Name: Major Richard Conwood
Aged 34
Appearance: Conwood is a Caucasian male, about 185 centimeters tall and of British origin. He has black hair and strikingly blue eyes, like a bombardier's eyes. Conwood's face has strong features, and his jaw often catches the attention of ladies.
Personality: Major Conwood has seen everything and done everything, and it has left a mark on him. Some of his colleagues have referred him as "the real-life James Bond". Conwood is a risk taker and a hopeless gambler, often risking his own life to accomplish an objective. He distastes of risking the lives of soldiers under his command.
History: Born on June 6, 2056 into a upper-class family in England with long-running military history, Richard Conwood enlisted to the British Army as a tank commander. Soon rising in rank to the officer corps, he first lead a platoon and then his own company.
Richard was reassigned due to his own initiative to a secret British-Japanese test program in 2080, that was supposed to test a new bipedal tank concept known simply to the staff as "Walker REX Mk. I". The program's idea was to combine the mobility of the infantry to the firepower of artillery and the protection of a main battle tank. During the program he was acquainted with one of the program's lead scientists, Doctor Kasumi Nakamura and began a relationship with her. But the relationship would not last, as they broke up two years later due to Richard's attitude and commitment issues. Still, despite their misgivings, they still care for each other.
The test program was discontinued in 2082 due to Great Britain's defense budget downsizing and the lack of need for bipedal tanks in the battlefield. After the Extraterrestrial Incident One and the creation of CETM happened, new interest for the program was sparked and it was handed over to the committee's scientists and engineers. Richard, now a Captain, moved with the program to the Pacific Ocean to field test the new war machine.
The research was feverous, and the REX was completed just before the Extraterrestrial Incident Two occurred. Richard was commanded to take down the Beast, as it was nicknamed in the mission briefing. After days of fighting, the Beast was slain with the combined firepower of the Myrmidon Fleet and the Walker REX' prototype rail gun.
The Walker REX suffered heavy damage, and it was rebuilt and upgraded after the battle to carry more armour and weapons, and it was improved during the years after the battle. It's current version number is Mark II, and an amphibious model is currently being designed to replace the Walker REX.
Richard was hailed as a hero after the battle and he's become the poster boy for CETM. He was promoted to the rank of Major.
Colossus codename: Walker REX MK. II
Colossus appearance:

Colossus theme: A bipedal tank
Colossus abilities: Walker REX uses a Japanese RGTKL Type 79 (Rail Gun, Tank, Kinetic, Long) rail gun as its the primary weapon to take down extraterrestrials and is equipped with a Nimbus Rocket Launcher System (NRLS), two 12.7mm machine guns and two 45mm auto cannons. Walker REX can also use its legs to kick extraterrestrials and other opponents.
Weaknesses: Walker REX needs a lot of maintenance, and the barrel of the rail gun needs to be replaced after twenty-five shots or else it will break down. Also, Walker REX consumes a lot of energy to operate, and is vulnerable to overheating, especially if rail gun is used too rapidly.