Hey, are characters still being accepted for this? I saw the int check then realized that the last time it was posted in was 2 weeks ago. Anyways, I'll just leave the character I made here if I'm allowed in. Looking at the IC seems everyone just got to the castle, so I figure I could jump in there easy enough
Name: Zephyr Tremblett
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Talent: Cold/Ice
Backstory: Zephyr's mind has two modes, utterly obsessed and totally uninterested. It explained a lot about how he did so well in his martial arts classes, yet so poorly in his school classes. When his mind was turned on there was almost nothing he couldn't do. One of the things he had always been interested in was magic, and luckily for him there was apparently a master of magic hidden in the forest just waiting for apprentices. Once zephyr set his mind to it he packed his things and off he went.
Magic Color and Meaning: Orange. Passionate
Primary Source of Magic: It begins in his heart and flows most easily to his hands. It works best when being used to do something Zephyr really cares about.
Other: He brought with him about a days worth of food, a sleeping bag, some money, and his katana which he got from his martial arts classes.