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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by OnlyThePie
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OnlyThePie A Solitary Pastry

Member Seen 30 days ago

Name: Jim "Conduit" Evanston

Age: 37

Alignment/Position(Good/Evil, Gang-Member, Crimelord, etc.): Kingpin

Preferred Dialogue Color: Cyan 00aeef

Height: 5' 10"

Weight: 175 lbs

Appearance(Pictures not required, but appreciated): Short, coal-black hair, goatee of the same color. Both meticulously groomed, as an obsession. Dark brown eyes, vicious smile, startlingly white teeth. Lean and muscular, long arms. Jagged scar across chest, from below left armpit up over right shoulder. Thick, powerful legs.

Apparel: Prefers a Long Black Trench coat and rubber-soled combat boots. Black work pants and a white undershirt beneath. Wears a black 3 piece business suit and a yellow tie in formal occasions.

Lifestyle Notes (Marriage, Children, etc.): An extra apartment in Blake Tower, the tallest building in the city. Nothing fancy, just a place to hide.

Location (Political/Financial, Port, Commercial, Residential, or Industrial district): Industrial zone, beneath his primary property, the Evanston Metal Recycling plant, much of the East end of the Industrial district, closest to the Port district.

Afflictions: Moderate God Complex

Likes: Water, Smoke/Steam, Hard Work, Control, Fear

Dislikes: Non-corrupt Police, Insubordination, Laziness, Cats

Fears: An Uprising of his own or another Gang

Superhuman Ability and Description: Called by himself as " The Conduit Effect," Jim can drain energy from nearly any source he is in direct contact with. Most often this is electrical energy, as it's the most reasonably attainable. But he is capable of draining actual life and youth straight out of a person, which he does as a demonstration of his power on occasion. He is then capable of channeling this energy as raw electrical power, anywhere from small power surges to full scale thunderbolts or EMP blast waves.

History(At least a paragraph please): Raised working with his father at the port fishery, and motherless, Jim was forced to skip school 2-3 times a month to help his father at work to keep money flowing. Despite this, Jim managed to attend college and study business. Upon the completion of his education, Jim quickly started his Metal Recycling Plant in hopes of supporting his aging father. When his father was suddenly diagnosed with cancer, Jim turned to black business, opening a hidden drug trade through his factory. As his wealth rose, he raced to save the man who had cared for him. Despite what looked like remission, Hank Evanston died at the age of 64. Spurred on by this horrible incident, Jim expanded his operations, until he ran a massive illegal smuggling operation. Buying up more and more of the Industrial district under numerous fake companies and accounts. When the vase was opened, Jim discovered his powers would allow him to solidify his empire. As he forced members of his empire into submission by fear, he thought himself the son of a god. Using his ability, he forced other ganglords into submission, forcing them to pay tribute to him. While he didn't physically own the entire Industrial District, he expressed a vast control over the area.

Follower Information(If Crimelord): Jim's followers call themselves the Wires, like the tendrils of a vast electrical network. They refer to their boss only as "The Conduit" or sometimes "The Generator." Their express purpose is to carry out his will, and they avoid petty crimes like theft or muggings. That dirty work is left to the sub-lords of Jim's empire, the Ganglords and Gangs he has forced into submission and tributation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kharons Progeny
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Kharons Progeny You've Lost Your Obol, Poor Thing?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hekazu
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Hekazu Devout of Dice Gods

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Name: Samuel Parks

Age: 33

Alignment/Position: Gone mad with his new power, seeks to overtake a local gang of thugs. Not done yet.

Preferred Dialogue Color: That would be the ever so fitting f3d842

Height: 186cm

Weight: 65kg

Appearance: Samuel is a blonde by nature, but does his best to hide said fact by toning his hair to as natural shade of brown as he can find. This leads to him having shoulder length hair and aversion to growing a beard or a moustache as applying the new colour to them as well would just be too much effort. His eyes are brown like brandy, most of his facial expressions radiate friendliness and make him easily approachable, while his body is nothing of particular note. A slim character with few noteworthy muscles is a description he gives to people on that regard.

General Apparel: A gray suit with brown leather shoes and a teal shirt, typical business casual. If the need to be formal arises, he swaps the suit to a shade darker, the shirt to white and his tie to whatever he happens to fancy at the moment. He has a samll collection of them.

Lifestyle Notes: While Samuel has been in a few relationships, he has nothing going at the moment. A student of the N:th year at the local university as he puts it, even if he has graduated a few years back he still takes part in many activities of the students.

Location: Samuel lives near the park district without actually residing within it's borders, thus having a home on the edge of the eastern industrial area. The gang he is aiming for has parts of the park under their control.

Afflictions: Not completely immune to his own powers, Samuel is slow to heal wounds and/or hangovers and such, with the addition of this shaving a couple of years off his life if he ever gets to live it all the way. And with how this power has changed him, it does not seem too likely that he'd lay low.

Likes: Partying, video-games and creating computer software.

Dislikes: Hangovers, people threatening him, having to create computer software with strict time limits.

Fears: Death and on some level, God.

Superhuman Ability and Description: Degeneration Aura, or at least that is the closest of a good name he has figured out for what seems to happen around him, it effectively destroys organic tissue. Thus far he has only tested it on plantlife and once wielded it against a group of ruffians trying to mug him within the park. While inexperienced at hendling the power and unaware of the scale it can reach, Samuel has found out that the aura seems to never rest. No matter how hard he tries to shut the effect down, he finds any houseplants he spends more than three hours nearby seem to start withering away and on a conscious effort he did manage to kill a cactus with fourty-five minutes. What he does not know is that if pushed to the current limit (disregarding the not yet discussed feature of the power), the aura would kill a man within an hour and a half by damaging too much of the delicate blood circulation system, a combined effect of braincells, veins, heart and lungs breaking apart with natural regenration being too slow to save the victim. The other property of the aura is that it seems to be able to strenghten into semi-solid objects. While this shuts down the area effect, he managed to drive away the thugs that attacked him with a whip-like shape formed of the aura. Each lash burned a black mark into the target's flesh, killing the cells on it's way. He has nothing supernatural against non-living though: A rock on his way is an obstacle as it would be to anyone else.

History: Parks grew a few hundred kilometres away from the larger Vale city, back on the mainland in a town called Mercy Hill. Mercy Hill was, and probably still is, a peaceful community with nothing really interesting about it. Samuel enjoyed his childhood without notable incidents, went to school with good grades despite the otherwise reigning attitude of not caring about it and eventually came to the conclusion to aim for military service. To him it just sounded right: To serve one's country and to learn in case of emergency. What he found was none of that. Instead he was dragged into pointless wars (at the very least in his opinion), having to kill his fellow man to ensure he and his friends did well. Thoroughly disappointed in what the military ended up being, Samuel pushed through with sheer determination and headed back to studying as soon as possible. While he applied for several fields of science in different schools it was eventually the Vale City that took him in. His original plan was to learn what the place had to offer and then head back to Mercy Hill, but in the end he grew way too attached to the student community and thoughts of leaving were slowly but surely pushed aside by the idea of staying. Landing a job within the city was the final confirmation: Vale City was his home now.

One day, out of nowhere he gained his odd powers. At first he was afraid, but not much later he figured out he could use this to fight the government that had made him fight for them. Perhaps he could turn this country into the correct direction? Just maybe bringing the fight could show them... He'd need to start small though. Most important of all would be to not let people recognise him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Narrator
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The Narrator The friendly Voice inside your Head

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aleksandr Kain

Age: 25

Alignment/Position: Evil, Independent Agent.
Preferred Dialogue Color(please put the color code): F0E68C

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 158 lb.

Appearance: Aleksandr is a tall, lean man, with dark brown eyes, which are usually almost covered by his long brown bangs.

General Apparel: Alek wears a hoodie over a white dress shirt, and washed grey-black jeans. He wears black leather gloves when on the job, as to not leave fingerprints. He wears black boots with good traction at all times, and warm wool socks. It gets cold and rainy in Vale City.

Lifestyle Notes: Since he graduated from college, he has lived alone, in his apartment in a pretty swanky building by the Pier on the North Side of the Residential District. He has been thinking about getting a cat. Cats are cool.

Location: Apartment in the Residential District.

Afflictions: Alek has mild bouts of vertigo. Luckily, these appear quite rarely, but in extremely stressful situations (i.e: A gunfight on top of a skyscraper, a car chase along the edge of the docks, etc,) he begins to feel dizzy, and his depth perception begins to go, at distances beyond arms' reach.

Likes: Cats, music, money (lots of it,) and one-upping the arrogant.

Dislikes: Needless cruelty, arrogance, those who go out of their way to inconvenience you.

Fears: Not dying, but being hurt beyond the point of recovery, and then becoming either comatose or crippled.

Superhuman Ability and Description:

Speed Calling
Alek can draw upon a hidden reserve of speed, in either small bursts, or a long period of time. He can go up to 60 MPH for a 3 second burst, or up to 20 MPH over a 3 minute run. It gets exponentially faster, as the time gets shorter. After which, he simply cannot move that fast, as in, he cannot reach that speed until twelve hours have passed. His senses and reactions are adjusted so he can react to things while moving that quickly.

History: Alek was always that one rich kid. Everybody knows him, that one guy who always had the latest phone, the best clothes, and threw all the parties? Yeah, that was Alek. Born to a fairly well-off banker, and a rich newspaper mogul, Alek got into the best of private schools, and eventually, colleges, all while keeping his powers secret.

He received a wide education in engineering, mechanical and architectural, and had planned on becoming an architect, before both of his parents were killed in a highly suspicious 'accident'. Normally, their child would get the inheritance in the will, but due to a legal issue, the Bank of Vale City took their millions, and left Alek penniless. Due to this, Alek looked into their deaths, and discovered that the Vale City Bank system had hired a man called 'Mongoose' to arrange for their demise. Hunting him down, Alek found and killed 'Mongoose', but the money was long gone.

A bitter Alek turned to crime, and began to use his powers and skills to rob banks discretely, take out gangs, and orchestrate traps. He is for hire as an entry/retrieval specialist, 'fixer', and cleanup agent, but his prices are exorbitant.

Follower/Gang Information: No gang.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wade Wilson
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Wade Wilson bruh.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thaddeus Dron
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Thaddeus Dron The Nubbiest

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Vincent Johnson, aka Prophet
Age: 45
Alignment/Position(Good/Evil, Gang-Member, Crimelord, etc.): Lawful Evil Crime lord
Preferred Dialogue Color(please put the color code): [color=8882be][/color]
Height: 6'3
Appearance(Pictures not required, but appreciated):

General Apparel: Prophet is often suited, it is widely known that he'd rather look good than win- though he rarely loses. A bigger gentleman, Vincent favors the classic three piece suit over something more contemporary, he looks like he walked right out of a Dick Tracy comic.
Lifestyle Notes (Marriage, Children, Pets etc.): Prophet is a ladies man at heart, if he has a weakness, it is a willing smile and a pair of breasts. He has a number of children, but he claims none openly. Honestly, the man could probably open an orphanage. He has a pit bull named Zeus- he's honey brown with yellow eyes. It is joked that the dog is the only consistent bitch in his life.
Location (The City is home to 5 districts, choose one: Political/Financial, Port, Commercial, Residential, or Industrial district; describe which parts of the district your gang controls, or where your hero lives):Prophet aspires to be a politician, so his struggle is in keeping a clean image in the midst of all the profit that is to be made illegally. His network is primarily in the political district, spilling over to the port for reasons of utility.
Afflictions: Aging.
Likes: Dogs, women
Dislikes: liars, rats, children
Fears: exposure- being lied to, being betrayed
Superhuman Ability and Description: Telekinesis (Movement) Pushing/pulling objects with his mind. The larger the object, the closer that Prophet needs to be to it to move it. Further concentration on an object (and further familiarity) allows him to affect properties of the object, to be learned in later levels.
History(At least a paragraph, preferably more): Vincent was a scholarly student, with a swagger to match his brash attitude. At first, the young man's intellect allowed him a finer education, but after high-school his parents died in a shootout in the residential district, and he was forced to abandon his exploits to fend for himself so he did not end up in the foster system. He immediately took to the streets, gaining favor as a means for survival. There was a time where he was no longer surviving, he was thriving. It was at that point he adopted his following. Specializing in smuggling illegal goods from one district to another, Prophet easily builds relationships and adds to his territory, which is more of an agreed courtesy between the more violent gangs.
Follower/Gang Information(If Crimelord): The BLC (Blacklight Cartel) Spies, information and intrigue are his main caveats, he only has two assassins, though they are formidable in their own right. The majority of his contacts are just that, contacts, and not street thugs. He doesn't have the manpower that other bosses do, which allows him for some interesting alliance prospects.
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