Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Okay!" Kimberly said, excited to get the show on the road. She went over to where Superboy said to line up, walking behind Ryan. She turned around to look at Conner, only to realize Conner wasn't behind her. Looking around, she quickly spotted him with Miss Martian. "Conner, you aren't coming?" Kimberly asked.

"There's no rush to train right away," Conner replied. "Plenty of other things to do, like getting a tour of the base or something." While Conner did want to explore the base, the truth was that he was too nervous to actually do any training for the moment. He had no physical prowess, no fire breathing, nothing like that. All he could do was "amplify". Despite his nervousness, he was also excited. Not many people could say they were part of a group of superheroes, even if they were still in need or training. Conner just decided to employ his strengths in other ways.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 6 days ago

Lex rose a eyebrow as people were eager to train with superboy. Lex read up about him and who Superboy was from father's files. It was interesting learning about them. he kinda saw Superboy as a half brother. Lex had no powers but his suit wasnt to bad. He decided to say "I might train later. I dont have any powers but I do have somethign that can help me fight." He got up walking over beside Miss Martian and Kid Flash. Lex honestly wanted to know more about Superboy. He read all about him and the previous young justice team from his dad's hidden files, that he managed to hack through and find. "I changed my mind. I think I'll train too." Even though he was powerless. he did practice fighting with Mercy, so it wouldnt hurt to try. He opened his suitcase and took out a green chest plate. The chest plate was on, and with a press of a button the chest plate became battle armor. A smirk came onto his face. "Well who is all ready to train?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Primal Boy

Red was very confused by the green lady's words, he wanted to train, but he wasn't eighteen and his ten year old brain was having trouble figuring out what she exactly meant. He rubbed his head in confusion and was contemplating what to do. Finally he chose to join the others who were interested in training with Superboy.

"I want to train first!" he said eagerly waving his arms trying to get the Superman clone's attention. He hoped that it wasn't a first come first serve kind of gig and that the hero chose who he would fight first.


Alexandrovich decided that he would stay with Miss Martian and Kid Flash, training sounded fun, but he wanted to keep his tricks reserved for later and it would probably be better for Superboy to not have pretty much everyone on the team trying to fight him.

"So what are we planning to do?" he asked the two senior team members curious to know what they had plan.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by spacecakes
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spacecakes Livid McAngsty

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Glad to see you made it!" Kid Flash greeted Peggy, last time she saw him was wto days ago back in Star City, when they helped her fight off a group of superpowered thugs. "Star City is a looong way from here,friend, hope you didnt get lost." He smiled.

"I did. The moment i stepped out of the city there were so many trees." She said it in a way of great wonder, for someone who never set foot out of the city eversince. " There werent any buildings to scape through, so i had to walk. But a trucker and his family were nice enough to give me a ride." A family of five, two older girls and a boy. It felt weird to spend a day traveling with them, as if Peggy was a part of the family. But she thought it was a nice and awkward experience.

"That's good to hear." he said in his usual out going attitude. "Sooo.." And suddenly, kittenish. "Would you like to spar? Dont worry, I'll go really easy on you."

“Oh come on Wally, after seeing her fight? You might wanna reconsider. " Miss Martian crossed her arms, and was playfully smiling at him.
“I still need plenty of improvement, honestly. That is why, I wish to spar and to learn whatever I can.” Hopeful to learn, Peggy removed her arm accessories and her thick jacket, neatly placed it on the side, then rolling her loose sleeves to her shoulder, revealing the complex design of her exterior. Flesh screwed with metals, notched with what looked like a thin tube of visible rushing, neon liquid, the same kind that is visible on her forehead and neck. It perfectly traced her muscles, defining them despite her average body.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Seamus had to do a small debate with himself as he considered which of the two groups he should join. On the one hand it wasn't everyday that someone was given the chance to train with a Kryptonian, but then again maybe that was a good thing, on the other Seamus did find himself fitting into the description of the latter group much better. Eventually Seamus opted out and decided to join the group that was forming around Miss Martian and Kid Flash. "You can always train later Seamus." He thought to himself as he eventually settled in the group with the others, curious as to what exactly was planned for those who decided not to train. "Wait, this isn't some sort of test to see who doesn't like to train is it?" The thought popped into Seamus's mind and he was really hoping that he was wrong.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Superboy was thinking about how to go about this whole training thing he couldn't just say 'Okay all of you fight me at once.' But he actually could say that, but would it be efficient for the others and not just him. After weighing in the other options Superboy decided on what to do. "Okay everyone listen up for today it's gonna be like tournament style training. Which means you won't just be fighting me, but you will also be fighting each other." Superboy said looking at everyone lined up in front of him. "Let's pair up. Kimberly you will go against Cora, Red you will fight Ryan, and finally Lex Jr. you will be fighting me. If you win your fight then you will be moving on to the next round, and if you lose you'll be out and can wait and watch or spar with the others who lost."

Miss Martian

"Since Kid Flash is no longer joining us I'll be your only tour guide." Miss Martian said. She then turned and began the tour of the base with the lounge/kitchen "This is the lounge and kitchen area. The kitchen has been stocked with food you all like to eat, and as you can see the lounge is where you could eat, watch TV, hangout, or in some cases sleep in." she said letting everyone walk around the two and maybe see exactly what was in the kitchen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by pockets

pockets The Happy Gargoyle

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ryan grinned, a little shiver of excitement running through him. "Been a while since I had a good sparring match, I'll be honest." He tilted his head from side to side to cracked his neck and started swinging his arms to loosen his shoulders.

"Ye up for a friendly match, little man?" He asked Red. "No offense, by tha way. There's notin wrong with bein' on the shorter side, an' yer still growin'... I'm just gonna shut up now and get ready ta fight, 'fore I embarrass meself anymore."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Primal Boy

Red was slightly disappointed to not be fighting Superboy yet, but he just thought himself S Guy will just have to wait for me to try and challenge him in a match. When he heard his name and the name of his opponent, Red got pumped and was ready for a fight. He turned to face his opponent and gave him a smile as he listened to the man's words.

"Fighting is part of what life is all about" he said to his opponent and then started to fiercely beat his fist against his chest repeatedly like a gorilla. Red then leaped towards Ryan and aimed a strong punch towards the man's chest. No matter what he was going to try and win this fight as much as possible, it may have been just practice, but Red hated losing with a burning passion.

His battle hunger was in full effect and he was ready for a tough challenge and looking for a hard earned victory. Red had no idea what kind of powers that his opponent had and he didn't really care, he just wanted a good fight to test himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 6 days ago

Lex rose a eyebrow as SUperboy was going to let him fight against him. "Dont call me Jr. I hate that." Lex said simply going to where they would be fightng. Lex idnt hate Superboy, but he was jealous. He remembers father spending a lot of time on the Superboy project. Lex read up on all the files his father had on Superboy. He waited for the others,even though he wanted to be first to fight, he patiently sat down waiting for others. Lex silently thought to himself *the team doesnt seem to bad. Theyre pretty smart. That Primal boy seems odd.I wonder what powers they have. That Peggy Girl must be some impressive tech to be made by both Ivo and Morrow. She does have a impressive design. Thank goodness I managed to read the map of this place.*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by pockets

pockets The Happy Gargoyle

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Red vs Ryan

"Woah!" Ryan yelped and dropped to the floor as the kid leaped at him. Red flew over him and Ryan quickly rolled to his feet.

"Were we supposed to start yet?" He asked, but when Superboy gave no indication that he was going to answer Ryan simply set himself and waited for the next charge.


Red was annoyed when his opponent ducked down and caused him to miss his target. He gracefully landed on both of his feet and spun around at incredible speeds. He then crouched down and leaped again at Ryan, this time with the intention of kicking the man in the gut.

"Come on! Let's fight seriously!" he shouted as he kicked out hoping to make contact this time with his attack.


Set or not, Red moved way faster than he'd expected and the kick knocked him back several paces. With the breath knocked out of him Ryan barely had a moment to grab Red's leg.

"Alright," he growled. "You want a fight, fine." With a thought and an exertion of power Red was suddenly 'falling' toward the ceiling as Ryan changed his gravitating orientation by 180 degrees.


Red was glad to see that his kick got through, but his triumph quickly turned to shock when he suddenly found himself falling towards the ceiling of the base. What the bear was going on? he thought to himself as he slammed into the ceiling. It must have been Ryan's power that did this and now Red had to think of a way to bring things back to normal and get his feet back on the ground.

"I guess I'll to use a Primal Blast" he said to himself and then shoved out his right palm in Ryan's direction. Almost immediately following the motion a bright orange blast of energy shot from his hands and headed straight for the man at incredible speeds. This blast was concussive since Red thought that making it heat might be too dangerous and also maybe a concussive blast would be enough to make him lose focus on this strange effect and get Red back on the ground.


Red hit the ceiling hard and Ryan winced but the kid bounced up pretty quick and returned fire!

"Oh feck me," he swore and quickly switched his own orientation. He was suddenly falling toward the ceiling but didn't clear the strange blast entirely. It struck his legs and luckily didn't shatter the bones because he was floating in the air instead of standing on solid ground.

The force of the blast did send him spinning wildly though, and instead of landing gracefully on his feet as he had intended he slammed into the ceiling flat on his back, further aggravating his already abused lungs.

A wave of his hand set the area for thirty feet around him at 3 times Earths normal gravity and he backpedaled as fast as he could, trying to put some distance between him and Red until he could catch his breath.


Red growled when he saw that his attack didn't hit Ryan enough to make him lose concentration over this weird ability, but he did however cause him to fly into the ceiling as well and he would try to capitalize off of that. He felt the gravity around him become much heavier so Red focused his energy into keeping his body super-humanly strong and then proceeded to dig his fingers into the stone ceiling to make to himself a grip for his hands.

"Here I come strange guy!" he shouted and then began to quickly move towards Ryan as he used his superhuman strength to crawl on his hands and knees like some predatory wildcat. Once he closed the distance Red would then try to attack him at close range again and see if he could end this effect and get back on the ground, that is unless Ryan is able to stop his movement before Red could get to him.

I mustn't lose! I will fight Superboy when these fights are all done, he said inwardly as he continued to crawl quickly towards Ryan with pure determination in his eyes.


"Feck me sideways," Ryan groaned and scrambled to his feet when three g's did little to slow the pint sized hero down. Red continued to approach him, a serious glint of something in his gaze and as he got a little closer Ryan aimed a couple kicks in his direction before jumping suddenly to Red's left side and lashing out with a kick toward his unprotected ribs.

As the kick started he wrapped five g's worth of gravitational force around his foot, effectively turning his kick into a battering ram. Oh, please don' let me kill 'im he thought. That would not be a good way to start his tenure with the Young Justice.


Red gave a grunt of pain as Ryan's heavy blows hit with a great amount of force and he felt a good deal of pain, but it didn't do enough damage to take him out of the fight. The pain caused him to retaliate and he lashed out wildly with his arms hoping to land at least one very strong hit to the man, especially now that Red had felt a lot pain from his opponent's attacks.

"You're going down buddy!" he shouted and continued on with his assault trying to strike as quickly as his fast arms would allow. His attack pattern was wild and unpredictable like an angry feral animal that had been backed into a corner and chose to fight. Red was going to try to win even if it seriously injured him.


"Good chocolate Christ on a cracker!" Ryan yelped and jumped back, narrowly avoiding several wild haymakers. "Jesus, Kid, yer gonna hurt someone. Prob'ly me." When Red didn't respond Ryan made a quick decision and returned Red's gravity to normal, letting him suddenly fall back to the ground.

"Oi, ye little lunatic! I forfiet. Supposed ta be a sparrin' match, not a bluddy duel ta tha death."

"Jesus H Christ," he muttered under his breath and flopped down onto his back, staring 'up' at the rest of them. "What?" He asked. "It's safer fer me up here I tink." He pulled out his tobacco pouch and quickly rolled himself another cigarette which he lit and settled in, so he could watch the next bout while nursing his bruised body and pride.


Red wasn't expecting for the gravity to be set back to normal so before he could get a grip on the ceiling he fell back down to the ground. When Red landed and prepared himself to jump back up at his teammate he heard Ryan say that he forfeit and then went a small rant about it being just a sparring match.

Red was confused at his opponent's angry response, this was meant to be practice and that meant that they should be pushing themselves to their limits. Oh well he still technically won, which means he would be advancing in the little tournament and was now one step closer to fight Superboy.

"Thanks for the fight" he said to Ryan with a happy grin giving him the thunbs up and turned to look at the others to how they were doing with matches.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cora looked at her sparring partner. She was going to fight a kid? Somehow that didn't seem quite right for a match up, but she wasn't going to argue with Superboy. Cora quickly checked to make sure that there wasn't any clothing that she'd miss if she broke it and morphed her arms. She suppressed the rush of anger and stretched before starting.

"I promise not to try and get too competitive..." Cora said, half laughing with anxiety. Cora really hadn't had time to use these powers like this before, but she'd try to win anyway.

Kimberly looked at her opponent, which was the odd-looking face-plated girl. If she really was as dangerous as everyone said, then she didn't mind at all. "Too bad for you, then," Kimberly said confidently, taking a fighting stance. She held up a hand, a spark of electricity being Cora's only warning before a bolt of lightning fired from Kimberly's palm.

Thankfully, the palm being raised was just enough warning for Cora to get out of the way. Having fought Doctor Fate before, she knew that supers and raised palms always meant run. Of course the lightning was unexpected, but then again she didn't exactly remember that the girl's powers were. Did she say it earlier or was Cora just forgetful?

"That was close, but uh... aren't lightning strikes a little deadly for a sparring match?" Cora asked, shifting from demons arms to demon legs. She'd need the speed just to keep avoiding the lightning strikes.

But seriously, lightning strikes? Cora, without thought, charged angrily at Kimberly at the idea that Kimberly was more powerful than Cora had previously thought.

Kimberly jumped to the left and quickly rolled back onto her feet, then replied, "You can always just give up!" Cora seemed to have some sort of shapeshifting ability. She didn't remember exactly what was said about it, if it was said at all, but Kimberly was having fun. Kimberly aimed her palm again and began to fire a small volley of lightning bolts. Of course, Kimberly didn't have the power to make her lightning bolts lethal, but it's not like Cora knew that.

Kimberly hit a nerve. In a second, Cora stopped goofing around and decided to beat this little punk. She wanted to beat Kimberly until the other girl barely had enough breath to breathe out 'uncle'. Cora tried to suppress the thought but allowed herself to be angry at the other's girl's comment.

"That will not be happening."

Once the volley began, Cora dodged most and tried to close the distance between her and Kimberly, but one lightning bolt caught her in the shoulder. Thankfully, it wasn't lethal, but her right arm was now numb. However, now Cora was close enough to front kick Kimberly, aiming low and for the other girl's stomach.

Kimberly had underestimated Cora, seeing her dodge most of her lightning, and was slow to react to Cora's kick. She had jumped back, which lessened the impact, but the blow still hurt and knocked her onto the ground. Kimberly was on her knees now, clutching her stomach in discomfort and pain. However, she tried to shrug it off and got back onto her feet. "Guess it's time for me to get serious too," Kimberly said, creating a solid electrical construct of a whip in her right hand. Wasting no time, Kimberly began to lash out, swinging her whip at Cora.

Cora, having successfully injured Kimberly, tried to move close to the other girl again, but as soon as the whip was created, she ducked down to the floor to try and avoid it. While the little blasts were nonlethal, Cora's arm had yet to recover from numbness, and losing use of another arm was not an option. She barely managed to dodge it, but as soon as Kimberly was open, Cora moved close in once again and aimed to kick low to knock the girl off of her feet, leaving Kimberly open to more attacks.

This time, Kimberly was a bit more accustomed to Cora's speed, and performed a backflip to avoid Cora's kick. Once she was back on her feet, Kimberly raised her left hand to fire another short volley of lightning bolts at Cora.

"Would you-" Cora growled out as the girl backflipped away, "just hold still and let me pummel you?"

The girl started to make another volley of lightning bolts and Cora changed tactics again. Switching to her arms allowed some of the numbness to go away, but Cora wouldn't be able to dodge the volley while charging Kimberly, so Cora instead moved farther away and moved in one direction. It only barely worked, and the back of her shirt was now slightly singed, but now Cora could charge again, readying a fist but instead sliding once she was close and popped up behind Kimberly. Cora then aimed a punch at the other girl's back.

Kimberly moved towards Cora as she moved away, believing she was winning. Then Cora began to charge again. Kimberly readied another volley, but Cora was quicker and managed to get behind Kimberly. Kimberly turned to counterattack with her whip, but Cora's punch connected with her right shoulder, sending her back and rolling on the ground. Still on the ground, Kimberly swung her whip at Cora again, trying to hit her with it this time.

Cora dodged to the left just a hair too slow, and the whip connected with the already numb arm. Cora couldn't move it now, and it hung limply by her side. Still, Cora thought, at least she got a hit in on lighting bug down there.

As Cora moved, Kimberly continued her assault to launch yet another volley of lightning bolts.

The volley hit Cora and simply made her angrier. Cora wasn't going to lose to a kid, and she didn't want to admit defeat. After the volley Cora switched to her legs again, regaining her agility and trying to get close to Kimberly and end the fight quickly.

Kimberly tried to swing her whip again, but the blow on her shoulder was taking its toll, making it difficult to move her arm through the pain, and the whip ended up missing by a mile. Kimberly then decided to move backwards while trying to fire more lightning bolts, hoping it would be enough for now.

The whip was easy to dodge, but the volley was significantly more difficult to avoid, so Cora's right leg took a couple of hits but she just barely managed to stay standing. Once Cora was close she put her healthy leg on Kimberly, breathing hard.

"Give up bug, before I squish you right now."

Kimberly tried to push herself back up, but after a couple seconds, it was clear who had won. "Fine, I give," Kimberly said.

Cora removed her foot from Kimberly and fell down onto her butt, trying to regain her breath.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Superboy vs Lex

Superboy wasn't surprised he preferred to be called Lex and not Lex Jr. "Okay, Lex then" he said still getting ready. Once finally ready Superboy starred at Lex for a few seconds before finally saying "I'll give you the first hit, so come at me with a heavy hit or this might be over fast."


Lex creaked his neck walking to the arena. He wondered if he should use some of his weapons. Though they did use kryptonite, and didnt want to hurt Superboy to much. Lex smirked and said "Well...if you insist Conner.." He ran forehead slamming his fist into Superboy's chest. He jumped back and sent a kick at him


Superboy was pushed back a little bit with Lex's punch, but when he came for a kick Super grabbed his leg and swung him around once. After he swung and started to do it again Superboy let go sending Lex flying threw the air. "I said come at me hard didn't I?"


The jets on the suit caght him in mid throw and said "Im just getting started." He dived down slamming his fist in Superboy's stomach. He attempted to kick again but his foot didnt connect just stopped at his face. Lex smirked and the flames from the jets went off in Superboy's face


Superboy was surprised by the fact Lex used jets to counter his throw, and it was exactly what he wanted to see. He braised for the downward dive but wasn't expecting a gut punch. By the time Superboy could recover he noticed a foot in front of his face followed by flames from the jet blasting into his face. Superboy reached out to Lex's foot and grabbed it and broke the jet on it. "Try flying now." he said as he threw him fast towards the wall.


Lex cursed as the jet was broken. Woldnt be to hard to repair. He cursed as he was thrown into the wall. He said "Who said that was the only jet?" He jumped grabbing Sperboy's head and sending a electric charge through his body. "Shocking revelation huh Conner?" Lex asked smirking.


Superboy felt the shock flow through his body, but he has had much worse and wasn't let Lex bring him down quite yet. "That pun you made hurts more than this shock." he said grabbing Lex's arm and using it to smash him into the ground, and throwing him up. Once Lex was in the air Superboy leaped up getting ready to deliver a strong blow to his stomach.


Lex cursed as he was thrown in the air. Damn he was stronger then expected. He didnt want to use any kryptonite weapons on conner though. When Superboy leapt at him, Lex brought his hands forward and fired a red energy blast from the palms to bklast Sperboy back. "Youre stronger then I thought Conner...much stronger. Your the first person to damage my suit." He said landing on the ground.


Superboy was almost in range when he was blasted by Lex, and sent him back down to the ground landing on his back. It took him about the same time to get up as it did for Lex to come back down. "Yes I am strong, yet i'm holding back, and so are you." Superboy said walking over to Lex. "You're a clone of Luther and I know he fights, and you're not fighting like he would. So this made me think you must be holding back." he was now standing in front of Lex holding a hand out. "This was fun we should train together a lot more."


"Yes we both were. I have other weapons built in I decided not to use. My father would use them the firt chance he had and when your down he would continue fighting." Lex said smiling shaking his hand. "Same Here." He then froze at what Conner said. "Wait...what did you jut say I was?" Luthor said "Im not his clone....Im his son. I was raised by him. Your the clone of him and Superman!" Lex was becoming angry for what Conner Said. Lex pressed a button the suit coming off. He put it back in the suitcase and stormed off.


Superboy was wondering since Lex stormed off does that make him the winner or Lex. "Well the training must go on." he said while turning to look at who had won there won sparing matches. "Okay, winners come to me and whoever lost please step to the side."


Back in the abandoned apartment complex everyone was armed and ready. The same man from before stood up on a crate and spoke out to everyone "Men! Today we leave this room as a bunch of hired guns, but after this job we will come back as rich kings!" he said and listened to the roar of agreement and excitement from everyone. "Well, then what are we waiting for? Let's go get payed already!" he shouted and lead them out of the room and to where all their cars were parked. They all loaded up and zoomed off to the point of interest. Each team got into position while being undetected.

Team A planted the charges and set them for five minutes just so they were gonna start on the dot. Team B just needs to listen for the sound of gun shots and explosions so they can go in and gun down the guards. Team C only needed to wait for Team B to radio in once they got the package.
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