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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lilygold
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Lilygold Private First Class / Bot Killer Squad

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Yuu Miyamoto

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Social Status: Honorary Britannian

Appearance: A short boy with fair skin. His hair is short and wavy, and a bright electric blue. His eyes are somewhat large and a bright rose color. He has an average weight and an average build. Usually dresses in white and dark gray.

Personality: Serious, quiet, with loner tendencies. Tends to sit back and observe. Private, rarely talks about his feelings. Can be insensitive to the hardships of others. A planner. Well-organized and hard-working. Works steadily towards identified goals. Focused. Will usually accomplish any task once they have set their mind to it. A perfectionist. Clean, thorough, detail-oriented. Logical and analytical. Not adventurous or spontaneous. Realistic. Conventional.  Dutiful, always follows the rules. Punctual. Finishes tasks. Responsible and dependable. Prepares for worst case scenarios, cautious. Would rather be friendless than jobless. Holds people to high standards and does not accept apologies easily.

History: When he was around 5, Yuu went out with his father to go and get something from the store. His father gave him some yen and told him to go get something from the store across the street, and when he returned, his father had already left. His father had intended to come back, and was just making a prank, but Yuu had been taken into the custody of a Britannian couple visiting Japan who was sympathetic. Later on, at the age of 13, he fell gravely ill, and still retains occasional symptoms of the disease. It is quite resilient, even against Britannian medications. Despite the illness tapering off eventually, his attacks are becoming increasingly common these days. He learned a few medical practices at that time, and may decide to switch to the medical field if being a data analyst doesn't work out. At one time when he was 15, he was briefly in the custody of his foster grandmother, because his foster parents were on a trip, and he was treated abusively. After being struck on the right shoulder, just for being an Eleven turned Honorary Britannian by his foster parents, he longs to have an experience where he can again laugh true. In the face of such prejudice and injustice, his mind was bent against anything being truly happy when such people still walked the earth.

Relationships w/ Other Characters:

Goals: Supporting and promoting traditions and establishments, security and a peaceful life, wants to be a data analyst.

Skills: Concentration, finding mistakes.

Likes: Solitude, Quiet, Conformity

Dislikes: Strangeness, Countercultures

Other: Easily depressed
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 11 days ago

Stratovarius di Valihad

"Are you showing your face, or just wearing another mask?"


Stratovarius di Valihad





Social Status



Stratovarius is a tall and strapping young man, child of a noble he has the air of sophistication and grace. His white hair shines like silver while his crimson eyes gleam like rubies. His sharp face carries a friendly smile, a charm to all but masks his otherwise dubious nature.


A soldier by birth, a rebel by heart, Stratovarius has a very amicable and friendly mask. He's humor is good and is generally a pleasure to be around. He also seems like a run of the mile soldier, taking orders without much hesitation most the time. While he isn't tactical genius level smart, he's intelligent enough to make plans and know what he's doing.

However, given the chance, Stratovarious will venomously denounce the empire and its ways, seeing its ideals of natural selection to be biassed. He believes that while he can change it, he's in no real position to do such a thing after his chance at greatness was swept away, leaving him only the ability to scorn Britannia for as long as he breaths.


Stratovarius was born to a noble family, the House of Valihad. While no royal family, it did well for itself, often able to place its children in high places. Stratovarius himself was the fourth oldest in all of his nine siblings and third to the family name. He had joined the army like his parents and his siblings in hopes of rising through the ranks, but he was assigned to Japan to watch over a local garrason force.

As the wars elsewhere raged on, many of his siblings where killed in the heavy fighting. Stratovarius, like a good Britannian, accepted these losses as a natural part of life, but thankful his youngest siblings where safe at home. Or so he thought.

Other noble families had long looked with envy at the posistions the Valihad family often held and one such family decided to do soemthign to change it. One faithful day, a group of heavily armed gunmen burst into the family estate, overpowered the guards and slaughtered everyone inside. No one was spared as they razed the entire place to the ground to the point not even the ashes would be found. Stratovarius was training to become a commander but was utterly destroyed by the news. Whatever family wasn't killed in fighting, was gunned downed at the family home.

The sole Valihad had completely lost it when he found out it was the rival families who did it but received no support from the courts or anyone else. Stratovarius was even shunned for being weak, forced to watch his prized position given away to some other noble who had "demonstrated strength and traits desirable of leadership". He was even refused access to return home to see what was left of his home. No longer able to comply with the empire's attitude, he renounces the ideology of "survival of the fittest" as there was no way his siblings could have protected themselves from lead bullets. A flame burn inside of him, calling for vengeance which burns the fuel of hatred and disgust, but Stratovarius masked his fears so he could continue to live without inspection. Heir to the family wealth, he swore an oath that he would never forgive the Empire for razing his very past and writing off his emotions as "weakness".

Relationships w/ Other Characters

Good acquaintances with Elies Rosencrantz despite not knowing her personally outside the times they've had contact within the military.


See to the end of the current school of thought in Britannia which itself lends to greater plans.


- Military Training
- Knightmare Frame Piolting
- Commanding People/Leadership


- The remaining photos of his family which he keeps in a zealous well kept album
- His pistol
- Strategy Games


- "Survival of the fittest:
- Over optimism
- Gungho "plans" with little thought behind them
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Elise Rosencrantz

"Hm... yes... I see.. that could... huh? Were you talking to me?"


Elise Rosencrantz





Social Status:



Elise has long periwinkle/grey-ish hair that reaches just about her waist. She tends to tie them in braids with ribbons. Her eyes are a deep black but myopic so she needs glasses to see. She is about average height and build, standing at 5"5 but appears short compared to most of her Britannian comrades. Her skin is very pale and she gets sunburned easily so she tends to often wear long sleeved clothing regardless of the weather.


Elise is a strange, yet smart girl. Most people have a hard time understanding what she is saying and she has a bad habit of mumbling to herself. It appears that she is always thinking about something though no one knows what goes on in her weird head. She isn't exactly standoffish but people have a hard time talking to her. Most of the time, she is working on figuring out ways to upgrade Knigthmares or other weapons. Other times she can be somewhat sadistic and enjoys 'experimenting' with people's emotions and reactions; one may call it a god complex. To sum it up, she is not the type of girl one invites to parties.


Elise was born into a normal Britannian family. Her father was working in the military base in Japan so her family decided to move there when she was seven. There she studied diligently and seemed to soak up everything she could. Becoming one of the brightest students in her school, she skipped grade levels and finished her entire college education by the time she was only 17. She was quickly recruited by Britannian Military as an engineer to help work on the Knightmares.

This has given her the opportunity to study real Knightmares up close for the past year and while she is only one of the many engineers who help build and test them out, she has been secretly working on her own design. She doesn't intend on sharing it with anyone though, not yet at least.

Relationship with Other Characters:

- Is Working with Major General Howard in the 89th Division
- Knows Stratovarius somehow


To become the ultimate genius of the world and let everyone know of her greatness! Or something like that.


-Expertise in building machines and gadgets
-Overall high intelligence
-Ability to pilot a Knightmare though nowhere near a master at it


-Science and Advancement of Technology
-Reading books


-Being treated like a kid
-Being wrong/Failures
-Sunny weather


She could care less about the war, politics, or whatever.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I am the Emerald Blade that will bleed Britannia dry and make a reborn world!"

Name: Jack Blake 'Azai'
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Social Status: Four (Area Four/Ireland)/Eleven

Appearance: Jack is a tall man of around 6'0 and weighing in just under 170 pounds. Fit and tough as a nail Jack is in great physical condition due to his tough training sessions he imposes on himself. He has golden hair and dark green eyes. He usually wears a grey jacket or trench coat when out in public and underneath that a tattered black shirt and white pants. Sometimes he wears a old fashioned cap on his head but he usually leaves it at home.

Fanatical, determined, and driven to do great things Jack is at home on the battlefield and in tough situations. He believes in freedom is the right of all peoples despite ideologies and or race. He despises Britannia's conquests and feels the need to get rid of the Empire if not at least free as many nations as possible. He is not one to be swayed easily by words and is a fierce opponent on any stage. Though he is willing to admit he is not the very best he still is very adamant in his abilities and is proud of them though he is not foolish enough to boast about them.

Though he is a fervent believer in his cause to overthrow Britannia he is also a harsh realist and dislikes people who overestimate their chances or are flat out blissfully cheerful. Life is not a party and the harsh world and you need to think about the big picture before you can definitively believe in something.

He utterly despises people who are racist no matter if they are Japanese, Britannian, or anyone else for that matter. He believes the mere act of thinking people are sub-human or trash is disgusting. Even the most oppressive people in the world are still human in the inside and people should be judged not on their skin, or race but one's actions. He is more than willing to put behind someone's past actions if they are willing to do something here and now unless they've been a part of something unexcusable to him in which case he flat out rejects them. In his opinion actions are more definitive than words ever can be.

Though he has no official family anymore he deep down just wants someone he can settle down with and have a family with. The need to have someone or something to say 'this person is my family' is something he deeply wants to say. Moving from place to place has left him with a desire for just the most primal thing a person could want.

Relationships w/ Other Characters: Akemi Kawaguchi is a current supplier and friend of Jack's Gang in exchange for money she is supplied with technology that is unimportant to Jack's group.

Goals: A free world, the destruction of the Britannia Empire, the Resurrection of a free Europe, and a loving family.

Ace Knightmare Pilot Skill
Battlefield Tactician
Competent Leader/Organizer (He can command people but his lack of charisma prevents people from going beyond themselves)


Intrigue (Spying, politics, assassination, etc)
Blatant disregard for people's lives
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Otome Otaku
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Otome Otaku Too Obsessed With Otome Games

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Akemi Kawaguchi

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Social Status: Eleven

Appearance: With long black hair that reaches her butt and striking red eyes, Akemi stands at a good 5 foot 6 inches. Her hair is usually let loose and is only put up when she's working on the computer, which also means she's in a pair of shorts and a tank top, her pajamas. When she isn't working on the computer and when in public, Akemi usually wears dresses and flats that reveal her soft, pale skin. She doesn't burn easily, but she doesn't tan either. Even if she did tan, it would disappear quickly since she stays inside most of the time.

Personality: While she is a natural hermit, Akemi can become outgoing with the right person around. Alone, Akemi is quiet and reserved, but if she's with a loved one or a good friend, she's a cheerful person that is always starting the conversations. Although, don't let that fool you. Deep down, she's a cold person who would rather sacrifice the world if it meant saving her family. She could care less about others. Her hate for the world and what it made her family go through in it's earlier times has only made her more likely to be rash and blunt. She can be inconsiderate when it comes to others because of this.

History: Akemi's life hasn't always been a happy one, not that it is now. She grew up with a poor family and a sickly father that couldn't even support her mother, siblings, and herself. It was up to her mother, and Akemi, the oldest, to take care of the family. Even though she went to school, Akemi was working any time she could, even going so far as to skip school sometimes. Thankfully, her skipping school led to something greater. The young girl encountered a new person at her job as a cashier, and this person soon became a good friend to her. It was another Eleven, although one more well off than Akemi and her family, and this Eleven had a computer. Now, a computer isn't all to special you would think, but Akemi had never really had interactions with them before, being poor, and took to it immediately. Her friend taught her everything about the computer at seeing the girl's interest, and eventually Akemi saved up to buy her own. It wasn't the best computer, but she still loved it all the same. Coding... Hacking... It all started from there. It started with simple coding things, websites and such for other people, for money, and then she got into hacking and it went up from there. She began to test hack into safer things until she began hacking into bank accounts and stealing money. She didn't care though. She needed to support her family.Becoming better and better at hacking, she became harder and harder to catch. She hasn't done anything other than hacking back accounts and such, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't like to try something more difficult. After all, hacking has become a great joy to her.

Relationships w/ Other Characters:
-Jack Blake: Supplies technology that Akemi can use in exchange for funding him with her stolen money.

Goals: To become the best hacker in the world and be able to hack into anything

Skills: Hacking, Coding

Likes: Coding/Hacking, Sleep, Pie, Knightmares

Dislikes: Nature, Politics, Idiots, Sports
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zugzwang

Zugzwang The Pentagon

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Major General Arthur Howard
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Social Status: Britannian

Appearance: Tall. Stocky. Arthur has the body of a lifetime officer, one who never quite let his fighting shape deteriorate. His short, formerly-brown hair is quickly graying, a fact he is none too pleased with. His pale skin lightly tanned, rough after a life in the proverbial [and occasionally quite literal] trenches. His shoulders are broad and his stance confident, his jaw wide and nose bent. He stands just taller than average, bolstered his posture being rarely anything less than military perfect. He is rarely seen out of his uniform. He keeps tidy and hygienic almost religiously, learned from life on campaign, and occasionally smells like the cigars he infrequently indulges in. A grin usually sits proudly on his face, a frown of reverent determination when before his superior officers.

Personality: Arthur's personality is the result of a casual and jovial man living the life of a soldier for nearly 20 years. He hates when people are late, and refuses to be tardy himself. He keeps his work and person in rigid order, the discipline required for command stretching deep into his personal life. He walks quickly, speaks loudly, and has mastered the obedience required for successful operations and the feigned respect required for promotion. His sense of humor is crass and frequently fatalistic, and among peers he is highly irreverent towards middle management of all kinds. Arthur clearly delineates between work and recreation. A learned workaholic, he favors the former over the latter, and his natural relaxed tendencies shine through in the latter.

In command, Arthur relies on an understanding of operations-level warfare garnered from years of experience and a voracious career of studying modern military theory. He is aggressive, and values keeping the initiative in combat. He does not hold the knightmare in such high esteem as his compatriots, much to the disdain of his knight underlings, and focuses on combined arms and firepower superiority at key areas. On the defensive, he fights with the same mobility as he attacks, favoring mobile defense in concentrated depth. He is a capable administrator, but has learned long ago to rely on his hand-picked staff officers. Usually having at his disposal the manpower and materiel advantages of Britannia, he likes to engage the enemy constantly, with ubiquitous low-level combat giving way to large, frequent offensives. He attempts to know all he can about his enemy, and tries his best to plan around the enemy he faces, holding as he does a dislike of military dogma and the cloying orthodoxy of not only his peers but the majority of his commanding officers.

History: Arthur was born to an unremarkable family. His mother worked as a secretary before she had him, his father a squire to the local lord, both the bottom rungs of the middle class and both desirous of status and money. He grew up an only child in the heart of upcountry New Hampshire. He went to school and achieved enough success to earn a scholarship to first a prestigious high school and then West Point, buoyed by a promising football talent.

He settled into a niche at the Britannian Military Academy, one in which he would sit for the rest of his life. The military fascinated him, and in turn it consumed all his time, his evenings deep in the bowels of the main stacks interrupted only by outings to hunt and fish with his few friends. Academically, he excelled, earning both friendship and hatred from those peers he left behind and those few bright stars who he challenged at the top. Socially, he floundered: he was unpopular, both because of his birth in the lowest of the middle class and because of the seriousness and determined aura he adopted outside the company of his few close friends, so uncharacteristic for a 17 year old boy and so nested in the Britannian ideals and philosophy. Arthur's life in the sticks had not prepared him to resist the overwhelming Britannian indoctrination and propaganda present in its second most prestigious military academy, and he fell for it hook, line, and sinker. He dreamed of a better life, one of wealth and ease, in a Britannia that allowed any with strength of character and talent to ascend in society.

He graduated a year early, eager to begin earning paychecks and hungry for practical experience in the conflict he found so fascinating and bewitching. He graduated fourth in his class, and earned a place as a 1st Lieutenant in an armored division of the regular army stationed in Area 3, what used to be known as 'Mexico'.

His time in Area 3 saw very little combat, and for four years he served diligently training forces and demonstrating skillful administration and peacetime soldiering. He earned his promotion to Captain at 23, an age not unheard of but exceedingly rare among those lacking a title of nobility.

When he was 24, his chance for glory and advancement presented itself. He was transferred to one of the new knightmare units, the newness of the units necessitating pure merit promotions in their earliest stages. He sees this as his absolute luckiest moment: he knows full well how difficult knightmare commands are to come by for non-nobles even by two weeks into the One Month War, and understands how quick promotion and success comes to those who are assigned to them. He was deployed in Kyushu with the 2nd Armored Infantry Divison's knightmare battalion, and played a major role in the six day battle of Fukuoka, in which he earned a Distinguished Service Cross and a promotion to Major for a masterful rearguard action which allowed for the extraction of the 22nd Marine division safely, and a successful counterattack which help break the back of the opposing 4th Japanese Mechanized Division.

He ended the war with his George's Cross, a Distinguished Service Order, and a purple heart he received for a shell fragment which buried itself just below his right buttock. He wears them proudly, though omits the final item to this day, if only to avoid telling the embarrassing story.

He was transferred out of Japan, and earned Colonel and Brigadier General in quick order after sporadic combat in Argentina over four years, and finally was made Major General in 2018 after a long spell away from the field which was encouraged in no small part his new wife, who gave birth to twins in 2016. With his second star on his shoulderboard, he was moved back to Japan and attached to the 89th Armored Division, a knightmare-heavy experienced unit kept on the islands to discourage the Chinese across the sea and the few remaining rebel elements among the Elevens.

Relationships w/ Other Characters: Currently pursuing Jack Blake for terrorism and partisan activity within his jurisdiction.
Is working with Elise, who is currently attached to the 89th Division or testing help and oversight with her projects.
SOMETHING with Stratovarius

Goals: He dislikes the tyranny and injustice so institutional in his government. He follows in the intellectual footsteps of men like Hobbes and Napoleon, though he will never admit it, and dreams of a world governed by the strong and fair hand of a true world empire, free of injustice and driven by merit alone. If he can amass power in Britannia and defeat her enemies, such a world might be created from the husk of old Britannia when she stands alone.

Operational Command
Physical Exertion

Fox Hunting
Ballroom Dancing
A Crisp Salute
Heavy Metal
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