With your recommendation I'll definitely put it on my reading list. Speaking of, how is Darseid War? Or rather is it better than Trinity War and Forever Evil?
Honestly, I can't stand it. I've tried a few issues and I can't. Once they started messing with the New Gods and mucking up all that, I was done. Plus, a lot of the non-event titles are actively ignoring everythung that's happening. It makes it almost feel like an elseworlds story. However the spin-offs hold real promise if the Green Lantern issue was anything to go by. Would I recommend the entire event? Not at the moment.
(Which kind of means it's on par with the other "crossover" events you listed.)
@Blue Demon I love Bruce, especially when he's written like that.
I love New 52 Batman. So great; especially written under Scott Snyder.
I know right? I'm really excited to see him come back in action in Batman #49
EDIT: Got Kyle's post up.
Thanks to @King Kindred I could use @FacePunch's suggestion. :D