Avatar of OtomostheCrazy


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current I decided it was time for a new look. How do you like it?
9 yrs ago
Weekend was busy, hot, and tiring. I have stuff to do, and this week is looking to be a difficult one. This is going to be a VERY uncomfortable part of my life.
9 yrs ago
DAMMIT! SON OF A-! One of my favorite fanfics is stopping, because apparently it's breaking rules. Not only that, The fanfic I'm working on will have to stop too, since it's similar! This sucks! T-T
9 yrs ago
Must...finish...fanfic...Must...not...look into the YouTube comment section of Death Battle...Must...not...get...sidetracked...
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9 yrs ago
I got into another online argument about shipping again! I said that I ship Blaze with Silver, and they said that she'd be more likely to be in love with Sonic. I can't see how.
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I've got a handful of years experience Roleplaying here and elsewhere, so don't think me a rookie! My Avatar once looked like a part of some sort of time-theme, but that's just Chronos after he was brought back to life and upgraded! My more favored avatar is either Dimentio or the Azure Flame God, but how does one resist a clock face?

But that's in the Past. Now it's a pic of Gwyndolin, the Dark Sun!

Prepare yourself for the Persona of the week/Month/Minute/Whatever! Try to guess which Persona it is when you see it in my Signature! This little tidbit starts within a week!

My return to The Guild could mean many things! A new RP, a revival of an old idea, my participation in the arena as a Low-Rank Grunt, but most likely my return means that I'll participate in the more recent RPs!

With that said, remember to eat your porridge and limit your fire usage (we are drowning after all)!


Most Recent Posts

Alexandria "Alexis" Deva

@LuckyBlackCat @Crimson Flame @Zanavy @Heckno12

Honestly, Alexis should have known better than to expect an answer, given their current trouble with the Whirlipede. Honestly, she had no idea why they were having such a hard time, but apparently it was strong enough anyway. She was underestimating it and the Grunt, presumably, but she couldn’t help but think that sending out more than one Pokémon was too much.

This is kind of unfair, but I guess we’ll help against this little guy. Go and help them, Gabby.

The Eevee yawned a bit after she was brought onto the field. She lazily looked up at the situation, eyed the Whirlipede, and put a mischievous smirk on. She was gonna bully this bug, and she was gonna enjoy it. So wasting no more time, the Eevee decided to pester it with a sand-attack.

Deneb Astrologian


The opposing Pokémon fell unconscious, as was to be expected given that the events lead toward Rheese and Deneb’s fortune. Deneb looked to Rheese, observing the interaction between him and the wild slowpoke gnawing on him. Perhaps it was a show of endearment, since it did not resist when Rheese captured it in a pokeball. Deneb approached as his remaining active Pokémon returned to his side.

A victory earned and a new member acquired. Congratulations.
Alexandria "Alexis" Deva

@LuckyBlackCat @Crimson Flame @Zanavy @Heckno12

Does nothing stay calm in this town?! As soon as she and Amber had made it to the gym again, they encountered two familiar individuals again, and the rockruff presumably trying to get into trouble again. At this point Alexis is expecting to run into those Team whatever guys AGAIN. Has she used up all her “again” uses for the day yet? Perhaps not, as she finds herself tempted to join in and help AGAIN as well, considering there were two angry strangers involved as well.

Do I even want to know what’s happening right now?”, asked Alexis, a slight deadpan tone revealing a bit of fatigue from the events of the day.

While Amber rushed over to Tim and Liam, Alexis chose a calm stroll towards the general battle area, getting a better look at both parties… Yeah, she didn’t have any context to work with here.

So, does anyone want to explain… any of this?

Deneb Astrologian


It seems there was no friendship between the criminals or even with their Pokémon, as the one Deneb had interacted with had chosen to abandon both his partner and his Drowsee. Deneb did nothing to stop him. He could do nothing, and there was nothing to gain by capturing the man. The partner-in-crime was alreadyunconscious, and the Grimer they were trying to use were outside of where they were intended to go. Capturing the fleeing man would be redundant. So it was that Deneb looked at the state of his Pokémon.

Edea, for all her fury and anger, was not able to fight off the effects of hypnosis. Try as she might, her eyelids grew heavy, and her body slacked, until she collapsed to the ground, asleep. Sewaddle was attempting to slow down the Grimers, and Helioptile continued to zap the poison-types with electricity. Knowing the weakness of both Psychic and Bug Pokémon, he immediately switched strategies.

Sewaddle, focus on Drowsee and use Bug Bite.

The Sewaddle, hesitating for a moment, stopped using stringshot and jumped towards the Drowsee. Simultaneously, Deneb returned Maractus to her ball, and looked to Rheese. The fellow trainer had momentarily gone to check on his paralyzed Pokémon. It seems that said Pokémon would be fine.

Assistance is appreciated.
Alexandria "Alexis" Deva


After that whole event, it took a moment for Alexis to process Amber’s words. She wasn’t mad or dumbfounded, but she certainly was confused. Still, it wouldn’t take long for her to snap out of her processing state and ask, “Wait, your rockruff stirred a group of Combees in the middle of town because it was bored?

Now she was dumbfounded. That sounded more like something Gabby would do, with the difference being she would instigate the swarm’s wrath as a form of entertainment rather than an attempt to play with them. She sighed as she followed along. Just thinking about it, Alexis would’ve probably gotten involved on the way regardless of Amber being there first. If she didn’t want to explain to the swarm that she captured their queen, she’s going to have to hurry along with Amber.

So…Is there a new girl that joined us, or are you talking about some random sick kid?

With how little Alexis actually hung around the others, it was becoming increasingly apparent that she didn’t get to know anyone. Some trainers she just hadn’t met yet, or if she had, she hadn’t had enough time to commit them to memory.

Deneb Astrologian


To say that Deneb didn’t react when the Voltorb rolled up to him with the intention of exploding would be incorrect. Though it was subtle, Deneb did show a bit of surprise. Though the rest of his face hadn’t moved, his eyes had widened ever so slightly before Rheese’s Minior knocked the Voltorb out cold. Not all Voltorb self-destructs were dangerous, but Deneb certainly hadn’t wanted to find out how it felt to be a victim to one of them. His eyes settled back down the moment he saw how weak the Voltorb was, but the thought lingered in his head much longer than he wished.

He continued to have Sewaddle use string shot while Helioptile dealt with the Grimer, but Deneb failed to notice something major about his first Pokémon. He failed to notice what would happen if he was placed in danger before her own eyes.

Edea flew into a rage. There was no dancing or comedic movement. There was no shaking of maracas or improvised singing. At the moment there was an angry Maractus who was furiously using Mega Drain. The grunt was the intended target.
Alexandria "Alexis" Deva


Alexis did not prefer getting involved. She aimed to be an idol among trainers. Running in and physically helping her Pokémon did not help her achieve that goal. She believed that any sensible trainer would allow the noticeably more capable Pokémon to hand fights with other Pokémon. If a normal trainer would do this, what sense does it make for an idol to deviate from it? Perhaps it was the stress that got her, or maybe all these inner feelings of uselessness beginning to bubble up.

If there was anything to gain from the past moment, however, it seems that it would be the leader’s respect. The Combee looked right at her and made a simple gesture in the air. The message was clear, and though Alexis didn’t understand why the Pokémon wanted this, she just did not care at the moment. She took out an empty pokeball, and threw it at the Combee.

Pokeball, go!

The capture device converted the Pokémon into energy and closed around it. The ball twitched a few moments until… Click! Combee was successfully caught!

Both Alexis and Yuki sighed in relief. The wannabe idol walked up the ball and picked it up. When she woke up this morning she was planning on simple training, but apparently being around the others means that random shenanigans were bound to head her way. She returned her remaining Pokémon, and put the poke balls away. She then turned to Amber.

Why exactly were there wild Pokémon attacking?”, she asked, still exhausted from earlier.

Deneb Astrologian


Poison-type Pokémon…I see.

A grimer being tossed out of the water system made their cover story useless. It also didn’t help that they threatened him immediately when it fell through. Deneb turned his head to the Grimer and just stared at it for a moment. Edea, knowing her trainer best, recognized it as him planning a way to subdue it in this afforded moment of inaction. She took initiative and whispered to Helioptile to prepare. Slowly, the electric Pokémon began to Charge.

Deneb returned his gaze to the adults. Their shenanigans will surely get in his way this time. He made his decision.

You’ve been deemed an obstacle to my goal.

Deneb took out his recently caught Sewaddle and told her to String Shot the adult humans to hinder and bind them. Though confused, she obeyed, expecting an explanation afterwards. At the same time, Edea had Helioptile made a move, and attack grimer with a charged Thundershock.
Alexandria "Alexis" Deva


Alexis and Yuki expected the swarm to turn to them, but they didn’t expect Amber and her Pokémon to join in so suddenly. The Rockruff in particular jumped to take a gust attack that was headed in her direction. Their inclusion seemed to split the attention of the swarm. Still, there was still those in the swarm that prioritized Yuki over the new threat. One such a big-type made a Combee-line (and Alexis despises the fact that such a pun popped in her head) right for the Snorunt, mouths open to take a few bites.

Double Team to dodge it!”, exclaimed Alexis.

Yuki complied and picked up as much speed as she could to make the afterimages. Unfortunately, with it being so sudden, she couldn’t execute it properly, and the Combee bit the Snorunt. Yuki yelped from the sudden pain while Alexis grit her teeth at what happened. She had planned on Yuki dodging the hit and gaining distance to hit the swarm again, but now it looks like they have to deal with this one in particular.

Throwing caution to the wind, the wannabe idol started running towards her Pokémon and sent out Amber.

Amber! Go help the other pokemon with the swarm!

The Eevee simply nodded and dashed over to Kyra’s side. She snickered at a handful of ways to help out, but decided to simply follow up Amber’s team. She’d simply follow and Tackle whatever target wouldn’t go down. Meanwhile, Alexis ran up to the combee that was currently gnawing on her Snorunt, and began attempting to pry the bug-type off with her own hands.

Get. Off. Of. Yuki!!

Alexis grunted between every word, using short bursts of strength with each pull. Now, Pokémon are generally considered stronger than humans, and Alexis was certainly no heavyweight champion, but thankfully the Combee was light enough for her to pull off if she pushed herself. As soon as she got the big-type off Yuki, she shouted.

Powder Snow!

Yuki complied and let out the attack again.

Deneb Astrologian


Returning to the town was easy enough. Though Deneb had only ventured a short distance into the forest outside town, the place was still something that’s easy to get lost in. Luckily, he had not ventured so far as to not be able to backtrack. He had only caught one Pokémon, but one should be enough to handle the gym battle. The contest may be a different story. The only Pokémon on his team that he knew to be showy is Edea, while the other two he has yet to actually bond with. Speaking of whom, Edea was currently dancing about with imaginary maracas. Deneb had to confiscate them when the noise she was making with them started scaring Pokémon away while they were looking for a new member.

The two continued onward towards their intended destination, the pokemon center, when something caught Edea’s attention. When Deneb looked in the same direction, he spotted some people doing something near a Well. Usually, he wouldn’t bother people like them as they tend to be irrelevant to his goals, but with the recent attempted kidnapping still fresh in his memory, he could not help but feel as if this would not just get in his way, but also become a problem for others as well. With that in mind, he approached the group.

As he walked, he slipped out a pokeball and brought his Helioptile. Edea took the electric Pokémon abs had it follow her into a place to hide. Deneb’s face was still host to an emotionless expression, and his voice still lacked any major surge of emotion, but when he reached the suspicious group of individuals he spoke loud enough to hear.

Tell me what you are doing.
Alexandria "Alexis" Deva


Simply put, Alexis was just not having a good moment. It didn’t help that she ended up getting told by a child to go back into town. She found her mind was in such a state that it was practically blank in her attempt to process or even ignore all that’s happened. It was made obvious when she found herself just standing in place, staring at the ground.

Yuki took the chance to come up into Alexis’ line of sight. A small sound of concern came from the Snorunt, with a look in her eyes that showed the same. The girl picked her Pokémon up, and began to pet her. It felt good. A proper distraction that brought a bit more happiness.

Thanks, Yuki”, said Alexis.

She would continue on her way, holding Yuki in her embrace and petting her along the way. Her attracted the attention of others in town, what with the ears and the frills. Though that was the point, Alexis couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed in her current emotional state. Still, she continued on down the path…and found herself in a peculiar scene.

Amber Pine, a trainer she had recently become acquainted with, was facing down a swarm of flying bugs. Judging by Apologetic tone of voice and her Rockruff attempting to get past its trainer’s arm, it was somewhat simple to figure out what happened. Alexis observed the swarm for a moment. It looked as if they were being organized and led by the center one, looking from the back, she couldn’t see their expressions, but she could tell that they were definitely angry.

Deciding to help with the situation that was clearly going to turn into a battle, Alexis adjusted her arms so that she held Snorunt up while having another arm free. If they were going to take on wild Pokémon, she might as well try to get a new Pokémon out of it. She aimed Yuki towards the swarm, and said,

Powder Snow.

Deneb Astrologian

Deneb’s strategy for preparing for both the contest and the gym battle was straightforward. Observe the traits of Pokémon that appeal to the majority’s favor, and simply continue to have the team hone their skills. The former is for the use of contests. Appealing to the audience’s expectations is the simplest way to gain their approval in a contest that judge’s the Pokémon by how much attention they attract. The former was for generally any Pokémon battle. Mere fighting instinct would not help without practice and control. If that were all that was needed, then everyone would be using the equivalent of wild beasts.

In preparation for the coming gym challenge, Deneb also elected to gain an additional Pokémon. This was necessary as he only had two Pokémon to work with, and one of them had a detox abilities that would do little against the gym’s preferred pokemon type. Grass does not do much against grass, so in the process of training and observation, the boy would also need to keep a lookout for bug type Pokémon. Not that it would be difficult. Often times, bug and grass Pokémon inhabit the same area. The only real problem is that it does not see that this particular area of the forest follows the norm. There were plenty of grass types to be found, but few bug types were to be seen. The ones that Deneb had found fled as soon as he noticed them.

A swift victory, showing one’s competence in understanding the basics of Pokémon battles requires a trainer to have on their team a Pokémon that acts as a counter to the gym leader’s, so acquiring one was a necessity. In addition, Deneb’s current Pokémon lacked any significant counter to the grass types to begin with. In other circumstances, Edea would be able to cover any lack of effective attacks with a combination of defensive and healing abilities.

Eventually, Deneb would find what he was searching for. It was a Sewaddle. A small Pokémon with a lot of growing to do, and the benefit of being both a Grass and a Bug type. He had to act quickly in order to catch it. He didn’t want it to flee. He sent out his Helioptile. No major type weaknesses on either side would ensure the best probability of success.

Deneb’s orders were short, brief, and easy to follow.

Pound.” To catch it off-guard and daze it.

Charge.” To boost the next attack while it’s dazed.

Thundershock.” to weaken it even more, and paralyze it, keeping it from escaping.

Then it was simply a matter of catching the Sewaddle. A soft toss of a pokeball, and the creature would be sealed within.

Despite his lack of expression, Deneb was satisfied with this sequence of events. Perhaps they may need to continue training to be any sort of properly broken in, and it would surely make it so that the battle would be much easier…Hm. Resupply first, then decide on the proper training session. No sense in attempting one now, when the new member is still weakened…
Alexandria "Alexis" Deva and Deneb Astrologian

Recent had been a little...emotionally taxing on Alexis. When she had set out to gain the fame and adoration she believed she deserved, she expected the journey towards that goal to be a little different. Suddenly, she was acquaintances and rivals with a handful of other somewhat new trainers, and one of them even got kidnapped. After attempting to help here and there with events, everything that had happened sort of just hit her all at once in a single move. The weird part? This wasn't the first time she'd been overwhelmed by the events. The wannabe idol girl didn't know what she was doing after helping bring her unconscious acquaintance to a safe area. She wordlessly wandered off, and only now found herself at the edge of town, close to where wild pokemon roam. After taking a moment to collect herself, she let out a sigh.

"What a mess..."


Alexis jumped when she heard the reply. Apparently she had been so out of it that she hadn't noticed that creepy quiet kid follow her.

"W-What are, crazy? Why would you sneak up on someone like that?!"

"Coincidence. We went in the same direction. I am here to prepare for the pokemon gym and the contest."

"Wha- You're trying for a contest?"

Aside from the fact that Alexis was completely unaware that this town even held contests to begin with, she had already assumed by the way the boy looked that he would be more into the battling part of the Trainer career. He certainly didn't have the personality that would get him far in the field, though maybe he was planning to heavily rely on that maractus that was currently dancing around him? It certainly had enough personality for the both of them.

"If you are challenging me to a battle, please tell me. Staring at me will not be enough on its own."

Alexis snapped out of that moment of analysis.

"My bad...Wait! I meant to say- I mean-"

Frustrated, Alexis alet out a growl unbefitting her look and attire. Deneb, for all his lack of emotion, was still able to pick up when someone was obviously overburdened. He didn't know Alexis that well. Indeed, he didn't know anyone from that group that well. But regardless of that, he was not going to let this scene be without commenting on it. The green-haired child pointed back at the town, and spoke once again.

"You should go back."


"All of you are tired. You and your friends."

"T-they're not my-"

"Frustration is not productive, and therefore it is not profitable. In your current state, you will gain nothing.I suggest you go back for now."

Having said what he wanted, Deneb continued into the wild. He said his piece, and that was all he wanted. Now he moves on to focus on training. Alexis, however, was frozen to the spot. She couldn't talk back, even though it was a kid...She really was tired. Exhausted, even. Her emotions were thrown all over the place, and now she had no choice but to calm them down...It frustrated her to know that kid was basically telling her to rely on others, but what's worse is that she may very well have no other choice but to follow that advice. So she walked back. She didn't know who she'd talk to, but she needed someone to talk to. The topic...she didn't care. It could be anything. She just needed to talk...
Deneb Astrologian


Deneb noticed the hectic energy that emanated from the trainers. They cared about each other in some way or another, which was made especially evident when they went to save their friend. It did, however, seem to be taking a bit of a toll on them. Especially on the blonde girl in the frilly dress. She had apparently been so exhausted that she practically went on autopilot and silently helped the others that she was with.

The boy had thought about simply leaving them be and preparing for the gym challenge with the first impression the gym leader had given, but then decided that perhaps a mental health break would be necessary in order to avoid overtaxing himself. Though he had not been through the same amount of stress these people have, he would prefer not to experience that amount at all. At the same time, since it was also evident that they were going across the region in a similar manner, Deneb found that he may as well get to know his fellow trainers.

They made their way over to the town's gym, which would afford the unconscious member of their group a chance to rest and recover. Alomng the way, they proceeded try moving onto some version of "next step", with two having different ideas as to what that is. One girl asked for a Leppa Berry while the other proceeded to talk about the situation in more detail (after telling the first girl that the berry could wait). With inconvenient timing, another trainer arrived in a confused state, which was understandable. The newcomer had only just now arrived, after all. The only problem is that he would require more additional information regarding the recent event.

Such a strange group.

Deneb did not truly want to say anything, but it seemed as if they were about to overload both the gym leader and themselves with an abundance of comlicated actions and information.

"Perhaps...", started Deneb. "Perhaps everyone should wait until we're all settled at the gym. You all seem much too stressed to deal with more than one thing at a time. You will still have the time to explain and inquire after your friend is given a place to recover.

In truth, Deneb knew it was not his place to suggest anything, but the chaos of the recent event must be allowed to pass, and the group seemed to be intent on dragging it with them at the expense of themselves. It was a bad deal that Deneb would prefer not to let them take.
Alexandria "Alexis" Deva


The steam screen had effectively blinded them, and forced Alexis to command Yuki to cease her powder snow. By the time Meditite had made it past the area of the steam, the two criminals had gotten out of sight. At the very least they managed to save their captive. Alexis had rushed over to him as soon as she could, not caring if her previous cry for help was effective at all. Sophia was looking over him, supposedly using her powers to check on him. Alexis didn't know how to properly respond to what the psychic had said, but chose to say something anyway.

"W-What are you doing! We need to bring him to a hospital or something!"

Her usual haughty self had no place in the current situation, so Alexis had to put it aside. She truly did not know what else to say or do, however. Her journey was not going the way she had expected in the slightest, looking at the supernaturally-unconscious boy in front of her almost put her in a panic attack. The others seemed to have some way to help out. Sophia checked Rheese's (pieces) condition, and Amber tried to find out what direction the escaped kidnappers fled off to. Alexis was just there, trying to find any way to be useful, and not noticing the other individual walking towards them.

"...Oh. You're those trainers from the other town."


Alexis hadn't actually fully noticed the little green-haired boy until just now. His voice was somewhat unnerving to her so it wasn't his sudden talking that surprised her so much as it was his lack of concern. Focus on that would have to be shoved to another time for now.
Alexandria "Alexis" Deva


The situation seemed to have developed a bit faster than Alexis had expected. As soon as she made it to where Sophia was, the rival had sent out her pokemon in a bold, but honestly sorta rash attempt to save their friend mutual acquaintance. Alexis saw the way the two foes held the mentioned individual, however, and knew that she had dragged herself into a very stressful situation.

"I...Darn it! Powder Snow them! Try to keep them in place! Meditite, get ready to chase them and fight! Everyone else assist!"

Alexis sent out her current team to help out, though she doubted that they were going to be enough unlesss they ganged up on one at a time. Another problem was the part where they still had their friend acquaintance as a hostage. They needed way more help, and it couldn't just be a random group of kids alone...Well, there was another way to possibly get police and people here. A shout for help gained some help, but maybe more cries for help might make this a bigger situation. Get these two noticed, and they might panic. So Alexis took a breath and let out a loud, shriek-worthy scream as her pokemon followed her commands.

Meanwhile, Deneb had simply walked on over at the wrong time after returning his own pokemon to her pokeball. The scream hit his ears in full force, and though his expression and lack of physical reaction made it seem as if he didn't mind, he did let out this:

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