Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I was going to title it: Fantasy Nation Rp but I wasn't sure if it should be, well fantasy or not so I will let you guys decide.

You are in the world of Selibas and many of the countries, but not all, are going through a industrial/scientific revolution, historians in the future will say "despite the many troubles and conflicts of the time, this was the golden age of Selibas". Despite this revolution there is a lot of civil unrest in this period and some countries are still considered to be in the Stone Age period.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Country: Karhide (anybody know what that's from?)

Ruler: The Peoples Servant, Lord of Heg, Senior Merchant of the East, Karhide ras dem Fall

Populace: 4 Mil

Goverment: Monarchy. Many of the nobles and relatives of the ruler of Karhide are Merchants, which means that through many secret alliances and the weight of gold Karhide has avoided civil war but has often divided the country, resulting in a dynasty lasting no longer than 90 years. A further strength and weakness of this empire is that Karhide has a poor army and there relys on intelligence and money to destroy their enemy's.

Brief: Settled by nomads of the eastern steppes roughly four thousand years ago Karhide has risen from a small kingdom only encompassing a portion of territory in The east to becoming a merchant empire controlling all of the eastern coast (and much of the centre of Selibas until it's neighbour ------ and ------ claimed much of the centre for themselves, luckily with the help of ---- Karhide was able to make up for it loss.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Civilization Name: The Velitii
Technology Age/Culture: Bronze Age
The Velitii can trace their history back to their first ancestors who split from proto-Elvish stock some 900 years ago. At that time, the Velitii were still nomadic hunter-gatheres using crude stone tools. However, after migrating outward and coming across their new harsh arctic home, the Velitii were forced to take refuge in caves and ravines. Here, they discovered copper. At first, copper was valued for aesthetic purposes, and became a symbol of the higher class. However, it was later found that copper could be worked, an this lead to the creation of the first copper tools. These tools allowed the elves to work into the ravine walls and carve homes into the face of mountains and gorge walls. They quickly developed advanced and complex cities in the mountains.
Cultural Elements:

The social structure of the Velitii is based on the following hierarchy


Their religion is based on the principals of their environment. It demonizes snow and ice, calling them the forces of death. Fire is sacred amongst them, and their highest god is the god of fire. Their priesthood is made up of the rare individuals who show skill in magic. If a child shows even a little skill in magic, they are whisked away to begin training as a priest or priestess. The training is rigorous and brutal, as they must spend time in the harsh environments of the tundra as part of the training. They are also trained as warriors. Elven sacrifice is also a part of their religion, usually to the sun god. The victims are usually war captives.

They have no access to horses, having spent time in the mountains for the majority of their civilizations existence. Instead, large llama like animals native to these mountains are used for pack animals and breed for war.

The cities and small kingdoms of the Velitii elves are not unified. Each city is in perpetual war with each other, though battles are not often fought due to the challenge of their environment and the fact that the soldiers are usually citizen-soldiers with little training and must provide their own equipment. However, the city of Intik has begun to rise in importance, largely controlling surrounding areas through Economic might or military occupation

The Velitii are a very artistic civilization, even if artists are low on the social scale. They are skilled in pottery and mural art work. They however, wear simple clothes, woolen tunics and pants, with fur coats and hats when outside.

They also have a sort of gender equality. Due to the harshness of their home, the Velitii seemed to have not developed gender roles. Females serve in the military, as rulers, and as religious leaders, among other roles.

Family is very important to them, with families often having extremely close bonds.

Benefits And Weaknesses:
As magic is strictly religious, there are certain dogmas that prevent the research of magic, leading to slow development into magic areas

As they live a violent and conflicting existence, the Velitii are masters of warfare. They have great skill the Phalanx formation, yet they lack decent Calvary due to their mountainous home.

They also have a hard time in hot and sunny environments. As they are subterranean mountain dwellers, the entire race of elves that composes the Velitii civilization are Albinos. This adaptation allowed them to absorb all the little light they get and acts as camouflage.

They are great with mining and have a trade market of precious metals due to the fact they live in artificial cave cities.

Finally, due to their cold environment and their mountain home, their agriculture is somewhat primitive. They have to rely on root vegetables grown on mountain terraces. Their prime source of food is meat, domestic and wild.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yes somebody posted! Very nice post, lots of detail, and you are accepted. Now a question.

Are our civilisations in contact? If so for how long and by oh much?
How are you going to control these city state-clans if they are divided?
How far are these clans spread out?

P.S: Nice namel
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Snippy


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Civilization Name: Praatl-vndr (romanized - prattle-vinder)
Present Ruler: Mtrpdr-Krkkr (romanized - metterpard kerk-kerr) The Mtrcen (romanized - mettersen)
Governance and Politics: Absolute Theocracy, (Represented) Singularity, mainly isolationist to those opposed in any way, under generally "right-wing" policies to which they can apply.
Technological: Ancient Age (200 BCE ~ 500 CE European wise)
Foreign Relations: Literally none, isolationist and knows as much as the outer world as does the outer world knows it.

Praatl-sequence history is rather straightforward but clouded and skewed by religious zeal, and therefore rather incomplete and inconsistent. The easiest Praatl civilization was Praatl-nmbs, who would soon lay claim to a single all powerful god, which itself is nothing too shocking in the eyes of a isolated peoples. The early Nmbs who had spoken with this unknown icon brought this to the attention to the Cells, early groups much like tribes of other culture. The Cells, in a federation-type union, had gathered and had found that the Cells were individually split among any form of consensus. The early Nmbs were completely alien to the concept of religion, and looking up at a superior being, as compared to their fellow men and women from which only had come their society through the ages. At this time, it could be reasoned that documentation was commonplace but all would soon change. The deity that the select few Nmbs had denoted a key aspect to worship is that a sort of conscious singularity, or hive-mind, is required for communication and general piety so to say. This would create three factions Praatl-vntss, Praatl-hnds, and Praatl-stasts. These three group each sought to either abolish the "religion" or lie as they most likely believed, to advance the religion into the Cells and their people, and those who sought acceptance of the faith and nothing henceforth. This would lead to political strife and initiate and event called "a thousand years under the dark sun" or "Attk-tr-a-dns-trr." This bloody civil war was said to go on for a thousand years, as all Vndr will pledge, yet it is more than likely that conflict lasted less than one hundred. Never the less, the war was indeed wrong, but by sheer will the Vnts had earned their victory, and had vowed to maintain Mtrpdr, the concept of the arbiter between the represented singularity, called the Mtrcen, and the deity. It is to be believed that the Vnts had reformed their name under Vndr. the Praatl-sequence likely traces back around five-thousand years, with general evidence of the Vndr remaining for a majority of the given time. Many rumors circulate as to the Vndr culture with it's strict and physical closed border policy, and it's simple remoteness.
~2,000,000 (Overpopulation, space wise)

Isolationism gives both the comfort of avoiding everyone and not being up to date with anyone. Religious Zeal and strict military training, using nearly barbaric tactics of hiding within forests and reciting holy verses and chants, but also gives the cocky "cannot be defeated with my god on my side" attitude. Internal affairs are not common, as the land consists of mostly valleys, giving fertile land with metal resources. However, when political choices are to be made the Mtrcen, which includes roughly forty-thousand members of the Mtrcen to gather local opinions and to gather the Mtrcen before the current Mtrpdr. They can debate the same topic for years, until a general consensus is met and thus the Mtrpdr speaks with the Praatl deity, and proceeds once he or she had reached divine consensus before actions are carried out. The physical statement to the closed border policy is an increasing number of knights posted on the border of countries, literally tens of thousands of men standing on the lookout of the borders of the theocracy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Thanks, can't wait for the good times to start rolling!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Snippy


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alright, let me know if anything needs to be fixed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Think we need one more then others can join gradually
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Maroon Magician

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ah screw it you guys start rping
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Vortex said
Yes somebody posted! Very nice post, lots of detail, and you are accepted. Now a question.Are our civilisations in contact? If so for how long and by oh much?How are you going to control these city state-clans if they are divided?How far are these clans spread out?P.S: Nice namel

Yes, they are in contact, i wouldn't imagine very for very long, and it was probably by first contact with your civilization. And i'm only controling the City-State of Intik, which will lead into a unification selfplot. The clans and cities are separated by mountains and valleys, so they are pretty isolated from each other except for very close cities. Intik is near the border.

and thank you owo
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ok thanks
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hey Snippy is your nation Isolated Russian style or Japanese style (surrounded by sea)?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Snippy


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Like, Russo-siberia isolated, but its not a wasteland.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ok cool
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eschalon


Member Offline since relaunch

Civilization: Thaermore

Populace: 1,250,000~

Leader: King Deric

Technology/Age: Medieval

Main focus: Magical race

Thaermore's past can go as far back as the first people to discover magic. Thaermore's past was filled with treachery and manipulation, the country was in constant turmoil for a long period of time, but at one point, when King Faramir came into power, the civilization prospered and before long was restored to its former glory. However treachery came again, his son Prince Deric was kidnapped by a bunch of assassins known as the "Black Hand". News travelled fast, that the king sent a legion of men towards the main city Iowanin, to capture the assassins, and to save his son.

However the men did not capture the assassins but they did save Faramir's son, Deric. The kingdom was peace again, however the assassins still managed to kill time after time and the king could do nothing of it. Then something happened, the mages; a secretive order where anyone with any magic ability was taken for "testing", discovered something, they found a lost temple pre-ancient and found a powerful node which contained a large store of magical power, however the power could not be tapped, making the node useless.

After years and years the king passed on and his son took his place, he is fair ruler, just like his father, however he always had a natural talent for magic, and finally accepted to be trialled by the mages. After the event the mages went back to secrecy yet again, the king changed drastically, almost eventing he did, he did using magic, always testing himself further and further, making him a powerful magician able to fight any foe.

The king always tried to tap the node inside the temple, but one day the king did, it unleashed the power almost the land, both tainting and blessing the land, the king lost all his magical talent, however the mages blossomed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hold up. Let's have a vote magic or no magic?

I abstain.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Snippy


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I could care less either way. This would have to have me explain the Vndr's gods though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Magic exists in the Velitii civilization, so I'm okay with it
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ok the let there be magic!
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