Avatar of fer1323
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  • Old Guild Username: fer1323
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    1. fer1323 11 yrs ago
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Current I am Comptia A+ and N+ certified. Need to get a Job.
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Well, many words, acronyms ,idioms and names were created to describe things as concisely, effectively and efficiently as possible.
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5 yrs ago
Well, I want alchoholic ginger beer! i want to burn my throat with ultimate fire water!
5 yrs ago
Like this if you desire to hug a fluffy warm Arcanine.
5 yrs ago
Sweet child of mine, You're S.P.E.C.I.A.L Nobody's on your level This freedom trail you're walking is A long road to your apocalypse


Hi all, I am Fer1323.
Info about me:
Sex: male
Country: South Africa
Rp likes: any
Fav singer/band: Tryhardninja
Fav Video game/s:
1: White knight chronicles 2
2: Dragon's dogma
3: Timsplitters Future perfect
4: Phantasy star portable 2
5: Lightning returns

Come and join me bitcoin mining at https://www.startminer.com/1760866

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Oscar Berg


It takes a moment or few of eye blinking and getting stable before Oscar gets stable enough to notice and recognize Solanna. After dusting off any debris on him and checking on Skoll to see minimal damage done to him. Oscar sighs and turns to the two female with a somber look."just doing a civic duty so to say. Something that others would say is reckless and dangerous but what I see as being proactice instead of reactive. "

Oscar then motions towards Sophia and huffs "I am told off for being in danger and such yet I don't look like I been through hell." Oscar goes to keep Skoll calm and not to run off after the grunts. Skoll does shoot a glare at Sophia. Not one of hate or anger but one of intense 'choose your words wisely'.
Oscar Berg

Oscar smiled as the haunter flinched and was unable to act to his trainer's orders. After the haunter is felled by Sophia's pokemon, Oscar orders Skoll to end the fight asap. With a sudden burst of speed as Skoll uses Extreme speed, Skoll slams his head into the imp pokemon "You have no where to go. Just give up and tell us you plans and you might get off easy" Oscar hopes the grunts are now reconsidering their position to give up the villainous team's plans.
Oscar Berg

Oscar also comes down from Skoll as skoll gets in a battle stance and growls deeply, which intimidates the opposing pokemon. Oscar examines both pokemon. He hasn't seen or heard of either pokemon but by the looks of things, the gaseous one looks to be a ghost or poison or both and the other one looks to be a dark type. "Skoll, use Bite on the ghost type."

Skoll lunges forward and bites into the gaseous form of the ghastly. It seems to work quickly and Oscar celebrates the small Victory. "Good Going, Skoll." Skoll bark proudly and wags his tail.


Oscar Berg

Oscar sighs as he goes over to praise Skoll. Skoll wags his tail and barks happily as Oscar rubs and scratches in all the right places. After the praise and get the gym badge and bullet seed tm, he says"thanks for the battle, Ma'am. you had me sweaty toward the end there."

Oscar goes to heal his other pokemon before turning to Sophia "well, i was'nt alone. I had my pokemon. You and your friend also seem worse off. and yes, I agree we all have to be careful but as much as i have to listen to my own advice, can you take a second to look at yourself and see that you are as much an enemy to yourself than team noble is. with my advice, it works if we can set aside our differences and not bicker and have in fighting." Oscar doesn't seem mad or angry, just very disappointed and fustrated that the deeper meanings are glossed over but he sigh and seems to relent. "Fine, i will stay with you. i have the contest in a few days so not like i can go to next town just yet. Now, what news do you have? likely nothing good."


Oscar Berg

As Oscar enters the gym with Skoll, lots of attendants and a ludicolo flock to Skoll and admire the big majestic canine. Skoll smiles widely as he flops down and just enjoys the praise. As a response to the more nervous ones, Oscar says with a smile. ”Don't worry. Skoll won't burn anything. And he isn't my only fire type”

Oscar takes out and releases all his pokemon: Roadrunner and Aurora start to bond as The combusken carefully picks one flower to give to the riolu, Nomia the small leafeon nuzzles up to Skoll, the towering arcanine, joined by Kushala the jangmo-o and finally Diasho, the young ralts.

When Sophia gives him an earful, Oscar gives a stern face to Sophia ”You know, You and Rheese look worse for wear. Well, I am safe and sound as you can see so .”

Oscar crosses his arms and continues with words that cut deep. ”And who is on one gym badge so far and is ready for his second? If I get this badge right here and right now, would you listen to me for once? If I lose, I will let you lecture me all you want. Either way, it seems you can't look after yourself without help so I have to travel with you to help. Deal?”

Oscar Berg


Liam Anwell

With the aid of Skoll's speed, Oscar was able to get to the contest hall for registration quite quickly. Before going inside, Oscar hops off of Skoll and puts him inside his pokeball. He heads inside to look for the registration deck. Oscar takes a moment to admire the modest but flower and leaf motifs on the walls. There are nice potted plants, sparsely placed on tables and in strategic places. Oscar gives a weak smile before looking for the registration desk
After asking one or two other people, Oscar finds the registration desk and asks the lady behind the desk to enter the contest in a few days. Oscar was handed some forms and a pen. Oscar takes them and goes to a free table and starts to fill out the forms with the details and equipment.

Meanwhile, Liam also enters the contest hall. He had been looking forward to this for a while. They didn’t have Contest Halls back home in Galar. Liam was disappointed about that, because they looked like so much fun from what he had seen of them on the telly. Getting to groom your Pokémon, and showing off how fabulous they are in front of a live studio audience? What was there not to love? However, now that he traveled to the Kosei region, Liam would finally get his chance to take part in one.

After approaching the registration desk, he was handed some papers to fill out and a pen. Ugh, paperwork. How boring… But it had to be done. He sits at a free table next to another boy who was also filling out paperwork. Liam’s face lit up. Well, at least the paperwork wouldn’t be so boring after all. Not when there was a cute boy to talk to! He approached the other boy who was filling out his papers. “Hey, mate!” He said with a smile and a wave. “Are you entering the Contest too? Oh wait, silly question. Of course you are! You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t. I’m Liam by the way. It looks like we’re going to be rivals! This will be so much fun. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never done a contest before. They look fabulous!”

Oscar looks up from his form and gives a smile as he gets a break from the tedious paperwork. ”Nice to meet you, Liam. My name is Oscar. Have you just arrived in town? Also, You are correct that I am partaking in the contest. I have my pokemon chosen, basic routine outline and outfit being tailored. This is my first official one but my parents were semiprofesional coordinators back in Hoenn so I know what to do and expect.” Oscar looks down at the paperwork and thinks back to all the spectacular performances in Hoenn.

“So do you have an idea what you are going to do? I can show you my chosen pokemon but only outside as he is a big boi. ” Oscar smirks as The boy across from him is going to be surprised at Skoll’s size and fluff and regal appearance. Oscar hopes that the audience will have a similar positive reaction thou Skoll has to be trained properly for the routine but they have a few days for that at least.

Liam was glad that Oscar replied in a friendly manner. Half the time when he tried to chat up a stranger, they responded with disdain. “Yes, I did just get here! It’s also my first contest, ever. We don’t have contest halls back home in Galar. It’s sad… But from what I’ve seen, they look like so much fun! And I’m dying to give it a go.”

Liam bit his lip when Oscar asked if he knew what he was going to do. The truth was he didn’t. He was a complete novice when he came to contests. He wasn’t going to let that bother him. “Well, I have an outfit picked out but… I don’t really know what I’m going to do. I’ve never been in a Contest before. I’ll just wing it I suppose… What’s the worst that could happen? I’d love to see your Pokémon. I can show you mine too. I have no idea which one I’m going to enter. All three of them are cuties!”

Oscar nods and finishes up his paperwork before waiting for Liam. ”Maybe I can give some pointers on what to choose when I See them outside. I am waiting for you to finish up then we can go outside.” Oscar doesn't mind giving free advice if the boy across from him accepts it unlike other people he has encountered. ”I was planning maybe going over to the gym and get a battle or two in before retiring for the day. Maybe even battle the gym leader too.”

Liam quickly finished up the paperwork. It was all basic information anyway. “Oh right, this town has a gym too. I want to try that also.” He stopped after the paper asked the Pokémon he was going to use. “Hmm… They’re asking the name and species of Pokémon I’m going to enter… Um… I might need those pointers…” He took out his three Pokeballs, and released the Pokémon inside. A Mimikyu, a Galarian Ponyta, and a Brionne. “I’m not sure which of them to enter. My favorite Pokémon are Fairy types. I want to be a Fairy type Master, and have my own Gym one day.” He pointed to his Brionne. “Primadonna here is the obvious choice. She was born to put on a show, but that might be a little too obvious.”

The Brionne looked offended by the fact that she wasn’t the immediate choice to compete in a contest, and crossed her fins, and turned her nose up in disgust.

Liam then pointed to his Ponyta. “Rarity deserves a chance to shine too.”

Rarity kicked her legs up, and whinnied in agreement, which also offended Primadonna.

Meanwhile, Boo the Mimikyu hid behind Liam’s leg and quivered in fear.

Liam giggled, and patted the Mimikyu on the head. “And that’s Boo. He’s my first Pokémon. As much as I would like to, I don’t think I’ll be entering him. He’s kind of shy. He’ll fall apart in front of a big audience. Who do you think I should enter?”
Oscar studies the three unfamiliar pokemon and thinks about improv routine ideas on the spot for them. ”Well, They can both shine together if you can use both in one routine but if you are choosing one, I would choose Rarity on the grounds that you can make a routine thing like juggling, archery or the like more impressive while riding on Rarity. ” The Broinne might not like his choice but Oscar is giving him the best chance of getting the audience's attention as easily as possible with what Liam has atm.

Oscar takes a breath and takes out one pokeball and releases an arcanine. The big fluffy doggo stretches lightly before sitting, barking and panting happily while looking at Oscar expectantly. The arcanine towers over most people and other pokemon at 1.8 meters or 6’03” feet. ”This is Skoll. He has recently evolved and needs to be trained before he is ready for the planned routine but I am planning to stun the crowd by defying gravity in a way with his speed. ”

“You make a good point.” Liam replied. “Besides, a lot of people here have probably never seen a Ponyta from Galar before!” He then patted his Brionne. “Sorry Prima. You’ll get a chance to shine next time.”

Primadonna pouted and turned her nose up in disgust.

Oscar then showed off his giant Arcanine, and Liam’s eyes went wide. “Wow! He’s bigger than me! Of course, that isn’t saying much. Everything is bigger than me!” Liam laughed at his own expense. “He’s so fluffy too!” You’re going to do great!” He gave Oscar a thumbs up gesture.

”If you are impressed with him now, wait til you see him in action. Anyways, I am going to the gym. Want a lift on Skoll? We will get there quickly after handing in our paperwork.” ” Oscar goes and hands in his forms before heading to the door and wait for Liam to see if Liam wants to come with him on Skoll.

“Sure! Just need to finish the papers…” Liam finishes his paperwork, and hands it in. Then walks to the door and waits for help getting on the giant Arcanine.

Oscar helps Liam onto Skoll before getting on too. Oscar makes sure that Liam is holding onto Oscar’s torso so he doesn’t fly off before telling Skoll to head toward the gym. They arrive there in no time and as such, Oscar gets off and helps Liam off too before heading inside with Skoll still out of his ball.

color me interested

My idea:
powers: heat resistance/proof
first aid
increased toughness
The shop was only a short distance away, ivy growing up its walls, flower-filled hanging baskets by the door. The windows displayed elaborate suits and dresses, along with an array of collars, scarves and other accessories for Pokemon. Opening the door to a comfortably rustic interior, Ramie smiled at the suit-clad man at the desk. "Hey! I brought you a customer, along with supplies," she giggled, handing over the basket. "And I hope you don't mind, but this young man helped me when I ran into trouble in the woods just now, so would a discount be possible?"

The other tailor nodded. "Certainly! How did it all go, are you ok?"

Ramie nodded. "We're fine, thanks. Hmm, I might need a Fire or Flying type though..."

The two frilled jellyfish Pokemon floating by the man, one pink and one blue, drifted over to Oscar. "Frill? Frill-ish?" Slowly, they circled him.

The man laughed. "Oh don't you worry, for all the stories you might've heard about Frillishes, Rex and Rhiannon won't hurt you. They're really friendly." The blue Frillish turned round, using Psychic to open a desk drawer and pull out a measuring tape, which unrolled and floated like a streamer. "Now," the tailor continued, "how can we help?"

Oscar smiles at the warm welcome from the royal duo before taking a moment or few to think about his request, looking at all the suits and dresses. He thinks back to songs generally heard in previous contests and his childhood in general. He could only think of one that stands out to him that would be great to his current team should be able to pull off spectacularly.

”I am looking for a suit suited for a desert and sandstorm protection but looks like it is well used and battered. I would like an outfit and saddle of the same theme for my arcanine if possible. I am willing to help and work off my debt if too expensive.”

Oscar hopes it is not a tall order and not too expensive as it will make the contest idea harder without the outfits as they are a big part of the plan.

The man nodded. "That's doable, I'll just need measurements, for you and your Arcanine." He took his notepad and stood, gesturing to a spacious, empty part of the shop. As Rex and Rhiannon floated around Oscar, taking his measurements, the tailor noted them down.

"For a matching trainer and Pokemon set," he told Oscar, "you'll get another discount. And it'll be ready in two days, so in time for the contest, but if you need it for rehearsals, we can try to have it done before then."

Ramie, meanwhile, sketched in a notepad of her own. "Is this what you're looking for?" she asked, showing Oscar a rough design of a weathered-looking jacket, shirt and trousers combo that wouldn't look out of place in a post-apocalyptic movie.

Oscar lets out Skoll so his measurement can be taken as well from the two jellyfish. It takes some effort from Oscar to keep Skoll from playing with the pokemon taking his measurements or the man taking them down. Skoll is panting and wagging his tail cos of the chin scratches and other attention from Oscar while attempting to lick Oscar’s face. Oscar manages to lessen the severity by dodging or deflecting Skoll’s licks.

Both tailors chuckled. "Well, you're quite the playful one, aren't you?" the man addressed Skoll, stepping back to avoid being bowled over. The Frillishes giggled, continuing their work despite the considerable difficulty.

Oscar Looks at Ramie’s notepad and nods while being satisfied at the design ”That will do perfectly. Thanks a lot.” Oscar smiles as everything seems to be going smoothly.

Ramie beamed. "No problem! I hope you like it when it's done!" She showed the other tailor, who nodded and set about calculating the price. The Frillishes, done with their measuring, watched the Arcanine while keeping a safe distance.

"A Pokemon that lively is going to love contests, I just know it," she commented. It'd be a great way for Skoll to use that pent-up energy, even if he still needed to get used to his new form. "If you want to get your registration in, the contest hall's right at the centre of town."

Oscar smiles and thanks Ramie and the tailor for their help. He says he will come back to pay for the outfits in two days once he makes arrangements with registration, gym battles and such. He gestures for Skoll to come outside and waves good-bye for now to the tailors. Once outside, Oscar climbs onto Skoll and gets him to run towards the contest hall for registration.

Considering Skoll's speed, it wasn't long until the town came into view. A quaint, cheery town, flowers of every colour lining streets and overflowing from cottage window ledges, perfuming the air. Tiny little Flabebes hopped around, giggling and playing, while Hoppips and Cottonees drifted overhead on the breeze, weaving around trees on either side of the paths. Vareena simply brimmed with life.

"Well, here we are," Ramie announced, peering down the main street through bright green hair that whipped at her face. "I take it you'll want to stop by the Pokemon centre to rest up. Our Pokemon will need it, after that." Potions helped, but the machine would heal any remaining wounds and fatigue. She gestured down a path leading off of the main one. "It's just this way."

Oscar nods and steers Skoll down the path and soon enough, they come across the pokecenter. ” I assume you live here? Was that pokemon attack normal around these parts? And have you heard any other such stories? And what of team noble?
Oscar plans to gather more varied stories and info about team noble and their endeavours as well as other worrying issues.

In response to Oscar's first question, Ramie nodded. "Yep, Vareena's a good place for contest tailors." At his second, her sunny smile dimmed. "Attack? I heard on the news about an attack near Mesalon... It isn't often something like that happens, this area's usually pretty quiet and friendly."

As Oscar mentioned Team Noble, Ramie became pensive. "As for Team Noble... Well there are rumours, and reports of kidnappings, but nobody knows why. League challengers, from what I've heard. Apparently the league's been having to increase its security." She thought back to the stories she'd heard, ones that often contradicted each other. Word even had it that a coordinator around here had had some kind of run in. Yet there hadn't seemed to be any outright attacks linked to Team Noble, not until now.

[color=28eb69]"This attack..."[color=28eb69] She gave a little frown of concern. "You weren't affected, were you? If I'm prying too much, I apologise."

Oscar gives a slight smile to Ramie and gives off Skoll before helping Ramie off of him too. "I wasn’t affected directly. Key word: Directly. There are friends that were affected." Oscar then adopts a sombre face as he recalls Skoll. "Thou I have made my mind up to get as strong as I can while learning about them and their actions to learn their plans"

Ramie's frown deepened as she headed into the Pokemon centre alongside Oscar. "Your friends, are they ok?" She couldn't blame Oscar for wanting to look into the matter himself, but did he know what he was dealing with? From the looks of it, nobody knew much about Team Noble at all.

Ahead of them, a hyped up girl stood by the desk, bubbling about how it had been a close call but she'd finally gotten the Bloom Badge. Ramie looked from her to Oscar. "If you want to get stronger, battling the gym leader will certainly help," she told him. "And speaking of the gym leaders, here's hoping they can deal with all this - but what a position some will have found themselves in." Someone like Saki, skilled as she was, shouldn't have to be involved.

”They are fine mostly thou one of them is tiring and stressing herself needlessly and constantly. I worried about her. I even meant and promised to be here with her but I came here early to have time to myself and have time to think myself and center myself while give myself a direction.”

Oscar gives a faint smile as he looks at the hyped girl doing her personal self victory celebration and thinks back to his first gym battle. ”Well, I have earned my first badge recently and it was a good battle experience and more. I think I will be able to win this one with minimal to medium difficulty depending on typing“

Oscar looks inside himself for a moment. Can he help or succeed where others , even the gym leaders, are failing and struggling? Can he be the person that will be vanguard of this region and prevent any more suffering?

At Oscar's mention of his friend, Ramie sighed. "I've seen that sometimes. Trainers and coordinators stressing themselves trying to be the best. Is it something like that? If you're ok talking about it, that is..." She fell silent, glancing at the desk.

The girl at the counter thanked the nurse and practically danced away. As Ramie headed over to get her Pokemon healed, she shifted to the brighter subject. "Congratulations on the badge though! As for typing, like I said before it does help, but people say strategy is the most important thing."

”It is okay. Don’t worry. It seems like she doesn’t like the thought of failure or being second best to anyone. At least to me.” Oscar lets Ramie heal her pokemon and thank the nurse before asking the nurse to heal his own. He thinks back to his letter and how Sophie is doing and if she won her gym battle.

Oscar snaps out his brooding and smiles at Ramie. ”Well, maybe practicing with some of the gym trainees or for a local contest can give me some ideas for strategies. I think I will use Skoll for the gym and contest but may need some help on attire. Can you help with that ”

Taking back her Pokemon, Ramie waited for Oscar to heal his own. “If you ask me,” she replied, “it’s sad how some people take competition too seriously. But anyway.” She returned Oscar’s smile. “I work at Twineedle Tailors, just along this street. It’s my day off, but I could take you there when you’re ready, so you can put in a request.”

Oscar joins Ramie with his healed pokemon and says with a sheepish smile.
”Please can you take me there? Also how much would a request cost normally? I am not exactly swimming in money currently.”

"Well, it depends what kind of outfit you want," Ramie explained as she led Oscar outside, "but considering how you helped back there, I'm sure you could get a discount!"
I can count on binary on my fingers, letting me count to 31 on one hand and hunrends in both hands
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