Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hjalti


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So what are you playing? Is it any good? What difficulty setting? Recommendations? Listening to any podcasts?

I'll start us off:

Currently playing Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, trying to unlock Godhead and Real Platinum God. The Secret Character on Hard Mode is a pain but the game is still so good!! Also playing Fallout 4 on normal difficulty and found a companion I can actually tolerate. Still undecided on the game as a whole.

Podcast of Choice: Super Best Friendcast.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

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MechWarrior online fits my battletech needs.

(aka, my stomping robots with lasers, ECM and autocannon needs)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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So what are you playing? Is it any good? What difficulty setting? Recommendations? Listening to any podcasts?

I'll start us off:

Currently playing Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, trying to unlock Godhead and Real Platinum God. The Secret Character on Hard Mode is a pain but the game is still so good!! Also playing Fallout 4 on normal difficulty and found a companion I can actually tolerate. Still undecided on the game as a whole.

Podcast of Choice: Super Best Friendcast.

On BoI I only have to unlock the lost and complete hard mode on 4 characters. Trying to get bandage girl was a pain in the ass until I had a lucky run. I know I can do it, but that last hurdle for the game is such a high one. xD

Playing Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon on PS3, and on Vita I'm playing Dungeon Travelers 2 and Freedom Wars (took a break from BoI), but I notice Bastion is out and something else that's good as BlueMaxima did a video on them.

Edit: Nuclear Throne
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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pokemon y currently

waiting for paycheck so i can download yakuza 5 on psn
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

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Pic related.

Also related.

And the frosting on the cake.

Up the IRA
Come on out ye black and tans
Fight me like a fuggin' man
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hjalti


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Dinh AaronMk Ah... The good ol' Patricidal Incest Simulator, in the vein of Game of Thrones and Gladiator... I bet my heir is more inbred than yours!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 5 days ago


When you're a merchant Republic is stops mattering since you can marry lowborns without penalty. You just miss out on some alliance opportunities. So you can keep a nice healthy genetic pool.

Although I ran two patricians who were possessed in a row. One got possessed by Jesus and the other was just normal in his possession. So when I got the chance to excise the trait from him I went with it.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

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Burned through the three big titles recently, Halo 5, Battlefront and Fallout 4, Fallout 4 is the only one that stuck though. Excellent game, lot of replay value, and for people who like killing time making awesome forts the building feature is excellent.

Needs to be played on Hard difficulty though at least, as the gun-play is easier than it's ever been before, and I've been forced to play on Xbox, so for the gunplay to be that easy is telling.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Engel
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Engel Wonderland Psychotic Wonderland Perfection

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I've been playing Far Cry 4, Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 recently. Loved the first two, witcher 3 was the best though, but far cry 4 was fun. Fallout 4 was like any other new bethesda game for me, fun for the first twenty hours, then broken/boring. It was a lot better than skyrim at least, but too many bugged things for me to continue playing. It's kind of sad when one of the companies that introduced me to RPG games don't seem able to make them like they used too.

I'll hopefully play GTA V soon. Otherwise, I might do a nonstop replay of Tales from the borderlands. I very rarely replay a game after finishing it, so I guess it speaks for how much I loved tales that I want too do it so soon. Oh, and Guild wars 2, but after three years and thousands of hours it's kind of in the background compared to other games.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

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Funny, pretty sure the Witcher 3 is renowned for having far more game breaking bugs than even Skyrim, still, despite being out for months. It definitely has more than Fallout. Fallout 4 is probably one of the most polished RPG's of its scope, ever, at least in my experience of the more innovative RPG's in the last eight years or so.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, the wasteland particularly isn't for everyone as it reflects a dead world rather than something surreal and magical, but based solely on technical merit, Fallout 4 is exceptionally well done.

Anecdotal, but in 80 hours, two playthroughs, not a single game breaking glitch (particularly because of the innovative and immensely useful auto save and quick save features.)
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Fire emblem awakening on lunatic+ is tooooo freakking hard. So many fails. So many fails. So many fails.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Engel
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Engel Wonderland Psychotic Wonderland Perfection

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You probably want to look up what innovative actually means. It doesn't mean not all that much change since last version, fallout 3. Bethesda is notorious for their large amount of bugs, especially at launch. It doesn't matter if you didn't have any bugs, when so many others did. Fallout 4 is a bit of a mess like all of their games, unfortunately they didn't include much of a modding tool this time so it'll take longer for someone to fix it since they're unlikely to do that themselves very fast. Though they've released a few patches already. Must be a surprise that they've done that, since you think it's exceptionally well done technically. It's also hilarious that you try to claim it has anything to do with my supposed taste for the magical and surreal too when I mention GTA V.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

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Innovative as in new or advanced? The quick save feature is new, and the auto save feature tracking numerous past saves is leagues above what I've seen in the Witcher 3 for example, where up to 40-60 minutes of gameplay can be lost when a bug is experienced. The Witcher 3's saving isn't even bad either, which really drives home why Bethesda's saving features are effective.

There's been one patch by the way, at least on Xbox, considering the player testers increased by a factor of many many times at launch the chances for new bugs to be discovered is not only higher, but almost a certainty.

I'm aware my experience is anecdotal, which is why I said it was, though from what reviews I've seen Fallout 4 is still immensely unbuggy for an RPG of its scope, as I've explained. Need I post the hilarious Witcher 3 launch bugs to drive home this point? I don't really feel the need.

GTA V is pretty much the definition of a surreal universe, the entire thing is a satire of modern day life. It's not trying to be dead or lifeless, it's the exact opposite, I'm not really sure how you're comparing the setting of Fallout 4 to GTA, but you are, so congratulations, very 'hilarious'.

I've never actually claimed Fallout 4 was a huge departure from Fallout 3, I could list a number of changes if I wanted to, but all I wanted to do was point out that knocking Fallout 4 for bugs in comparison to Witcher 3 was probably the worst possible comparison to make. Though I'm not a Witcher player, the reviews suggest you had much easier material to run with, though once again I would argue Fallout loses out because it's a more niche environment.

Anyway, I don't want a heated debate in a gaming discussion thread, though after having professed to playing Fallout 4 a lot recently having someone immediately jump in with the depreciating and in my mind erroneous and misleading assertion that it is buggy and boring I couldn't help but rebut. For nothing else, I wouldn't want fans waiting for it for Christmas becoming dissapointed from unfair criticisms, when better ones exist.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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GTA is pretty surreal compared to real life, but still grounded enough where you can take it seriously some of the time, and thats where the story can really shine.

Saints Row on the other hand has this whole air of:
Hey guys you remember when games were just silly and FUN? well that's what we aim to give you, forget all the stuffy GTA world building and real life references we are going to give you ALIENS AND DUBSTEP GUNS AND DEMONS AND LOADS OF OTHER RANDOM SHIT THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CRIME SIMULATION! You might approaching 28 but who cares you can enjoy all this aimless shit Ironically and if you have a problem with it then you don't have a sense of humor or you're a feminist or something.

yeah I prefer GTA
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Engel
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Engel Wonderland Psychotic Wonderland Perfection

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Fallout 4 isn't surreal? I take it all the monsters, ghouls and supermutants seem normal then. There's plenty of hidden stuff too that's definitely surreal. Fallout 4 isn't really dead either in that case, there's plenty of life in that world even if it happened after an apocalypse. I've heard the console versions weren't as buggy as pc. I thought you were saying it was a darker or violent world than the others.

I don't think witcher 3 is better than fallout 4 because there's no bugs, and not once did I say that. Disregarding any bugs in either game, Witcher 3 is a vastly superior game due to story, characters and gameplay. I never experienced any bugs while playing it either, so those bugs that apparently still exists now didn't for me. There's plenty of opinions on fallout 4, and quite a lot of fans seem disappointed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hjalti


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Engel Yeah, went Vault 81 and tried to recruit Jet-addicts twin sister. Passed the speech check and now she just walks around saying how excited she is to finally see the Commonwealth. -_-' Apparently I should have just forsaken the character I was trying to play as and killed her brother.

This happens every time I play a Bethesda game. Skyrim would freeze whenever I tried to enter the area in order to get Sheogorath's Wabbajack, because I had quest items that couldn't be dropped in my inventory. Even the final boss in the Dragonborn DLC glitched out and became unbeatable. Never happens to my wife, always happens to me. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy the game up until the bugs though :P

I recommend GTA V though. One of the first GTA games I finished without putting it down for a couple months first.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hjalti


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@Dynamo Frokane I've never gotten the term "ironically". How does someone enjoy something ironically? I always just enjoy the thing because I enjoy the thing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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@Hjalti its more of an image thing, they have trouble being seen to enjoy something sincerely so they add a layer of irony to their passion to make it seem more acceptable. Like a self depricating joke.

For example, most people know that Walker: Texas Ranger, is pretty poor television outside of a few half decent fight scenes. But some Internets Hipster Nerds people get around that by implying that their enjoyment of it is Ironic as apposed to actually thinking a bad show is good.

A lot of 90s nostalgia is based on this, we love things we loved as kids but we simultaneously realise how ridiculous and cringe it is as adults so we balance that out by showing our appreciation ironically.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hjalti


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Dynamo Frokane Ah, that makes a bit more sense. I worked with a girl who listened to Bieber ironically and I never got what that meant. I have an easier time owning the dumb shit I like. Saints Row is still pretty fun for me. There's stuff I look back on that I liked when I was a 15 year old kid that isn't as cool anymore, but Saints Row hasn't hit that point for me yet. Same goes for the old Dungeons and Dragons animated series.

Hell, I still like some of those old Stickdeath dot Com and Joe Cartoon videos. Not all, but still some.

Also, I legit thought that picture was Street Sharks for a minute.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Ive always OWNED my love for Huniepop, not like those Lets Players who basically have to play it ironically because no one can publically admit to genuinely liking a dating sim because it implies you cant get real women or you are a teenage perv.

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