Although invisible Sue stepped back from Reed, completely shocked at his sudden elasticity. Her voice could be heard. "Reed?!" She cried out in complete shock as her clothes were seen to be floating through the air. The light waves were reflecting off of Sue's body in such a way that she wasn't visible to the naked eye. She looked down at herself, seeing nothing but her dress. In the height of confusion she panicked. "Reed what's happening to us?!" She looked back at him once more seeing how stretched his entire body had become. She only worried further for his well being. Were they being attacked?
The shock of Sue's vanishing act, even though her clothes were still there and now yelling at him in her voice. Reed though had to suddenly maintain his balance as he had an arm stretch down to the sidewalk to help him stay upright. Balancing like this was strange, feeling like his legs were stilts when he never handled his balance on them in the first place. Still it was even harder to focus since his brain was rushing through everything in his mind was going haywire with the impossibilities of what was happening to them.
"Uh-er...I-I don't know! Hold on." Reed stammered in fear before re-actively grabbing Susan by her hand (At least he hoped he grabbed her hand, he couldn't tell) and started pulling her towards where the hospital was. At least to go somewhere where people wouldn't look at them with everyone in awe, shocked, and pointing out the invisible woman and the stretchy man.
"Something must have been with the area the transporter used and done something to us." It wasn't just what happened to Susan and himself that worried Reed, but now the possibilities of whatever was going on with Johnny, Ben, and especially Harvey. In all his internal panic though Reed couldn't avoid the amazing scene that started and happening across the street.
"Johnny! JOHNNY!" Ben screamed out as he was running after Johnny Storm, who was completely on fire and despite not really feeling any pain or burning Johnny did what came naturally in such a situation. Run frantically and scream like a girl. He saw Reed, or at least what Reed looked like after being pulled like taffy, and clothing that was floating in air. Running up Johnny let out a series of noises that could only be described at panicked talking...
Johnny continued his frantic panic attack, now just going in circles with his arms flailing, Ben almost more just too freaked out to even speak. Just now his hands grasping at the top of his head, looking at whatever was happening in front of him in disbelief.
Reed, even in all the panic, knew he had to figure out how to get Johnny to stop being on fire. Quickly he glanced around and realized they were in front of the Bellagio Hotel and its large body of water. Reed stretched not realizing how effortless it was, with his body over to the water. Glancing down at his hands Reed tried to figure out how to get water from the massive body of water in front of him and at Johnny. Suddenly Reed's watched on and felt his hands grow in size, Reed almost completely fascinated by what he was doing until he had to stop and remember Johnny was running around on fire. How Reed forgot that, even briefly, he'll never know.
Scooping up a surprisingly large amount of water in his massive now cupped hands. Reed turned and in a huff threw the water towards Johnny. Who could only stop in his frenzy of fear to realize the large tidal wave coming towards him. Dousing him and putting out the fire on him.
"Oh man... thanks Reed." Johnny sighed in relief and tired from the long distance running, both down a sidewalk, across streets, and around in circles. Reed stretched back, his hands shrinking back to normal as he also was relieved. Though it was short lived when he realized that Johnny being on fire meant to his clothes. Reed coughed awkwardly before starting to pull his shirt off. "Uh Johnny, please cover up."
Johnny needed a moment to realize what Reed was talking about, then he felt a gentle breeze on his manhood and the glaring eyes of the people around them. He quickly grabbed Reed's shirt and used it to cover as best as possible with his cheeks a surprisingly deep red. Only giving the crowds a meek grin in complete embarrassment.
Finally by now the embarrassment of everything subsiding the four of them were finally able to breathe. Johnny having to wrap Reed's t shirt around his waist, Susan still not visible, Reed occasionally having a limb or legs moving or stretching out in an unnatural way, Ben strangely seemed unaffected. Something that was bothering him deep down inside seeing whatever happened to the others and how it affected them. Reed though was deep in thought glancing around at them. "Alright we need to talk to your guy's dad immediately about this. Something is clearly wrong here..." Reed stated aloud as Johnny folded his arms, "Oh you think!?" He snipped at Reed, too worried about everything to even think how he was coming off saying it.
As Johnny snapped back at Reed though he was too busy not paying attention. He reached for his phone to call Dr. Storm to call him about this startling new development. Only he paused looking at Dr. Storm's number in his phone when he remembered what he was doing when Reed last saw him. "Oh crap." Reed muttered.
Susan went over to Johnny and touched his shoulder. “Johnny it’s me Sue I’m here! I’m just...invisible.” Her voice called out in mid air. The touch nearly scared Johnny half to death. Sue, although could not be seen, turned to Reed to watch him call her father. Three out of the four had strange symptoms and then it hit her. “Harvey!” She grabbed Johnny’s arm out of a panicked concern. What could have happened to Harvey? She worried as she pulled her brother down the road to a cab. “TAXI TAXI!!” She screamed and shoved Johnny’s arm out. Worrying about his clothing situation later. A taxi driver pulls up, looking rather confused at the three young lads and hearing a girl’s voice calling out in distress. They pile into the car, Sue in the back seat middle between Johnny and Reed as Ben got in the front. “HOSPITAL!” The girl called out and the driver raised his eyebrow. “STEP ON IT NOW!”
The brief pause in the confused driver caused Ben to sigh angrily, slapping a handful of money onto the driver’s dashboard. “Here break some speed limits but just go!” Finally the driver nodded and they were off.
When they got to the hospital things were chaotic to say the least. The taxi driver peered out of the window and saw what was happening. “Yeah you know what you four are crazy!” The driver muttered as he shook his head and got out of there as quickly as possible.
Reed couldn’t blame the guy, as even in all the commotion it wasn’t hard to figure out where Harvey was. As a looming figure was stand well over part of the now destroyed hospital. Reed had to slowly pull up his glasses just to make sure he wasn’t crazy when he looked at it, he was too stunned to say anything but Johnny perfectly cleared the air with what Reed was thinking.
Johnny simply muttered, “Holy crap… that’s Harvey?”
The monster, for lack of a better term, seemingly stood well over 50 feet high. It best resembled a mixture of different animals and something served straight out of a drug fueled nightmare. Large beady eyes with a dark green and brown mixed like hairy skin. WIth arms disjointed and massive feet. Seemingly things even seemed to be coming out of the creature periodically. Its howls were terrifying as they pierced the night sky with something screeching.
Reed couldn’t bring himself to even move for a bit. Glaring up at his mistakes all now a freak show that was once a good friend. Reed couldn’t even breathe right anymore as his stammered breaths left him trying to grasp whatever he could understand about what had happened. Finally though Johnny’s hand on his shoulder pulled him back into reality.
“Uh Reed I don’t mean to interrupt things but… what do we do?” Johnny’s voice seemed a bit shook up as his fearful tone was notably rare. Still Reed pondered the question for a moment. Realizing in his heart that he only had one option. Reed glanced down at his hands, clenching them before glancing back up at the monster Harvey had become, fear being over ridden by determination.
“I made him like that, so I’m stopping him.” Reed told the others before stepping forward to go after it.
Sue’s gasp could be heard from next to Johnny. A hand reached out to grasp at Reed’s wrist. “No. We’re stopping him. Together.” Her voice was reassuring to say the least. She moved to Reed’s side and then something appeared around Sue - it was a shimmery transparent version of herself. She was just about visible to the naked eye as she concentrated her mind toward the creature that was once Harvey. Her body shimmered and the city street lights reflected off her, which is how they were seeing her now. Johnny looked even more disturbed at his sister.
Reed glanced back and now seeing Sue, even if it was in an interesting looking reflection of nearby lights, was reassuring and made him feel better about the daunting task ahead of them. Smiling a bit back to her Reed breathed looking back up at the monster.
“Wait hold on we’re seriously not doing this are we?!” Johnny quickly piped in wide eyed as he realized what the others were talking about and planning. His eyes darted between Susan and Reed hoping one of them would start laughing for the sick joke. Only getting a glance from the both of them that said everything left Johnny shaking his head in disbelief. “Uh alright sure… commit suicide… sounds great.” Johnny muttered shaking in fear just a little. It only got worse when Johnny looked over to Ben for some kind of support in how insane everything is.
Ben was looking on at the monster, with the kind of focus in his eyes you’d only see from him on a football field. “Yeah let's do this.” Ben nodded to himself as he spoke.
Susan felt a growing powering surge within her, an energy she’d never felt before. She saw what Reed could do, she only wondered what she could be capable of. It was time to find out. The four broke off into separate areas to counter the spawn of the gigantic creature that Harvey used to be.
As police were trying to keep the bystanders at bay Reed stretched his legs up around ten feet over them, walking right over them to nearby amazement. The officers tried to warn him to not go any further but Reed was well beyond listening with his laser focus. He had to think of a plan for how to stop Harvey, in a way that wouldn’t kill him but at least knock him out. Still even with the four of them and their powers, or at least what the powers appear to be at the moment. It was a daunting task to say the least.
As Johnny followed suit with the others he was in a panic, especially running past cops wearing only Reed’s shirt awkwardly clenched around his waist like a weird cloth diaper. He knew he was well past talking the others out of this and now had to figure out how to make himself burn again. Seeing as when he did it last he never got hurt or even a little singed. So maybe he could use it again? “Come on Johnny think think… burning… fire…” Johnny muttered to himself as the creatures spotted them and were coming quickly. “Uh FIRE!... GO! BURNING TIME! Err…
Flame on!”
Feeling and watching the fire engulf him again Johnny chuckled awkwardly to himself as he felt some resemblance of control again. “Alright fire! Yeah! TIME TO BURN YOU… UH THINGS YO…” Before Johnny could finish his admittedly weak insult though he felt his legs slowly lose contact with the ground. “Whoa whoa AHHH!” Johnny lifted into the air. But in trying to not fall started realizing he had control still. Able to lift up higher to the sky and swoop around a little. Now the previously nervous Johnny, soaring through the Las Vegas air, leaving a small flame trail behind him as he flew was all smiles, all confidence back, and just plain Johnny. “WOO! YOU GUYS SEEING THIS SHIT?! YEAH! TIME TO BURN THINGS!” Johnny was screaming from the top of his lungs as he came back down, flying through a patch of the creatures which knocked him into the air in a burning explosion of bodies which disintegrated before hitting the ground.
Reed looked up in brief amazement. He had to admit, he didn’t see that coming, and this whole situation, frightening though it may be, was becoming more and more fascinating by the second. Still he had work to do and with his legs still stretched up high he clinched his hand, letting it grow again as it started to look like a mallet. Swinging it down and through some of the creatures as they came after him. Knocking them out hard.