Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by notmypresident


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dear Reader,

I think Chuck Palahniuk captured it best in this scene from Fight Club when the narrator finds out he’s been living the life he’s always dreamed of through his alter ego whenever his mind goes to sleep. And although I wouldn’t recommend that anyone start their own Project Mayhem I do strongly agree with finding a form of escapism which works for you. For me is has and always will be writing. I’ve always been fascinated with the concept of creating a world in your mind then being able to capture it on paper so that you can take everyone else there with you.

I find all novels to be romantic in the sense that even if you’ve been dead for hundreds of years someone else can read the concepts and ideas you came up with as if they knew you personally, and still be able to connect to them and be influenced by them long after your passing. It’s one thing to have a modern day person read your story and feel inspired by it, but imagine being able to capture the hearts and minds of someone you’ll never meet because they were born long after your time. Even though you’re dead and gone your soul can still live on through your words. People can immortalize themselves though the pages they write because books are timeless.

But most of all, there’s the fact you can generate genuine intrigue towards something that does not exist. Your emotions are real, but the character is not. Although in a world where you are not restricted by the laws reality anything can happen. If you want to fly, you can. It may not seem realistic, but in a fictional universe one can make it sound believable. If you wish to possess inconceivable power it’s yours. Sure, it’s only in your mind, but that’s the one place you will always retain them because your thoughts are the one thing that no one can ever take away from you. So go ahead and fall in love… even if at the end of the day it’s only with your own imagination.

I dare you to dream.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

I smell the advanced forum in this one.
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