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1. I'm in school to become a physical therapist assistant! (Did it!)

2. I will quit any roleplay that has been inactive IC for one month for any reason. I've been in too many Schrodinger's RP's and I'm not doing that anymore.

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Potentially interested, will keep an eye on it
I'm dropping out, good luck to y'all
@RisingRobin Lolll, our characters work for the same company
I wanna play a 30-year-old accountant who is too old and professional for this Pokemon Trainer frivolity (gets roped into it anyway). :3
Hi! This is great timing! I used to RP on here fairly often, but I took a break and... uh... became addicted to dumb social media instead. 😮‍💨 I'm happy to see a Pokemon RP about to start, and happy to join the others in Ossaya.

@Crimson Flame Hi, there. I'm pretty sure I've RP'd with you before, in the ancient past...
Ty Westgrove

Vareena Gym

Litleo jumped at the sound of another Pokemon entering the fray, this one looking to be the same species as that other rocky canine. It was hard to tell who was friend or foe. But Litleo was able to keep at least two things straight: she wanted to get to the safety of the bushes, and the Torracat was an enemy Pokemon blocking the way.

As Kyra barked at Torracat, Litleo took the opportunity to fire a puff of Ember Torracat's way. Then the lion cub crouched, ready to dodge or run if necessary.
Hey, everyone. I've been noticing that posting is feeling more like a bi-weekly chore to keep track of than something I'm really excited to do with my free time, and that's not good for me or the other players. I'm going to bow out. I wish you all good luck.

Lesser Pride

Penny considered Argenti's request carefully. On the one hand, a demonic creature leading people away from their group sounded like... well, the tactics The Outcasts were using on their hapless victims right now, to be frank. On the other hand... Penny really didn't have any good leads. She had plenty of connections with ordinary humans, and perhaps her network could aid the team in areas like identifying Innocent targets. But her relationships with other supernaturals in The City were a bit lacking.

Then, the wave. Penny's pupils narrowed in cat-like focus as the barrier spread out. Penny could identify this magic quite well: a tether. Similar to the one that confined her to her family tomb for generations. The sensation felt oddly... nostalgic and unnerving at the same time. Like revisiting a favorite mall to find it long abandoned and covered in cobwebs.

In the end, pride made Penny's decision for her. She would need to prove herself somehow, and it was not going to be suggesting supernatural contacts.

"I'll go with you," Penny answered Argenti. "We can't have anyone going off on their own right at the starting gate. That would be a disrespectfully reckless act after all the work The Detective has done to set us up for success. If a third would like to join us, we would make quite a formidable group."

Penny really hoped a third would join them...

"Besides, I request aid in moving my family to Albert's place later today. Argenti and I, and whoever joins us, could take care of those tasks after we accomplish Argenti's."

Penny glanced toward the tech witch.

"Of course, before any of us leaves this room, we really should get each other's contact information, as Juniper noted."
@TheNoCoKid Hi there. I was starting on a character sheet for Grimer/Muk when I realized... do Grimer/Muk exist in this Medieval-ish era? Could Medieval River Sewage generate a Grimer, or are they a newer Pokemon created at the dawn of factory pollution? Are there any Pokemon that just don't exist in the time of this rp?
Ty Westgrove

Vareena Gym

Litleo ducked low to the ground as a battle began, shaking. Her instinct screamed to take cover in the bushes and wait for an opening, but the Torracat still guarded that advantage. Litleo was the one caught out in the open, surrounded by strangers, without a pack...

Try not to get caught, but if you do, I'll come help you out.

Litleo still shivered a bit as she stood up to her full height and took a fighting stance. She puffed out her chest and let out a bolstering roar. The Work Up would embolden her to fight more ferociously (hopefully...) but, more importantly, it would alert the human who caught her (...hopefully).

Hunk was the one to notice the sound, still below clear human detection at this distance but audible to Pokemon with keener senses. He alerted his trainer to the roar.

"Ohhh no," Ty uttered. He did not want to get involved in a big fight any more than his fire type. But there was no way he would leave his Pokemon hanging, especially a new one who had never even battled as a trained Pokemon. Ty considered for a few seconds and then released Reaper.

"Hey man I know it's a little crazy but I need to get somewhere fast 'cause our Litleo's in trouble and it might be Team Noble which would be extra bad can you fly me over there as fast as you can with like reasonable safety?"

Reaper, who up to this moment had not even been aware of a new Pokemon on the team, blinked blankly as he attempted to take in Ty's absolute spew of semi-panicking words. The Scyther frowned a little in concern but nodded. Ty returned Hunk and Medic to their Pokeballs as Reaper hovered into the air. The punk trainer briefly debated whether to hold onto Reaper's legs or have the Pokemon hold onto his arms, deciding on the former.

"That way," Ty pointed out."Toward the gym."

Reaper nodded and hovered a little higher, just high enough to avoid skimming any bushes or fences along the way. Bug-type and trainer began flying toward the gym. At this speed they might reach the battle site within a couple rounds of combat.

@Heckno12 @Crimson Flame
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