Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

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Alexis sighed an annoyed sigh. "Bloody time limits ruining things" she grumbled a bit as she collected her Exia and gave some thought to just ignoring the request of this stranger, after all, she didn't know this person, so there was no real reason they 'needed' to talk. Curiosity on the other hand, got the best of her and decided to least give this person a chance to say they're piece.

"Sup" Alwxis said as she approved the masked fighter.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

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Sakuya approached the masked figure after all the person was after all the fighter behind the delta plus and going by their brief fight it should be interesting on how they learned to fight like that. The last one to do things of that nature after all was the legendary "samurai boy" Niels and despite her best tries she was never fully able to replicate his feats but on the other side it was the constant failures that allowed her to develop the Klien field. With that thought in mind she walked forward "hey that was a good fight we had to bad we couldn't finish it perhaps next time we will get to see which is truly better your sword or my shield." Sakuya spoke up her voice sounding tired despite her not being so.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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The masked fighter seemed to be composed as the two of them came close, however, once in arms length, she pulled them both in and hugged them tightly, starting to sniffle. "I'm so happy i can do this.... i've waited so long..." she said, the voice modulation from the comms being absent and the voice sounding very familiar. She leaned back and tore off the helmet to reveal (much to a cliched surprise) that it was infact dani. She smiled so largely she probably could swallow a dinner plate. "I can walk..." she said, tears streaming from her eyes. "I've wanted to hug you two for such a long time without being sitting..." she said to them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

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"I am glad to hear that." Sakuya said her smile a bit larger but her eyes betrayed a sense of tiredness of everything that just seemed to be permanent on her face. "So if I may ask how did you manage to do it?" Sakuya said it was a honest question she had she knew before Nielson had ideas to use plavsky particles for medical purposes but she did not know if he ever did make progress on that or not.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The hug caught her off guard, wasn't expecting that. The she took the helm off and she felt kinda dumb that it turned out to be Dani. Alexis didn't really have any reason to think it would be Dani mind you but part of her felt like she should have known when there was the announcement about Dani's chair breaking.

"So, this is it then? That big surprise you and Nils mentioned earlier?" she said after a moment or so. "Certainly is a surprise that's for damn sure."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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Dani nodded to them, wiping her eyes now. "Yeah.... the exact specifics are still under wraps, but i have implants in my legs that can be controlled by the plavasky participial. That and a mesh similar to the fields we fight on, is deployed around my legs so i can 'touch' things. Couple that with my helmet turned into brain implants and i've gained the ability to walk. We're working on other methods as well." she said, breathing a bit. "I'll have to do a press conference later, but i don't care... it's been so long and i can finally do it in public..." she explained.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

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"Either way im glad for you." Sakuya said as she watched Dani let out her tears she deserved it was her main thought after all it wasn't often that a person is able to walk again after not being able to. Still the sheer principle and diversity of what plavsky particles could do excited her the sheer potential they had was overwhelming. "So how about we celebrate than? After all we have plenty of reasons to celebrate now dont we?" Though I understand if your guys are busy Sakuya said with a slight nod and pulled her cap over her eyes. Mainly out of habit now after so long of doing it to hide herself she did it out of sheer reflex now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"About time some one found a more practical use for the particle" Alexis said, resisting the urge to kneel down poke at Dani's legs. "But any thing we do, I'm probably gonna have to bring my daughter along, Damian wants to go see the town. Sorry" Alexis added, feeling they should have a heads up on what her evening was going to entail.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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"hmmm.... What about some exhibition matches on the grounds? or how about maybe autograph signing... helping some new builders... Before we do anything, i need to change out of this pilot suit. The cosplay is cool and all, but i prefer my robes." she said, referring to what she had been wearing earlier. "Nils had gotten me into wearing them, since they were the only clothes he'd teach me in. So lose and free with movements, i love it since i can 'feel' it through the particals." she said, starting to tear up again. If the three of them didn't hurry, Dani wouldd probably break down on stage once more.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

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"Well lets go than." Sakuya stated she had no plans personally and checking out the fairground was probably a better idea than just grabbing a bite to eat. "So do you have changing room or are we going to be heading to your room for the tournament?" Sakuya quickly added it was probably best to leave the main stadium anyway and with emotions running wild and as high as they are it was probably best in the end. In her own opinion it was nice to see old friends and she was really up to whatever they had planned or to "Go where the wind takes them".
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Probably should be around 'small easy to swallow parts' if I'm going to have my daughter with me, otherwise I'm up for any of that." Alexis said "Ether way, I need to go get her so my brother can go have some free time. Met me at my room in a bit and we can get this started." she said, told them what room she was in, gave the both of them a hug, which still felt weird with Dani not being in a wheel chair, then took off to go get her little girl.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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"Just head back to my room." Said Dani and returned the hugs, being very happy to hugging. "I'll meet you down ther Alexis." she said with a wave and gestured for Sakuya to follow her, taking the delta plus with her. "I happened to sorta like this suit, oh well. Guess the lab boys will have a hayday when they recover the data from the match." She said and led Sakuya to her room, it being none more expansive than the rest of the guests. "I'll just change, so give me a minute." Said Dani and took her clothes into the bathroom.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

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Sitting down on the bed Sakuya sighed and took off her hat. Letting it rest on the bed she couldn't help but wonder at how much her friends have grown. People were moving ahead but she couldn't help but wonder was she? Looking at the mirror against the wall her pale face staring back at her before she laughed it didn't matter people change and she would just forge her own path ahead. Maybe it was time to reveal her true gunpla her qubeley was good yes but it wasn't one of her greatest works like some of her others. Shaking her thoughts from that line of thought she let out a small sigh it was a nice day after all and after the first stage she could see people talking about what happened already outside the window. Now it was a simple waiting game for dani to finishing changing though thinking back it was going to give the researchers a hayday after all what she revealed with her klein field was revolutionary to manipulate plavsky particles like yah she was definitely turned some heads she could already see NIels sensei calling her in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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Coming out of the bathroom a few minutes later, coming out dressed in a pair of Hakama and her Hitatare, a solid black tube hanging from her side along with a sword. "ok, im ready, i can't explain how good it feels to be like this." she said excitedly, giving a bit of a twirl, happy to be on her feet and moving. "We said to meet her down there, so, anything you need to get or are you just good to go?" asked the female to her friend.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

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"Im good as I am" Sakuy said as she placed her hat on once more. Standing up she Sakuya couldnt help but notice the how Dani was dressed but it mattered little to her probably some habit she picked up from her tutelage under Niels. With a soft sigh she looked at Dani "so shall we go or is there anywhere else we need to head to?" She asked as she started to walk towards Dani.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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Dani shook her head and kept smiling happily. "Nope, let's get a move on it." she said and led the way out of the hotel room and downwards towards the fair grounds. They left the hotel and it appeared to be maybe duskish. The sun was getting low in the sky and Casting a beautiful orange light over the grounds and the buildings. "It's pretty outside." she said, leading Sakuya to the stairs down to the actual fair.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"That it is" Sakuya said as they walked forward towards the fair ground night was settling and she could see numerous gundam themed lights being turned on as they prepared for night. It was quite a site if she was to say so herself still with that said she noticed that people were beginning to gather towards food stalls and the like. "Well participants of the tournament eat free so might as well take advantage of it I guess" Sakuya replied as she noticed many a participant from the last match gathering at various food stalls. Still looking around as she didn't catch a glimpse of Alexis.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After picking up her daughter and dropping off her Exia so she could work on it later, and headed down to the fair grounds to meet up with the others. The world tournament fair was, well a fair, only Gundam themed. Small rides and food vendors all over the place, as well as drawings and classes for Gunpla, and a build center to give people a place to build and get some instruction on how to build better.

Cassandra mostly clung to her mother as the two of them made they're way through the fair grounds, stopping at the odd stall to have a look at something while looking for Dani and Sakuya.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Dani nodded. "Yeah, i think some food would do me good." She said and lead the way down towards the food. Finally getting there, Sakuya would notice Dani had a bit of a curious search going on. She kept on checking at the stalls before shouting with glee. This shout would undoubtedly be heard by Alexis. However, dani quickly moved over to one stall and quickly ordered up some food. "Nil-Sensi! thank you!" she called out happily, only a minute later coming back out with a Funnel Cake sprinkled in powdered sugar. Walking back to Sakuya, she smiled and offered her some. "Try a bit."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"Thanks" Sakuya muttered as she tore a small pieces off the offered funnel cake. It was sweet that much was sure still thinking on it and looking back it wasn't all that bad though she still did not like things to sweet. Still keeping her eye out for Alexis as she walked along the stalls stopping at a nearby one and grabbing a few haro shaped meat buns. With food in hand she continued walking looking at the various sights as she watched the people go back and forth between them. "Hey Dani how about we sit for a bit to eat than continue our search?" Sakuya suggested as she spotted a empty bench that was located somewhat in the middle of the festival.
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