Co-Gm(s): Krauxis
"It's said that spirits dwell in objects into which people put their feelings. I've always thought that, if that's true, then the same must be true of artwork. So today, I shall immerse myself in work, so as to impart my own spirit into my creations." ~Guertena
Guertena's final painting was a portrait of himself, one last great work. He was terminal ill and he had a irrevocable fear of dying and being forgotten forever. He worked night and day, immersing himself into his work; hoping that when he was done some part of his soul would be imparted into his creation. But before he could successfully finish his masterpiece he died of his illness. The painting was taken to the Art Gallery and displayed as the artists last painting even though it remained unfinished. Many would think that Guertena's plan to live through his artwork would have failed seeing as it was never finished but this would be false thought. For his feelings were so great and so strong that some of his soul did indeed become part of the painting itself. But, since the painting was incomplete, it felt unfinished, like a piecing was missing. And so, watching through the window that was his painting, Guertena gazed out at the real world; waiting and watching until those he felt were adequate enough to "complete him" came along. Then, yes then, he would draw them into his Fabricated World...and take their soul.

Hello there ^^ So, this is based off of the RPG Maker game called "Ib". It's my favorite game in the world and it's free to play and download so I highly recommend it. Anyhoo, knowledge of the game is not required though it is encouraged. The premise is a group of teenagers that had gone to Guertena's art gallery get trapped in an alternative version. In there, the door is locked and the windows do not open. There is no cell phone reception and it is completely empty of life except for the artwork. There will be puzzles to solve at times.
One thing to note: The players will be trapped in one level at a time. I will make a post stating what the rooms look like, the type of puzzle if there is one, and also what artwork they may find there. The players can not move on until I say so. They are free to wander around the level but they can not leave until the puzzle is solved or the way out appears. As they make their way through the levels, they make their way closer to Guertena.
If you have an idea for a piece of art or painting that could plague our characters, shoot me a pm and if I like it I'll add it to the list.

1. No god modding. At ALL. If you don't know what God-Modding pertains too, ask please.
2. No arguing in the OOC whatsoever. This has happened to me before and it made me and everyone in the OOC upset so please don't do it.
3. I reserve the right to deny any CS for any reason as well as for my Co-Gm(s), if they can explain to me privately why.
4. Be reasonable. please.
5. Nothing past PG-16 for romance. It can be taken to PM's if need be.
6. Me and my Co-Gm(s) word is law. No exceptions. (If you wish to be Co-Gm, let me know. ^^)
7. If you have read these rules put "Art Comes Alive" somewhere in your cs, it must stand out though.
8. I reserve the right to make more rules.
9. I reserve the right to kick anyone, as well as for my Co-Gm(s) for any proven reasons.
10. Please don't post then disappear. It keeps the rp from progressing forward so please, if you have to go somewhere or wont be on for a time, let me know. please. I've seen many rp's die from this and i really don't want it to happen to this one. so please. If, and this is your first warning, if you don't post when the rp starts and you didn't let me know if you wouldn't be on for a time or something like that and you don't post whatsoever or if you post then disappear, your character will die a horrible death at the hands of the Gallery and the spot reopened. I will message you before i do this to give you a chance to post but if you don't then the character will be dealt with.
11. If you have any questions or you think i missed anything in the rules, please let me know. ^^ i don't bite, i promise.
12. Cussing is allowed just not excessively.
13. NO ONE LINERS! PERIOD. Must be at least 1 proper paragraph. More is encouraged.
14. A little drama is fine, a lot of drama is not. So that means no teen pregnancy, rape, stuff like that. Ok?
15. No Canon characters for playable characters. Meaning that while Mary is in this, Ib and Garry do not exist in my version of the game.

Rose Colors
Taken - Phaesaris
Taken - Bleu Chess
Taken - Billsomething
Taken - Krauxis
Taken - MissCapnCrunch
Taken - XxLyraxX
Taken - TheSeriousJoke
Taken - XxLyraxX

1. Primrose Marie Fairchild | Age 9
2. Lila Iris Adler | Age 11
3. Catherine LeBlanc | Age 16
4. Ezra Zielony | Age 17
1. Daniel Lusien | Age 15
2. Benjamin Trilby | Age 18
3. Tino Fava | Age 12
4. Allen Llewellyn | Age 10

Age Range is 9-18.
Only one age per character, i.e. my character is 9 therefore that age is taken and all other characters must be 10-18.
Taken Ages
Age 9
Age 10
Age 11
Age 12
Age 15
Age 16
Age 17
Age 18

Character Sheet
~Appearance(Anime please)~
~Rose Color~
~Why are you in the Art Gallery?~
~What is the one item that was brought with you?(EX: necklace, lighter, no weapons, candy. Something small)~
~Personality(Three proper sentences minimum)~
~Biography(Three proper sentences minimum)~

Please Post Characters in the OOC tab first to await approval. Do not post in the Character Tab without your character being accepted.