Level 1 - White Room

Thick lashes flutter back to reveal magenta orbs, a dazed look in them. The eyes stared up at the ceiling for several moments before slowly looking around at the surroundings. A small hand came up to rub at them as the small girl slowly sat up, feeling slightly dizzy. What in the world happened? She had been happily looking at the artwork with Garry. Why was she on the floor? Had she fallen asleep? She continued to rub at her eyes as she climbed to her feet, looking around. Strange. This looked like the Gallery but why were all the lights out? And...Where was everyone? An uneasy feeling stole over her as she started around at her dim environment.
Her voice came out as a whisper, echoing slightly in the quiet room. A small whimpered bubbled up in her throat and she felt tears spring to her eyes. What happened? Where was her brother? She wanted to go home! A soft rustling sound drew her attention away from her panic and she whirled, gasping softly to see other people laying on the ground. Her eyes widened and she rushed over to a boy around her age with soft blonde hair. Se hesitantly reached out a hand and shook his shoulder.
"H-Hello? Are you alright?"

Allen made a soft noise as he awoke, blinking open his eyes. At first, he was very confused to find himself on the floor with a girl that had very long hair leaning over him. "Stella?" He mumbled as he slowly sat up. He rubbed at his eyes and discovered that this girl was in fact not Stella and he frowned at her. "Who are you? Where are we?" Now that he was looking around he realized that while this looked like the Gallery, something was different. Where were all the people? And were the lights out? Had they been locked in? He climbed to his feet, the girl at his side doing the side. He could see she looked nervously, hands clenching at the front of her dress and worrying her lip between her teeth. "My name is Primrose. A-And I think we're in the Gallery but it's dark and I don't know where everybody went."
Allen was alarmed to see tears in the girls eyes and felt panic rush through him. Like any boy of his age, he didn't know what to do with a crying girl. Trying to calm her down, he placed a hand gently on her shoulder. "It'll be okay. We'll figure something out." He gave her a comforting smile as he looked around them. As he took in his surroundings he blinked in surprise to see that there were more people lying on the ground like he had been. Geez, what in the world happened? He frowned worriedly and approached one the people laying on the ground.
"Hey, you alright?"