Is there still time for me to jump in and join this?
Is there still time for me to jump in and join this?Just try to find an empty spot somewhere.
Is there still time for me to jump in and join this?
You could but I recommend getting used to RPGuild a bit more. NRPs don't tend to be all to friendly to new guys from what I've seen in the past, nothing personal to you of course.
Fingers crossed..BrusaleyeType of Government
Brusaleyans or Brusians, operate a self identified "Socialist republic" but in reality, more of a Kratocrocy.
The government is obsessed with "equality". all things are shared and personal liberties aren't enforced and in most cases, ignored. There is in fact a ruling class, the 'Bradoks' or 'Rightfuls' as they are the descendants of the original Socialist leaders. These 'Bradoks' lead the armies and control nearly every aspect of people's lives.
There is freedoms of expression but to commence a rally or focus group (let alone a demonstration) a full written request must be made, passed by local and lesser federal leaders, and ratified in local courts. There are very few demonstrations in the nation.
The government does its best to be fair when delegating professions at birth, be it army or factory worker. The idea is for one to be as productive in their field as possible. And so far it has worked out for the most part.
The following individuals are the de'facto leaders. Even though control is "shared" by the people, these figureheads make the nations real choices.
Grand High lord for all eternity, His majesty, Lamarr LaChance.
Lamarr was an early immigrant to the continent and was very unimpressed with the backwards populace of modern Brusaleye. He went on to teach the native inhabitants the ways (of that period in history) of modern society. By the time of his death, Brusaleye had grown into a continental powerhouse.
Lamarr has a complete cult of personality. Massive monuments of his breaking mountains in half to portraits depicting a single, amazingly buff manly man pushing a tall building upright.
In reality, he was of moderate build with a short receding hairline. Most of those pictures have since been destroyed.
His official cause of death was stating that his time to ascend was here and wanted to watch over his people for eternity, so he passed on.
In reality, he had contracted syphilis shortly after his son was born. Over time, it started to drive him mad due to the brain damage it was causing. His son, 23 at the time, decided it was best to have Lamarr killed peacefully so that he didn't tarnish his image with potentially devastating orders.
Lord General, President Sydney LaChance.
A direct descendant of the legendary Lamarr. He is the current head and is still forced to deal with the ever increasing strength of foreigners near his lands.
Sydney is of moderate build with an aged, chiseled face. He isn't very unique in build or tall but he does possess a very deep, smooth voice. Deeper than a man of his build would suggest.
General Madugnya
General Sahid Salem
Brusaleye's economic position is strong considering its relative seclusion from the major land trade capabilities of the western nations. Regardless of this, they have made their own fortune with the bounty from their own fertile lands.
Metal working and certain cheap yet reliable products are their major trade export capacities. Other than that, their products are rather lackluster.Primary Species:
Humanity comprises nearly 80% of the population. There hasn't been a real census in over a century due to the varying races that make up the nation.
Most any race and prior nationality could exist due to their history of welcoming war refugees and other mass immigrations.
Roughly 190,000,000.
A recent population boom has begun due to laws demanding every family unit to produce at least two offspring.
Official culture portrays a life devoted to family and honor. A place of which heroes and saints are born.
Behind the gold laden facade is a place of content workers and little opportunity. The people are generally caring and polite but few have aspirations in life aside from being better in their government mandated fields.
The military does have a somewhat heightened dedication than the other classes just by the perceived aggressive expansion by neighboring colonies. This perception hasn't exploded into hate or fear but it is definitely a thought that lingers in the back of many a soldiers mind.
Religious and Other Beliefs
Any religion could exist within the borders but the country does not recognize any. The nation requires a life pledged to it, which some say is nearly a religion of its own.
Long before the nations of the west began developing into full communities, humans on the eastern continent were starting to sail their immediate seas. They possessed strong organized religions and advanced technology for their time. Somewhere along the way, things just stopped progressing.
By the time the west caught up, the easterners had actually begun regressing out of what is most likely the absence of a challenge. Eventually some of the western pioneers landed on the eastern nations shores, they found a complacent land with disorganized communities.
Lamarr was one of these pioneers. He saw the potential of the native people. Their ingenuity was intense and devotion to ideals were extreme. Had they found their identity and pushed as they had before, they could've been a true contender in that time,possibly rivaling any nation in existence.
Lamarr couldn't have that, he wanted a nation of his own that would stay devoted to his will so he hoarded the existing wonders of the eastern native and made it his own. The natives saw these feats as a gift from a blessed man rather than ideas stolen from their ancestors.
There were conflicts along the way but his rise to power was generally peaceful. He finally stopped in the south along a mountain range and in the west by another region of natives that he didn't have the immediate strength to conquer.
By the time Lamarr got the delusion that the west was coming for him and pillage his lands, he fortified his new nation and filled the inhabitants with ideals. His ideals.
Over time, more immigrants from the west brought ideas and technologies, giving his nation a fighting chance in this quickly shrinking world. Gone was the time of exploration. When Lamarr passed, his nation was still progressing rapidly and by some miracle, was still able to keep up with his new rivals.
The colonies of the west gave the nation chances to examine technology from afar and gain ideas. Airships confounded the people and after many attempts to replicate the majesty of air battleships, simply gave up. They decided to find cheaper methods to counter them.
Enter the rocket.
And with it, the modern age of Brusaleye had begun.Territories
The homeland is all they own, which will be the large open territory at the northern part of the middle continent.
Cities, Bases, etc.:
Capitol city Lamarstus
Will add, TBA
Climate and Agriculture:
The coastal regions are temperate and usually breezy. The Dee interior is more plains than anything. A month long wet season fuels a year of mild dry lands. These areas aren't very capable of real crop growth so the majority of the agriculture is done along the outer parts of the nation.
The majority of the ground is dense, allowing heavier vehicles to drive over without the fear of sinking. However, the mid region is very soft ground. Anything heavier than 15t would find it difficult to traverse.
Industry is strong in Brusaleye. Many factories pour tons of black soot into the sky every day. Metal working and mass production is common place. Many speculate that the nation produces stuff to produce stuff as there are fields that have rows of empty turretless tanks and engineless aircraft.
Main Imports:
Oil and other flammable materials to fuel the fires of the many foundries of the nation, (they do not want to use their considerable reserves.) Precious metals.
Exotic foods are quite popular as well as ships of both civilian and military use.
Main Exports:
Anything that the nation has the capacity to build. Mostly mass produced furniture, machine parts and smelted metals.
Tanks, cars, cheap rifles and aircraft are the primary military exports.
They never tried to be the best, but merely good enough.
Brusaleye's military might is centered around practicality and mobility. Where others deploy combat walkers, Brusaleye will trample with rows upon rows of tanks.
What they may lack in super exotic armor and the highest caliber death projectors, they make up for with effective simplicity and sheer numbers.
Soldier scouting with a scoped Ar-9
Modern infantry uses a variety of weapons and tactics when on the field, most in conjunction with armored vehicles and/or air support. These soldiers are broken into small squads of ten that possess a single simple radio. These squads are trained to communicate and not break discipline under stress.
Though this isn't a guarantee for every situation, commanders all agree that communication is necessary for any conflict and the more precise that communication is, the more lethality can be brought against ones foes.![]()
T-a38 Tank exercises.
Lethality doesn't stop at squad level either. Brusaleye armored forces are just as adept as their infantry brothers. Be it simple cars to the most modern T-a38 tank, all are crewed by the best the nation has to offer.
Many vehicles in operation are made for mobility and ruggedness. The unforgiving plains can wreak havoc upon machines of all shapes and sizes. Brusaleye machines are made for those conditions. Well protected and ventilated tanks and easy to clean motors give the best protection during the sand storms of the summer and easy attach points for tank plows give them the ability to literally pave the way during the unforgiving winters in the northern parts of the nation.
Armored vehicles are fairly fast for their class and boast decent firepower on that platform. Most vehicles have slightly lighter than average armor (though they are efficiently sloped) to protect against sinking in soft ground which is abundant in the interior of the nation.
T-r13 airship killer
Artillery exists in many shapes, from simple squad mortars to heavy 180mm howitzers and the fierce 125mm rocket battery.
Artillery was also developed to counter the every increasing threat of aircraft, be it low flying or high altitude. The biggest issue though was the airship.
When Brusaleye saw its first airships, they were confounded by them and scared of their potential. Leaders quickly issued an order to build their own versions but none except small observational blimps were effective. They just couldn't grasp the technology and materials necessary to build these behemoths.
So they took to the drawing board. Conventional artillery shells could be effective but judging from the big guns on those ships, mobile cannons wouldn't be a threat. Air forces would be a threat for airships but there couldn't be sole reliance on one platform.
The army went to the drawing board once more and reflected in whaling techniques as a last resort. An seemingly idiotic thought led to a cheap but effective defensive measure. Fire a big rocket with a shaped charge right at the damned thing.
These rockets are high velocity and while nearly impossible to use against aircraft, these had a high probability of hitting an airship and with the length of the projectile, it could punch far into the craft.
This measure was put into full production and is readily seen in every city on static mounts and mobile on platforms like the T-r13, sometimes lovingly called the 'popper'.
Soldiers loading aboard a F-c19 Sky Hopper
The Military is not without advancements though. Soldiers needing deployment along the vast plains could not always rely on trucks. New technologies had to be made in the form of the turbo prop.
Rockets as aerial propulsion had promise but proved to be less effective than they hoped and the jet engine never left blue prints.
The turbo prop led to many fixed winged aircraft designs. however many didn't out perform the supercharged propeller engines of existing models.
Fm-x1 flying prototype. The grandfather of the modern F-a21 Saber.
It wasn't long before a young aviation designer, Yadon Mokunga developed the variable angle engine platform, or more easily titled 'tilt rotor' was born.
This gave life to the mighty turboprop. After a few decades, tilt rotor prototypes evolved into fighters and bombers that could fly as fast and high as any conventional aircraft but with the added benefit of not needing a runway.
Cargo transporting took a similar path as larger designs were pushed through which led to modern variants like the 'Sky hopper'.
The nation never put too much stock into a strong navy aside from submarines so the surface navy is primarily purchased vessels. They are updated and customized to fit Brusaleye's needs but are still very lackluster in today's navies.
Brusaleye has long sought to be the best but they know all too well that every other nation desires that as well.
Characters and relations will be added here.
Private POV; a new character that was born sometime and somewhere. Will likely resemble Rambo because... Rambo.
The United Provinces of Aurelia, a fusion of Australia/America of OTL, population est: 54 million, government type: Republic with a three tier political system; National, Provincial, Territory. A fusion of Colonies and Independant states that unified after a political revolution (not!Italia).
I want to check if this is allowed since I've been told that the continent I'm on is our version of Africa...
<Snipped quote by Combo move>
As much as I hate to criticize another socialist nation, some of this technology seems too advanced. Your population is rather high, but that's appropriate as long as you're a relatively undeveloped nation. First of all, tilt-rotor aircraft were invented in the 70s or 80s if I recall, and if you have aircraft you should probably only have comparatively few of them, and your tanks appear very modern even if you don't have any death walkers or things like that.
@Combo move
I apologize because I'm probably not going to write as much as you did but as Midhar proposed Previously, I think you should scale back tech, despite you being a migrant nation with the fre flow of ideas because most of the world probably sees you as land ripe for the picking and if you get just too advanced, they'll descend on you like a flock of harpies. Maybe have sub par tech, rely on one or two things and be close friend with the other socialist nation.
<Snipped quote by Combo move>I take it as the appearance of his tanks is more of an aesthetic than implying he has MBTs this early. Same with the Osprey lookalike.
As much as I hate to criticize another socialist nation, some of this technology seems too advanced. Your population is rather high, but that's appropriate as long as you're a relatively undeveloped nation. First of all, tilt-rotor aircraft were invented in the 70s or 80s if I recall, and if you have aircraft you should probably only have comparatively few of them, and your tanks appear very modern even if you don't have any death walkers or things like that.
However, this is Willy's area of expertise, so I would invite him to suggest a more compatible technological level. The idea is that the other continents are "colonial", at least somewhat less developed areas and your nation seems to be both large, populated and of comparable tech. I'm not asking you to revert to biplanes and those treaded monstrosities we call WW1 tanks, but just some sort of meaningful step backwards in the level of military tech and industrial development.
<Snipped quote by Louis Dabout>
As long as you're not as well developed as the other nations (as I enumerated to combo move) it seems perfectly fine.
Well the UPA would be like Japan in 1940s... cool?
Seems like you can choose between Ceresia, Verendes and my Yllenthyr as your former "owners".
Forgot to add this. I am using the color pink
@Willy VerebI suggest making a PM discussion between you, me, Isotope and Serpentine88.
The only map I could find was the one on the first page, detailing existing nations.
If the placement is not an issue then yes, I'd love ideas thrown my way.
I mean, I've went on that pirate pad three times now and no one is ever there to work out history...
All of this hinges on the nation being accepted though.Read between the lines. You are practically accepted already. Only need to work out some details.
<Snipped quote by Louis Dabout>
>Points to Fuso and Izuno