Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by terrence


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Nation: The pirate kingdoms.

Government: Confederacy. Currently headed by the full sail rovers pirate crew by overwhelming military power. The head of state is given the title of admiral. Individual leaders of retreat have the right to overturn decisions made by the admiral by majority vote, and each of the retreats is considered an autonomous entitiy within the confederacy.

Head of state: Admiral Juan Garcia: An eslean pirate of great infamy, Juan garcia's story is one of betrayal, bloodshed and opression. In the times before teach united the pirate retreats under one banner, Garcia ran his own little corner of the islands like a cruel tyrant. The natives were enslaved and amde to work so that garcia and his crew could indulge in the pleasures of life on a tropical island without having to lift a finger themselves.

Naturally, this state of affairs was overturned when Edward Teach codified the pirate code. Garcia had been told his iron-fisted rule over his personal holdings would not be compromised. Teach called it a white lie for the good of everyone, but the eslean never forgave him for it.

Now, political upheaval and an ill-timed tirade on teach's part has allowed the eslean to take control over the nation. The people support him wholeheartedly as the exposer of teach's 'tyranny'. Only time will tell how this change in leadership will affect the peace Teach has brokered in the region.

Demographics: the pirate kingdoms Are a relatively new political entity. Formed from individual pirate retrears in the many smaller islands between ausches and iorosis who soon after their unification adopted the local native peoples as protectorates. In demographic terms. The actual pirates are outnumbered by natives by about 3 to 1, though the unification also came with multiple initiatives to reduce tensions between natives and pirates with the intent of peaceful coexistence. Quite a few of the younger citizens are of mixed parentage as a result of this. And it is very unlikely relations will significantly worsen apart from the occasional incident caused by an insolent priate captain not following the code of conduct.

Ideologies and religion: The Pirate kingdoms codified a set of laws shortly after their formation colloqualliy referred to as the pirate code. It covers a great range of subject, with most of it focusing on individual freedom and lack of social classism. It was a necessity to create laws like this to keep the many different nationalities of btoh colonial and native descent from causing internal friction.

In terms of religion, most pirates of colonial descent follow the cayleanite sect of the iomedaeic church. An age-old monotheistic religion that reformed their doctrines when it became undeniable gods other than iomedae existed. The church acknowledges other gods as existing but does not officially sanction the prayer of such individual minor gods. The cayleanite sect follows the teachings of a god of freedom, change and hedonism. A fact also quite reflected in many passages of the pirate code. The native tribes follow a wide variety of minor local deities mostly based upon animist principles, though some tribes have begun moving away from these deities in favor of the cayleanite sect. This naturally creates some friction with more traditionalist natives, though so far the problem has been contained to peaceful protests.

Economy: The pirate kingdoms have little local production and are under trade embargo by all of the colonies. However, the lax regulations and high volume of goods seized from trade vessels make the islands a flourishing hub for black market trade. The largest players in this illegal market besides the pirate kingdoms themselves are the ogre khanate to the west and the combined criminal underground of the colonies.

Military: As a nation consisting mostly of disparate islands, the main military focus of the pirates lies in naval combat ability. They have acces to ships and tactics similiar to that used by the colonial navies. Though their fleet has become somewhat outdated in recent years due to bad relations with the mainland. However, an advantage the pirates have over the colonies is the presence of sea-dwelling undine natives. Pirates of undine descent are feared as effective boarders and skirmishers, as their amphibian biology allows them to freely manouver without an actual ship.

The organization of the pirate navy is modeled heavily after that of the aquilaan colonial navy, as it is a framework admiral teach has worked with for years and years. The supreme commander of the naval forces is admiral teach. Detachments of the main naval force are referred to as squadrons, and are commanded by captains appointed by the admiral based upon merit. The pirates navy is among the strongest in the archipelo. With only the aquilaan colonial navy being a truly fair matchup. Over the years, this has led to a strong rivalry between notable pirates and navy officers.

Foreign relations: The pirate kingdoms are quite disliked by the colonies, who view them as being a rogue state created by outlaws and freebooters. As well as a threat to their trade interests in the region. The smaller native nations view them with ambivalence, as their only reall interactions with them are the occasional black market deal for firearms or other goods of comparable illegality. The ogre khanate has generally good relations with them due to a long-standing history of mutually profitable trade. A strip of beach from the main landmass of iorosis was even granted to the pirates to forge more permanent good relations between the two nations. At the current time however, a severe diplomatic incident has heavily soured relations. Something not easily remedied due to the decentralized nature of both sides. Things are also brewing on the northeastern part of the confederacy, A faction lead by captain jaun Garcia is unhappy with the reforms pushed through by admiral edward teach. Before the unification, they used their superior position to the natives to carve out their own personal playgrounds on the backs of the locals. This state of affairs was ended when admiral teach personally stepped in to enforce compliance with the pirate code. For this, captain Garcia has always resented the admiral, and by extension, the confederation.

Recent political happenings have given Garcia an oppurtunity to openly revolt and break off from the confederation. A war has been brewing between the colonies an the dwarven dominions. And an offer for naval support from garcia to the dwarves was met with a mostly positive answer. This is a worrying development, as garcia and his cronies make up about a third of the naval forces of the confederation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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Nation: Da Ogre Khanate

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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{Sorry about the shortness, I was stumped on what to put}

Nation: Goelre

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