identification of his rank and ordination on his pauldrons and coak, and a personal mark on born his breastplate and shield. Faintly etched into the metal, is the image of an eclipsed sun, a ring, dark in the inside, with 8 rays of light extending from its edge. The image is repeated on the face of his shield, with holy mantras and symbols denoting each deity etched along the sides in caligraphic script. The length of his sword also bears his personal motto in ancient Formarothian tongue. His skin is fair, yet not easily flushed. His expression, lightly pleasant. He keeps clean shaven, but any blonde stubble would be easily missed for several days at least. His shoulders are broad, but his frame lean, forming a body that is built for endurance more than sudden power. Having only minimal recession to his hairline, one might mistake his age initially, but faint wrinkles at the corners of his blue eyes offer a good explanation for his mature conduct. There are no prominent scars, no tattoos, and no piercings. He keeps a leatherbound, latched prayerbook tethered about his waist. He might be seen wearing plainclothes or simple robes similar to a priest when armor is not required.
Eclipse was fortunate to be born into a noble house in Thralreth. House Kornova was small, but with much for wealth and status. Lord Reginald Kornova was held in high esteem by both House Staghein and House Sutherlan. Most of Reginald's efforts went into caring for his own aging parents and in raising his then only son, born on an auspicious day to bear the name, Eclipse. Reginald had a younger brother and sister who each had their own families and children, but no boys. The brother, Eclipse' uncle "Walter," which was not his given name, was killed in 489 in the battle to take Cawanor when Eclipse was only 19. Eclipse' mother, Lady Iomedae Kornova, was found to be barren after her first child, yet Reginald was satisfied and would not remarry. She died of disease in 490, and only later did Lord Kornova take a new wife. She bore him two new sons, two years apart.
Throughout all his life until adulthood, Eclipse led a fairly ideal life. He was an only son in a noble house with both parents alive. He was educated at Faemley Castle, and trained in the arts of combat by Mylla Staghain and other masters. He became great friends with Iain Sutherlan, whom he was close to in age, and the two often practiced swordsmanship together under the watchful eye of Iain's father, Lord Bearnard Sutherlan. In the summers, the two young noblemen would go on "camping trips" together with friends for days to weeks at a time learning hunting and survival skills. The boys claim to have been able to tame and ride a wild unicorn.
It was with the outbreak of the Remonnet-Manshrew civil war that the weight of adulthood was finally enforced upon the young, idealistic knight. For the mostpart, Thralreth had enjoyed the peace of an ideal location far from the capitol at Nyhem. Politics seemed to fade in importance the further south one lived until one simply forgot that anything could change, that their lives could be threatened by invading armies, or that an oppressive king could reach them. House Kornova had sworn the same oath as House Sutherlan and House Staghein, to devote themselves to the Remonnet royal line, and thus, their side was pre-chosen during the war. Much to the dissappointment of his father, Eclipse personally sided with Manshrew, going so far as to renounce his inheritance and family name to join the rebellion. It was a sad day that he departed, yet, with two infant half-brothers, Eclipse knew he was not the last of his line. He regretted he did not get the chance to say goodbye to his loyal friend Iain. Still, he had to cut his ties on the offchance that Andrew Manshrew failed, for he did not want his own house to be branded traitors over his individual actions. It was the only way to fight for the true cause of good against a mad and wicked king and not endanger those he loved.
Fortunately, the war was won and a new Remonnet was crowned as king. Perhaps, in a way, even Eclipse had kept his family's oath. This result pleased all sides, and peace was reestablished. Eclipse did return to his homeland and made peace with his father, yet he declined to return to his former status as the next Lord Kornova. Instead, he swore his loyalty to the gods, becoming a paladin of the Church of Klebirthy, to end his days in service to the divine. The became highly respected, often personally sought to resolve disputes across Thralreth or other matters. He was considered a local war hero, an evangelical, a swordmaster trainer, and recently rumors circulate that he is a divine healer and uniquely blessed. Once a year, on the celebratory day, he would participate in the spectacle of joust, as knights were expected to do, for the practice himself and for the pleasure of the people.
The years passed, and finally, tragedy struck again. The beloved King John and his Queen were both dispatched under highly suspicious circumstances. The DeRemiers and Manshrews, and other lesser houses, vyed for the throne, and now rumors of a highly influential heretic come from Nyhem. Eclipse has felt a calling, and has departed his homeland as he once did before on a personal crusade, for answers, and for justice.
Literacy Interpretation of Law, professional arbiter, contract negotiator, legal notary, and lawyer. Noble Decorum Ethics Council Mounted Combat - Tier 5 Dueling/Fencing - Tier 3 Proficiency with: Poleaxe/halberd - Tier 4 Longsword - Tier 2 Shortsword and Shield - Tier 3 Unarmed Combat - Tier 7 Archery - Tier 8 Armory, upkeep of own equipment.
Innate Magic, untrained spells - - Healing: can stem bleeding, close wounds, knit bone, dull pain. - Generate Light: from his hand or as an aura of light around his body. - Soothe Animals: calm a frightened horse, turn away a vicious dog, etc. - Undiscovered Potential...
Name: Publically (Elven Lands)- Híril (Lady) Dyril Elian, of the Elian bloodline and granddaughter of Hír (Lord) Raton Elian. Privately- Agarwaen (blood-stained), Umarth (ill-fated), Hin (child), N'Tel'Quess (not of the people- not elf), Uuner (nobody), etc. By Lower Station (often slaves and servants) - Híril Dyril
Age: 31 (ages about 1.5 slower than humans)
Appearance Age: 22 due to slow aging process
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Position: Merchant (upper class within Imperial Even society)
Value over Image
Being an Elf, her upbring places a high value on image and worth in order to advance your family to a higher status. From her birth she has been taught to hold a strict control over her emotions and give a calm presentation in public, especially when in the present of those equal or higher than her rank. Failure to hold this practice would risk her family reputation, entitling them to mockery over their ‘childish’ behavior. Minor as it might seem, recovering from it was often a chore best avoided. This didn’t mean anyone could insult her family, and by extend herself, without any repercussions and those will come in time when she’s had time to ready them.
Dyril is very patient, maybe too patient at times. She never rushes into things, as shown in her bio, and instead carefully treads into her plans. It can take months to years to set things up before she feels safe to act on her plans. In some ways this can help and hurt her. While she won’t blindly rush in on instinct, any time sensitive plans she decides to follow could become useless if too much time passes or things don’t add up in her favor. Most times it requires a push from an outside source for her to place aside her patience and go for things ahead of plans.
She will have two current motivations. Her original motivation was to prove her worth to her family, both Elven (though she won’t admit it) and human. In order to adaptly do this, she needs to make her trading dealings work out well and benefit her family both here and across the sea. Her second one will surface the moment she learns of recent events about the death of Henry. This will develop into a need for revenge against the individual that took his life away and desire to change her exile family’s state. How long this lasts could change in the future.
Image Vanity- Like many Elves are brought up to believe, Dyril values herself and family image highly giving her sense of vanity. Not surprising since her environment has been her teacher most of her life and it is all she knows. When others attempt to ruin it,, Dyril’s calm becomes less natural and more forced. With higher and greater insult to the image, she gains a hidden spite and this builds over time. Dyril rarely forgets an insult as she bides her time, gradually seeking to gain some sort of satisfactory revenge for their insult. If left unchecked, this can eventually become obsession in her free time or influence her focus.
Isolation and Abandonment Fear- While Dyril doesn’t fully know it, she has a minor fear of being discarded and even left behind by all she knows, loves, and even is connected to. This stems from her upbring where her family regarded her as something to be ashamed of and when possible, isolated her from both public and family ordeals. If it wasn’t for Kiseo, she would’ve fallen to the effects of facing her fear a long time ago.
Mix Heritage- Being a hybrid has its perks and limitations, something that Dyril knows fully well. One biggest stigma among hybrids is that they are sterile and are unable to carry on the bloodline into the future. This can bring a promising family into extinction over time if a future heir is unable to produce children. In addition, her physical appearance is a mixture of human and Elven which makes her unappealing to either race for the most part. Too Elven for a human or too human for an Elf is a painful experience forcing her to give up on the notion of any love or family. It also makes any manipulation through sexual appeal clearly out of her skill range unless one is curious or want to try something ‘exotic’. Another issue is that her facial ticks aren’t like humans and sometimes be difficult to read.
Lack of Combative Skills- Dyril was brought up in higher society and being female, these are primary factors that denied her the right to learn combat skills. Females had higher power when it came to marriage and politics than physical or business transactions within Imperial lands which made image that more important to them since it was harder to earn and keep. Married individuals often rode upon their husband’s successes which could range from the battlefield to more common skills unfitting for a female. This means any situation that required pure physical strength or speed would put Dyril at a serious disadvantage or even worse, make her into a fool. She is unable to defend herself should things escalate into blood and violence.
Ignorance of Formaroth- Never traveled beyond her family property too often, Dyril has little to no knowledge of any thing about Formaroth’s politics or recent events. Not even the state of her present family. Any knowledge she does know is officially obtained through traders (which are few and far between) or what guests have been kind enough to share, none she fully puts trust in until she’s seen it.
Being a hybrid of two races, Dyril’s got characteristics that fit both her mother and father. Her mother’s are dominant which allowed her grandfather, Raton, to hide her heritage with the excuse of deformities. ‘Unique’ isn’t acceptable in Elven society like it is in their slaves, a fact she’s had to live with all her life and struggle to overcome. Compared to her relatives who sport the common dark blue (denim color), hers is a bluish-grey shade. A few have compared it to something called blue spruce trees which don’t exist in Beilokias.
She has dark, brown eyes much like her father. So far, no one she’s been with for extended time- save her family- has noticed the difference compared to their own onyx back irises. Her face is considered long by humans standards, giving her a rather haughty look like the rest of her family. However when closely examined, the subtle differences are easily seen and clearly not completely elven. Her features are fleshed out along her cheeks, sides, and forehead rounder in comparison to her other female relatives.
The thicker physical appearance doesn’t stop merely at her face, but also include her weight which is considered heavy at 146 lbs and closer to human than any female elf should be. Meanwhile, her saving grace is that she barely falls to the average height of 164 cm (5’4”) and doesn’t need to shrink or alter it in any fashion. The final abnormality is her fingers, they are still considerably long but a bit less claw like and a dead give away to her human side. Instead of three digits on each hand, she has five.
Her default expression is often neutral and difficult to read thanks of her mixed heritage. Often considered permanently stuck in a day dreaming or haughty one, which gives the impression to humans she doesn’t care about what is being said. A fact that is far from her real feelings. However, when she does smile the human in her is quite easily seen and considered genuinely appealing (not sexually), breaking the bizarre features she inherited. Her black hair falls to about the bottom of her shoulder blades, but often bounded into numerous tight braids and loop about her head back. They are pinned in place with silver hair pins that are decorated into handcrafted designs like shells, feathers, and even animals.
In Elven culture, despite the hot and arid atmosphere, the higher social classes often wear layers of clothing that reflect their status and importance among their peers. Being a granddaughter of Elian bloodline, her dresses are the official colors of black and yellow with the crest of her family’s rank. They are linked with the Patricians making Raton and his son Dathion apart of the senate. Often, Dyril is dressed in loosely fitting dresses made of two layer skirts, a pleated shirt and binded at the waist with a belt. Upon her feet are slipper shoes and a kaftan (long over coat) is placed over her to allow her to shade her head from view.
Background: Family Lists of those Dyril has interacted with on a daily basis, both alive and deceased.
Duvainil Elian | Third Child | Alive Crabanil Elian | Fifth Child | Died
Male Cousins
Faron Elian | First Child of Saeldir | Alive Seregon Elian | Second Child of Duvainil | Alive
Female Cousins
Theriadis Elian | First Child of Duvianil | Alive
The story begins on the day Dyril was conceived thanks to ill fated combination of a bet and curiosity. After the recent decease of his wife, Angril Elian, Raton’s merchant trade faced possible decline in popularity and worth when profits rapidly shot down. Evidence, much to his cringe, had been planted to discredit the value of his goods causing him to seek additional options to recover from the loss. In 471 A R, Raton and his daughter Crabanil traveled to Formaroth due to establishing trade with Ralda. The Mazeltof was one of a few families that held a rich dwarven source of materials in their land and were willing to trade for then giving the right persuasion. Usually the very rare magical items (thanks to a method done by mandrakes), potions, food goods not native to the continent, silks, and other materials. Drawven metal, in any variety, was often sought after for great prices making the trip worth it and hopefully recover his reputation.
Setting aside his mourning, Hír Raton Elian and his youngest daughter Crabanil traveled to Formaroth. Crabanil was expected to take up the trade negotiations after a few years and show her own worth in her family’s eyes. This wasn’t meant to be since on the last week of being deep into trade dealings, Henry Mazeltof was roped into a bet which his companions believed was impossible for him to complete: to bed the Elven daughter of their host. Being the arrogant, strong headed individual that came with his heritage, Henry took on the challenge in exchange for greater gains and his friend’s respect.
When Raton followed his father into the final night of negotiations, Henry made his move. He followed the young Elven daughter, just hitting the cusp of adulthood, into a secluded area where he began to converse with her. One thing led to another and out of mutual agreement, Crabanil’s curiosity being a main factor, they made their way to the guest room that served for her residence here.
After the one night stand, Crabanil found herself pregnant with child. Raton, himself, found out after they departed the Mazeltof hospitality and had settled back into their own port home. Purely because Crabanil was afraid he would break off trading rights to Ralda over it. Image, after all, was everything to him.
This created stress between her furious father and her, their desires divided over the tainted offspring’s future.
Raton wanted to bribe a priest from the priesthood, made mostly of mages, to abort the growing life within her womb and rid her of the shame it brought upon the family. However, Crabanil had other ideas. She wanted to use the child as a bargaining chip and to pull at the Mazeltof’s honorable reputation get more out of their future trading relationship. Forced to admit to the fact his daughter was an adult now, Raton allowed her decision to stand but he still blamed Henry for contaminating his youngest daughter.
Being a woman of high up bring, it would’ve looked suspicious for Crabanil to avoid public affairs. This would’ve drawn the attention of spies to try to pry the truth about everything then rush back to their masters. The last thing the Elian family needed was for others to create ways to blackmail them into less suitable dealings. So together they fabricated a plausible story to cover the obvious signs of Crabanil’s upcoming pregnant image. The young Elven woman had been seduced and lied to by another Elf within Formaroth, which there was a few. This charming man later vanished into the night after both bedding her and stealing numerous valuables. While it hurt Crabanil’s reputation for the time, it did nothing to harm the bloodline’s and the fact she was with child made the rumor believable.
Through many tried to dug deeper, they often found Raton there as a wall to their progression.
It was a year later that Crabanil went into labor on their estate home. Raton was pacing the hallways with nerves rattling his every step as his daughter’s laboring screams echoed throughout the wall and making him anxious for her health. Unknown to Crabanil, he had gradually threaten her slaves into placing a subtle herb in her tea in hopes to kill the infant late in the pregnancy. It wasn’t a sure success always, but enough to give him hope to try it. Whatever divine forces above felt he desired punish did so with a vengeance. Instead of the infant dying, it was his beloved daughter. The herb had stopped her body’s ability to clot the blood and so Crabanil had lost a lot of blood during the birth, her blue skin ashy grey in hue. With her dying breath, she named her young female offspring Dyril before she passed away. The loss cut Raton very deeply, a mixture of self guilt and blame upon the child for being born.
For the following years he held deep hatred for the Mazeltof family and it fueled his determination to almost end the trade negotiations. However, his eldest son stepped in and made the request not to due to damaging their family image. Instead, Saeldir took over the trade dealings with the Mazeltof.
Against his daughter’s careful planning, Raton never informed Henry of his illegitimate child or even considered to use her as a pawn to their advantage. In fact, he wanted nothing to do with her. Her life’s care fell upon the family who felt it was best to hide their shame. They couldn’t simply lock her way as all the senate knew Crabanil had been with child and news about the birth had already spread through prior arrangements by the now dead mother. So they prepared for the expose in the future while making her life difficult.
Over the years, Dyril found herself exposed to higher education, various arts and whatever her family’s station allowed her to learn. Unlike Formaroth, women were frowned upon to learn how to combat since they were much more fragile compared to the male gender. Court dancing, sewing, and other more mild forms of quiet etiquette were expected. Everything Dyril learned was taught to her within her family estate which for much of her childhood became her prison. Never once was she allowed to explore the various areas within the city they lived in and her inherited curiosity often pawed at her in daydreams. This wasn’t the only thing she had come to accept in her life. Her family, uncles to aunts and numerous cousins, all made it clear what she was: a blight on their bloodline. A shame that never should’ve been born. Naturally being exposed to such cruelty, Dyril fell to the background and learned to keep her voice to herself until she became an adult.
At the age of nineteen, she became exposed to her first social gathering. It was in honor of her Aunt Duvainil who had become married to another Patrician senator and the ceremony was to make their relationship publically known. To hide Dyril’s human heritage, her fingers and hands were wrapped in cloth and were claimed to be ‘damaged’ due to her father’s unsavory lineage. This also did well to explain her other odd features that were beyond being hidden. Whenever she arrived, one of her family was never too far from her. They ensure she never spoke of her human father and even spoke for her, blocking any attempts to glean information from the younger elven woman. Most the time they gave a snooty air about it.
Around the age of twenty-one, she learned her mother’s old slave Shinx had been bred and expected a new kit in six months. Surprisingly, Dyril found herself worried over the new kit’s arrival and how much attention it would steal from her. For years, she had Shinx’s full attention on her and now something threatened it. However, deep inside she knew Shinx would not last forever and eventually she would need to replace her. If she rejected Kiseo, it would not only hurt Shinx but likely Dyril's family would give her an incompetent and nearly dead slave. That idea was less appealing than taking the risk.
Knowing she had little choice, Dyril sought out only one in the household who would faintly listen to her: Faron, her cousin.
The male, only older than her by a few years, sneered upon her request for an additional slave. He assigned an elderly and well beaten one named Lini to assist Shinx. The persian markings along Lini’s fur was maimed by numerous wounds thanks to burning to vicious beatings which was something that Shinx lacked.
A few months later, Raton had gotten in contact with Doroka Hawk and his company of mercs. Many of the soldiers had also been stationed on the outskirts of their farming property during their services and naturally, her curiosity swelled enough she couldn’t help but investigate. That’s when she met Claus Rotstein, a brash and boastful individual that happened to spy her stalking him one day. This was likely the first time she learned about humans as her interest over her own heritage became sparked the more she learned. She was fortunately enough to have learned the basic speak of humans, thanks to her family’s requirements, but she still had difficulty in making it flow naturally and had to pause to think about how to phrase her words sometimes.
This continued off and on until Raton discovered the pair during her first lesson in combat. The grandfather had been looking for Hawk when he overheard Dyril’s loud cry and the sound of a bow falling to the ground. As the elder elven man entered the doorway, his eyes narrowed and jaw set at the sight of her nursing a hurting wrist. She had let go of the bow too soon and it clipped her hand causing Claus to examine it for serious injury. With a loud, furious bark Raton summoned a no longer pregnant Shinx to the room then had the Mao usher them both back to Dyril’s quarters. What happened between them, Dyril still doesn’t know but it resulted in her being locked in her room or escorted everywhere, something that gradually tapered off over the years.
When she became twenty-eight, she had been mostly left to her own devices now. During her free time, which she had much of, she began to research and question family on her father’s side. From those who believed knowing the truth would degrade her new found determination, she learned about Henry Mazeltof and the events in Ralda. This also included her mother’s original plan to use her in tilting the favor of gain with the trading negotiations. It was a harsh thing for her to learn which took some time to accept, her desire to learn of her father assisted in distracting her mind and hurt emotions.
By this time, Kiseo had matured in the following years and been helping her mother in attending Dyril.
At first the younger Elf had difficulty in accepting the leopard cat patterned Mao, her jealousy and greed for attention conflicted with Shinx’s desperation for her young daughter to be accepted as her one day replacement. Out of all her family, Dyril was the only individual that treated her slaves with a fair merit of respect while many slaves of her family members were left broken, maimed, or worse.
There was one thing that finally won over the Elven woman’s heart, Kiseo’s gentle and empathic nature. It was something that Dyril had never been exposed to and in that moment, Kiseo was hers. Three years before their departure, Raton caught wind of Dyril’s conversations with Saeldir over their trade business. His reaction was as expected and in a sad turn of events, Shinx was the victim of it. The elderly Mao, about forty now, had been delivering a message to Saeldir over Dyril’s plans for the upcoming voyage when her path crossed Raton’s. Infurious with the fact his daughter’s shame was aiming to interfere with their family trade, he began to take his anger out on the Mao and took the message from her. Shinx died of her injuries hours later.
When Saeldir send another message inquiring about the voyage plans, Dyril quickly concluded that Shinx had been delayed or stop causing the pair to investigate. Finding the Mao, broken and tossed away, hurt the woman more than she expected as she spotted Kiseo literally break down and cry. Worried about her image in passing, Dyril quickly held the younger slave then ushered the Mao into an alley to console the sorrow and hide her own tears. Interesting enough, that was the final nail in her tolerance for her grandfather.
In about three years, she quickly made arrangements thanks to Saeldir for departure to Formaroth.
Basic Etiquette: Being raised in higher society, Dyril was raised in the similar fashion as her female relatives. Through primary that was to ensure she didn’t mess up or create an ignorant for her family’s image. She knows how to conduct herself within a court, through she lacks a bit of knowledge on Formaroth’s customs which can easily be corrected.
Translator: She knows how to read, write and speak numerous languages. This ranges from those in Formaroth to the conquered worlds within the Elven Imperium. Most her basic within Formaroth is thanks to interaction with Claus and his men.
Sewing: Basic sewing as she had spent several hours learning to decorate tapestry pieces for subtle displays in her room.
Court Dancing: She was expected to properly dance, through this is mainly in Elven fashion. She doesn’t know any Formaroth dances but with some time and practice, she could easily adapt to be able to perform them at a decent level.
Harp Musician: Dyril is an elegant player of the harp. With this being her main activity aside from reading, sewing and other required skills for a lady, she has become rather good at playing it. The calluses of her fingers, through a bit faded, indicate she practiced rather vigorously over the years.
Natural Talent with Crossbow: However, she’s not been able to or had any teachers willing to increase her skills in this area. This has made her remain at the novice or lower level, but she does get the lucky shot even so often. Over time, and with practice, her shot might become rather lethal.
Good Memory: Dyril has learned to keep track of what others say with a keen memory and often uses it to determine if they are lying to her when facts don’t match up. It also makes it easier to recall when someone has wrong or owes her a favor.
Novice Manipulator: While her heart, honestly, isn’t in it, Dyril’s ability to lie, coax, and even negotiate has grown over the years she’s worked with her Uncle Saeldir. However when compared to those have been doing longer than three years, she’s rather new to it.
Elven Trader: In order to have some worth in Formaroth, Dyril had to learn the ins and outs of trading through her Uncle Saeldir. Was fortunate enough the Elven man wanted to step down from trading as he hated dealing with humans. However, he knew how badly it could damage their family reputation if they ceased it completely. Upon offering to take his place, he eagerly trained her into the worth of things and what risks were best. She doesn’t have the experience Saeldir did, but she isn’t the little novice she might appear to be. -Saeldir has made sure Raton can’t influence her trade ability… for now.
Magical Examiner: While Dyril doesn’t know how to cast magic, she has regularly dealt with mandrakes, items and potions for the trading business. This has given her an interesting insight and more knowledge than most non casters. After spending a good portion of time with an item (A few days), she is able to tell the bare essentials over it including: if an object is truly magical, the enchantment’s quality and what it does on a baseline level. However since she’s not a mage, she’s only able to get a general sense rather than gritty details.
TBA as they become important and enter the IC, mainly because I’m still figuring out how to write her story and rather build support over time.
Name: Given- Kiseo no last name Names given by Nobility- Slave, Servant, Cat, Animal, etc. (need I really list them all?) Nick to Allies and Friends- Seo (primarily to hid from her masters it’s her preferred name) Title- Personal Slave of Híril Dyril.
Age: 11 years ( Felines mature faster, the ratio is about 1.5x faster than humans making her look about a little more than 17 years.)
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: This is an unknown factor for her, purely since interaction in areas of intimacy without express permission is forbidden and often punished. Through it is, Kiseo is taught by her masters she is suppose to be attracted to purely males. This is because a union of opposite sexes will produce kits and eventually added to the population of other enslaved rather than explore the aspect of love. Unknown to her, she does in reality swing both ways, but unless someone nudges this then it won’t be realised.
Position: (In Formaroth) Attendant to Dyril Elian.
Invert Personality
Kiseo’s behavior and carefully chosen words give the impression she’s very shy and timid as an individual. While it is true she’s invert when it comes to her personality, she far from shy about meeting people. This side of her often shows only in private and when given permission to speak by Dyril. Though she knows she’s no longer a slave, Kiseo still acts submissive to her Elven mistress as deep down she knows if abandoned then she will likely not last very long on her own.
Curious and Observant
Unable to feed her curious and desire to learn new things by asking questions, Kiseo has learned to be watchful and listen to what interests her. Her mind trained to gleam whatever she can from the subject then make educational explanations. When permitted, which is rare, Kiseo’s excitement can get the better of her causing her to forget her place and embarrass Dyril by hurting the hybrid’s image. On these few occasions, she has been punished with a few light lashes over her bare back but it was nothing compared to past experiences. Since the Mao has learned to curb her need for answers to merely sneaking hidden looks, studying and listening in order to make accurate assumptions. She will adjust when she learns something new however so none of her information is set in stone ever.
Compassion and Protectiveness
Kiseo is a deeply compassionate Mao ever since birth, despite the harsh reality of her status. At first, she cared and watched the young kits under her care with a ferocious protectiveness from the danger of their surroundings. For many she was like a mother they never had as she attended their wounds and even shepherd them from the cliff overlooking the river and sea. Gradually when she became Dyril’s personal slave, her compassion started to flip gears to her mistress’. It only grew after her mother’s telling of how Dyril’s life really was. Most slaves assumed all the Elven masters lived in luxury and paradise, but for Dyril that was only partly true.
Over time, Kiseo began to admire how strong she viewed Dyril against her family’s attempts to tear her down and mentally torment her. However, the Mao knew those chains still existed and there was only one way to fully free her. After Shinx died, Kiseo made a promise to herself that she would help her mistress to find a place she could be anchored and severe her ties to her past. However, in order to do that it was Kiseo’s job to ensure that Dyril survived until then. The slave learned quickly how to appear uninterested, keep her head down, and casually act while listening in order to warn Dyril of unsuspected danger. Through she has her doubts her tactics would hold much assistance here.
Note: I’m still figuring her out so her personality might change and I’ll update if needed. Personality sections are really hard for me.
Low Pain Tolerance, Easily Bruised and Fear of Pain- Kiseo fears and can’t stand intense pain. When struck harshly by anything with intention to make her bleed, she can’t stop herself from flinching in reaction. She will not fight back as she’s not taught to, her eyes watering and the punishment seared into her memory. She easily bruises through they are often hidden under her blotchy pattern coat and unless you’ve seen her in her prime, you might never know it. When threat of pain comes with a gesture, or even one resembling it when someone is angry, she will automatically brace herself and assume it will happen.
Low Birth- Due to her low standings, Kiseo has very low confidence about changes in her future and in her own value. This means if she is abused, hurt, or otherwise insulted then she will often take the path of least resistance rather than seek justice for wrongs against her. Especially against those of higher station than herself. After all, she is taught she is purely property from the very beginning and have no rights to protest against how those of higher birth treat her. Though she knows deep down, she is far luckier than most slaves in the household.
Sticking Out Like A Sore Thumb- Kiseo has been pulled into the game of espionage by her mistress, Dyril, in recent few years. While in the Elven Lands she was one of many, here Kiseo faces a greater challenge that she’s never encountered before: She’s literally one of a kind here. While Dyril is the minority, Kiseo is literally the only Mao that has crossed over Elven Imperial Lands and into Formaroth where slavery is outlawed.
Weak in Strength- Kiseo, like others of her species, aren’t raised and bred for heavy labor. Due to her life time of performing lighter tasks like cooking, cleaning, climbing into high places, and other similar tasks, her strength is lacking. At max and with some some notable stress, she can deadlift about 80 lbs (average human beginner for her size, about 119 lbs) for a small time. This makes things a bit difficult should something much heavier get into her way.
Language Barrier- Kiseo wasn’t raised to understand human language in Formaroth and while she has little trouble understanding it, actually talking in it is another hurdle for her. A big issue and difference is the fact that Formaroth puts the subject as first and most important in the sentence. For Mao’s, their native language focuses on the topic, often placing it first to indicate its importance, leaving out key words, and uses description to fill in details. In addition to their verbal speech, her hands, feet and even tail will move out of habit since they include a crude but elegant sign language to their speech in order to further understanding. Here’s an example of how the structure varies, with both placed in English:
“Hello, my name is Kiseo. Would you like curry and eggs for breakfast, mistress? And will you be eating in your room too?”- Basic Formaroth
“Name Kiseo, hello. Curry and eggs for breakfast, you like, mistress? Eat in your room too?”- Kiseo in her attempt to speak basic Formaroth *
While she has strengths that humans don’t, she also has weaknesses in them. These are listed alongside her biological skills since it’s easier when separating them for me because a strength often creates a weakness if a condition is met.
Even before the Elven Imperium conquest over their lands, Máoróngrōng, or Mao as they are called, have practiced status breeding for generations. This has created a distinct division of their people into one of two stations: the nobles and peasantry. All have characteristics of Asian region cats, either wild or domesticated, but their appearance depends heavily on which station the individual resides in. Those once apart of the nobility class has more domesticate or small wild cat features since they rarely worked the fields, toiled in hunting, or other harsh tasks. Meanwhile, the peasantry were larger wild cats like leopards and tigers whose features lacked the delicate ability of the nobility since as writing, appearing not intimidating, etc.
Since being conquered by the Elven Imperium, the differences between the two lineages has grown larger. The Mao have been bred based purely on their master’s whims from living decoration to manual labor in the cleared jungles.
Kiseo is a Máoróngrōng which is a race of feline semi-digitigrade creatures both similar and different from humans. Like humans, she stands upright at 7’5” in overall height and weighs at a reasonable 119 lbs. She has two arms, legs, torso, and longer hair upon her head. There’s also five digit hands which are made for gripping, manipulating, and more. Her eyes are in a similar position through they are slightly more slanted compared to humans, colored ember in the irises. The pupil can slit or expand depending on the light source’s intensity, ensuring she can see most of the time. Brown hair that’s slightly lighter is highlighted with yellow streaks and kept at shoulder length, often pulled back into a short fish braid. Whatever short strands that escape the braid are shooting up in a slightly spiky fashion giving the appearance of messy and unkept bangs.
Here is where the feline distinctions come in. Her ‘skin’ is actually fine yellowish brown fur covered with lanceolated, black spots much like a leopard's’ along her sides. Along her neck, mouth and inside of her limbs are lined and colored white to contrast with her outside fur. She walks on her toes with retractable claws on her both her feet and hands. There’s also cushioning pads along her palms and fingertips, while they are on her toes, ball and heel of her foot. From the tip of her tail bone are additional vertebrae which create a tail about the length of her slender torso which is hardly easy to ignore since its tip is usually swishing side to side.
Her face holds the most obvious and alien characteristics, which blend human and feline facial features together in a sharp and elegant way. The shape is slightly diamond like giving it a long and sharp appearance but reasonable width compared to Elven kind. Her nose tip is closer to her lips giving her a bit of downward curve profile with the top of the nose bridge indented less than the average human. Her ears are rounder with a white spot over each, resting at the sides of her head. However, they are able to rotate forward, up, down and a bit backwards to catch any sounds that surround them.
This isn’t her face, or hair, but the structure. For the more domestic cats they might be gentler or wild might blocker depending on the breed. However the nose, lips and forehead is pretty much the same structure.
When Kiseo was still a slave, her garb was molest and simple due to the nature of her status. While Elven servants were given worn hand downs to reflect their position in the household, most indoor Mao were bred for living decoration and quick service skills. Like many that worked in the home, she often wore a simple wrap on her upper torso covering from her underarms to the bottom of her breasts and specially designed loin cloth that came to mid thigh. The basic materials are designed to show as much fur as possible without exposing any unwanted gender identification. Due to their long tail, the rear flap was often split in order to allow free movement. She was one of the lucky ones that didn’t have their tails severed into a bob because it was an annoyance.
The most clothing she owned was a linen shirt and simple pants without shoes. Through they are in decent condition for her status, they do have both dirt, food and other stains from her rare work in the fields and the kitchen. The fields were harsh because of the elements so the slaves, in order to make them last longer, were often given a linen shirt and pants every year to protect them. They were used in the kitchen to prevent their fur in certain places and from shedding into the prepared dishes.
Background: Notes: House slaves: 25 avg, due to extreme abuse while field slaves lived up to 40 avg. Dyril’s slaves lived much longer due to better care, extending their lifespan much closer to a natural life span of 60+ years.
Keep in mind, Mao age at about 1.4 faster than humans which means her bio will cover less years and one year will cover more than one when it comes to physical/mental aging.
Kiseo, like many Mao, was born into slavery. There was no pre budding commitment or love between her mother, Shinx, and the stranger that sired her. In truth, Kiseo’s knowledge of him was pretty simple: he was the one she got her coat pattern from and he was a slave of another Elven Patrician branch. The union was arranged by Hír Raton through a minor sum strictly to replenish their Mao slave stock and possibly acquire a pretty fur pattern for display. The more exotic the coat, the more like it would be admired and easily hid the abuse many slaves suffered day to day.
For the first three years, Kiseo would be blissfully ignorant of this fact like all kits of that age.
After being born in 492 AR, she was allowed to remain with her mother for about a month. This was considered unusual for most slaves since the masters often required they become useful quickly. Oddly enough, it was by Dyril’s orders that Shinx care for Kiseo rather than wean her within the week. This was likely the primary reason Kiseo was considered healthier as an infant. While Shinx cared for her child, Lini, an elder Mao, replaced her during her allowed recovery period. When the month expired, young Kiseo was passed from her mother’s arms into others to be cared for in Shinx’s absence. Not being weaned yet, she sustained on rice milk, gruel, and porridge for the next two months. Though she had about three weeks more of her mother’s milk compared to the others, the substitutes still lacked the needed nutrition for her early development and gradually slowed it. She couldn’t run until the year 493 AR, her appearance close to a very thin three year old.
Theirs lives, while mostly work, had its moments of imagination. The children’s primary responsibility was to help the too far crippled with the tiny garden outside their assigned hut, their primary source of food for meals in the summer. It was during this time, Kiseo became attached to an older kit Ferat who shared the bamboo hut with her and about ten others. Ferat was a young, leopard Mao with pretty pattern coat and a shy nature. Through she was only older by one year, she seemed very observant and began to teach this to Kiseo over time.
Limited in resources, Kiseo, Ferat, and the other kits learned to use their surroundings and imaginations to great effect. They often made a game out of the harsh realities by putting on pretend auctions or working under a ‘master’. Sticks to rocks, anything was free game for a toy in their minds. They played ‘lily pad’ (think a crude hopscotch game) to skimming rocks across the drinking ponds and created dolls or quills to draw shapes in the dirt. Throughout the day, about two minor meals with a large meal at the end of it. On holidays they enjoyed a wild fish master Raton Elian allowed them to keep from the sea, but the size was always pitiful, unable to feed all the hungry mouths in the hut. This forced a few volunteers to gave their rations, in turns, up for the younger ones.
Time changes things and as she got older, her observant nature quickly began to break through the illusion of childhood happiness. By this time, she was considered three and the overwatcher of the younger kits still naive in their lives. She began to notice a pattern that whenever a kit reached the age of four, a month later they would become absent from the group. This pattern started to bother her over time since her own fourth birthday was coming close.
The night Ferat didn’t return to the kit group, Kiseo laid wide awake in her bed. She heard the field slaves trudge in, like normal, and begin to pull the herb pail from the corner. Without thinking, Kiseo quickly twisted about in her small space on the floor as she heard a familiar voice break through the snoring. It was Ferat, sobbing, as she turned her back to the older tiger Mao. With the night version gifted to her by her race, Kiseo pressed her hands over her mouth to muffle a horrified squeak. All along the leopard patterned back were numerous scars glistening with fresh blood. Her linen shirt was shredded while the Mao began to apply a paste, crushed within his paw with a rock, then traced each vivid line causing Ferat to recoil in pain and bit upon her linen’s sleeve to stifle her cry.
Shocked by the sight, Kiseo couldn’t pull her eyes way as she drifted slowly to sleep. It was her first hint of reality, but she didn’t fully understand it.
When her fourth birthday hit, it should’ve been a day of joy and modest celebration even when forgotten dread lingered in her heart. Being a slave, hardships never hit when individuals were prepared for it. Watching the newest kits, about six, she caught sight of one of the field slaves dragging what she assumed was a sack toward the master’s property edge. It was too far to determine details, a fact she would’ve been glad for, as she went back to her own given task. Later that day, she learned the elder Mao Lini had gone from this world. It didn’t take her long to recall that scene and knew it was proof that their lives matter little to their masters and were easily replaced.
It was a month later, Kiseo braced for her future. She was quickly surprised when her mother came casually walking toward the hut and mentioned she was there to retrieve her. Since her birth, Kiseo’s interaction with her mother had always been limited to an hour once or thrice a week.
These times weren’t given by the masters, but stolen by her mother in the dead of night when Shinx stole away from the house, down to the hut and took her sleeping place beside Kiseo. While the other slaves knew it was happening, they turned a blind eye to allow the pair their peace together. It was primary by voice, thanks to numerous lullabies, that Kiseo knew her mother at all. So when Shinx requested Kiseo to follow her, naturally the chance to spend time and feed her curiosity was too good to pass up. During their walk, Kiseo learned she would be attending a Híril Dyril who would eventually become her master.
A short, cold bath in the sea cleansed her of any filth or external parasites before they made their way into the house. That bath made weekly turned out to be one of many expected requirements. At first, the tasks were small and things she could already do well. Fetching water, supplies, meals and more often left her feet blistered, sore and cracked on the pads. Even worse, she was often clipped, halted or forced to do other tasks by the rest of the household purely to delay her in serving Híril Dyril. This resulted in her being punished a few times.
While the lashings were only skin deep, Kiseo didn’t like the pain in the least and sought to avoid it. She became smarter about her paths through the household and purposely taking longer detours rather than short cuts. In order to make up the difference, she would push herself harder to speed up. While she still was considered slow, the tactic worked. Eventually Kiseo began to avoid crossing paths with Dyril’s family at all. Over the year, Kiseo learned to show her respect, awe and even loyalty toward her would be new master. Something that filled her mother with pride as it endeared the hybrid Elven toward her.
Kiseo’s fear of pain developed when she seven years old. A young adolescent, her built and height would’ve had many humans mistake her for a young ten or twelve year child, she felt sorrow as she helped Shinx pack for Dyril’s yearly exposure to the Elven affairs. Naturally, her mother would accompany the Híril to attend to her during the trip and leaving Kiseo home.
It was a mistake Dyril would later regret.
About a day after Dyril left, the current mistress of the estate, Duvainil, assigned Kiseo to the main house slaves numbers. For the three months that her master was gone, Kiseo learned what true cruelty was and why many house slaves had numerous scars. One incident stuck out in her mind: the day she was ruthlessly whipped for an accident not even her fault. Faron, the very one that killed Lini, had purposely stepped on her tail and then jerked it back without warning. Trying not to fall into any of her ‘masters’, she immediately dropped the food she was holding and crumbled to the floor, her heart racing at the torment that awaited her. Duvainil frowned deeply then ordered two servants to take her out back where she was tied up to the punishment tree by her arms. Frightened, Kiseo pleaded for forgiveness but her words fell on deaf ears. By the Aunt’s command, about sixty lashes were made across Kiseo’s back. She was left hanging there for hours until a tiger Mao named Ting pulled her down. She was then ushered back to the hut where an elder prepared the healing paste. Ting later left to inform Dyril about what had happened.
What occurred between the young mistress and her Aunt, Kiseo had never found out. All she knew was that later that day, Shinx came to retrieve her and then took her into the house. In the kitchen, Dyril was waiting patiently for the pair. When Kiseo noticed her, the child immediately hit the ground and whimpered her apologies in a desperate voice. Tears fell from her eyes while she braced for the worst. It didn’t come as Dyril leaned down and helped Kiseo to her feet, her five digit grip firm but gentle. With a simple gesture, the Mao was pulled into a chair where Dyril motioned for Shinx to clean and wrap the wounds. This would be one of a few rare, caring actions Dyril would perform during her life.
The next time was when her mother was killed and she learned how much Shinx truly meant to the half elf. Fear had tilted and raged in her heart when the news about Shinx’s absence reached them. It wasn’t like her mother as both of them knew. Without a bit of nudging, Kiseo dressed Dyril for travel then placed on her linen shirt, pants and even a hand-me-down cloak of itchy material before they left for the docks. It was an hour later when the older Mao was found.
She was discarded under the docks with her neck broken and tilted at an odd angle. Kiseo was the first to find her in the grim twilight of the dawn. The horror and sorrow to her heart over the loss broke her down immediately as she cradled the lifeless corpse.
Any other master would’ve beaten her into submission then sent her home, but Dyril lowered herself and pulled Kiseo upright. Gently, Dyril guided them both from the open area into a local back alley hidden from view. After they finally became hidden from sight, her mistress allowed her to sob uncontrollably. Her own tears covered the ones the Elf was holding inside herself. When both females had composed themselves once more, they both knew how it happened and who had done this. It was a deep motivation to Kiseo to begin to take over her mother’s duty and help pass letters between Dyril and Saeldir. Over the course of the next few years, she began to help Dyril by assisting in her research, delivering letters, and other smaller tasks for her owner. Every bit was critical toward their trip to meet the Mazeltof and across the sea.
Farm Experience: Very limited, but she does know how to grow and tend to mandrakes in the fields. This is usually only to get them to sprout and keep them healthy, but if they fall ill due to disease or need harvested… she won’t be much help.
Able to Read and Write: This is primary Elven, Mao, and quite a bit of basic human. All taught out of need, rather than by allowance, purely because she is made to write out numerous things for her master and assist in the research over Dyril’s family in the last past three years.
Cooking: The Mao, due to her requirement to take of her mistress, has been educated to cook primary Elven dishes.
Mending Clothing: Is an excellent seamstress when it comes to repair, altering and other basics in clothing care.
Language: Kiseo understands the language used by Formaroth, but speaking it is another matter. This allows her to eavesdrop and spy in a fashion that most might not realize, most the information being pulled back to her master for Dyril’s own personal use later on.
Fast Runner: Being the only slave to Dyril, an Elf of many needs, Kiseo has learned to be fast and to navigate her path in the best possible way. Through most types of terrain, through when it comes to a run of endurance, she often falls behind the more athletic humans.
Spell: Metal Skin
This spell makes an individual's flesh become as hard as steel armor for a limited time, gaining resistance to non magical piercing and slashing damage.
Duration: 1 hour Classification: Restoration Range: Individual Concentration: Yes Limitations: This spell requires active focus and concentration from the user, which means that any action done to cause distraction has a chance -50/50- to cancel out the effect early. This spell doesn't protect against internal wounds such as internal bleeding, broken bones and other related wounds caused by high power impacts. Included and not limited to bludgeoning weapons, crossbow bolt (won’t penetrate, but hurt) and other weapons that able to hit with the same impact force.
Notes: I have a method to keep track of this during use, but a great deal of if stops or continues will depend on the scene, story and other factors.
Biological Traits
Flexible and Agility: Being a Mao, her feline traits give her advance flexibility by allowing her to dislocate her collarbone and squeeze into tight spaces most humans can’t. However it falls short of domestic cats ability making it difficult to fit her body into anything smaller than about 1/2 her shoulder width, mainly since her clavicle isn’t free floating or she couldn’t lift anything in her arms above her head.
Balance: With her tail, she’s got excellent balance when darting across narrow bridges or areas as well as able to twist her body about on her feet when falling from high heights (about 7 m max). The bad part… her tail can get in the way of things if she’s not watchful.
Claws: Retractable claws are noted on her fingers and feet, but they are primarily for climbing, delicate manipulations, and minor self defense rather than any sort of decent combat weapon.
Silent Walking: Mao, when bare foot, are silent in their walking. Unless it’s on very weak floorboards or you strain to listen, you likely won’t hear when Kiseo walks up and stands beside you. Another thing to note, her movements in her attempt to be quiet are often slow and cautious as she still can make a sound if careless. So she’s not going to be running while using this skill.
Higher Hearing: Higher hearing than humans, her ears about to rotate and can pick up faint sounds often missed by humans. While not as high as felines, her ears still are sensitive to extremely loud sounds. An example is the clashing of swords. Any similarly loud sounds will briefly hurt her ears, causing her to flinch in discomfort, distract or make her go temporarily deaf.
Night Vision: Kiseo has limited night vision up to twenty feet, making her nearsighted in almost complete darkness. Everything is displayed in black and white making details like color hard to determine. Anything beyond the twenty feet is a complete, unreadable blur to her and straining will not help. In addition, unexpected or warned flashes or light will temporarily blind and hurt her depending on the exposure time and harshness. So say you stick fire in her sight suddenly when her eyes are in night time form, she won’t see anything for a good minute or more until her eyes readjust from the sudden change (varies with how long).
*Keep in mind, I’m trying and it might not be an accurate attempt to mimic a foreign Chinese individual trying to speak broken English. However, it should get the gist across.