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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"You only got a bit of ass cuz of me..." Zeke mentioned. Antonia let out a huff between her soft lips. "I got it before you, and I'll get it after you." she threatened, gazing over at him as they pulled up towards the corner store. She admittedly enjoyed Zeke's company, but her jealously was too strong to feel too committed to a guy who slept around.

Zeke didn't take too long in the corner store once they stopped and he went in. Toni thought about asking him to get something for her, but she decided not to in the end. When he got back in the car, she peekeed in the bag to see the ice cream, realizing that the boss had asked for some when they were at the diner.

Toni remained silent the rest of the car ride back to base.

Getting out of the car she followed Zeke into the house, and plopped down on the couch in the living room. She slipped off her heels and curled her legs underneath her. She knew the boss wanted to see her right when she got home, but wanted a little bit of a rest after being on her feet all day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodora_21
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Theodora_21 Theo the Koala

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The door closed softly behind Turner. "There is a detective who has been sniffing around our turf. I've heard that this guy has been in and out of the the police force, something about a dead father. He was into drugs for a bit.." Theodora crossed slowly to her desk where she reached into a drawer and pulled out a thick file. "Some... old acquaintances..." She let out a quick cough suggesting they were more than just acquaintances, "on the police force gave me bits and pieces of information, but nothing solid. Rumors spread in a police station worse than a high school." She scoffed and threw the folder down on her desk, then reached into another drawer and pulled out a flask. "I need more information and the best place to get information is straight from the source. Your job is to take Toni and find this..." She waved the flask and shook her head, "cop... and get whatever you can out of him. I want to know what he knows about us and if he is a threat. I don't care how you get it out of him, just do it. Use Toni's good looks if you have to, but I want answers. Do you understand?" Theo walked over to Leo and offered him the flask. At that moment she heard the door at the front of the house open and a few of the members greet Toni. If I go down there and Toni is here... She rolled her eyes and shoved the flask in turner's hands, she pushed past Leo and descended the stairs, her black stilettos clacking forcibly on the the wood. When she turned the corner she saw Toni sitting on the couch.
"Damnit Toni!" Theodora crossed to the girl and stood in front of her. "I told you to come straight to my office when you got back. I have a job for you. Since you decided you were too good to come to my office, Leo can fill you in on the details. If the job is not completed to my sanctification, I will hold you personally responsible." Theodroa glared down at Toni with cold blue eyes then she started to walk away, only to stop short. "Oh. And Toni. Don't think I have forgotten about that little incident that other night at the club. You embarrassed this family with your actions and will be punished. This is just a filler until I can decide what to do with you." She gave Toni a wicked smile then went in search of Zeke and her ice cream.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Zeke just looked at Toni from the statement she made as if he was wondering what the hell that meant about 'after him'? he didn't like how she said that since she's his current shawty. But he'd have to deal with that later. He did have a history of changing women as much as he changed his boxers. Toni was a special case since she's part of the same gang. but....it wasn't like his boss lady was not looking at him either...

After getting the ice cream and had a silent ride home, Zeke was about to go inside but turned back around to get something out the back before heading in, which, Toni was already in the house first.


A moment before getting in the house, he could hear Theo going ham on Toni about the incident at the club and as soon as she was finished chewing her out, Bug Zeke came walking through the door. "Boss....what the fuck? I can hear yo ass all da way by my ride. Look before you trip, here's yo shit." holding the ice cream out. He looked at Toni and then back at Theo "Look Boss lady, I know shit been fucked up lately wit lil ma (Toni) but we all fuck up sometime...how bout I fix dat shit...." Zeke was suggesting trying to get Theo off Toni's ass or at least ease up a little so to take up for Toni and not have her take full punishment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Kick, as he is called outside of the private office, walked down the stairs with his crowbar, reading through the file on the officer. A Mr. Joseph White (@bluetommy2), with a shaky history as a cop, but he's now a P.I. His attention was then drawn to Theodora and Toni (@MissCapnCrunch) with the boss yelling at her for some reason about the other night. He then nodded at Zeke while they were arguing. "What's up Z?" He greeted.

After Theo and Toni were... done, Kick walked over to Antonia. "Y'know what? I'm not even going to ask about that." He commented. He then took his car keys off of a counter. His car wasn't much... just an old, black Ford Ranger Splash, but for the job, it was good enough. "So, looks like you're with me." He said to Antonia, holding out the file to her. "We're grabbing this guy. And I get to do my work. Know any places we can take him after we get the guy?" He asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Damnit Toni!"

The sound of the bosses voice, caused Antonia to jump only slightly. She hated being yelled at, but was used to it by now. "I told you to come straight to my office when you got back. I have a job for you. Since you decided you were too good to come to my office, Leo can fill you in on the details. If the job is not completed to my sanctification, I will hold you personally responsible." Theo rattled on, "Oh. And Toni. Don't think I have forgotten about that little incident that other night at the club. You embarrassed this family with your actions and will be punished. This is just a filler until I can decide what to do with you." The smile she received was enough to make your lungs pop. Antonia nodded, not bothering to fight with the boss. Toni had been in the wrong after all.

The other night had been a huge mistake. It was a quick mission, get in, get the drugs, get out. The thought of it being so easy made Toni not so worried about the prep work. She had dolled herself up real nice, a short black cocktail dress, her hair up and curled, killer heels that made her legs go on for miles. The whole shebang. It had been a long week at the diner. Antonia DESERVED to let loose. She decided a few drinks before the transfer wouldn't be too bad, but a few drinks turned into a few more and by the time she met with the guy she was doe eyed and gone. The guy hadn't been too interested in making deals with a sloppy mess, and the partnership was completely cut off.

"Y'know what? I'm not even going to ask about that." Turner commented, and Antonia looked up at him with a small smirk. She got off the couch, placing her shoes back on and trailing after him. Looking through the file, Antonia glanced over the information. She hated doing anything that involved police work because it was way more complicated and messy than any other old person.

"Know any places we can take him after we get the guy?" Turner asked as they entered the car. "You have a better knowledge about this shit than me Kick." Antonia admitted, her fading red lips pouted. "I don't know why the boss gotta yell at me in front of everyone like that man. Making me look stupid as fuck." Antonia complained to Turner, fiddling with her seat belt.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Annnd, done." Joseph stepped back from his masterpiece, the wall of suspects 3.0. Now, which one did it? Was it the small white guy, the big native guy, or the fat white guy? Joseph stuck his hand under his chin and tapped his foot, his eyes opening wide, but then closing a bit as his brow furrowed. He walked up, throwing his weight onto each foot as he did, and slammed his finger into the picture of the small white guy. "Got ya!" He speedwalked over to his leather couch, sat down, and grabbed his notebook from the coffee table. "Fingerprints at the crime scene, possession of murder weapon, and of course, eyewitness account, how the hell did the police not catch this guy?"

Joseph stood up and walked to his old phone on the wall. He picked up the talky talk bit and turned the dial for a little bit. It began to ring, and Joseph slapped shoulder-first into the wall, eventually it was picked up. "Hello." "Yes, hi and all that, listen, I got the killer of the case I told you I was investigatin'." The man could be heard sighing. His voice came through, distorted by the old phone. "Listen Joe, you'd better have proof and a name." Joseph looked at his notes for a second before responding. "A mister "Turner Williams"@GingerBoi123, meet me at Goosey's, I've got some dirt." The man responded after a second, his deep breaths very easy to hear over the phone. "Normally the cops choose the meetin' place, but you're a friend so I'll bite, see ya' there." Joseph hung up the phone, grabbed his trench, and his pistol. "This'll be good." He threw open his apartment door, and walked out, it slamming shut behind him.

After giving a hello to the receptionist, Joseph walked to his car, an '05 chev. The old thing was a dirty lemon, but he loved her. Getting in was easy, getting it started was harder, it huffed and puffed, took him a little bit, but it started. Joseph left the parking lot, and drove towards Goosey's.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Cadillac pulled up to a mysteriously quiet lot and stopped in a empty open space. Dennis got out of the car holding the suitcase standing looking at his watch. Not to long after he arrived a shady car arrived in the scene four people exiting it and made their way towards Dennis. "Got the bands?" One grunted wearing having serious tone in his voice. Dennis smiled holding up the case. "Got my drugs?" He replied attempting to pull out a cigar with one hand. The four man starred at him oddly and soon bring forth a crate filled with very pricey 'material'. One of the four stepped forwards offering up the crate. "Here now give us the 500 gran!" He demanded giving Dennis a not so welcoming look. Being the psychopath he secretly is he grinned. "See that's where the problem comes in..." Dennis lightly said swinging the suitcase cracking it against the mans skull. Before the three men could react to the situation Dennis dropped the case and unsheathed his pistols firing at two of the men who he was positive that had weapons. The air was silent for a few seconds and the remaining man took a step back. "See as the Don of my Mob I can't just give money to trash....." Dennis was interrupted by the man he hit with the suitcase. He wasn't interrupted by him talking no it was how loud he was coughing and the sound of blood that escaped his mouth as he coughed. "Y-you're a D-Don?" The remaining poor soul questioned. Dennis chuckled stepping on the slowly dying mans lungs and point his gun at the last man. "Of my family yes! But currently you could call me a Sponsor or Financer if you will." After finishing his sentence he fired a few more rounds in the now corpse that rested under his feet. "Shit! Shit! Shi-!" The last man shouted being shout in the knee which cause him to cry out in pain. Dennis walked in his direction his gaurd taking the crate and putting it in the back seat waiting for Dennis to finish what he was doing. With an unmeasurable amount of fear pulsing through him the crippled man tried to crawl away but was quickly shot in his other knee causing him to stop completely. "I rarely get to kill people in the city....some say I'm too brutal." Dennis randomly ranted smacking his pistol against the back of the man's head. Dennis wipped his blood hands on his bloody suit and started to savagely beat the man with the pistol into there was no movement noticeable. All the while he laughed maniacally at the view before him. After awhile of fun Dennis walked back to his Cadillac, retrieved a gasoline can, poured it on the four bodies and drowned that car in the liquid. He got into the passenger seat and his gaurd drove a few yards away. Dennis hung out the car from the window and shot at the car causing everything near it to explode. "Damn what a terrible car accident!!" He laughed rolling up the window. An explosion would surely grab some attention so the body guard pressed on the gas peddle as soon as the smoke from the explosion became visible in the air.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Kick looked at Antonia. "Look stupid?" He asked, but gave her a week to let her know he was joking. "C'mon. You've got the most contacts in the crew Antonia, just give me anything I can use to catch a cop. Hangouts, a source, literally anything" Kick explained. The truck stopped at a red light, and in the meantime, Kick tied up his white bandana. "I've got a garage we can take him too after we get him." He said, not really caring if Toni WAS listening or not. Kick was told to bring the chick with him and that's what he had to do.

"I'll be honest with you, if you don't wanna hang around after we get him, I'll GIVE you money to get a soda. I'm not gonna blame you." Kick admitted. It took a special kind of person to watch through the kind of stuff Dennis, the Ripper, and himself actually do to other human beings. Even though Antonia has been through some shit, Turner wasn't actually sure that she was that kind of person, so he figured he would give her the choice. Turner was dark, not an asshole.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Joseph entered the parking lot, the seedy old bar known as Goosey's was right in front of him. The parking lot was relatively empty, mostly due to the fact that Goosey's was a known front for dirty cops and the such, Goosey's was actually owned by the chief of police, he was an alright businessman as well as crook catcher. Joseph stepped into the driveway. If there was a tumbleweed it would have rolled behind him.

Lighting a smoke, Joseph entered the building, there were five cops all drinking at the bar, two of them Joseph recognized, the other three were dirty, he could feel it. Off in the darkest corner sat Detective Speece, a fat bollock if Joseph ever saw one, he was wearing a blue jacket with "Police" on it, he was also enjoying a cup of tea. Joseph walked up, sat down in the chair furthest to Speece, leaning on his left hand. "Here's what I got." Joseph threw down his notebook. Speece raised an eyebrow, picked it up slowly. He flipped through it for a second, before taking a sip of his tea and looking at Joseph. "We can arrest off of this, tell your client we got the guy, don't bother me until ya' got somebody else." And with that, he leant back and and took a sip of tea. Joseph smiled, and tossed a dollar onto the table. "Get yourself something nice." Joseph stood up and walked back out the door.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Theodora_21
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Theodora_21 Theo the Koala

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@makarov and @King Tai

Theodora watched as Toni left with Turner. After they had left, she quickly turned o n Zeke and snatched the ice cream out of his hand. "You need to stop babying her. She's a grown ass woman who knows the laws of the family. She broke them and in doing so risked our reputation. Do you know how many dealers have been emailing me asking about my work ethic? How many comments about how 'this would never have happened under my father's watch' I have gotten? People are starting to think that we are slacking." Theo raised her voice so that everyone in the house could hear. "I will not let this town think we are weak!!" She glared at Zeke, went to the kitchen, found a spoon and started eating the ice cream straight from the container. "Follow." She mumbled as she passed Zeke.

As she ascended the stairs she texted Leo. "Find Dennis and follow him. He went to a trade off with some dealers from the boarder. Text me if he does anything stupid." She hit send on the message just as she entered her office. She took off her shoes and walked over to her desk. She licked the spoon as she waited for Zeke to enter her office.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Leo stepped out into the quite of the warehouse district, the job was finished and he was hungry. His phone buzzed with Theo's reply from his text a few minutes ago, Leo opened his phone and read it with a light smirk on his lips, "I'll remember that boss." He returned the text before putting up his phone and making his way out to his jet black Lincoln, with a click of the keys he unlocked his door and climbed into the heated leather seats, his car was nice and he had paid for it in blood money, everyone knew that his car was his most treasured object, to the point that he had killed thugs for messing with it. His hand instinctively went to the gun in the gap beside his seat and the center console. It was still there and now with that knowledge, Leo started the car and started driving through the street. He got the next and with a sigh read it and took a sharp turn, he went to where he knew Dennis would be and parked well out of sight to watch this drug trade go down, that's when he saw something that surprised him, Dennis shot and killed the drug dealers and even went so far as to beat one to death, Leo just watched as he poured gasoline and burned the car and bodies, he could also hear him screaming like a fucking lunatic, Leo shook his head, that was the difference between him and Dennis...Leo was a wolf among sheep...and Dennis was a rabid dog. Leo texted Theo from the shadows, "This idiot just killed four drug dealers in brutal fashion and used gasoline to burn their car and bodies...He used his gun multiple times and the fire won't get hot enough to destroy the evidence...his bullets and the drug dealers dental records will still be useable by the police...someone needs to talk to him..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"C'mon. You've got the most contacts in the crew Antonia, just give me anything I can use to catch a cop. Hangouts, a source, literally anything" Kick mentioned as Antonia finally got her seat belt clicked. "What about the local krispy kreme?" Toni cackled, at her own joke, looking over at Kick as he tied up his bandanna. He wasn't too impressed with her joke, as he continued: "I've got a garage we can take him too after we get him." Antonia nodded, listening as she watched the light switch from red to green.

"I'll be honest with you, if you don't wanna hang around after we get him, I'll GIVE you money to get a soda. I'm not gonna blame you." Kick mentioned. Antonia gulped slightly, her teeth biting her bottom lip gently as she thought about some of the stories the guys had brought back home. "I can't do that this time. I gotta prove my worth to the boss, and if she finds out.. I'd be done Kick." Antonia admitted, a bit nervous about her fate. "I'll be fine." she cooed, looking over at him with a weak smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Kick gave her a questioning look, but let it go. "If you say so Toni." he finally said. It was then they drove past Goosey's, some kind of... bar? Kick didn't really know. However, the target just happened to be walking out too. "Shit, shit, shit, shit." He exclaimed as they drove past, Kick kept his head down and pulled into an alleyway. He drove halfway into it before stopping. Kick was formulating a plan in his head as he undid his seatbelt and got out of the car. The alley was dark, and there were a couple of places he could hide.

"Antonia." Kick said, to try and catch Toni's immediate attention as he reached for a black duffel bag in the truck. "I need you to get him down here. Do it by any means necessary. I don't care how or what you say." He quickly explained as he pulled out a brown bottle of liquid and a cloth. He then thought about it for a moment. If he WAS a cop, he was either corrupt or a good guy. "Maybe try to be the damsel in distress?" He quickly suggested as he slipped into his hiding spot, right by the truck. "We don't have a lot of time, okay?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago


When Kick greeted Zeke, the big man gave a greeting head bop when bringing his attention back to Theo when she jumped on his ass for taking up for Toni. When snatching the ice cream from him, Zeke had to take the ass chewing while he took an irritated deep breath while taking the palm of his hand, placing it on his mouth while stroking the whole bottom half of his face with with one swipe. He was not fond of people yelling at him but....he had to take it no matter how much he hated it since this was his boss and the part that hurt was that she was right about what she was saying.

With her putting him out on blast, Zeke answered "Aight I get what the fuck you sayin.....damn!...." Zeke said back, obviously irritated and not too happy being dimed out like that but he stayed quiet as to not get Theo riled up even more than she already was. . Zeke looked around as Kick and Toni were talking.

When Theo told him to follow, he hesitated while watching the girl walk up stairs and gave another deep breath while licking his bottom lip and walked up the stairs following her into her office as he walked in and closed the door behind him. "Look...boss lady, I ain't try'na question yo authority and shit...I just sayin....this shit can be fixed." he said explaining himself for his outburst.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Joseph stopped for a second, something wasn't right. That car just drove into an alley, that couldn't have been good. Prostitution? Rare in this part of town, too many cops. Possible drug deal, judging by the speed at which the turn happened, it was probably something more nefarious. If he went into the alley and caught them red handed, it'd probably give him a 34 percent chance of success in citizen's arrest, judging by the element of surprise and the fact that he was woefully unequipped for a shootout. He'd best ignore it.

Walking towards his truck, he realized that he had left his notebook in the bar, after patting himself down to make absolutely sure, he walked back towards it. He threw open the door and walked to Speece's table. He grabbed his notebook out from underneath Speece's cup of coffee, shooting him a look of disappointment before walking back towards the door. Then he noticed that a stool at the bar was empty, shrugging, he took a seat. "Gin and Tonic please."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Shit, shit, shit, shit."

The panic in Kick's voice made Antonia's heart began to race as they pulled into the alleyway. "Antonia, I need you to get him down here. Do it by any means necessary. I don't care how or what you say." Antonia turned to him her mouth agape. She was speechless for the moment. Nodding she unbuckled her seat belt and placed her slender hand on the door handle. "Maybe try to be the damsel in distress?" He suggested to her as he took place in the dark besides the truck.

"We don't have a lot of time, okay?"

"We don't have a lot of time, okay?" the sentence repeated in her head as her heels clicked quickly towards the entrance of the bar known as Gooseys. She had gone to this location plenty of evenings, as their signature mixed cocktail called the Loose Goose was one of her favorites. Heaving up the bottom hem of her skirt she then continued to unbutton a few of the buttons of her blouse before opening the bar door and gazing around. It was weird seeing the place so empty, but it was still early in the day and even though Antonia was known to go on a few benders, she never would sink to being at the bar before 9pm.

Spotting the only man in the bar, Toni put on a worried face and hurried over as the man was receiving his drink from the bartender. "Excuse me." Antonia said in a soft, sultry voice as she placed her hand delicately on the man's elbow. "I'm having some trouble with my car, can you give it a look?" she gave a soft smile, "I'd really appreciate it." she confirmed, hoping her approach was the correct way to go about this.

If the bar hadn't been playing music over the speaker system, he'd have heard her heart beating rapidly.
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