Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Captain Jenno
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Captain Jenno Waltzing for Zizi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Stand User
Name: Bruno Garcia Hays
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Brief description of appearance: Bruno is a tall, slender figure, 5'11", with narrow shoulders and an overall thin build. His hair is a cobalt blue, and he wears it up in a pompadour (although, to allay concerns, he isn't too defensive about it). His eyes are green, and his skin is lightly tanned, betraying his origins in a hotter climate. He wears a black leather jacket, around the collar of which is a black-and-white checkered pattern, and a pair of black leather gloves, although the one on his left hand seems to be padded, whilst the one on the right is otherwise generic.

Personality summary: Bruno is an Aussie, through and through: hot tempered and fast-mouthed. A reformed teen gangster, Bruno's heart is in the right place, but his execution can sometimes be less so. His playful teasing can seem cruel at times, and his rushing to fix problems with his fists can sometimes make them much, much worse. Still, his loyalty, once earned, is nigh unshakable.

Short biography: Bruno Harrison is an Australian immigrant who was moved forcefully from his hometown of Trenchtown, New South Wales, by his parents, after he'd been involved in a botched museum robbery, orchestrated by The Trenchtown Thugs, a gang of teen anarchists. During this robbery, a collection of valuable antiques went missing: Bruno never saw the benefits of any of them.
Instead, in the commotion preceding his arrest, Bruno panicked and ran into the road, colliding head-on with a police car and losing his left arm due to a complication during the ensuing surgery.
It was un-salvageable, and replaced with an inflexible wooden substitute, all that his family could afford, and such reality motivated Bruno to leave his roguish lifestyle behind. It was well crafted, like the arm of a well made doll, but it was totally inanimate.

Bruno moved to Pleasant Valley with his estranged then-girlfriend Maria Shintaro, expecting to spend the rest of his life as "the one armed man". But upon arriving, Bruno suddenly found himself in the possession of a powerful spirit which allowed him to move his wooden arm as though it were made of flesh and bone again: and when he touched things with it, he could emulate the material. His arm could become stone, metal, any solid material.
He would later learn that this was the birth of his stand, Matter of Fact!

Over the years he's kept it to himself, and wears a glove over his "stand arm" when he isn't using it. Sometime in the last few years, Maria left Bruno, leaving only a note which declared she was running to L.A., after she'd ransacked his room and stolen some of his most valuable possessions.
He recently joined The Boomtown Rats, under the impression that his violent early teens might be put to better use via vigilantism.

Note: Namesakes are "Bruno Renzella" of Australian band Fat Lip, "Jerry Garcia", a finger amputee from the American rock band Grateful Dead, and "Colin Hays", a Scottish musician from the Australian band Men at Work.

Dark Secret: [Zilch]

Name: Matter of Fact (Duran Duran)
Description of Appearance: N/A: Bruno has never seen Matter of Fact "in person", as it were. He's only ever seen its arm, which remains even when he removes his wooden prosthetic. Said arm is a translucent sea green, and seems almost to let off a pale blue steam whenever it's outside of Bruno's arm. Although not particularly broad or powerful, the arm is fairly well toned and covered in what look to be small Widmanstätten patterns. In the absence of his prosthetic, Bruno wields this, but can no longer absorb other forms of matter.
Power: Matter adoption - When Bruno touches a solid surface with his wooden arm, he can assimilate the materials and change the material his arm consists of, for the duration of the fight. This alters his stats.
[Default - Wood]
Destructive Power: B
Speed: A
Range: B
Durability: C
Precision: C
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

Name: Lewis "Maz" Mazzaferri
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Brief description of appearance: Lewis has a mop of blond hair on his head. He has a slim build, and a fair complexion. His green eyes lie behind a pair of glasses.

Personality summary: Lewis is a very soft-spoken boy. He tries to solve problems with words, although he is not afraid of resorting to force should it come to that (he does so reluctantly though). Lewis likes to see the people around him smile. As gentle as he is, one thing he can't stand is people pushing around those who can't fight back. In fact, he normally skips trying to talk things out, and goes straight for the violence.
Short biography: Lewis was born to a financially stable family, so he never had to worry about going hungry growing up. Although for some reason, his mother often looked sad, which she just brushed off whenever he asked about it. When Lewis was just 8 years old, his baby sister was killed by an intruder who broken into the house. After that, his parents began to argue a lot more. That came to an end when his mother was badly injured when she got into a car accident. Eventually, Lewis and his dad moved to Pleasant Valley, for his father's job. Lewis has no idea how he got his Stand, as it simply appeared one day, after he had gone through a really bad fever that had lasted a few days.
Dark Secret: Please, don't make me tell you.

Name: Power Of Love
Description of Appearance: Power Of Love takes the form of a pink humanoid dragon, made out entirely of newspapers.
Power: On it's own, Power Of Love has no special powers. However, once It's user comes into contact with someone that they have a strong desire to protect, it's true power will activate. Power Of Love will bind them self to this person, and defend them as an Automatic Stand. If used on a Stand User, this does not interfere with their Stand directly. Unless the other Stand has an ability that is hindered by Power Of Love protecting it's user. As an Automatic Stand, Power Of Love will respond only to things that will cause harm to it's charge, and will respond with an appropriate level of force. Power of Love will return to it's user when he wills it.

Destructive Power: B
Speed: C
Range: C
Durability: B
Precision: A
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Stand User
Name: Jeffery Derringer Glenn (goes by J.D.)
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Brief description of appearance: Of toned and somewhat muscular build, J.D. wouldn't look out of place in a pose off. Being black, his skin is dark, his black hair very short, and his eyes brown. Said eyes are usually underneath a pair of corrective lenses, though he likes to attach a set of shaded lens that he can flip up. His wide smile has a noticeable gap in his front teeth. He typically likes to wear a white and blue cap at an angle with a wing motif, along with a flight jacket over a shirt and a peace sign necklace, and either shorts or jeans based on the weather.

Personality summary: Like the wind, J.D. is wild and uncontrollable. He's one to like a good time, no matter who objects. While his pace is fast as he bounces around, he's not one to be committed, taking suggestions well for the most part. He doesn't like being tied down however, and if placed in a such a position he gets irritable. He is generally quick to anger but quick to forgive as well.

Short biography: Native to Pleasant Valley, the J.D. of ten years ago would have found the name ironic. He never knew his father, and while his mother was able to care for him, she eventually put him up for foster care and vanished to parts unknown. At age four, he had known little of a true home life before being taken in by his foster parents, whom were not the kindest. He was fed and schooled, but when not doing homework, he was generally expected to do chores, under threat of being made to leave. Out of fear, he put up with it, but as he grew, he realized his situation was abnormal, and at age eleven, ran away.

The next week would be just as miserable, perhaps more so, but his runaway life did not last long. While he did manage to keep away from authorities, he soon found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. While rifling through the trash near a closed restaurant, a body stumbled through the door before falling to the ground, an arrow sticking out. As the assailant followed, J.D. ran, frightened for his life, but the assailant retrieved the arrow and loosed it once more, piercing J.D.'s neck.

He awoke in the hospital some time later, miraculously alive, and with a new wind under his wings. This would mark a turn in his fortunes, where as he tells it, he got a windfall when his mother died, passing off a bit of cash to him, which he invested into stocks, lucking out and getting enough to live comfortably.

But recently, a threat cropped up that might interrupt his life of comfort...

Dark Secret: [REDACTED]
Other Named from J.D. Souther and Glenn Frey

Name: Birds of a Feather

Description of Appearance: Birds of a Feather is a rather unorthodox Stand, and as such doesn't have a typical appearance. Its true form would be that of a large hawk with a blue tint to its normal brown and black coloration. It initially manifests as feathers on J.D.'s person, which he requires for his abilities.

Power: Centered around the feathers he can form on his person, Birds of a Feather is an ability of conjuration. By touching something with the point, the feather attaches as if it were naturally part of the object, and transforms into either one or two wings. It doesn't need a lot of force: J.D. can achieve the same effect by throwing a feather as long as it strikes with the point, something he's practiced, though it might be more or less difficult based on conditions such as wind speed or distance from the target.

Once a feather is attached, he has a limited amount of control: not only can he manipulate the movements of the wings, but he can grow other attachments like beaks or talons, also under his control. For example, he can stick a feather in a foe's jacket, and they will find themselves being clawed and pecked from the underside. A feather in the side of their head can mean they will find their head bobbing as wings flap wildly. However, he can't control what he sticks directly: a jacket is still an inanimate object, and a cranium is still controlled by that person's nervous system.

He can't create an infinite amount, however: one feather means one pair of wings, one pair of talons, and one beak. If he jabs in multiple feathers, however, he can make more copies. There are some other limitations as well: he can only grow wings from where he jabbed the feather, though other parts can be anywhere regardless of how much sense it makes (i.e. two talons could be right next to each other, evenly spaced, or on opposite sides). Outside of his fairly notable range, his feathers only last a few minutes, and will only scratch, peck, or flap wildly independent of his control. If someone else gets one of his feathers and jabs it into something, it merely moves on its own for a few minutes unless J.D. becomes aware of it, after which he can control it normally. Feathers from the wings are normal, being different from the feathers he himself produces. The wings are also only slightly stronger than a regular bird's: even if he attaches a hundred feathers to a car it still isn't going to fly, even he could control them all so perfectly.


Destructive Power: C (the claws and talons can do some work, but they're more effective against flesh than a Stand)
Speed: B
Range: A
Durability: C (Not much tougher than a bird, but J.D. only takes damage if the feather itself is damaged: one feather is like one of his fingers or toes)
Precision: B
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