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Hidden 10 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TheDuncanMorgan
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AndrewCooper
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AndrewCooper The Cooper Trooper

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Family House
Family Name: House of Manshrew
Kingdom Location: Uzgob Desert
Crest: Orange background with a black bear
Family Motto: Sometimes the smallest can be the strongest
Relations with other Kingdoms: Unsure
Family Reputation: Popular, Trustworthy, Wealthy and Respectful
Kingdom’s main export and goods: Exotic fruits and animals
Description of Kingdom: The Uzgob is the most North kingdoms in the land. It is also considered to have one of the hottest climates and to have the most barren land. However through the exotic fruits and trading with other kingdoms Uzgob has become one of the most prosperous kingdoms despite its location. Uzgob has a natural border of a mountain range which appeared due to a giant earthquake which happened thousands of years ago; this has proved useful when invading armies are concerned. However due to the state of the land many invading armies either ignore Uzgob or usually turn back due to the little food resources. Then further north there is River Gonzo which also acts as a natural border for the dead lands.
The biggest settlement of Uzgob is the city of Andromeda. Andromeda is located in the very centre of the Uzgob Desert. Its very existence was due to the founders of the city discovering a giant underground lake they later called Eden and through this the city grew. The building structures of Andromeda are designed to be similar to Damascus during the crusades. There is a little difference between the classes due to the fact that the people have to get along to survive the desert so the classes are treated equally. The Manshrew family live in the central castle in the very centre of the city. The middle and low class live equally in city which surrounds the castle. A coliseum lies within the city as well as there where they hold non-lethal gladiator battles and sport related games in which everyone even the Manshrew family even attend. The city is then surrounded by a wall which protects it from armies. The middle class is made up of inn keepers, shop keepers, merchants, doctors and politicians. The lower class have also have merchants, shop keepers and a few politicians. Other professions are craftsman, blacksmith and gladiators and sportsmen.
Fort Scarab is located at the point where the River Gonzo meets the sea it’s heavily fortified and holds the majority of the kingdoms navy. The fort is large enough to hold all the sailors for the ships.
Family Background: Uzgob has been under the control of the Manshrew family for one hundred years. The Manshrew family came into power through being chosen as the next family to come into power as the previous house had no living heirs. Over the last fifty years there was a troubled relation between the Manshrew’s and the Remonnet’s this was mostly due to Helyot Remonnet’s paranoia towards the family. Eventually war broke out between the families due to Helyot’s assassination of last lord of the family Rhys Manshrew. His brother Andrew quickly rose to power and led the Manshrew’s to victory and killed King Helyot Remonnet himself on the battlefield. News about the Manshrew’s victory spread across the land increasing the popularity of the family. Relations between the Manshrew’s and the Remonnet’s were restored with the new king John. John made a debt to Andrew promising him that he would repay Andrew for the loss which the Manshrew’s suffered.
Due to the Manshrew’s popularity the family has become a popular choice of an ally with many of the houses however with any families which were loyal to Helyot the Manshrew’s have become a targeted but the family is very well protected.
Reason of claim to the throne: The Manshrew’s believe that it is time to collect their debt by making Andrew the new King. Even though Andrew is content with Uzgob he willing to pursue this debt. Andrew’s aims are that if he can become king that he hopes to unite the kingdoms even though this will be very hard.

Family Members
Lord Andrew Manshrew
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Position: Head of House Manshrew
Personality: Protective of family, ambitious, thoughtful of subjects, honourable, respective of culture
Appearance: Medium height, short dark brown hair, slightly muscular, tan skinned
Skills: Expert Negotiator, Master Politician, Master Ruler, Expert Swordsman, Master Tactician, Master Strategist, Expert Economist
Weaknesses: Andrew won't change his mind once its set towards a goal only Diana, Alun and George can change his mind. Andrew is too trusting it doesn't take too much to earn his trust. Andrew is too idealistic his dream for Formaroth may in they way of better judgment. Andrew's code of honour may get in the way of victory.
Background: After his older brother Rhys Manshrew was assassinated by order of King Helyot Remonnet Andrew quickly rose to power. To prove himself as a capable leader to his fellow politicians Andrew spent three days in the Uzgob Desert alone with barely any food and water to survive, many thought that Andrew would not survive but on the eve of the third day Andrew returned, till this day Andrew has told no one how he survived. Once he was established as the Lord of House Manshrew Andrew declared war on the House of Remonnet. Eventually the war between the houses led to Helyot leading his army into the Uzgob Desert to confront Andrew this wasn’t the best idea. Using new war tactics, Andrew waited for the army to be weak of starvation and thirst and then finally defeated the army with his own and killed King Helyot in single combat. After the war was over Andrew focused of improving his own kingdom until one day he was invited the new King John. Andrew accepted even though he did not know what to expect out of this new King. Fortunately Andrew and the King had something common and got on well. Before departing to his Kingdom Andrew was told by John that his family would be repaid after what they had been through.
Andrew’s forces consist of his land army which he leads alongside with his military and political advisor Alun DeGrande and then his navy which is lead by friend George LeWest. Andrew also commands his own personal guard which are trained and sworn to protect the Manshrew family.

Lady Diana Manshrew
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Position: Lady of House Manshrew
Personality: Loving towards family, respectful of Andrew’s ambitions, formal
Appearance: medium height, long red hair, beautiful, elegant dresses
Skills: Expert ruler, Expert politician, Expert economist, Expert negotiator
Background: Diana came from another political family in Andromeda. Once she reached 18 years old many political family members were asking for her hand in marriage. For an entire year she turned down every man. By that time the yearly masquerade ball was around, her parents forced her to go so she could find a suitor. After a few hours Diana was approached by a mysterious boy she didn’t know why but she had a quick fondness for him near the end the ball the couple retreated somewhere private where the boy revealed himself as Andrew of House Manshrew. After a few more secret meetings Andrew asked for Diana’s hand and she accepted.
Andrew and Diana have been happy since but after the war with House Remonnet they have been trying to produce an heir but so far they haven’t had any luck but they still try. However when she is not helping Andrew run the kingdom, she takes care of Rhys’ three daughters.

Lucy Manshrew
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Position: Heir to House Manshrew
Personality: Cunning, Driven, Loyal to family
Appearance: Small, Blonde hair
Skills: Adept ruler, Expert tactician, Adept politician, Adept Negotiator
Background: As the current heir of the House of Manshrew, Lucy is learning to become the ruler of Uzgob. Even though she is being currently being taught best the best teachers in the country she prefers the company of her uncle and is always eager to listen to his stories.

Elizabeth Manshrew
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Position: Second in Line to House Manshrew
Personality: Militaristic, strong, Loyal to family
Appearance: Short dark hair, scar on left cheek
Skills: Expert Swordsman, Adept Tactician, Adept strategist
Background: Elizabeth started sword training when she was young she has taught by her uncle but her main teacher is Alun DeGrande who is her main role model. She always pushes herself to the limit to improve her skills. Alun believes that one day she may surpass his and her uncle’s swords and may become the best swordsman in the country.

Mary Manshrew
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Position: Third in Line to House Manshrew
Personality: Friendly, adventurous, loyal to family
Appearance: Long blonde hair, skinny
Skills: Adept Naval Commander, Apprentice Tactician
Background: Being the youngest member of the Family of Manshrew, Mary is not expected to take on any responsibilities at this time. She spends time with Naval Commander George LeWest. When she was young she has always dreamed of sailing and exploring the world. At the current time she is learning from George on Naval tactics. If she continues she may become one of the first female naval captains in the country.

Alun DeGrande
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Position: Political/Military advisor of House Manshrew
Personality: Friends with Andrew, open,
Appearance: Medium height, short dark hair, chin beard
Skills: Master Tactician, Master Strategist, Expert Swordsman, Master Negotiator
Background: Alun met Andrew when they were very young. In a short time they became best friends. As time passed and Andrew came into power Andrew appointed Alun as Political and Military advisor. This became a wise choice as together they were able to outwit the Remonnet army which ultimately led to their defeat. Andrew and Alun work together constantly to perfect their battle plans.

George LeWest
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Position: Naval Captain of House Manshrew
Personality: friends of Andrew, adventurous
Appearance: tall, medium dark hair, short dark beard
Skills: Master Naval Commander, Master Tactician
Background: George and Andrew met in their early teens. Andrew soon realised Georges love for the navy and his skills as a naval captain. When the war between the Manshrew’s and the Remonnet’s began, Andrew sought George’s expertise in the navy and offered him a place as the captain of the navy. This became invaluable when the Remonnet navy began a surprise attack on Fort Scarab. Through George’s leadership the navy was able to counterattack and were able to cripple the Remonnet navy which some believed had shorten the war by two years. After the war the people of Uzgob saw how important the navy was considering that the majority of the country is desert.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ala


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Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Klomster
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Klomster The man, the myth, the legend.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name: Claus Rotstein

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Position: Lieutenant at arms, Captain of the "Steel fist" mercenary group.

Personality: Brash and a bit boastful, he drives his men hard but not too much. He is known as a tough leader but fair. When he can he tries to fix up some extra bonuses for his men, and at times even pay from his own pockets.

Appearance: Claus Rotstein is rather tall, with a rough slightly bearded face with several minor scars and a large scar running across his nose from his right side eyebrow to the left side of his jaw. Dark hair and dull blue eyes.
He wears a very nice tailored suit of plate armour made by an artisan serving house Blackwater with a lot of subtle, yet beautiful decor. The cuirass has his companies icon painted on it, the clenched white fist atop a black background.
He carries a flamberge greatsword and a mace, he has a decorated battle horn and a decorated misericord dagger.

Background: His family was burghers of minor renown whom tended a region of farms for the lord of Scassia. Claus was the second son of his father Adolf Rotstein and thus wouldn't inherit much.
The local lord though took him in as a man at arms for his personal army, and as such he was trained to become a potent fighter. He served the lord for many years and was rather successful.... apart from his darker side.
When he drank he became harsh and at times violent, and it showed that the monotone duties of his service in a low combat area made him take to the tankard more and more often.
He finally took a step to far and was dismissed from service after punching a nobles 3rd son and trying to approach his sister. He was demoted to lieutenant after his family helped him out.

His life now in ruins he took even more to the tankard and eventually got thrown out from his home. Eventually he joined the Steel fist mercenary company. He quickly got a recognition because of his great battle prowess and man at arms training.
The varied duties also kept him from drinking, which his fellows from now on made sure so he didn't drink to much.
After many years of service, the old company captain decided to retire, Claus Rotstein was selected for his outstanding service and promoted to captain.

The Steel fist now returns from a campaign in the east, having fought for the elven kingdom in several conflicts during seven years. (The Steel fist has returned home from time to time during this period.)
The steel fist consists of mainly battle hardened fighters, with some new trainees as with any army. The army has good knowledge in sieges as well.

Gear. Halberdiers, about this. But with halberds and some tassets. They carry maces as well.
youtu.be/FH9yjmmAE3k?t=1m49s (It's a music video, and i jump in midway)

Pavise crossbowmen, about the same but with a pavise shield and a heavy windup crossbow and a mace.
The Steel fist numbers 2500 men, 750 of which are crossbowmen.

Skills and traits: Claus Rotstein is a skilled swordsman and has a strong voice, he is a potent commander.

I write the things i know he has training or exposure in.
Swordsman - Grand master
Other combat - Master
Strategy - Adept
Tactics - Master
Logistics - Adept
Economics - Adept
Negotiation - Adept
Politics - Mediocre
Motivator - Expert
Intimidate - Expert
Farming - Mediocre

Known languages.
Formarothian: Fluent.
Elven: Accented. Poor writing.
Caelic: Broken. Cannot write.
Vogani: Knows a few insults and swear words.

Flaws: Claus has a few, but notable character flaws.
Alcoholism: If he's not careful, and don't get the mental support from his friends he will quickly fall back to his alcoholic past.
While he has a much greater tolerance to alcohol because of this, if he does get drunk he will lose all his restraints and easily become violent, unpredictable and dangerous.
Unrefined: Claus is not someone who suckers up to people, even when they do earn proper respect, he is also a commoner at heart.
This can if he is not careful very easily anger people of higher status and/or nobility. Since he do treat basically everyone with the same respect as a commoner until they have fancied his liking, where he will treat them as a friend instead. Which isn't much better than being treated as a drinking buddy.
Impulsive: Claus usually goes with his gut feeling, not one to plan for ages and carefully devise a plan.
Nope, come up with a solution that seems fair enough, and then just go with it.
While he does try to plan and consider his options, he usually fall back to intuition after a while.

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TheDuncanMorgan
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I plan to add in other NPC kingdoms and their ruling families at a later date given there is a lot to write about. Till then I would advice not writing about kingdoms that don't have a description about them.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by PhoenixWhite
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PhoenixWhite Debonair Bird

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cold Hands
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Cold Hands Guilds Resident White Walker

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

Member Seen 3 days ago

Name: Gabanre Charis
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Position: Mage
Personality: Impulsive, Fair and Patiënt. Is know for doing the impossible. Is extremly lucky. Very smart. Has blue hair due to a genetic defect
Around 1.90 meter high. Thin and around 70kg heavy.
Clothes are ussually blue and dark. Never wears socks
Background: Gabanre's dad was a fearsome Warrior. His mom was one of the best mages in the art of healing. Gabanre was superlucky and got his dad's fighting skill as well as his mom's magic skill. Making him quite strong. Gabanre was born in a village where dad and mom were fairly well off compared to the other villagers. After his dad's adventure towards one of the the abandoned dwarven cities, after which his dad never returned. When Gabanre was just 15 years old, His mom died after a period of unhealable illness at that moment. Gabanre loved his parents and needed time to get over the suffering loss of their departure. He loved his dad the most Because though he learned his fighting skills. He got spotten by someone of the magic circle after half a year. He was able to study destruction magic and healing magic. He had a great time learning magic, this was also due to the fact that he was one of the best students at that time. When he was done with studying magic he heard about a death off king John, he thought this would be a good opportunity to earn a lot of money. He decided that he would become a mercenary. While being a mercenary he will be trying to manipulate his way through towards the throne, or close to the throne. He is neutral and help the one playing him the most. He does not work for promises.
Skills and traits: Destruction Magic and healing magic. Good Axefighter. Very good Swordfighter. Very good tactician.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Catchphrase Pun Master General

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hygswitch
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Hygswitch Educational Witch

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Sir Ramfrey Hansard

Age: 47

Gender: Male

Position: Knight, Legendary Hero

Coat of Arms:

Personality: Sir Ramfrey knows how to act the part of the legendary knight he is famed to be, when in public. He is very well mannered and courteous to women, knows how to talk well and humor others with stories of his adventures. If one where to pay attention though, a kind of detachment would become apparent in his gaze, and something would seem lacking in his smiles.
In private and around those he trusts this outer sheen further wears down and the brooding, cynical and ultimately deeply suffering man he is shows himself. He may even seem selfish and petty. Further down this too is only something he tells himself, because the reason he suffers as much is that in fact he is deeply thoughtful and caring. While being pessimistic he also is very much willing to do the right thing. Towards himself he often rationalizes it in a way that his motivation seems selfish.

Appearance: Sir Ramfrey is a very tall man, standing a head taller than most people. He has a rather slim wiry frame, but is extremely well trained and muscular nonetheless, and walks with a straight and confident posture. His brow is often furrowed by a stern frown, accentuated by his greying dark hair and steel blue eyes. His voice is deep and rough, and is known to make women swoon over him.

When in town he rarely wears his plate armor, which is made of blackened steel plate. Despite it being well cared for it shows unmistakable signs of years of use. The only decor is the representation of his coat of arms, three small daggers worked onto the plate above his heart.
Mostly he will be seen in a dark brown leather doublet and leather pants, without any signs or marks on it. At court on the other hand his clothing is more befitting for a noble man, but significantly unfashionable, a bit worn and devoid of any frilly decoration.

Most striking to his gear is his famed dwarven steel bastardsword ‘Lady Gwynneth’. Between its blades double fuller can be read a fine inscription: “Call me Gwynneth, of the mountain peoples steel.” On the other side followed by “Wield me true and I shall slay each foe” Befitting to his coat of arms and name, he also carries identical triplet daggers; One in a sheath in the small of his back, one on his right shank and one normally at his belt.

House Hansard of Daggerkeep is a very low noble house indeed. The ancestral home, a drafty motte-and-bailey keep watching over a small market town and a bridge spanning a insignificant tributary river, did not entail any kind of comfort associated with the life of nobles. Some of the free yeomans around had farmhouses that entailed more wealth and were more comfortable homes. Despite this lack of noble comforts growing up entailed all of the chores of a young lordling for Ramfrey.
He learned reading and counting and also manners by his mother and under the watchful eyes of his father. The old man had a rather bad opinion of all of his superfluous sons after the firstborn, useless mouths to feed they where to him.
Being the third son, it was very clear that Ramfrey had no prospects of ever holding any land of his own, at least not any land of his fathers. Thus father saw to it to find a knight of some renown to take young Ramfrey as his page at the age of six, nearly a year earlier than was customary. Young Ramfrey was always a long grown and lanky child and thus deemed ready for these chores.

Sir Berdig Morgan was a far more kindly man than his father, and as he was free to roam the land he, companioned by Ramfrey, two other pages and a squire did just that. The bearded knight taught all of them the basics of knighthood, and attended a number of tourneys with the boys. It would proof to be a good few years.
Which abruptly ended when war came upon the land, about a year after he had been made a squire. Sir Berdig became one of the sworn swords in service to house Neptune. Between the five dozen of squires and pages Ramfrey was relatively well liked, if not taken entirely seriously. After a heavy growth spurt his voice had broken heavily and undulated between a very deep murmur and a squeaky boys voice. His new gangly arms made him look as if he was all elbows and suddenly he was a lot worse at sword training, always underestimating his own reach.
Nonetheless as the war wore on the older and better trained squires where equipped and would fight under the command of their knights in the heavy cavalry. In the first battles Ramfreys lack in ability with the lance proved negligible. They often just rounded up fleeing enemies, or plowed through poorly equipped infantry from the flank. Forgotten where the golden days of tourneys and making merry; the days Sir Berdig told stories of daring do and adventure. Adventure itself was dark and gory and bleak. And it wasn’t honourable.

Winter came and both sides gathered their armies around them. Soon they converged on each other.
Ramfrey was looking over the field before them. Soft snow fell onto the mud, and the horses hot breath hung in the air before them. Black was the entire horizon on the valleys far side. Banners flapping in the wind. Right opposite them on the enemies right flank stood cavalry of similar might. The thought of opposing an evenly matched enemy was exhilarating and frightening. Sir Berdig smiled at his squire shortly and patted his shoulder, a weak smile under the greying beard. Then their pages handed them their helmets and lances. There was no sign of Sir Berdig being nervous as he looked at him, but then he saw how the man was fingering his swords pommel.
He gulped.
Time seemed to stand still.
A weak breeze stirred the lazily falling snowflakes to jump horizontaly through his field of vision.
Then the call of the warhorns stirred them. First slowly then gaining speed they started galloping down into the valley. Only after a little time did Ramfrey catch sight of the opposing Riders doing the same. Madly they raced towards them. Horse breath steaming, mud and snow flying around them.
Faster ever faster.
Nearer ever nearer.
It came the moment to lower the lances, they could now clearly see the enemies coats of arms upon their surcoats. Then everything erupted into chaos.
The breathtaking forceful punch against his shoulder when his Lance made contact. Empaling his enemy, but unhorsing himself. Heavily he fell to the ground. Around him a maelstrom of bodies collided as he struggled to his feet. Screaming, colliding, guts and blood erupting through the air. A hoof punching into the mud where his head had been mere second earlier. Drawing his sword, nothing special one of the utilitarian blades flowing from the forges by the tens of dozens these days.
Soon no upright horses where around anymore, gone, slaughtered, or killed, or in pursuit. But still the men fought and clashed. He saw John the older squire. He was in trouble, so Ramfrey rushed to him, deflecting a few blows. Still he reached him only when the older man fell. Clashing, swords clanking against his armor. Then the blood of the swords wielder on his face. Sir Berdig, at his side all of a sudden, screaming something at the top of his lungs, he nodded dumbfounded. The noise of the battle made it impossible to hear. On foot he and Sir Berdig and a few other knights and pages ran on, fighting, running, fighting. Men falling like flies. It was impossible to know who was winning, but then the sky darkened.
Someone screamed.
The words seemed so far away. “Volley!” Some let themselves fall to the ground curling up, hid behind shields if they had any, behind comrades if they where craven. Ramfrey just stood there. He felt the punches of the arrows as if through cotton. He looked down. Three had embedded themselves deep in his breastplate, one in his shoulder. Blood everywhere, was it his? He fell to his back. His head rolling to the side. Sir Berdig and the knighs all lying their, looking like porkupines, with all the arrows sticking out.
It felt all so far away.
The noise.
The maelstrom.
Soft snow falling in his eyes as he looked up.
Had he lost his helmet?
Time passed, and the sound of slaughter diminished, as the sky darkened slowly getting bluer. Why didn’t he loose conscience? Who had won? Oh the arrow in his shoulder hurt so bad; the three in his armor however curiously didn’t. They didn’t bleed as he poked at them. He chuckled bitterly. His bloody funnel chest and the thicker padding he wore due to it had saved his life. He slowly crawled over to Sir Berdig, leaning against the man with his shoulder. He said nothing. Only stared at the by now blue face and open eyes. Still there where the lines around this mans eyes making him recall the cheerful tourney knight. He shook his head feeling hollow, feeling like retching. Not from the smell of blood and guts but from the loss. Tears fell. And he wiped them away angrily, closing the mans eyes. He heard noises behind the pile of flesh made from man and beast.
And pulled himself more upright to look over it. A group of soldiers in the enemies colours was milling about, poking at corpses with their weapons, despite one limping they conversed, Horses waiting a few steps off. They where highborn. Maybe even Lords. He let himself sink back down. Should he be governed by fear? Or do something? His eyes fell onto the blade in Sir Berdigs hand. Words gleamed red with blood out of shining metal. ‘Wield me ...’ He took it reading on. “Wield me true and I shall slay each foe.” He looked up listening. The men where still there. Apart from his shoulder and the bruises from falling and who knows hat he felt fair enougth. He turned the long sword in his hands. “Lady Gwynneth.” He mumbled. “You shall avenge your master.” He pulled himself upright. Blood still dripping from him.


On the other side of the pile the eyes of one of the soldiers widened. A true giant rose from the dead. Arrows sticking out of him, an abysmal gleam to his eyes. Raspy breath. And the long blade. It shuffled towards him. He pointed shaking heavily not finding a way to force breath through his throat to speak, he couldn’t warn his Lord. Blood splattered on his face as both of his comrades, both Lords XXX and XXX where decapitated from behind in a two handed swipe. Blood spilled upon him as he fell to his back crawling backwards, stammering, pleading. The undead figure said nothing as it approached breath hanging as clouds in the air. He saw the elegant blade. Gleaming, menacing. The figure knelt and collected both heads, “For the Lady Gwynneth.” His very deep voice rasped.


Even though this battle had been seen as a victory at first, the tides for XXX turned. Two of the bannermen never returned from the battlefield, even though the enemies host had withdrawn hours earlier. Soon rumors and murmurs started to undercut the moral of the troops. A giant had risen from the dead. Wielding a magic blade. Some said it was a famed blade of dwarven steel. It did not matter. The war effort soon dwindled and ended with bitter losses for both sides, with no one gaining much and loosing dearly.


Ramfrey returned as one of three men left standing from the Heavy Horse. With the heads of two Lords no less. Soon he was knighted, and never was he mocked again. He trained hard and harder everyday, and despite his sinister rise to knighthood was well liked as he made a point of exhibiting gallant and virtuous attitudes at all times.
At night he would often lie awake. Staring at old Sir Berdig in his minds eye.

Skills and traits:
SwordsmanMaster {Sir Ramfrey did already have a knack for Blades to begin with, but decades of training and fight have made him one of the very best swordmen to live. Lady Gwynneth falling into his hands at such a young age might have further helped this. It is nearly unheard of for someone coming into possession of a blade of true dwarven steel as young as him.)

Knifefigher Expert {Wielding daggers and knives as side weapons is not unheard of for knights, but Sir Ramfrey, perhaps spurred by his lives experience, or by his last name, is scarily deadly at wielding daggers in their own right. A skill together with his habit to carry up to three daggers has at times saved his very life.)

HorsemanExpert {Being a rider is part of the job description for knights and Ramfrey is an experienced one, with experience entailing riding in any form of clothes or armour for many reasons and with many different weapons. Jousting though is not his strongest suit when it comes to this. He has ridden in tourneys over the years but he never got as good as old Sir Berdin at it.)

Tactician - Expert {No one spends decades a knight without gaining some basic knowledge of tactics. Even more so when, like Sir Ramfrey, one has at times lead men into battle.)

ArcheryAdept {Even though a knight, Sir Ramfrey is pragmatical in his choice of weapon, and along the way started to learn archery. He is not the best archer around but is servicably proficient.}

Negotiator - Adept {Years of upholding an honourable facade, and suffering from a slight self detached attitude, have left Remfrey knowledgable when it comes to thinking about thinking, and also understanding others motivations. Thus he has become skilled at using words and negotiation.)

Mentor - Appentice {Having never taken in more than one squire or Page at a time, Sir Ramfrey is not the greatest of teachers or educators. Still has he seen 2 of his rise to knighthood themselves.)

Strategist - Novice {Despite having, over the years as a sworn sword, tread and worked directly with lords and marshals leading entire warhosts, Sir Ramfrey never managed to get a good grasp at going beyond tactics .)

Haunted: To this very day Ramfrey suffers from bad dreams of the battle he won and was knighted for. Sometimes he hallucinates or dreams of his old sire, the knight Daron the Daring. He somehow is rather used to it by now, but it still makes him anxious and moody after it happens.
Ravenous Appetites: Perhaps due to his troubling Past Ramfrey tends to drink and smoke without abandon. He also is not averse to the beautiful gender. A urge he often satisfies with common womenfolk, but due to his rough charm, and reputation as a nearly legendary hero, so far never with a professional.
Cynical: Even if he doesn’t show it too much, and despite his excellent reputation as a heroic model knight, he is very cynical about knighthood, his life and maybe the world in general.
Weak Joints and Tissue: Perhaps due to the sometimes a bit close relationship between ancestors typical even for lower nobility Sir Ramfrey suffers from a weakness of his connective tissue. His good training counteracts this a bit, but after long days his joints and especially his knees pain him greatly. Also due to this heriditary affliction he has a slight funnel chest, though this is only visible in the nude, as his quite well trained pecs make it nearly invisible under clothing.
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