Gauging interest in a remake of a thread I've done off and on for about 9 years. Feel free to ask questions.
The tl;dr is it is a creature capture (like Pokemon) with elements of magic that takes place in a modern to slightly futuristic setting. Players take on the role of trainers who go on a journey that mimics an ancient tale from their land from thousands of years ago. We have our own creatures (over 100), moves, and magic.
The thread will take place a few years after a political war between the two halves of Atren. These trainers will be the first to go out on their Rites in many years, which is a journey that mirrors the path that the two summoners of ancient legends took to each of the temples in Atren. The journey is significant because this journey saved humankind and laid the foundation for the progress of much of the world.
I will only be allowing around 10 players this time due to the difficulty of managing dice for a large number of players (dice determine wild encounters and library rewards, as well as a few other things). If you are interested, please make sure you stay committed to the thread as other players may be turned away.
You can find starting creatures here (yes this does link off site to our database site).
Current Players:
- Innue
- Tuujaimaa
- Payldue
- Niten
- LG
- Slot Taken
- Slot Taken
The drums of war continue to beat even after the fighting has ceased. This is the nature of war. Each drop of blood spilled, a seed sown. This world is no different. - Rinkoo
It'd been three years since the end of the East-West Wars, brought on by the West's frustration with a lack of representation in the political games of Lifan. Victory was almost assured for the East, boasting not only the center of magical learning, but a populace far outstripping that of the West. The war was brief, in the eyes of the few Immortals, spanning only two years and ending in the three month Siege of Ward. While Ward continues to boast no enemy force has breached its walls, it is no longer done so with the gusto of old - Ward knew that once it fell, the rest of the West would fall and with time being their enemy, the West had no choice but to capitulate to the East's demands.
Strangely enough, the peace reached was largely palatable for both sides. The West gained increased representation in the centeral government. For the east, they gained trade treaties largely benefiting their causes, allowing the East to import and export an increased amount of goods. It also gave Lifan authority over the Arenas of the West, something formerly run by the cities themselves.
It was in this world the young were released, both sides making an effort to return to the traditions of old. Most trainers had put off their travels until the end of the War, some, braver than others, made efforts to complete the Eastern edge of their Rites.
+ Akasha's Edicts +
First Edict
Captured Natrelmon shall not attack trainers unless they have waived their rights to these protections. Invocation of these protections requires both trainers have Natrelmon outside of the confinement of their relics.
Trainers that ride their Natrelmon in combat are considered to have waived the rights to their relic protections
Violations of the First Edict depend on the inadvertant or intentional nature of the attempted violation. Intentional violations of the most honorless type will pull the guilty into my judgment. Attacks that violate this either through scope, or violated through accident, will result in protections of the most absolute nature surrounding the trainer.
Second Edict
The binding powers of the relics shall persist until the death of the trainer of willing revokation of their power.
Third Edict
Magic shall operate under my governance.
Fourth Edict
Projectiles will move within the confines of my judgment, but I shall not diminish their power.
+ A Brief History +
Thousands of years ago, before Natrelmon even existed, the world was engulfed in a massive war - a war over death itself. Fourteen legendary warriors fought to preserve the essence of the world and destroy those seeking to take control over the Black Gate. The Black Gate was a powerful portal allowing control over death itself, allowing those once dead to return to the world of the living. In a gambit, the legendary warriors managed to shatter the gate, after sending through one of their own to ensure that nothing would seek to upset the balance from the other side.
At some point the living creatures that inhabited this world began to gain special powers, creating the first Natrelmon. Humankind, which always had access to magic, now had an equal in the world, creating a relationship between humans and Natrelmon.
Society has continued to press forward and despite conflicts, had created a modern and highly connected society with high speed rails, thorough communication systems, and social order.
+ Character List +
- Shio Enyo
- Kasumi Touhou
- Kito Umezawa (Currently trapped in stasis)
- Dominic Fox and Chelle Lee (This links to the database site)
- Sion "Sigma" Gamora
- Amelia Descott
- Caelyn Bayles
- Aera Blitzfield
- Atami Yotuka
- Zaria i'Kezec
- Jacob
- Oxide
- Song Chyou
- Elijah Hartman
- Kalen
+ Key NPCs +
- Anastasia Radtfield - Toran Arena Master
- Kirigishi Takai - Ward Arena Master
- Karl Thuzad - Armkfish Arena Master
- Iyo Seridon - Ivlser Arena Master
- Admiral Jack Barton - Atrew Arena Master
- Three Sisters - Relin Arena Masters
- Kakugyo Enyo - Echo Arena Master
- Jantonna du Soleil - Orin Arena Master
- Ayameko Ziran - Sakura Arena Master
- Kayannah - Wandering Blood Arena Master
- Rinkyo - Wandering Fighting Arena Master
- Kitti Ping & Hitsujiki - Wandering Crystal Arena Master, World Renowned Breeder
- Kinjiro - Wandering Poison Arena Master, Crazy Snake Lady
- Xu Shui Yi - Wandering Void Arena Master
- ???? - Elite Triumvirate Member, Former Electric Arena Master
- Song Lin Tiao - Elite Triumvirate Member, Former Psychic Arena Master
- Yugaku Hayake - Elite Triumvirate Member, Former Light Arena Master
- ??? - Archmage of Atren, (Hidden) Dragon Arena Master
- Touzoku Ziran - Assassin
- Rinkoo - Strange Old Woman
- Fishmonger - Peculiar Old Man
- Old Man - Senile Old Man
+ Getting Started +
Natrelmon can be a bit daunting to get into, as it has been running off and on for 8 years now, but a lot of the information won't become important to you until later on.
To get started with a Natrelmon bio, check the Starting Natrelmon page (see bio format for link). You are allowed to select TWO Natrelmon from this page to start out at as your companions. This is a great place to get inspiration for a character that would suit the Natrelmon you've chosen. Be sure to look through the move lists for the elements of the Natrelmon you've selected to get a feel for how they might be used.
Next, it'll be important to get your trainer off to a good start. You will need to select TWO Spell Schools and TWO Professions. Spells are used as an augment to your Natrelmon in combat, allowing you, the trainer, to influence the fight outside of issuing commands to your Natrelmon. Professions will provide you with augments to your rolls, which are used to decide all random effects in Natrelmon. If you select the Tracking profession you will receive benefits to your Wild Natrelmon rolls, likewise, for Breeding, you will receive benefits to your Breeding rolls.
We do not have strict requirements on bio length, but we do expect the presence/illusion of effort. Short and sweet is perfectly acceptable.
+ Dice Notes +
Natrelmon is very heavily determined by dice on our database forum. When starting off a new character you will also make FIVE rolls for a chance at a gift, which can have a significant impact on your character.
Each week you will have the opportunity to roll for TWO wild Natrelmon. Additionally, you will be able to make one 'Library' roll. The Library is a special roll that allows you the chance to acquire special items and knowledge, some of which are one of a kind. It is important that you make these rolls weekly as we generally will not allow you to make up rolls. Rolls are a benefit of staying active.
It is important to note that for Wild Natrelmon rolls we ask that you type up at least a paragraph about your search for a wild Natrelmon. This is not a requirement, but should you encounter a wild Natrelmon you don't want, you will be able to reroll your search providing you provide us with two paragraphs. This can continue ad infinitum providing you double the paragraph requirement each time.
Because Library rolls are so powerful, you are only given one a week with no chance to reroll.
This is NOT required for your rolls. I would just love you forever if you use it because it makes everyone's lives easier.
+ Rolls Request Form +
Type of Rolls Requested: (You may use one form for both library and wild rolls - identify how many of each bearing in mind YOUR professions)
Professions Applicable to Rolls: (Scholar/Herbalism/Tracker)
Other Roll Modifications: (Lucky Gift, Herbalism Potions, Divine Items)
Declarations:(Some Professions will ask you to declare an item/Natrelmon - do this for each roll it would apply for)
Specializations: (Some professions will ask you to specialize in something, identify if your profession is applicable to the roll request)
Zones: (ONLY applicable to wilds, please identify search zones)
Highest Level Natrelmon: (ONLY for wilds. Identify Natrelmon AND level)
+ FAQ +
Is this thread open to more bios?
Yes, Natrelmon is always open to new trainers! Even if the thread has gone on for awhile and people have moved past the first few cities, you are free to jump in. The Admin team will ensure that you either start caught up to the other trainers or you have the means to do so. We won't leave you behind.
Can I make my own Natrelmon?
Sort of. Natrelmon has a system to allow for the cross breeding of two Natrelmon. This will allow you to create a fair number of custom creations, especially if you have the Breeder profession. In general we do not really add player created Natrelmon outside special circumstances.
Someone is trying to kill my character! Is that allowed?
Yes. Killing other players is allowed. If you are worried your trainer isn't powerful enough, I'd suggest travelling in a group and staying away from dark areas. In general, you shouldn't have to worry too much about being killed - but bear in mind that it is possible.
I noticed it is modern times, can I have a gun?
No, guns are highly regulated by the society and only members of the police force have guns. You can, however, use other weapons such as knives and similar weapons, but they will cost you money in order to have them.
Can I have more than one character?
No, at this time we are only allowing one character. Certain exceptions may be allowed to this if there is a compelling reason you need to use two characters. Simply wanting more rolls is not a compelling reason.
Why can't I make up my own spells? X spell sucks.
For balance reasons, we do not allow trainers to make their own spells. Lore wise, there is an entity that governs the rules of magic and only a special few NPCs are capable of breaking those rules. Player characters will not ever be allowed to create their own spells. However, you can gain access to special and secret spell schools that can give you a fighting edge.
I rolled [secret piece of information]. Can I tell people?
Yes. If you have gained some secret information or ritual spell, you are free to tell other players. We have no restrictions on this.
What do new characters start with?
Currently, new Characters Receive the following:
- 25,000 N to start
- 2 Starting Natrelmon
- 2 Bonus Library Rolls
- Insta-level 15 for on Natrelmon, level 10 for the other
- 3 Bonus Wild Rolls with one guaranteed U+
- Rank III in two schools of magic (you select two to start with)
+ Bio Format +
Hometown: See Here and above map
Relic Description Relics convert to the style of the trainer. Some use bracelets, some use keys on a chain around their neck, some use stones embedded into a glove.
Starting Natrelmon: See here
Starting Spell Schools: See here
History: We aren't really looking for anything too astounding. Natrelmon is very much about development as you go. The few that have trainers that are returning from last incarnation have changed a lot over the course of the thread. The history can be simple one to two paragraphs. An example can be found here.
Professions: See here - Select two professions
Noteworthy Skills: Examples of this would be having some kind of survival training, skill with computers, etc.
After you have been accepted please put the following at the bottom of your character sheet:
+ [Character Name] +
+ Party Natrelmon +
1) [Natrelmon] - [Gender] - [Level] - [Experience]
Money: [Currency Amount] N
The drums of war continue to beat even after the fighting has ceased. This is the nature of war. Each drop of blood spilled, a seed sown. This world is no different. - Rinkoo
It'd been three years since the end of the East-West Wars, brought on by the West's frustration with a lack of representation in the political games of Lifan. Victory was almost assured for the East, boasting not only the center of magical learning, but a populace far outstripping that of the West. The war was brief, in the eyes of the few Immortals, spanning only two years and ending in the three month Siege of Ward. While Ward continues to boast no enemy force has breached its walls, it is no longer done so with the gusto of old - Ward knew that once it fell, the rest of the West would fall and with time being their enemy, the West had no choice but to capitulate to the East's demands.
Strangely enough, the peace reached was largely palatable for both sides. The West gained increased representation in the centeral government. For the east, they gained trade treaties largely benefiting their causes, allowing the East to import and export an increased amount of goods. It also gave Lifan authority over the Arenas of the West, something formerly run by the cities themselves.
It was in this world the young were released, both sides making an effort to return to the traditions of old. Most trainers had put off their travels until the end of the War, some, braver than others, made efforts to complete the Eastern edge of their Rites.
+ Akasha's Edicts +
First Edict
Captured Natrelmon shall not attack trainers unless they have waived their rights to these protections. Invocation of these protections requires both trainers have Natrelmon outside of the confinement of their relics.
Trainers that ride their Natrelmon in combat are considered to have waived the rights to their relic protections
Violations of the First Edict depend on the inadvertant or intentional nature of the attempted violation. Intentional violations of the most honorless type will pull the guilty into my judgment. Attacks that violate this either through scope, or violated through accident, will result in protections of the most absolute nature surrounding the trainer.
Second Edict
The binding powers of the relics shall persist until the death of the trainer of willing revokation of their power.
Third Edict
Magic shall operate under my governance.
Fourth Edict
Projectiles will move within the confines of my judgment, but I shall not diminish their power.
+ A Brief History +
Thousands of years ago, before Natrelmon even existed, the world was engulfed in a massive war - a war over death itself. Fourteen legendary warriors fought to preserve the essence of the world and destroy those seeking to take control over the Black Gate. The Black Gate was a powerful portal allowing control over death itself, allowing those once dead to return to the world of the living. In a gambit, the legendary warriors managed to shatter the gate, after sending through one of their own to ensure that nothing would seek to upset the balance from the other side.
At some point the living creatures that inhabited this world began to gain special powers, creating the first Natrelmon. Humankind, which always had access to magic, now had an equal in the world, creating a relationship between humans and Natrelmon.
Society has continued to press forward and despite conflicts, had created a modern and highly connected society with high speed rails, thorough communication systems, and social order.
+ Character List +
- Shio Enyo
- Kasumi Touhou
- Kito Umezawa (Currently trapped in stasis)
- Dominic Fox and Chelle Lee (This links to the database site)
- Sion "Sigma" Gamora
- Amelia Descott
- Caelyn Bayles
- Aera Blitzfield
- Atami Yotuka
- Zaria i'Kezec
- Jacob
- Oxide
- Song Chyou
- Elijah Hartman
- Kalen
+ Key NPCs +
- Anastasia Radtfield - Toran Arena Master
- Kirigishi Takai - Ward Arena Master
- Karl Thuzad - Armkfish Arena Master
- Iyo Seridon - Ivlser Arena Master
- Admiral Jack Barton - Atrew Arena Master
- Three Sisters - Relin Arena Masters
- Kakugyo Enyo - Echo Arena Master
- Jantonna du Soleil - Orin Arena Master
- Ayameko Ziran - Sakura Arena Master
- Kayannah - Wandering Blood Arena Master
- Rinkyo - Wandering Fighting Arena Master
- Kitti Ping & Hitsujiki - Wandering Crystal Arena Master, World Renowned Breeder
- Kinjiro - Wandering Poison Arena Master, Crazy Snake Lady
- Xu Shui Yi - Wandering Void Arena Master
- ???? - Elite Triumvirate Member, Former Electric Arena Master
- Song Lin Tiao - Elite Triumvirate Member, Former Psychic Arena Master
- Yugaku Hayake - Elite Triumvirate Member, Former Light Arena Master
- ??? - Archmage of Atren, (Hidden) Dragon Arena Master
- Touzoku Ziran - Assassin
- Rinkoo - Strange Old Woman
- Fishmonger - Peculiar Old Man
- Old Man - Senile Old Man
+ Getting Started +
Natrelmon can be a bit daunting to get into, as it has been running off and on for 8 years now, but a lot of the information won't become important to you until later on.
To get started with a Natrelmon bio, check the Starting Natrelmon page (see bio format for link). You are allowed to select TWO Natrelmon from this page to start out at as your companions. This is a great place to get inspiration for a character that would suit the Natrelmon you've chosen. Be sure to look through the move lists for the elements of the Natrelmon you've selected to get a feel for how they might be used.
Next, it'll be important to get your trainer off to a good start. You will need to select TWO Spell Schools and TWO Professions. Spells are used as an augment to your Natrelmon in combat, allowing you, the trainer, to influence the fight outside of issuing commands to your Natrelmon. Professions will provide you with augments to your rolls, which are used to decide all random effects in Natrelmon. If you select the Tracking profession you will receive benefits to your Wild Natrelmon rolls, likewise, for Breeding, you will receive benefits to your Breeding rolls.
We do not have strict requirements on bio length, but we do expect the presence/illusion of effort. Short and sweet is perfectly acceptable.
+ Dice Notes +
Natrelmon is very heavily determined by dice on our database forum. When starting off a new character you will also make FIVE rolls for a chance at a gift, which can have a significant impact on your character.
Each week you will have the opportunity to roll for TWO wild Natrelmon. Additionally, you will be able to make one 'Library' roll. The Library is a special roll that allows you the chance to acquire special items and knowledge, some of which are one of a kind. It is important that you make these rolls weekly as we generally will not allow you to make up rolls. Rolls are a benefit of staying active.
It is important to note that for Wild Natrelmon rolls we ask that you type up at least a paragraph about your search for a wild Natrelmon. This is not a requirement, but should you encounter a wild Natrelmon you don't want, you will be able to reroll your search providing you provide us with two paragraphs. This can continue ad infinitum providing you double the paragraph requirement each time.
Because Library rolls are so powerful, you are only given one a week with no chance to reroll.
This is NOT required for your rolls. I would just love you forever if you use it because it makes everyone's lives easier.
+ Rolls Request Form +
Type of Rolls Requested: (You may use one form for both library and wild rolls - identify how many of each bearing in mind YOUR professions)
Professions Applicable to Rolls: (Scholar/Herbalism/Tracker)
Other Roll Modifications: (Lucky Gift, Herbalism Potions, Divine Items)
Declarations:(Some Professions will ask you to declare an item/Natrelmon - do this for each roll it would apply for)
Specializations: (Some professions will ask you to specialize in something, identify if your profession is applicable to the roll request)
Zones: (ONLY applicable to wilds, please identify search zones)
Highest Level Natrelmon: (ONLY for wilds. Identify Natrelmon AND level)
+ FAQ +
Is this thread open to more bios?
Yes, Natrelmon is always open to new trainers! Even if the thread has gone on for awhile and people have moved past the first few cities, you are free to jump in. The Admin team will ensure that you either start caught up to the other trainers or you have the means to do so. We won't leave you behind.
Can I make my own Natrelmon?
Sort of. Natrelmon has a system to allow for the cross breeding of two Natrelmon. This will allow you to create a fair number of custom creations, especially if you have the Breeder profession. In general we do not really add player created Natrelmon outside special circumstances.
Someone is trying to kill my character! Is that allowed?
Yes. Killing other players is allowed. If you are worried your trainer isn't powerful enough, I'd suggest travelling in a group and staying away from dark areas. In general, you shouldn't have to worry too much about being killed - but bear in mind that it is possible.
I noticed it is modern times, can I have a gun?
No, guns are highly regulated by the society and only members of the police force have guns. You can, however, use other weapons such as knives and similar weapons, but they will cost you money in order to have them.
Can I have more than one character?
No, at this time we are only allowing one character. Certain exceptions may be allowed to this if there is a compelling reason you need to use two characters. Simply wanting more rolls is not a compelling reason.
Why can't I make up my own spells? X spell sucks.
For balance reasons, we do not allow trainers to make their own spells. Lore wise, there is an entity that governs the rules of magic and only a special few NPCs are capable of breaking those rules. Player characters will not ever be allowed to create their own spells. However, you can gain access to special and secret spell schools that can give you a fighting edge.
I rolled [secret piece of information]. Can I tell people?
Yes. If you have gained some secret information or ritual spell, you are free to tell other players. We have no restrictions on this.
What do new characters start with?
Currently, new Characters Receive the following:
- 25,000 N to start
- 2 Starting Natrelmon
- 2 Bonus Library Rolls
- Insta-level 15 for on Natrelmon, level 10 for the other
- 3 Bonus Wild Rolls with one guaranteed U+
- Rank III in two schools of magic (you select two to start with)
+ Bio Format +
Hometown: See Here and above map
Relic Description Relics convert to the style of the trainer. Some use bracelets, some use keys on a chain around their neck, some use stones embedded into a glove.
Starting Natrelmon: See here
Starting Spell Schools: See here
History: We aren't really looking for anything too astounding. Natrelmon is very much about development as you go. The few that have trainers that are returning from last incarnation have changed a lot over the course of the thread. The history can be simple one to two paragraphs. An example can be found here.
Professions: See here - Select two professions
Noteworthy Skills: Examples of this would be having some kind of survival training, skill with computers, etc.
After you have been accepted please put the following at the bottom of your character sheet:
+ [Character Name] +
+ Party Natrelmon +
1) [Natrelmon] - [Gender] - [Level] - [Experience]
Money: [Currency Amount] N