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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Keeping on the pressure, the combatant adjusted the sword attempting match the wavelengths before there was an explosion of particles, sending both suits flying backwards away from eachother. Righting itself, the delta plus transferred the sword into the shield arm and withdrew a second sword. charging back in, the Delta swung both down at the shield, attempting to match the bandwiths again with each sword coming in at a different angle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Seeing as they were coming back in for another attack Sakuya reacted so they were trying the same technique with a two swords well two can play at that game she thought. Putting out the klein field in both hands she held them up matching both blades with the plavsky field she created. This however had the same result as last time causing another explosion of particles sending them both back once more. Seeing as it was going to be a stale mate each time Sakuya prepared for another round preparing to bring up the klein field as she secretly release more of her invisible funnels hoping to shoot them in the back before the explosion of sword and shield meeting could occur.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sheathing the sword in the right hand, leaving the shield and sword on both the left arm. The shield spun around and so the nose was pointing outwards down the arm. Deciding that the same trick wouldn't work twice, the gunpla thrusted forwards with the open right hand. a wave of particals washed forwards over the the quebely and the funnels as well, the gunpla following in close behind the wave. It Contacted the klein field and cracked and sparkled against it. It seemed to have a different reaction to the shield than the swords did.

That was when an open palm slammed against it, delivering a dose of fa jin down the shield of the dela plus and forced the tip through the field, slowly widening the hole and the shield slipping in deeper with each passing second.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"So it knows that as well the basics of that as well huh? Sorry but you lack something to really do something of that nature." Turning to the side and letting the shield break Sakuya aimed her hand at the head and let out multiple shots from the beam gun. "In a fight it takes more than just knowledge of how to do something it takes skill and wisdom to put those to good use." Sakuya stated as she did a full circle ending up behind the delta plus than with a quick strike she used the basic's of her klein field to and let out a single palm strike against the back of the gunpla using the field push to do more damage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Half the head was torn off from the beam shots, however, the build quality was good and the palm strike against the back of the delta pluse damaged a few thruster, didn't cripple the suit. the nasty surprise for the quebely on the other hand was a pair of hip mounted beam cannons firing into its mid section, as a trade off blow for the beam to the face and the strike.
The delta then made the decision to haul ass out of there, boosting away at full power, all while turning around to face the quebely.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"So it seems you had a ace up your sleeve as well." Sakuya stated as she pedaled backwards her midsection was damaged but it was build solidly enough that it shouldn't effect much though. It seemed that her funnels was useless and majority of the fights seemed to be avoiding them which was good for her in the long it gave her time to focus on the delta plus. With a sigh she stood there it may seem that they were evenly matched and they probably were but the sad news was that the qubeley was not going to be able to last if this became a battle of attrition. The qubeley wasn't meant for battles of this nature so a few more hits like it has been going would put her at a major disadvantage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The delta plus was still worse for wear, but it did have all of its capabilities still intact. had ranged weapons, a sword, but the piercing shield was down and they were at a stalemate once more. With enough distance between them, it sheathed its weapons. The Delta plus then gave a deep bow with hands pressed together and then throw out an out stretched, but closed fist while clasping it's legs together. "Sieg Zeon." said the female, the voice a good bit distorted before the delta plus transformed, heading out of range as quickly as possible to try and not let themselves get defeated yet. The goal was to survive with the most, not kill the most. Besides, it had been a good fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

While all that was going on, Alexis had broken through the EA lines to find a Zeong armed up one side and down the other with with MP Cannons. She let out a sigh when she saw it. "Really ... this is a stage for the best in the world, how did some beam spamming scrub get here ..." she said to her self as she noticed behind it was one of the EA's ships. Specifically, an Archangel class ship, a Dominion recreation from the look of it.

Well that was just perfect, a ship, and potentially kicking a scrub out of the tournament, if the points didn't go they're way from here on. The Ship opened fire on her and the Zeong did shortly after as well. Alexis was having non of it, and the 'blades' on the back of her suit folded up into 'attack mode', and lit the sensors up with lock on confirmation for the Igelstellungs, Valiants, Gottfrieds and missile tubes, while taking pot shots at the Zeong from the GN Sword and Shield mounted GN 'Rifle'. As she danced around or blocked the energy weapon fire then blades on the back discharged orbs of light, 12 in total, that drifted away from the suit a little ways before 'firing' on the ships weapons. The ship tried to evade as one would expect but the beams tracked they're targets just enough that even if it wasn't a direct hit, the weapon system was still disabled at the least.

This display also seemed to have distracted the Zeongs pilot cause he foolishly turned to see what was going on with the ship behind it. Alexis took advantage of this by shooting the Zeong in the back of the head with the GN 'Rifle' in her shield, destroying that part be just before she drop kicking the Gunpla into the damaged ship. With one final push from her Exia's drive systems, a massive blade of GN Particles erupted from her GN Sword, now back in 'Sword mode'.

"Moon Splitter" Was the last, and only thing the Zeong Pilot would have heard from her durring the whole exchange as she brought the massive energy blade down on both the ship, and the Gunpla. Destroying the both out right.

Her Exia drifted away from the wreckage of the ship a bit before deciding to fall back. She could rather easily sink the rest of the line, but that wouldn't necessarily win them the battle, so she flew back to the Battle Line to make she they're where less EA players left the ZAFT players.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Seeing as the battle was practically declared over Sakuya left recalling her remaining funnels as she went towards a new target. Sadly though it was not meant to be. With the destruction of a zeong and a battleship they decided it was time to up the ante it seems as a bit after a message was relayed to everyone. "Battle Field change conditions met now including stage hazards and releasing Mobile armors." With that message the field changed Sakuya couldnt help but sigh as four mobile armors was released. a psycho gundam mk 2 and a alpha azieru sporting earth alliances stickers all over it and painting a standard white and blue. While ZAFT seemed to have gotten the destroy gundam and a queen mansa and like its counterparts it was painted a dark marron and red sporting ZAFT stickers. With the release of that and seemingly a battleship upgraded considering the larger almost colony laser sized shots coming from the "motherships' of each side it seems that this was planned to be the climax of the battle. With a sigh and a small smirk Sakuya headed towards the alpha azieru releasing her own funnels to counteracts the ones it launched at her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ball Guy rotated Sphere King to face the massive Psycho Gundam. The chest of the Psycho began glowing to charge its scatter beam. Within an instant, the Sphere King had flown several circles around it, wrapping it up in a heavy tow cable. Rou's knowledge of the anime counted the seconds it would take to charge and fire, assuming this was a mainly straight built model. Sphere King positioned itself against an asteroid and dug into it, bracing itself.


With that, Ball Guy tugged the tow cable as hard as he could, unravelling and spinning the Psycho Gundam towards the EA ship as it fired the scatter beam. The destruction was immense, as several Mocks and players alike were vaporized, and the beam dragged vertically over a portion of the ship, destroying one of the hangar bays. Ball Guy laughed uncontrollable at the absolute mayhem he had caused.

"Phew...that was way better than expected." He stammed, barely able to speak over his happiness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis, not having made it very far away from the fleet when the field change occurred, turned right around and started carving her way through the reinforcements, and avoiding eating a scatter beam spam from the Psycho MK II. She looked up at the enemy MA and found Dai-Ball-Oh not far from it, then saw the cables attached to the MA and instantly knew what happened.

"If your gonna swing that hunk of junk around, try aiming it at the ship with the Colony Laser" She said over the Coms to Ball Guy as she finished off the damaged ship. "Also, good to see you, and your Ball Mega Zord again. Try not to lose till it's down to just the four of us Lab graduates." she added ending with a smirk resumed making her way to the ship with the Colony Laser her self.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The delta plus flew ahead and kept on weaving around. However, as she flew towards the Zaft ships, two groups of rounds blew past her, causing the delta plus to begin to take evasive maneuvers. She managed to reverse her trajectory and flew back at the two suits, spotting they were apparently a pair of Seed Zaku/Gouf duo. she sighed. "Great, they made friends..." the female said and blew past them. The Zaku was sent hurtling off to the side as the Delta plus Transformed. In its hand was a rifle, zaku hand still attached. Tearing it off, she Took aim with it and riddled the zaku until it was disabled.

The gouf took exception to this and unloaded with the minigun attached to the shield. The delta plus jetted over to the zaku and hid behind the corpse of it as she ate the fire from the Gouf.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

alpha azieru was definately just a push over in the end though sad thing was it wasn't going to be easy as she though. Sadly it seems some of the people on the EA side took offense to her targeting it and as such along with some cpu controlled strike daggers was acting as a forward guard. A gundam full armor and a standard gm sniper. It seemed something she should be able to handle easily all things considered with that in mind full release of her systems she would end with one single stroke. With that thought in mind it was activated the Kai Ni system as the qubeley's hidden lines started to glow with a blue light. It was time to begin the session it seems.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis carved her way through the EA's rear line to the 'colony laser' ship leaving a not insubstantial wake of destruction in her path. The AI units being no match for her at all, be it the dumb moves the pulled or failing to react to an attack she ripped through them till she came to a trio of Gundam, The Raider, Forbidden and Calamity, or rather variants of those three that didn't have model kits. The Raider being the one to get her attention with the beam cannon from it's head coming at her from the side, which she turned and blocked with her shield.

"That's as far as you go Trans-Am scrub." the pilot of the Raider said. "You've had your fun now, it's time you go put in your place." rang over the coms from the Forbidden. The pilot of the Calamity didn't say anything, it just landed on a near by Draco class ship and took aim at Alexis' Exia while the other two maneuvered in such a way as Alexis would have to go through them to get to her target.

"I though all you '00 haters' had moved on to hating on all those people that Run the RX-0 line." she said, as she drew her Blue Moon GN Sword and put her Moonlight GN Sword into Sword mode. "Come, I'll show you what a true master of the Exia looks like."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It was a drawn out fight, but by the end of it, there was a rifle in the delta's hand and a riddled Gouf, missing an arm and a leg. The delta was relatively untouched, but that was thanks to her piloting and her use of plavasky particles. Two opponents down, she flew towards the ships, which she knew would be an issue for both her a.i. and her allies to deal with. Aiming for a cargo bay door, she began to fire at it with the beam lasers, using their gimbled mounts to cut a circle in the door, venting it to space ad leaving enough room for her to transform back to robot mode and land in the hangar bay. Withdrawing her sword, she began to slice apart hi moks and use particle fa-jin to blow out sections of ship. this was extremely noticeable from the outside and liable to draw attention.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

It was easy to easy Sakuya thought something this easy should not be really possible yet for some reason it was. The funnels was quickly making work of the fights and despite getting some lucky hits in those that were going against her was practically sitting ducks. The mobile armor was also taken care of in the process but that was not her main concern. No rather her main concern was that her funnels was starting to not follow her direct commands. Which was rather easily explained since there was only one suit that can really do such things and that was the unicorn line. She had no problem personally with the suit despite people raging about it and the exia line. Turning around she brought out a beam saber but it was quickly blocked with a four petal shield of a blue and white unicorn. "Looks like I may be at a disadvantage" Sakuya said as she faced the unicorn while dodging her funnels and blocking strikes with her beam saber.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis bobbed and weaved and clashed with the Forbidden, Raiders, Calamity. The pilots of the three starting off cocky, taunting her as they fought. It wasn't untill Alexis sank the second Draco class ship, it started dawning on them, Alexis was just fighting around them while she still continued after her real target.

Once they figured that out they got angry, and started going after her even harder. When that happened Alexis decided to focus on her attackers, dodging around a swing of the Forbidden's Scythe, while bringing her Bluemoon GN Blade around a lopping off one of the Forbidden Gundam's arm and one of the 'shields'. Before she could finish the Gundam off the Raider came in shooting, and swinging with the mace.

Alexis dodged around the mace, blasting the cable as it past, sending the spiked ball sailing away. The shoots where blocked with the shield. Those shoots where followed by a shoot from the Raider and Forbidden's Plasma Cannons, and while they where forcing her to dodge those, the Calamity stepped in and opened fire it's weapons, forcing her to block with her shield again. Fortunately the GN Field was still holding, still, she was already tired of this, another shot was fired from the 'Colony Laser' behind the trio.

"Sorry, I don't have time to play with you anymore." she said then charged in, still not using Trans-Am, and went after the Forbidden first, dodging around it's shots and lopping off the other arm with the Moon Light GN Sword then cut the Gundam in two before kicking off it and turned toward the Raider, just putting her shield up and blocking the shots as she charged forward dodging around the shots from the Calamity, blowing past the Raider, taking its head and arm with the Auto Cannon off as she did.

As she turned around she put the Bluemoon GN Blade back on the Exias hip and the blades on the Shield opened up, wider then the last time, and begun charging the GN Buster. The Calamity just kept firing, probably hopping to take Alexis out before the Buster finished charging. He was wrong, and Alexis got the shot off, wiping out both the Raider and Calamity with the blast, before continuing on to her true target.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The inside of the capitol ship was an area. Fighters being fool hardy enough to challenge the reign of the Zeta plus littered the inside of the ship. The delta plus had some serious competition from one opponent really, causing the loss of the rifle she had picked up off of the zaku and he own shield. Down to the swords and the her hip beams, she had killed off a decent and respectable chunk of the enemy team. having leveled the playing field to duels, the female had managed to gain the upperhand for her own fights. The distinct lack of members on the Zaft's team would be noticeable.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The fight was slowly becoming one of attrition Sakuya thought to herself as she once again brought up her klien field to block the shots from barrage she was under. Though the only good thing was that she managed to recall most of her funnels before the NTD activated on that unicorn. Beam saber in hand she launched forward diving in and out of combat leaving multiple cuts on the arms of the unicorn not that it noticed in the heat of the battle. With a small smirk Sakuya knew she had it in the bag the arms was heavily damaged and a few solid hits would render useless. With that in mind she released a shockwave of energy aiming for the arms in particular. With it distracted she charged forward at top speed than with both sabers she cut off one of the arms. Though sadly she was unable to do much more since after she managed to do that the battle ended. "TIME OVER, BATTLE CONCLUSTION TIE." Sakuya heard them announce as she let out a sound of disbelief she figured at the rate she saw ZAFT would have lose but it turned out the count was even in the long run. With a slight sigh she looked at the ruined state of her qubeley it looked like she would have to introduce "it" sooner than she expected.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Before the Feed cut out, both Sakuya and Alexis saw the fighter for the labs appear in their comms. "come. We need to talk." she said, gesturing with her finger, the voice sounded a bit modulated. Looking down, the female had stared at her gunpla. "Bah, built by the labs. I can still do better." the female said, having become a bit of a snob with building, but still just as passionate. She looked between the two opponents and hoped they would come towards her, to talk with them.

She liked the zeta plus, but she had her own suits, given access to some of the prototype mold casts for the new series, the female had worked hard to make them her own.
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