"It was nice meeting you, goodbye"

Monster Type: Boss Monster
Gender: Male
Occupation: King of monsters, gardener
King's trident(+19 ATK)
Boss armor(+5 DEF)
Magic (up to three) : Color coded trident swings, held flame, ring of flame.
Personality: Asgore is a kind soul, if it were his choice, he'd never fight, but often finds himself forced to. He is awkward socially, and doesn't understand many figures of speech, this is often seen as endearing by the other monsters who work under him. When in battle, Asgore becomes dead serious, not even looking his opponent in the eyes, but still using accurate and powerful attacks. He is friendly and nurturing, and a devoted father figure to Frisk. He misses his wife Toriel, but he misses his son Asriel even more, and to see his son as a depraved flower breaks his heart. He is very bad at naming things.
Bio: "Oh hello! I'm Asgore Dreemur, you must be... a person... sorry, I'm really no good at small talk."
Asgore Dreemur is king of the monsters, he has been since they can all remember. He was the king when they were driven into the underground, and he is still king when they've emerged.
"But you don't want to know about me, I'm just an old soul wh- wait... you do want to know about me? Well... it's not really a story for children... if you still insist, then fine, I warned you."
Asgore was the latest in a long line of monster royalty who had always been the enemies of humans, and Asgore was no exception, though it was a long and pointless war, Asgore still fought it, though it pained him to do so. Eventually he lost, and was forced into the underground with the rest of his species. Eventually he built a new home for him and his family, which he named... New Home... Asgore wasn't very good at naming things.
"There's no turning back after this! I don't mind if you go back! I don't want to tell this either... *Sigh* it cannot be helped, here goes."
Asgore was borne a son by his wife Toriel soon after. Not long after that, a human fell into the ruins, Asgore and Toriel took them in as their own, raising them with the same tenderness as their biological son Asriel. Though, not all was to be happy, as eventually, the human fell sick, and-
*A trident slams into the text box, shattering it into pieces.
"That's quite enough! This story... is not necessary...*Sniff*... I will... not... cry..."
*Asgore breaks into tears
And the human... passed, with the last request to see his village's flowers again. Asriel took the human's soul, fusing with it. He left the ruins with the human's body. Bringing them to their home, being attacked all the way. After he returned, he died.
"I wanted to kill them all... my wife left me... my children were dead... but I couldn't, I was too soft."
Asgore collected seven human souls to break the barrier, to set the monsters free. There was only one left.
"Frisk... my child."
Frisk reached Asgore, but as the two were about to fight, Asgore was stopped by Toriel. After some conversation, Flowey appeared, taking all the monster souls, as well as the seven human's souls. After being saved, Asriel broke the barrier, and Asgore led the monsters out, into a new world.
"We were happy, truly happy."
Then, Frisk was gone.
"I will not lose another child..."
Asgore Dreemur is king of the monsters, he has been since they can all remember. He was the king when they were driven into the underground, and he is still king when they've emerged.
"But you don't want to know about me, I'm just an old soul wh- wait... you do want to know about me? Well... it's not really a story for children... if you still insist, then fine, I warned you."
Asgore was the latest in a long line of monster royalty who had always been the enemies of humans, and Asgore was no exception, though it was a long and pointless war, Asgore still fought it, though it pained him to do so. Eventually he lost, and was forced into the underground with the rest of his species. Eventually he built a new home for him and his family, which he named... New Home... Asgore wasn't very good at naming things.
"There's no turning back after this! I don't mind if you go back! I don't want to tell this either... *Sigh* it cannot be helped, here goes."
Asgore was borne a son by his wife Toriel soon after. Not long after that, a human fell into the ruins, Asgore and Toriel took them in as their own, raising them with the same tenderness as their biological son Asriel. Though, not all was to be happy, as eventually, the human fell sick, and-
*A trident slams into the text box, shattering it into pieces.
"That's quite enough! This story... is not necessary...*Sniff*... I will... not... cry..."
*Asgore breaks into tears
And the human... passed, with the last request to see his village's flowers again. Asriel took the human's soul, fusing with it. He left the ruins with the human's body. Bringing them to their home, being attacked all the way. After he returned, he died.
"I wanted to kill them all... my wife left me... my children were dead... but I couldn't, I was too soft."
Asgore collected seven human souls to break the barrier, to set the monsters free. There was only one left.
"Frisk... my child."
Frisk reached Asgore, but as the two were about to fight, Asgore was stopped by Toriel. After some conversation, Flowey appeared, taking all the monster souls, as well as the seven human's souls. After being saved, Asriel broke the barrier, and Asgore led the monsters out, into a new world.
"We were happy, truly happy."
Then, Frisk was gone.
"I will not lose another child..."