People will stare. Make it worth their while.
-Harry Winston
NameOlivia Elizabeth Carrington
NicknamesLiv- the name she adopted when she reached college. "Because Olivia sounds so old! Liv sounds more fun, trendy... More like... Me!"
Libby- the nickname the Carringtons had for her.
OccupationAssistant of the Head of the Marketing Department of Vogue Magazine
Sexual OrientationHeterosexual
Relationship StatusIn a Complicated Relationship with Richard Davis.
AppearanceThe first thing you notice about Liv are her intense brown eyes, followed by her perfect white smile. She is 5'2", with a killer body that has curves in all the right places. She has always been careful about her body thanks to her father, and continued to follow his healthy diet and exercise regimen even after leaving the family home. Her somewhat big nose has always been her biggest insecurity, but even though she has the money and will to get it fixed, she has never gotten plastic surgery so as not to disappoint her father. Her hair is naturally dark brown (like her brother's), but it's been a few years since she dyed it the dark brown/light brown/blonde ombre style she now has. Currently being six months pregnant, her round belly is clearly noticeable, but she continues to carry herself the way she always has: with a confidence that catches the eye of everyone in a room. She has always been an avid fashionista, and is now a current trend-setter for maternity clothing. Her outfits are always on point and selected up to the smallest detail. As for her makeup, it's always flawless.
"My lack of romantic involvement comes from the fact that I've been too busy building a future for myself and making my dreams a reality instead of wasting my precious time on men who don't deserve me."
PersonalityLiv is what you might call a high-maintenance woman: always aiming for perfection. She is hard-working, confident, smart, sexy and witty to a fault. Her natural ability to carry out interesting conversations with intelligence, confidence and poise make her a standout for anyone that meets her. When treated fairly, she is very kind, sweet and loyal; treat her wrongly, and Liv will not hesitate in cutting you out of her life. Though she can seem very serious and centered at first, get to know her well and Liv can be the one of the funnest people you could meet. When angry or upset, she tends to bottle up her emotions and remain expressionless, but ultimately fails and lashes out strongly.
When it comes to romance, she is extremely picky on who she chooses to spend her time with. These men need to fun, ambitious, entertaining, and able to give Liv a good conversation that goes beyond meaningless topics, one that can be mentally stimulating. Though she can be extremely reserved at first, the right partner will provide her with enough trust for Liv to open up to her fullest romantic potential. Once in love, she gives her 100% and expects nothing less in return. If she feels a man can't keep up with her, then it's good-bye and off to the next one without a second thought.
Likes- Shopping
- Fine Dining
- Traveling
- Makeup and Beauty Products
- Fahion
- Her closet/beauty room
- Volleyball
- The beach
- Glitter and all things sparkly
Dislikes- Her Nose
- Animals
- Being Lied To
- Drunk people (and getting drunk)
- Being away from her twin brother
- Her relationship with her parents
- When Rich flirts with other women ("I know we're not exclusive, but it still drives me insane!")
Strengths- Determined
- Intelligent
- Public Speaking
- Persistent
- Strong-willed
Weaknesses- Perfectionist
- Hides her feelings ("Learned it from the best teacher: my momma.")
- Easily hurt
- Takes things personally
FearsAll of them involve her baby: losing her child, failing as a mother, not being able to care for he/she properly, but especially having her baby growing up with the idea that anything else is more important than family.
"Always try your best to aim for perfection: nothing more, nothing less."
HistoryBorn on July 13th of 1990, Olivia is the seventh child of Cassiopeia and Reginald Carrington, and the youngest twin for a seventeen minute difference. She grew up beautiful and happy, enjoying life beside her twin brother and younger siblings as any normal child should. But as the years went by, she began to notice the coldness that surrounded her family, and started to adopt what is probably the family's trait of closing herself off from others. Though she'd had a pretty healthy relationship with all her siblings, the only one who always knew exactly what was going on with her was Oliver.
After graduating middle school and entering adolescence, Liv realized that the atmosphere in her home was one in which she couldn't continue to live in. Anxious to get away from the pressure and stress of being a Carrington and start making her own name, Liv did her research and convinced her parents to let her attend New York's prestigious Blackwood Pines Boarding Academy, and they accepted. Once there, she joined the volleyball team and was able to keep her spot all throughout those four years, going as far as playing in the Varsity team in her sophomore year and being Team Captain in her senior year. While the team made top spots at state and national competitions, it was during Liv's command that the team won first place at nationals. Of course, volleyball was no excuse to let her grades slip in the slightest, and so she kept a high GPA and took several AP classes that would be useful in the career dream she had: run the marketing department of a prestigious fashion magazine. Working hard until the very end, Liv graduated with the third highest GPA of her school and was recruited by the University of Pennsylvania during one of her games.
During the course of her college years, she excelled in her major and in the volleyball court, and with no romantic ties due to being too busy building up a future for herself. At the same time, Liv began doing summer internships in various fashion magazines and gaining all the professional experience that she could. By the time she had graduated UPenn with high honors, her hard work (and maybe a little help from Reginald and his friends, who knows) had earned her a position as the Assistant of the Head of the Marketing Department in Vogue Magazine. Conveniently, Francine Humphrey was to retire in a few short years. Recognizing the potential in Liv, Francine suggested that Liv pursue a master's degree in Public Relations, which would make her eligible for her position and she would take it as soon as Francine retired. The decision to get that master's degree would set the motions for her to meet Richard Davis... And the rest is history.
Apart from her steady job at Vogue, Liv is excitedly putting together her baby's nursery and gathering as much information as possible on parenthood, savoring every moment of her blissful pregnancy. Of course, no one in the family knows except Oliver.
EducationThird highest GPA of her graduating class at Blackwood Pines Boarding Academy
B.A. Marketing
M.A. Public Relations
Favorite memoryFinding out she was expecting, along with the gender of her child and feeling her baby kick, flutter and move inside her, are without a doubt her best memories. Liv is currently looking forward to what will be her favorite memory of all time: her child's birth.
Least favorite memoryLooking at the stands during her volleyball games and failing to see any member of her family.
"It happened when I least expected it... One day, I'm attending the best parties, rubbing shoulders with influential people of the fashion scene, having sexy fun with Rich. Then the next day, that extra pink line in the home test... And just like that, boom: mommy-to-be."
BirthdayJune 13, 1990
Astrological SignGemini ("The irony... being a twin born on the star sing of the twins.")
Social MediaFacebook: Liv Elizabeth Carrington
Instagram: livecarrington
Snapchat: misslivec90
"My child: I'll devote my whole life to make you feel special, protected and loved above anything else. Nothing else matters to me more in this world than you do."