Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Shar pulled himself from the floor early in the morning. As he remembered where he was, a disgusted look fell over his face. On the floor beside him was Iris, as Ciscera refused to let either of them into the bed, seeming to be under the impression that Shar had taken the Iris in order to have an escort of his own. As he was roused, Iris seemed to turn over, her eyes fluttering open slowly. When she sat up, she yawned, stretching widely and pulling herself to her feet. Shar followed shortly rubbing his eyes and cracking his neck as he glanced to the sleeping Ciscera. His back ached from the uncomfortable sleeping arrangement, but regardless, he was starting to feel much better as he sat down at a small, private table in their room. Iris sat down as well, staring at him with clear concentration; after several moments, he couldn't bare it anymore.

"Can I help you, Miss Argyris?" He asked, leaning back in the chair as his fingers drummed over the table.

"I've seen you before..." She said quietly, narrowing her eyes as she held his gaze, "I know it... Or rather, my father did business with you at least once... I never forget a face... But how..." The girl could remember as far back as childhood, but why was it so hard to recall the colonel's?

The wolf rose to his feet and walked to the door, opening it and checking the hallway before locking and finding his seat once more. "Well... My family name is Shar and we're all strikingly similar... The name is fairly known throughout Tunay'ruk, perhaps that's how? Mere portraits and mentions?" The girl shook her head.

"While I know the name, it isn't your name I'm trying to recall... I know I've seen you in person... Have you ever worked with my father, perhaps? Our tribe was nomadic, but he had many visitors from Tunay'ruk, sometimes they were quite mysterious, in robes and the like... There was one, I remember, that he met but one time... My goodness was it a strange man; for some reason, he wore a mask for a simple get toge-" Iris' voice cut out suddenly as she closed her mouth and stared even more vigorously. "He wore a mask... That's why I can't remember the face... It's your eyes..."

Shar shook his head, "No. I don't wear a mask, clearly; I have no need to hide my face from my countrymen or my enemies..." He retorted, waving his hand defensively. "You must be mistaken." The man knew exactly where she recognized him from, but he would do all in his power to stop her from recalling. It would be dangerous for both of them, if she did.

"No, no... Certainly not... You do not hide your face... You mask it to avoid recognition... Not by your countrymen nor your enemies, as Ciscera... But from your very own leader... even some of your colleagues in the army," She said quickly as she began to recall the details of having seen Shar.
She could clearly remember his visage; it was several years ago, her father introduced her to a wolf in a heavy robe and mask. It was a plain, black mask, but behind it were a pair of green eyes. He wore a falcata at his hip, but she'd not seen him use it, or even move for it during his stay. Why could she not recall what his name was...? Well, it was less a name; she could recall the title Grandmaster, though she could not remember what it was exactly that he presided over... The name was not a name she had heard before or since, as it was more of a pseudonym than a true name, that was for certain. She could not follow precisely what it was that the two would talk about when they tucked away in private, but the man was a joy to have at meals... She asked him question after question - he had seen almost every inch of the world apart from Riverslade and the stories... Oh, the stories, she could recall each one that she got from him in his short stay.

He would speak brilliantly of change... Of how much her father, despite their tribe being so small, had already helped by siding with them... How much their tribe could continue to do so by simply supporting the cause. When he left, she still had questions, but her father, the chief, would not tell her who he was or why he was there...
"You..." She started, her eyes widening... She had seen his poster since he left; but it couldn't have been him. That black masked man was intelligent, he was no traitor, he was an innovative and forward-thinking wolf. Those posters did have a name attached to them... She furrowed her brow, and Shar continued to protest and deny with logic anything she had to say, but she finally said those words. "The Masked Profugus... The Shade of Desertion..." The girl began to pull back, "You... You are him, aren't you?"

Shar closed his eyes as she finally recognized exactly how she knew him, letting out a sigh. He placed a finger to his lips to quiet her down, "How the hell could you figure that out? For years... years... Not even Emperor Lyons, arrogant and stupid as he may be, noticed who I was..."

"Your eyes," She said instantly, tilting her head, "I've never seen that same intelligent green since, not once... Not even close to it... Many don't pay attention to detail as I do, I see things differently... It runs in my family... My father said that we connect to it in the way that you do with the natural forces of magic... It is something that is within us, and once we have consciously decided to use it, it is just as another sense or limb," The girl explained.

Shar smiled and leaned back, "Your father was a brilliant man... One of my couriers brought news of his passing to me many months ago... I was sorry to hear of it... I had assumed you were dead too, Iris, but when I heard your name and saw you... By god, you've grown since I saw you last. I am absolutely amazed that you could see me..."

"Father said I was more gifted than even he or grandfather were..." She mumbled modestly, rubbing her arm.

"But... You did not have it when we met, how could you have recognized me still, especially without that mask?"

"My father was amazed too... After my Sight developed, all of my memories just... rewrote themselves with it... I could see inside of every person I'd met, not just those I meet..."

"I never quite understood the Sight... No matter how much study in magics I did, I've never seen something so... strange... Your father was still unsure of it..." Shar stated, rubbing his chin, "I can see how you might have an ingrained ability to see what, in essence, a person is... But... How? Is it like each person has a signature, which you then read? Or do you simply read minds? Memories?"

"No, no, no... it is not that simple, Mister Shar..." She stated with a shake of her head. "There is no mind reading... Well, in a sense... We know of intentions, but not of true thoughts or memories. Simply what is or what is not," The girl went on to explain. "It is as you see colour, or an expression... It is just there for us; we can choose to focus it or just let it flow, depending on the depth we wish to investigate a person."

"What of me, Miss Argyris?" Shar asked with a smirk, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees with intrigue.

The girl shook her head, "You are unique, Shar... But... I feel it is not my place to delve deeper..." She looked away, suddenly sullen, "The reason, Lykos, which I know you... Is because there is something dark within... It is not evil, it is not good, it is simply dark to me, as though clouded or hidden beneath a shadow... behind a curtain... I can see who you are, but not what you are... And you very well know who you are... This is not something you've hidden, but that has been hidden within you. I believe it is why my father took to you so easily, simply because he knew you were special. And perhaps that is all which it is; you are special," She said to him, placing her hands on either side of his neck. "The dark shroud is crimson, as blood... I do not know what it is, but it is certainly a part of you... And

The wolf paused and shook his head, what kind of answer was that? He then pushed forward, "And her?" The wolf looked over to the tigress in the bed, hoping she would not wake.

At this Iris furrowed her brow, "You certainly are a quizzical one, Shar... While I've never seen one such as you, I... I do not know how, but she is the same. I can see that she is prideful, one of note... A true warrior... But if I try to see the what of her being... She is no simple tigress... I am not sure why, but my mind is less at ease here... It is not a lack of my ability, but a curiosity... I would be far less worried now had you each had the same block, but it is not... I feel blue with her... Again, perhaps it is nothing, perhaps, as many myths are based upon truth, there is an Aura within us all, and it is just that you are the first two that I have met which have one that shows. I do not know the meaning of Auras, however, as I've always written them off as false..."

Shar nodded, but something told him this was not correct... Something more existed, and he knew not what caused such a disturbance.

However, he merely rose from his seat in silence... She did not know what they were? What the hell could that even mean? He was frustrated, but apart from that, there was little they could do now. His voice was powerful, "Wake up, Ciscera." He placed a hand firmly on her shoulder and shook her once, twice, "Get up. We've gotta find some way to cover you, in case your hood falls back. Not to mention, perhaps it's time we adopted new identities as well... Seeing as my name was rather well-known before we arrived, as was yours, and your appearance is unique... We need stories, papers, to be able to hide in public, and a way out of here. You know the city well, where do we start?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Quarthex


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

She was cold.

It wasn't the ordinary sort of cold. Not the kind of cold one feels when stepping outside in the brisk of winter, not the the chill of the whirling air, nor the dance of the wraith like snow, nor the very draw of warmth from your body as if your very soul was being sucked from your pores.

No. It certainly wasn't that cold.

Through her white fur she felt the soft disdain of azure grass, the oppressive darkness that pushed through to her skin, the shiver of her muscles as fear rippled through her body. The world wasn't bright. The world wasn't hopeful.

It was simply cold.

Though the world wasn't infested with creatures of madness, demons of the plane of death, Ciscera knew she was dreaming. And even in the complete darkness, she knew exactly where she was.

It seemed like months, years ago that she had first been here. Back when her worries were relatively simple, when the only foes were personified in the howls of bandit assaults, cries of the tribal attacks, swirls of Tunay'rukian magic. Her life was not easy back then, but it was a life she was proud to live, severing the souls from the bodies of those who dared to oppose the Riversladian Kingdom.

But then she encountered Colonel Shar. It was a minor battle, a skirmish really, with her superior troops and armaments encountering his company on their way to the front lines. She burned his sanctuary around him, extinguished the vulgarity of his sorcerers, and killed, injured, or captured his men. As his world literally burned down around him, he cried out to her honor, calling a challenge against her in front of the forces of both armies. At the time, she had laughed. She had killed his uncle a few years before, and slain Tunay'rukian officers of a much higher ranking than he. Riding on the seat of victory, how could she not accept?

The Bladed Fist, the Arduous Arrow accepted his duel, a battle to the death. She was one of the most established armsmen of her country – he the best swordsman of his. The battle was ferociously even, blood shed on either side. But the cur broke the rules, using magic to send them both into the land of darkness she sat within now. His sorcery filled her mind with the illusion of some prophecy, but, though his power was great, she was able to overpower the wolf upon awakening, claiming victory and life, and taking the whelp prisoner.

Though he claimed that the spectral plane was not of his creation, it was impossible for it to be fabricated by any other, given that magic was banned in her own society and no cursed members of his lived. Nevertheless, her world had gone to the 6 rings of hell since his capture. Every night, strange creatures slaughtered her in her dreams. The legendary visage of a gryphon, her own symbol, revealed himself as her familiar, striking a deal with her to keep the cur alive and follow his quest for the power to remove his kind from the earth, though he'd done more to hamper her than help her at this point. And above all, her own country was seeking her on charge of treason, making even her own territory unsafe.

She now slept in a brothel for safety, the scoundrel having already succumbed to his masculine interests by taking a broad, and time slowly seeping away from both of them. She couldn't expect the gryphon to protect them, nor did she want him to; yet, even as she sat in her perfect darkness, she could not identify an answer.

Suddenly, the touch of another interrupted her thoughts, though she couldn't help but feel thankful that the interruption occurred before a demon appeared. Her eyes opened to the warmth and brightness of a lit room...the colors of the fabricated elegance....

And the face of Shar looming over her.

Ciscera brushed his hand off her shoulder in disgust, drawing herself out of the bed with feline grace. “Do. Not. Touch me.” She spat, the soft rumble of a growl fading in her throat as she stretched, always keeping one arm within reach of the knife in her belt. The colonel began to talk, her own ponderings mimicked in his speech, but she ignored his words for now. He still dared to believe he had control of her. He thought wrong.

He was finishing his lecture as she grabbed her cloak, bringing the hood back over her head as she left the room, walking down to where the leopard whore had greeted them last night. There was a wolf there now, her very body language dripping with the seduction typical of such institutions. The tables were occupied with broads like the one who had spent the night with the colonel, a thought that still brought a revolted curl to her lips. The canine lifted her head as she approached, having apparently been informed of the rather large transaction made the previous day. “Is there anything I can do for you ma'am,” she asked, her voice musical, almost whimsical. “Perhaps additional entertainment I can provide?”

Ciscera responded simply, her voice far darker in comparison. “Send two of your women to bring us meals three times a day from this point on,” she demanded, eyes flashing at the pettiness of the other females. The leopard nodded, her only reply a lowly “anything else?”

Ciscera began to shake her head when she thought of Shar, and the fact that she would have to work with the scoundrel. She sighed, then added “Bring a replacement vixen to the room,” waving her hand as she turned around to return to the room, preparing herself to, unfortunately, deal with the arrogant slug.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Shar dismissed the prideful feline as she commanded him. He shook his head, allowing her to get up, effectively being ignored as he prepared for their departure. He made sure that his blade was firmly secured to his hip as he fixed the red-trimmed coat over his shoulders, yawning and rubbing his jaw to help wake himself up fully. He spent a minute before the mirror, making sure he was crisp and organized - he was not the most recognizable of people, as his dark brown fur was rather common among canid species. Iris, meanwhile, was moving about the room, making sure that it was straightened up. The colonel finally started for the door, "Are you coming, Iris?" He asked her, his brow furrowed.

"Sorry, Mister Shar, I'm not permitted to leave the brothel, even with you... They also aren't selling, before you ask; and believe me, even if they were, you would faint at the offers that have been given for me," She said meekly, shame riddling her body as she stared at the ground. Her Sight gave her a very strong advantage at the whore house, making more money than any of the other girls rather quickly. She would have to do those things regardless, it was merely easier to be able to be fast and efficient than slow and awkward. Her eyes shifted about, "However, because of the package you've paid for, I'll be here all day; the privacy will be refreshing," She assured him with a smile and a nod. He felt something off; she didn't want privacy, she wanted companionship. He sighed and stared at her silently for a moment, trying to find the words.

"We'll be back for you, Iris, don't worry," He told her with confidence, finally striding from the room.

"... Bring a replacement vixen to our room," He heard her voice as he approached the desk where Ciscera stood, a slight snarl welling from deep inside of him. She had the gall... He nearly cut in as he came forward, adjusting his sleeves.

However, the leopard responded before he had any need to, "I am sorry, ma'am, but there are none others... Iris may be young, but she by far the most talented girl we have; not one customer leaves unsatisfied after being with her," She responded, "I think you and your companion would be quite pleased if you waited just one more night. 'Tis a busy time of week after all," she said without caring that Ciscera was left with discomfort.

Lykos, however, smirked as he came from behind, "Thank you, a replacement won't be necessary. I'm sure that everything will be fine," He said, ending his statement with a hiss as he glared at Ciscera. "Come, Ciscera, we've a busy day ahead," he ushered her out of The Quivering Hills. After being hit with a breath of fresh air, Shar realized how light-headed he had become while surrounded by incense and smokes. As they started to walk, he lowered his voice so that she could hear him, "Ciscera, we cannot have Iris replaced. I don't care what you think of her - but you've no idea the spot of luck we've run into by meeting her. She is not some piece of trash for you to throw her away, you must trust me on this, she's very special," He said firmly, deciding not to explain much further than such. The next problem lay in her fur and superiority complex, the latter of which would likely be the hardest to crack. "You can't boss me around, either; you have no army to support you and, in fact, you need me. You know little, if nothing, of the land outside of Riverslade. Now, your fur is quite obvious - how do you propose we go about fixing it?" He asked, readjusting the collar on his coat..

They had walked from the Quivering Hills into one of the middle-class areas of the city; the street was lined with wooden stands, open-faced shops, and stores with signs. Many of the stalls had crates of ripe-looking fruit, some with small and large weapons, though rather crudely made in comparison with the weapons of the two warriors, ones with jewelry and other assorted goods. However, one of the higher-end stalls seemed to be full of spices and oils as well as dyes for painters and tailors, thread, and other crafting supplies. It had a name above it and beside it was a store with the same name - the stall outside must have been a mere teaser. Shar looked around with a furrowed brow before pointing it out, "Might be something over there you can use..? Dunno, I've never had to do anything about my fur colour," He noted as he led them to it. It was a start, and the inside would have a large variety of objects within. As Lykos left Ciscera to search, he started eyeing different items and fingering them slightly as he allowed the tigress any time she needed. The longer they spent in clear view, even if she was hooded, the more likely they would have to make another mad dash and the colonel could feel the soreness burning through his legs after weeks of abuse and a lack of adrenaline.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Quarthex


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ciscera grunted as he led her out of the brothel, but said no more. Despite his weeks enduring torture, starvation, and other consequences of being taken prisoner, the wolf continued to play officer in his actions and commands. It was if he forgot whose army had been decimated, whose hands had been in chains, whose head would have been hung in the central square of this glorious city! Regardless of what he thought, however, he was not her superior, and she refused to submit to such foolery.

As they walked, however, she felt her mind quickly cooling from the fresh aspect of a new day. Gone were muffled thumps and cries of ecstasy, replaced by the conversations of the riversladian citizens as they went about their day. And even though the crystalline spires of the central city were absent here, the bright day revealed colors and design aplenty in glass ornaments, fanciful woodworking, and woven fabric made from the skilled craftsmen of the area. Despite not being in the elite center of the city, the skill was truly present in that which she observed about her, with even this lower classed neighborhood spotted with traces of exquisite splendor.

Ciscera had not spent much time about these premises, but they were suitable enough for a knight of her caliber. At any rate, they were far more suitable than the company walking alongside her. It didn't take long for his words to slither into her ear again, a demand, an urge to not overlook his new prize. His little speech caused Ciscera to smirk at the prospect, her head sadly shaking from side to side as she struggled to understand the creature she had been unwillingly paired up with. For such a staunch unbeliever in brothels, the fact that he had taken such a liking to the slave was both humorous and ironic. “I don’t care how “special” she is, Shar, but the whore is not coming with us. Surely as an officer of Tun’ayruk you are beyond the follies of the immature and homesick green soldier. And do not speak on behalf of my own knowledge, but of yours; as of now, we are in my domain, and, as thus, should reign in your tongue. Any claims you have to disobey my orders, I have far more than yours -- dear pet, let us not forget who captured whom. ”

At this point, she was feeling quite satisfied with herself, and proceeded to ignore any retort the wolf might respond with. Having been ushered out of the brothel before a meal could be provided, the tigress was looking forward to some form of nourishment, as would be readily available in the market they approached. the smells hinted at an array of spices, tickling her nose and tantalizing her belly with the thought of the meal they implied. Pulling her cloak farther over her head, the tigress freely left the wolf’s side, seeking out her own objectives in this bustling marketplace.

Her first task, of course, was to follow her nose. This wasn't the most tactically sound objective as of now, but it was something she felt she deserved at the moment. This “quest” of the gryphon’s could wait on her… and every action that she could take to exasperate the wolf made her own journey that much more tolerable. Out of the wolf’s presence, but likely not out of his sight, she took her time eyeing and examining choice breads, cheeses, and meats, the things that catered most to her personal needs. But as she viewed over the prices, she became uncomfortably aware of the fact that the two truly had no money to spend, as the entire purse was spent on their unfortunate lodging for the next few days, the coin supposed to ensure all luxuries for the outrageous price paid. In the past she had been able to use her position and fame to get items from the awestruck crowd, but, with the guard probably alerted to their presence and a hunt presumably fixated upon their hides, it was better to keep the cowl on her face than expose her unique coloration and their presence in this community.

But as she pored over the food articles resting on their shining platters, a new sense found itself wrapped in beauty, the soft sounds soaring through the restless crowd to find refuge in her perking ears. In the company of the king, she had heard the sounds of many sorts of ensembles, but this particular instrument was beyond any she had heard before, resonating the fibers of her very soul. Keeping her cowl pulled over her head, Ciscera maneuvered her way through the crowd, her ears picking up this strange music through the dark fabric and guiding her through the general populace.

It wasn’t long before she found the source of the music; a shape curled into itself on a stairway, ignored by the bodies shuffling past it on their way to view more of the expansive market. A further lookover revealed the shrouded being to be a flying fox, likely a native of the newly conquered Southern Marshes. Dark eyes looked into the sky as it’s leathery fingers grasped at a thin, two stringed instrument, long, low notes emanating from the string with every pluck. The other string was left untouched, but the string itself was vibrating from the movement of the other notes, providing a higher accompaniment to the flowing melody. Those vacant eyes peered through their dark globes at that sunny horizon as if searching for the mangroves and mud of her former habitat, while a barely parted mouth offered a softer counter-melody to the arrangement.

Ciscera retreated a few feet to a nearby stand, where she watched the flow of traffic pass by. Though few paid attention, a small clang and a toss from a passing raccoon revealed a small hat upon the ground, laid as if discarded near the bat’s unclothed feet, a few gold coins dropped out of pity into the tattered rag. But in the midst of the river of people, she noticed a few who also did not move: two foxes, dressed in silks far more elegant than that upon the ground, and covered with patterns far above the skill level of those selling here. Judging from their flashing jewelry and pompous expressions, it was clear that they were simply visiting the market from the castle grounds. Given the fact that she had been absent from the castle for months, and that their return was too short to have picked up much information, Ciscera casually left her post, taking up a new position closer to that of the elegant ladies.

“...and it was such a shame,” one was saying, her dyed lips moving quickly amongst crimson garments. “If Fallon had bet nearly ten pieces more, we could have made enough to purchase the entire estate!”

“Indeed,” the other replied, yellow gems shimmering at her neck as she brought up a fan of the same hue. “but now that the Carmac’s have retired their strider, the races will be far more focused on the Tawnherd beasts anyway. His stock is the finest in the nation! Did you hear that his winning steed, Nightgazer, will be the princess’s mount on her birthday?”

‘Oh, how delightful! His silver fur would be an excellent complement to any mask that she may wear! Such a fanciful event it will be, with all of us far from the company of these peasants and dancing with the royalty themselves…”

This new information caught Ciscera’s ear, and she leaned slightly around the corner, hoping to catch as much of the conversation as possible. She had been to some of the princess’s former parties, themed events to mark her aging into the throne -- a frivolous event that was mandatory for the beloved of the king. If this year was a masquerade, it could her path to Akriii… and with the guards enforcing the barriers of the party, escape may also prove more feasible.

…” must be so proud to have such a daughter,” one of the vixen’s was saying. “And such a beauty for the young lords to behold as well. Very exotic, she is. The only problem the kingdom has with her is that all the lords will be trying to catch her favor, losing ours!”

“Yes, but think! If we can find a fanciful enough mask here in this marketplace, we’ll be able to snag one of the lad’s for sure! With luck, they’ll never know until it’s too late to resist our own beauty..”

The two foxes moved back off into the crowd, but the tigress didn’t pursue: she was quite satisfied with what she had learned already. They moved past the bat, kicking aside the hat and the few gold coins, their faces shining as they bounced away into the crowd. A pair clinked their way to her boots, spinning to a halt against their leather surfaces. “This would be enough for breakfast, at least,” she muttered to herself, recovering them with a quick grasp of her hands, the shaded individual returning to the bustling stalls of the marketplace with not even a mere glance behind her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scout
Avatar of Scout

Scout Sentinel

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Shar let out an exasperated sigh, but allowed the tigress to walk away. If he'd chosen to continue the argument, when would he find peace? Her ignorance made his blood boil and if she were to remain by his side, he would likely be unable to contain himself. Not a word that she said made any sense; he was almost envious of her ability to fool herself into believing her own fallacy. Had she been a different person, Shar would likely find her very laughable, but she it was almost terrifying that somebody so important could be so blind. He found himself speaking to no other as he looked through the stall, looking up to see Ciscera swiping coins from her boots near a flying fox. The colonel diverted his attention from the stall and took slow strides to the source of the music cutting through the crowd. There was no doubt that this girl had been taken from her home... What would sound like mumbling and unintelligible noise meant solely for rhythm to the passersby would prove to be true lyrics for the wolf. In fact, he knew the song and he felt his stomach drop out as he heard the bat's subtle voice carry them with absolute perfection. His hands hung from the pockets on the stolen officer's jacket on his shoulders, a wistful smile on his face as she played. He wished he could give her coin or safe passage home, but not everybody could be saved... It was a lesson he learned in his earliest days as a part of the rebellion. She sang of home, in the most basic of terms; music was so difficult to translate that to understand the full meaning of the song, one would have to simply speak the tongue lest the meaning be lost.

Shar sighed sadly and fell back into the crowd, away from the musician. He found Ciscera eyeing food once more, but dared not join her; his uniform would likely lead to suspicion of why he was near such a shady figure. So, he began to peruse the selection nearby, picking up various items and turning them over in his hand before placing them back down. He allowed her to pick something out for herself, settling on the idea that she was just likely to be less disciplined than he, having been fed as a spoiled child for several weeks while he was forced to eat next to nothing. It was disgusting how she behaved, but he could resolve himself for the all-business relationship. Finally, she had settled on something to eat and they could leave the food stalls. The flying fox's tune filled the marketplace still - though it was muffled by the sound of bustling pedestrians, Shar had made it a point to keep it within his senses for as long as he could. While he had learned dances from all over the world, nothing could amend the voice he was born with; although he did not have an unpleasant sound, he was far from adequate as far as carrying a tune went. Music could carry him, but there was little he could do to make a pleasant experience in the reverse.

"Are you quite finished spoiling yourself? Because the longer you remain like that, the more likely it is that you'll be spotted," He said quietly.

It was ingenious how sometimes the best places to hide were in plain sight; nobody looked for you where there were other people and so it was rather easy to be overlooked. The wolf had decided to show neither irritation nor any other form of response as he looked stoically ahead. He was simply tired of her by now, and to continue arguing with her would yield no positive result, of that he was sure. However, before she could answer, a man dressed in garb similar to Lykos' approached. It was a lion with a rather conspicuous mane and proud stride... Felines, were any of them unique, or did they all just follow the same archetype? The wolf didn't falter as he looked to the male that had already sized him up and labeled him as non-threatening. He stopped as a hand was risen to tell him to halt, instantly saluting just as he had seen other members of the Riversladian army do. This cub has to be at least ten years younger than me... Shar thought to himself passively with a bit of irritation before letting the thought go as quickly as it had come.

He began to consider himself lucky that he looked like many others of his race. Their eyes were locked for a rather intense several seconds before the lion finally spoke, "At ease... Are you part of my contingent? We're the only ones meant to be in this district and I don't recognize you - most have been tasked on guard duty at the gates and the castle. So why are you here?"

Shar thought for a moment before tilting his head, "My apologies, sir, but I'm not on duty today." Another thought came to the canine as he cleared his throat, "Erm... Excuse me for my ignorance, but why are we so heavily being sent to the castle and gates? Didn't we capture the prisoners yesterday?"

The officer shook his head, "Are you dense? No. That imposter escaped, but keep your voice down, soldier, unless you want to create a real disturbance in the city... I recommend in the future, if you're off-duty, remove the jacket. Pride in your position is fine, but mistakes like that make the military seem arrogant. Move along," He ordered, looking to the hooded figure of Ciscera for a moment. "Wait... Who's this?" The lion asked gruffly, placing a hand on Shar's chest. The wolf looked over and paused for a moment... Who was she?

"Erm... Well, sir, it may be better that you don't ask... After all, my uniform when off-duty was a big enough mistake... We wouldn't want to put the integrity of our military at further stress, right?" The lion looked shocked for a moment, clearly uncomfortable as he shook his head in disgust and took his leave.

"Whores... Don't know how they live with themselves," He grumbled loudly enough for them both to hear as he walked away.

They began walking again and the moment Shar was sure that the feline had gotten far enough away, he brought a hand to his muzzle and held back a small snicker. Again, it was absolutely satisfying to put her into any position that may be humiliating; especially when it was certainly necessary to do so and remain in cover. "Are you ready to fix your problem and show your face again, or would you like to return to the inn and apply for a job?" He asked with clear sarcasm and an almost sing-songy voice. Despite his earlier stoicism, he had no care to recover his composure until he needed to.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Quarthex


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

From beneath her hood, Ciscera's lips curled back menacingly, her sharp canines revealing only a glimmer of their threat from within the darkness of the cowl. The lion was familiar, one of a family whose manes were far too large for their armor, in both the figurative and the literal sense. The Elmins' pompous nature and childish belief that power was entirely resultant of one's name had frustrated her in the past, especially as, despite all other factors, they were often the ones chosen to lead the elite castle guard. Though she did not know this Elmin in particular, and though he was no longer a comrade, the contempt she had for his pompous nature was nearly palpable as the feline walked away.

But if the contempt she had for the lion was tangible, the apathy she had for the wolf was far beyond crushing, a force that threatened to escape the boundaries of her mind and bear down her wrath on his canine form. If she was back in those sweet, delicious weeks where her unbridled rage could have been released, back before they had gone in hiding, back when he and his men had been at her untempered mercy, she would have watched his crimson blood drip from the blades on her wrists. But here, under the eyes of citizens turned spies, she had to contain her fury to the bubbling of a simmer, the fire of a glare, the curse that, as soon as she had the chance, she would rip the life from his pitiful body and be done with this hellish pact for good.

It took a minute for her claws to sheathe, but when they did, she simply leaned against the same support that Shar had been, allowing her anger to dissipate into simple disgust.

“Too concerned about your own lover, dog?” She sneered, palming the remaining gold coin in her grasp. “ Because while you have been strutting about lovesick, I actually garnered useful information. First, the dyes they sell have become fashionable as of late, but only as highlights; to buy enough black to hide my coloration would be a feat even for a noble. Furthermore, it's smell is bitter, and very distinguishable, especially in large amounts.”

For a man noted to be a great tactician, his inability to perform was astounding. Her voice betrayed her pride as she continued, quieting softly as to not arouse suspicion. “The princess is having her birthday ball in two days, all of the nobles are invited to this grand event. Furthermore, it is her 18th birthday, and is themed as a masquerade. With this gold coin I found, we should be able to buy the supplies to disguise the two of us for the event, which we can then attend and depart as if any other.... couple.”

The final word felt vile on her tongue, but this plan could be their only means of escape from the capital city. “We will get my strider and supplies from the stables, I have contacts a few miles out from the city who should be able to shelter us for a night. Now what did you find, or was your mind too focused on the whores you claimed to despise to be of any use? “
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

Member Seen 7 mos ago

"You're forgetting who is the conspicuous one here," He pointed out. "It isn't exactly my job, you know, to take care of you. I'm rather enjoying the culture of Riverslade. If you weren't with me, I could likely live here the rest of my life just fine." Giving the tigress validation for her comments about lovesickness would only fuel her hatred. "I'm far from distracted, dear. I'm likely more conscious than you right now." The woman seemed quite unimpressed and decided to share what she had found. Lykos nodded, surprised she actually had been useful for anything but being a map of the city. She was so shortsighted though...

"With that?" He asked, looking skeptically at the gold. "With that, you're going to buy the fine clothes and silks of nobles to wear over gear that we need to have for departure? With that you're going to buy the mask you need to get in? Pathetic. You tote yourself as the greatest warrior in Riverslade, but you don't even seem to have an inkling of an idea whatk ind of clothes to wear in the presence of a king when you can't don your armour." His voice was low and condescending, a soft growl hidden behind it, "You're lost without being a soldier. You could get away with formal clothing for a king, but this is his daughter's birthday. Do you have any idea what a slap in the face he'll think it is if you show up in anything less than the best? I don't doubt he'd throw his own wife out of the party if she didn't go above and beyond the public's expectations."

He rubbed the bridge of his muzzle between his eyes with a sigh, "Look. Here's what we'll do. Go take care of the things you need - however you need to. We're not getting much done being stuck here together. I'll handle my own clothes, my mask, and any gear I need. We'll meet back at the inn," He explained.

Once the issue had been settled, Shar found himself in a tailor shop with a measuring tape across his shoulders, then his legs, his arms, his neck... He never felt comfortable in these situations. His body was covered in scars, but the tailor didn't ask any questions because he had walked in with an officer's cloak on. The most notable amongst these was one large one, cutting across his fur from right shoulder to his lower left ribs.

"So, attending the princess's party this week? Cutting it a little late to get your clothes, aren't you, lad?" The old tailor asked. He was a a lynx of small stature, a slightly hunched back, and a modest living. He did fantastic work, but his business was unlucky in its location, so he didn't get much nobility to work for - mostly making one-time, semi-formal attire for upper-middle class families.

Shar nodded, "Indeed. I was told so long as I could afford to clothe myself finely, I could attend."

"Oh, I'm very excited... That young girl has been growing up before my very eyes... I watched the king do the same... I haven't been asked to make anything for the event yet... In fact, this is likely all I'll be able to do for it - my doors are closing in just a few weeks," He explained with a wistful smile.

Lykos perked an eyebrow, "Why's that?"

"Oh... my old hands are starting to shake... I'm losing track of the things I finish and don't finish... I can't keep track of those books anymore either - the taxes are getting more complicated every year... you know, when my father was showing me how to run this place as a boy, things were so simple... But now, you have to keep track of every little thing you do... It's time for me to retire... I've a boy who lives on the river out west... He's offered me a place with him and his family... He's been insisting for years, but I just couldn't leave my work... But it'll be nice... a warm bed, a peaceful village... A cozy place to die... Excuse my rudeness, but I think I've deserved that now... Maybe I'll learn to fish..." He rambled on contently and Shar dared not interrupt the musings of an old man.

As the measuring was all finished and recorded, Shar took a seat across from the tailor, who had begun talking about his grandchildren, and how his granddaughter was already pregnant with her second kit. He was a proud man without being vain...

As he seemed finished, nearly an hour later, Lykos rose to his feet. "I haveto be going - I'll stop by again tonight, yes?" The old man smiled warmly at him.

"Yes, sir, it'll be finished... If you'd rather come tomorrow, that's fine, I can always hang onto it over night."

"That won't be necessary - I'm never late if I can help it. But I appreciate all of your help... I don't believe I caught your name..."

"Maron... Maron Amir." The lynx replied with a nod, "And yours?"

Shar paused for a moment... could he lie to this old man? No, he decided. "Lykos... Lykos Shar."

"Shar... I know that name..." The man replied slowly... "Hmm... Are you related to Troy?"

Lykos blinked, his eyes wide, "You knew my great grandfather?"

The lynx laughed, "Troy knew everybody - and I'm a very old man... I told you. Besides, used to be that there weren't quite so many in the world. Troy was a world-renowned fighter, and the borders weren't quite so closed back then. I'd had no idea that he brought the Shars over here... I thought you all would have stayed in the army..."

"We... have, Maron... But when the wars started, sides needed to be clear, allegiance needed to be proven, and my great grandfather worked very hard to keep our name clean... Lot of good it did, with me slandering the Shar name since I was a boy."

"Oh, you're a good man, Lykos. Even I can see it, and my mind's cloudier every day. I don't think there's much you could do to shame your name."

Lykos laughed and shook his head, "I suppose some things are better left undiscussed... Mister Amir... it was a pleasure meeting you - I'll see you again this evening... Perhaps you could tell me more of Troy then, yes?"

"I look forward to it, lad..." He said shakily, clearly winded just from the discussion. Shar pushed out the door after putting his light armour and cloak back on, a bit refreshed from the warm atmosphere of the tailor's shop and the coincidence of meeting likely the one person in the entire nation still alive that would know the name Troy Shar.

The mask was an easy acquisition. He got a simple, burgundy mask with a false golden scale pattern along the muzzle. The mask was fitted for a wolf's head, but looked like a dragon's mask - a bit unique, but something festive would make him less conspicuous for the occasion. He paid cash for it, it was inexpensive, but looked authentic and would serve its purpose. Finally... a few minor tools would be necessary. Shar strode into a back alley in an officer's cloak, his sword at his hip, his mask in his empty hand. He'd been in enough cities and worked in seedy areas often enough to know exactly what to look for.

Two men and a woman - a bear, a fox, and a panther respectively - stopped him midway through the alley. They wore cheap leathers and were just the shadiest bunch you could imagine.

"Well, well... looks like one of our city's beloved guards has come in to pay us a visit. What a kind thought of him..." The panther purred.

Shar didn't flinch, his hand rested softly on the hilt of his blade. "I've come to see if you have anything of use to me. Not information, and I'm not taking you away. I need things and you're not the greatest at hiding your little shop's location. His head cocked slightly over his shoulder to address the pair behind him - as the bear was to his front - "Your fox is clearly the one who carries the inventory. The bear is security, and you're the shopkeeper. Simple triad setup - very good. But don't even push my patience or I'll walk off with your entire shop for free." He turned his back on the bear, "I'm not hiding anything from you. I'm a Lorian blademaster as well as an expert in several other styles. Your backalley fighting isn't going to help you at all."

"Threatening us? Well, I think we shou-"

"Stop. It's not a threat. it's a warning. Do you have lockpicks? I need a couple of questionable chemicals too - any of those?"

"... What kinda chemicals?" the panther asked.

"The kind that'll put someone to sleep," He snapped his fingers, "Like that."

"Yeah, but it'll cost ya."

"We'll negotiate."

--- A few hours later ----

Shar arrived back at the tailor's shop. He had a small pack with his mask and a few of the items purchased in the alley in it. He rapped thrice upon the door... No answer. Poor old man must have fallen asleep or lost track of time. He knocked harder a few more times and cleared his throat, "Maron? Mister Amir?" He called out. Nothing. The door opened - it wasn't locked..? They should have been closed... "... Maron? Hello?"

He began to poke his head around the shop, but couldn't find anybody. The flight of stairs, he assumed, led up to the old man's room. He noticed his own outfit had actually been finished and hung up in the open, but he ignored it for now. Shar's heart was racing as he climbed the stairs quickly, opening ever door. Fabrics and clothes lined all of those rooms... Except one. A simple room. It had a bed, and a desk, and... On the bed, what was that? Shar slowly approached, "Mister Amir?" He asked. No response. When he turned the lump over, he stumbled backward and covered his mouth. Why was he so rattled? The man was... dead, sure, but... How old was he?

Shar quickly began to do the math... At least eighty years old... But why today? Why not in a few weeks? He wanted nothing more than to die peacefully... He could have made it a few more weeks - to see his family, at least, yes? His eyes were closed. It looked like he knew, even before death, that falling asleep would mark his departure. He was smiling...

Shar covered the man's face - he'd seen enough death in his life, he just... wasn't expecting it. A lone, leatherbound book lie on the desk, it was actually clasped shut... He shouldn't have, but he did. Shar opened the book and flicked a few pages. Each was marked with a date and filled with handwriting that gradually grew more shaky and harder to read until the very last one. He didn't have time now, but he stole it. He had to - curiosity. He placed it in his bag and returned to the bottom floor, taking his new formal wear. Folding it neatly to hide it in his pack before heading back for the inn, a bit sullen after the day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Quarthex


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The cloak upon the tigress’s head shifted slightly as her ears rolled back, listening with distaste to the canine’s skepticism. For all his words, he had done nothing in regards to their task but take advantage of her need to remain undetected. In fact, his near amusement betrayed a confirmation for her thoughts… when they returned to the brothel, she would make certain that the broad left their presence… perhaps even permanently.

As his voice lowered itself to a growl, though, she found herself emitting the same, frustrated by his dedication to vilifying her position. She had been personally invited to such parties as these before, as would be expected by a warrior of her established caliber. She had personally seen the glamour of the lords and ladies who attended these events, such colors and designs that would put the entirety of those Tun’ayrukans to shame. In fact, she doubted even their Emperor could afford fineries she had encountered, given the shambles that their country rotted in. True, she had merely a handful of gold coin. Next to the wealth of the attendees, it was nothing, but even a chestful of coin would not be enough to purchase the regalia to be worn that evening. To find gold was better than silver, and should be able to acquire at least something of worth…or at least, something that appeared that way.

In the end, she wrote off his comments as mere foolery, designed to jab at her honor and hide his own ignorance and inabilities. If he chose to ignore her gains, so be it. It would only make it easier to acquire her own items.

She remained leaning with tense silence as he departed, waiting a moment before disappearing back into the crowds herself, sighing softly as she took accountability of her needs. She couldn’t remain cloaked forever… but she was recognizable enough that even an accidental misstep could be fatal exposure. The mask shouldn’t be too difficult, given the coming occasion, as many nobles took advantage of the craftsmanship of the artesian class for their simpler ornamentation.

The most difficult part could prove to be the other garments. Unfortunately, Shar’s speech had a touch of truth in this matter. As a knight in his majesty’s army, she had always attended in formal light armor, a respectful measure that offered protection should she need to come to his assistance. In fact, she had never attended a formal reception in anything but, which was going to make finding clothing an interesting proposition, to say the least. The muscles that lent themselves to her physical strength were unbecoming and unexpected on refined ladyfolk, but cloaks were expected to be left past the main gate. Furthermore, the mere prospect of a dress was foreign to her fur, having been accustomed to breeches and tunics since kithood, her skin prickling uncomfortably at the thought of wearing something so…billowy. One could not dash in a dress, nor could it protect her from blade or lance. The fact that such an article of clothing was quite preposterous, or at least in her mind.

Ciscera was suddenly jarred from her thoughts as a large force hit her from the side, and she instinctively stepped into a defensive stance, piercing cyan eyes searching for whatever threat dared oppose her… yet no offender revealed his presence. Slightly offput by this strange event, she adjusted her cowl, taking one last glance before moving on.
If nothing else, the jab came at a good timing. The hooded individual now stood before one of the many shops advertising bright and colorful masks, the hues ranging from the bright to the dull to the startlingly unnatural. A banner of equally startling hue dangled out in front of the wooden shelving, proudly proclaiming “The Hypnist’s Eye” for all to see. Smirking at the illegitimacy of the magic mentioned, Ciscera took one last glance before entering the door.

From the first step she took, she could feel the temporality of the store. There was simply no way that a store of this specialty could take root outside of the princess’ birthday season, nevermind sell its stock a mere week from now. It was clearly renting out this space on the marketplace for the time being, as was evident by the few decorations, and the mobility of what existed. Nevertheless, a wide variety of masks and clothing alike were scattered throughout the wooden room, with a few doors cracked open in the back for fitting purposes. A wolf pup bounded up to her as the door shut, a decently made dress swishing at her legs as she approached. She courtseyed, her form off center and her seriousness broken by the happy lolling of her tongue…obviously the child of the current renter.

“Good morning, Ma’am!” she said cheerily. “Welcome to the Hypnist’s Eye, the best shop this side of the city! Whatever you need, we have the clothes to make you look the best in the celebrations, and that’s saying something for this year!” Her pose and countenance quickly became more serious, however, as she realized the lack of effect her greeting had.

Ciscera let her stand there, glancing over the items. Finally, the tigress spoke. “I am not here for the doo-dads and baubles you have on display, nor any mere garment. I am not merely attending the celebration in town; I have been invited to the court of the king. Do you have any merchandise suitable for such an event?”

“Of course!” The pup responded, turning to a nearby dress. “This one, in fact….”

“Don’t patronize me, girl.” She spat, silencing the wolf instantly. “I know quality when I see it. Show me your finer apparel, or don’t waste my time.”

“O…Of course. I’m sorry.” The pup responded awkwardly, barely managing a courtesy with her shaking. Indicating to one of the fitting rooms, she continued. “ Please follow me.”

Ciscera had never imagined how tedious of a process dressmaking could be, and by the end of the process, she had reaffirmed that she never wanted to resort to this kind of life. In order to properly size her, she had to undress, revealing her unique fur color and provoking a flurry of questions from the wolf pup. Nevertheless, after realizing she was dealing with a “relative of Ciscera’s,” her nervousness vanished entirely, replaced by a fervor of the most exasperating sort. She could have sworn it took half an hour to take initial measurements, nevermind see the first set of colored swatches. The warrior should have been glad her assistant was as easily fooled as this child was, but she would have enjoyed the quiet of mistrust far more than this bubbling enthusiasm. At least she seemed to know what she was doing, as whenever she wasn’t barreling happily around the room, she was lost in thought, sorting through what seemed like a limited selection of fine silks and fabrics to make only the best for the relative of her hero.

Though Ciscera knew little about this form of clothing, she could at least find similarities between the nobles’ clothing and her own. The dress and underdress were of a rich red, the same as left by the crimson sun when it bled out over the horizon of the grasslands. A darker scarlet wrapped around her shoulders and her waist, with gold trim weaving the fabric together like living ivy. This effect was further amplified by the mask which bore the presence of gold tinted leaves on the crimson frame, hiding the majority of her muzzle behind the elaborate patterns. She couldn’t tell much about fit, nor how it fit her appearance, but the flowing sleeves and nature of the dress managed to hide most of her scars and muscles. She would have to find another solution for the fur, though… any more fabric would throw off the elegance of the outfit(or so the girl claimed), but her paws, neck, and head were visible enough to reveal her true ivory color. All in all, she felt preposterous, ridiculous, exposed, strange… but hopefully enough so to pass in the royal court.
Gladly, she took up the simple brown cowl and reclaimed her old tunic and pants, reveling in the freedom of movement as the child wrapped up her new garment. The pride in the wolf’s craftsmanship was evident as she lowered it into her satchel gingerly, as if sending off a child of her own. “Tell your parent’s to direct financial concerns to the Lord of Grundar, little one,” Ciscera lied as she finished, shooing her off to tell her parents about the fictional arrangement. Satisfied with her work, the tigress readjusted her hood, departing into the evening marketplace.

It was much quieter than earlier, much of the business having departed for the day. A low rumble in her stomach reminded her of exactly how long she had been there, but with few market shops still open, it would probably be better to request food at that despicable place she was returning to.

It wasn’t long for the low murmurs of the quieting market to be interrupted, however, as the sounds of angry shouting pierced the air.

“Hey!” a wolf called, teeth bared in anger as he ran through the last patrons of the night. “The information you gave us was a fraud! Scoundrel! You need to pay for that!”

Avians and mammals alike parted to let the canine through; she heard the shifting of their clothes, and watched them enter the borders of her vision. She did not turn around, however: she heard his huffing and gasping as he slowed from dead run, stopping several paces back from her. “Did you not hear me? You can’t simply leave!”

Slowly, Ciscera’s steps came to a halt, her hooded person still turned away from the angry shopkeep. “I gave you my gratitude. Do not ask for more. “

“Hell on your gratitude!” he barked, stepping slowly towards her. She heard the swipe of metal against fabric… a knife, held tightly in his hand. “Return your purchase or die, cheat!”

She heard his feet pace slightly, unsure, unnerved by the stillness of her body. She heard them slowly gain purchase, then confidence, the canine yelling as he charged the hooded individual. With a soft swish, her own knife was pulled from her belt as she turned, intercepting his arm with her own blade. The wolf cried out as red blood spilled from his arm and he dropped to his knees, clutching his injury. The tigress was quick to take advantage of his weakness, using her arm to knock him over, sending him sprawling on the cobblestone laden ground. With a smile, she maneuvered her foot to step on the back of his arm, twisting her sole into the newly opened gash as he screamed. The crowd murmured amongst themselves as he yelled, but took no action, watching solemnly as she finally stopped, leaving him sobbing in the center of the street. Two guards approached to stop her departure, but she dropped the bag of coin at their feet as she passed; they nodded to her as she left, and the crowd quietly returned to their earlier activities, the canine left weakly whimpering in the closing market.

It wasn't long until the seductive signpost of the "Quivering Hills" was once again in view, causing Ciscera to involuntarily snarl with disgust. She would never of imagined having to take refuge in a place like this, nevermind with her current company. She brushed past patrons and dancers alike as she entered, paying no attention to the scantily clad product of this particular establishment, nor their amorous engagements as she approached the main desk. The leopard working the table barely had a chance to purr a greeting before the tigress interrupted, commanding a meal be brought to their room at once before stalking off towards their current residence.

The door opened with a loud SNAP of wood on wood, before being drawn back with a slam of equal caliber. At this point, all she wanted was to sharpen her knife, take something apart, anything really. She was both exhausted and deprived from activity from the day's events, the contradiction itself making her slightly more frustrated as she entered the room. The tigress removed the cowl and cloak from her head, placing it lazily on one of the chairs with one hand as the other stroked her forehead in a halfhearted attempt to quell her own thoughts. It was at this time that she realized the chair wasn't quite where she had left it, having been put precisely back at the table. Furthermore, the bed was made, their clothing folded, their items laid neatly upon the neat piles. Her eyes instantly darted to the side, where -- thankfully -- Nimaron remained, untouched. It had better have been untouched, at least. A blade as fine as her's need not be held in the grip of a mere whore' s hands.

Ciscera's eyes then darted to the corner of the room, where said whore was currently replacing a vase of flowers. She growled softly at the presence of such filth; both her appearance and what she represented was an all too real reminder of her current position, and Shar's connection to the fox both infuriated the knight and disgusted her.

"You. Whore. Out." she growled, her voice alive like thunder as her cyan eyes penetrated the vixen's. "Leave," she added, grabbing Nimaron from the wall beside her, slowly raising the silver blade in the direction of the fox. "It does not matter what the cur says."

" If you return, I will kill you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Iris had spent the entire day making the room immaculate. It was so nice… there weren’t any eyes on her, she felt no hands on her body, and for the first time in ages she felt she could forget where she was if only for a moment. She let her mind wander as she straightened the bed, arranged her “tenants’ “ possessions neatly while taking great care to avoid anything that seemed to have even the slightest sentimental value. She couldn’t remember the last time she could even hum to herself, let alone sing quietly, but she did it for hours on end. It was perhaps the most freeing thing she could find for herself and it always had been. When she was still living with her family in Gaira, the entire tribe would spend at least one night every week gathered around together, telling stories or singing or dancing… They laughed and simply enjoyed life. She could hardly remember it anymore; what it felt like to live in a moment of such naïveté and excitement. However, the young girl found at least some contentedness here, in this room.

After the two warriors left the room that morning, Iris found herself first lying on the bedding which Shar used the night prior. It still had his figure imprinted on it slightly, like a nest, and it was warm as could be. She took a nap… a nap! If she’d been told two days ago that she would be able to take a leisurely nap, she’d have likely laughed in such a person’s face. Then she folded the bedding, set it aside neatly, and began her round about the room, starting in one corner and working her way gradually throughout. Not a speck of dust was left out. She was softly humming ’Beneath the Gairan Moors’ when the door slammed open. Had the day already passed? The small vixen flinched and lowered her ears slightly in dismay; how pleasant it had been. Perhaps it was merely Lykos coming through the door in exhaustion. But alas, ‘twas the tigress. Iris delicately placed the fresh flowers inside the watered vase, one at a time, before taking a drag of their aroma, a contented sigh escaping her muzzle.

It was now that the tigress addressed her, a blade in hand. The fox stared at her in perplexion, tilting her head, “My apologies, ma’am. I hope I haven’t done anything to offend you,” She replied concisely, following her protocol to the very tee as she walked toward Ciscera, meeting her gaze with surprisingly formidable conviction. The blade fazed her little – she’d faced worse and wished only now that they had actually taken her life. “I understand that you do not like me, Madame Ciscera,” She said, dropping the tigress’ real name with absolute certainty. “But… you do not know me…” The girl pointed out, “If you’re so adamant in not liking somebody, you should find a reason why, at least, that is not quite so circumstantial. It’s regrettable, your situation, but…” The girl gently pressed the back of her hand to the blade and guided it away from her nonthreateningly. It was far from an offensive move, merely one of standing nearer to Ciscera. “You’re strong, stronger than you know…” She said sincerely, “You’ve faced a great many things in your young life – you’ve much to offer any cub or kit or pup looking for a story or needing protection… But you don’t love… You don’t care – when was the last time you felt anything but apathy or hatred for another?”

Iris felt the aggression of the tigress and almost dared her to reach out – dared her to even think of touching her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Quarthex


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ciscera's gaze held as the fox approached, her icy fury refusing to melt under her strange calm. Many a beast had fallen to her blade; the confidence of her victims had held no effect on their fate. Her growl continued in tone as the scum touched the pure surface of her blade, her muscles tensing as the vixen directed it away from her body. It would be easy to end it now... A flick of her wrist could remove the intruding appendage with ease, a more directed movement could spill crimson blood like paint on a pristine canvas.

But despite the beauty of her innermost thoughts, she let the vixen speak. Though it would be more pleasurable to simply kill her, the hefty sum they had paid to be left in solace would be forfeit if she ruined their property. Well, without reason, that is.

Thus, the tigress held her ground and her bloodlust, at least for the moment. However, it was not a comfortable stance. Not only had the whore dared to touch her blade, but she had moved quite close to the tigress, close enough to smell the perfume she and her companions wore, undoubtedly to help woo their clients... The thought made the warrior flinch as she suddenly realized the fruitless quest the whore was taking. Was this the only mindset a creature like this had, having been slaving away at such an unsavory occupation so long? Or was this a mere trick, designed to make one weaker than herself fault under the perceived gentleness?

Regardless, the current situation was spiraling far from Ciscera's comfort zone. The fox was too close now, her revolting "invitation" making it near impossible to do any real damage with the blade in her right hand, while her knife was too far to grab in even a moderately subtle manner. But the creature was small and lithe: features that made her appealing to customers...but also far outmatched to the will of a soldier.

As the fox took a final step closer, Ciscera's free arm lept out, striking the canine on the neck with the palm of her hand as her fingers closed around her throat. The tigress lifted the whore up, smiling, her claws finding purchase in her soft fur and catching on silken skin.

"Petty emotion is wasted on the weak," The tigress said matter-of-factly, to the vixen suspended within her grasp. "The same weakness that condemned you to your current position. Do not speak of strength, wench, when you are no more than property yourself. "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Iris clenched her eyes shut as she felt a hand grasp her throat, slowly cutting off the oxygen's path to her lungs. She only had a few seconds - that was all she needed. Her hands rose, trembling until they both rested on Ciscera's giant paw.

They came from the trees... The shadows. Those vile cretins from the south. Were they bred simply to believe that any form of tactic on a battlefield was an honorable one? What could they possibly hope to accomplish without any concept of valor? Iris felt the body around her move, but it was not hers, it belonged to a younger Ciscera, more excited to prove herself in battle than to crush her enemies. The soft groan of wooden bow limps sounded nearby before a gentle twang scored the first kill. Iris knew without a doubt that the arrow was Ciscera's. She felt it, and the confidence that the tigress held for being such a young fighter was incredible. Blades clashed, but there was also an overwhelming amount of magic.

The young vixen was trying to piece together exactly how long ago this was - as clearly it could only have been a few years in difference. If the Tunay'rukian soldiers were using this much magic, it was clear that they had really only just discovered it and had yet to learn to use it properly. Some of the soldiers were wearing themselves out with the use of a single spell, but there was one that she noticed a hare. He was fast, carried a pair of xiphos, and clearly held rank among his comrades, as even a few of his men were taking to his flanks to protect him as he charged at a large, white tiger who was cutting down enemy after enemy, holding no regard for prisoners. He barked commands with true focus and his longsword deflected a blow from the rabbit's xiphos, jarring it from the mammal's hand and to the ground. In a moment, the hare turned his second double-edged weapon to wield it backhanded and ducked beneath the next swipe of the tiger's longblade, darting forward and landing a small cut at a weak point in the commanding officer's armour. He passed under the tiger's arm but was caught off guard by an outstretched foot, tripping him. His only other blade fell from his hand, several feet away as he hit the ground, groaning and flipping onto his back, scrambling for his weapon.

The sound... The sound it made when that longsword pierced his abdomen was haunting, as was the cry of anguish. But the rabbit was not the one making any audible sounds as the precious crimson liquid dribbled from his lip. No, it was Ciscera's father, whose face was covered by the hare's paw and glowing blue, his entire body running with sparks. Every ounce of power the two of them had was poured into the moment and the white tiger's muscles gave out, causing him to fall atop the rabbit, who died mere moments later.

Time flashed around Iris as she watched Ciscera rally her men, return home to a bittersweet accomplishment of her second Trial's end, and move into her third.

The fox, however, withdrew and met the tigress' eyes, wheezing as the hold on her throat tightened. The last time Ciscera felt anything but hatred... Years? Years without compassion. What kind of life could one live if they held onto something like that? Iris was far from afraid or even appalled; she had seen worse and she had seen many of whom she envied for their lives, but there were some horrors better left in the shadows. The girl had so many things to say and no words to say them, no air...

What was that black spot in the corner..? No, must have been her imagination.

There it went again! More of them... Everywhere... What were they..?

The girl's eyes fluttered shut as her vision completely blacked out and her muscles grew limp.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Quarthex


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ciscera smiled softly, watching the fox helplessly squirm against her hold on the orange fur, feeling the satisfying struggle of her throat against the curl of her tightening hand. It wouldn’t be long before the creature ran out of air, and she could simply dump her body outside the door like the refuse she was. She stared into Iris’ eyes, watching a slow glaze slowly form, feeling her heartbeat continue to drag oxygen from her already depleted lungs… but wait. Though her eyes were losing their focus on reality, they appeared to be turning their gaze to look straight at her… no, into her, a sea of green protesting her power with an oceanic calm… NO! Even if this cur was attempting to use her disgusting magic, she would be too late. Her struggles were failing too quickly, her body beginning to grow limp, her eyes swirling into a cloud of viridian that seemed to whirl in and around itself, as if it were a fog that was leaving the confines of her eyes, and overtaking the tigress’ own…

Ciscera’s mind raced, realizing that the illusion was no strange effect of the light. Though she could feel her hand on the fox’s throat, it seemed far, far away, while her own body seemed to be shrouded in darkness, a mere spirit as opposed to a living figure. She grunted softly as she fought to keep her hold on the other world, but as if cued by her struggle, the darkness transformed, faint viridian forming into leaves, blackness forming the bodies of shadows and concentrated pupils.

She recognized the scene immediately, having watched it over and over and over again in the weeks following the incident. But just as she couldn’t stop the dreams then, she couldn’t stop the vision now. She watched helplessly from within her own body as her bow twanged at her side, the arrow silently screaming as it pierced the armor of another Tunay’rukan whelp. To her sides were the other archers, mostly squires, as they provided support for the warriors on the field. But though the field was filled with glorious chaos, her eyes were focused, as they had been then, on her Knight, her father, tearing through the ranks of the curs for the glory of her country. He was a hero, a master of the blade, one that was fated to bring her country to victory… or had been, until this very day.

She watched with the same pride as a weasel was cut down by his blade, then a lynx. But as “her” eyes turned to watch the approach of a feral looking rabbit, her stomach dropped, knowing the inevitable result of the encounter. Her father’s blade hit the hare’s with nothing less than a solid thud, launching the xiphos from the latter’s grasp and lodging it firmly in the ground. Within seconds, that same blade had entered the rabbit’s chest, spilling his crimson life on the bright green grass beneath him. But the scream that pierced the air came not from the vermin slain on the ground. No, the scream came from her own father, as bright blue light slithered up the blade that had rightfully won the engagement and wracked his body with demonic energy, stealing his valiant fate from him in only a few painful seconds. The body around her dashed forward, but her mind resigned, wishing she could avert the eyes of her younger self. But no, dream after dream, she saw in perfect detail what she saw now – smoking fur, glazed eyes, cuts and scrapes that should have evolved into battle scars, not marks upon a fallen soldier, her fallen knight, her father.

She didn’t even hear the words that her mouth shouted, rallying her men against the horrors of the enemy army. No, her mind was enraged, fighting to reach her own reality, to tear her way out of the past that she had once put far, far behind her, to tear into the creature that dared use their profane magic to bring these images to her eyes. She felt herself struggling against a blackness, a spirit trapped to a corporeal form, the tension of invisible chains soundly securing her to her past…. She would not be trapped here! She would slay that vixen if it was the last thing she did!

Slowly, then with growing success, she felt the world around her fading, replaced with faint shadows that darted around her vision as if they were fellow creatures fighting their way to the surface. Taking inspiration from these visions, she pushed forward with her mind, pushing back at the sorceress who dared cast such spells upon her.

And then, as if she had been pushing against the membrane of an egg, she burst free into the light, hands grasping the wooden floor as if the panels were the very givers of life. Her vision was blurred, but she paid little mind to this, her mind still absorbed in her victory over the curses used against her. They could hide in their illusions, in their ill placed trust of the arcane, but this victory was proof that true willpower would always prevail!

Panting, Ciscera leaned back to grant her lungs easier access to the glorious air. But her hands did not hold as much purchase as they used to, and the air felt unclean, singeing her throat instead of bringing clean relief. And when her eyes rapidly shot open, and her body contorted into a fierce, hacking cough, she knew her nightmare was not quite over yet.

In fact, her situation seemed worse. While she seemed to have some muscle memory driving her actions in the recreation of her own past, her new body moved in a nature entirely unfamiliar to her brain, as the combination of untrained muscles and panic picked herself up and launched her body kicking into the haze. Was this some new trick, some barrier keeping her mind from her body? No, it couldn’t be. The steps she took were untrained, wasting too much energy upon the upstroke. All squires were taught to keep their feet closer to the ground to maximize their movement. No, that cur must have bound her to another body… No matter. She had broken her grasp before, and would easily do it again.

But before she could muster up the strength to throw herself at the invisible barrier keeping her mind from her true form, her current “body” barreled through the smoke and into a hallway… and a pair of glowing, bloodthirsty eyes. The body shrieked, a sudden flash of silver flew past “her” eyes as a cutlass embedded itself into the wooden wall beside her. Inwardly Ciscera prepared for combat, her mind analyzing his posture for weakness as she prepared to step into an offensive position, but this body had no such thoughts, diving underneath the creature’s occupied hand and continuing her flight through what Ciscera now assumed was a burning building. Judging by the mask the creature had worn, it was likely a raiding party, kin to those the Riversladian upperclass commonly did business with. This body must have been unlucky enough to be part of the harvest. Not that it mattered: to see her flee from such an inept opponent, and even to feel the breath rasp so heavily from only a short run, the body she was bound to was weak, and deserving of all that would come.

And that fate would not be far. Rather than check the window or listen for danger, the body’s true owner (given the orange fur that had been briefly entering her vision, she decided to nickname the weakling “lily”) decided the best course of action was to fling open the door, exposing the fiery chaos.

It looked like it had been a small town, though the smoke and flame obscured Lily’s vision too much to identify a location. Had, though, was the key word. Most buildings were decimated, roofing falling down into supports flickering with fire, where dark shapes maneuvered through the conflagration with ease. The sound of the timberwood cracking and igniting was barely matched by the sounds of shouting, laughing, and sobbing that echoed through the night, as those dark figures hauled out the wriggling inhabitants, roughly shoving them into terrified clusters, or roughing them up for extra valuables. A few attempted to fight back, but were promptly put back into their place; A single fox walked weaponless among the captors, begging, pleading for them to leave his people be, but was met with nothing but laughter as the pillagers merely pushed past him in the rush to carry out their duties. Lily seemed rather caught up with him, a faint notion of hope rising through her body upon recognizing his form. A clan leader, or perhaps a father? Potentially both? Regardless of the case, the young vixen’s eyes were firmly fixed on the figure when an impatient raider decided that his whimpering had reached its limit, and shoved his scimitar through his orange furred back.

Paralyzed with grief in the doorway, Ciscera saw the shadowy figure approach long before Lily did: by the time that the orange furred creature
noticed, an arm had already clamped onto her arm, cackling at the easy catch. She screamed, kicked against leather armor, attempted to pull away, but the masked marauder simply smiled, calling nonchalantly out to his companions as he began to drag her to the village center “Hey guys, look at the live one I got in me hands!”

Several other masked beings emerged from the shadows, as her captor stopped, leaving her in a kneeling position hungrily eying her over in a way that made even Ciscera – a passenger in this madness – sick. “Aye, and she’s a pretty poppit. Lots o’ gold, she’ll be,” another agreed, reaching his hand out to the side of her face. Her free hand shot out to slap it away (at least she had the strength to preserve her personal decency), and they laughed in unison. “She’ll be taught manners in time, boys,” Her captor stated, chuckling, as he brought the hilt of his sword quickly upon her head, knocking out Lily and bringing Ciscera back into sweet silence.

It was a while before the tigress felt anything in the void, but when she did, it came in the form of bright light bursting through a doorway. Orange furred paws rose to wipe her eyes – a firm announcement that she was still separated from her own body – revealing a wagon interior packed with females of similar age, though it was unlikely they had all come from the same place. They all rose, flinching at the barked order of a canine raider, and exiting promptly to receive their daily meal. They were coordinated… enough. They had likely been doing this a few weeks, to have fallen into routine, but would have weeks to go before they reached a selling point. Many didn’t survive the process, but she had a fierce determination bubbling under her obedient exterior, a tenacity that made even Ciscera think twice about the being she was “following.”

This was no simple prisoner. She had some sort of plan, even if the tigress could not read it. She would not simply accept her captivity.
The vixen had just sat down with her bowl of cold soup when two raiders approached the ladies, cackling to themselves. They were slicked black with the black goop that fireproofed their fur, likely from a raid early that morning, and smelled of cinders and ash and blood. They walked proudly through the circle of women, eying them over and trading lewd jokes until they stopped in front of Lily. After a quick inspection, one, a puma, dumped the soup onto her lap, the brown liquid sinking into fur and ragtag clothes alike. “Oops,” he whispered insincerely, “Looks like you’ll need to clean that up.” “Aye,” the other, a dingo, stated, “Ye better come w’ us. “ Lily’s stomach dropped, a dread that slunk through Ciscera’s perception as they shouted to the handler that “They were taking this one for spin (let ya know how it goes afta!).”

They took her out, past the wagons, past the encampment, to where a nearby creek flowed. “Now, seeing as we are all dirty, we figured you would do us the honor of helping us clean up after our last... harvest. What do you say, dearie? Your group’ll get twice your rations, you know, for helping us out a bit…”

The puma smiled at his offer, holding a bar of soap in his hand and sitting where the water lapped at the tar-like gunk on his legs, looking expectantly at Lily. The other sat nearby, sharpening a knife in a none so subtle threat as to the alternative to the deal. Slowly, disgustedly, Lily approached, and began quickly scrubbing the ooze off of his calves. When she finished, he turned so she could do the same to his arm, his other arm, then his head and neck, his purring a vibration that crawled nauseatingly down her spine. Ciscera could feel the desire to punish this man, who was coated with the remnants of a people like her own, killed or sold into slavery like her, but also the calm resolve to do so when a blade was not a mere foot away. When all but his tunic and shorts were clean, the dingo giddily swapped places, accepting the same treatment while the other warily watched, knife in hand.

After what seemed like hours of scrubbing, they were both finished, and the vixen was positively soaked. With the last black blot slinking down the river, the task was finally done, and she and her group would be better off for it, or at least until the next week, when the next subject would be tested. The relief was almost palpable…until she realized that neither of her two guards were moving. Instead, sick smiles crawled across their faces as one of them undid their trowswers, letting the fabric fall with a slap to the ground. Lily took a step back, horrified, but the other was already behind her, knife to her throat. “We’ll need a little more attention than that. I’d hate to see the others get punished for this, wouldn’t you, dearie?... By the way, you better get more comfortable than that. It’s a nice day… you wont need all those messy clothes….”

It wasn’t directly told, but it was often implied how pleasure slaves learned their skills. Ciscera knew this, as well as those who weren’t blind about the slaving business. She had personally always thought that the fruits of combat were far preferable to a night with some broken slave, and had never spent her coin in such a house that catered to those tastes. But here, bound to such a slave… she ached, if it was possible, from the horror and disgust of the activities demanded on the shore of that brook. She was a weakling, Ciscera rationalized. If she was stronger, she would have found a way… some way…. But a way to keep this from happening.

The two raider guards satisfied their wishes and returned Lily to the others. They didn’t meet her eyes. The other guards chuckled as they let her back into the wagon. As the wooden floor bucked beneath her, announcing the caravan was moving on, that orange furred shape in the corner bowed her head and cried.

Just as the tigress had held the lives of the filthy Tun’ayrukans in her palms, so did these raiders and their prizes. Some were sold, some were used and dumped off the side of the road when their use expired. Some, like Lily, became… favorites, before and after they were sold. And time after time, the tigress was condemned to experience that pain.


And Over.

And over again.

This was different, she told herself, than the control she had held over those warsprisoners. Though in her power, those that she allowed to live were treated with honor befitting them. They were deserving, they were all deserving, of what they got. It is the power of the strong to rule the weak…

Here she was, in the caravan. Here she was in smaller villages, larger cities. Here she was, in a brothel that had purchased her, all the way in the glorious central city. Here she was, purchased by a familiar seeming wolf and a hooded feline. Here she was, held by her throat and staring into the icy blue eyes of the white furred predator, still burning with that same determination as she faced


Ciscera gasped, and the fox…Lily….Iris…. fell from her grasp, a heap of fiery fur on the stone floor. Her muscles trembled, her legs wobbled, forcing her to her knees above the bundle, but she was back in control. She laughed in victory, a pale, simple cough that seemed to hollowly echo about the now silent room. She was powerful. She was victorious. She had won.

But her mind refused to release what she had seen, felt, experienced. Leaving the fox where she was, the tigress clawed ineffectually at the floor, managing to drag herself to the corner opposite the bed, Nimaron sitting on her lap in shaky silence.

She was powerful.

She was victorious.

She had won.

Hadn’t she?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Iris felt the pressure around her windpipe disappear in an instant and she fell to the floor. All of her weight hit her feet in a moment and her knees buckled, hands instinctively reaching for her throat as she collapsed even further into herself. She wasn't quite prone, but damn near close as she lay completely still, taking in deep breaths and letting them out before her heart could even get the oxygen to her muscles. Control it, she ordered herself, clenching her jaw for a moment in concentration. Her vision was still spotty and her head pounded from lack of oxygen. Her inhales came in twos and threes, like sobs. Ciscera's distaste for Tunay'ruk and magic was more than explained, but Iris knew... she knew that the tigress had fought back - most others had lacked the willpower to resist. While Iris had not been shut out from Ciscera's mind, the female had found a way to make the channel two-way. Typically the other person had no way of knowing that Iris was even looking into them. Either they were asleep, or hardly occupied with anything but their own pleasure. It was interesting, the things that brought some to brothels.

However, Iris re-experienced her entire life from her village burning back to here again in a single moment... Because Ciscera was too aggressive to just let it go and too stupid to understand what it meant. Anger welled up inside of her - how dare that wretched woman invade her like that... After having the gall to try strangling her... How dare she have the nerve to... to, wait... what was she doing? Iris looked up and saw Ciscera sitting in a corner, staring emptily into space. Had the tigress felt real empathy? She furrowed her brow in concentration, sitting up and turning over onto her rear, leaning against the wall as she continued catching her breath. The young fox leaned her head back and closed her eyes. She knew exactly what Ciscera was feeling right now. For a long time, Iris had felt it day after day.

"Countless times, Ciscera," She started, finally looking over, "I've thought... what if I could just go back... What if I could be there again before the raid and evacuate my town, or help them prepare..." She shook her head, "What if I could go back to that river bank and refuse them their... heinous bath... I didn't do it for double rations... I hardly did it because I wanted to be alive... I did it because I knew that I needed to be alive. Whether I'm meant for greatness isn't on my mind, I just knew that if I gave up there, then they would win. They wanted me to say no. I'd seen those two specifically on several occasions during that time in their... caravan. They reveled more in killing than they did in sex. To say no would have been all they wanted - to say I was disobedient and unwilling to cooperate..." The girl sighed and looked sidelong, her eyes glazing over, "I visit that day, specifically... You saw everything, but I know you lived that one in more detail than the others... I visit that day every night... It haunts me whenever I look into the eyes of not just any man, but of any person. Be they Riversladian, Tunay'rukian... I even see it in Shar, and I see it in you.

"Look... I know that the men who did that, who put me here, were Riversladians." Iris turned once more to look at the white tigress across the room, "But I don't hate Riverslade. I don't even actually hate them. I don't know what's in store for me now, but... Those men will get theirs. I've seen it, the karmic justice doled by the world, and I don't have to do anything to make it happen..." The fox brushed off her clothes as she rose to her feet and took a few very slow, thoughtful steps toward Ciscera. She looked down to the tigress and frowned - those eyes had seen and felt everything. They were there to judge and feel everything that Iris had, but not with the same perception. The tigress lived the events as though they had happened to her and she had no control over the vessel in which she traveled. Iris crouched low and looked over the feline's face, searching for... something, though not even she knew what.

"Ciscera, be present. Don't live in a past that isn't even yours to mourn. Don't regret actions I didn't take to prevent being here. I'm here because time is a valuable thing, but a few wasted, ruined years of life is better than bringing them all to a screeching halt... for what? Pride? Dignity? No, those are burdens of the soul." The vixen smiled softly, though it contained pity. "I have shame, but it's mine to carry and I'll be damned, damned, if I let anybody else add to it save for me.

"I think you should rest, it looks like you've had a long day..." She finally pointed out, "And I'm sure none of this really helped." The fox offered a hand to her to help her rise and reach the bed, if she so chose.
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