It is finally completed!

Race: Human
Age: 18
Height: 5'4
Weight: 112 lbs
Bio: Cold, calculating, and only serving her own self interests. This is what republic authorities say about Nira Murray. Whether they are right or wrong is still unknown though. Up until two years ago she had never been caught. Even after that she kept escaping within a week of being taken in usually. The record of her being held so far is only nine days, which later it was discovered she allowed that just so she could lift something from the wardens office that was for a client She made sure to leave one of her famous works of art behind for the warden too.
For five years now Nira has been a known problem within the galaxy. The authorities only ever learned about her because she one day carved a signature on a stand that was holding a tiara meant for the queen of Naboo. The mark she left was a carved heart with her sginature left beside that. No one knows if Nira Murray is her true name, no one knows what planet she was born on, no one knows who her parents were, no one even knows her birthday and authorities had to take her word for it when they brought her in at the age of sixteen, or at least that is what Nira told them.
Of course Nira had been stealing things since way before she left that first mark. In fact she doesn't remember a time where she wasn't stealing things. It is all she has ever known really. She was a natural at it. Eventually she wanted people to know who she was and be famous for what she did. When she had decided this she sought out someone to give her a chance at a real job, and they did. After that she began having underground credit and began getting more and more clients by the age of twelve. A year later she wanted to be known even more so she left that first signature. Since that day she has left a mark at every location she did a job, it's part of what made her famous and on the news across the galaxy.
She left the heart in place of the tiara, a kiss in place of an old mandalorian relic, a picture of herself blowing a kiss in place of a hutt's favorite and most expensive piece of art. She never cared who she pissed off. As long as someone wanted to hire her the target didn't matter. She always found a way to do the job. Now that she's been caught she's got a beautiful mug shot to actually go on all of the wanted posters across the galaxy, which she winked for as a joke since she escaped two nights later.
Since then she's been in and out of custody so many times that the authorities don't even take down the wanted posters usually. They'll announce the news of catching her, and less than a week later they announce her escape. The media even tends to enjoy laughing about it occasionally. Most recently though only a few days ago she escaped from yet another prison, to no ones surprise. Then in a spaceport on Nar Shaddaa Nira bumped into a mysterious man.
Personality: While perceived to act one way, that is not truly the case. Nira can be an overly fliratious girl sometimes, hence her art work. But in a way it's more of a darker side of her that likes to torment others. So in other words, yes the authorities were right to assume she was cold hearted, calculating, and serving only to herself. However this is not fully the case. Though it has been rare, if Nira can truly connect with someone and legitimately call them friend, then she is highly inclussive of them. Though she still teases them from time to time, it is somewhat different. Her self interests will begin to include those she includes in her life.
However it should be noted part of what brought young Nira into the life of a thief is the simple fact that she is a kleptomaniac. Pure and simple. After time of blowing air on the small flames, the fire spread, and once she was given her first job, well it was an ego boost to say the least. She knows how good she is and she is definitely not afraid to admit it one bit. Not to mention modest as no place in a description of her in any sense of the word. However be warned. While she might not seem deadly, one would be wrong to assume that. Anyone who threatens her life would definitely be surprised by her ability to survive.
Dexterity: 4
- Sleight of Hand 6
- Evade 6
Perception: 4
- Stealth 5
Strength: 2
- Swordplay 4
Technical: 1
Force: 5
Nira Murray

Race: Human
Age: 18
Height: 5'4
Weight: 112 lbs
Bio: Cold, calculating, and only serving her own self interests. This is what republic authorities say about Nira Murray. Whether they are right or wrong is still unknown though. Up until two years ago she had never been caught. Even after that she kept escaping within a week of being taken in usually. The record of her being held so far is only nine days, which later it was discovered she allowed that just so she could lift something from the wardens office that was for a client She made sure to leave one of her famous works of art behind for the warden too.
For five years now Nira has been a known problem within the galaxy. The authorities only ever learned about her because she one day carved a signature on a stand that was holding a tiara meant for the queen of Naboo. The mark she left was a carved heart with her sginature left beside that. No one knows if Nira Murray is her true name, no one knows what planet she was born on, no one knows who her parents were, no one even knows her birthday and authorities had to take her word for it when they brought her in at the age of sixteen, or at least that is what Nira told them.
Of course Nira had been stealing things since way before she left that first mark. In fact she doesn't remember a time where she wasn't stealing things. It is all she has ever known really. She was a natural at it. Eventually she wanted people to know who she was and be famous for what she did. When she had decided this she sought out someone to give her a chance at a real job, and they did. After that she began having underground credit and began getting more and more clients by the age of twelve. A year later she wanted to be known even more so she left that first signature. Since that day she has left a mark at every location she did a job, it's part of what made her famous and on the news across the galaxy.
She left the heart in place of the tiara, a kiss in place of an old mandalorian relic, a picture of herself blowing a kiss in place of a hutt's favorite and most expensive piece of art. She never cared who she pissed off. As long as someone wanted to hire her the target didn't matter. She always found a way to do the job. Now that she's been caught she's got a beautiful mug shot to actually go on all of the wanted posters across the galaxy, which she winked for as a joke since she escaped two nights later.
Since then she's been in and out of custody so many times that the authorities don't even take down the wanted posters usually. They'll announce the news of catching her, and less than a week later they announce her escape. The media even tends to enjoy laughing about it occasionally. Most recently though only a few days ago she escaped from yet another prison, to no ones surprise. Then in a spaceport on Nar Shaddaa Nira bumped into a mysterious man.
Personality: While perceived to act one way, that is not truly the case. Nira can be an overly fliratious girl sometimes, hence her art work. But in a way it's more of a darker side of her that likes to torment others. So in other words, yes the authorities were right to assume she was cold hearted, calculating, and serving only to herself. However this is not fully the case. Though it has been rare, if Nira can truly connect with someone and legitimately call them friend, then she is highly inclussive of them. Though she still teases them from time to time, it is somewhat different. Her self interests will begin to include those she includes in her life.
However it should be noted part of what brought young Nira into the life of a thief is the simple fact that she is a kleptomaniac. Pure and simple. After time of blowing air on the small flames, the fire spread, and once she was given her first job, well it was an ego boost to say the least. She knows how good she is and she is definitely not afraid to admit it one bit. Not to mention modest as no place in a description of her in any sense of the word. However be warned. While she might not seem deadly, one would be wrong to assume that. Anyone who threatens her life would definitely be surprised by her ability to survive.
Dexterity: 4
- Sleight of Hand 6
- Evade 6
Perception: 4
- Stealth 5
Strength: 2
- Swordplay 4
Technical: 1
Force: 5