Name : Amamda
Age : 26
Personality : The cowgirl that when she wakes up the devil hides from her and her horse and her attuide. She is the one that will beat the snot out of a man that dares to disrepect her or her mare. her skills are at amazing sharp sooting as well as fighting though a girl she can beat the shit out a guy. her horse knows over 120 demands and orders, the horse she has is wild and never tamed.
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Her Mare - Tylia the Heaven's hoove beats, One of the fastest horses and stamina that seems to never end at all. Very tough mare and will bite and defend her rider, she is indeed wild but she comes with her friend and be there for her.

Age : 26
Personality : The cowgirl that when she wakes up the devil hides from her and her horse and her attuide. She is the one that will beat the snot out of a man that dares to disrepect her or her mare. her skills are at amazing sharp sooting as well as fighting though a girl she can beat the shit out a guy. her horse knows over 120 demands and orders, the horse she has is wild and never tamed.
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Her Mare - Tylia the Heaven's hoove beats, One of the fastest horses and stamina that seems to never end at all. Very tough mare and will bite and defend her rider, she is indeed wild but she comes with her friend and be there for her.