I like this idea of collab posts for characters that have a lot of interactions with eachother, If possible I would like to ask that most people try and do this if they group up/have a lot of dialog between the characters because it helps the story flow better and eliminate the one sentence posts PM eachother to get a post. @Letter Bee@TheUnknowable Thanks :D
I like this idea of collab posts for characters that have a lot of interactions with eachother, If possible I would like to ask that most people try and do this if they group up/have a lot of dialog between the characters because it helps the story flow better and eliminate the one sentence posts. @Letter Bee@TheUnknowable Thanks :D
Curious if there is any over-aching story line we're looking at..??? Just trying to see if there's any specific direction someone wants to move towards..? I see quite a few people have backstories centered around slavery..
If not, Echo may just run into someone at some point during a salvaging expedition... Or tie characters together somehow..
@XDark AnorexiaX No worries XD And honestly there isnt much of a over-aching story, one may develop as the rp does but it is slice of life so its more of a do your own thing. I just say that all I ask is that there is some interaction between the characters, just as Par and Greg and their mission currently.
Looks: (sry if you prefer it not be an anime picture, I'll get rid of it if so) Currently wearing full vault 81 security armor
Personality: For a little girl, Astra is a very serious person, never joking or even smiling. She has witnessesd, and been the victim of horrible things and it has tempered her young mind to the harsh reality of the world as it is now. Cold, and distant but quick to temper her eclectic swings of emotion may very well be a form of mental dis order caused by her ordeal in Vault 81.
Vault 81 Experiment:Introduce both men and women to an experimental fertility drug, intended to see if it could induce a state of hyper fertility to make it easier for America to be repopulated. The drug had several effects due to its incredibly volatile nature. 4 effects were produced by the drug 1. Most men developed horrible tumors after taking the drug for approximately 1 year daily. They died 2. Surviving men were given much more powerful immune systems and strength, it also increased their sex drive to ten times a natural mans. 3.Men also almost universally lost the ability to make male children as almost none of their speed carried an X chromosome 4.Women were indeed made more fertile, however not only were they more fertile at maturity, but could carry children from the age of 10.
This led to culture of male dictatorship by the overseer, women becoming essentially slaves to the men of the vault. Due to the increased fertility and male sex drive the population exploded. It was less than 2 years when girls began to be simply killed due to the high number of them. If a boy was born, the overseer declared a celebration due to the rarity of such births. This was not good for the women, due to what the hyper Sexual males considered a "celebration".
A true daughter of the vault, Astra was lucky enough to have been born 3 days before the culling, a time when all non male newborns are killed to keep the population under control. Though, if you were to later ask her she may believe it was the dead girls who were lucky. She was named by her mother, as the man who was her father believed naming girls a waste of his time and left that to his wives. She was quickly "married" to another man by age 4, the man just happened to be the Overseer. Like all women in Vault 81 Astra was little more than property for the express purpose of sex for their husband. The overseer had taken a liking to the young girl and offered three of his wives to Astra's father. The overseer treated her very differently from his other wives, intending to groom her into his own perfect wife. Being the overseer he could break certain rules, one of which was teaching a woman to use firearms. He frequently took young Astra to the vaults training range as he loved shooting and refused to let Astra out of his sight, so she learned how to shoot a gun. By age 8 she was pretty good, and had grown to see the overseer as a father figure, but that was when the Overseer starting preparing her to carry children. From age 7 to 10, known as the breaking to the women in the vault and the time of bliss to the men as the girl can not carry children but is mature enough to recieve their attention. An explanation of what goes on in this time will likely never be discussed by Atra, save to say it was what revealed what the reality of the world was to her. After the two year ordeal, she turned ten. In few days she knew the overseer would give Astra her first child, as was custom in Vault 81. However,it appeared fate had different plans. As she ran a small errand that took her in front of the vault door Astra was stopped by two guards. The men made it obvious what they wanted from the overseer'overseer ' s prized possession, and attempted to rape her. As she fought with them, unable to do much but struggle, a great scraping noise came from the vault door. The guards both looked up, to see the vault opening, something no one had though would ever happen. Whilst the two men were dumbstruck Astra took a chance. She took one of the guards 10mm pistol, stuck under his helmet and blew his brains out. Before his ally could react Astra emptied the rest of the clip into him, killing him. She fell to her knees panting, and watched the door open and made a decision. She grabbed the other pistol and it's ammo, as well as the smaller guards armor (he had been 13, probably the other man's son). Put on the somewhat lose armor and left the vault, hoping to never return. She has survived un the wasteland for about a month and a half now, still paranoid about everyone she meets, refusing to stay anywhere to long.
Weapon choice: 10mm pistol, hunting rifle (found in the wasteland)