Reserved for important NPC's
Name: Secretary Oleander, Margaret

Secretary Oleander is calm, commanding, and sometimes intimidating. She is not afraid to take risks and is always weighing the pros and cons, always considering whether the expedient approach or the long-term plan is better. Some say she is too cutthroat, too willing to sacrifice the few for the many, but the way she sees it, she will do anything to ensure that mankind survives.
Secretary Oleander was an unassuming, but efficient aide to the United States Defense Secretary. After the Defense Secretary's untimely death during Extraterrestrial Incident One, Oleander assumed the position briefly before she was nominated for her current post. Oleander oversaw the Pacific Branch of CETM and the three Projects, showing enormous success during Extraterrestrial Incident Two. Not one to sit on her laurels, and with warning of more dangerous Incidents to come, Oleander plans to build on the success of the Pacific Branch and innovate the Projects even further.
United Nations Security Council, Secretary of the Committee for Extraterrestrial Threat Mitigation, Pacific Branch
Name: Dr. McCulloch, Helen

Dr. McCulloch is sullen, callous, alienating and a workaholic who expects the same commitment from her team. A physicist by training, she finds Dr. Park's work and what goes on in Project Titan unethical and a violation of the purity of the human form. her views on the matter are not very popular due to the utility and success that Project Titan brings, and due to Dr. McCulloch's personality. While Dr. McCulloch oversees all research and development at the Pacific Branch, she heavily favors Project Myrmidon, followed by Project Colossus. She wants to shut down Project Titan but is not allowed to do so.
Dr. McCulloch was the head of Australia's Nuclear Power Research, with connections to several defense contractors. Like most of the staff, she was recommended to Secretary Oleander and approved. While her background is in reactors, she has been trying to weaponize reactor energy, with varying degrees of success.
CETM Pacific Branch, Science Department Chair
Name: Dr. Park, Raymond

Dr. Park is laid-back and easygoing. He is overjoyed by the fact that his work on Project Titan is not restricted by traditional 'ethical roadblocks', allowing him to 'push the limits of the human mind and body', as he calls it. To many, he may appear lazy, but most of his greatest ideas come to him when he is relaxing, making him more of a 'creative' and 'inspired' scientist when compared to McCulloch, who tends to 'brute force' her way to progress.
Dr. Park was a famous bioengineer in South Korea who worked mostly with plants, yeast, and bacteria since he considered the regulations surrounding animals and humans too much of a 'hassle'. After Extraterrestrial Incident One, he was part of the team that analyzed the remains of the first monster. From there, his uncanny expertise shone through, and in the end, he was handpicked by Secretary Oleander to head Project Titan to prevent Dr. McCulloch from shutting it down.
CETM Pacific Branch, Project Titan Lead Scientist
Name: Metharom, Tirapon

Tirapon is quiet, perceptive and deeply introverted. With the ability to send and receive thoughts, Tirapon recognizes the responsibility that must come with this power, and tends to avoid people for fear of inadvertently breaching their privacy.
Tirapon was born in Thailand to a poverty-level family. Seven years ago, when he was eight, Tirapon began developing his telepathic abilities. At first he used it to play tricks on his classmates and cheat on exams, but then he started using it as a parlor trick at a local Buddhist shrine, claiming a certain level of divinity. News of this spread and eventually the authorities took him in and imprisoned him. He spent a few years in a clandestine research facility before he was paid a visit by Dr. Park. After a few more interviews with Dr. Park, he was freed and allowed a several month-long return to his family before Dr. Park came back for him to enlist him for his important mission with CETM.
CETM Pacific Branch, Telepathic Communications Specialist