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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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"Heh... Heh ha ha ha ha!"

Orchid sat quietly as the scene around her became tense. Some mysterious lady came to them with a vague prophesy, which some members of the table questioned, a few even seemed threaten. Orchid, however, stood up and offered the woman her hand. "I am da Green Orchid, please ta meet ya. Sophistry aside, seems to me dat yer trying to tell us 'bout the location of some good loot to fight some big evil in da land. Sounds right up mah alley, so let's skip da dark story and get to da point. Wot we lookin' fer, wot does it look like, and wot does it do?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Genevieve sighed softly. She didn't expect to have this hard of a time with everyone.

"Is is a pleasure to meet you Ms. Orchid. But before I go into the details of the artifact, I must know if you're all on board for this quest. Jeltheor wishes for this city to burn. And the demons that some of you have fought, well. It is only just the beginning. I'm sure some of you have gotten that feeling. ... an ominous sensation of sorts. There is one wandering town somewhere. This much I can tell. And I know the demons won't stop until they have complete control. If that means eradicating this world, that is just what they'll do. So, are you all with me?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"The Red" at last audibly roared in frustration at this woman, drawing a step forward and directing a finger toward her, "Enough of your arrogant prattling, woman and state what it is you intend; your vagueness is going to do no one good, least of all you."

The powerful limb of the man snapped to his side and the other, at the wrist, loosened slightly, stirring the heavy curved blade to sway faintly - a readiness of impending danger born from animal duress.

"We have wasted more than enough time on talk."

The green eyes shifted to Isabeau as he looked over his hide clad shoulder. They gazed at her with a distrust and wariness, but the hooded savage "trusted" her and her inner, even outer, darkness than some woman who talked much but explained little. As far as the primalist was concerned, he had seen enough of Isabeau's fury - there was little to be of surprise.

"If you wish these demons destroyed and you are no enemy, speak plainly." The sizable man growled, looking back to Genevieve.

"If I could care less who dares against demons, so should you."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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"I agree with the brute," a slightly-out-of-breath gruff voice chimed in. Behind the Red was Durin, accompanied by Kayleth, both of them slightly covered in sweat. About 10 minutes into waiting, Kayleth realized that Isabeau never actually said where everyone was going to meet. The next 20 minutes were spent with Durin running around tracking where The Red had gone.

"If we're going to have to kill a bunch o' demons, don't matter who stands beside us. In battle it matters more that you have someone beside you than if he really wants to be there. An' speaking in riddles don't make you sound smarter than you are."

@The Harbinger of Ferocity@IcePezz@Lucius Cypher
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 15 days ago

Orchid sighed. Despite being the half-orc, she seemed much more in control of her fury than some of the people here. She gave the stranger a polite smile. "Aye lass. Heaven or hell, I'll fight demons or woteva. Still, for some of deez lads, I suggest ya cut down on the complicated talk. Seems ta me dat they're itching for figthin', instead of storytelling. If yer question our loyalty, well, I won't blame ya, so 'ow bout dis: Find a place yer want to go, maybe dis magic weapon or woteva you were talkin' 'bout, and anyone who ain't scared of a bit of mystery will follow ya. Dat'll prove dat we care and willin' to listen to your whole spiel. Those who don't got da patience can go about their business elsewhere. Cuz frankly, while I don't care much 'bout destiny or wot demons wants wat, it's only lo-gi-cal dat we at least know how they plan ta take da city and stuff."

Standing out Orchid began walking towards the door. "Actions speak louda then words, lassie. Lead, and we'll follow."

@The Harbinger of Ferocity@IcePezz@Dragoknighte
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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"Agreed with Green Orchid - that's the Half-Orc's name," said Ioannes, "milady, stop being vague, stop being arrogant, and please give us concrete information already so I and anyone who's interested can go on the quest." Ioannes knew that the young woman was socially awkward, just like he was, but she apparently had it worse than he did, and he can spare a moment of pity - one moment.

"And, to prove my point, I am willing to go with you," he then began to approach the door. We need to save the world here, and the world includes both Hellas and Giray! "Direct us to where this item of power or something is to be found, do not betray us, and we will follow you. All we ask is that you be honest with us, and stop feeding this atmosphere of suspicion."

@The Harbinger of Ferocity, @Belwicket, @Jon Y, @The Fated Fallen, @Dragoknighte, @boomlover, @KazeXDZ, @IcePezz, @Lucius Cypher.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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She wrinkled her nose in frustration. "It wasn't my intention to speak in 'riddles', but very well. As you journey up the mountain, you'll pass through two caves. Legends say that you'll only find trouble if you should linger in the first too long. So be sure to pass through as quickly as you can. You'll find what you seek in the second cavern. You must have a keen eye when you search, as it could easily be passed over as just another jewel. If my records are correct, it should be about the size of one's fist, and will sparkle a gold tinted pearl."

She adjusted her spectacles once more, as she grumbled something in thought. "Oh yes, one detail to remember. You should be cautious with who holds the artifact, for it is said that the gem- it incites greed. Such greed will make the dragons die before they give it up. But such greed can also corrupt whoever is in possession of it."

"My texts speak of three keys. The artifact you seek is one of them, and known as 'The key of Authority'. The key can take complete control of lower demons, and at the very least, bend the will of greater ones. So I'm sure you can see why Jeltheor wants it so badly."

"There is a camp site just outside the entrance to the second cave. I will be waiting there for you when you've completed your quest, is this sufficient enough? "
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

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Regina sighed as she played with a floating throwing knife. "They should've been here by-" she stopped as she saw the dwarf and his ally pass by. "I think they know where to go." she said, looking to whoever was still by the gate. She looked back before opening the door to the inn, nearly running into a half-orc's leg. "Sorry, miss." she said, sounding rather childish as she slid past her to see almost all the group and a new woman. With a bit of mental probing that she was sure the woman noticed, she smiled. "Demons... Seems scary." she giggled. She walked up to the woman and lifted herself from the ground to look in her eyes. "Just think and I'll see." She closed her eyes and put 2 fingers to the woman's forehead, completely for show, before using her Telepathy to see into the stranger's mind. She didn't know how the woman would react but hoped she wouldn't be too afraid to let the psionic halfling see what she was talking about.

@The Harbinger of Ferocity@Letter Bee@Jon Y@The Fated Fallen@Dragoknighte@boomlover@KazeXDZ@IcePezz@Lucius Cypher
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Genevieve turned all sorts of red as the halfling began intruding on her thoughts. Regina would've seen a number of things that related to their conversation. Firstly books, lots and lots of books. From the books, images started arising, as if coming to life. The firey pits of an abyss, shrouded figures of evil, and a stone. Regina would've seem it clear as day. The stone which had plagued it's possesors with such greed and envy. A round pearl, glinting gold. Other images began to appear, other stones, other figures. All of which were quite fuzzy. It was as if Genevieve's thoughts were running away with her. And then it all went dark.

Genevieve shut her eyes tightly. "That's enough!", she shouted. "Didn't anyone tell you that it is rude to see within ones mind without asking? Not everything is meant for your eyes, little one."

She let loose a short breath, composing herself once more. "You should get a move on. I do not know exactly what the demons plan, but they do know of the stone. I'm sure they plan on securing it themselves."

She then eyed Robert - "If Jeltheor has not already made contact, I'm sure he will try weasle his way into your group. As it is, I feel his eyes on us now. So just be careful." The hilt of a sword that was attached to his back caught her eye. She didn't see much, but what she did see, seemed familiar somehow. Her brows wrinkled with curiosity. "Where did you-", she bagan, but quickly dismissed her thought. "Never mind for now. Just go, and do not let that out of your possession!"

"Time is of the essence, my friends. Go now! Daylight is on your side, and there won't be much of it left the longer you linger here."

@Lucius Cypher @KazeXDZ @boomlover @Dragoknighte @The Fated Fallen @Jon Y @Letter Bee @The Harbinger of Ferocity @Belwicket
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

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Zargon had arrived at the town's central building, and without much trouble was able to enter. Yet he could not see the subject of his quest (he found the term preferable to "victim". He searched every place in the building that was practical, yet the Lord Marshall was not present.

Makes sense he would be out with the people, as compared to sitting around he mused.

He spent the next hour or so wandering, staying away from a few sectors he knew would be trouble had he entered. He knew what his subject looked like from scrying, yet he could not find the Lord Marshall.

An idea came to him, and he changed how he searched. He looked towards the workers in the damaged part of town, people who were helping with the rebuilding. It was there that he found the Lord Marshall, in his red cape, moving debris in a part of town Zargon had initially avoided due to a threat long passed.

Guards... plenty of them he thought. It wasn't the guards that he was concerned about; it was the impression. He needed to make it clear who instigated the events that he would put into play. That required witnesses and a quick escape. Observing the situation, he decided on his course of action.

As he concentrated his mind on forming a portal on the ledge directly above the Lord Marshall, he stepped into the center of the road and drew his sword. Demonsbane, it was called. It had a deep, black and purple glow to it and an aura that was unmistakably demon.

"Lord Marshall!" he called out, holding the sword at his side as wisps of darkness formed on the ledge.

"I have a gift for you... from Jeltheor!" he yelled in a distinctly clear, yet demonic voice.

On that note, he threw his sword directly into the center of the clump of guards, knowing that if all went well, it would pierce directly through armor and body like butter and deal a fatal blow to anyone who it hit - ideally, the Lord Marshall. The wisps formed into dark bats, difficult to see yet distinctly shaped, and the bats swooped down uttering unholy screeches and attacked the group below to maximize confusion.


((Sorry that it's a bit short and a little thrown together, just wanted to get something up now so I can move things along for this event quickly))
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 15 days ago

Orchid felt someone bump into her leg, and initially she thought a child just tried to snatch her purse. But noticing that her coin pouch was firmly in place, the looked at the little girl and noticed she was actually a halfing, not a child. A psychic one at that, if her strange stance and comments about seeing the stranger's thoughts were any indication of her ability. Sure it could just be the whimsy of a strange Halfling, but the stranger seemed to have actually been affected, confirming Orchid's suspicions. Orchid didn't really like mind readers, but right now was not the time to get bent over about such minor details.

"Aye! If any of ya are fool enough ta go without another thought, or brave enough ta face the fears of yer paranoia, let's go!" Orchid wasted no time waiting for the others to come to a decision or even offer advice. To the orc her goal was simple enough: to climb a mountain, find two caves. Skip the first and head into the second. Find a big gold pearl and try not to hold onto it for too long. This stranger ought to have camp set up next to the cave they need to get to, so if Orchid finds that camp than she knows she's heading in the right direction.

Orchid was so focused on heading towards the mountains however, her usually keen senses ignored the screeching of bats and the screams of guardsmen some distance away. She only gave it a passing thought. "Seems like trouble has arrived! Better hurry! Gotta go fast!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Shrieks of horror echoed through the town. It was a declaration of war, and with it, blood stained the streets of Waeldeshore once more.

Zargon made his shot, and the attack was a success. The crowd scrambled as the bats jabbed at them, picking at whoever they could. And in the center of it all, lay Lord Marshall Weyland Jr., the newest official as mayor. Dead.

Not far from the scene, was Genevieve and the rest of the adventures, had they still lingered in the town. Genevieve's face went pale. This was one attack that she hadn't seen coming. Everything was happening so quickly.

She shouted to the group, half of them already on their heels, "If I've earned even an ounce of your trust, of your confidence, please stand with me in defense of this world. I will need a small group with me to fend off this monster and aid any injured. The rest of you, hurry now! Get up that mountain and retrieve that stone!"

@Lucius Cypher @KazeXDZ @boomlover @Dragoknighte @The Harbinger of Ferocity @The Fated Fallen @Jon Y @Belwicket @Letter Bee
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

And with that, Ioannes' surprisingly kind nature won.

"I'm going with you," he said to Genevive, drawing his rifle. "I'm going to help people first; I'll trust the others to get The Pearl." And with that, he began running to the scene; as he wasn't sure that anyone else was going to come with him - except the guard, that is.

Once he arrived, he saw the demon, the bats, and the dead, prone form of the Lord Marshal, and Ioannes knew what to do. Aiming his rifle and hoping for his compatriots to cover him, he fired full-force at Zargon's head - not that he knew the Demon's name. Then, once he finished firing, Ioannes withdrew his large gun, drew his sword, and spoke:

"I'll rush the enemy leader - cover me against the bats!" And with that, he took out his pistol on his left hand, and fired at the bats in the way to his target. Then, he attacked head-on, his blade ready to make a wide slash...

@The Harbinger of Ferocity, @Belwicket, @Jon Y, @The Fated Fallen, @Dragoknighte, @boomlover, @KazeXDZ, @IcePezz, @Lucius Cypher.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jon Y
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Jon Y

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Ionathan had not joined in the conversation, preferring to let the others talk; his assignment after all was to accompany the group. Then there were the screams, Ionathan immediately rushed to the scene as did others when he got there it was total chaos, bats were attacking townsfolk and the guardsman were broken, the body of the lord marshal was lay down in the ground.

A shot sound from just in front of Ionathan it was the foreigner with a smoking rifle, "I'll rush the enemy leader - cover me against the bats!" Ionathan immediately set to work on this request and rushed to the lord marshals corpse, he needed to rally the guards , a bat flew at him, he used his spear to hit it out of the sky and when it was sprawling on the ground stamped on its head and moved on he did not have time to fight the bats. Ionathan stood over the Marshals corpse, planted his Sarcina in the ground, held his spear high and said "Too me guardsman too me, Rally you spineless women!" the guardsman heard this order and gathered around him "Guardsman! Form Oblem!" with clockwork discipline the guardsman gathered around Ionathan and form a circle with the shields overlapping.

Ionathan looked down at the Lord marshals corpse, it was a sorry sight indeed, the body had a hole going straight through the heart. The wound itself looked burned, no blood was coming forth from the wound. The corpse had been bitten by bats and the body was covered in gashes and wounds. Ionathan looked over the shields at the innocent townsfolk being attacked and the numerous bats in the foreigners way. He had to get the bats off of the foreigner and the townsfolk "Guardsman! Bash your shields!" The guardsman hit their spears on their shields to make noise. It worked to the extent that a large proportion of bats now started attacking the guardsman, however, some still remained to attack the townsfolk."Stand true men of Waeldeshore!" Ionathan cried and with that the guard held their position.
@The Harbinger of Ferocity , @Belwicket , @Letter Bee, @The Fated Fallen , @Dragoknighte , @boomlover, @KazeXDZ , @IcePezz, @Lucius Cypher @ArenaSnow
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

There was no doubt to the sound of the sort of panic that was erupting among the gathering of townsfolk and guardsmen; most were ill prepared for the shock and horror they witnessed, just as they were when the demonic forces struck initially. It was the sort of chaos that evil thrived on, that where terror and panic were the only emotions the majority welled with - not even anger or spite.

The swarms of shadowy bats swooping wildly individually or even in clusters set their teeth upon whatever was in reach.

"If I've earned even an ounce of your trust, of your confidence, please stand with me in defense of this world. I will need a small group with me to fend off this monster and aid any injured. The rest of you, hurry now! Get up that mountain and retrieve that stone!"

"The Red" looked to Genevieve, as ever distrustful of her as she undoubtedly withheld information he believed of value. Hesitating no further than this, the savage turned to at last take in the breadth of scope of the situation with all of its lingering madness; he knew well that his prey was here, and all that he needed was to land but one essentia enchanted strike to tear at the demon's flesh and spirit violently at once.

Before he could so much as seek out his best approach to the enemy, the man with the rifle - Ioannes - fired a cracking shot, causing the air to cloud with dusky smoke from the exploding powder. Without warning, so too did he unsheathe his blade and charge headlong into battle, other flintlock in hand; firing once more into the bats, it led to any number of results as the projectile over-penetrated their small form and would certainly continue on past them. Ioannes cried out his intentions to strike at the heart of the problem - the demon itself, by himself. Noble as the attack was, it undoubtedly was suicidal alone.

It was now the primalist honed in upon but a single man standing before the Lord Marshal's corpse, who took no sense of danger among the chaos of the bats; he loomed over the fallen man, smiling with a sadistic pleasure.

"Send no more with us - this demon has already made his final error." The savage proved to crouch and spring forward with palms outstretched, instantaneously changing forms and landing upon four leviathan paws with running start; the cobblestone emitting a dense thud from having the weight of such an enormous beast upon it.

Its fearsome green eyes shone with the same wrath "The Red" carried with him as a man and its natural weapons - both claw and fang - bristled with supernatural endowment drawn from within. This bestial form of the wildman, shrugging aside fleeing commoners in its charge and bowling them over as they ran blindly into its enormous form without slowing, it likewise turned aside the bats that erratically launched their attacks; their jaws unable to do more than leave negligible injury upon his dense pelt.

At last the guardsmen, having rallied under Ionathan's command in the wake of the loss of their leader, quickly drew the ire of the shadowborne demonic minions, having banded together around him and begun clashing shields and spears together. The swarm in large broke off, assaulting them as haphazardly as any other while the man-turned-beast rushed by them both in a blur of fur and fury.

Each thundering paw drawing him closer, fanged maw wide in menace and drawing in air, he soon overcame Ioannes, turning at an angle and driving toward the demon from another approach; two attackers upon him at once, one a young man with sword bore true in its arc, another a gargantuan tiger with mystic claws set to rend body and soul.

@Jon Y@Letter Bee@IcePezz@ArenaSnow
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Isabeau was halfway on her way to leaving when the screaming started. Dark shadows in the form of bats flooded a street corner not too far from them. She grumbled quietly and thought to herself dammit, I don't have time for this

Genevieve must have read her mind though, as the next words out of her mouth were instructing the group to split.

"The rest of you, hurry now! Get up that mountain and retrieve that stone!"

You didn't have to tell her that twice. One battle with a demon was enough. She knew the fight wasn't over, but she couldn't be distracted by that now. She had to figure out how to get past a greedy, possessive dragon.

She nodded to Genevieve, then looked to those who had not yet responded to the commotion. "Time to move!". With swift movement, she pulled the coat over her shoulders and made her way down the path to the north entrance of town. She didn't look back, didn't give two thoughts to who would be going up or not. The group was right, any who was interested would be on that path regardless. At least she knew the half orc was already on her way up the mountain.

"Princess of darkness... will lead a group of unlikely heroes"

She didn't like Genevieve very much, and certainly didn't like being referred to as 'The Princess of Darkness'. "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul"

"damn her and her words... I'll show her"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Regina dropped to the floor, losing her concentration once she heard the screams. "I've an idea!" She said, jumping to sit on the half-orc's shoulder. "It won't take long, just run." she said, the look in her eyes was determined on this idea. "Run for the mountain." Her left hand was held up, throwing daggers moving from the pouch she kept them in to her hand where her other hand would quickly grab them and throw them into the bats, hoping to take some of them down as they retreated. Once they were far enough away that her throwing knives wouldn't reach, she put the ones she still had in her hand back in her pouch before jumping off Orchid's shoulder and landing in a crouch. "Sorry I had to ride on you like that but it's hard for me to concentrate on my knives while I'm running." She looked up at her ally with a shrug and a small smile. "But let's get that gem."

@The Harbinger of Ferocity @Jon Y @Letter Bee @The Fated Fallen @Dragoknighte @boomlover @KazeXDZ @IcePezz @Lucius Cypher @ArenaSnow
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 15 days ago

Orchid felt a strange weight on her shoulders as she was running, and nearly tossed the weight off when she realized it was the halfling. She pulled out knives and for a moment the orc suspected treachery, but fortunately the halfing simply started to hurl them at the bats. Fine with Orchid, saved her the effort of having to dodge and weave them. Eventually the halfing got off by the time Orchid had reached the base of the mountain. "It's aight, but next time tell me. I was 'bout to hurl you off into a wall." Patting the halfing on the head Orchid looked up towards the mountain. Already she could see one of the cave entrances, though she wasn't certain if this was the first, second, or an entirely different cave. As Orchid was about to begin the climb, she looked down and noticed tracks. A mixed of heavy boot prints and clawed feet. "Damn. Demon tracks, dey must be here." Taking out her bow Orchid ran into the trees and... Vanished. Even if someone were to follow, it was as if Orchid just melded into the forests and disappeared. She was around, watching, just not within sight. Now she was on the hunt.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

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Robert had listened and was surprised how Genevieve looked at his sword. I mean he really did not care because her hands would have burned of when she would touch it but still. It seemed that Isabeau was already leaving Roberts started to follow her when he heard the screams. It seemed to come from the square.Robert shrugged and walked on, He had some looting to do. Now this would have been the moment that the sword would have started bitching. However all Robert got was this." WHAHAHAHAHA LEMON JUICE IS THE BEST JUICE !!" So since his sword was having his issues again. Robert made the decision to go for the loot." This town is doomed either way." He thought to himself. He had followed Isabeau out of the tavern, and started to walk beside here. She seemed deep in though and was talking to herself. "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." damn her and her words... I'll show her"She still had not noticed him.

" So do you know the way to the mountain? Because i sure as hell don't."

@IcePezz @Belwicket @Lucius Cypher

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago


Zargon was pleased at how successful the assault went; the sword was impaled in the Lord Marshall's chest. Reaching out his hand, he called back the sword-

-And his head exploded; literally. Zargon's energies temporarily scattered across the wall in a flurry of dark purple and black wisps, with the sword dropping to the ground halfway there. The energies snapping back and reformed, but not completely - and by then the full extent of his nature was revealed, along with a demonic visage that still looked far from human, but at least had some resemblance to a head.

Damn rif-

He couldn't finish his thought before a large mass slammed him into the wall, cracking the stones behind him and pinning him. He used an evasive maneuver he hadn't needed since the War and literally melted, oozing onto the ground in a mass of dark liquid, and quickly slid behind The Red while attempting to create the first wisps of a portal in the dent that had just been formed. He had little time to think, and moved purely on demonic speed and reflex; little cohesive thought (considering his head was blown...)

@The Harbinger of Ferocity@Jon Y@Letter Bee
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