Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 3 mos ago

the master rubbed his chin looking at bristle "well you activate the first seal... then you can go out and work like the others" he states "there is multiple ways to activate it, the best method is with your own mind so you don't even need to move, one point you'll be able to do it without even a glance at your hand and you can adjust your magic easier... heck at one point you wont need the seal anymore" he states "you must find a method to activate it for now, now it'll stay activated once you do it, but it's not like your magic will just flow out off you, no instead you'll then have access to that amount of magic" he states "no matter what you should get the lowest level when you activate it this time, but in the future it will be unclear what seal levels you will get when you activate it for more power" he tells bristle. "I'll let you find an suitable method for now so you can start training"

The Master would look over at Mecca and then at Alex and sighs "I said you must concentrate, just staring at your hands will do nothing!" he states "Look for your essence of magic, your source inside of yourself then draw from it to create the sphere, and like i said don't force it or it will kill you" he states again "Focus, Concentrate!"
@booksmusicanime @Rex
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Bristle nodded like he understood everything that was being said, he did more or less. He took a few steps back making sure he had a clear area around him and concentrated, use only your mind hm? Bristle stared at his hand and mentally grabbed at the card laying there on the top. With agonizing slowness the card slowly lifted up and was held in front of him. He could feel the power coming from the card, this was amazing. He wasn't quite sure how to use it yet though and he certainly didn't want to try to do anything recklessly given they'd been warned multiple times that doing this could kill them. Should he try drawing power from the card? Turn the card into power, maybe try turning the card into the sphere? Bristle thought it over slowly as he examined the card closely and tried to figure out what to do next.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Zephyr loved the look of the canyon they were in. If this is where they would be training he would enjoy it quite a bit. Then what the master said hit him, "wait, months?" He was sure he wouldn't get an answer about it, but it was crazy to think that months had passed when it felt like he was only asleep for the night. Whatever though, he knew that doing this would mean being gone from home for a long time, possibly forever. The other started dispersing, and the master wanted to talk to Bristle away from the others. Zephyr found a nice spot and sat down cross-legged.

Closing his eyes and putting his hands in a circular shape in front of him, he took a deep breath to clear his mind. Meditation was something he did on a daily basis. Well, used to, considering he had been asleep for several months according to the master. Still, it came naturally to him after all this time. He opened up to the sensations around him, the faint breeze through the field, the sounds of the others as they tried to access their magic. He remembered what the master said, do not control the magic, let it flow.

After some time, Zephyr felt tingling in his hands. He looked down and saw tendrils of energy flowing from is palms. Taking another deep breath, he focused on it, causing the energy to swirl until it was finally a sphere. Remembering what the master said about not getting overly emotional, Zephyr made the sphere go away before pumping his fist in the air excitedly. He wasn't sure if he was the first or the last person to get it but he was just happy he did it at all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rex
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The Master would look over at Mecca and then at Alex and sighs "I said you must concentrate, just staring at your hands will do nothing!" he states "Look for your essence of magic, your source inside of yourself then draw from it to create the sphere, and like i said don't force it or it will kill you" he states again "Focus, Concentrate!"
@booksmusicanime @Rex

Look for the essence? How the hell are we supposed to find it when we have no idea what we’re looking for? Alex thought. Alex took a deep breath and pushed his hunger aside and closed his eyes. He wasn’t sure what he was looking for. He stood there for a few moments until he heard a humming sound. It almost sounded like the humming sound one would hear near a telephone pole as the electricity went through it. He opened his eyes and the humming disappeared. He looked around for the source, but couldn’t find it.

He closed his eyes again and concentrated, but once again the humming came back and it made it hard for him to focus. He sighed and opened his eyes before he said to the master, “with all due respect sir. This little pocket of reality you made is making it hard to concentrate. It’s like I’m standing near a telephone pole. All I can hear is the humming of electricity going through the wires. Is that normal for this kind of magic?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Mecca let out a small, annoyed noise in the back of her throat but closed her eyes and let her mind relax. She sat for around a minute with her eyes closed—thinking of the canyon that was around her—when she felt her hands tingle. Her eyes hesitantly opened and she saw a small amount of energy but enough to let her make a sphere. This time she kept her eyes open and focused only on the energy in her hands and forming it into a sphere. She let the small sphere stay in her cupped hands for a few moments before she let it dissipate.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The master would look annoyed and suddenly appeared infront of alex flicking his head "idiot use your head and put two and two together" he says annoyed "Science and Magic are two different things, and if you can't hear it when your not concentrating then it's not my magic idiot" he says "use your head instead of just assuming things"


He claps his hands "good, good.. little weak which is strange.. for that color.. but good you got a wild energy in you, red.. the color of a wild nature" he says "you'll need to work a lot on building up that energy on the inside.. let alone fully control it, or find other ways to gather energy which would be to dangerious to learn so soon" he states "now Mecca I want you to begin the phyiscal training, start taking full laps around this place, it should be simple to do, I'd say 20 laps will do without slowing down" he states


he raised his eyebrow at Zephyr "well that's good... sense you managed to get the sphere as well, begin on your phyiscal training as well, same as Mecca, 20 laps no walking" he says.


He looked at bristle and sighed appearing next to him from how much thought his putting into it "think of the cards like keys more then sources of power" he tells him "concentrate on the card and have it 'release' when it does the card will vanish.. then you'll probably feel something strange inside... once you feel that concentrate on it and try to create the sphere" he tells him "as you train in magic you'll be training to control your energy far more than the others" he states "until you have proper control over your abnormal amount of energy and it's.... nature then you will have to deal with this strange method" he tells him. "it's either that or i could unless it all and allow you to simply kill yourself."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rex
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“Ow!” Alex said as he stepped back and rubbed his forehead before he said, “Geez, I’m getting the feeling you have something against me. I only ask because this magic thing is all new to me. Not all of us come from a family that explains magic. Hell, I found out about magic not too long ago.” Alex sighed and closed his eyes to concentrate once again. He does have a good point. If I’m the only one t hear the humming, then that means this is where the magic is coming from. Like an electrical current Alex thought.

In Alex’s mind he saw telephone poles all connected by electrical wires. He was able to go into the wires and see what looked like electricity running through the wires. Not electricity. Magic! He saw the magical currents running back and forth through the wires. He held out his hand and waited. For a few seconds nothing happened. I can see where the magic is coming from, so why can’t I use it? Alex thought. Maybe, it’s not as simple as finding the magic, but pulling it out to use it? In Alex’s mind he saw his hand reach out to the wires. As his hand got closer, the
magic slowly flowed out of the fires and into his hand.

Alex opened his eyes to discover a sphere of magic in the palm of his hand. it was the size of a golf ball. The magic in his eyes looked almost electric. Like he had pulled it right out of an electrical wire. The small sphere soon pulsed then disappeared. Alex fell to one knee like all the energy was zapped from his body.

“Well, guess I found the magic,” Alex laughed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Yes sir!" Mecca said, hopping to her feet. She waited for him to walk away before she started running, pacing herself so she didn't wear herself out fast. As she ran her first lap, her loose-hanging blond hair flew out behind her slightly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Bristle nodded fractionally, "No sir, this is fine" in a somewhat strained voice while still focusing on the card. Release it hm? He mentally let get go of the card and it dissolved into a stream of something that floated around his body. It was almost euphoric, was this what magic was? He could feel it flowing through his body, now he had to form it into a sphere. Using the same trick he used to grab the card, he grabbed the magic streaming and tried to make it go between his hands.

It roughly sloshed against his mental walls eventually getting most of it to condense between his hands. Now dropping the walls he made to get the magic there he tried to from it into a sphere with his mental hands. He pushed it closer and closer together, squishing it into a shape. Several seconds later he had managed to materialize a sphere, well more of an oval, about the size of an apple.

The sphere was warbling and nearly fell apart before Bristle but his hands back into place holding it together. It stayed together a bit better but after a couple more moments it fell into nothingness. Bristle sighed exhaustedly, how had doing that taken so much energy from him. Checking his magic level he still had a bit of residue from his card but not enough to make another sphere. "I guess I'm on laps now right?" he asked, both dreading and expecting the answer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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"Hai," Zephyr shook his head after speaking, old habits die hard he supposed, "I mean, yes sir." Zephyr stretched for a moment before starting his laps, he'd really messed his legs one time when he ran without stretching, he wasn't going to let that happen again. As Mecca was making her way around Zephyr figured he'd run with her, laps were always easier when you had someone to talk with and distract you from being tired, at least that's how he found it. "Hey, wait up," he jogged up and kept pace with her, "I'm pretty sure we haven't been formally introduced, I'm Zephyr. I'd shake your hand, but, you know," he shrugged his shoulders and laughed as they ran.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@duskshine749 @Eklispe @booksmusicanime @Rex
During this entire time they may have not noticed but their bodies was aching in pain not to long ago and throughout the time they have been in this canyon that pain has subsided, they have slowly started to feel more energetic.

The master nods to bristle and Alex "you both need to work better on manipulating your magic espically your imagery" he says looking at alex "... but you both barely managed the sphere so ya to laps with the both of you" he states "move quickly and keep moving you got a lot of laps to do"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Mckenna. Though Mecca for short. It's nice to meet you Zephyr." Mecca said sending a small glance at him. Her golden eyes sparkled with amusement at his comment. "This running isn't bad actually...I was kinda dreading it when he said to run twenty laps." Mecca spoke quietly as she focused on her breathing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Alex sighed and stood up before he stretched and said, “Laps it is then. I may not know much about magic right now, but physical work is something I’m used to. That would be thanks to my mother teaching me MMA.” Alex smiled before he began to run the laps. His mother always made him run around the gym before teaching him MMA. Said it was to help the blood flow and pump the adrenaline through your body. Physical work is my forte, so I should be good. Alex thought.

“By the way master,” Alex asked as he ran past him and added. “When will we get out stuff back? I’m guessing by the end of all this, but maybe if you could. Let me have my IPod? Running without music is kind of dull. Plus, music helps the adrenaline. That’s what I feel anyway”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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"Ya, you'd think our muscles would be sore if we were really asleep for months, but I'm feeling pretty good." As if to illustrate his point, he sped up slightly then ran backwards so he could look at her head on for a moment. I smile came to him, he was going to like it here, no matter how bad the training got. He faced forward again and fell back in line with her. "So why did you decide to come here, if you don't mind telling me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Bristle grimaced with a repressed sigh of acceptance. He had the feeling the master wasn't really big on complaining. He slowly started a nice jog and kept speeding up the slightest bit until he was at a comfortable pace. Bristle had plenty of experience running from things, in fact he was surprised his muscles still worked. Bristle looked at everyone else talking amongst themselves, that seemed unwise given how spartan the master seemed. Though perhaps he wouldn't mind as long as chit chat didn't interfere with training, though Bristle wasn't sure what running had to do with magic anyway, but he certainly wasn't going to say that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Eklispe @duskshine749 @Rex @booksmusicanime

The Master watched them he'd seem annoyed at what Alex said "Technology interferes with training, no music" he states "not all magic interacts well with technology, and therefor can cause a disaster" he states, then he looked to Bristle "O by the way I know exactly what your thinking" he states "Magic is more than just energy, it is alive it is dangerous" he says loudly for all to hear "Not only can emotions effect it, your own physical capabilities can affect your magic" he states "If you have more magic then your body can withstand it will kill you, it will burn you up from the inside and turn you into a smoke corpse" he says "You must train your bodies to hold the magic, you must train your bodies to withstand even the hardest hits, this is to insure your survivability both when casting magic, and getting hit by other magic" he shakes his head "if your to physical weak things can easily overcome you, just like you would of all died when you first arrived, you must have the mental, phyiscal and magical capabilities to ensure you can survive the life of a Wizard, a Magician, what ever you wish to call it"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Bristle flinched a little when the master told him that even thoughts weren't safe. Not only his thoughts but now his actions were under control of this master? Even knowing that the master could read these thoughts he still wasn't happy about. Often he didn't gave control of his body but his mind was always a place of refuge. It made sense that they needed to train, if they got hit by something like a fireball they would have to be pretty tough to survive it and from what the master was saying they might have to. Though he was curious to just what extent your physique determined your magical strength. Would the circus's strongman be a good magician on account of just his strength with a little training or would the fortune teller they had be better because of how smart she was? Interesting questions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Mecca heard the Master's words but held back a small grimice. She decided to reply to Zephyr. "Honestly I don't even know anymore. I saw a bit of magic when I was younger and since then I've always wanted to learn." She said, looking at him and giving a small grin. "So what 'bout you? Why do you want to be here?" She asked, turning her head to see what was in front of her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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"Similar reason to you," Zephyr said to her, "I mean, before I cam here my life was pretty boring. I was only ever really passionate about my martial arts classes. When my dad died that didn't help any, things got pretty rough..." Zephyr trailed off as he steadied his breath, sometimes he could talk about his dad just fine, today wasn't one of those days apparently. He shook his head and came back to the conversation, "sorry, got a bit heavy there. Anyways, I'm here because I've loved magic for such a long time, I want it to be part of my life." He flashed her a smile, but his mood had gone down slightly from thinking of his dad, good going, bozo.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rex
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“Really? Technology can affect magic? Guess you learn something new every day,” Alex said as he continued to run laps. When he passed by the master again he asked, “So has there been studies on how far technology can affect a person’s magic. Is there like a book that explains the different types of magic and which type of technology affects it?” Alex then stopped and turned to the master.

“Hold on, if technology affects magic, does it have to be right next to the user or can it be far away from the user to affect them. I wound if mom had problems with the cameras while she fought in the ring? Maybe that type of tech doesn’t affect her brand of magic?” Alex said. He was on woundering how he could test the theory out.
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