@Zeeb Blade@Gentlemanvaultboy@Alina13 Time to go to your dorms and sleep/start doing something that'll take you the night. So I can start the next day.
@Alina13 Your school teacher if you are a diviner is professor Thoth. If you leave the dorm area the will be a floating mysterious cloak telling you what your first 'lesson' of the day is. Once you leave your dorm building you will magically know the way but dont describe the building as i shall do that... @Alina13
@AlicePleasanceLiddell Ruby should've ticked the box Water Mage to make it more precise and Adam the Beast speaker... I'm guessing you are not going to use Cassie?
Hey @Minimum , I think it would be better and more interesting if we moved more freely. It's kind of tiring this way, like waiting for everything to happen and following an exact programm (like meet the professors do this do that etc)
@AlicePleasanceLiddellok. Surd do that. Its fine. Just end up going to meet the professors first. Its important so you gain a description of the professorsand the schoo buildings. Remember this is an introduction day so it will be more ordered than a normal day.