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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Captain Jenno
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Captain Jenno Waltzing for Zizi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Heavy rain.
It was a cloudburst, like one never seen on the sunny shores of Pleasant Valley: a sudden tempest that had begun with a single lightning bolt, which had broken the sky in two, and let thick grey clouds pour through the cracks like a weeping sore.
For most citizens, this was a freak act of nature, but nothing more - A consequence of global warming, or the prelude to an even bigger storm.
But for the Stand Users of Pleasant Valley, it felt as though there'd been a fundamental shift in the environment around them, as though one of a hundred candles had been extinguished, and the room they were in had become one one-hundredth darker.
It was happening again.

October 22nd, 2000. Another misleadingly named Pleasant Valley Sunday. It was moving slowly into late afternoon, teetering on 4pm, when civilians were even allowed close to the crime scene.
Another suspiciously un-suspicious death. At 1pm, Damien Bourke was found dead in the bathroom of his beachfront home. It usually overlooked a sandy white beach which sloped easily into blue ocean, but today the rain turned the sand into a wet, grey clay, and the clouds made the ocean black. The house's windows, like eyes, seemed to glaze over at their loss.
Damien had been found stood up, with his face pressed into the shattered surface of his bathroom cabinet's mirror. This wasn't the cause of death, but he was heavily disfigured for it. His heart had apparently stopped beating sometime between brushing his teeth and shaving earlier that day.
Police on the scene found no evidence of foul play, and so saw little harm in letting old-time neighbours approach the scene, within reason.
They'd made a similar call four months earlier, at Havana Reddy's residence... a mere five houses down the waterfront.

But thunder clapped raucously between the valley walls, and the rain drove most people back to their homes, their curiosity decidedly less resilient than their beach-born aversion to the damp.
By the time 4pm came about proper, only a dozen or so people remained, some of them seemingly family. Almost half of them were Boomtown Rats.
They watched with their backs to the beach, lined up in silence as they truly absorbed what had occurred here, like a mourning party.
Obviously, the immediate answer was a sudden, tragic death: but there was more than that. There was something in the air that mingled with the earthy scent of petrichor, something that seemed sickly sweet to the nostrils, but bitter and coppery when it laid itself across the tongue. The residual vestigium of a foreign body - the leftover presence of a Stand. And not just any Stand, but a powerful one: one with so great a presence that it remained hours and hours after the Stand had left.
Certainly more powerful than any Stand in the Boomtown Rats' assembly.

Bruno spoke first, peering out through the droves of watery streams pouring from the canopy of his black umbrella- fittingly somber, but only brought out in the interest of maintaining his pompadour. He'd taken the cigarette from his lips and held it limply in his left hand, tapping the butt rhythmically with his thumb as he'd exhaled a billow of smoke towards Umbrella Beach. No parasols out today, those that'd been left by tourists had been lost to sea the minute the storm arrived.
Then he'd said, in a low voice, "Right. Any of you guys got enough range to look around?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

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Lewis, or Maz to his friends, sighed. It was a rather depressing reaction to have to what had to be a murder, but he had already seen enough cruelty in his life to dull any sorrow this event would have caused him. Case in point; this wasn't the first murder. So he was able to shake off any negative emotions that would impair his ability to act and got to work. "I'll keep watch with Power Of Love" as he said that, his Stand manifested behind him. A rather odd looking one; being a pink dragon made out of newspaper, but it wasn't as fragile as it looked. While he might not have had very great range, Power Of Love had some top level accuracy, which translated to keen eyesight. It wasn't anything powerful enough to be considered a power, but it was still better then human eyesight.

With his very effeminate looking Stand out, it began to scan their surroundings, starting with the other people near them. A cursory glance didn't reveal anything, but he could take a closer look once he had scoped out their surroundings. Having done that and still unable to find anything worth noting, he said "I can't see anything strange from here. Looks like we really are going to need someone to get closer." While his Stand could be pretty far away from him, that was only when using it's ability. Otherwise it couldn't go very far. Not only that, but he couldn't see out of it's eyes when using that ability, so that kind of defeated the purpose of getting closer. Fortunately, some of his fellows had Stands with better range them him. 'Come to think of it, my Stand might have the worst range of the entire group. Except for Bruno's...maybe. I'm really not too sure, his Stand is kind of weird even for Stands.'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

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J.D. shivered briefly. Was it the chill weather or that powerful, lingering presence? He could hardly tell at the moment. Tightening the sipper of his white flight jacket, he slipped his hands into the pockets in an effort to retain some heat. "Summer went too quick..." he muttered quietly to himself.

Looking around the beachfront as Maz's Stand moved about, J.D. clicked his tongue, muttering, "Just light a flare why don'tcha..." Looking closer at the black print of the newspaper on the pink dragon's skin, he couldn't help but snort, "I dunno what you expect to see with all this rain, but if you don't be careful he's gonna melt, ha!"

Cringing as the droplets hit his skin, he poked a finger out of his jacket pocket, jabbing it towards the former abode of the recently deceased Damien Bourke, J.D. droned, "I say we just give it a look." If there's anything to find...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fish of Oblivion
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Fish of Oblivion Potassium

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Whilst Lewis was quick to reply to Bruno's enquiry, others remained quiet. One such individual was a tall girl standing towards the back of the group.

Florence hadn't been particularly talkative on their way to the crime scene, and she wasn't any more talkative now that they'd actually arrived. Between her quiet demeanour, the serious look on her face, and the black overcoat and black umbrella shielding her from the cold and rain, the redhead could easily have passed for a mourner if not for the motley crew she was standing near.

Beneath the stoic expression, however, her teeth were clenched tight. There was absolutely no mistaking the menacing sensation lingering over their surroundings, nor what it portended. In a way, she was glad her Stand didn't have the necessary range to investigate; she wasn't going to dismiss the possibility that there was still something lurking in that that house. That the sensation was more than a Stand's footprint. That-

"That's enough," She muttered quickly and quietly to her side, slapping away the hand that had tried to slip into her coat pocket.

"You can have it back when we're done," She tersely told the figure floating next to her; a giant of an astronaut that drew its body and hands back in fright.

Life on Mars stared at her for a few moments, before looking down at the ground and turning away with its arms crossed, like a child sulking after being scolded by its mother. The Stand, even taller than its User and with red eyes burning brightly behind its blue visor, had sneaked the Gameboy out when Florence had left earlier. Whilst she'd caught on and confiscated it so it wouldn't get broken (and so passersby wouldn't be struck dumb by the sight of a Gameboy suspended in midair whilst playing Tetris all by itself), it had been too late to take it back home by then, and the Stand hadn't given up on trying to grab it out of her pocket when it thought she wasn't looking.

Florence just sighed. She didn't resent her Stand's personality, but Life on Mars really wasn't the brightest star in the sky.

In any case, it seemed the others had been busy whilst she'd been reprimanding the astronaut. As she turned her attention back to the rest of the group, she caught sight of a pink dragon finishing up its sweep of the surroundings, and heard Lewis suggest someone move in as she connected the appearance of Power of Love to him. Another member of the group- J.D, if she remembered correctly- voiced similar thoughts a moment later, and that was what got her to speak up at last.

"Hmm. Unless someone does have enough range to cover it, might as well move in." For now, she kept her apprehension to herself. For all its quirks, Life on Mars was more than capable in close quarters, and she presumed they had an advantage in numbers besides that. If there really was something lurking in the house, she'd just have to be on higher guard than normal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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SwordfishKnight bad

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The rain poured down over Bruce. He had been an idiot and not brought an umbrella, and he kicked himself for that. The chills from the rain shivered him down to his core, and he couldn't shake the feeling of dread from himself. Who was going to be killed next? Would it be him? Would it be his friends that were next? No one knew. There was barely a pattern to follow, one that couldn't be detailed enough to solve the case.

Bruno spoke up and asked about range. Bruce had an idea.

"Oi." He said, trying to gain attention. "It's just a shot in the dark, but I could try to use my stand to scout the area. There's no telling what's gonna happen, but it's better than being clueless. In fact, I'm ready to try if you wanna, boss."

Of course, no one was for sure the 'boss' but it was what Bruce preferred to call Bruno. It had a nice ring to it, and it gave some semblance of order. Bruce spoke up again. "What do you say? Want me to try and give us some info?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Captain Jenno
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Captain Jenno Waltzing for Zizi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Bruno had watched with a sort of puzzled, but nonetheless vaguely amused, expression as Maz let loose his Power of Love. Not that it was to Bruno to judge another stand by its appearances, given his manifested itself through a prosthetic - but even among the stand community, a pink dragon composed of newspapers was an oddity.
He watched it absently for a few moments, before the true nature of the crime re-seized him. Then he took another long drag of his cigarette, before dropping the last third of it onto the rain-slick sidewalk, and grinding it into harmless shredded paper and tobacco beneath his heel.
He exhaled another cloud of grey and white, as J.D. made his preferences clear. It was torn asunder by the rain.
"I say we just give it a look."

"Somethin' tells me the police aren't gonna be so fond of that idea, pal," Bruno replied, as he cast another glance about their party.
That was when he first spotted Life on Mars. He offered Florence only a subtle nod in recognition of this - and she said her piece.
The party seemed to be weighed in favour of making an entrance physically, but Bruno was still painfully aware of the presence of police officers - they'd need to go in through the back, and that meant not being prepared for what might have been waiting to leave unnoticed, too.
When he was younger, brasher, he might have disregarded the police altogether. But he'd had two arms, back then.
He cast a glance down to his left hand, and the invisible works of wood beneath the leather of his glove. He could have extended the range, if only he had access to enough rubber. Were there any hose pipes around?

"Oi." Another voices - Bruce's. "It's just a shot in the dark, but I could try to use my stand to scout the area. There's no telling what's gonna happen, but it's better than being clueless. In fact, I'm ready to try if you wanna, boss. What do you say? Want me to try and give us some info?"
Bruno glanced up from his hand, and stared at Bruce through the rain for a few seconds. Then he smiled - grinned, really- because he reckoned he could get used to being called 'boss'. Maybe he'd form his own gang of good-hearted renegades, one day.
"My thinkin' exactly. If you can get your stand into the house, be my guest - and whilst you're at it, Maz can watch for coppers whilst I open the back."
A plan in motion - Bruno felt the metaphorical sun rays break the very real, very unrelenting cloud canopy. He stepped away from the group, and made his way around back.

If and when Bruce got his stand onto the property, however, he'd sense something far more oppressive than the brewing storm over Pleasant Valley. In here, the vestigium of the presumed Killer Stand was thicker, stronger. Not powerful enough that the stand could still be manifested there, but certainly so potent that it suggested it was inside more recently than out. If it had left, it hadn't gone out through the door.
The house reeked of its presence, and even more-so than that, the echo of an agonising death. A silent scream that only Stand Users seemed privy to.
Outback (dadum tish) Bruno had leaned his umbrella at an angle across his shoulders, and his left arm had gone totally, absolutely slack - a dead weight.
But subtly, the translucent, spectral hand which haunted his own could be seen reaching into the mechanism. However, it lacked a great, lock picking precision, so instead of disarming the tumblers, it just outright destroyed them internally, without any signs of external damage. At least it wouldn't draw immediate attention.
The door clicked, and movement returned to Bruno's arm around the same time his ghostly third limb faded.
He made his way back around to the side of the house, coolly.

"Door's open. What're you seeing, Bruce?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Clicking his tongue at Bruno's response, J.D. shrugged, taking a few steps away, muttering a few nothings under his breath.

Once he returned from the other side, however, J.D. didn't bother with pleasantries as he began to move over to the door, instead wondering, "I still dunno what you guys are hoping to see."

But then again, their Stands probably have eyes? Maybe that makes a difference. J.D. wondered as he reached the door, reaching a hand under his coat and faffing about with once of his blue tinted brown feathers.

Getting closer to the doorway, his step was halted, spine tingling at that unnatural emanation coming from the house. Staying still for a moment, he turned aside, slipping a hand into his pocket. He wasn't going to be the first one in...
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