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”Monsters that live inside my head at night are all right cause they can never compare to the ones that live outside.”

At 3’0, Primrose could be described as petite and slender. Her skin is blemish free aside from a few scars on her hands and knees from falling. Her long dark curls hang well past her waist and she has bright eyes like her brother. She is not very strong and she tires easily. Normal clothing can be seen in the image above. She keeps the sides of her hair tied back with two small red bows and can always be seen wearing them.

Primrose Marie Fairchild

9 years of age


~Rose Color~

~Why are you in the Art Gallery?~
Her brother surprised her on her birthday to a trip to the Gallery.

~What is the one item that was brought with you?~

� Drawing
� Music
� Playing her violin or piano
� Reading

� Bugs
� Loud or sudden noises
� Mean/Rude people
� Being the center of attention

� Reading
� Taking pictures
� Drawing
� Singing to herself
� Admiring nature
� Spending time with her friends
� Playing the piano and violin

� Being alone
� Tight/Small spaces
� Never being good enough
� The dark

Primrose is normally described as a kind and caring individual. She tends to put others needs before her own and won't hesitate to help someone if she feels they are in need of assistance. She also has her shy moments where she tends to look at the ground and not really talk to anyone. She gets nervous when meeting new people and doesn't speak much until she gets to know them better. Like with all children, Primrose has a stubborn streak and will not budge if she sets her mind to something. She's not one to anger easily but once she is watch out because she can have quite the temper and is not afraid to give you a piece of her mind. Of course, afterwards she will be completely mortified by what she said and will apologize profusely to the person she grew angered at. If she thinks they deserve it that is. If she feels you completely had what was coming to you, not one word of apology will leave her lips though secretly she will still feel rather bad about it. Another trait of Primrose's is that she has a bad habit of bottling up her problems so the people around her will not worry. Even if she is having the worst day imaginable she will still put on a smile and say everything is fine.

To say Primrose and her brother Garry were apart of a happy family would be stretching it a bit. They never knew their father, the man had left as soon as he found out the siblings's mother was pregnant with Primrose. Their mother's parents disowned her and she was left to raise them by herself, her own sister turning her back on her. She tried her best, working three jobs. Garry helped out where he could, even keeping an eye on Primrose when his mother couldn't. By the time Garry had gone off the college, their mother had meet another man. It was no surprise that their mother soon married him, lured in by his money. However, not too after their step-father John soon began showing his colors. He ordered their mother around and turned to drinking. Garry didn't like how he acted around Primrose and when CPS become involved after a teacher made the call after seeing bruises on Primrose, her guardianship was turned over to Garry. He had been working as a painter and was living in a small apartment. A elderly neighbor watched the girl when Garry couldn't and with his job, he managed to provide for Primrose and himself.

On the day Primrose turned nine, Garry surprised her by taking her a Guertena exhibition because he knew how much she liked painting and drawing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ezra Zielony.



~Rose Color~

~Why are you in the Art Gallery?~
Applying for a job.

~What is the one item that was brought with you?~
A ballpoint ink pen.

~ Music
~ Partying hard
~ Traveling

~ Small talk
~ Being told what to do
~ Children

~ ~ Graffiti
~ Drinking and smoking
~ Making music playlists for friends

~ Overdosing
~ Not reaching her goals
~ Dolls

Ezra is what most would considered a "rebellious" teen. She tends to put herself before others and doesn't really care about consequences of her actions. Loud and boisterous, she will let you know exactly what she is thinking the moment she thinks it. No filter, which more often than not gets her in trouble. If she's not having fun, she finds her own source fun whether alone or with a group. Easily manipulated and prone to peer pressure. She's not the sharpest crayon in the toolbox.

Art Comes Alive

The title of her resume stared back at her as she scanned the information regarding the janitorial position at the gallery. "I don't know why they need any of this shit for sweeping up dusty old crap." Ezra muttered, scribbling out the answers while her music blared in her ears.

Ezra had been forced by her parents to find a job her senior year of high school because her grades weren't looking to good and as far as it looked, a chance at a university wasn't in her near future either.

It wasn't because she had a bad home environment growing up either- by all means, her parents loved and supported her through all her hobbies and interests. Even some of the most daring incidents were met with open arms and the tender heart of parents who just wanted their only daughter to do well in this world.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

~Appearance(Anime please)~

"they say picture is worth a thousand words, if that is so then tell me how much this painting is priced"
Ben stand at 6’5 he has a pretty average build, his style of dress tend to reflect his love for wealth.
~Name~ Benjamin ‘Whiskey Bar’ Trilby

~Age~ 18

~Gender~ Male

~Rose Color~ orange

~Why are you in the Art Gallery?~ I was scouting it, for my crew we where planning to rob it later that night

~What is the one item that was brought with you?

Shillelagh (Its my cane and it been in the family for generations)

Point & Clicks Games
A Nice Looking Suit
The Crew
Still-life paintings
Planning future heists
Working on Masks
Babysitting one of his seven sister's kids
Getting Caught
Losing His Fortune
~Personality(Three proper sentences minimum)~
"Crime is my Art and when i perform my Art i just Come Alive"
whiskey is commonly refereed to as the brains of the crew, thanks to his extensive planning of every heist though his intelligence is hindered by his short-temper and how easily frustrated he tends to be. his patients seem to be close to endless when it comes to kids, though this could be considered one of his few positive traits as his sailor mouth tends to get him trouble with his sisters whenever he babysit their kids

~Biography(Three proper sentences minimum)~
Whiskey had a pretty good childhood he wasn't abused, neglected yes but what can you do when you grow up alongside seven other siblings. while growing up Whiskey idolized villains and robbers such as Lex Luthor, Harvey Bailey and gangsters of the 20s & 30s, alongside this was his desire for a life of wealth that lead to him becoming the career criminal that he is today. he met a member of his crew in jail,

which he had been put in, under the suspicion of being involved in the break in of a high class clothing store. which he was though they never had any evidence to convict him so he got off Scots free, while in waiting for one of his sisters to bail him, he chatted up with a man called Jim 'pit-bull' Rogers a fellow professional heister who would go on to introduce him to the 'Breaking Bank Crew'
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Krauxis
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Krauxis Who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A pure-white girl who gives off an aura of stern detachment, as though she is looking directly through you with her bright red eyes. Cat stands quite tall for her age at just under 6 feet, but is quite skinny for her height, like a tall, slender blade of grass or a sunflower. Still, because she's so tall (and combined with her stern, vacant stare) she can come off as fairly intimidating to young children or even nervous adults. Somehow, people always get the impression that she doesn't care about a thing in the world, even though the opposite is actually closer to the truth. She dresses in a fairly lax manner, and her signature clothing item is a cat-eared hoodie, the hood of which she almost never lets down. If she has taken her hood off, it can only mean she's ready to play hard ball.

Catherine "Cat" LeBlanc



~Rose Color~

~Why are you in the Art Gallery?~
Cat is an art lover, and even an artist herself. However, she has recently begun to lose her passion for painting. She has come to the gallery in hopes that she can find inspiration again.

~What is the one item that was brought with you?~
Cat always carries a small white handkerchief with her to spot-clean any possible stains. She hates getting dirty.

--Art (painting, mostly)--
--Being in the dark--
--People who don't judge her for her appearance (though she reluctantly likes being called cute, and likes cute things.)--

--Getting dirty--
--Being in a large group or crowd--
--Strong-looking guys (young boys and guys smaller than her are okay.)--

--Night walks--
--Spending tons of time inside her own mind. (She does this even while doing other things anyway.)--

--Overly dirty, rusty, or old-looking rooms--
--Men and boys (unless they don't look strong or threatening)--
--People thinking she doesn't care about them--

Cat is a strange individual with a lot of inconsistencies (as befits an artist.) She is always seen with her pure white hoodie, but can't stand getting dirty. If even a bit of dirt gets on her outfit and she thinks it won't come off, she gets angry, and even deranged. She is always acting passive, but is immensely protective of her friends, and will be the first one to step in front of somebody who is being threatened, even though she's scared of tough-looking guys. She is always thinking about lots of things internally, even when talking to others, which is what causes her distant stare. This leads people to believe that she doesn't care about anything. In actuality, she is incredibly loyal and will help her friends in any way she can. She doesn't talk much, or emote much, but it's usually quite scary when she does show emotion, because it means she has either been sent into a blind fury by some dirt, or else she is sternly protecting her friends. Though she doesn't really say anything about it, she's usually pretty good at seeing when other people have problems, and like a dog or a cat, she will try to stay close to comfort them. However, because she doesn't talk about this habit, it can just end up being confusing to the person involved. She loves being alone and in darkness where nobody can see her, but conversely hates having the spotlight on her or being in the middle of a crowd because it feels like everyone is judging her, or is scared of her. She has a secret love of cute things like miniature animals and objects, or stuffed dolls, and secretly longs to be cute herself, even though she knows she is more 'cool' than 'cute' considering her height, age, and lack of emotions.

Even a perfectly normal family with perfectly normal lives and a perfectly normal daughter isn't without its own problems. Such a family is surely hiding secrets. In the case of the LeBlancs, their only daughter was supposed to have a twin brother, but he was lost in infancy. Because of this staggering loss, the entire family dedicated themselves to preserving their perfect nuclear family (or at least the outward image) so that they wouldn't run into any more problems. Catherine was supportive of this goal as well. She wanted her family's image to stay perfect and clean, even as a child. So when she started having problems like bullying, anxiety, and depression, she kept it entirely to herself. For a lot of years, she channeled her problems into painting and singing, and when she couldn't sleep, she would go for walks alone to clear her head. But as she got older, her bottled emotions started creating more problems. In one major incident, she once got so mad at a boy for spilling paint on her in art class that she sent him to the hospital with a broken arm. Her teachers were stunned, in disbelief that this was the same girl who always kept to herself and never spoke a word. Later that week, all of the boy's friends ganged up on her and beat her up behind the school. She didn't say a word about this to the teachers or her parents, merely taking a bath to clean herself up when she got home and acting like nothing at all had happened.

Now, at age 16, she has lost her passion for most things she used to be passionate about, primarily her art, which has been stuck in a rut for ages. In going to see Guertena's supposedly transcendant art, Cat hopes that she can reignite the spark of painting within herself, and once again find a way to channel all of her negative emotions that she otherwise doesn't know how to deal with. She couldn't possibly miss this exhibit for all the world.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheSeriousJoke
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Appearance- She stands at 5 feet 4 inches and always has a smile on her face. She has long purple hair she always pulls back into a hair band (not the clip in the picture), purple eyes, and a pale complexion. She often wears her purple-tinted school uniform, and some variation of a purple/black combo on the weekends.

Name- Lila Iris Adler

Age- 11

Gender- Female

Rose Color- Purple

Why are you in the Art Gallery? Some friends were going, and they decided to invite her.

What is the one item that was brought with you? She brought a pin of a purple feather that her grandfather had given her before he passed away.

Likes- Stories, sweets, happiness (either her own of someone else’s)

Dislikes- The phrase “Let me handle that”, the phrase “you two should go out”, people being mean to one another

Hobbies- Fencing, archery, acting

Fears- Losing her family, being lost (in both the physical and emotional sense), crawling things coming at her at a fast pace

Personality- Lila is a very energetic young girl from a very rich old family. While she is kind to her peers and enthusiastic about pretty much anything, she can be a bit closed of and has an awful lot of pride. She doesn't like sharing her negative emotions and thoughts, and it never really came from anywhere, she just has a hard time doing so. She also likes to be useful and be the most skilled person at something, but she realizes that she isn't and is humble about it, but she gets grumpy if people offer to do things for her if she can do them (such as carrying something she isn't having a problem with). However, she takes great joy in being able to do whatever she can, and has an annoyingly positive additude about pretty much anything. She also automatically assumes the best in others, although this becomes a problem because she assumes others will do the same, which they don't. She hardly ever gets mad at people unless she's in a general bad mood (which isn't often and she'll apologize) or they do something she considers unacceptable (which is being a real jerk about something).

Biography- Lila comes from a very rich family, and lives a life of luxury. She lives in a mansion, attends an expensive private school, and gets anything she wants. Her father, who didn't grow up with such things, taught her that it was important to not be swept up in it all and to be kind to others. She's very close to all of her family, including her parents, aunt and uncle, cousin, and grandparents. In particular, she was very close with her grandfather, who would tell her all sorts of fantasy stories, such as knights fighting dragons or art coming alive. It affected her horribly when he died, but after a few months she was able to move on. Though, ever since then, she felt that the magic in the world had died a little.

At school, she met a boy named Jole, and they slowly became best friends. They always had the same teacher and seemed to be on the same wavelength, so they ended up doing a lot of things together. Eventually, people began to notice, and started to refer to them as a couple, when in reality that couldn't be farther from the truth. At first this didn't bug Lila very much, but after a while she began to meet these accusations with, “We are not a couple. That is your only warning.”

Today, Jole and some of their other friend went to the art gallery, and Lila, never one to miss out on a group outing or pretty pictures, decided to tag along.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Phaesaris
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Phaesaris Collection of Curiosities

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

~Appearance(Anime please)~

Daniel Lusien



~Rose Color~

~Why are you in the Art Gallery?~
Was dragged brought along by his parents.

~What is the one item that was brought with you?(EX: necklace, lighter, no weapons, candy. Something small)~
Worn Book (specifically The Unknown Masterpiece)

▪️ Books
▪️ Solitude
▪️ Music

▪️ Large crowds
▪️ Feeling helpless
▪️ Manipulative people

▪️ Reading
▪️ Listening to music
▪️ Learning new instruments

▪️ Being useless
▪️ Spiders
▪️ Clowns (Not that he'll admit it.)

~Personality(Three proper sentences minimum)~
Daniel is a shadow. Somber and reclusive, he seldom goes noticed by those around him. Not that he's complaining. Rather, Daniel enjoys seclusion. The fewer people he's with, the less likely he'll snap at you. While he seldom makes jokes, he's got a thing for dark humor and heavy doses of sarcasm. He's got a bit of a 'Whatever' vibe, choosing to do things at the beat of his own drum. He enjoys being free and independent, and will rebel if told otherwise. Though he may seem a bit cold and aloof at first, deep inside Daniel is very empathetic. He care's deeply about what little friends he has and is loyal to the core. He'll try to help anyone that's in trouble, even if he doesn't have a way with words.

~Biography(Three proper sentences minimum)~
The only son of a powerful tycoon, Daniel was raised under a strict household with harsh rules. Don't talk back. Follow orders. Don't be an embarrassment. Failure to comply meant brutal punishments. Daniel absolutely loathed it.
However, not everything was bad. He found solace in books, often spending days lost in the world of words and stories. When he wasn't reading, he was writing and playing music. It was his dream to become a famous musician--a dream that was ultimately shut down by his parents.

Daniel's parents, being rich, often sought out ways to flaunt their wealth. One of them being through art collecting. Once they heard of Guertena's gallery, they set off to visit it. They forced Daniel to come along, unknowingly throwing him into a world where Art Comes Alive.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Bleu Chess

Bleu Chess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tino Fava



~Rose Color~

~Why are you in the Art Gallery?~
An all-expense-paid field trip with his class.

~What is the one item that was brought with you?
Scratch-and-sniff stickers. He wanted scented markers, but his gramps thought he shouldn’t be sniffing them at all.

Large dogs (The bigger, the better!)
Fruit snacks (Grape ones are pretty gross though)
Long walks through the city's park
Video games

Desolate places
Staying still
His nickname “Faba bean”

Dog sitting
Playing video games
Hanging out with friends
Tree climbing

Eerie silence
Being left alone
The death of his dogs
Incurring his grandpa’s wrath


“Hey, our art teacher keeps saying that ‘Art comes alive.’ Did she sniff scented markers, too?”
Restless yet easy-going, Tino can’t seem to settle down. He strives in companionship and enjoys wide open spaces. With his short attention span and devil-may-care attitude, he explores his environment and challenges those who thinks reverse psychology will work on him. It's a rare sight to see him sit down, but even then he would be doing something like scoring a basket with a paper ball or folding an ungodly amount of failed origami (which just ended up as wads that will be used later for paper basketball). Like many other children his age, Tino is an open-book; although, not with words. While too proud to talk about feelings, his emotions are displayed through his actions. He can easily be moved to tears, or provoked into petty skirmishes when faced with frustration.

While Tino does care about others, he can be oblivious to their feelings and even his own. He automatically assumes that everything is okay unless people blatantly burst into tears or breaths the metaphorical flames of hell.

Tino came from a small family of low-income, and his very first memory was the wrinkles on his grandpa’s face and the dripping sounds of a broken pipe. Since his birth, both his parents left him behind for larger cities with higher pay since their meager income wasn’t enough for a family of three. And while they do occasionally call, it seemed that their financial troubles won't end any time soon.

Rarely angered, his grandfather raised Tino with patience and care; however, having to somehow pay the bills often forced him to leave Tino alone in the house. It wasn’t surprising to say that Tino grew tired it and began to wander outside without parental permission. He would stay outside for hours on end until it grew dark, and this continued for several weeks. His restless behavior quickly overtook his behavior at school. The neighbors and teachers took notice and tried to discourage his wanderlust in fear the he might walk into danger some day; however, he was adamant that he stay outside rather than return to an empty apartment.

Worried about his grandson suffering from loneliness, the grandfather came home one day with a surprise. With two pups in hands, Tino was introduced to Earl, the Mastiff, and Miffy, the Scottish Terrier. From then on, Earl and Miffy became his friends and companions who would accompany his every outing. It gave the grandfather some reassurance that the boy had protection, and that the dogs would encourage the boy to stay inside since they tend to be homebodies. Unfortunately, it didn’t work since, as he grew up, Tino would either ditch the dogs or force them outside no matter what.

One day, there was a change in strategy. If trying to keep Tino inside didn’t work, perhaps it would be best to work with the boy’s restlessness? His grandfather slipped a piece of paper into Tino’s hands. As it turns out, it was a permission slip for a class field trip to some up-and-coming art exhibit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

”If I never see you again please remember me the way I was before I was broken.”

At 3’1, could almost be described as having "feminine" features. Allen is a young boy with blond hair and blue eyes. He wears a buttoned white long-sleeved shirt with a blue ribbon tie underneath the collar, dark blue shorts with suspenders, a pair of blue-and-white striped stockings, and a pair of blue shoes.

Allen Llewellyn

10 years of age


~Rose Color~

~Why are you in the Art Gallery?~
Field-trip with Teacher and the others

~What is the one item that was brought with you?~
A worn-out copy of Grimm's Fairy Tales.

  • Drawing
  • Music
  • Reading

  • Loud or sudden noises
  • Mean/Rude people
  • Being the center of attention
  • People touching his books
  • People disturbing him whilst he is reading

  • Reading
  • Drawing
  • Admiring nature
  • Writing down his adventures with his family

  • Being alone
  • Cats and Rabbits
  • Never being good enough
  • The dark
  • Fire

Allen is a very intelligent boy capable of understanding words above his age group and solving puzzles and riddles. While he is silent most of the time, he has been shown to have a witty sense of humor though he tends to take jokes seriously perhaps not knowing they were jokes. He's also less inclined towards mischief. He is a precocious child and very persistent about doing the things he feels he needs to do. When scared or angry, he tends to withdraw in on himself and project an air of indifference. He rarely gets angry but when he does you'll never know it. He'll seem like nothing is wrong but watch out or you may find a frog or toad in your house. He is very good at climbing and is surprisingly agile. He is loyal to a fault and will do anything he can to protect those he cares about. While he does not know how to fight, he isn't afraid of kicking or aiming for areas that are sensitive. He suffers from nightmares though he can't remember them when he wakes up. He acts like nothing is wrong and goes about his day.

Allen had a happy life with his mother and father, showered with warmth and love. One day, Allen decided to go outside to read a book and when he returned, he found his parents murdered with the house up in flames. The killer was never caught and the shock of returning home to find his parents dead at such a young age caused Allen to force himself to forget all those terribly memories and become amnesic. Allen was then taken to a doctor's office where the doctor called the owner of the orphanage called Teacher to take him in since he had no other living relatives. Also being cared for by Teacher were five other children:

There's Stella, the snobby girl who is envious of Allen for getting all of Teacher's attention. At one point she told Allen that he had a "pretty face" and made it sound like a bad thing for a boy to have. Stella generally stays in her room and only really comes out for dinner.

Next is the twins Letty and Rick. Letty is rather hyper and buoyant with Rick being the polar opposite. They tend to finish each others sentences and only Rick is ever able to calm Letty down.

Chelsy is the shy and quiet one of the bunch. She has a love for stuffed animals and has a few million scattered about her room. She tends to stutter when she talks and she is the closest one to Allen out of the rest of them. The two can be found in the library reading side by side.

Lastly is Joshua, a little trouble maker with a habit for lying. When he had first meet Allen, Joshua changed his name a few times. He is a joker and his jokes tend to go over Allen's head, the blonde boy having taken them seriously. However, don't let his generally happy attitude fool you; he is terribly protective of his siblings and will go to many lengths to protect them.

Together they all make up his family. Sometimes they don't get along but Allen loves them all the same and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.
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