Name of Nation: The Holy Septiman Empire
Government: Officially an empire, though the princes and nobles of its many states and cities are far more powerful than the Emperor, who is an elected official, crowned Emperor by the High Saint of the Church of the One True Faith. The current Emperor is Otto VI, Elected from the Nesselrode Dynasty of the Kingdom of Katzdorf, the largest and most powerful of the Imperial regions.
Economy: The Imperial economy overall has been on the decline, alongside the decline of the Empire itself. The Kingdom of Katzdorf holds much of the wealth, with smaller electorates like Casola being horrid breeding grounds for crime and poverty. The Empire's lack of overall wealth has impacted what resources they have for trade capabilities, as well as the quality of the military. This has led to decreased influence in the world stage, with even the Church of the One True Faith minimizing contact with the Imperial government as much as possible.
Military: The Imperial Military is less of a unified fighting force, more a conglomerate of the various militias and armies in the various member countries. Katzdorf, being the largest territory of the Empire, holds the most military might, while many of the smaller lands can barely field a village's worth of militia. Technologically, the Empire is a bit behind many of the modern nations of the world, still fielding older model smoothbore muskets with most troops capable of affording one. Tactically, Skirmisher Militia forces supplemented by Nobleman Line Infantry is a very common tactic, with things like Horse Cavalry and Artillery being mostly unheard of.
Description of Culture: The Empire's culture is as varied as can be, with each country, state, or region having its own unique culture. The uniting cultural force in the Empire is the Church of the One True Faith, of which nearly all citizens, and all nobles, are a part of. Recently, however, there have been members of the Church who are unhappy with its current form, and have begun attempting to reform it into something more friendly to the common man. The Kingdom of Katzdorf, being the largest Imperial land, is probably the 'staple' for Imperial culture, if there is such a thing. Katzdorf is a land of being the best that you can be, doing everything to the best of your ability, for only once you've reached the peak can you rest.
History: The Empire's history harkens back to the ancient Septiman Empire, which at one point ruled most of the mainland, and founded the Church of the One True Faith, which outlived it by many years. The First Emperor of the Holy Septiman Empire, Steinarr I, conquered much of the lands that it is currently made up of, and was declared Septiman Emperor by the High Saint. The lands of the Empire would stay relatively the same over the centuries. However, due to the rise of other, more powerful nations, internal disputes, and military defeats, the Holy Septiman Empire has begun a steady collapse, with armed revolts becoming more common, the Emperor being declared weak and cowardly, and many countries and regions considering secession.

Other: The original Septiman Empire would have existed long enough in the past to not interfere with anyone's personal histories. The Church of the One True Faith, despite being Not-Catholic Church, wouldn't have much influence outside the states that make up the Holy Septiman Empire.